We make paper butterflies. How to make a butterfly with your own hands on the wall from paper: templates, stencils for printing and cutting, photos. How to make a beautiful origami paper butterfly, flying, snowflake, appliqué, panel, openwork for interior decoration

The current accessory - a butterfly - is actively used as the finishing touch to a stylish male, female or children's look. Making your own bow tie is very easy. A simple creative process will take a minimum of time, and you will receive an exclusive decoration.

How to make a bow tie with your own hands

Any girl can buy a tie for her man in any men's accessories store. However, it is much more pleasant for the stronger sex to receive gifts made by oneself. Butterfly ties exist in different variations, but they all fall into two main categories:

  • classic elegant model a la tie, which is tied around the neck;
  • an accessory that is attached to the collar with a clip or a special fastener.

The shape of the bow tie is divided into four types:

  • classic, the width of which does not exceed six centimeters;
  • large bow ties with a width of eight centimeters;
  • butterfly diamonds in the shape of a rhombus;
  • models of ties with slightly rounded ends.

A girl can sew a butterfly with her own hands for a man with step-by-step instructions. It is necessary to decide which material is best suited for the accessory. If you use silk or velveteen, then the bow tie will have a prestigious and expensive look. A more economical option is polyester, which resembles satin models, or paper. In any case, the first bow tie should be made from inexpensive material so that you don’t worry if you fail. In order for the product to keep its shape, the fabric for manufacturing must be dense.

From paper

An excellent alternative to a paper tie can be a fabric tie if time is sorely lacking, and the accessory needs to be ready. If you use the origami technique, which does not require gluing and stitching, then you can quickly make a beautiful bow tie from a sheet of colored paper. To implement your plan, you need to take a sheet of square size, for example, 15x15 cm. It is better if the sides of the material differ from each other.

Instructions on how to sew a butterfly around your neck with your own hands:

  1. Turn the paper upside down, fold it horizontally, and then unfold it again.
  2. To the center line, bend each of the four corners in turn.
  3. Fold the top and bottom edges towards the center as well.
  4. Fold the workpiece in half, starting from left to right.
  5. Bend the corners that are located on the right to the center line and unbend.
  6. Straighten the product.
  7. Fold the center piece in half along the folds you created to make it inward.
  8. Bend the top layer of the left corner to the right, bending from the top right corner down.
  9. Fold the left side back so that the corners on the right and left match.
  10. Fold the top layer of the left corners to the center line.
  11. Bend the left corners to the center line.
  12. Gently straighten the workpiece, carefully straighten the central part.

How to make a fabric bow tie

The current part of formal wear - a tie - does not have to be bought for a lot of money. You can sew an accessory with your own hands, using pieces of unnecessary fabric. The decoration is suitable for both a child and an adult. Perhaps, when you manage to make a bow tie with your own hands once, you will want to replenish your wardrobe with a whole arsenal of these attributes for every outfit for your son or husband.

How to sew a butterfly

There are many ways to sew a fashionable bow tie. There are complex and simpler options that require a minimum needlewoman time. It is possible to create a bow tie without a machine, but if you have sewing equipment, it will be easier. You will need:

  • a suitable piece of fabric, preferably dense;
  • sewing machine or ordinary needle and thread;
  • ruler;
  • good cutting scissors;
  • button;
  • rubber band.

Instructions on how to sew a bow tie with your own hands:

  1. From the material, cut a square of a suitable size, then fold it in half, stitch along three edges.
  2. Unscrew the product, forming a butterfly with your fingers, fix the middle with a thread and sew with a piece of fabric.
  3. Sew an elastic band and a button to attach the tie around the neck to the tie. Choose the length of the rubber band based on the girth of the neck.

For boy

A bow tie is worn on a shirt for official events, for matinees or other celebrations. To sew a decoration for a four-year-old boy with your own hands, it is better to take a natural fabric of a dense texture - even cotton or linen is acceptable. For a bow tie you will need:

  • a piece of material measuring 2.5x4 cm;
  • a small piece of cotton with parameters 3x15 cm;
  • a piece of interlining 3x10 cm;
  • two pieces of cotton 3x10 cm;
  • a couple of pieces of Velcro;
  • spool of thread;
  • sewing machine.

