How beautiful to sign a Valentine's card for your girlfriend. How beautiful to sign a valentine to my beloved. Congratulations in verse to your beloved. How beautiful to sign a valentine for a girl

Valentine - a heart-shaped card with a declaration of love to the addressee. From time immemorial, this letter is a miniature format, all its charm is in a brief and capacious presentation of one's feelings on paper. Can you imagine how hard you have to try to put all the passion that overwhelms you into this intimate and romantic couple of lines? Traditionally, a Valentine is sent to the object of desire without a signature - let him break his head over this riddle! However, friends and relatives can write warm words with wishes of happiness and kindness, indicating the sender.

Small "heart" cards are sold in many stores on the eve of the holiday, but lately it has been fashionable to make valentines from any improvised materials that can be found at home. It can be cardboard, colored and corrugated paper, silk, velvet, sequins - everything that your imagination can find use for. To top it off, you can leave a couple of drops of your favorite perfume on the finished heart: perhaps it is the smell that will help the addressee understand who confesses his love to him.

How to sign a valentine

To sign a Valentine card for your loved one, immediately discard banal phrases like “one heart is not enough to contain all my feelings for you” and come up with your own, original text.

Valentine for your loved one

As a rule, those thoughts that appear in a person in the first seconds after he raised a pen or pencil over a piece of paper are the most “real”. Imagine that the object of your secret feelings is behind you - what would you like to say to him? Write the same on your postcard. And remember, there is no place for pretense: everything must be honest, honest.

If you're signing a valentine for someone who loves you back, start with "Do you remember...". Next, briefly describe a funny or touching moment from your shared past. You must be sure that your loved one will certainly smile when reading these lines.

If you are a maximalist by nature, and it’s hard for you to fit all your feelings in one small postcard, make (buy) a few valentines. On each of them, write one character trait that you like in your chosen one: charming, mischievous, funny ... Be sure to end all cards with a declaration of love. Fold the finished hearts into a small box and attach a beautiful bow to it - your loved one will be very pleased.

How to sign a valentine for a friend

Good girlfriends often give each other funny nicknames - feel free to use them in your message. Write to a friend that she is your most caring, most understanding, most-most! Promise that you will remind her of this more often.

Valentines for family and friends

Address the recipient with warm and sincere words. If you write poetry, write a few lyrical lines for people you love.

It is not necessary to puzzle over how unusual it is to sign a card for Valentine's Day. Your feelings for your loved one are unique, which means that the text of the valentine, written from the heart, will also be original.

I look forward to our meeting
I call the evening in the morning
When I see you.
I light candles in my heart
Come quickly, my love!

I love you and miss you.
I don't see any other guys.
I only need you, my love
With you I will be happy!

For a long time, when I only dreamed about you,
Seeing once a flying star,
I whispered my desire to her ...
But I didn't know your name then.
She probably guessed
And gave me you - my dream!!!

My dear friend,
My friend of the heart!
Sometimes angry and funny
Sometimes cheerful and carefree,
But, in general, sweet and dear.
I want to say my words
For you to feel today
All the power of devoted love -
My love... my hope...
So Happy Love Day, My Dear!
So Happy Love Day, My Dear!
From troubles and sorrows kept -
Love pure and earthly.

They say that the swan
There is a law:
The beloved is dying
He dies too.
Wings will fold and fall
From the blue height
If you love so much -
So will you!

Tell me what's bothering you
What is your soul aching about?
I will calm all worries
Just look into my eyes.
Reveal your secrets to me,
Perhaps I will find the answer.
I didn't come to you by chance
And I will save you from trouble.
Trust me baby, I can
You hear and understand.
I dare not ask for your love
Let me just hug you.
And immediately your sadness will disappear,
Anxiety and longing will pass,
I will pull you out of the abyss
And your life will be easy.
Just trust me, baby
You alone I live
I am your tireless angel
I am your happiness in reality.

There is hardly such a force
For love to stop.
I love you my darling,
And I want to be with you!

For me, you are the number one discovery,
Doom is the master of my dreams and master.
I wouldn't admit it to you
- But the message is dictated by St. Valentine.

