Postcards Happy New Year to a work colleague. Beautiful and original congratulations for clients and partners for the new year. Congratulations for all occasions

There are only a few days left before the New Year and many have already congratulated their work colleagues or business partners on the upcoming holiday, but for those who have not yet had time to do this, we offer you the best, most sincere New Year greetings for colleagues and partners , which we have collected from various sources and published on our website. You will find here the most diverse, and most importantly, unhackneyed congratulations on the New Year. These congratulations will not be ashamed to be written in a postcard to the director or sent by email to your business partner. You can also address these New Year's greetings to any of your familiar friends, as some of them are ideal for this, as they are universal.
We also suggest you use the voice greetings widget and send an original greeting to a work colleague, manager or business partner. The cost of the service with a discount is 139 rubles.

Best New Year greetings to colleagues

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2019! I wish you prosperity, good health, happiness and love! I sincerely hope that all our common successes and achievements will be multiplied in the coming year, and hardships and troubles will remain in the past. Let the coming 2019 be a year of great opportunities for you and the realization of the most ambitious plans! Peace, love and harmony to you and your families!

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year 2019 and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! With all my heart I want to wish you success and good luck in the new year, new ideas and right decisions, active creative activity! Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the upcoming 2019! Traditionally, the celebration of the New Year is associated with hope for the best and faith in the future. Celebrating this wonderful holiday, I wish you to remember all the good things in the past year and enter the next year with new creative aspirations. May the coming year justify your best hopes, strengthen your health, bring you and your loved ones success and prosperity.

On the eve of the coming year, I especially believe that our world should become better, kinder. I would like to hope that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and every family. I am sure that it is in our power to give our loved ones and relatives the most precious thing - this is warmth, understanding and love! I want to wish you great and good health and good luck! May the New Year help in the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, strengthen faith in the future, may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your families!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! Please accept my congratulations on the upcoming 2019 and wishes for rapid development and innovative breakthroughs for the implementation of your creative solutions. May the new year be a year of well-being, prosperity and success for you! We wish you good mood, good health, confidence and optimism! Happiness to you and your loved ones!

Dear colleagues, friends! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year holidays - New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas! I wish you success, good health and good mood, joy and optimism for the whole coming year! Let 2019 be the year of bright ideas, long-awaited changes, and significant events. May it bring peace and harmony, be generous in everything! May our friendly team grow stronger and good deeds multiply!

Dear colleagues, friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, which, I am sure, will bring a lot of new things to all of us. Something - irrevocably gone, something - will change, but something will remain the same. Let's hope for the best in any life situation and believe in good. Under the chiming clock, make a wish, and may it come true in the new year, even the most incredible! After all, on what other holiday do we sincerely believe in a miracle?!

Dear Colleagues! Please accept our most sincere and warmest congratulations on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! The outgoing year cannot be assessed unambiguously. For some, it has become a real test of strength, and for others, it has become a year of new opportunities, a year of completed projects and desires. It won't be long before 2018 becomes history. I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holiday!

We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We sincerely wish that in 2019 your innermost wishes come true, that your loved ones be healthy. May faith in the best never leave you, and may all your good undertakings be successful. Good health, love, happiness, comfort in the house and mutual understanding!

New Year's greetings from the head

Dear Colleagues! On New Year's Eve, we take stock of the past year and set goals for the next one. Everyone dreams, believes in a miracle and expects something magical from the new year. We associate our hopes for a new happiness with this holiday. For many, these are hopes for a more peaceful, secure, dignified life, for a better future for their children. Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May 2019 meet your wildest expectations, crown all good undertakings with success, bring stability and prosperity to every home and every family in our country, give warmth of human relations, the joy of family comfort and sincerity of feelings.

Colleagues! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! Everyone will probably agree that the outgoing 2018 was not an easy year for all of us. We hope that the coming 2019 will bring us more stability and confidence in the future. After all, the New Year is always new victories and new achievements! We wish you strength to achieve your goals and objectives, so that your interest in life and in your work never weakens! Health, good luck, happiness, light and warmth to you, your relatives and friends!

