Perfect lip shaping with a pencil. How to paint lips: lip makeup options

The main accent in makeup is most often the eyes, and many girls do not know how to properly paint their lips. A simple application of lipstick will not give the desired effect of increasing the volume of the lips, moreover, it will be unevenly distributed over the surface and quickly washed off.

To make up the lips correctly and create sensual makeup, it is necessary to apply a pencil. Its role in creating an impeccable make-up can hardly be overestimated: the pencil models the shape of the lips, does not allow cosmetics to spread onto the skin, and is sometimes even used instead of lipstick. To pencil, you must first carefully prepare the skin.

Preliminary preparation

There are a few simple secrets, which will help to significantly increase the durability of lipstick and pencil, ensure uniform application and do not take much time. Their essence is this:

  • Do not apply cosmetics to unprepared skin. The first layer is to apply the foundation for makeup, it will smooth out small cracks and bumps, make the surface even and smooth. You can use regular primer instead Foundation, but its layer should be very thin, barely noticeable. The best way to apply foundation is with a sponge.

  • The second step is to apply a small amount of powder. It helps to keep the lipstick on the face longer.
  • Before you start drawing the outline, you need to hold the pencil in your hands for a while and warm it up. So the lines will be smoother, and the pencil itself will go softer.

Rules for choosing and applying a pencil

A contour pencil must be chosen in the same color as lipstick or a tone darker. It is best to start drawing the contour from the upper lip, or rather from its center, moving smoothly to the corners of the mouth, then you can paint the lower lip as well. To make the color richer and brighter, you can paint over the entire surface with a liner with a thick rod. This makes the transition between lipstick and pencil invisible, as natural as possible.

To give additional volume will help drawing the contour a few millimeters further than the natural line. But you should not remove the contour by more than 1-2 mm, otherwise the makeup will turn out to be sloppy and unnatural.

The use of eyeliner to create a contour should be abandoned only for those girls whose lips are too large and require visual reduction. Then they should just be painted with lipstick, not reaching inner corners mouth. To correct the corners, you can use foundation.

There are other disadvantages that cause a lot of inconvenience to girls. The imperfect shape of the lips can cause various kinds of complexes and self-doubt, although knowledge simple rules how to correct the outline with a pencil can quickly fix the situation.

Shape correction with a pencil

Not everyone is lucky to have by nature perfect shape lips, however, any imperfections can be corrected if the pencil is applied correctly. Application options are as follows:

  • If the corners of the mouth are strongly lowered down, paint the lips thin eyeliner necessary, without reaching the corners, leaving them unpainted. The contour of the upper lip should be painted one millimeter higher than the natural one.
  • wide nose or round face become much less noticeable if the upper lip is painted more intensively than the lower.
  • With different thicknesses of the lips, a narrower lip should be painted, going 1-2 millimeters beyond the contour.
  • An overly elongated face will help correct a wider lip contour.

The pencil is indispensable tool in the makeup bag of any girl, one has only to learn how to use it correctly, and makeup of any level of complexity will become available. The simple use of a pencil to create a contour is known to absolutely everyone. Every girl at least once in her life drew a lip contour. Someone did it well, someone worse, but the principle of application is not a secret. But the secrets of using a liner with a thick rod instead of lipstick remain a mystery to many.

Learning to draw lips:z

1. Draw lips using simple outlines

To draw beautiful lips you will first need to make a simple markup, in the form of three parallel lines. Do exactly the same as in my drawing, just keep in mind that the farther the small lines are from the main line, the thicker the lips in the drawing will be.
In this figure, the distance between the upper and lower lines is 4 cm, the length of the central line is 13 cm, the length of short lines is 3 cm.

2. Lips return to their original shape

Using step by step method drawing, even without knowing how to draw, you can draw very beautiful lips. You will see this at the end of this lesson. In the meantime, continue drawing the lips and connect short dashes, forming the corners of the lips.
Look, we can already say that you were able to draw lips.

3. Lips get real shape

It would be too easy to draw if all the lines in the portrait could be drawn with a ruler. You will have to use a little imagination and draw a "real" shape of the lips, divide the upper lip with a "heart" into two parts. You should reduce the upper contour of the lip, and increase the lower one, on the contrary.