I can wait for you for a long time
Long, long, and true.
I can't even sleep at night
Day and two and the whole year, probably
Let the leaves of the calendar
Will fly around like foliage from a garden,
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What do you really need...

You are in my heart, my love, alone.
Saint Valentine knows about it.
May, my dear, at all times
I will be alone in your heart!

My beloved, the only one
My dearest
One mysterious fate
We are connected to you.
So take a good look
You became my dream.
Let bless us
Saint Valentine himself!

I can't live without you
Without you I am deprived of happiness
I can't love another
I am a prisoner of your spell, in your power!

For me you are like the sun in the morning in the window,
For me you are like a knight on a white horse.
In a moment I distinguish you in the crowd among everyone,
But it's nice to see you alone.

It's good to have you in this world!
I'm not afraid of storms or snow.
My beloved, (Name of the beloved),
I want to be with you always!

I liked you.
In the midst of winter in the heart - May.
With you even in a hut
I would have found a bright paradise.
I want to make an appointment with you
So many kind words to say.
Above us Valentine's evening
Drop your holy veil.

Like a little kitten
I'll gather in a ball
I'll get closer to you
And I'll gain strength
All fears and troubles
I'm not afraid anymore
You in any weather
Love me more.

You are my tyrant, you are my idol.
You are the whole universe, the whole world.
Let me hurt sometimes
I suffer voluntarily.

And it's raining outside
And sadness in my heart...
I love you! Do you hear...
You don't hear... It's a pity.
I beg you rain
Give it back to me!

I wanted to write a lot
I wanted to, but I won't!
I'll just write one!
I love and will not forget!

Congratulations my love
Happy venerable Valentine's Day.
He gave hope to lovers
Connected by secret marriage.
And died for the lovers. For us.
We honor his deeds to this day.

What do you want, my dear?
Be happy in different ways -
And keep feasting carelessly
Under the shadow of Mars and Venus!

May Valentine's Day
It will be a holiday of our house.
So that love blooms in him forever
And filled my heart with warmth.
Congratulations my love
Happy Valentine's Day.

This is a celebration of hope in love.
Valentines are like bullfinches
Red-breasted birds of winter
They bring us the approach of spring
And hope for loving hearts.
On this day, the way is open to miracles.

On this day there is an opportunity in return
Hear either "yes" or "no".
My beloved, I am happy on this day
Recognize again, our feelings are a reward.
Not a reward, more like a surprise:
Light up our hearts with love!

Dust on the road, faded blade of grass,
Of the ugliest, ugly,
The most unhappy.
Days without you are just waiting
I'm waiting for the first confession in my life.
The path to the porch is covered with snow,
Either forgotten by you, or abandoned ...
I am lost without you from the lost,
There was no past, there is a present
You are alone in it and I pray in alarm,
To return you dear to me.

Snow falls quietly, it melts on the eyelashes,
You are far away, I miss you.
How I would like to turn into this snow
and quietly come down to you in the palm of your hand.

I have fun with my love
There is no need for sadness in love.
My love is like a song to me
That calls forward and into the distance.
But without a dear friend
What are the distant lands to me?
February Saint's Day
Come closer, my love!

My beloved good friend
You are sweeter than everyone around.
Friends for life with you
Where are you - there I am!

My best friend!
The middle of weekdays, bustle -
You are a bright holiday
Dream come true.
You have so much
Given from birth!
You conquered me
A long time ago,
So conquer Fate!
And let her
Your attention
Immensely flattered
Will give you joy
Glitter of victories
Love and happiness light
For many years!

My sweet, gentle, dear,
My best and favorite!
My affectionate, so dear
And so necessary in life!
Let me tell you that I
warmed by the warmth of your soul,
And the star of love, grief,
Life shines with wondrous light!

I'll come, just call
Just say: "I miss you!"
I want your love
In which a shower of kisses.
And sweet fire in the blood
And the heart rejoices with joy.
Venus favors us
I'm on your doorstep again.
I drink goodbye balm again,
Which even the gods did not drink!

Valentine's Day is the most popular holiday for lovers around the world. On this day, romance is in the air, and it seems that little cupids have descended from heaven and shoot their arrows right and left, filling everyone's heart with love.

