Decoration of volumetric figures. Master class “One for the first birthday. Options for decorating numbers with step-by-step instructions

To decorate your holiday beautifully and create a voluminous figure, you need to use napkins. Napkins will add the necessary volume and make the props more attractive and unusual. This figure will be a great holiday decoration. Both the baby and his parents can take pictures with her. In order to understand how to make the number 2 for a birthday with your own hands from napkins, you need to read this post.

It turns out that when creating a number with your own hands, not only the napkins play a big role in quality, but also the material from which the number is made. It should be light and still keep its shape.

To make a number it is best to use:

used large cardboard boxes;
juice or baby food packaging;
high-quality glue;
Double-sided tape;

The material from which the craft will be made must hold its shape well, not fall through, and not be very heavy. It is best to use plain napkins; you can also combine several colors of napkins.

Creating a number using flower buds from napkins

It is necessary to carefully form the number 2 from boxes, cardboard or polystyrene foam. In order for the number to have an aesthetic appearance, it must be covered with paper, according to the papier-mâché principle. Now you need to make blanks for making flower buds from napkins. You will need several packs of 100 napkins.

To work you need to use:

paper handkerchiefs;

Technique for making buds:

paper napkins need to be folded in half, and then in half again;
the middle of the square is fixed with a stapler;
cut an arbitrary circle from a square;
bend each layer of napkin towards the center, forming flower petals;
form beautiful buds from all the prepared circles in this way;
Small beads can be glued onto the resulting buds;
blanks for pasting number 2 are ready.

The finished buds must be pasted over the entire number. It is convenient to fix the flowers on the layout using double-sided tape. To make the work a little easier, you can cover the finished layout with fabric to match the color of the napkins. This will allow you to visually fill in any possible gaps that may appear when gluing the craft.

Creating numbers using fringe

A pre-prepared fringe must be applied to the finished model of the number. The fringe is cut from corrugated paper. It will be necessary to make small cuts on sheets of corrugated paper to imitate fringe. The resulting fringe must be glued to the number using glue or double-sided tape. To make such a decoration look even more voluminous, you can take several shades of corrugated paper colors and glue them, alternating with each other.


Number 2 can also be made using trimming. The work is labor-intensive, but not difficult.


corrugated paper or napkins;
a simple pencil;

Master Class:

the paper is cut into squares or a ready-made napkin is taken;
a pencil is inserted in the middle of the square, and the paper is crimped along its contour;
The resulting blank is glued to the number. So it is necessary to create so many blanks so that you can paste over the entire plane without gaps;
excess paper is trimmed with scissors.

If the blanks made using trimming are attached to a number made of foam plastic, then glue will not be needed, since the pencil will pierce the foam and the blanks will be fixed inside.

Number information

The figure should be the size of a child or slightly higher. You can also make a flat number and also cover it with flower buds, fringe or using the trimming technique.

You can choose the color of the number at your discretion. If the number is for a boy, you can take blue or green. Pink, white, lilac paper is suitable for a girl. The edging of the craft can be made of one color, and the middle filled with another. Or you can make inserts from other shades of paper in one general tone. The buds can be decorated with various beads, bows or other decorative elements.

You can put a crown on the number or tie a beautiful bow. Everything will depend on desire and imagination.

You can cut roses into buds, asters, and lilies from napkins. Flowers can be combined with each other.

Randomly cut and crumpled paper that is glued with glue or double-sided tape looks great. This option also has a right to exist. The figure will also be voluminous and quite original.

Imagine, try and make your holiday unforgettable.

Decorating a festive interior with your own hands has become a very fashionable trend today. You can make anything: banners from letters and flags, large numbers, funny caps for guests and much more. Such paraphernalia creates a fun atmosphere and looks great in photographs. Most often, jewelry is made on. In this master class, I will tell you in detail and show you how to make a three-dimensional figure from napkins.

Numbers made from napkins: materials for making

A number made from napkins is a fairly “budgetary”, but at the same time effective element of holiday decor. The main materials for its manufacture are thick cardboard and ordinary paper napkins.

For the frame we will need sheets of thick packaging cardboard (corrugated cardboard), so an old unnecessary box from household appliances will come in handy here. I found a box measuring 50x30 cm.

