Ammonia nubuck. A list of simple rules will get you out of trouble. We revive the "killed" shoes

Nubuck is very demanding in care. Do not use products designed for leather products. Otherwise, the boots may be damaged forever. Soft pile should be combed with a special brush and clean with mild detergents. For regular cleaning, you can use the dry cleaning method. And to combat serious pollution, it is necessary to use folk remedies, which are almost always at hand.

Nubuck shoes require constant care from the moment of purchase. To permanently preserve its original appearance, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Dry boots thoroughly before applying any products. To do this, you can fill them with dry paper or use electric dryer. It is impossible from nubuck on the battery, because as a result the material will become coarse.
  2. A few hours before going outside, shoes must be treated with a special impregnation that will repel moisture and pollution.
  3. Do not wear nubuck boots in the rain. Otherwise, they may be deformed.
  4. A newly purchased pair is recommended to be treated with a special protective agent.
  5. To care for nubuck boots, it is recommended to purchase special tools. A special double-sided brush is very useful. It is rubber on one side and metal on the other. If there is no such brush at hand, then you can use an eraser.

Choosing ready-made funds, you need to pay attention to whether they are intended for nubuck.

Dry must be done after each wear. It will help get rid of dust, sand and small contaminants.

Action algorithm:

  • after coming home, you need to wait at least two hours for the shoes to dry;
  • moisten a cloth with water and wring it out;
  • wipe the dirt from the sole and heel, trying not to touch the nubuck;
  • the nubuck surface should be cleaned with the rubber side of a special brush;
  • then comb the material with the metal side.

Instead of a brush, you can use a regular eraser.

Wet cleaning

If it does not help to get rid of dirt, you can apply wet cleansing.

It is important to remember that nubuck does not like moisture, so you can’t wet such shoes too much. In addition, it is strongly recommended not to use soap. It will leave stains on the shoes.

How to wet clean:

  • moisten the sponge clean water and squeeze it carefully;
  • gently wipe the shoes;
  • dry shoes in a well-ventilated area;
  • smooth the material with the metal side of a special brush;
  • apply impregnation.

Such cleaning should be carried out long before going outside, as nubuck becomes more susceptible to dirt.

How to remove stains?

Sometimes there are stains on nubuck shoes that cannot be removed with regular cleaning.

In this case, improvised means will come to the rescue, which can be found in almost any home.


Salt will help get rid of greasy stains. Required:

  • sprinkle liberally with salt;
  • rub it into the stain a little soft sponge;
  • as the fat is absorbed, you need to add a new portion of salt;
  • when most of the stain has disappeared, gently wipe the surface with a damp cloth and dry the shoes.

Nubuck shoes white color can be cleaned with chalk or talc.


If salt stains appear on the shoes, then you can remove them with ammonia.


  • combine ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 4;
  • wet the sponge with the prepared solution;
  • gently wipe contaminated areas;
  • straighten the pile with a special brush for nubuck.

The sponge must be carefully squeezed out, trying not to wet the shoes too much.


You can also clean nubuck or suede shoes at home with vinegar. For this you need:

  • dilute in 1 liter cold water 1 teaspoon of table vinegar;
  • moisten cotton pad the resulting solution;
  • wipe the contaminated area, being careful not to wet the nubuck too much.

After cleaning, dry the shoes and comb the pile with a metal brush.

dried bread

Weak pollution can be removed with a gentle remedy - stale bread. You just need to wipe the contaminated areas with it like a brush.

Bread must be dried, it is advisable to use brown bread, as white bread crumbles easily.


Coffee can be used to clean dark shoes.

Procedure steps:

  • prepare coffee grounds;
  • rub it into the pollution;
  • leave for 5 minutes;
  • remove the remains of the composition with a clean sponge;
  • comb the pile with a metal brush for nubuck.

Thus, you can not only remove stains, but also paint worn areas. However, coffee cannot be used on light products, as dark streaks will remain on the material.