4. How to draw the dividing line of the lips

First, erase the old markup with an eraser, and look at the lips almost like "real". But you still need to draw a dividing line between the lips. To do this, almost repeat the contour of the upper lip to the main dividing line, slightly stretching its central part - the "heart". It is desirable to do this exactly as in my drawing. Do not rush to remove the marking line from the drawing. She will not hurt to draw lips. Resulting from the intersection of the lines of fate, just shade with a soft with a simple pencil.

5. The lip drawing is almost finished

To make the lip pattern realistic, you need to make the lip pattern voluminous. Volume is done with shadows, so apply light shadows around the edges of the lips and where they meet. Perhaps you will cut out the lips with colored pencils, then this can be done at this step.
If you decide to draw lips with a simple pencil, then you need to complete one more step.

6. How to draw human lips. Shadows

A person's lips have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when they smile. To accurately and beautifully draw lips, draw these "little things". After that, apply the shadows with a soft pencil and your drawing is now completely finished.
Now I hope you will agree with me that drawing a person's lips in stages is quite simple.

How to draw lips with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out the leading lines for the elements of the face and hair.
Step two. Let's draw the eyes, lips and teeth.
Step three. Let's add shading on the face and lips in order to show the shadows, this is a portrait after all.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines and correct the contours. It should turn out like this:

Step 1.

Draw the outlines of the lips as shown in the picture.

Step 2

Start darkening your lips.

Step 3

Darken your lips.

Step 4

Continue sketching and darkening the lips.

Step 5

Use a pencil to darken.

Step 6

And add a darkening area of ​​skin around the mouth.

The mouth and lips are a very interesting part of the face. I'll show you some highlights and give you a little overview of how to draw lips and mouth.

First, let's draw lines through the lips that describe the volume of the mouth. You see - the red lines go around all the volumes of the lips. Pay attention that upper lip usually darker than the bottom, as less light falls on it. Here we have a convex lower lip, so more light falls on it, it is completely light. Don't forget the shadows at the corners of the mouth! The corners of the mouth are often "recessed" into the cheeks, so we highlight them with dark ones.

In this picture, I've marked in purple the most shaded areas of the upper lip. As a rule, the entire upper lip is darker than the lower lip, but the purple areas are especially dark.
In these places, the lip especially goes inward, at a large angle.
This technique helps us focus on the specific curve of the lips, see the illustration below.

Here I conditionally divided the lips into 5 parts.
Pay attention to the small central piece - this is the so-called "cupid's bow".
This is very important distinguishing feature lips, always mark it when you want to personalize the drawing, the cupid's bow can be very different for people!

Let's move on to the lower lip: in orange, I marked the shaded areas, which are more ember "deep" in the cheeks and stick out less.
But all the same, the lower lip will be lighter than the upper one, because its main surface is turned up and forward - towards the light.

And here I marked in green the necessary shadows that are always present near the mouth.
They represent the facial muscles surrounding the mouth. Mouth and lips - not just stuck on a flat face! They must be "entered", not forgetting the total volumes.
These shadows are not too deep, but nevertheless under lower lip and in the corners of the mouth must certainly be present.

And here, pay attention to the light areas around the perimeter of the lips!
It's small but important detail, the potterist should not forget about her.
This is the most protruding "edge" of the lips, as a rule, it stands out quite strongly and is not colored. Neither a beard nor a mustache grows in these places, and for dark-skinned people this edge is even more noticeable.
This edge stands out most strongly when the shadows fall, in the language of the pilots - at 5 o'clock (that is, the light falls from above, slightly to the left).

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1. Make a sketchy outline of the lips.

2. Fix the shaded areas on the upper and lower lip with hatching, select the light areas on the sides of the lower lip and on the upper one at the mouth line.

3. Work on hatching. Do not forget about the edge of the lips and facial muscles that need to be outlined. Shade the dark corners of the mouth.

Start by drawing a slanted line that will be used to separate the two faces.

Step 2

Now we need to sketch out the shape of the man's mouth as you see above and then move on to the next step.

Step 3

Now you have to sketch out the female lips as shown in the picture. Chin and lips should touch.