Do-it-yourself bow tie is done like this:

  1. Fold the 3x10 cm patterns face to face and smooth the interlining on them.
  2. Sew on each side, and in one place leave a hole two centimeters in size.
  3. Unscrew the workpiece through the gap.
  4. Iron the resulting product, connecting the ends in the center with a zigzag seam.
  5. Fold the rectangular figure in half lengthwise with an indent of half a centimeter from the center, creating a line about one centimeter long.
  6. The strap must be sewn from patterns 2.5x4 cm, which are folded face to face.
  7. A piece of 3x15 cm is needed to create a long belt, which should be stitched along.
  8. Pass the belt through the belt with which to wrap the butterfly. Sew Velcro on the ends of the belt for fastening.

For a man

Butterfly tie looks spectacular on gentlemen. This accessory was not used so often a few years ago, but now it is back in fashion. Satin butterflies are especially popular. So, a do-it-yourself bow tie is made with the following materials:

  • two satin ribbons measuring 6 cm and 1 cm;
  • a set of seamstresses: threads, needles, scissors;
  • colorless varnish;
  • hooks as fasteners.

A bow tie for a man can be done like this:

  1. Take a wide ribbon of 6 centimeters and make stitches in the central part, tightening the thread after and giving the product the shape of a bow.
  2. According to the first example, create a second bow and glue the two blanks with glue, passing the thread at the fixation point.
  3. Attach hooks to a thin satin ribbon, and fasten the end of the ribbon to the slider. Thanks to this attribute, you can easily change the size of the circumference of a bow tie.
  4. Attach the ribbon to the finished bow tie with a thread and a needle.

Video: how to make a butterfly with your own hands

After spending a little time watching several videos, each girl will be able to give her boyfriend, husband or child a great handmade gift - a bow tie. Master classes provide detailed instructions on how to make a pattern correctly, stitch all the elements in sequence to get the desired product that will adorn any man.

On an elastic band

How to sew a butterfly with your own hands

From satin ribbon

We make paper butterflies with our own hands

A paper butterfly can become a decoration for walls or clothes, it is also suitable as a gift. These crafts are always in fashion and relevant for the holidays. Making a paper butterfly with your own hands is easy. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary tools and materials, learn a few secrets and turn on your own imagination.

Butterfly stencils for cutting

Openwork paper butterflies especially attract attention. They are beautiful and unusual, so they are perfect for decorating the room. To make such a product, you need a stencil. It is easy to do it yourself. To do this, a silhouette is drawn on the cardboard, and in the middle a drawing is created at its own discretion. First, the butterfly itself is cut out along the contour, and then the pattern inside. Thus, a stencil is obtained that can be used repeatedly. It is enough to attach it to paper of any color, circle and cut it out.

On a note! When making a stencil, we cut it out carefully, otherwise all the flaws will be constantly reflected in the finished products. To do this, it is convenient to use a small sharp knife. To add volume, you should not strictly adhere to symmetry. You can make the wings a little different, but not too conspicuous.

To date, the Internet has ready-made sketches of butterflies for cutting. First, they will have to be downloaded and printed, and then transferred to cardboard, as in the previous case.

Another option is to purchase ready-made stencils.

On a note! Openwork crafts will look more interesting if you cover it with glitter varnish.

Paper butterfly templates

In fact, the template is the same stencil. But sometimes they take an ordinary sketch for it, without an internal pattern. Templates are used similarly to stencils. They can be created manually by connecting fantasy.

There are ready-made templates on the Internet that will eliminate the need to show your artistic abilities.

Cut out the butterfly along the outline of the template

First, they need to be attached to the paper for the manufacture of the product, circle the outline, and then cut out along it. So you can make products of completely different sizes. It is recommended to involve children in the process, they will find this activity interesting.

On a note! With the help of such products, you can design a layout, decorate a wall, curtains, dot the floor with them, fill a vase. It will not be difficult for a person with unlimited imagination to find a use for them.

How to make an origami butterfly

A multilayer volumetric craft is obtained using the origami method.

Step by step the product will be performed as follows:

    The paper square is folded in half (horizontally and vertically) and then diagonally on both sides.

    The workpiece is folded into a triangle.

    The upper part of the triangle is bent towards the crown.

    The workpiece is turned over so that the top of the triangle looks down. Then it is bent so that it passes behind the base.

    The result will be a small end of the triangle that will peek out slightly. It is necessary to bend it and fix it with glue on the back.

