How to manipulate a man: the most effective psychological methods. Secrets of managing a man

Helpful Hints

If we take the roughest classification, all men can be divided into just 12 groups, each of which is controlled by one zodiac sign. Knowing the specifics of each individual sign, it is not difficult to understand what to put pressure on and how to control those who are next to you.

Of course, not everything is so simple, however male psychology much easier than women's, and, having figured out what's what, any woman can easily get her man whatever you wish. Ignorance of certain nuances of the psychology of men can definitely lead to the destruction of relationships.

Psychologists are sure that in order to control a man, first of all, a woman you have to learn to manage yourself. This means that you need to moderate your feelings and be able to say “NO” in time.

If you learn to control your desires and do not rush into the pool with your head, ready to do anything for it, men will more interested in you as a woman, a person, and even a wife.

Astrology easily explains the nuances of psychology and gives tips on how to behave with representatives of one or another zodiac sign in order to get what you want.

How to control a man: mastery of manipulation


What do you need to know about him? The most important thing to know about a man of this sign is that he is a born hunter. It is known that all men are hunters to one degree or another and prefer to conquer prey. Then they appreciate it more and rejoice in it more, but in Aries this feeling of hunting is simply hypertrophied. Not only Aries does not like to lie on the couch and wait for the woman herself to come to him and bring everything on a silver platter. It's boring and uninteresting for him. IN BATTLE, PEACE WE ONLY DREAM!

Hence the FIRST RULE: Run away, but do not reach complete indifference! Cold and indifferent to his person Aries women are bypassed, it is important for him to feel that a woman is interested in him, but is not ready to immediately give up and fall into his arms.

RULE TWO: To get and manage what you want, you need to make your desires and decisions become his desires and decisions. Aries do not like it when someone makes a decision for them, but sometimes they can be led to the right decision with cunning, hints, so that he is sure that this decision came only from him!

Dear, do you want to be the first of your friends to visit the Canary Islands with your family?

Who, if not you, can get this new position? You can easily handle it! Then we would not worry at all about buying a new car on credit.

What can not be done? Being capricious too often; do not allow him to make decisions, do not agree with his decisions; try to become a leader in the family; trying to support the family on her own.


What do you need to know about him? Taurus are lazy, stubborn and sometimes a little stingy. For any woman, this is not the most ideal masculine qualities, which she would like to see in a man, however, even here there are secrets that can be used as a weapon.

RULE ONE: This man loves comfort and pleasure, so in order to manage him, you first need to create him right conditions. He must understand that without you there will simply be no comfort and pleasure will remain out of reach.

Honey, if you pick me up from work today, I could be home faster and have time to cook you your favorite wings in honey and soy sauce!

RULE TWO: Next to such a man there should be not only a “comfortable” woman, but also a beautiful and sexy one. He should enjoy your beauty and femininity. If you behave too "unfemininely", if you do not awaken sexual instincts in him, it is not possible to control him. He must always want you even when he decides serious questions. In this case, you will get everything you want!

RULE THREE: Don't neglect touching when talking to him. Touches, light kisses, hugs help him understand that you need him. Do it not feignedly, but naturally, when you start asking for something. Even if he is offended by you because of something, his resentment will quickly melt away.

What can not be done? Act like a bitch or a feminist; do not care about his food and appearance; try to 100% control his income and consider it completely his own; do not follow the appearance, figure.


What do you need to know about him? The Gemini man is freedom-loving and changeable, loves variety and change, does not tolerate boredom. There are usually always a lot of women around him, to whom he is friendly, but no more. This is not surprising: he is used to surrounding himself with listeners and interlocutors, and his social circle is usually very, very extensive.

RULE ONE: The most important thing in a relationship with such a man is to let him speak. The ability to listen often prevents many women from winning over a man. If you want to get something from him, first talk to him about his affairs, plans, interests, let him tell you how the day went and what he read in books or learned in news feeds. Slowly and smoothly move on to your desires and requests, continuing a casual conversation.

RULE TWO: Be not just an interlocutor, but a friend. Imagine your beloved friend in the place and when communicating with him, try to communicate on an equal footing, without controlling, without imposing your opinion, without saying: why did you do it! You will not reproach your friend for meeting another friend for a beer in the evening?

Your partner will also treat you, and therefore he will not refuse requests, even if it is some kind of very strange request.