Napkins - we will use them to make openwork flowers. They come in different sizes and quantities per package. It is very difficult to predict in advance how many of them will be needed; here you need to focus on the dimensions of the cardboard for the future figure. But it’s best to take one or two packs in reserve. After all, in the future they will be useful for decorating the festive table. For my figure, I purchased 4 packs of red napkins and one pack of white ones (in fact, I needed 2 of them).

We will also need auxiliary materials:

  • Large scissors or construction cutter.
  • Wide tape.
  • Stapler and staples for it.
  • Universal glue moment.
  • A sheet of cardboard “gold” for decoration (I have a holographic one).

How to make a three-dimensional figure from napkins

To begin with, I would like to note that napkin numbers can be flat or voluminous.

Flat products are made faster, since there is no need to glue the frame, just cut out the outline from a sheet of cardboard. You will also need many times fewer flowers to decorate it.

A voluminous figure will require more time and materials. However, it will justify the effort with its spectacular appearance.

In today's master class I will tell you how to make a three-dimensional number “two”. The entire process of its manufacture can be divided into 3 stages. Next I will describe each of them in detail.

Making flowers from napkins

This stage is very simple, but it takes a decent amount of time, since you will need a lot of flowers. If you have assistants, I advise you to involve them in this matter.

I started with red napkins. They are two-layer, and their size when unfolded is 33 cm, so from one napkin you get 2 flowers.

So, the flower is made as follows:

To optimize the process, I first made a lot of these blanks, which later turned into beautiful flowers.

White flowers are made using the same principle. However, the white napkins I have, unlike the red ones, are single-layer and smaller in size. Therefore, to make the blanks the same size, I had to put in a little more effort:

In total, to design the number I needed to make 86 red and 65 white flowers. This took approximately 4 hours.

Making a cardboard frame

In order to build a three-dimensional frame, I needed 2 sheets of corrugated cardboard measuring 50x30 cm. From them I cut out the front parts of the “double”. The remaining scraps from the box went to the side of the number.

The procedure was as follows:

Collecting and decorating the number

To avoid crushing the flowers, I press lightly on top of them, and then gently press the base under the petals with my finger.

When the glue has dried thoroughly, straighten the flowers to make them look fuller.

The design of the number can be anything, it all depends on your imagination and the color scheme of the napkins.

I decided to decorate my “two” with a crown. To make the task easier, I found a ready-made stencil of suitable sizes on the Internet, printed it and cut it out.

Since my number is double-sided, the crown should be the same. Therefore, I traced it 2 times on a sheet of A4 holographic cardboard.

Then I cut out both halves and glued them together. As a result, it turned out “golden” on both sides.

At the final stage, I solemnly “crowned” my number, carefully gluing it to the flowers. Ready!

Using a similar principle, you can make absolutely any number or even letter.

Nowadays, more and more holidays have themed themes. A certain theme can be seen in everything, from serving dishes on the festive table to decorative elements: balloons in the chosen colors, tableware, tablecloths, posters and voluminous bright numbers. It is about how to make a birthday number with your own hands that will be discussed in today’s article.

We will tell you how to make volumetric and flat numbers. We'll tell you what you'll need to make your own birthday number and share basic decorating techniques. We will use various materials for decoration, ranging from cheap napkins to exclusive photographs from your family archive. There will be many options, you can choose the one that suits your liking and wallet.

A DIY birthday number is not just an unusual room decoration, a decorative element that supports the overall theme of the holiday, it is also an excellent gift.

Note that this trend is quite new, so it is only gaining popularity. DIY birthday numbers, photos of which you can see in the article, always attract attention. Do you want to take a bright and unusual photo, and even with the note “made by yourself”? Then let's get to work.

Making a blank for the numbers

What is good about this method of holiday decoration? Anyone can make flat and three-dimensional birthday numbers with their own hands. Plus, you don't have to spend a lot of money on them. To make numbers you will need a minimum of tools, which are probably found in every home.

So, let's go. The most important thing is the production of a frame, which will subsequently be decorated. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of birthday number you will make with your own hands. The frame or base for it will be the very first thing to take care of.

