Corporate Code. The corporate code as a component of corporate culture.

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corporate code of ethics




“Corporate governance” is a concept that covers the system of relationships between the executive bodies of a joint-stock company, its board of directors, shareholders and other interested parties. Corporate governance is a tool for determining the goals of the company and the means to achieve these goals, as well as ensuring effective control over the activities of the company by shareholders and other interested parties.

The most important factor in the success and achievements of the Bank so far is the theme of our future at the same time - the good business relationships that we have developed with our clients, relationships based on common values, rules of conduct that govern interpersonal relationships.

Therefore, we use all available funds to maintain and improve our ethical standards while maintaining the reputation of the Bank. It undertakes to periodically inform its partners, the public about its strategic goals, activities and guiding principles of business ethics, as set out in the new code of ethics. The Bank has formed its corporate governance system in its current regulatory framework in order to ensure customer trust and satisfaction, increase shareholder value and social responsibility.

The main goals of corporate governance are to create an effective system for ensuring the safety of funds provided by shareholders and their effective use, reducing risks that investors cannot assess and do not want to accept, and the need to manage which in the long term on the part of investors inevitably leads to a decrease in the investment attractiveness of the company and the value of its shares.

The Bank has established an Ethics Committee to monitor compliance with ethical and ethical requirements, a body that regularly reviews the activities of the Bank in terms of compliance with the basic principles and the adoption of expected forms of behavior, as defined in the Code of Ethics.

The Bank allows anyone to report violations of the Code of Ethics in person or by phone or by e-mail and at the same time seeks to protect whistleblowers at the Bank against unequal treatment and discrimination that prohibits retaliation or adverse consequences for those who report in good faith actual or perceived violations of the values ​​and principles of the Code of Ethics.

Corporate governance affects the economic performance of a joint-stock company, the valuation of the company's shares by investors and its ability to raise capital necessary for development. Improving corporate governance in Russian Federation-- the most important measure necessary to improve the stability and efficiency of joint-stock companies, increase the inflow of investments in the entire sector of the Russian economy, both from sources within the country and from foreign investors. One of the ways of such improvement is the introduction of certain standards established on the basis of an analysis of the best international and Russian corporate governance practices.

Bank attaches great importance ensuring that employees become familiar with and raise awareness of ethical rules, therefore, conduct a program e-learning for each individual employee when conducting periodic assessments and monitoring compliance with the rule.

Within the meaning of the Code of Ethics, "Agents" include representatives, experts, intermediaries, consultants, agents, subcontractors and suppliers, as well as businesses and individuals in a contractual relationship with the Bank under civil law. The provisions formulated in the Code of Ethics must be respected and followed by all persons and organizations mentioned above during their employment or contractual relationship - both during and outside working hours.

The purpose of applying corporate governance standards is to protect the interests of all shareholders, regardless of the size of the shareholding they own. The higher the level of protection of the interests of shareholders can be achieved, the more investments Russian joint-stock companies will be able to count on, which will positive influence on the Russian economy as a whole.

Employees and agents who fulfill contractual obligations to the Bank and who, in the course of their activities, are responsible for a wide range of customers or potential clients Bank, provide services to them on behalf of the Bank and appear before the public in the course of fulfilling their contractual obligations unconditionally, as representatives of the Bank, to accept the Code of Ethics by signing declarations.

Each employee is responsible for protecting all physical, financial and other assets of the Bank, customers and agents with whom they have been charged. Assets, customers, agencies and other third parties of the Bank may only be accessed and used for authorized purposes and in accordance with applicable permits and conditions.

1. Goals of creating a corporate code

The transition of the Russian economy to the stage rapid growth in the early 2000s, improving the financial and economic condition Russian companies accompanied by an increase in their share prices, the emergence of a significant number of new issuers of securities significantly increased the interest of investors, especially portfolio ones, in Russian companies, which created an objective basis for the development of corporate governance practices.