The product is almost ready, it remains to be slightly modified to get the desired shape. To do this, the craft is bent in half on the side where the small triangle is located. Antennae can be made from wire.

It may not be possible to immediately understand the whole principle of action. For clarity, a step-by-step photo is presented.

The picture below shows how original the decoration turned out to be.

Using the origami method, you can make an accordion craft. For this you will need:

  • ultra-thin brush;
  • thread (depending on the idea);

The following sequence of actions is performed:

    A square sheet of paper is folded in half, resulting in a triangle.

    From the middle of the figure, you need to start creating an accordion by bending the material. Similar actions are repeated with another paper square.

    The resulting accordions are folded and wrapped in the center with a ruff. It is necessary that it serve not only as a fastening element, but also be used as antennae.

    "Wings" are slightly unfolded to make them larger in size.

The pictures below will help visualize the process of making such "accordions".

From the many such elements you can make a beautiful garland. To do this, they are connected by a thread that runs in the center of each craft.

Video: how to cut a paper butterfly

Below is a short video showing how to cut a paper butterfly.

And another video of making unusual crafts to decorate the wall

From paper, sometimes you can make unusual and beautiful things. To do this, the Internet is filled with master classes, video instructions and other material that will help in this craft. For those who do not want to start from the basics, ready-made templates are offered that greatly simplify the task. With the help of them, it is possible to create figures of flowers, turtles, cats and much more. In the future, products can be designed at your own discretion. Some use varnish for this, others use paints, and others paste over with a cloth. In this case, there is room for fantasy to roam. A paper butterfly is one of the simpler crafts that require a minimum of experience and time to complete.

Elena Kandakova

Dear friends and guests of my page, I propose volumetric butterfly master class, which the children and I did for collective work. I will write about this lesson in the next post. Now watch and try with us.

So, for us to work need:

colored paper in different colors,

simple pencil,

sample butterflies.

1. For the main template, take the cut out butterfly from a piece of old wallpaper.

2. Fold the template in half and circle it on a white sheet paper. us for butterflies you need to prepare three templates of different sizes. With dotted lines we draw the outline of a smaller template, stepping back from the edge of 0.5 cm.

3. Here's what we should get. Three templates for butterflies.

4. Templates in expanded form.

Another option with a big butterfly…

Colored tornado….

There are many ways to make a butterfly out of paper. Their diversity allows you to create a unique and stylish home interior with your own hands. For example, you can decorate a wall in a bedroom or living room in this way. The execution technique involves not only the use of paper, but also felt, vinyl records, cardboard, silk, organza, papier-mâché and other materials.

The advantages of working with paper are simplicity and speed of execution. It is much easier to work with such material than with vinyl, felt and other materials. Origami also has techniques for making butterflies that can be hung on the wall. If you have long dreamed of enlivening the interior, bringing notes of romance, spring and sunny mood into it, then make wonderful butterflies from plain paper with your own hands.

This lesson will not take you much time, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions. And the result will please not only you, but also the guests of your house.

Purpose and color

Before you start making butterflies, you need to decide what these handicrafts will be used for. You can attach them to the wall in a certain order to create a beautiful composition. But there are other options. For example, you can decorate flowerpots with indoor plants in this way, stick butterflies on furniture, for example, on a closet. An interesting look will be given to the room if you attach a voluminous butterfly to a curtain or curtain, giving the interior the colors of nature.

After you have come up with a concept, you should decide what color your products will be. We recommend using delicate, pastel or bright shades. There are ways that will allow you to make a butterfly from colored plain or multi-colored paper. To perform crafts using the origami technique, it is necessary to use special types of paper that make it easy to make paper figures.


To make a beautiful decoration, you need not only to choose the right color of paper, but also think about how you decorate the product.

It is best to do this with beads or sequins, which are extremely easy to work with. They can be attached to the craft using ordinary glue or sewn with threads. Beads and sequins look very gentle. In addition, it is possible to choose their different colors. On sale you can find mother-of-pearl beads, shiny sequins and many different decorations.

If you are going to decorate flowerpots with paper butterflies, then you need to provide a mount. It is convenient to stick the product on a stick, which can be easily inserted into a pot with soil.

Tools for the job

Depending on what technique you use, you need to purchase tools and materials. The origami technique requires only the presence of special colored or white paper. The rest is done by hand. Before you start making beautiful butterflies, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • different types of paper;
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • beads, sequins for decoration;
  • markers or paints;
  • wire for fixation;
  • threads.