I congratulate you on the upcoming 2019 and the bright holiday of Christmas! Let the successes and achievements of the outgoing year become a reliable foundation for new achievements in the coming year. May the new year bring happiness, peace and prosperity, our common work will bring glory and greatness to our Russia. I wish good health, happiness, fulfillment of all desires to you and your loved ones!

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas! May the outgoing year bring to all of us that particle of invaluable experience, that stage of new achievements that will allow us to take new heights next year and achieve better business results. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for our long-term and fruitful cooperation, and also wish everyone good health, prosperity, good luck and fulfillment of desires!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas - the warmest and brightest holidays! May peace, harmony and goodness enter your home with them! May the coming year be generous with success and achievements, bring creative inspiration and fruitful creative work, good luck in all good undertakings for the benefit of our Motherland! I wish good health, happiness, prosperity to you, your family and friends!

Dear Colleagues! I am glad to congratulate you on the most long-awaited and joyful holiday - the New Year! For all of us, 2018 was not an easy year, but full of events and filled with hard work. On the whole, the outgoing year has been successful and positive. We have created a serious foundation for the future, and today we are united by the confidence that the New Year will bring only good changes. I am confident that this cooperation will develop fruitfully and remain a reliable guarantor of continued success in all matters. I wish that in the coming year all the most cherished dreams come true, and success accompanies all business! Health to you, your family and friends, happiness, family well-being and, of course, to everyone - good luck!

Dear Colleagues! Everyone's favorite holiday is approaching - the New Year! Everywhere - in the family circle and in the work team - feeling its approach, we become a little kinder and more attentive to each other, forgive past insults and, like children, dream about the future, make wishes and believe in their fulfillment. The outgoing year has brought something of its own to each of us – new victories and joys, meetings and discoveries. Of course, there were disappointments, mistakes and disappointments, but they gave us new experience and made us stronger. So let's take only good things with us in the New Year, and leave everything bad in the outgoing year. I believe that in the coming year together we will achieve new successes in increasing the potential of our company. With all my heart I want to wish everyone warmth and comfort in their homes, love, joy, care and understanding of loved ones. Happiness to you in the new year! New successes, bright victories and achievements!

Official congratulations to partners on the New Year in prose

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! May 2019 be a year of well-being, prosperity and success for you! We wish you good mood, good health, confidence and optimism! Happiness to you and your loved ones! We also look forward to further beneficial cooperation with you.

Dear partners, colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year holidays - New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas! I wish you success, good health and good mood, joy and optimism for the whole coming year! Let the coming year be a year of bright ideas, long-awaited changes, and significant events. May it bring peace and harmony, be generous in everything! Let our cooperation and friendship grow stronger, good deeds multiply!

Dear colleagues and partners! I am glad to congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - the New Year! I am confident that our partnership relations will develop fruitfully and remain a reliable guarantor of continued success in all matters. I hope that in 2019 our cooperation will be mutually beneficial and fruitful! I would also like to wish that the coming year for all of us will become a time of new achievements, a time of stability and self-confidence. Health to you, your family and friends, happiness, family well-being and, of course, to everyone - good luck!

Dear colleagues and partners! Congratulations on the upcoming 2019! I express my deep gratitude to everyone for the trust and fruitful cooperation. I hope that next year our partnerships will become even stronger and our cooperation more fruitful. May this new year bring prosperity and well-being to each of you. Health, happiness and love to you and your loved ones!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year 2019 and the bright holiday of Christmas. I wish you fresh strength for new achievements, creative success in your professional activities, family harmony, well-being, true friends and reliable partners in good deeds!

Dear partners, please accept our sincere congratulations on the New Year and Christmas.

We wish the New Year to be a year of flourishing and prosperity, that new milestones in life be overcome with ease and ease, that all dreams come true in the coming year! Success in professional activities, reliable partners, achievement of goals, good health, happiness and family well-being!

