What is the difference between nubuck and suede? Which is more practical - nubuck or suede? natural nubuck

Modern shoe manufacturers use a wide variety of materials, which can significantly expand the range of products offered. All this variety plunges buyers into some confusion and confronts them with a difficult choice of which material to give their preference to. And if we are talking about absolutely identical outwardly suede and nubuck, the task is even more complicated. Let's talk about the main differences between these materials.

Nubuck- fine-haired leather with a polished front surface, treated with a chrome tanning method.


Suede is leather made from selected raw materials, obtained from the skins of elk, deer, and small cattle. The raw material is subjected to special impregnation with fats of vegetable and animal origin, due to which the material perfectly passes air, is characterized by increased ductility, porosity and softness. Nubuck is made from the skin of cattle, polished from the side of the cut. The front surface of the products is processed with fine abrasive materials. Nubuck looks very similar to suede, but is made from other types of leather. Suede has a high hairiness, hallmark nubuck is a low fine pile. Suede products are not afraid of moisture, they can be washed in warm soapy water. Nubuck cleaning is done by special means, this material does not tolerate moisture and requires special attention to itself. Such shoes are practically not protected from pollution and greasing. Suede, on the other hand, can be called a more wear-resistant material, although it can quickly lose its attractive appearance. appearance under the influence of dirt and precipitation.

Findings site

  1. Suede is made from the skin of deer, elk and small cattle, nubuck is made from the skin of cattle.
  2. Suede is subject to the fat tanning method, nubuck is chrome tanned, due to which it is especially sensitive to moisture.
  3. Suede has a high pile, while nubuck has a low, fine pile.
  4. Suede is characterized by higher wear resistance. Nubuck products require special careful attitude, as they are prone to rapid contamination and salting.
  5. Suede is distinguished by its characteristic softness, ductility and porosity, which cannot be said about nubuck.

Others prefer the velvety pile surface. The material for its manufacture can be:

  • suede leather,
  • nubuck,
  • velours.

Products from them differ both in price and quality. But outwardly they are similar, so many people easily confuse these materials. Let's see how velor differs from suede?

What is suede

The most expensive of this group is suede, and the most valuable is made from deer skin. This material is also produced from the skins of elk and sheep. Is a suede layer genuine leather, which was tanned in a fatty way. It has a soft velvety surface, quite thin. The pile on this material is located on both sides.

The production of suede is complex - in the process of processing it is exposed to bone and fish oil, linseed oil and other oily substances, so now it is difficult to find natural suede on sale. But fakes abound under this natural material. It happens that sellers give out for the one that is made of velor. Therefore, it will be useful to know how velor differs from suede.

Cheaper velour.

If we consider how natural velor differs from natural suede according to the structure, then one side of it will be necessarily smooth, and the second is covered with a thick short pile.

This material is often confused with suede because of the villi, but it is made from lower quality raw materials and using a simplified technology. Therefore, velor differs from suede both in price and in service life.

Velor is made from fatter cows and pigs, damaged raw materials are also used - this determines its cost.

Which shoes are best

What is the difference between velor and suede in shoes? Processing methods determine the degree of wear resistance of the material, its ability to get wet, absorb water. Here suede is the undisputed leader. Soaked in all sorts of oils, it almost does not let water through, which cannot be said about velor.

It is advisable to be able to understand the differences and nuances of the components of such shoes, because suede will last much longer than velor. The latter differs from suede and outward signs- if you take the shoes in your hands and run your finger along the pile, then a trace of a different shade will remain on the suede (slightly darker or lighter than the main one).

This does not happen with velor, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoes will be of the same even color. But it easily leaves fingerprints, which never happens with suede. Velor is folded in the seams of shoes, but never suede - this sign will catch the eye first.

Of course, in the slush, rainy weather all pile materials get wet, but with suede this happens only from above, it will not let moisture inside the shoe. Caring for such shoes, you can even wash them with a soap solution. Velor boots get wet immediately, increasing the chances of catching a cold.

Velor shoes - evening option

What is the difference between suede and velor on boots? Due to its practicality, suede is suitable for winter and autumn seasons. When it's cold outside, there is nothing warmer than the named material - it has excellent thermal insulation properties.

Although velor is less durable and wear-resistant, it looks quite expensive and is suitable for evening and festive shoes. Shoes made of this material or can be chosen for any outfit and for any occasion.

