Ancient castle in the technique of modular origami. Master class "Castle of the Snow Queen. Modular origami" Modular origami castle step by step instructions

For a long time I wanted to try to make my own schemes, but my hands did not reach.

And so, in a camp in the Czech Republic, I (having printed out the scheme in advance) began to make a castle. I wanted to make it easy for the kids. In the camp, I completely simplified it on my knee, it turned out rather clumsily, so I finished it at home. True, I still finished it after I cut it out and folded it. So the photo is not the last option.

In principle, it can be easily changed - the shape of the towers, the location and number of windows, battlements, gates, etc. That is, you can quite easily make this business creative.

The basis is taken from the book - the lock from the cover.

In the camp, only adults mastered it, for children the scheme is rather complicated. Only my Grisha won. But - his printout was on A3, not A4, and he could not do some of the things - lattices and other little things. But still a hero, yes.

That's why I made a simple diagram. It can be downloaded here: if anyone needs it
The scheme must be printed on whatman paper, or glazed. Too thin on office paper. In which direction to fold it - it does not matter. Solid lines are cut, dotted lines are bent (of different types in different directions).

Origami castle is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make an origami castle, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami castle was taken by one of our site users. In fact, his craft can hardly be called origami, rather it is a paper carving, but the castle turned out great. If you have photos of the origami you have collected, send them to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Assembly diagram

Below is an origami castle assembly diagram from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the assembly of the origami castle will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami castle quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling an origami castle for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami castle video" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about the origami castle, which clearly show the steps for assembling the castle. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make an origami castle.

After watching this video, you will learn how to assemble a modular origami Priory Castle:


The castle in almost all cultures is a symbol of safety and security. Such a symbolic meaning came to the castle from ancient times, when the walls of most castles were impregnable for most enemies. The inhabitants of the castles felt more secure than the inhabitants of the villages.

Nomination "Paper Art"

Many modular designers are just perfect for inventing architectural details and elements. This castle can be entirely made from the pages of glossy magazines. Well, if you have enough colored paper, then choose a color and get to work.

Our castle took 500 sheets of A4 paper. Divide the long side of the A4 sheet into 4 equal parts, and the short side into 2 parts, cut the sheet along the marked lines.

Round Tower

Prepare 108 pieces (36*3) for the first three rows. Continue three more rows of 36 modules, giving the shape of a bowl. Work two rows, short sides facing out (ksn). In the ninth row, reduce the number of modules by 3, and in the tenth row by 3. The next 6 rows consist of 30 modules. The modules are fixed with the long sides facing out.

There are 4 windows in the tower, put 2 modules (xn) on the tower blank, fasten 2 columns of 6 modules on the sides. Make an arch connection. Now complete the walls between the windows. In the twenty-fifth row, put on 30 modules. In the twenty-sixth row there are 30 modules (ksn). In the twenty-seventh row there are 30 modules. Take a compass, measure the inner diameter of the tower, draw a circle on the cardboard, cut it out and paste it inside the tower.

Make supports for the arches, complete the arched ceilings, complete the tower with a jagged edge.

Main tower (lower part)

Collect the first three rows and lock them into a ring. The first row of 42 modules (blue, any color) in the second 5 brown, fasten all brown modules strictly one above the other, this is the future door and so 7 rows. Let's make the upper, narrowing part of the door. Lay 23 rows.

Make windows, make arches. Fill in the space between windows. Twenty-fifth row: 2 white (ksn) * 6. Twenty-sixth row. Run the twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth rows as the twenty-fifth. Twenty-eighth and thirtieth as twenty-sixth. Thirty-first: 2 whites (ksn) * 6. Thirty-third 2 (ksn). Thirty-fifth 2 (ksn). Thirty-seventh 5 (ksn). Thirty-eighth as usual. Thirty-ninth is like thirty-seven. Make arches.

Main tower (upper part)

We start the upper thickened part of the tower. Fill in the space between the arches. Make windows. Fill in the space between the windows. This will be thirteen rows. In the fourteenth and fifteenth rows, fasten 54 white modules each.