Dear colleagues, partners! On the eve of the upcoming New Year, I would like to recall all the good things that happened in our partnership relations. I think that our cooperation was quite successful and fruitful, and I hope that next year we will maintain our beneficial relations. I wish you great success and grandiose opportunities, health and prosperity! Happy New Year!

Dear partners, colleagues, friends! We sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! Let everything new that comes into your life become the basis of a reliable partnership and business, successful and dynamic development. We wish you that the upcoming 2019 will meet all your expectations!
Thank you for being with us this year!

Universal congratulations on the New Year in prose

Friends! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Let's all leave all grievances, anxieties and sorrows in the old year and enter the new year with new hopes and joyful expectation of a miracle. With all my heart I wish everyone to celebrate this holiday in the circle of the closest people, and may all the wishes come true to the sound of New Year's glasses in 2019, may the New Year bring with it everything that each of you dreams of! Happiness, health, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the coming New Year!
New Year is one of the most beloved and long-awaited, joyful and sincere holidays. From early childhood, we associate it with the belief in a miracle, in the fact that the most cherished dreams will become a reality. Let's do good deeds, say kind words to loved ones, show care, respect and support.
On the eve of the New Year, I wish you that everything that upsets you remains in the past, and all good things find their continuation in the coming year. May comfort, peace of mind always reign in your homes, and the festive mood does not leave you all year! Happy New Year! Be happy!

Friends! Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the coming New Year 2011 and Merry Christmas! New Year is the brightest and most beautiful, solemn and cheerful holiday. May the coming year be more successful, richer and kinder than the outgoing one. I wish you all good health, great happiness, new successes in your work, inexhaustible energy, peace and prosperity. Let love inspire you, hope gives you strength, and faith warms your soul!

Dear friends! I congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas! On the eve of the New Year, we make plans for the future, wish each other the very best. Let me also wish you health and happiness, peace and prosperity. May the warmest, most sincere wishes sound in every house on New Year's Eve, and may they all come true! May the New Year bring you and your loved ones good health, great happiness and prosperity!

Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! These holidays are associated with the brightest feelings, good hopes, the fulfillment of innermost desires and the desire for new heights. May good luck invariably accompany you in the new year, and may all the most daring plans and ideas come true! Good health, peace, kindness and prosperity to you and your family!

On this most wonderful, kindest and long-awaited holiday of the year, I would like to wish, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. After all, on what other holiday do we so sincerely believe in miracles and magic? Let the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood. Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful, and minor troubles. May all your plans come true, health will not fail, and loved ones will always be there! Happy New Year!

Dear friends! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. and Merry Christmas! Everyone knows that the New Year is a time of expectations and hopes. So let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year will certainly find their successful continuation in the coming year, may 2019 bring prosperity and well-being to each of you. Health, happiness and love to you and your loved ones!

If you ask every Russian what holiday he considers the most important, 9 out of 10 people will probably answer that this holiday is the New Year. The advent of the New Year is really a national holiday, which is celebrated by small children, the elderly, and single, and family people. On the eve of New Year's Eve, on each television channel, famous people and politicians congratulate people, business owners send New Year 2019 postcards to employees, colleagues, partners and organizations, and ordinary citizens prepare the New Year's table and remember all close and distant acquaintances who need to be congratulated on the New Year . And the easiest way to congratulate colleagues and friends on the holiday is to send them beautiful cards Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig and Merry Christmas with sincere wishes in verse and prose. It is these postcards that are collected on our website, and here all guests can download beautiful and funny postcards for the New Year of the Pig to work colleagues and friends, as well as greeting cards with official congratulations.

  • Postcards to colleagues Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig and Merry Christmas
  • Postcards Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues, partners and organizations
  • Cool postcards Happy New Year 2019 to work colleagues
  • Beautiful postcards to colleagues Happy New Year 2019 Year of the Pig
  • Postcards with congratulations in verse to colleagues Happy New Year
  • Postcards to colleagues Happy New Year 2019 with official congratulations

Postcards with congratulatory inscriptions Happy New Year 2019 Pigs and Merry Christmas

For many Russians, the New Year holidays begin on December 31 and end after Christmas, and people perceive the week between the New Year and Orthodox Christmas as a winter holiday vacation. For the period from January 1 to January 7, 2019, some Russians have already bought tickets to ski resorts or tropical countries in order to celebrate the 2 most important holidays in a fun and unusual way.