Get rid of difficult spots, for example, greasy drops of oil, solvents will help. You can use alcohol, kerosene or turpentine. But it is worth remembering that these substances act quite aggressively. Therefore, before use, you should check the effect of the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Cleaning method:

  • mix 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of the chosen solvent;
  • moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution;
  • gently wipe the stain;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • wipe off the remaining substance with a slightly damp sponge.

Solvents, especially refined gasoline, leave streaks on the material. And since it is impossible to wet the nubuck, there are problems with their removal. That's why greasy spot you can just paint over with a special tool.


Refresh your nubuck shoes with steam. For this you will need:

  • hold the boots over boiling water until lightly moistened;
  • wait for the shoes to cool down;
  • comb the nubuck with a metal brush.

Particular attention should be paid to shabby places. You can gently process them with fine-grained sandpaper"zero".

Leather dressed in a special way requires special care: you should not wear it in heavy slush and in a downpour, for this material such harsh weather contraindicated. But even with the most careful wear, there will come a time when your favorite shoes or boots need to be put in order. If you know how to clean nubuck shoes correctly, it is easy to extend their service life, retain their color and shape for a long time.

Express technology for fast cleaning

To clean nubuck shoes at home as efficiently as possible, it is better to use specially designed sponges, brushes and erasers. They help to restore the velvety surface much more effectively than a damp cloth. Be sure to dry your shoes (just not near the radiator) before scrubbing off dirt stains, salt stains and slick areas.

You need to dry wet nubuck when room temperature; to speed up the process and avoid deformation, you can use special dryers or crumpled newspapers.

How to clean nubuck shoes according to all the rules

Even knowing that leather shoes do not wash with water and soap, in conditions where there is neither time nor a special brush or sponge at hand, a person seriously thinks whether it is possible to wash nubuck products with water. This material does not like moisture, it is better to clean it dry. IN last resort you can wipe off the dirt adhering to the sole with a damp cloth, but do not rub it into the nubuck itself, because then it will not be possible to clean it off.

This should be done three times, each time waiting for complete drying. The water-repellent layer protects the nubuck from the dangerous effects of moisture and does not allow dirt to penetrate the material. Properly processed nubuck is enough to wipe with a dry cloth to restore cleanliness.

Folk remedies

Shoe cosmetics are expensive and can end at the most inopportune moment. To clean nubuck shoes at home, it is recommended to use not only those intended for nubuck store funds, but you can use folk methods.

In winter, white stains often appear on nubuck boots, and you have to think about how to clean the stubborn salt if neither a brush nor an eraser helps.

To wash shoes from salt, it is best to use ammonia. After diluting the ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 3, treat the surface with a damp cloth, dry the shoes naturally or using a special dryer.

Any cleanser should not be applied to the stain itself, but to a sponge or cloth. Keep in mind that it is best not to use ammonia on dark shoes so as not to accidentally lighten the contaminated area.

In addition to ammonia, you can use solutions of vinegar or gasoline, which are no less effective in removing stains. But before you start experimenting, you should test the product used on a small inconspicuous area. Absorbent agents, such as talc, also clean the fleecy material well from fat, and their grains can be easily combed out with a special brush. How to use these folk remedies, you can see the video below.

IN summer shoes from nubuck - shoes, sneakers - comfortable and in the heat. IN winter shoes feet don't sweat or get cold. The classic unisex brand is timberlands made of nubuck or oil nubuck, a material that is less capricious. But even oil nubuck cannot be washed under the tap, although this type is impregnated with a special fat composition. After careful wet cleaning shoes should dry at room temperature, and only after that the villi can be brushed again.

The hardest thing to care for are nubuck boots with high tops. Manufacturers recommend cleaning dirt from nubuck shoes daily so that they keep them as long as possible. original view. This applies to sandals, and demi-season boots and boots. Video can't be loaded: How to clean nubuck shoes (

Special funds

In order for the shoes to look presentable, without streaks and shiny areas, it is still better to use a professional shoe cosmetics. First - dry cleaning with a special brush. Shampoos and cleaners will remove dirt, while paints and sprays will mask signs of wear. After cleaning, it is useful to treat the surface with a water-repellent spray. It is best to look for a care kit in the store, which includes a cleaner, dye, water repellent, a brush and an eraser.