In order to make a frame, we go on a journey around the house, look into every nook and cranny, and don’t forget to look in the closet or on the balcony. What are we looking for? An ordinary cardboard box, which, as they say, is not a pity to spoil. It is from thick cardboard, from which most packaging for equipment or children's toys are made, that we will make the frame for the number.

Choosing a frame option

There are two frame options: volumetric and flat. Before you start work, you should decide on this point.


If you are going to hang the number on the wall or just place it against the wall, then you can choose a flat frame.

If you are going to make voluminous numbers for a birthday with your own hands so that they can easily stand anywhere in the room (on a holiday table, in a separate place for gifts, in a place prepared for a photo shoot), then we choose the second base option.


With a flat base, everything is clear: we cut out the number we need from cardboard and decorate it with the intended decorative elements. You will have to tinker a little with the volumetric shape. The volumetric shape of the number can be made from a large box. If you don’t have one at hand, you can take regular cardboard and cut out four parts from it (front, back and side elements).

Next, use regular wide tape. It is with its help that we will connect the prepared cardboard parts to each other. You can use any tape: transparent, masking, dark construction tape. This point is not important because the tape will still be covered with decorative elements.

Also, a piece of foam plastic may be suitable for making a frame for volumetric figures. It will be necessary to cut out the desired number from it. However, this option is not always convenient if you are not going to stick in the prepared elements, but, say, fix them with glue or double-sided tape. Polystyrene foam with such materials has fairly low adhesion. Therefore, we advise you to still opt for a cardboard base. Anything will stick to it.

Fabrics and ribbons

So, the most interesting, exciting and exciting moment comes. Now we will decorate the frame we made. What materials are needed to make beautiful and unusual birthday numbers with your own hands?

Ribbons and fabrics are often used for decoration. If you use fabric, think about the winding pattern in advance and cut the blanks. Using tapes, you no longer need to prepare any material in advance; tapes are already easy to use.
We take good quality glue and cover the top of the number. Then we begin to gradually and very carefully wind ribbons or pieces of fabric onto the cardboard frame. Do not coat the entire number with glue at once. You simply won’t have time to wind the tapes so quickly, and the glue will dry out.

When the entire surface of the number is covered with fabric, you can add decorative elements. For example, for a children's version, you can use figurines of cartoon characters, beautiful flowers made of plastic or paper. The fabric will act as a stylish background to which you can add whatever your heart desires.

Corrugated paper

A number decorated with corrugated paper elements looks very impressive and unusual. For example, you need the number 5 for your birthday with your own hands. Let's try to make floral elements from corrugated paper to decorate the frame of the five.

Most often, roses are made from this material. To do this, you need to cut the paper into long pieces - ribbons. Remember, the wider the ribbon, the larger and more voluminous the flower will be. You can make all the flowers the same size, or you can experiment by combining small flowers with large pink buds.
You will need to stretch each strip a little. This is done from the edge where the veins on the paper are located. After stretching, it turns out that one edge is fluffier. This edge will be the top - the bud of the flower. Now let's start twisting the rose. Do this carefully, holding the bottom folds with your fingers. As a result, you should end up with a kind of accordion, where the upper part is an order of magnitude more magnificent (due to stretching of the paper) than the lower part.

Now take a piece of thread and tie it from below. Next, you can cut the bottom a little shorter and make it smoother, so that it can easily be tightly attached to the base and glued. After the buds are formed and strengthened with thread from below, you can loosen the top a little, stretch the edges of the paper and make the bud as lush as you would like.

Paper napkins

If you don’t have special paper at hand, and the number 2 for your birthday with your own hands should certainly be covered with flowers, according to your idea, then there is a way out. The helpers will be ordinary paper napkins, which are probably found in every home.

We take a package of napkins, scissors, a stapler and regular PVA glue. Fold the napkin in half twice and fix the middle of the workpiece using a stapler. You should end up with a small square. But don’t forget that we need a birthday number with our own hands, decorated with flowers. And they, as a rule, have round buds. What are we doing? Of course, we take scissors and cut the edges to the round size we need.

When the form is ready, all that remains is to lift each napkin. Do this alternately, so the flower will be fluffier. Leave only the bottom circle, which will act as the base. On the last circle the flower will be glued to the cardboard.

As a result, you will get beautiful large birthday numbers decorated with flowers with your own hands. Note that this is one of the most budget options. A cardboard box, paper napkins, glue, scissors are items that every housewife has.