And since New Year and Christmas are inseparable in the perception of many people, it is not surprising that Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig and Christmas greeting cards are very popular. Such cards, as a rule, are sent to friends, distant relatives and good acquaintances on the eve of the New Year holidays, complementing beautiful pictures with wishes to have a great New Year and have a good rest on holidays.

A selection of greeting cards Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas

Happy New Year 2019 official cards to colleagues, partners and organizations

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to congratulate not only relatives and friends, but also people with whom business cooperation has been established. Therefore, on December 30 or 31, or on the last working day before the New Year's holiday, HR departments send official New Year 2019 cards to colleagues, partners and organizations. And if earlier such cards were sent by mail or by courier, in recent years, business partners are increasingly congratulated through the e-mail service.

The best cards Happy New Year 2019 for colleagues and business partners

Funny and funny cards Happy New Year 2019 to work colleagues

While official cards are sent to business partners and colleagues from other departments, people who work shoulder to shoulder in the same office congratulate each other less formally. For example, it would be a great idea to send funny and cool New Year 2019 cards to work colleagues with whom you have established friendly relations.

The coolest postcards Happy New Year 2019 for colleagues

Beautiful postcards to colleagues Happy New Year 2019 with congratulations in the Year of the Pig

The upcoming 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, so beautiful postcards for colleagues Happy New Year 2019 in the year of the Pig should be selected taking into account the preferences of the patron animal. And the best greeting cards for this New Year will be pictures with the image of a pig and wishes for the favor of the Boar.

The most beautiful postcards Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig to colleagues and friends

Flickering cards for colleagues Happy New Year with congratulations in verse

Each employee will surely be pleased to receive beautiful flickering cards for colleagues Happy New Year in verse. Pictures of gifs with beautiful congratulatory texts in verse or prose will give a feeling of a holiday and a New Year's fairy tale, and their flicker will remind you of shiny New Year's toys on the Christmas tree.

Postcards gifs with congratulations on the New Year in verse

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Commotion, holidays and fun are coming. And with that comes the season for choosing gifts. Oh, how difficult it is sometimes to remember everything and everyone, and take into account the wishes and tastes of everyone in order to please with a present. But! Whatever the surprise, one thing remains the same! You need to prepare a congratulation in advance. And the most unusual option - New Year's cards 2019! No, not just a traditional image on paper. We offer a new, extraordinary, creative approach!

Do you want your postcards with congratulations on the New Year 2019 to stand out and have an individual original character? And our team is ready to actively help you with this! We have prepared in advance for the arrival of guests and we have something to interest!

It's time to talk about the novelties of the season. So, how will our virtual world surprise you? The brightest and most positive buns of our entertainment site:

  • non-standard modern gift - a virtual New Year and Christmas card. What is it, with what and how to give it.
  • Bright cool design - a stylish New Year's present.
  • Congratulatory text - a wish from the heart (various options for all occasions).
  • A timely offer to each guest is to download free postcards for the Year of the Pig.
And now about all the unusual and healthy things in more detail!

virtual postcard

Thanks to such a simple thing as a virtual postcard, it is impossible to "forget" or congratulations. In the morning or in the evening, in advance or at the last moment, on the eve or with the ringing of chimes, be that as it may, but Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the year of the Pig, will greet your dear person on your behalf! They will give him a good mood and show that you are an attentive person.

What is unusual and what are the other advantages of this type of gift: always at hand, beautiful design, relevant for Christmas and New Year, high quality photos and pictures, you can present it to different people. All these pluses give great opportunities that you can use at any time!

Stunning festive design in a virtual New Year's card

That's what we have devoted a lot of time and effort to - design! We selected only the most interesting pictures, where the Christmas tree, the pig and the snowman look funny. So that, looking at these cute pictures, the mood instantly rises!

