Congratulations on Valentine's Day to your beloved. Declarations of love to a guy on Valentine's Day in verse - February - calendar holidays - congratulations - wishes in verse, postcards, animations

How to confess your love to a girl so that she really understands that this feeling is there and that it is sincere? How to make it original and unforgettable? There are many wonderful ways to confess your love to a girl! AThe 14th of February- the best day for such confessions!

The psychological component of a declaration of love

Both young guys and adult men who want to confess their love usually first of all think about the form in which to do it. The form of recognition is, of course, important, but one should not forget about the content, aboutpsychological component this action.

The words "I love you!" - not just a set of sounds, this is a very important recognition, therefore,the main rule is this:confessing your love to a woman, you need to really love her!

A declaration of love must come from pure heart just because there is love. These important words should not be an empty phrase, a tool of manipulation, intimidation, or simply deception for your own benefit.

It is believed that it is the man who should be active and active in a couple. Hefirstinvites a girl on a date, offers to meet, after a while he makes a marriage proposal, and traditionally he is also the first to declare his love.

Of course, a girl can do all this first, but girls rarely want to do it, even very brave ones. Any girl waiting that her man confesses his love first!

Of course, if you really want to confess your love, the stereotype “a girl should not take the first step and should not be more active men in a pair” definitely need to be neglected! The same applies to men. Having a desire to confess her love, guided by stereotypes, fears and thoughts like “What if she just laughs at me in response?” exactlynot worth it!

You should always talk about your love, you don’t need to be shy or afraid to hear something wrong in response!

Even if a guy confesses his love to a girl, to whom she does not feel special feelings, anyway, this recognition will be pleasant to her and, perhaps, will make you think about the relationship with him. What can we say, if in love, a man is recognized, whom the girl also loves!

Even the most courageous and resolute men in life, in the matter of declaring their love, very often turn out to be confused and alarmed. A man is lost, does not know how to confess his love correctly and very often different reasons Justfearsto do this, which is why many men are in no hurry to confess their love even if they are madly in love.

The 14th of February- the very holiday when the most desired, expected and necessarypresent- a declaration of love. And even though you don't have to wait for a declaration of love special day and hours, February 14 - great occasion open your heart and confess your feelings.

Everything is important in a declaration of love:

  • speech rate, voice power, intonation;
  • the behavior of a man during recognition, his actions or actions before and after him;
  • interior mental attitude.

To confess to a girl in love you need:

  • boldly, overcoming all your fears,
  • openly, sincerely, honestly,
  • with joy,
  • being confident,
  • with the belief that feelings are mutual, and the emerging relationship will be harmonious and happy.

Inner spirit is very important! Faith in yourself and in love can make even the most timid man brave, self-confident, charismatic and, accordingly, successful in love!

If you suffer from self-doubt, we recommend reading “ ”.

The best ways to confess your love

When the psychological attitude is correct, the formal side of the issue is easier to solve. Of course, you can confess your love simply by saying: “I love you!” in person, but there are many othersinteresting and proven ways:

1.Written.On Valentine's Day, the classic written form of a declaration of love isvalentine(you can buy it in the store or make it yourself). You can also write a confession with chalk or paint on the pavement, with rose petals on the bed or candles on the floor, arrange it in the form of a photo collage or apply it as a print on a T-shirt or other clothes.

You can hang a banner or a balloon / balloons with a declaration of love in front of the windows of your beloved, in the entrance or in the apartment.

Confession can be encrypted with any interesting way. For example, hide a valentine with a confession in dessert or write on foreign language(of course, a dictionary will have to be attached so that the girl can translate what she has written).

There are more original, but also more expensive ways, such as a billboard, fireworks, a helicopter with a streamer, and others.

2. Oral.Unusually, you can voice a confession like this: sing a song, make a video, read a poem, call the radio station (being sure that the girl will listen to the radio at that time), just shout out loud or say it through a loudspeaker in a crowded place.

3.Gifts.A gift must be chosen based on the knowledge of what a girl might like and on what stage of development the relationship is now at. It could be soft toy, and homemade dessert, and huge bouquet flowers with a valentine, and a precious decoration.

More gift ideas can be found in the article " ”.

4. Actions / deeds.An act during which you can confess your love can be both romantic and extreme. And you can do it while traveling to romantic place(from the alley of lovers in his hometown to the Eiffel Tower in Paris), romantic evening(for example, on the roof of a house), flying in an airplane (example: a joint parachute jump), deep sea diving, in the mountains, in the forest, in a cave, in ancient castle- lots of options! You can either do something original (for example, organize a quest), or simply, looking into the eyes of a girl, say words of love.

The above methods of declaring love to a girluniversal.So you can confess your love not only on February 14, but also on March 8, on your birthday, in New Year and on any other holiday or weekday of the year!

The feeling of falling in love is the most beautiful feeling anyone can experience. The heart just flies out of the chest as soon as a lover appears on the horizon.