Step 6

When you're done, your kiss drawing should look like this. I hope you enjoyed this lesson on how to draw a kiss.

P.s. lips too :)

Step 1.

To draw lips, you need to imagine how they are arranged. First, let's draw a simple sketch that looks like a seed.

Step 2

The upper lip consists of three parts - a convex middle and two parts on the sides.

Step 3

The lower lip is also divided into two symmetrical halves.

Step 4

Let's start shading

Step 5

On both parts of the upper lip we will strengthen the shadows, draw shadows under the lower lip, in the corners of the mouth and a hollow above the upper lip.


A smile is drawn for a very long time, but you can draw it with the help of these step-by-step pictures. And so, we draw lines on the sketch of our smile, then we draw the shape of the lips and the lines inside for the teeth.

Ugly, brr :D

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the first stage

I make a pencil sketch of marking B. The pencil can be both 2B and 4B - this is not very important, since almost all B-marking pencils are suitable for sketching.

The sketch turned out to be quite simple, consisting of only a few lines. It should not contain anything superfluous. In general, the first drawing steps in the lessons on how to draw eyes and how to draw lips are almost identical to each other. First, a sketch is made, and then shading.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the second and third stages

At the second stage, I do a light shading on the sketch and wipe the contours of the lips with an eraser, because it is almost impossible to make a feather and not go beyond the contours. Do not forget to wipe the sketch a little and outline the lips in more detail.

Of course, you need to leave the light areas of the lips without shading.

I start drawing the lips with pencils of group H. At the third stage, even after a slight drawing, the volume of the lips begins to be seen. So I'm doing everything right. Also, with a darker pencil, I draw the corners of the mouth and the line between the upper and lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the fourth stage

At the fourth stage of the lesson on how to draw lips with a simple pencil, I already draw the lips in detail, leaving light areas. It is important to draw with semicircular strokes - these are the structural features of the lips that I mentioned above.

Also, in the fourth step, I draw shadows around the lips. More attention should be paid to the shadow under the lower lip - this will give the lips the desired volume. We should not forget about the shadow above the upper lip, but it should be lighter than the shadow under the lower lip.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil: the last fifth stage

The final, fifth stage, I finish the drawing. In principle, after four stages, the lips look pretty good anyway - they have volume, both the lips themselves and the corners of the mouth are well drawn, but still, I would work on them a little more. I need to tidy up the shadows around the lips and the shadows on the lips themselves, because the light falls on my right side, and therefore, the lips on the left side should be darker. Also, you need to draw a shadow over the so-called "Cupid's bow" - this is a pretty hollow on the upper lip.

On this page you can see the instructions on how to draw one of the main face serts in stages with a pencil. We are talking about such a part as lips. This page presents a way to draw plump lips with a pencil in several stages.

How to draw lips with a pencil step by step? First we will draw the plump lips of Scarlett Johansson. Let's take this photo as an example:

Here Scarlett is depicted half-turned, or ¾. We draw the outlines of the upper lip of the actress. Let's use an HB pencil.

Then draw the bottom lip. We draw parted lips, so it is necessary to leave some free space between the lips, where the teeth will appear in the future.

I decided to draw the tip of the nose. You can do this too if you wish. We draw the front teeth.

How to draw lips with a simple pencil?

Now you can start shading the lips. We cover the drawing with a uniform stroke. We also hatch the teeth, since they cannot be absolutely white in the picture.

Now, looking at the photo, we condense the stroke on some parts of the lips and adjacent areas. Simply put, we look at where the darkest places are in the photo and darken them in the picture.

Now let's take a softer pencil, for example, 3B. We put strokes in the shape of the lips.

Gradually we draw more and more shadows in the corners of the mouth, in the open space between the lips, in the dog's fossa (the so-called small depression between the nose and upper lip).

If you drew a nose, then it should also be darkened.

And finally, we pick up the softest pencil (I have it 8B), and put the final touches - we cover the darkest parts of the drawing. Compare your drawing with a photograph as often as possible, try to accurately convey the features of the lips. So, we have learned how to draw the lips of a girl.