Cartoon characters

It is much easier for a girl, girl, or woman to choose a style for designing numbers. But what to do if you need a number for a boy’s birthday? Is it possible to make an original gift for a modern young man with your own hands?

We offer you a simple and easy option. It is suitable for those who grow up to be fans of cartoons or computer games, if we are talking about teenagers. Also, this option is for those who do not want to spend a lot of time making birthday numbers with their own hands.

The progress of the work is as follows. We find the necessary images of our favorite characters, print them on a printer and simply paste them in a chaotic (or exactly chosen by you) order. A bright and unusual number for a boy is ready. You can also make numbers for girls by simply adding the same corrugated paper roses to the cartoon characters.


DIY number 1 for a birthday, made for your beloved baby and decorated with a collage of photographs from the past year of life - a surprisingly sweet and pleasant gift. Of course, a child will not immediately understand its meaning, but such numbers with a photo can be stored for many years and will delight both parents and the younger generation, reminding them of happy moments.

  • Tip 1. If you are going to create a collage from photographs, then it is better to make a flat frame rather than a three-dimensional one. In this case, the number can be hung on the wall in the living room or on the door in the children's room. Such a figure will not only be a surprisingly cute decoration for a celebration, but also an advantageous design solution used to decorate the premises.

  • Tip 2: Take small photos or cut out only faces from existing photos. Then you can fit all the happy moments that you don’t want to forget into a number.

Artificial bouquets

Agree, sometimes it is impossible to do something yourself due to a banal lack of free time. Many young mothers simply cannot physically spin 250-300 pieces of corrugated paper roses (which is exactly how much is needed to decorate a three-dimensional figure). What should you do if you still want to give a nice gift for your princess on her birthday? There is only one option - ready-made artificial bouquets.

We buy one or two bouquets consisting of small artificial flowers. We unwind the wire to which they are usually attached. We don't need a full bouquet for decoration. Its individual elements are required: flowers, leaves, stamens. We make a cardboard blank (it can be flat, since we save time) and wrap it with paper or ribbons. All that remains is to glue the flowers and leaves with a glue gun. The gift is ready.

Colored threads

Regular yarn is often used to decorate birthday numbers. The option is quite fast and economical. We take any threads that are in the house (except for those intended for regular sewing). It is better to take cotton or wool threads, as they are denser. We wrap threads around the cardboard blank in any order. You can do this horizontally, vertically, knit the threads randomly, change and mix different colors.

Can you crochet? Great. Having decorated the frame with yarn, you can add a couple of knitted elements. These can be flowers for girls, any knitted toy for boys.


Did you think that buttons were only needed to keep your shirt from opening up at the chest? But no. They can also be used to decorate birthday numbers. This is also a budget option that will not only save money, but also show your imagination. To attach buttons, you can use inexpensive Moment glue or a glue gun.

In general, it doesn’t matter at all what material the digital figure will be made of. Another thing is important - you made it with your own hands, invested your soul, love and desire to do something nice for the birthday boy.

More often than not, we can all see numbers made from small balloons at holidays. Especially on first birthdays, parents usually order a number corresponding to the child’s age. But in fact, you can make such a birthday number with your own hands more beautiful and unusual from any other material. Even if you need to make a figure urgently, you probably have cardboard and paper, and needlewomen have fabric or threads. And if you prepare in advance, you can prepare printed photographs or something completely unusual for decoration.


So, let's take paper and cardboard. We cut out a number from cardboard of the size we need, about 5 cm wide. Take papyrus paper or just thin colored paper and start creating. We make flowers that we have already learned how to make for room decor. To do this, take 6 sheets of paper, put them together, and fold the whole pack like an accordion. Then we divide the accordion into three parts (about 12 cm each), tie them in the middle, round the ends, separate the layers and begin turning out the petals.

When we have enough flowers, glue them to our cardboard. It turns out so beautiful.

You can also sew paper flowers. Only we will take as a basis not cardboard, but fabric, with which we will cover the frame of the required size. In this case, the number will be brighter if we select contrasting combinations of fabric and paper.