Similarly, negligence in relation to the unauthorized use or disposition of the Bank's assets may also constitute a breach of obligations to the Bank. Protection of the image and reputation of the Bank. Employees must - both inside and outside the workplace - refrain from language that may Negative influence on the Bank's reputation. The Bank expects its employees to behave, even outside the workplace, in accordance with and in accordance with the ethics of the Bank, especially when their activities or themselves may be associated in any way with the Bank or when they speak or express their opinions on behalf of Jar.

« Corporate Code-- a document that describes the standards and values ​​of the company, the procedures for their implementation in practical life organizations and mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the adopted rules.

Natalia Tesakova, Mission and Corporate Code

Corporate codes of ethics have been widely used in developed countries since the 1980s. Their goal is to develop norms and rules that the company's employees must adhere to. These rules and regulations reflect the level corporate culture- systems of collective and personal values ​​accepted and shared by all members of the organization. 80% of companies in the list of five hundred have their own codes of ethics the best companies world according to Fortune magazine.

Employees may participate, may only express their views in any organization as individuals, and shall refrain from referring to their association with the Bank. Employees will not use their right to express themselves in any way that may affect the image and reputation of the Bank or its legal, economic or organizational interests.

Social media. Employees must refrain from any means mass media which may have a negative impact on the reputation of the Bank. The Bank expects its employees to behave - in their media communications as natural persons - in accordance with and in accordance with the ethics of the Bank, especially when their activities or themselves may be associated with the Bank in any way or when they appear valid or express their opinion on behalf of the Bank.

The corporate code should simultaneously solve several problems. As a tool to increase investment attractiveness, the code should be presented to investors. As a management tool, the code should regulate the behavior of employees in the workplace. As a tool for the development of corporate culture, the code should clearly define the main goals and values ​​and strengthen the corporate identity of all enterprises of the company.

In the course of their political activities, employees must not abuse their positions with the Bank and must refrain from conduct that could adversely affect the reputation of the Bank. Employees must inform the Bank before accepting any position in any political or governmental organization. In the course of their activities with the Bank, employees must not abuse their functions or hold positions in a political or government organization.

Employees may provide support to political organizations or individuals who comply with the prohibition in the Supporting Support chapter. Bank resources should not be used to support political events. Corruption means receiving unprofitable or illegal personal benefits in exchange for money. No employee or any other person acting on behalf of the Bank will ever offer, promise or pay or provide any other commodity of value or ask for or accept such an object to influence public officials or others, or gain an unfair business advantage.

In its external incarnation, the corporate code aims to increase the investment attractiveness of the company, improve its reputation. In the event that an organization is interested in development, in the inflow of investments, plans to enter new market sectors or strengthen its positions, it must provide the public and investors with public corporate governance documents. At the same time, the document must be a really working tool, because. the formal adoption of the code will emphasize its inconsistency with reality and reduce the credibility of other documents.

He does not have minimum amount or the value that must be exceeded for this payment made for the purposes listed above, or that the gift is illegal or contrary to the Code of Ethics. Avoid situations that may give the impression of suspicion.

Gift giving is often part of local culture and traditions. Offering gifts between business and customers can help build a company's reputation and establish a good business relationship. Ordinary gifts for business purposes may be offered and accepted. No gift of any nature - no matter what the value - should be accepted in a public outreach space.

Along the way, the corporate code will help solve several other chronic problems of the organization, for example, improving management efficiency. If there is a possibility of violations in the company that have an ethical component (for example, discrimination, kickbacks, theft) and bring significant losses, the corporate code will work to prevent them. Many of these violations are difficult to detect, so administrative measures to prevent them are not effective enough. It is necessary to increase discipline with the help of ethical tools. The presence of uniform and clearly articulated ethical standards of behavior in the workplace for all employees contributes to improved interaction and increased efficiency.