I’ll warn you right away that drawing an open smile with teeth is more difficult than closed lips. If you are just learning to draw, start with a simpler drawing. And then try to draw the smiling lips of Angelina Jolie in stages.

We draw the outlines of the upper lip and mark the location of the lower one.

We finish the upper lip and start drawing the lower one.

The bottom lip is ready.

With two lines inside the mouth, I marked the size of Angelina's teeth.

We mark the width of each tooth in small segments. Don't draw too many of them. 6 left and 6 right will be enough. Otherwise, the actress can turn into Godzilla ...

The two front teeth are the widest, the rest are smaller.

And now we mark the lower teeth. They are not visible in all smiling people, because everyone's smiles are very different. Angelina Jolie's lower teeth are quite visible, as she has a big mouth and she smiles widely.

When a person smiles, folds are bound to form around the mouth. I drew a nose and two such folds.

Now we shade the drawing of the lips. As in the previous case, first evenly cover the image with an even stroke using a hard-soft pencil.

Then, looking at the photo, darken the skin in some places.

Take a 3B or 4B pencil and start drawing the shadow under the nose and above the upper lip.

Now darken the gums. They should be darker than the tone of the lips, as they are in the shadow of the lips.

The lower teeth are one tone darker than the upper ones, as less light hits them. The boundaries between the teeth should not be outlined too brightly, otherwise it will seem that there are large gaps between Jolie's teeth or the teeth are damaged.

It remains to draw a shadow under the lower lip, thereby emphasizing the volume - the actress has rather plump lips. We gradually drew a smile with a pencil.

How to draw male lips? I propose to draw the lips of the famous French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo.

We draw the contours of the lips. The actor's lips are quite wide and elongated horizontally.

If you look closely at the lips, you can always see thin folds on them. With a sharpened pencil, draw these folds according to the shape of the lips. In this photo, the actor is about 50 years old. Accordingly, there are age wrinkles near the lips. We note their location.

Now let's start shading. Fill the entire drawing with strokes in one direction.

On top we shade the darker areas of the lips, creating volume. To draw realistic lips, you need to show their volume. A simple pencil will help us.

We take a soft pencil (for example, 4B). With it, we create the depth of the picture. We shade the upper lip. We put strokes, emphasizing its shape. We darken the place where the lips meet each other with a stripe.

Now we shade the lower lip. Note that the middle of the lower lip is lighter than the other parts of it. This is due to the fact that more light falls on the most convex areas of the lips. Accordingly, it is almost not necessary to hatch this area. The area under the lips is quite dark, as it is in the shade.

At the last stage, using the softest pencil, we emphasize the corners of the lips and additionally darken the area under the lips. Please note that a thin light stripe remains above the upper lip, along its entire length. If you look at the photo or in the mirror at your lips, you will see that in reality this area is really quite well lit. Such a strip of light also helps to create volume and realism. The man's lips are ready.

Beautifully painted lips always favorably complement makeup and, of course, attract the attention of others. As you know, to make up lips, not only lipstick, gloss, but also a contour pencil is used. With this special pencil, you can easily emphasize the natural beauty or slightly correct the shape: give thin lips volume or, on the contrary, reduce too full lips. Here are some simple tips on how to do it.

Technique for drawing lips with a pencil

If the shape of the lips does not need correction, we do everything according to the following instructions:

  • To begin with, the lips must be prepared for makeup. The first step is to cleanse the skin of the lips, this is done with a special tonic, and even better, use a scrub. If the skin of the lips is dry and there are cracks on it, then it is necessary to moisturize it with a balm. Then a foundation or makeup base is applied in a thin layer.
  • With a pencil, carefully draw a contour line along the middle part of the lower lip, then draw a notch on the upper lip and only then draw lines to the corners of the mouth. If you don’t have a beautiful, even line, then for convenience, you can mark points along the contour, and then connect them. Women with a round face shape are recommended to draw the contour with straight lines, with a narrow shape - more curved.
  • Slightly shade the pencil line so that the contour is invisible under lipstick. You need to do this from the outside of the lips to the inside in order to maintain the clarity of the top line. It is very convenient to use a special brush for shading. In order for the makeup to be more resistant, you can completely paint over the lips with a pencil, because the lipstick wears off very quickly, and the pencil base lasts about eight hours.