And to make flowers, we’ll take several layers of paper, cut them into squares and fold everything in half, then in half again, then like a piece of pie. Take scissors and cut out a semicircle. We can easily get the flowers we need. The number of colors depends on the capabilities of the scissors.

We take the resulting flowers, connect several flowers and sew them to our fabric, according to the wide number drawn on the canvas. It will be more beautiful if the number is two or three flowers wide.

Also, to make a birthday number with your own hands, you can start with paper flowers. Take paper of the desired color and cut out a circle. Draw a spiral on a circle or you can immediately cut the paper in a spiral. Then we connect (twist) the resulting spiral strips into a flower and glue it onto the cardboard. Flowers will look brighter if they are of different sizes and colors.

The simplest option: simply cut the corrugated paper into strips slightly longer than the width of the number and glue it onto the cardboard number. It turns out to be a dress with frills. A very gentle option for girls.

Fabrics and ribbons

And if you have a lot of ribbons, feel free to cut them into small pieces of about 20 cm (depending on the size of the number). The first option - if you have wide ribbons - make beautiful bows. They will land on your number like butterflies.

And the second option is if you have narrow ribbons. Then we don’t think for a long time, we just tie knots and boldly glue them to the number. Multi-colored ribbons will make the number brighter and more cheerful, while plain ribbons will make the number calmer and more solemn.

Satin flowers look very beautiful as numbers. They are not at all difficult to make. We cut out three circles from satin fabric or a wide satin ribbon: large, medium and small. We slightly char the edges with a candle and connect the petals with a needle.

Most often, we use cardboard for our own birthday numbers, but in this case it’s good to use foam plastic as the basis for the numbers. And then you can safely stick our flowers in so that the base is not visible.


You can use threads for a beautiful number. We take the cardboard figure again or make it three-dimensional. To do this you need more cardboard and tape. Connecting the parts of the number with tape

We take the threads and glue them at the end. The rest. We tie the surface with threads of the same color or different colors.

You don’t have to prepare a three-dimensional figure, but wrap it around flat cardboard. It won't turn out any worse. You just need to choose the color scheme to match the style of your holiday.

You can also use threads to weave numbers by tying carnations. We insert buttons or nails into the board around the perimeter of the number and begin to make a web.


A very interesting option is to make your own birthday numbers from photographs. You can immediately assemble a collage in the form of numbers in Photoshop and print it out. You can fasten two papers together, stick photographs on one, and cut out a wide number on the other. Or simply add numbers from photographs and attach them to the wall.


And if your child is interested in something or you have interesting material, use it to make numbers with your own hands. For example, take Legos or mosaics, or balloons. Look around - you definitely have something useful for numbers: paper clips, buttons, clothespins, toys and many other things. A holiday - a birthday - is created in order to fantasize and create.

A child’s birthday belongs to the category of memorable events that you want to make the most vivid and unforgettable, so that the child rejoices, has fun and remembers what a wonderful holiday his parents organized. Therefore, gifts are given, surprises are made, friends are invited, a birthday cake is purchased, and all sorts of decorations with holiday symbols are invented. Of course, you can go to the store, buy balloons, or invite home professionals who will quickly and efficiently decorate your home. But you must admit, this is not at all interesting! After all, it is not the decorations themselves that are important, but the process of their creation, as well as the wonderful memories left from the holiday and pre-holiday preparations. If you're considering holiday party decoration options, check out these step-by-step instructions for DIY birthday number decorations.

The most popular example of a number corresponding to the age of the birthday person is the version made from small balls, usually ordered by parents on the Internet (although it is very easy to make with your own hands). However, this type of decor has long become boring and boring. Now there are many more interesting and creative options that you can easily make yourself. They can be large or small, voluminous or flat, empty inside or filled with tinsel or scraps of paper (like the Mexican piñanta toy), made in a “girly” or “boyish” style (decorated with flowers and buds, pompoms and fringe). Let the flight of imagination be unlimited, it is worth trying any shapes, colors, textures, sizes.

Making frames for large numbers for a birthday with your own hands

The first thing to start with is making a frame. It is usually made of thick cardboard, which will not bend or break during subsequent decoration. Then you should decide on the size of the future figure. If you plan to make a figure within the size of an A4 sheet, feel free to search for the desired figure on the Internet and print it out.