How to clean faux nubuck

In the production of shoes, synthetic polymeric materials are also used, which can be of any color. Products from them are cheaper, no less durable and of high quality. Special shampoos that clean synthetic nubuck are no different from those intended for natural. Video can't be loaded: How to properly clean and restore nubuck? A useful guide for TIMBERLAND lovers (

Methods for Light Shoes

Many lovers of light-colored shoes are concerned about the question of how and what is the best way to clean shoes from natural nubuck at home, if it is, for example, beige, light red or almost white. Folk methods for light nubuck they are less dangerous than for dark ones, which, along with dirt, can also lose color. But if you regularly wear such shoes, you can not do without special shampoos, because light-colored material quickly becomes dirty.

Nubuck brush

Cleaning brushes are inexpensive and last a long time. They have special plates on the sides, designed to clean the seams. This is convenient, because often the dirt is clogged in the joints between the upper and the sole. They make brushes from rubber, from a hard pile - the coarser the bristles, the more effectively it will clean the stubborn dirt. Some brushes even have iron bristles.

The brush is used twice - first, dry dirt is removed, then foam is applied to clean it, and after it dries, it is passed over the surface of nubuck boots again.


Although there are many inexpensive funds to clean delicate materials, mask stains and scuffs, it’s better to take care of the durability of your favorite shoes in advance.

It is much easier to apply a special spray on them every day before going out and not worry about slush, puddles and aggressive chemicals on the street than to painfully wipe off ingrained dirt, risking only making things worse.

The consumption of moisture-repellent aerosols is not as high as it might seem - even with regular use One bottle is enough for a season.

Do you refuse to buy nubuck shoes, considering it capricious to care for? The advantages of this variety genuine leather completely cover the many difficulties that arise when wearing nubuck shoes. It is very practical and comfortable, it is never cold in winter and hot in summer, so do not doubt the wisdom of purchasing it.

All kinds of products for nubuck are widely presented in shoe stores, you just need to learn how to properly care for it and keep it clean.

Today you will learn how to clean nubuck at home, what care should be taken to make your favorite pair of shoes look almost new for as long as possible.

How to prepare shoes for wearing

You often hear negative reviews about the poor quality of shoes: nubuck gets wet, its chic appearance is quickly lost. In fact, the purchased item did not have any flaws, but was simply misused. main feature is that it is necessary to start caring for nubuck shoes immediately after purchase. The skin is afraid of moisture, so the main task of each owner of boots and boots made of this material is to protect them from water.

It is a pity that many sellers do not explain the rules for caring for nubuck shoes during the sale, they do not prompt you to immediately purchase impregnation, a special brush, and much more. Improvised means will not work here, you will need to purchase special water-repellent impregnations.

Good impregnation for nubuck is not cheap and, alas, there are no alternatives. Colorless impregnation Combi Care Salamander Professional will cost 293 rubles. Aerosol Renovateur Medaille from French company Saphir, along with water-repellent properties, has a tinting effect and will cost more, its price is about 650 rubles.

The first treatment of nubuck with impregnation should be especially careful, you should not rely on the fact that the manufacturer has already done it. Before wearing, shoes are covered with a moisture-repellent composition, preferably in three layers. After each application, it is necessary to pause so that the aerosol is well absorbed deep into the skin.

Impregnation will protect the boots not only from water, but also from the penetration of dirt and dust. The same regular and abundant treatment should be carried out during rain and snowmelt.

How to care for shoes at home

You can start cleaning nubuck only after making sure that the boots are dry. Removing dirt from wet surfaces will cause stains and dust to penetrate even deeper into the structure of nubuck and it will become almost impossible to clean it from them.

Therefore, before you start cleaning, you should dry your shoes. natural way or using special dryers. It is strictly forbidden to dry it near radiators and on batteries.