Did you want to go to football tomorrow with your friends? Oh, and today, unexpectedly, a friend invited me to a birthday party at a strip bar, you can pick up the children from the garden today, feed them dinner if they want, and put the laundry in the machine to be washed. And tomorrow everything is on me!

What can not be done? Put him any framework; limit his time try to limit the circle of his communication; interfere with talking on the phone and saying: you weigh too much on the phone!


What do you need to know about him? Many will say that managing a Cancer man is as easy as shelling pears: give him something delicious to eat, and he is completely at your disposal! Yes, it may be so, but only partially. Cancer is not such a glutton as you think, to make it so easy with him! Like other representatives of the element of Water, Cancers need increased care and attention from a girlfriend, they usually love modest and tender women who will give them motherly love.

RULE ONE: Food, soft bed, tender care. These are important ingredients that should be in your arsenal at the time you would like to manage Cancer. Without these simple things, Cancer simply will not understand you or even turn away. First, feed, put, lull, let him sleep, and only then ask for something there.

RULE TWO: Try to always be feminine and gentle, you should not solve problems with screams and nerves, you should be soft and calm. Next to Cancer, watch your gestures and intonations: they should be smooth. Tantrums, squeals, capriciousness or increased commanding tones can scare away his complaisance and good nature, and you certainly will not get what you want.

RULE THREE: Try not to argue with him, be complaisant and obedient. It is this behavior that, oddly enough, will lead you to the goal. Remember that a woman's strength is in her weakness.

What can not be done? To be too stubborn and selfish with him; not listen to his needs; quarrel with his relatives or speak impartially about them (especially about his mother).

Secrets of managing men


What do you need to know about him? Leos are always winners, even when they lose, they are still winners! It is important for any Leo to see next to him worthy woman, which will emphasize its dignity and significance, decorate, so to speak, which it will not be a shame to show to others. Beauty and dignity are important components of Leo's companion.

RULE ONE: Leo is very difficult to control, he prefers to do it himself, so you should include weapons such as beauty, grace, pride. He should feel you are worthy of him, but in no way outshine him! You need to be a little arrogant and cold in the beginning so that he has the opportunity to win you over. Like other representatives of the fire element, Lions are hunters, so they lose interest in easy prey very quickly.

RULE TWO: You can control the Leo man ... through other people. Everyone from his environment should like you (within reason, of course), whether they are friends or superiors. For example, you can also tell his friends about his virtues behind his back, and he, having heard it later from a friend, will understand that you really treat him with reverence and great respect. This will once again raise you in his eyes, and he will not be able to refuse your requests, he will satisfy your desires.

Getting something valuable from a Leo man as a gift is easy if it helps you improve your appearance and become bright and attractive next to him. The main thing is to tell him something like this:

Dear, with this necklace at a corporate party, our couple will outshine everyone, everyone will look at you with admiration and think: Oh, he is really cool, since he can allow this for his wife!

What can not be done? To be more successful than him; make decisions for him; show your strength both literally and figuratively.


What do you need to know about him? In romance and passion, he usually will not be noticed, especially if in his horoscope and other personal planets in colder signs. It is also not necessary to expect unpredictability and constant changes from him. This man is calm, reasonable and predictable. The latter, by the way, makes it easy to control, the main thing is to press the right levers!

RULE ONE: You should never let him think that you owe him something, you must, this can significantly reduce his respect for you and make you treat you unworthily.

He should understand that you are ready for a lot for him, but you don’t have to! If you turn into a servant and housekeeper for him, it will be almost impossible to manage him, he will not particularly reckon with you, but if he sees you as an assistant, a person who supports him and is something of himself, then he will lead yourself quite differently.

RULE TWO: Accept his criticism calmly and with dignity, because he cannot but criticize, cannot help but get to the bottom of the little things. Do not be upset and immediately think that he underestimates you. Yes, he is demanding, but in order to get his way, you sometimes have to bend. But to demand something very persistently from him is not worth it. Especially express harsh criticism in response. It is better to wait a little, but once suddenly softly say:

You see, dear, you don’t always wash the dishes perfectly either, probably just tired and didn’t notice that you left the plate unwashed?

Next time, most likely, he will also not be too critical of your work. And if it does, then you can recall: None of us are perfect, but can we fix everything quickly?

RULE THREE: If you want something from him, for example, in material terms, it is best to subtly prove that not only you personally need it, but also him or both of you. Usually, Virgo men are quite logical and love it when they explain everything and put it on the shelves, following the logic.