Suede boots in such a situation will look rougher, but shoes are quite appropriate and emphasize the status of their owner.

Caring for tufted shoes

Even if you know how velor differs from suede, information about the care of all pile materials will not be superfluous:

  1. Before wearing such shoes for the first time, apply a special impregnation to them, which will help repel dirt and moisture. Do this three times, allowing to dry before each subsequent application.
  2. It is necessary to use special rubber brushes for shoes made of suede, velor and nubuck.
  3. If such a brush is not at hand, you can use a regular stationery eraser, or a fine sandpaper(the so-called "null").
  4. In the future, if necessary, use the same care spray, after removing dirt from the shoes with a damp sponge and drying it.

It is necessary to take care of your shoes, no matter what they are made of, then they will always please their owner and pass any face control.

Fabrics, as you know, are used not only for sewing clothes or shoes, but also in many areas of activity. Often the question arises, which fabrics are best used for what. There are many fabrics that are similar in appearance, but have absolutely different characteristics and features. In particular, suede and velor.

Suede is called fabric manufactured using the fat tanning technology. It is made from elk or deer skin. In addition to the fact that it is soft, thin, has a velvety surface, it is also very durable.

Important! Such products are not deformed under the influence environment, does not become stiffer, does not change properties after washing or any contact with water and detergents.

During the production process, natural raw materials are impregnated with animal or vegetable fats. I use suede most often for making shoes, bags, outerwear. It costs much more than its counterparts such as velor or nubuck.

- a natural material made from half-skin, pig or goat skins. It differs from suede in a thicker pile on the one hand, and absolute smoothness on the other. Velor does not differ in high strength. Products from it quickly get wet, tend to lose their shape. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with specialized protective equipment. Velor is used for sewing shoes, bags, wallets, hats, outerwear.

called leather obtained after chrome tanning and sanding. The skins of cattle are used for the base. Nubuck is smoother than the materials described above and costs less. It is used in the manufacture of shoes, bags, outerwear, even furniture.

Material Comparison

They look very similar, so many people confuse these materials. Their main comparative characteristics presented in the table:

Velvety From two sides On the one hand, but thicker pile
Moisture resistance sustainable May deform after contact with water, get wet
Washable with soapy water Cleaned with soap, does not deform, does not change the structure Soap solution is contraindicated, the fabric loses original view streaks may appear
Price Expensive due to complex production Affordable cost
Color The color may have several shades plain
Smell Has no odors There is a smell of genuine leather
Surface Properties May have scratches, pores. Fingerprints, traces of contact with other objects do not remain The surface has a solid structure, on which prints constantly remain due to the fact that the pile is long enough and can change direction
Bending products Do not fold buckle under

Differences in shoe materials

Someone prefers to buy smooth leather shoes, and someone prefers shoes and boots with a velvety texture. It is already clear that the material for such products can be suede, velor, nubuck. Naturally, they differ not only in price, but also in quality.

Important! Outwardly, all these materials are similar, not every buyer can immediately determine what the goods are sewn from.

Attention! Quite often there are fakes for suede. Especially sellers like to call velor shoes suede. In addition to the fact that suede is much more expensive than velor, it will also serve the owner of the product several times longer.

Because of velor shoes prone to getting wet, it quickly loses its appearance, often unstuck due to moisture. Suede is impregnated with a lot of fats and oils, as a result of which it literally repels any liquids from its surface. In wet weather, real suede shoes will be dry, warm, comfortable.

How to distinguish velor from suede

To accurately determine which product is made of suede and which of velor, you should pay attention to several signs:

A low and shiny pile is a sign of suede, but you should not dwell on this characteristic alone.
It cannot be perfectly flat, it will definitely have natural scratches. But at the same time, there will be no traces left on suede as on velor from the touch of fingers.

When buying, be sure to inspect the cut of the products. Real suede is never folded, its edges are not processed.

Suede, unlike velor, has a mild, but very noticeable smell of leather.

What's better?

It cannot be said that any of the considered materials is worse or better. It all depends on the quality of the fabric processing, the type of product and its purpose. Therefore, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of suede and velor.