Take a compass, measure the inner diameter of the tower, draw a circle on the cardboard, cut it out and paste it inside the tower. Let's start the roof, First make 6 identical supports. In the first row of the support there are 2 modules, in the second 3 modules. In the third 2, in the fourth 3. In the next four rows of the support, the alternation continues: 2 modules-3 modules. In the eighth row 4, in the ninth 5, in the tenth 6. Connect 6 supports to each other, completing a total row of 36 modules. Above it, perform a row of 36 modules (ksn). Next, lay out a row of 30 red modules (ksn). Between the supports, put 2 modules on 3 corners. Work the next 4 rows of 30 pieces. Further, with each row, reduce the number of modules by 6, 24, 18, 12. The finished roof should taper evenly. The supports should be of the same length and shape, stand well on the plane. Make a flag, glue it on a wooden skewer and insert it into the hole in the roof.

fortress wall

Flat walls made of modules are very easy to make. You can choose any width of the wall section. In order for the wall to follow the outline of the tower, and the tower to have a ledge at the bottom, you need to start with fewer modules, and then expand the wall.

castle gate

The method of assembling the gate is similar to the method of assembling the fortress wall. But in order to get the gate, you must first make the left and right parts of the wall, and then combine them.

Make ceilings over the gates. Keep laying out the wall. Complete the battlements of the gate in the same way as for the fortress wall.

Literature:Prosnyakova Tatyana Nikolaevna Funny figurines. Modular origami. - M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2010.

Sidorova Diana, Reznikova Svetlana, Koryavskaya Ekaterina, 12 years old, students of the 6th grade of the MBOU "Tyukhtetskaya secondary school No. 1", pupils of the Origami association, MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities", Krasnoyarsk Territory, p. Tyukhtet. They are fond of facing, quilling, modular origami. They took part in the regional competitions “Talents without borders”, “My flag! My Coat of Arms!”, “Siberian Bear Cub”, were awarded diplomas of laureates and participants of the competitions. The head of the association "Origami" Koryavskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of additional education, second qualification category, MBOU DOD "Center for extracurricular activities", Krasnoyarsk Territory, p. Tyukhtet, work experience 18 years.

Today, the stores offer a huge assortment of toys, but they cost

quite expensive. To a child, try to make them yourself. You can also invite the kid to participate in the process, this will allow him to develop his imagination and logic, and besides this, you will get great pleasure from joint creativity. The following describes how to make a paper castle that will appeal to both a boy and a girl. You can take the schemes described in this article as a basis, but this does not mean that you need to stop there - turn on your imagination and create your own unique palace. Additionally, such a product can be used as a decoration - a stand for confectionery.

Tools for the job

For a craft like a paper castle, you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • sand;
  • paints;
  • textile;
  • sawdust;
  • cans of chips;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • pen.

Step-by-step instruction

To learn how to make a castle out of paper, you need to study the following information:

Now you just have to come up with an interesting story and please your beloved child with a new fairy tale.

How to make a paper castle

When you have children, it does not matter at all whether it is a boy or a girl, the main thing is that they all love fairy tales and believe in miracles. Any child will be happy with such a gift. To make the castle as accurately as possible with your own hands, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, but your favorite offspring are worth it.

For work, you need to take the following accessories:


In order for a castle made of paper with your own hands to be the most accurate copy of the original, follow the following rules:

Helpful information

The paper castle, the schemes of which are present in this article, will help you realize your child's dreams and give him a piece of happiness. If the craft will be used not only as a decor, do not forget about its stability. For example, you can fix each part with adhesive tape, which must be fixed from the inside. The same palace can be made for a little princess by simply decorating it in bright fabulous colors. Now you know the detailed instructions on how to make a castle out of paper. Go ahead, please yourself and your child.

Hi all! I am glad to show you my new craft from the modules - CASTLE! It took me about a year to make such a miracle :) The castle was mainly made last winter, autumn, and from the beginning of winter until today! Let's enter this castle and take a closer look!

let's start! This is the tower of the castle, there are two of them. All work on the manufacture of the castle began with them.

This is a fortress wall with a tower, the fortress wall is the easiest to do, just put your fashion in rows and that's it :)

And this is the Castle Gate, I made them yesterday, and the castle itself was put together today. If you look closely, you can see that red modules are worn on the middle teeth - only two orange modules were missing :)

And here is the most beautiful, the most difficult and the longest to assemble - the main tower of the castle! For a long time I could not collect the very bottom where the door is ....

And now you can safely climb to the observation deck of the main tower!

And this is the top of an ordinary tower :)

And now, of course, you need to take a picture with the castle :)

Well, I would like to end with the words from Tatyana Nikolaevna's book "Funny Figures" - Mountains of paper, hours of folding, creative efforts, and now ... A fairytale palace appears like a mirage in the desert. It seems now the heroes of the tales "A Thousand and One Nights" will come out of it. You can continue construction further, surround the palace with palm trees, depict the surrounding landscape, populate the inhabitants. There are no limits to your imagination when you have such a magical paper material in your hands!