No matter how romantic this holiday is, but on the eve of February 14, most girls in a relationship definitely experience stress choosing a gift for their beloved boyfriend. For those who can't decide on a present for St. Valentine, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top 5 best gift ideas for your man.

Magic rituals for Valentine's Day 2019

Perhaps the most romantic and most reverent holiday is just around the corner - St. Valentine's Day. On February 14, many couples will once again prove and show each other the strength of their feelings, and the most shy couples will confess their love for the first time. I think few people know that in addition to giving colorful valentines, it is also necessary to carry out small rituals for love, luck and prosperity. Below you will learn about them.

Flowers for your beloved on Valentine's Day

On the eve of Valentine's Day, the issue of choosing flowers is more relevant than ever.

When choosing a bouquet, refrain from demonstrating your own generosity and wealth. A huge bunch of flowers is more likely to be evidence of your bad taste than prosperity.

It is customary for young girls to give bouquets of delicate, pastel colors, as well as wild flowers (daisies, violets). Light pink shades will emphasize the romance of your relationship. Unopened buds, modest and refined, will also be appropriate.

All of us, girls and women, really want to believe that some kind of miracle will happen on Valentine's Day, that the routine of our daily affairs will be pushed aside and our cherished desire will come true. On Valentine's Day, all female generations have one desire - they want love and want to get legal confirmation of this.

Before this holy holiday (I’m not joking about the “saint”, prayers are held on Valentine’s Day in many countries) there is still time to push and move your chosen one to the long-awaited marriage proposal.

Original postcard-application for Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day, the history of which has been celebrated in Europe for more than seven centuries, has become traditional in the CIS countries as well. For many years now, on February 14, we give each other hearts in the form of sweets, jewelry, souvenirs and, of course, postcards.

I want to offer another version of the original postcard-application for Valentine's Day.

To make it, we need white and red cardboard, glue, scissors, a simple pencil and template paper.

Valentine card - a gift for Valentine's Day

The main gift on Valentine's Day is a valentine. Valentines appeared in their traditional written form not so long ago. The first Valentine that historians can tell about is dated 1415. It was written by the Duke of Orleans to congratulate his wife. During this time he was in prison. The first Valentine is kept in the British Museum and is a piece of paper with congratulations scratched on it.

Valentine's Day Contests

Valentine's Day - the history and symbols of the holiday

A popular holiday among lovers, Valentine's Day is celebrated by many nations around the world. People who carry a bright feeling of love in their hearts especially honor this bright holiday. Many couples register marriages on this day, believing that then their union will certainly be strong and durable.

Rida Khasanova

The name Valentine comes from the name of the person in whose honor this holiday is named. Saint Valentine patronizes lovers all over the world. The words that will be addressed in the valentine should tell about warm feelings for her or him, about tenderness and affection. In just a few phrases or a small poem, you need be able to convey your love.

How to sign a valentine for your boyfriend

Girls are much more serious about valentines, looking for the right words, adding something from themselves in order to fully reveal what they feel in relation to a particular person.

Valentine's Day is a great opportunity to once again say about love to your boyfriend or hint about feelings to someone you like

You can sign a valentine in poetic form, For example:

  1. Always charming
    And irresistible.
    My attractive
    You are so alone!
  1. Happy Valentine's Day,
    Feelings overflow.
    My only man,
    Take Valentine!
  1. Sending my Valentine
    Congratulations on Valentine's Day!
    We will always be near
    Trouble will not touch us!
  1. On Valentine's Day
    I am writing to the one I love.
    So I hope for reciprocity!
    Write me. I'm looking forward to it.

Valentine is not just a heart-shaped card, it is real love confession. The most important thing in it is the words that the beloved guy rereads more than once. You can talk about your feelings in prose:

  1. Love is always crazy. I go crazy about you!
  2. With each new day, I fall in love with you again. Every day my love for you grows more and more.
  3. I often fall in love. And every time - in you.
  4. If every time you appear in my thoughts, a rose would grow, the whole world would turn into a lush garden.
  5. You are the best on this planet, you are the most beautiful thing in my life.
  6. I give you the keys to my heart.