Advantages and disadvantages of suede

Products made from this material have been popular for several seasons. They are comfortable and look stylish. Many consider the high cost of the material to be a disadvantage. But the price, fortunately, justifies the quality. Can be distinguished a range of advantages clothes, bags and shoes made of this material:

  • refined appearance;
  • complement any image;
  • high quality products;
  • shoes made of this material are considered more comfortable, as they quickly take the shape of a leg, but at the same time do not stretch or deform;
  • products do not get wet.

To disadvantages can be attributed to the complex care of things. But, on the other hand, any expensive quality products requires an appropriate attitude. So don't be afraid of it.

Important! If you follow the care instructions, the item will delight the owner with its original appearance for a long time.

Advantages and disadvantages of velor

The advantages of velor include the following:

  • affordable cost of finished products;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • and outerwear perfectly retains heat, suitable for wearing in cold weather;
  • the fabric has a smooth, uniform texture and color;
  • The material is quite strong and durable.

But there are some disadvantages as well. First of all, care is more complicated than for suede. It is necessary to constantly treat products with water-repellent agents, as they are prone to getting wet. And constant wetting directly leads to deformation and loss of a beautiful appearance.

Material Care

With the differences between suede and velor, everything is now relatively clear, but it remains main question: how to properly care for products with pile. There are a few rules that must be followed if you want to keep things as long as possible:

Before use, the item must be treated with a special impregnation. This must be done in advance, since it begins to act in 4-6 hours. It is needed so that the fabric does not absorb dirt and moisture. It is even recommended to treat the surface three times during the day with an interval of eight hours.

For care, special brushes are required. As analogues, you can use erasers or zero sandpaper.

Such things should not be dried by the battery, in the sun.
Products made of natural suede, if desired, can be washed, washed with soapy water, and then wiped with a soft cloth.

When buying a particular product and deciding on the material, you should consider what time of the year it will be used and in what weather conditions. For example, shoes for spring or a bag can be taken from velor, but natural suede is better for boots and warm outerwear.

What is your assessment of this material?

Modern shoe manufacturers use a wide variety of materials, which can significantly expand the range of products offered. All this variety plunges buyers into some confusion and confronts them with a difficult choice of which material to give their preference to. And if we are talking about absolutely identical outwardly suede and nubuck, the task is even more complicated. Let's talk about the main differences between these materials.

Suede- leather of soft dressing, subject to the fat tanning method.
Nubuck- fine-haired leather with a polished front surface, treated with a chrome tanning method.

Comparison of suede and nubuck

What is the difference between suede and nubuck? Suede is leather made from selected raw materials, obtained from the skins of elk, deer, and small cattle. The raw material is subjected to special impregnation with fats of vegetable and animal origin, due to which the material perfectly passes air, is characterized by increased ductility, porosity and softness. Nubuck is made from the skin of cattle, polished from the side of the cut. The front surface of the products is processed with fine abrasive materials. Nubuck looks very similar to suede, but is made from other types of leather. Suede has a high hairiness, a distinctive feature of nubuck is a low fine pile. Suede products are not afraid of moisture, they can be washed in warm soapy water. Nubuck is cleaned with special means, this material does not tolerate moisture and requires special care. Such shoes are practically not protected from pollution and greasing. Suede, on the other hand, can be called a more wear-resistant material, although it can quickly lose its attractive appearance under the influence of dirt and precipitation.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between suede and nubuck is as follows:

Suede is made from the skin of deer, elk and small cattle, nubuck is made from the skin of cattle.
Suede is subject to the fat tanning method, nubuck is chrome tanned, due to which it is especially sensitive to moisture.
Suede has a high pile, while nubuck has a low, fine pile.
Suede is characterized by higher wear resistance. Nubuck products require special care, as they are prone to rapid contamination and greasing.
Suede is distinguished by its characteristic softness, ductility and porosity, which cannot be said about nubuck.

The fashion industry does not stand still and constantly offers consumers new ideas and ways of expressing themselves. The texture of the raw materials from which a certain thing is created has great importance in the matter of creating a harmonious image. In this article, we will consider a fashionable attractive and velvety structure. It perfectly conveys the conservative ideas of strict shoes and with the same success reflects the spirit of free style. Very often this material is mistaken for suede. Upon closer inspection, however, there are differences. Nubuck - what is it?

Nubuck or suede?