After all the elements are prepared, you can start making butterflies. Any needlework requires inspiration and good mood. Everyone can create beautiful crafts with their own hands. The main desire. But without the knowledge of technology, too, can not do.

Origami technique

Origami is always made from square paper.

It is necessary to fold the square diagonally twice. After that, it needs to be deployed. You will see clear fold lines. Then you need to fold the paper in half vertically and horizontally. Anyone familiar with the origami technique knows that this is how the production of all figures begins. After that, the figure folds into a triangle, the sides of which can be easily bent. To do this, connect opposite sides of a sheet of paper. A similar double triangle is often used in the origami technique.

Let's start with the triangle. It is necessary to alternately bend the corners to the top on one of the sides of the triangle. After that, you should bend the side that is next to the folded corners. It remains to complete one step - straighten the wings. As you can see, it is quite simple to make a figure with your own hands using the origami technique. We recommend that you watch the detailed video instruction if you do not quite understand any of the points.

These butterflies will look wonderful if you hang them on the wall. You can arrange them in a wedge, cascade or in a chaotic manner. They bring a sense of lightness and romanticism to the interior of the house. True, there are not many options for their decor. In addition to decorating with beads and sequins, it is difficult to come up with other options. Such butterflies will perfectly decorate the wall in a room where the renovation is done in a minimalist style.

Easy way to make paper butterflies

The next method is more labor intensive. But you will have the opportunity to show your artistic abilities. You need to find images of butterflies that you like on the Internet. After that, you need to print pictures on the simplest printer. After that, you should attach the printed image to the cardboard and circle its outline. So a butterfly template is cut out of cardboard. You can make different patterns with your own hands, which will differ in shapes and sizes. The only rule is that the stencil must be symmetrical.

After that, you can start making paper butterflies with your own hands. It is necessary to cut out the figures using a stencil. If you want to attach them to the wall, then be sure to make figures of different sizes. Then the composition will come out more realistic and beautiful.

After that, the most interesting process begins - the decoration of butterflies. Unlike the origami technique, in this case there are more opportunities to make the figurine beautiful. You can decorate it to your liking using paints or markers. Try to create a realistic color. You can even try to recreate the colors that nature has awarded to various types of live butterflies.

After you decorate the figures, you need to glue their eyes. Beads or beads of dark color are suitable for this. If the paper butterfly is large enough, it is better to take plain black beads. As you can see, this process is very easy to do with your own hands. Then carefully bend the wings to give a realistic look. If you want to decorate a flowerpot with flowers, then glue the finished figure onto a thin stick or wire. To attach it to the wall, just grease the center of the figure with glue.

There are many options for making butterflies. Interesting products come out of plastic bottles, nylon, organza, felt and even the pages of color magazines. A little imagination, and you will create a wonderful decoration that will become not just an attribute of your home, but also a manifestation of individuality and a creative approach to interior design.

Butterflies made of paper will be a special addition to the decor of the walls and ceilings of the room or individual items and crafts (albums, postcards, flower arrangements, notebooks, and so on). There are many ways to create paper butterflies. The most popular of them are given in this master class.

Butterfly postcard

Take thick paper, colored on both sides. It is better not to take cardboard. It is inconvenient to work with him.

Fold the paper in half. In this lesson, the size of the workpiece after bending turned out to be 9x14 cm.

With a pointed pencil, draw the silhouette of a butterfly. Cut out the piece. This will be the main double part of the postcard on the spread of which you can write a wish.

Now you need to enrich the appearance of the craft.

Draw the silhouette of another butterfly, which should be 20-30 percent smaller than the previous one. Cut out this butterfly. She will be single.
Make another butterfly. Its size should roughly match the first butterfly, only it will be single.

Ready-made butterflies must be added to the postcard. To make the postcard look more voluminous, unfold the blank and bend the wings of one of the butterflies. Glue that single butterfly to it (also bend its wings), which is larger. And glue a small one on top of it (bend the wings quite a bit).

In the technique of quilling

To create a butterfly using the quilling technique, you will need:

  • strips of paper for quilling (you can use both special and office cut yourself);
  • glue;
  • quilling needle (you can use a skewer or a toothpick).

The process of creating a butterfly does not imply the use of any forms and elements in the quilling technique. It all depends on your personal wishes and preferences. You yourself have the right to choose the shape of the butterfly, its color and the elements of which it will consist.