And, of course, do not forget about the main gift to which you attach a valentine. For example, a beloved girl can be presented with a golden heart-pendant, and a girl can present her boyfriend with silver cufflinks of an original design.

Gold pendant with diamonds, SL(price link)

Silver cufflinks, SL(price link)

What to write in a Valentine's card to your girlfriend

To sign a valentine to your beloved girl, you just need to look into the heart. If this is truly love, then the words to express it will find themselves

They can be written on a Valentine card or sent as a message. If the words do not come up in any way, then you can use the hints:

  1. On the whole planet there is no girl better than you! I am happy that we are together, and I am ready to be with you all my life.
  2. I'm going crazy, but it's a wonderful feeling, because only madness means sincere love.
  3. Every day I fall in love with you more and more, love for you has already filled my heart without a trace. The day will soon come when every cell in my body will scream love for you.
  4. Be my favorite! I will do everything to make you the happiest girl in the world!
  5. We met quite recently, but you have already turned my whole world upside down and painted it in different colors. I love you sincerely and hopefully ask: will you be my Valentine?

Valentine's Day is a holiday when you need to talk about your feelings. But if there is a fear that the girl will reject or even ridicule a declaration of love, then you can use anonymous valentine. You can tell about your feelings in Russian or in a foreign language.

How does the phrase "I love you" sound in several languages:

  • in English - I love you;
  • in Italian - Ti amo;
  • in German - Ich liebe Dich;
  • in Spanish - Te quiero;
  • in French - Je t'aime.

Any girl will like it if her the guy will make a postcard with his own hands and not just buy it in the store. To make it, you can download a sample of valentines from the Internet, transfer it to paper or cardboard and cut it out. It can be quite small, the size of a palm and contain one capacious phrase.

An example of short inscriptions about love on valentines:

  • a rose is beautiful, a violet is pure, and honey is as sweet as you;
  • you are the most beautiful thing that I have;
  • you are my world and my life;
  • your heart and mine are now as one.

How to write a valentine to a boy friend

Valentine cards can be signed not only for your beloved guy, but simply good friend.

You can confess sincere friendships or wish to meet your only love, if this has not happened yet

Examples of wishes in a valentine for a boy friend in short verses:

  1. Fly all over the world
    Scarlet hearts.
    I want such love
    To the very end!
  1. On this February day
    I want to wish you:
    Big love, like in a fairy tale
    And never lose heart!
  1. Happy Valentine's Day
    I sincerely wish love
    Let the feelings be sincere
    Cupid will not forget about you.

or small message in prose:

  1. You are my best friend. You are my soul mate. I feel very good with you, may our friendship never end!
  2. Buddy! Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you to meet your true and mutual love!
  3. Thank you for our friendship, thank you for being in the world! Happy Valentine's Day!
  4. You are a wonderful person, and I believe that a girl will soon meet with whom you will have a real and bright feeling.

You can also use and short phrases in which a sincere wish of love will fit:

  1. Open your heart, soon your happiness will knock on it!
  2. I love you like a friend! I wish you happiness!
  3. My dear friend! You are a bright soul! I'm glad that I have you.
  4. May our friendship last forever!

How to write a valentine to a girlfriend

Happy is the man who has a true girlfriend. Even if the girl and the guy are not connected by romantic feelings, you can also send her a valentine letter with congratulations. Also, girlfriends often congratulate each other on Valentine's Day.

In a postcard, your best friend should write about how dear she is, with a declaration of friendly love for her

If there are friends between friends affectionate nicknames, then you can write a congratulation, starting with these words. You need to try to put all your warm feelings into a short text and express your attitude towards her.

  1. My best friend,
    I want to congratulate you.
    With all my heart I wish a friend
    So that he loves you too.
  1. On the holiday of lovers of all the earth
    I want to wish you love.
    But only unrequited,
    And mutual, big and bright!