If, contrary to the foregoing, a gift is offered that exceeds the above limit and cannot be rejected, then this must be notified to the Banking Compliance and Security Department, indicating the organization or person from whom the gift was received, the nature of the business relationship with the person concerned and its content .

Gifts may be offered by employees as individuals at your own expense. Exceptions to this prohibition provide for gifts offered under the rules of the protocol, gifts in kind and benefits that are not expressly provided to affect an existing business relationship or be created with the Bank, or gifts based on a report of work done to the Bank, generally on top management level.

At the same time, the corporate code works for personnel management, serving the purposes of forming and developing a corporate culture, creating a system of intra-company communications, defining common goals and ideology of the company. The Code will serve the purposes of adaptation of incoming employees, their familiarization and acceptance by them of the common values ​​and traditions of the company. The formed Code will help at the stage of selection to protect the company from employees who do not share the values ​​of the company and the beliefs of the staff. The Code will help you to choose the most suitable one in terms of outlook on life, beliefs and values ​​among worthy applicants, thereby minimizing the cost of its adaptation in the company and the team.

An employee must not offer or accept gifts in circumstances that could be construed from outside as influencing a business decision or as a bribe. The invitation can take various forms, including organized events, hospitality, concerts or excursions. Launching or accepting an invitation may be a legitimate part of business operations and may contribute to the Bank's reputation and good business relationships. Allows launching or accepting regular invitations. These may include invitations to lunch or dinner, attendance at parties, or other entertainment such as hospitality or travel reimbursement.

2. Ethical content of the corporate code

Ethical principles and universally recognized moral norms are fixed in the official documents of the corporation - in the mission of the corporation, in the corporate code. Level moral development both a single person and an organization as a whole is determined by the orientation towards the humanistic universal principles of justice: the equality of human rights and respect for human dignity.

However, these costs should always be kept within reasonable limits, where the term "reasonable margin" depends on the actual situation. Business Solutions should always be taken in accordance with the interests of the Bank and not on the basis personal relationships, the development of which was facilitated by the provision of a gift or invitation. The main goal is to protect and preserve the reputation and impeccable integrity of the Bank.

Business related payments. These payments refer to informal benefits aimed at facilitating and speeding up a share or procedure when the person making the payment has a different right. The Bank rejects this practice and will not make such payment when requested.

In the well-known book by A. Peccei "Human qualities" six goals for humanity are outlined, according to which the goals of the organization's activities can be verified:

· "external limits" - clarification of the problem of the biophysical limits of human existence on Earth, harmonization of the relationship between man and nature;

· "internal limits" - the study of the physical and psychological capabilities of a person; - protection and preservation of the cultural characteristics of peoples and nations;

Bank employees are not permitted to provide financial or in-kind support to any political party, organization or any member or representative thereof in connection with activities related to their employment or positions. The Bank also agrees and agrees to abide by this principle.

As part of its social responsibility, the Bank offers donations to certain organizations and low-income groups. Donations may only be made in accordance with applicable internal statutes and normative documents. Employees must avoid, in accordance with the regulations and regulations of the applicable Bank, any real conflicts of interest and even the impression of their existence in relation to their positions, activities and own face.

· "world community" - identifying ways to gradually transform the system of egocentric states into a system of geographical and functional decision-making centers coordinated among themselves;

· Habitat, master plan for human settlements worldwide;

Corporate codes of ethics may also be based on other ethical principles. What they have in common is that they, one way or another, contain a description of the ethics of business relations and the ethical norms themselves. Business ethics are the principles that separate correct behavior from wrong. Ethical norms - a system of common values ​​and rules of ethics, the observance of which the organization requires from its employees.

Employees must disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to their own person, relatives or business interests or their relatives, as well as the interests of the Bank or its customers. Employees will work with the person exercising the employer's right to communicate with the Bank to quickly and efficiently resolve any conflicts of interest.