Wipe the heels and sides of the sole with a damp cloth. top nubuck should never be cleaned with a wet cloth. Only in exceptional cases with heavy contamination is it allowed to wipe with a damp cloth.

There are cases when even after treatment with special sponges and brushes, glossy spots remain on the nubuck, and the pile looks stuck together. You can deal with this at home by holding the problem areas over the steam, and then re-brushing.

Nubuck cleaners

To clean dry shoes from dust, it is best to use special sponges and brushes for nubuck. They are issued different companies(Saphir, Colonol, Twist Fashion, Niki Line, Salamander, Salton). Prices for sponges, depending on the manufacturer, range from 60 to 530 rubles.

Brushes are one, two and three-sided. Universal are those that combine a rubber work surface with a metal pile. The use of such brushes allows not only to clean from dirt, but also to improve the appearance of nubuck, smooth out the pile.

Their prices vary greatly, starting around 100 rubles. One of the most expensive brushes are products manufactured under the Saphir Medalle D'Or 1925 Paris trademark, their prices reach 600 rubles.

  • Erasers are also suitable for dry cleaning nubuck shoes. Well proven Nubuk Box erasers trademark Collonil (for 270 rubles) and Gommadin Nubuck Medaille (for 380 rubles).
  • For deep cleaning nubuck shoes use shampoos and foam cleaners. Processing with their help is enough to carry out 1-2 times a year. They are usually sold in the form of bottles, the volume of which is enough to clean a pair of high winter boots.

The cleaner Omni Nettoyant Medaille, which is sold in glass bottles and complete with a brush to give velvety to fleecy leathers, does an excellent job with this task. The tool is not cheap, its cost is 580 rubles with a volume of 100 ml. Another option is the Omnidaim cleaner, manufactured by Saphir in a 500 ml flask, will cost 1350 rubles. Cheaper products include the versatile Combi Cleaner foam from Salamander Professional, which is available in the form of an aerosol and costs 260 rubles for a 125 ml bottle.

  • After cleaning to restore the color of nubuck, shoes are treated with paint in the form of aerosols. good remedy to restore color - Bamboo Lotion for nubuck from Collonil (its price is about 600 rubles). The final stage of care is the application of a moisture-repellent spray. This procedure is done at least 1 time per week.

How to remove stains from nubuck

In winter, white salt stains often appear on shoes, which make the appearance of boots and boots unattractive. They can be removed by wiping the nubuck with a damp cloth. In case of severe contamination, you can treat the upper surface of the shoe with a damp sponge soaked in a solution of water (4 parts) and ammonia (1 part), and then dry it, treat it with paint and impregnation if necessary.

You can also try removing stains with chalk, talcum powder, aviation gasoline and a low concentration solvent. Before use, these products should be tested on an internal inconspicuous area, since there is a high probability of discoloration of shoes under their influence.

In order not to put your favorite boots and boots at risk, it is better to use special stain removers for nubuck.

Works great on fresh and old oils and oil stains Hussard Detacheur Curis Textiles cleaner brand Avel. A 200 ml aerosol can will cost 630 rubles. Strong pollution help remove erasers Velours Cleaner Collonil at a price of 340 rubles and Cleaner Block Nubuck for 200 rubles, and for this you can use the Nubuck Velours Cleaner grinding cube at a price of 285 rubles.

Let's sum up. Cleaning nubuck at home, as you can see, is not difficult if you have the necessary arsenal of tools at hand. Despite the relative high cost of some of them, it is better not to save on their purchase. Your favorite shoes will never get wet if their surface is regularly treated with water-repellent sprays.

01/05/2017 1 1 818 views

Nubuck is a type of natural leather, characterized by a special dressing. How to clean nubuck shoes at home? - this question is asked most often by people who first encountered this material. Initially, it may seem that such a product requires especially and very painstaking care, but in fact everything is quite simple if you know how to properly care for it.