For reference, we offer you a picture with the most common forms of quilling. Both closed and open elements are presented here.

To create a butterfly, you need to twist strips of paper with a quilling needle or an improvised device and give the shape the desired shape. Use glue to fasten all the elements.

Start making compound shapes from small to large, or from the center to the edges.

Butterfly decor can also be made according to individual wishes.

The pictures show options for finished butterflies, your butterflies may be completely different and exclusive.

openwork butterfly

To create an openwork paper butterfly you will need:

  • thick paper of the desired color (you can use half-cardboard or whatman paper);
  • mock knife;
  • scissors.

The first thing to do is print it on paper or draw a template (stencil) of a butterfly.

Using a breadboard knife, you need to cut out all the internal lines of the future butterfly.

The outer contour of the butterfly can be cut with both a breadboard knife and ordinary scissors.

Working with this option for making an openwork butterfly requires special care and caution. Start cutting from the middle, so it will be more convenient. Try to work out large areas first, then cut out small elements.

If desired, the finished butterfly can be glued onto paper in a contrasting color.

It can also be used to design voluminous postcards and scrapbooking albums.

And if you take a large layout and thick paper, then such butterflies are also suitable for decorating walls.

Butterflies on the wall

Butterfly stencils must be used to decorate walls and ceilings in the room. Depending on the idea, the number of necessary elements varies. Butterflies do not have to be the same size or color.

To create a panel, use two-color thick paper. First, sketch in a notebook an approximate plan for the panel (the number of elements in it and size), then make the necessary templates. And according to these patterns, start cutting out the required number of butterflies.

You can bend the wings of the butterflies before gluing them to the wall, but you can also leave them flat.

Origami butterfly

To create an origami butterfly, you need a little patience, a lot of desire and a paper square. For the ideal option, it is best to use double-sided paper, one color. You can choose the color according to your own preferences.

The process of creating a butterfly in the technique of origami.

It is necessary to bend the square along two diagonals. Iron the folds well.

Bend and unbend the square in half horizontally and vertically, do not forget to iron the bends.

It is necessary to fold the part at once along all the marked lines. It is necessary to bring together the two halves of the previously bent horizontal. Thus, two triangles should form at the top and bottom. It should be obtained by folding the part into a double triangle. For convenience, use the hints in the pictures.

Bend both corners alternately.

Now turn the resulting triangle upside down and bend up the located triangle at the bottom, as shown in the picture.

This manipulation must be done so that the curved triangle slightly extends beyond the edge of the base of the large triangle.

The last step will be to bend the origami butterfly wings as shown in the picture.

Butterflies are, without a doubt, the most beautiful insect on planet Earth. Agree that butterflies have the most unusual colors (more precisely, some representatives of a large family of butterflies). Thanks to the magnificent color, images of butterflies are used both on fabrics (to reproduce unusual prints), and for the design of a children's room, and for decorating all kinds of accessories. You can make a beautiful insect from different materials. For example, from leather, fabric, even metal. But, probably, the most familiar material for butterfly crafts is paper. We offer you to make a butterfly yourself from plain paper using the Japanese origami method.

  • So, for crafts, you can use plain white paper or colored paper.

You can choose the size for the craft yourself. We propose to make a butterfly out of A4 paper. Let's prepare the sheet.

To make a beautiful paper butterfly with your own hands, we need a square. You can get this figure in a simple way. It is enough to connect the edges of the paper so that a regular triangle is obtained. We cut off the excess piece of paper using scissors.

We have a square, one diagonal of which has a fold.

For further work, we need to bend the square along another diagonal. By the way, in order for the folds to be “clear” and even, you can walk along the place of the fold with a ruler.

Then fold the square in half again on each side. It should turn out as shown in the photo.

We fold the square so that we get a double triangle.

We turn the corners of one formed triangle and bend to the top.

Flip the triangle upside down. Then we bend the top of the triangle to the base so that the corner sticks out a little (this is the head of a butterfly).

Bend the butterfly in half in the center.

We bend the wings, holding the butterfly by the "torso".

That's all. Our paper butterfly is ready.

A butterfly made of paper can be left white (there is also such a type of butterfly) or painted as you wish. By changing the size of the side of the square, you can make small butterflies. You can use the resulting butterflies to decorate the interior of a children's room.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

The final look of the craft. Photo 4.