Somewhere Photoshop came to the rescue, somewhere our imagination, good taste and creative intuition. We were looking for something that would decorate this winter day, give the mood of the holiday and wrap it in the comfort of kindness. The main thing is that behind all these our efforts and aspirations, there is a desire to help you be original so that your gift is appreciated.

Congratulations for all occasions

Soon NG. And, as usual, making a long list so as not to forget any friends or acquaintances will take much more time than we would like. And, if we remember that in our country this holiday has a habit of coming twice, in the form of the New and Old Years, then a completely reasonable question arises: how to do everything in time? How not to forget to congratulate both colleagues and parents?

And everything is so simple! On our website, this moment is also provided. The pictures are accompanied by a congratulatory inscription. Here are warm, heartfelt words for your loved ones, and sincere, emotionally generous compliments to friends. There are stylish, restrained, official, cheerful, and even playful appeals, parting words and greetings.

We have foreseen any life situation. This should help quickly, without even making an arbitrary list, to present a great surprise with an original idea. Such a congratulation will not take much time, but it will give a lot of pleasant emotions to both you and the one to whom you present such a creative virtual postcard.

An offer you can't refuse

Now, after you have learned about all the advantages of such a cool and versatile gift as pictures, where a snowman, Santa Claus and all the other heroes of winter fun will rush to fill the celebration with brightness, we make you a wonderful offer!

Visit our entertainment resource, download online pictures and send them to your friends! Give gifts to yourself too, because you can make some images your desktop wallpaper. And let these bright New Year's days be filled with special comfort!

2018 is coming to an end - a busy, eventful and fruitful year. It is necessary to congratulate the people who have become your second family this year and a reliable support in the common cause - colleagues and business partners. It is very important to pay attention to all those with whom you achieved joint success in the outgoing year and on whom future accomplishments depend. The congratulations to colleagues, partners and clients for the New Year 2019 presented to your attention provide an excellent opportunity to thank them once again for successful cooperation and reliable support in the common cause.

After all, the festive mood in the office comes not when the president congratulates us from the TV screens, but with the first New Year's card that appears on the secretary's desk. New Year's greetings to partners and clients should be correct, appropriate, extremely polite, without subtle hints and jokes that can be misunderstood. And may your official New Year wishes be the most sincere and sincere!

Congratulations for partners and clients Happy New Year 2019

Dear our clients!

We have the honor to congratulate you on the New Year 2019!

Traditionally, the New Year is associated with hopes for the best in our lives. Let the positive phenomena that bring you joy and inspiration in the outgoing year will certainly find continuation in the new one. May this year further strengthen your faith in a happy future for you, may every day only good luck accompany you this year, leading along the beaten path to the desired goal. May indestructible peace and harmony, mutual understanding and respect, goodness and prosperity reign in your life.

May success and well-deserved recognition be your faithful companions in 2019. We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, useful contacts and pleasant discoveries, the implementation of new projects and the conquest of new heights.

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the New Year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, wish you health, success and prosperity to you and your families. So that in the new year there are new victories and achievements, the most cherished desires come true. And we will continue to help you reach your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and the achievement of your goals. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

Happy New Year! Let your product quickly find a market, be in demand and supply. And it will be able to compete sensibly with similar enterprises. I want to be the first in my business.

Happy New Year. We wish you a successful present and promising future. May the new year be successful and profitable for your organization. Let the work go smoothly and confidently throughout the year, let every new day be marked by high results and achievements.

Happy New Year! From the first days of the new year, we wish you a confident start to a great victory, to an important goal, to a grandiose success. And let your companions in the new year be perspective, profit, luck, profit, confidence, activity, professionalism and skill.

Dear friends! Our company is glad to wish you a Happy New Year from the bottom of our hearts! We hope to continue our cooperation and good relations next year. We promise to do everything for your comfort, and so that you would be just as pleased to cooperate with us as we are with you! We wish you delightful holidays full of miracles and gifts, a magical New Year's mood, a pleasant atmosphere and the fulfillment of all your desires! Always with you, (company name).