Basic rules for cleaning nubuck shoes

The process of cleaning nubuck shoes is similar to that carried out in dry cleaning. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, even without leaving your home, you can get a result that, at first glance, is achievable only if professionals work.

Basic rules for cleaning nubuck shoes:

  1. Shouldn't be cleaned wet shoes wait until it is completely dry.
  2. It is better to clean nubuck with special products that are sold in shoe stores.
  3. Do not wash shoes with running water.
  4. You can dry nubuck only naturally at room temperature, you should not place it next to a radiator or heater - the material can become deformed and coarsen.
  5. It is not recommended to apply the cleaner directly to the material.
  6. Do not go outside in wet shoes.
  7. Dry shoes should definitely be combed with a special brush for nubuck.
  8. Apply water-repellent impregnation to shoes a few hours before going out.

Nubuck needs to be cleaned regularly, the only way to keep its beautiful appearance for a long time, so it’s better to buy special means for cleaning and combing the pile.

Preparation for the procedure

Before proceeding to the main process, the shoes must be prepared: if they are wet, be sure to dry them. You can speed up the drying process with ordinary newspapers that are tightly stuffed inside the product. Only after that you can begin to rid the shoes of dust, dirt, various stains, salt.


When purchasing any shoes made from natural material, you want it to last as long as possible - such a desire is quite natural, because often nubuck products are quite expensive. Proper and regular care can make the life of shoes as long as possible.

Even in a shoe store, you should pay attention to the care products that are sold there.

Definitely worth buying:

  • a brush - it is usually made of metal bristles on one side, and rubber bristles on the other. It is better if you buy several of them, so you can always keep one at home, carry the other in your purse just in case;
  • shampoo - despite the fact that you do not have to use it often, it is better that it is always at hand. General cleaning with the help of such products is carried out, as a rule, 1-2 times a year;
  • an eraser is an alternative to a brush. It is used to remove minor stains or dirt from light-colored shoes - not to be confused with an ordinary clerical eraser;
  • impregnation - a tool that is designed to protect nubuck from the effects of moisture and snow. You need to apply it in advance so that it has time to be absorbed. Soaking shoes with a water-repellent spray or cream just before going out is pretty pointless.

However, some folk remedies clean nubuck no worse than purchased ones, but more on that below.


After wearing shoes in snowy weather, you can see that white salt traces, ammonia will help to remove them.

  1. Pure water is mixed with ammonia (ammonia) in a ratio of 4:1.
  2. With a sponge or brush dipped in the solution, wipe the product in the direction of the pile.
  3. Dry the shoes at room temperature, then hold them over the steam to straighten the pile and re-comb with a special brush, apply a water-repellent impregnation.


You can also clean nubuck shoes with vinegar.

  • add 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar to one liter of water;
  • with a sponge dipped in the solution, wipe the desired areas on the shoes;
  • dry at room temperature, if necessary, apply paint or water-repellent impregnation.

Black bread

To restore the original appearance of black nubuck, use dry crusts from black bread.

  1. Wipe the dirt with crusts of bread, remove the crumbs.
  2. Comb with a special comb and treat with a water-repellent spray or cream.

Brown bread crusts effectively fight scuffs.

Updated: 10/18/2018

Nubuck shoes are a stylish and comfortable addition to any look. But the process of caring for her often raises questions. The main thing to understand is that the service life of your favorite pair depends on how correctly and regularly you clean the nubuck from dirt. Washing leather shoes is easy, but how to wash nubuck, how often to care for it, how to quickly get rid of dirt - look for answers to all these and other questions in the article.

This natural material is fine skin. It takes on this appearance by going through a chrome tanning process and abrading the surface with a finely abrasive material (such as sand). As a result, nubuck boasts the following advantages:

  • Shoes made from it allow the skin to "breathe". Therefore, the legs will not sweat in the summer and freeze in the cold season.
  • The material is durable and strong and you will carry your favorite pair for many years. But only if you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home.

So, you have made up your mind and purchased brand new boots or shoes from this wonderful material.