The Bank strives to create a working environment in which individual differences are accepted and valued. Positive or negative discrimination of any kind based on actual or perceived grounds this person- including, but not limited to, skin color, gender, nationality, sexual or ideological beliefs, sexual identity, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, political or other views, civil status, etc. - forbidden.

Who should be involved in creating a corporate code? First of all - top managers and main shareholders of the company, since it is their ideas about the business that should underlie it. Experts need to help knowing the composition and the content of such documents. The first editors and the first critics may be the heads of departments and other middle managers.

When the draft code is ready, it should be submitted for public discussion. The project is made public (posted on the Intranet, published in corporate media, sent to employees by e-mail, etc.) and fixed term developers will be able to receive and systematize suggestions and comments from those who will comply with this Code. Employees involved in the creation of the code will be more loyal to the rules, the creation of which they were involved in and in which their proposals were reflected.

An attempt to order a turnkey corporate code from external consultants or use a ready-made sample (the Internet is full of twin codes) usually leads to a stillborn product. An attempt to write code by forces of only one working group, without further discussion and revision, according to observation, leads to the emergence of an “average” code, slightly adapted to the company, which is ignored by top managers and management. The right and rational way lies somewhere in the middle. The basis of the corporate code is usually born in the heads of the top management of the company, and to bring it into line with modern requirements of management science, firms sometimes turn to consultants. IBS, while developing its code, used the help of a consulting company. The "SI-PRO Group" compiled the code on its own. Its layout, developed by the company's managers, was submitted to a general referendum. Within two months, the company's employees could make their own changes, additions, ask questions, and after all the proposals were taken into account, the document was approved.

3. Why companies need a corporate code

The quality of corporate governance today is the most sensitive issue for many Russian companies. Some of them have already developed and published their corporate governance codes for the public. These companies undertake to respect the rights of shareholders and investors, undertake to be open to creditors, partners and customers.

It is rather difficult to ensure high standards of corporate governance in practice. Therefore, the adoption of its own code of corporate conduct is one of the ways to ensure the information openness and publicity of the company, for which compliance high standards corporate behavior is a means of increasing the attractiveness of the company.

The Corporate Code shortens the way for the company to enter the All-Russian and international markets, to foreign investments, to quotes of the company's shares on foreign exchanges. Therefore, sooner or later, shareholders must insist on the appearance of such a code. If the charter of a joint-stock company is a kind of constitution, then the code is a declaration. It contains the rules of internal behavior for the subjects of a joint-stock company and the rules of relations with external partners. Moments that the charter does not provide for in terms of their “genre” are fixed in the code.

The implementation of the Corporate Code in an organization pursues the following positive results:

Formation of the desired corporate culture;

· Understanding by the organization's partners and staff of common purposes and goals, strategies and means to achieve them;

· Definition of common values ​​shared by management and employees;

· Building an effective system of external and internal communications.

Excerpt from the Corporate Code of OAO Domregionstroy (Russia)

The Company expects from its employees:

Friendly and correct attitude towards customers;

* Compliance with accepted and established rules, instructions, routines, technologies and methods;

* Desire to develop the enterprise and develop yourself;

* Initiatives aimed at better performance of their duties;

* Understanding the tasks facing the Company of a strategic and current nature;

* Separation of corporate interests of the Company;

* Continuous self-education and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities;

* Team work;

* High dedication in the performance of their duties;

* Willingness to perform additional tasks related to the activities of the enterprise, not included in the scope of immediate duties;

* Professional attitude to their work;

* Active participation in the life of the company.

The employees of the Company are guaranteed:

* Adequate remuneration;

* Objectivity in assessing the results of labor;

* Creation full conditions to perform professional duties;

* Assistance in improving skills and abilities;

* The possibility of additional training directly related to the professional activities of employees;

* Ability to discuss and change the established rules;

* Feeling of self-respect on the part of the Society;

* Confidence that the employee works in a stable, reliable company;

* Social guarantees (more details social guarantees employees of the Company are listed in a separate corporate standard).