If you want it to be larger than A4 size, you need to do the following:

  • Find a high-resolution image on the Internet;
  • Print the picture on two/three (depending on size) A4 sheets on a printer;
  • Carefully cut out each part;
  • Connect all parts end-to-end, secure with tape;
  • The resulting number template should be attached to a previously prepared sheet of cardboard of the required size and traced along the contour;
  • Next, you need to cut out a number along the resulting contour;
  • If the birthday person is over 9 years old, this procedure should also be repeated with the second digit. For example, if a child turns 10 years old, you need to cut out the numbers 1 and 0.

Thus, the frame of the flat figure is complete. You can go further and make a volumetric figure. To do this, you need to perform a few additional steps:

  • After tracing the stencil and cutting out the 1st part of the product (front), you need to perform these steps again, obtaining a similar 2nd figure (back).
  • Next, we cut out the 3rd figure, placing it in the end part of the product (forming volume). The width of the tape corresponds to the width of the future figure. And the length should be equal to the perimeter of the figure (it’s better to take it with a reserve).
    For numbers with closed internal spaces (0, 6, 8, 9), you will have to cut additional side parts of the required width.
  • Afterwards, you should connect the three parts of the figure (the back and front numbers are located on the sides, the end tape is in the middle), fasten them with tape. It is better to use enough tape so that the product does not fall apart during decoration.

Important advice: The easiest way (if the width of the cardboard allows) is to cut out one long ribbon that will encircle the number in the end area, bending at the corners. This is much more convenient than cutting out separate pieces for each fold and fastening them together.

If you don’t want to glue anything together, you can use polystyrene foam or foam rubber as a base. In this case, you need to take a solid piece of foam plastic (foam rubber) of the required width (corresponding to the width of the finished figure), attach a number stencil, trace it, and cut it along the contour. Thus, you get a volumetric figure. You can use scissors to cut the foam. The foam will have to be cut with a sharp knife.

Options for decorating numbers with step-by-step instructions

When the base is prepared, you should choose one of the options for decorating the product. When choosing a decoration method, it is better to rely on your own capabilities, the availability of necessary materials nearby, as well as the age, gender, and preferences of the birthday person.

It is worth noting that the decor will largely depend on the shape of the product (flat or volumetric figure). We hope that from the presented options you will find something you like.


If you are decorating a number using paper, you will need PVA glue, paper of various colors (textures), a pre-prepared frame, and a little imagination!

DIY napkin flowers for birthdays

Napkins make wonderful homemade flower buds. To make them, we take ordinary paper napkins, form them into piles of several napkins in each, fold the piles like an accordion, tying them tightly in the middle with thread. We straighten and round both ends. We begin to separate the napkins layer by layer, turning their ends inside out, forming a kind of flower buds.

We glue the resulting buds to the frame of the number using PVA glue, trying to make sure that the cardboard between them is not visible. You can choose any color for the napkins, but shades of pink are preferable, since the pink color will increase the resemblance to real flowers. Of course, this option would be more appropriate for a girl’s birthday.

Important tip: The more napkins you use when forming stacks, the more lush and bright the buds will be.

Napkins can be rolled like a roll, slightly narrowed at the base and widened in the middle, giving them a resemblance to rosebuds. The buds need to be attached with hot glue as tightly as possible to each other so that an association arises with a lush bouquet of roses, decorated in the form of a three-dimensional figure. To make these rolls easy to roll, you should wrap them around the blunt edge of a pencil. This technique is called "facing". Pink and red shades of paper will look impressive.

Paper flowers can be immediately cut out from napkins using a stencil, several pieces can be fastened with thread in the center, and then the layers can be straightened, creating a three-dimensional flower. Or there is a way to cut a thin ribbon from a napkin in a spiral, and then tightly twist it into small charming buds of different diameters. A foam rubber base is ideal as a frame, since it is convenient to stick paper buds into it using ordinary safety pins (only the buds must first be fixed with glue or thread so that they do not fall apart).
Each of these options is good in its own way, they all look very gentle and feminine.