What to do after purchase

Cleaning nubuck shoes before the first exit in it is a must. Your the main task- protect the material from moisture. The first cleaning includes three impregnation treatments. But between each of them there should be a break. It must be done so that the product is normally absorbed. Ideally, the impregnation is applied to fresh air.

With the first exit, everything is clear, but how to clean nubuck shoes at home every day?

Getting rid of dirt: a quick guide

First of all, the purchase of shoes or boots made of this material also involves the purchase of various care products. These include:

  • Ointments and creams with a water-repellent effect.
  • Shampoos.
  • Foams, sprays and aerosols.
  • Means for coloring the product.
  • Special erasers.
  • Brushes (the material from which they are made and the degree of stiffness of the bristles differ). Ideally, you need to buy a brush that combines the presence of a pile of metal and a rubber surface.

So, you are caught in the rain and you need to understand if you can wash your shoes. Your actions should include the following steps:

  1. Drying without the use of heat appliances. Use newspapers and dry a pair of shoes outdoors. Only now can you move on to the next step.
  2. Heels and soles are cleaned with ordinary wet wipes. Washing shoes is not recommended.
  3. The upper part (dry) is treated with a special brush, and then with a specific coloring agent (this can be a cream, aerosol, etc.). AND coloring agents it is not recommended to change, give preference to one manufacturer and tone.
  4. After the base coat dries, you can use a water repellent.

Complex spots are a separate topic for conversation. These are usually salty white stains. It is difficult to clean nubuck shoes at home because of them, but it is possible. Just use a special "eraser": rub the material with it without being too zealous. After that, you should treat the problem area with a brush and comb the villi with cloves. And the color of the product is easily restored with the help of a coloring agent. Instead of an "eraser" you can use a special cleansing shampoo.

Folk remedies: effective cleaning recipes

And how to restore nubuck shoes if they are badly worn out? It is best to entrust this matter to dry cleaning. Professionals know exactly how to do everything correctly and accurately. In case everything is not so bad, you can try cleaning nubuck shoes at home.

Folk recipes to help you: in most cases they turn out to be quite effective:

  • Use of ammonia. This the best remedy from salt stains in winter. The proportion of alcohol with water is 1:4. Soak a sponge in this solution. Then wipe the problem area with it, dry the shoes and apply paint. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when handling ammonia to protect your hands. Carry out the cleaning procedure in a well-ventilated area.
  • The use of vinegar will refresh delicate material. For 1 liter of water, take 1 tsp. vinegar. Moisten a cosmetic pad and wipe the stain with it. After drying, you need to treat the surface with a brush and paint.
  • Try regular table salt. This excellent tool from greasy stains and stains. Apply a little salt to the problematic part. After it should be rubbed with a soft sponge. Then wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth, dry and brush with a metal brush.
  • Use the bread crust to get rid of dirt. It performs the function of a special "eraser".
  • You can also restore color using "grandmother's" methods: black - with carbon paper, brown - with ordinary coffee grounds.

A list of simple rules will get rid of problems

The general principles of how to clean nubuck shoes at home are clear. But there is elementary rules, remembering which, you definitely will not make mistakes in caring for boots or shoes from this material:

  • No water! These shoes must not be washed.
  • "No!" care products for normal, smooth skin.
  • Soap cannot be used.
  • All care procedures are for DRY shoes only.
  • Only permanent care and not when you remember.

Storage rules: educational program for dummies

It is not enough just to carry out correct cleaning during operation. It is also very important to follow the storage rules:

  • Before you send your favorite boots to the closet until the next season, it is important to thoroughly clean them from dirt and dust. Be sure to wash the sole.
  • Forget about plastic bags. They give off an unpleasant odor.
  • Since nubuck is a “breathable” material, products made from it must also “breathe” during storage. Great fit carton boxes. However, you can use just a spacious locker.
  • Don't forget to use an impregnation agent.

Now you know how to clean nubuck shoes at home. Regular care it just seems like a complicated process. With a minimum of effort, you can give your favorite couple a chance for a long life.