Business and moral qualities

The business qualities of an employee of the Company, necessary for the optimal performance of their functional duties:

* professionalism:

* discipline;

* independence;

* punctuality;

* diligence;

* diligence;

* the ability to bring the assigned work to the end;

* goal-oriented, result-oriented;

* willingness to take responsibility.

Moral qualities of an employee of the Company, necessary for working in a team and fulfilling their functional duties:

* responsiveness;

* benevolence;

* attentiveness;

* ability to perceive criticism;

* devotion;

* decency, honesty;

* modesty;

* openness.


The corporate code can and should become a unique document of a particular organization, which contains not only the strategic vision of the management, the norms and values ​​of the organization, but also the ways to convey them to ordinary employees. Today, the management of many large Russian organizations understands that a positive image is a way of capitalization. Invest in someone they trust. And one of the main investments of modern business is the devotion and dedication of the employees of the organization. The corporate code becomes the foundation of staff loyalty. In order for the code to become truly effective, it must be accepted by all employees of the company, become an integrating document, a cause for corporate pride.

In order for the code to work, it is necessary to involve employees in finalizing the draft code so that they perceive it as “their own”, and not as “imposed from above”. Practice shows that a maximum of 10% of employees will take advantage of this opportunity, but everyone will have a positive attitude.

In the future, you need to make sure that the codex works, and does not gather dust on the shelves, even published in excellent printing performance. Excerpts from the code can be issued in the form of posters and postcards, decorate office walls with them. The mission of the company should be posted for everyone to see, placed in the heading of branded stationery accessories (diaries, planning, business cards). The Code should become a working document, the Bible (Koran, Talmud) of the employee. A beautifully designed brochure should be given to every employee, solemnly presented to every newcomer. The Code should be referred to when holding general meetings, planning meetings, rallies. The Code should be constantly cited by the internal communications system.

For the Code to work, its provisions and requirements must be implemented

those people who serve as an example for employees are in the public eye of employees and customers. By their behavior, the company's top managers should illustrate the seriousness of the company's intentions regarding the code it created. The company can and should consider the requirements of such a code for a member of the company as the duties of an employee defined by an employment contract. For example, employment contract The Russian representative office of Motorola stipulates that violation of the rules enshrined in the "Code of Business Ethics" (the fundamental principle of which is "uncompromising honesty and respect for people") may result in a reduction in the amount of bonus payments.

And, of course, the code should not become a dogma. It is impossible to cover by the code all situations, without exception, encountered in work and in relationships. When developing the code, it is necessary to provide for the possibility and mechanism for its change and addition. It may be worthwhile to provide for a certain working body, an arbitration court for situations that are difficult to interpret after the first reading of the Code. In the same Motorola, there is a special ethics committee that considers all contentious issues associated with corporate rules.

Thus, it can be concluded that codes of corporate conduct make it possible to regulate the procedure for corporate governance and provide a civilized approach to this process in the interests of all participants in the corporation.

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Corporate Code

In a civilized economy, the development and adoption of a corporate code is a matter of honor for every company that claims a high reputation in the market. The presence of a corporate code in a company and, what is important, its observance significantly increases its investment attractiveness. At the same time, it is important that it be a living document developed by the company itself. And not rewritten in someone's image and likeness.

The corporate code is a set of norms and rules that describes those models of behavior and uniform standards of relations and joint activities that exist in the company.

The corporate code is the embodiment of the company's philosophy. In particular, it establishes voluntary obligations to employees and outside world, which the company assumes in excess of those prescribed by law. The Code declares a higher level of business culture, implies compliance with high ideological principles and norms, and promotes a clear positioning of the company in relation to its customers and employees.

The code is used:

As a management tool- regulate the behavior of employees in the workplace.

As a tool for the development (maintenance) of corporate culture- clearly define the main goals and values ​​of the company and strengthen the corporate identity of the subjects of the corporation at all levels (shareholders, management, personnel).