Colleagues, Happy New Year of the Pig. I would like to wish you to always find a way out of any situation, to achieve success and recognition of your talent with every business. May the coming year bring a lot of opportunities, ideas and good luck, may every day be a day of professionalism and significant achievement.

I would like to wish everyone this New Year an easy overcoming of working difficulties, friendly and generous customers (customers), constant bonuses and profitable deals. We wish you easy work, and the results of your work are very significant.

Happy holidays, friends! We hope that our business relations will only strengthen in the new year, bringing fabulously high profits to both parties. Let success accompany all undertakings, and work satisfaction knows no bounds! Further development and achievement of a high level of excellence!

New Year's Eve is filled with pleasant chores and deeds to be completed before the holidays. By tradition, many enterprises and organizations hold corporate parties for their employees - with feast toasts, dances, surprise gifts. In addition, on New Year's Eve it is customary to congratulate each other with beautiful postcards, sending them by regular or e-mail. Our collection contains the most colorful cards for the New Year 2019 - cool pictures with comic inscriptions in verse to colleagues, official congratulations to business partners in heartfelt prose. Here you can choose some twinkling GIFs to make your employees happy for New Year of the Pig and Christmas Eve.

Happy New Year 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig and Merry Christmas Greeting Cards

New 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig is already on the threshold, and very soon we will plunge into the unique atmosphere of the holiday. We offer a choice of the most beautiful greeting cards Happy New Year 2019 and Christmas to send to colleagues at work, as well as relatives and friends, friends and classmates.

Collection of cards with congratulations for the New 2019 Year of the Pig and Christmas

Pictures and cards Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues, partners and organizations

For many, the New Year is traditionally associated with the fulfillment of desires, plans and hopes. So, it is best to prepare bright pictures and postcards for the New Year 2019 for colleagues, business partners and organizations in advance, and send them on the eve of the holiday. Such beautiful congratulations in postcards can be supplemented with words of gratitude for fruitful cooperation.

How beautiful it is to congratulate a colleague, business partner on the New Year with a postcard

Cool postcards to colleagues for congratulations on the New Year 2019

On the eve of the New Year 2019, many enterprises and organizations work in an enhanced "emergency" mode, because a series of weekends and holidays is coming soon. However, employees find time to exchange beautiful virtual postcards with cool inscriptions and wishes. Here you can download funny postcards for colleagues Happy New 2019 Year of the Pig for free to send by email.

Photo gallery of cool cards for the New Year 2019 for colleagues

Beautiful GIF cards for colleagues with the New 2019 Year of the Pig

The New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) is approaching, and now it's time to prepare gifts and congratulations - to relatives, colleagues and friends. So, with special warmth and sincerity, we congratulate our colleagues on New Year's holidays, next to whom we spend a significant part of our lives. Today you can send beautiful postcards with the New Year of the Pig 2019 - colleagues will be delighted with twinkling gif pictures depicting traditional holiday attributes.

A selection of beautiful twinkling GIFs for the New Year 2019

Holiday cards for colleagues Happy New Year 2019 with inscriptions in verse

The New Year is an excellent occasion to take a break from the harsh working days by congratulating colleagues with beautiful postcards or pictures. Holiday postcards with the New Year 2019 will definitely cheer up colleagues, and touching inscriptions-wishes in verse will penetrate the soul and warm you with warmth.

Options for New Year's greeting cards with poems for colleagues

Official congratulations in postcards to colleagues on the New Year 2019

Congratulations to employees on the holidays in a solemn atmosphere has long become a good tradition at many enterprises. So, colleagues will be pleased to receive beautiful postcards on behalf of the management for the New Year 2019 - with official congratulations in prose and poetry.

We choose a postcard with official congratulations for the New Year to a colleague

In the presented collection you will find the most beautiful postcards for the New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas - to work colleagues, business partners of an organization or enterprise. So, colleagues can exchange cool New Year's gifs with an inscription in verse among themselves. For an official congratulation on behalf of the management, a more strict greeting card with sincere lines of wishes to employees for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) is perfect.