You can congratulate your best friend and in a playful way, after all, for long friendships, trusting and warm relationships are formed:

  1. My dear friend, today Cupid knocked on my window and said that he was starting to hunt for you. I asked him to shoot his arrows only at the most beautiful, tall, intelligent, well-mannered and kind oligarchs! So wait, your prince will come to you soon! He may already be at your door!
  2. Dear friend! Today is a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. I wish you to finally meet your Valentine, or maybe Valery, or Alexander, Kirill. It doesn’t matter what name he will have, the main thing is that he loves you with all his heart and carries you in his arms, often kisses and gives you many gifts.

Valentine's signature in English with translation

Don't be shy on Valentine's Day. When, if not on this day, you can safely confess your feelings and let the person know how precious he is? You can act in an original way and write a confession in verse or prose in English. How would a valentine in English - Valentine's Day Card or Valentine Card, or just Valentine.

Examples of how to write valentines in English. Under each confession there is a translation into Russian:

  1. My Dear, I wrote your name into the sky,
    But the wind blew it away.
    I wrote your name into the sand,
    But the waves washed it away.
    I wrote your name into my heart
    And forever it will stay.

In Russian this means:

My dear, in the sky I wrote your name
But the wind blew it away.
Then I drew your name in the sand
But the waves washed it away. Then I wrote your name on my heart
It will remain there for centuries.

  1. If apples were pears,
    and peaches were plumes,
    And the rose had a
    different name,
    if tigers were bears,
    And fingers were thumbs,
    I'd love you just the same.

In Russian:

Even if apples turn into pears,
And peaches - in plums,
The rose will change its name
And tigers become bears
And all the fingers of the hand will turn into thumbs,
My love for you will remain the same.

You can also use short phrases for valentines in English:

  1. Be my loved one, be my Valentine?! Will you be my Valentine?
  2. Be my Valentine for the rest of my life. Be my Valentine for life!
  3. You are my true love, and you will always be my Valentine. - You are my true love, be it for life!
  4. The important thing is I don't want to be without you for the next 20 years, or 40, or however many there are. I've gotten very used to being happy and I love you very much indeed. – The main thing is that I don’t want to live without you for either 20 or 40 next years, or how many of them are left. I used to be happy with you, and I sincerely love you very much.

There are a lot of options on how to sign a valentine to a friend or loved one on Valentine's Day. It remains only to choose the one that is perfect for your taste. emphasizes feelings. This is a good day to once again tell a loved one about your love, because it exists in order to express it and talk about it.

Valentines February 9, 2018, 13:16

Sweets, balls, chocolates, bears… On February 14, there will be several times more of all this on store shelves than on other days. And those who forgot or did not have time to prepare for the holiday of St. Valentine's Day will get something or all at once ... And they will bring to their loved ones what they managed to buy, and not what they put their souls into. And, believe me, it will become clear and give not quite the right shade to the holiday of lovers.

To make everything turn out unusually beautiful and original, the site decided to seek help from those who know how to talk about their feelings, who know how to express and give unforgettable emotions - to the artists! We asked them to remember their favorite sayings about love so that you can write them in your Valentine cards.

So, open the prepared valentine and rewrite the singer's favorite aphorism:

“Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.

The First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul

Recall Olga Kochetkova was the brightest the first season of the popular TV project "Chance" in which she won silver victory in favor Vitaly Kozlovsky.

The singer is a laureate of international music competitions and festivals, including "Tavrian Games", "Song of the year", "Hit of the Year".

After "Chance" took over the production of a talented performer Natalya Mogilevskaya, whose hit "Love me like this" was originally created for Olga Kochetkova. But in the end, Olga took up creativity on her own.

The singer also participated in the TV show "Voice of the country" . And she won the love of the public thanks to her openness and sincere lyrics.

A doctor by education, she seeks to heal spiritual wounds and love disappointments with her creativity. Her performances are a frank conversation with everyone present in the auditorium.

The new composition has a symbolic name and is a musical symbol of the Individual Renaissance for the singer:

- Song symbolizes new life. Both on stage and behind the scenes. It marks a new stage in my work. A few months ago, I gave birth to my first child. And now I turn my own life 180 degrees. The composition sounds in Ukrainian. I am from the Lugansk region. And, given the current situation in our country, this is also symbolic and significant ...

Today Olga Kochetkova- artist MOLA group- an ambitious company providing a full range of services in the field of entertainment