· As a tool to increase investment attractiveness .

Corporate codes are adopted primarily with the aim of improving corporate conflict management. An appropriate level of such management significantly reduces the risk of disputes. For effective management a modern manager must take into account the totality of interests (customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, government).

Internal corporate code:

sets priorities;

determines the "rules of the game" for all employees of the company;

establishes the rules of the work process of the company;

Explains why one should act in a certain way;

· encourages the creation of a unique corporate culture.

The adoption of a corporate code helps to strengthen the positive image of the company. Today, the management of many large organizations understands that reputation is a way of capitalization. Invest in someone they trust.

Currently, codes of corporate ethics are being implemented in many companies, however, due to the difficulties of implementation, they often remain a formal declaration. When developing a document, it is important not only to create a code of corporate ethics that will meet all the requirements for documents of this level, but, most importantly, to make it really work. To do this, the code must be accepted by all employees of the company, become an integrating document, a reason for corporate pride.

The structure of the corporate code may be different, but its main goal should be to bring together all the resources of the company in order to achieve its goals.

Ideological, which includes the following sections:

· Company's mission

Company goals (strategic, tactical, operational, local, private)

company values

· Basic principles companies.

Regulatory, where the provisions adopted within the company should be reflected:

Information about the structure of the company

Information about the basic principles of management in the company

Information about what the company expects from its employees and what it does not welcome

· Standards of conduct in work time at work

Standards of interaction with colleagues, managers and subordinates

Information about the procedures adopted in the company for rewards and punishments

Relationship of the company with the external environment

· Company image

・Company trade secrets policy

Use of official position

Work and personal life employees

Information about the style of behavior adopted in the company, communication, dress code

It is important to remember that the corporate code is a document that states:

for a newcomer and an employee of the company - what and how it is customary to do in the company,

top management of the company - what ways to achieve the goals are desirable and acceptable,

the client of the company - what and how the company does for him, what he is guided by, what he values, except for his profit,

a partner of the company - how honest and fair the company is in relation to its partners, whether it is interested in long-term relationships,

· to society - about the benefits that the company brings to this world, about the social responsibility that the company has assumed.

Standard is always something new in the life of the company. Even in the case when he simply describes what has been accepted in the organization for so long. Resistance to everything new is quite natural - a person is so arranged. Researchers claim that only 15% of people have a positive attitude towards innovations, the remaining 85% resist, criticize, devalue, sabotage, and so on. This is fine. Therefore, in order for the corporate code of the company to be effective, it is necessary to take seriously and painstakingly not only its creation, but also its implementation. After the adoption of the code, it is important to achieve strict implementation of its main provisions, which must be monitored by leaders at all levels. For example, if we are talking about the implementation and observance by the personnel of the standards of interaction with clients, the following approach is possible:

1. Train staff in effective interaction with customers.

2. Support the effect of training directly at the workplace in the form of mentoring and coaching.

3. Train managers to monitor the work of subordinates according to standards, the ability to give effective feedback and competently criticize.

4. Link incentives and the implementation of standards (that is, introduce categories, intra-company qualification groups that differ in wages: if an employee works according to the standard, then he receives an additional payment, if he does not work, he does not receive an additional payment; but it is not recommended to fine for non-compliance with standards, it is more expedient to pay extra for those who works in accordance with the requirements of the standards).

5. Identify the personnel who have adopted the new rules of the game (new standards) and encourage these employees; identify personnel who do not want, cannot, still do not know how to work according to standards and make a management decision on what to do with these employees: talk, support, train, consult, etc. For example, the Mystery Shopper program helps to track the implementation of intra-company standards with maximum objectivity in trading floors.

Constantly pay attention to personnel who are required to work to standards. One well-known management axiom says: "Only a satisfied internal customer can provide a satisfied external customer." CEO, line managers, mentors, HR director, trainer, coach, and others key figures certainly in one form or another must support the staff who are getting used to working in a new way.