The feeling of falling in love without reciprocity will upset anyone. We begin to torment ourselves with conjectures, asking the question “loves - does not love” ... So there is only one choice - to confess our feelings to a loved one.

Of course, Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14, is the most suitable occasion for declaring love to your chosen one. But, most likely, the girl will have the question “how to confess love to a guy so that he remembers it for a long time?”
We will offer you several ways and we hope that they will help you make this evening unforgettable. And you need to start with a romantic setting.

How to decorate a room for Valentine's Day

There are a huge number of decoration options for a room or an entire apartment, it all depends on your imagination. So, the holiday is called Valentine's Day - all decorations must be in the shape of a heart. You can stock up on candles, which are then laid out in the shape of a huge glowing heart.

In addition, you can make original garland from hearts. This decoration is very easy and fast to make, and will help you create a more romantic setting for a beautiful declaration of love to a guy. Mandatory component is white and colored paper(preferably red).

Draw several strips 1 cm wide on a sheet of paper. The strip of white paper will be the outer one and should be slightly longer than the red (inner one). After the strips are cut, bend them exactly in half.

We lay out a strip of white and red paper, connect their tips with double-sided tape. After that, you need to bend the corners inward in the shape of a heart and fasten.

We do the next heart in the same way, but already threading the strips into the previous heart in advance.

As a result of your short efforts, you get a beautiful and elegant garland.

love notes

Love notes are one way to beautifully declare your love to your boyfriend.

Remember one of the most popular chewing gums"Love is..."?

Do you know the history of these comics? Their artist originally wrote to her boyfriend love notes and put them in her chosen one's pocket, bag, jacket, notebook. Soon this idea brought them so close together that they became happy husband and wife.

Beautiful declaration of love

A romantic confession can be presented as prose, for example:

  • My favorite person. Our meeting is a gift of fate. Now something wonderful and wonderful is happening to me, now I can say with confidence that I am the most happy girl. I love you.
  • I have been waiting for you for so long ... and I have even stopped believing in our meeting. And suddenly, happiness hit me. Everything was like in the most best dreams. And I really thought that this does not happen. I want to tell you that I love you very much. I love from the moment I saw your eyes. Hope it's mutual.

Talking about love is an art that everyone who is in love invents. When you are preparing for the holiday of all lovers - February 14 - you want the confessions to become the most beautiful and touching. In order not to wait a long time for the Muse who whispers tender words, examples and options for congratulations to help you young man.

How to confess your love to a guy on February 14 depends on whether you are going to do it for the first time or not:

A touching confession can be a congratulation in verse or prose, which you can write on a Valentine's card and give to your loved one. If you are a couple who lives together, put a postcard in his diary or purse.

Clue: as a plot or inspiration, a memory of the first meeting or a vivid impression of a kiss, a trip or a joint trip will serve.

“When I remember our first meeting, everything seems so important and significant to me. Light of lanterns on the street where you came to meet me, warm air, your smile... And at the moment when our palms joined, I felt that my life had changed irreversibly, because you appeared in it. I love you!"

“Beloved, listening with you to music from the same playlist in the same headphones is our closeness, which no one will take away from us ... Every time I think that we are connected not only by wires and music pouring through them, but also by our feelings sounding on the same wavelength ... I love you and thank you for all the emotions that you give me!

If your beloved is at a distance from you, send him an SMS on February 14 or make a congratulation on the Internet. For example, through social networks.

Clue: more from the heart, less cliche. Do not use SMS long texts(may get lost along the way through providers). Some of touching confessions we present here:

“Our love is like the wind: strong, affectionate, furious, gentle - we feel it, it calls us on the road of wandering, connects our palms ... The whole world is for you and me, my love!”

« Weak feelings they die in the distance, but our love flares up with a bright flame that illuminates our present and future. Beloved, let my warmth and tenderness cross kilometers and you will feel them with your heart and mind ... "

“I give all my love to you immeasurably, because it is a whole sea.”

"I love you so much that I will love you in all the parallel universes where you and I meet."

“Love for you fell upon me, filled me all over, without your touches I can’t imagine my life! I love!"

Make a congratulation with your own hands, real or virtual.

Clue: it can be a postcard or a joint photo processed in a graphics program. Decorate the text to the image, let it be one of the most beautiful confessions To your boyfriend.

“The only, strong, beautiful, unique, daring, individual, most desired and dearest is you, my dear, beloved!”

“In your eyes I catch my reflection, you and I are connected by one goal. I want to live with you, be with you, feel you and know that my desire is mutual. Love you!"

"One a wise man said that love is the discovery of oneself in another person and the delight of recognition, in you I recognized myself, my love, and this is passion, joy, euphoria and magic itself! Thank you my love!"

Beautiful confession - quotes from fiction and aphorisms of great people. We give some examples here, let them tell your man about your feelings.