How to give volume to lips

If there is a need to visually add volume to the lips, we draw the contour of the lips, going beyond the natural border, but this is done by no more than a couple of millimeters in order to preserve naturalness. Then completely paint over the lips with a pencil. You can also draw a thin line along the contour with a white pencil and blend it out a little. After that, you can apply lipstick and gloss. Lipstick is better to use light shades.

How to reduce lips with a pencil

If you need to visually reduce the lips, first apply powder with a sponge along the entire contour of the lips, after which we draw a line with a pencil, stepping back a little from the outer edge. The notch on the upper lip needs to be drawn more flat and smooth. If the mouth is wide, then the corners of the lips do not need to be outlined with a pencil. Lipstick in this case, it is recommended to select dark and matte shades.

When drawing lips with a pencil, the main thing is not to radically change the natural boundaries of the lips, otherwise the makeup will look unnatural and ruin the whole image. Well, it is also important to choose the right contour pencil, it must completely match the color of the lipstick, the color difference is only one tone. Too hard a pencil can hurt the skin of the lips, and dry it will be difficult to draw a straight line. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will be able to emphasize the beauty of your lips and hide all minor imperfections with the help of a contour pencil.

Posted on 2019 2019

Here is a selection of the most popular safe sex products:


Almost all condoms are made of latex. Latex is a milky white liquid composed of rubber particles. Latex is a good material for the job because it is pliable, it stretches, it is resilient and it (mostly) resists tearing.

However, some people are allergic to latex. These folks can't use the usual latex condoms. For these people there are other, non-latex materials to use.

People with a latex allergy get reactions such as: itching of the private parts, rashes, and other forms of discomfort. Obviously these symptoms take most of the enjoyment out of sex for the allergy sufferors.

Latex-free condoms might also be used by the non-allergic types for some other reasons. For example, some men claim they can feel the difference betwen latex and non-latex condoms, and they prefer the feel of the non-latex jobs. Some of the non-latex products are advertised as “natural skin” or “skin on skin sensation,” which has a great appeal to some people.

Here are some things to consider when thinking about switching to non-latex condoms:


Usually the first consideration leading to condom use is preventing unwanted pregnancies. Both latex and non-latex condoms can fulfill that role.

But when it comes to preventing transmission of STIs and STDs, there are some important differences.


Polyurethane is a popular latex condom alternative. Polyurethane is a clear synthetic plastic and has a texture much like cling wrap. As a condom polyurethane feels quite different from latex, which earns it points as a latex alternative for prople with latex allergies. Properly used, it can both prevent pregnancis and guard against sexually transmitted diseases.


One of the latest arrivals on the market are polyisoprene condoms. Polyisoprene is a synthetic material derived from the sap of the Hevea tree. While it is safe and strong, it has no latex ingredients. It is hypoallergenic, elastic, inexpensive and effective.

Condoms made from polyisoprene are not as thin as their equivalent polyurethane cousins. Nevertheless, they are equally stretchy, and slip and break less.


Sometimes called “natural condoms,” they use a layer of membrane from lamb intestines called the “cecum.” Historically it is the oldest type of condom. It iscapable of preventing pregnancis, but falls down on the job of preventing those nasty STIs or STDs.

In the past, lambskin was the only alternative condom available for men with latex allergies.

Users of lambskin condoms claim they allow heightened penile sensation. They are usually thinner than latex condoms. And they also create a more “natural” skin to skin feel.

Lambskin condoms are compatible with most lubricants, and they transmit heat very well (as if that matters).


Given the alternatves, why do people still use latex condoms? First, they are the most obvious way to shield against both unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Second, they are extremely durable. They can stretch up to 800% of their starting size. They also (usually) hold up very well under the friction and heat of intercourse.

Third, latex condoms are far more cost effective than other models. They come in an impressive range of sizes and types. They can range in size, shape, thickness and texture to suit just about everyone's needs.

Fourth, another plus is that they come in a mind-boggling variety of sensations, colors and even flavors.

The popularity of latex condoms is demonstrated by their sales up to 90% of all condoms in the market.