Corrugated paper fringe

From corrugated paper, cut into narrow ribbons, you get a cute number “with frills”. To create this effect, you need to cut the corrugation into pieces of a suitable width, then glue the paper ribbons onto the product step by step, starting from the bottom row (the next layer should be higher than the previous one, covering its middle). The result will be something like a pleated skirt in which the figure will be “dressed”. This option looks very elegant. If the product is voluminous, each layer must be completely wrapped around it, secured, and only then taken on to the next level.

For a greater visual effect, you can first cut the corrugated ribbons with “grass”, making a kind of fringe out of each piece of paper.

Tip: If the new layer is made in a different color from the previous one, this option will be original and bright, which children will certainly like. You can decorate the number in the form of a rainbow of 7 colors.

Wonderful flowers come out of the corrugation for decorating numbers for a birthday with your own hands. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • We cut the paper into strips (approximate dimensions – 50x3 cm). On the resulting strips, the veins should be located vertically and have a height of 3 cm;
  • We stretch the ribbon from the top side, creating peculiar waves;
  • We bend the upper “wavy” part by about 5-8 mm;
  • We hold the ribbon by the lower non-wavy part and begin to twist it slowly;
  • Gradually it becomes noticeable that the lower part (1.5-2 cm high) begins to form into a kind of leg, and the upper part into a flower bud resembling a rose;
  • The final step is to tie a part of the flower between the stem and the bud with a thread (a thin elastic band that matches the color of the paper) so that it does not unwind;
  • We glue the resulting corrugated roses onto the frame.

In addition to napkins and corrugated paper, you can use tulle (organza). Then the image of the product will become softer and airier. In general, these options (buds, pleating, fringe) can be made from different types of paper, according to your preferences.


If you're planning an outdoor holiday party and you're worried about rain or just aren't a fan of paper crafts, you might want to check out these amazing ways to decorate with fabric.

Butterflies made from bows

This wonderful way to decorate a birthday number not only looks creative and stylish, but is also very easy to do:

  • Take the fabric of the desired color;
  • Cut the fabric into medium-width ribbons;
  • We tie the ribbons into bows (you should not make too long narrow ribbons, as the bows may turn out “sluggish”);
  • We attach the bows to the base of the number with hot glue (you should first cover the frame with fabric to match the color of the bows so that the cardboard does not show through them).

Your number will look as if a flock of colorful butterflies is sitting on it.

Fringe of thin ribbons

You can decorate your figure with thin and short ribbons, making a fringe from the ribbons. To do this, you need to tie a knot in the middle of the tape and glue it to the base. It is worth noting that the knots must be close to each other to create a continuous multi-colored fringe covering.

Satin flowers

This option looks amazing and is quite easy to make. Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • Cut out 3-4 circles from satin fabric (satin ribbon) (each should be slightly smaller than the previous one);
  • We light a candle, lightly scorch the edges of the fabric circles with its flame so that they do not fringe and look like flower petals;
  • Place the petals one inside the other so that the smaller one is in the center;
  • You can stick a safety pin inside the resulting bud, attaching them to the frame (it’s most convenient to use a foam base).


To create this original birthday look, you will need a cardboard base and a ball of thread. To create it, you need to take threads, secure them to the base with double-sided tape or PVA glue, then wrap them generously around the figure so that the cardboard gaps are not visible. You can give complete freedom to your imagination: use different colors, in any quantity and sequence, create patterns or even inscriptions from threads. You can use gradient threads (changing color as the ball unravels).

Another interesting option is to create a number by weaving threads around small nails driven into a wooden plank. Carnations form the frame of the number, and with the help of threads its outline and internal color filling are created. In this case, you get a real painting made with your own hands.

Other materials

A wonderful number decor can be made from family photographs depicting the birthday boy and his loved ones. This is one of the simplest, brightest and most emotional options in our selection. All you need to do is glue real or printed and cut out photos onto the frame.

You can even pin photos to the wall with pins in the shape of a number. The main thing is to choose truly happy and joyful pictures, where there is a smiling birthday boy.

You can make a number out of what your child is interested in. For example, create a base from a Lego constructor, decorate it with balloons, fresh flowers, buttons, stamps, coins, using the papier-mâché technique, using dry leaves or flowers (if he likes to collect them for the herbarium). The main thing is a creative approach, the desire to surprise and please a loved one. By the way, both children and adults will like this gift.

A DIY number would be a great birthday gift for a parent, brother, sister or close friend.