“Sometimes we love only with hope. Sometimes we cry with everything but tears. And in the end, all that remains for us is love and the circumstances associated with it, all that remains for us is to snuggle tightly together and wait for the morning.

"My heart hurts a lot, hourly and daily, and only when I'm with you, the pain recedes."

“Love is when you sit on the Internet all day and look for quotes about love.”

There are other ways: to sing a song in karaoke, to spend the day like the heroes of your favorite films, to cook meat, to arrange entertainment program in HIS style. And the most touching will be when you just whisper "I love you" to him.

“There is no love, there is only evidence of love,” said the writer Jean Cocteau. Prove your love to each other, on Valentine's Day on February 14, and on any other day.

A declaration of love to a guy is not an easy step. And, of course, it is best to think it over well. If you are confident in the sincerity of your feelings, and the guy is too shy, you can take the initiative in your own hands and confess yourself. But a girl should always remain a girl, and recognition should not be direct, so as not to embarrass your young man. It is best to do it on Valentine's Day by giving a gift or making a surprise that will gently hint to the guy that you feel for him.

Traditional option, which has been popular for many years - give a Valentine card and tell about your feelings in it. You can make it with your own hands, then this gift will be even more touching.

A very romantic way is to send him a letter by mail. Even if you live in the same city. IN modern world people stopped writing real letters, increasingly replacing them with electronic ones. And if you send your beloved guy a real letter written by your own hand, it will surely intrigue and be remembered by him.

invite a guy to romantic dinner One of the options is to confess your feelings to him. Of course, it is not necessary to tell him about your love directly. romantic setting, which develops during dinner, will become for him the main beacon that you have uneasy friendly feelings for him.

Do not forget about such a method as recognition in verse. This method will never get old, because poetry always conveys the feelings of people with all their strength. Choose your favorite confession in verse, or write it yourself if you have such abilities and send it by mail or in a postcard that he will receive from you.

If you want to tell your loved one about your feelings, do not be afraid. In the modern world, the boundaries of what a girl should do and what a guy should do have long been erased. And if you make a beautiful confession to a guy, it will not be anything shameful. It will definitely benefit your relationship. Either you will push the guy to take action if your feelings are mutual, or you will understand that you should not waste your time on this person.

The beautiful and romantic holiday Valentine's Day every year on February 14 confuses the young population of our country (the older generation does not perceive the date as a holiday absolutely). Girls sighing, waiting for beautiful declarations of love and scarlet roses from the guys. Which often happens. The guys are rushing about in search of gifts, muffledly grumbling through their teeth about one more "" on their male share, etc.

But the article is devoted to something else: the opportunity to use the traditions of Valentine's Day to attract the attention of a young man you like. After all, it is on this day that a declaration of love that does not come according to the rules is considered unreprehensible - from a girl. So why not use this chance to "capture"? After all, men like the words of love no less than a woman. It's a pity to lose such a chance to acquire a fan :) Yes, and the holiday can be used for a larger scale. Therefore, we do not miss the opportunity and act wisely.

How to Confess Your Love on Valentine's Day

Let's discuss the conditions right away: you like a guy, but obvious signs he pays no attention to you. There are several options here:

  • You confess in a joking manner. Seriousness in this matter is highly undesirable, because a young man may refuse. Therefore, direct his attention to yourself, but leave yourself a way to retreat.
  • Declaration of love incognito. Send a postcard - "valentine" with a recognition and a hint that you are somewhere nearby by any accessible way(by mail, discreetly put in a bag or pocket, etc.). A man is flattered by female attention and he will be interested. Therefore, he will begin to peer closely into his surroundings. You just have to draw attention to yourself.
  • Send congratulations over the Internet to all the young guys you know, but one special one - for the intended "object". The meaning is simple: you congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring, and the guy with your love (jokingly).

You can give a valentine one on one with a confession: "I loved you, but you never noticed ... Goodbye." Male pride will be flattered and pushed in your direction. It's safe to say that after such a confession, the guy will be intrigued and will try to "revive" feelings in your soul :)

Anyone is happy to accept a beautiful valentine card normal guy. I will clarify that we are talking not about the "macho" spoiled by female attention - it is not built to waste time on such. Turn your eyes to ordinary young men who are not yet confident enough to approach the girl they like. Again, I draw your attention to the fact that everything should be in a joking manner: “I like you, so I give beautiful postcard". Give him a chance to court in response - to give no less beautiful, but later. Maybe that was the chance he missed.

How to spend Valentine's Day

What you definitely should not do on February 14 is to be alone on this day. A session of cartoons or a good movie, gatherings with a girlfriend / girlfriends in a cafe, a walk along a good shopping center or in the park, again with the company, or any active and uplifting action. And write a wish beautiful valentine to herself that the next one will be with a guy. And this is quite feasible, since it is enough

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