On the flip side, they can cause allergies and can degrade when you use them with oil based lubricants. Products like Vaseline, lotion or coconut oil are associated with more susceptibility to breakage. Instead, it is better to use silicone based or water based lubricants.


The prevention of allergic reactions is the obvious benefit of latex free condoms. But it isn't the only one.

Polyisoprene condoms are much thinner than the latex versions. They also feel closer to the real thing. Polyisoprene also transmits heat better than latex.

Latex products have a signature small which is not always appealing. Non-latex condoms just plain smell different.

Latex-free condoms are work with most lubricants, including water-based, silicone-based and oil-based.

Polyurethane condoms are usually wider than latex condoms, which of course matters to many men.

The feel of good quality non-latex condoms is said to be not only softer but also more elastic than their latex counterparts.


Even though they are flexible, polyisoprene condoms are not as flexible as latex ones. People try using lubricants to conquer this problem.

Clinical studies demonstrate that non-latex condoms are more prone to break than their latex counterparts, so extra caution is advised.

Polyurethane condoms are more expensive than both latex and polyisoprene condoms, while lambskin ones are the most expensive.

Polyisoprene condoms are thicker than their polyurethane counterparts, which may impair important sensations during intercourse. Polyisoprene condoms also have problems when used with oil-based lubricants.

People who prefer lambskin condoms must remember that these products do not protect against either STIs or STDs. Since lambskin naturally has tiny pores, it can allow bacteria and viruses to slip through while preventing sperm from doing the same.

These are the main points to consider when contemplating the use of various kinds of condoms. Be ready!

Indeed, without beautiful lip makeup, the mouth remains expressionless, and the face seems “naked”. Many makeup artists even advise you to abandon eye makeup in favor of lips. If you know how to beautifully paint lips - consider that half the work is done, no one will pay attention to eyelashes without mascara and shadow without eyelids.

On this page you can read tips on how to properly paint lips with lipstick, how to beautifully paint lips with gloss. You will also learn what “glamorous lips” are, and what other lip makeup options are. To complete the picture, your attention is offered photos of beautiful lips and with skillfully applied makeup.

How to paint lips (makeup options)

Before you properly paint your lips, determine what effect you want to achieve.

Well-drawn corners of the lips will give the face sophistication.

1. Take pink-beige with a brush, outline the contours. If you connect the corners, slightly opening your mouth, it will turn out to be clearly defined.

2. We paint over the lips in the center with lipstick of the same color, adding shine.

We approach the matter with feeling and alignment.

1. Before painting the lips, gently outline the “triangles” with a brush with pale pink lipstick. By carefully drawing them, you will achieve sensual lips.

2. We draw the lower lip from the corners to the center, at the end connecting these lines with a straight line at the base of the lip. The key to liking is to never add a sexy look to your lips.

Plump lips emphasize sexuality.

We take a pink-red lipstick with a slight bluish tint with a brush, gently draw the contour of the lips. We make both the upper and lower lip a little thicker.

Soft lips with pronounced rounded lines.

1. Having applied pink lipstick to the brush, outline the contour of the lips. We draw smooth lines, without focusing on the triangles in the center of the lips. We paint over the inside of the contour with lipstick of the same color.

2. Apply gloss of a brighter pink color on the triangles of the upper lip and at the base of the lower one so that a heart shape is obtained.

Sexy and plump lips with a pencil.

1. Draw a contour with an orange lip pencil. The main nuance: we draw the contour 1-2mm further from the line connecting the corners and “triangles” of the lips.

2. With a transparent orange gloss, carefully paint over the outline drawn in step 1, we get lips with a wet gloss.

We do not select the lips, so we will slightly smooth out their natural color.

1. We apply straight lines with beige gloss, sketching out the contours. The natural color of the lips is replaced by flesh.

2. We apply a lot of transparent gloss only on the middle of the upper and lower lips. This will make them shiny.

Wet shine will add sexuality.

With beige lipstick, paint over the original color of the lips, apply an orange-golden gloss along the contour.

Finish off the sexy look and give the lips the appearance of being makeup-free with a brown lipstick.

We paint over the natural color of the lips with a corrector. Without shading, apply brown lipstick with the ring finger. To prevent lips from looking too sexy, we recommend a matte lipstick.