Both of these materials occupy a worthy place in designer collections. They are ideal for sewing shoes, outerwear and small accessories. Many are interested in natural nubuck. What is nubuck material and how is it different from suede? Consider next:

  • Raw material used. For the production of natural suede, deer skin is used. Nubuck is made from the skin of cattle.
  • tanning method. Suede is traditionally processed with a fat method, and the chrome version is for a material called nubuck. What is the procedure? It provides softness and elasticity of the material, but gives it an unattractive ability to quickly get wet and dry for a long time.
  • Pile. Nubuck has more short length pile.
  • Wear resistance. Suede is more adapted to long-term wear.

Nubuck shoes. Rules for the care of winter and summer models

Let's take a closer look at nubuck. What is this material and how to wear it?

It belongs to the category of expensive and capricious, so not every girl is able to decide on such a purchase. Modern trends dictate their own rules, offering summer and winter models made of natural nubuck. IN Lately sports boots and elegant slippers are the most popular. Using suede or nubuck for such casual shoes may seem impractical, but there are rules for caring for capricious shoes that will help keep the beauty of the material in its original form for more than one year.

In what weather can you wear nubuck shoes?

Expensive materials are not tolerated high humidity Therefore, boots made of natural nubuck cannot be worn in wet and rainy weather. Despite a large number of models for ordinary life, suede shoes remain a smart option, not involving long walks and the possibility of getting into adverse weather conditions.

Suede shoes and boots, nubuck boots are designed for indoor use as well as for dry street roads. These conditions are considered the safest for preserving the beauty of the product.

How to clean nubuck

Natural nubuck is a noble material that requires reverent and careful handling, care and constant attention. Boots and shoes made of nubuck can deteriorate if neglected, so it is important to approach the care of products thoughtfully.

When buying capricious shoes, you should take care of related products. You will need a brush for cleaning, nanospray for processing, paint for nubuck in tone for touching up, heating liners for drying.

The primary care of the nubok consists of a quality surface treatment, drying and re-treatment. The composition of the protective agent creates a barrier that prevents the penetration of moisture, dust particles and reagents. Preventive actions protect shoes from possible problems and also slow down the contamination of the material. In question with suede shoes better to play it safe by spending on protective equipment than spending money on restoring a damaged item or losing it altogether. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to care for nubuck.

winter boots care

In winter, there is no dust, so the care of boots is simplified. It is enough to wipe the product with a flannel cloth and dry it away from heaters. If the shoes are significantly wet, you can not immediately start cleaning. It is necessary to stuff the boots with paper or newspapers, leave until complete drying away from heat sources. You can use special liners for drying shoes.

Caring for nubuck summer shoes

Caring for such shoes in the summer is much more difficult. Even short stay on a dusty street takes away all the refinement from a noble thing. To remove dust deposits, it is convenient to use a soft cloth or a special brush sponge. For best effect it is recommended to use foam cleaner. Stains can be easily removed with a regular eraser, which also lifts up the lint, refreshing the look of the item.

Nubuck shoe care: how to raise the pile?

Glossy spots form on the velvet surface during wear. To remove them, use cotton pad dipped in ammonia. It is necessary to wipe the dirt and lift the pile with a brush or sponge.

To update the appearance of the product, you should arrange a "hot bath". You can restore the original appearance of the pile by holding the shoes over the steam of boiling water. Steamed villi should be wiped with a flannel cloth. After such manipulations, the shoes are transformed before our eyes.

Faux nubuck

What is this? The answer is simple - it is synthetic material. In appearance, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from natural. It is famous for its wear resistance, but does not allow air to pass through. As positive moment its ability not to absorb moisture can be noted.

Nubuck oil

The modern development of designers, which has high moisture-proof qualities, is called nubuck-oil (nubuck soaked in oil). Considered to be the most resistant external influences environment. His water-repellent impregnation allows you to wear shoes even in wet weather without fear of ruining them. However, the material requires the same careful care as classic version dressing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of nubuck: strength, pleasant appearance, breathability. Things made from it always look stylish and expensive, complement any outfit qualitatively.

Weaknesses: delicacy. Afraid of wet weather, requires careful care. The purchase of related care products is required on a regular basis, which is financially disadvantageous.

For those who doubt: is it worth buying nubuck shoes?

Most often, girls refuse to purchase such shoes due to the difficulties of care. Having learned the ways correct processing, following the rules of compliance with the weather regime, you can not worry about the appearance of your favorite thing.

Shoes made of natural nubuck are an elegant and stylish element that will never lose its relevance. The presence of such shoes is an indicator of good taste.