We use fashionable pink, while not highlighting the mouth.

1. Apply a pearlescent transparent gloss in the center of the lips, distribute on the sides.

2. Apply more gloss to the upper and lower lip, enhancing the mother-of-pearl effect.

Glitter bases to make lips plump.

We apply beige-pink lipstick as a base. After that, with a brush, apply white powder to the "triangles" of the upper lip and the lower part of the lower. This will make your lips look plumper.

How to correctly and beautifully paint lips with lipstick

To emphasize the mouth, we opt for brown lipstick.

We apply lipstick, outlining the contour of the lips with soft movements.

Three layers that give sensuality.

Apply bright red lipstick in three layers. The first and second times we apply lipstick with the pencil itself, and for the third layer we take a lipstick brush and draw lines, thickening the lips in the corners.

Have plump and soft lips.

With a soft application of lipstick, we create a more expressive mouth.

1. Softly paint over the contour of the lips with a concealer, using a brown lip liner, draw pointed and slightly upward corners. We draw the upper line a little above the contour of the lips, giving them sensuality and lengthening, we make the lower line thin and connect it with the upper one.

2. Apply a pearly-beige gloss along the contour, paint over it. The result is pale, but saturated with gloss lips.

By highlighting the contour of the lips, we give the face a careless expression.

The color is close to the color of the lips. By gently drawing the "triangles" of the upper lip with a brush with lipstick in natural shades, we will make the lips close to everyday style.

Soft lips with pink lipstick and gloss.

We apply pink lipstick on the lips, drawing a contour. Apply pink gloss to the center of the upper and lower lips.

Beautiful "glamorous lips" and their photos

To draw "glamorous lips", hide the redness of the lips and their contour with concealer or a similar tool. Departing from the natural level of the contour, outline the contour with a brown lip pencil.

Using lipstick and gloss, create lips in beige tones. We paint over the contour with lipstick of the same color, and apply a large amount of gloss on top. We apply enough gloss to the “triangles” of the upper lip to highlight them.

It is important to make the outline softer than the base color.

1. Take a small amount of foundation on the sponge, lightly blot your lips with it. If you rub the color and outlines of the lips well, it will help to apply the beige lipstick better.

2. Draw a pink-beige lip pencil along their original outlines in this order: “triangles”, from the corner of the lip to “triangles”, the middle of the lower lip, from the corners to the middle of the lower lip. We also paint over the inside of the contour with a pencil.

The mouth is not distinguished. Pale color gives the impression of fragility

We paint over the lips with foundation, after which we paint them with salmon-colored lipstick. If you apply lipstick without using a brush, you get a slightly sloppy look.

A beautiful pink color that will win a man's heart.

Apply a little transparent pink gloss, repeating the contours of the lips.

Highlight the lips with a shimmering contour.

1. With a lip brush, apply beige lipstick, repeating the contour of the mouth, and paint over.

2. With a white mother-of-pearl pencil, circle the “triangles” of the lips, adding shine to them and making the mouth more plump.

With a thin contour, we create the image of a determined girl.

1. With a beige lip pencil, draw the lip contour a little less than it really is. We paint over the corners a little more - this will create the appearance of tightly compressed lips.

2. We paint over the contour with a matte beige color. Resolutely remove the shine.

Shine technique using concealer.

1. Gently paint over the contour of the lips and their original color with a concealer.

2. We take a beige gloss on the brush, draw the natural contour of the lips and gently paint over. We spend a little time on the concealer, but now you can only apply gloss - and the lips will turn out to be clearly defined and neat.

Impressive with their looks! We are looking for a more serious relationship.

With the sponge that was used to apply the base, we shade the lips and their contour, then we take an orange gloss on the ring finger and apply it with lightly tapping movements.

Gloss application technique for natural looking lips.

Apply pink-orange gloss to the middle of the upper and lower lips, rub with your finger.

We create the image of a “beach” girl with wet glitter

1. Draw the outline of the lips with orange lipstick, paint over the middle.

2. We apply a transparent luminescent gloss in a sufficiently large amount on the upper lip in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btriangles, and apply a little more on the center of the lower lip. The result is convex shiny lips.