Dear, you need to buy a new sofa, the old one has sagged, and your back hurts from it, you don’t get enough sleep and come to work dissatisfied: as a result, your boss becomes dissatisfied and does not raise your salary. You'll see: everything will change with the new sofa! Let's go tomorrow and choose...

What can not be done? To be inattentive to his criticism and not to accept it; being too unpredictable: it tires him; contradict and react too violently to his remarks; interfere in his affairs.


What do you need to know about him? The Libra man knows how to appreciate beauty and art, he knows a lot about this, so when choosing a woman, his impeccable taste will appear. You can manage it with your innate diplomacy, tact, good manners and, of course, beauty.

RULE ONE: As with the Leo man, the Libra man is very fond of narcissism and compliments. He will melt easily if you hint that he is in today. great shape. In addition, he is a big romantic, so you should keep up with him in this.

RULE TWO: You should push him to make decisions, because often Libra is very indecisive. The main thing here is not to insist on your own, but to gently hint, give advice. Men of this sign listen to them easily, especially if they trust you!

Dear, I would advise you to buy this suit, you are impeccable in it, yes, it will also go well with that blue dress from the neighboring department that I liked so much!

RULE THREE: Love him and make sure he is sure of your love. Remember that Libra is the abode of Venus, so love in a relationship is very important. If he loves and is confident in your love, then getting what you want from him (if you gently insist on your own) is quite simple.

What can not be done? Shift all decisions to him alone; conflict, provoke quarrels; do not notice his merits, do not praise, do not say nice words.

The woman controls the man


What do you need to know about him? Scorpios are dangerous and very secretive people, they are the most jealous of their partners and are most often capable of revenge. The grip of Scorpio is unusually strong, and the sense of possessiveness often smothers with its constancy. Nevertheless, it is Scorpio who is able to give his partner a lot. But you have to be very careful with him. He loves strong emotions and experiences, thrill, that will keep him interested.

RULE ONE: To learn how to manage a Scorpio man, you need to know his weaknesses. This is not always easy, because Scorpios are very secretive, so sometimes it takes a very long time before you "pick it up". But once you understand his weaknesses, you can push them with the same intensity he pushes yours. But you should not immediately show your weaknesses, if possible.

RULE TWO: One of weaknesses any Scorpio - his strong need for intimacy. For relationships, good compatibility in bed plays a paramount role for him, and passions must always be maintained in relationships, otherwise he will simply be bored and uninteresting with you. You can use proximity as a weapon or invent new adventures with it, achieving your goals in doing so.

Honey, let's go to Europe for the weekend, it's going to be an unforgettable weekend, even if we don't get out of bed in the hotel. Well, at least we can go shopping a little!

RULE THREE: Scorpio, like fire signs, loves to woo his lovers, so it is easier to control him when he understands that you are less attached to him than he is to you, even if this is not so. You can’t always say “yes” to him in everything, sometimes you have to refuse, no matter how hard it is for you. It is important to remain a mystery to him, which he will constantly unravel.

What can not be done? Be passive and cold (especially often refuse intimacy); be an open book to him.


What do you need to know about him? Sagittarians are free and idealistic people. They always have many goals to which they try to go at the same time. Usually Sagittarius is a great optimist in life, he wants a woman nearby to share his views. In addition, Sagittarians usually see bright, beautiful and somewhat remarkable women next to them.

RULE ONE: You must never fall behind him: stand with special attention follow his hobbies, share his views, be interested in his hobbies. The level of education should also be approximately equal with him. For example, if you know more than him or better at something, he will feel inferior.

If you do not have the relevant knowledge, you should always strive for it, especially learning from him. If you, for example, ask to teach you something that he knows or can do better, he will burst with pride. Therefore, you can get more out of him or you can get what you want.

RULE TWO: You should constantly show and prove to him that he is the best and most unique for you. Like other representatives of the fire element, this attitude of a woman has a relaxing effect on Sagittarius: he becomes more accommodating and will allow you a lot.

Honey, you make this omelet amazing! Where did you learn it? I can't do that. Can you cook it for me for breakfast today?

What can not be done? Demonstrate that you know or can do something better than him; to be a homebody who is difficult to get out of the house, to be heavy on the rise; restrict his freedom.

Man Management Guide


What do you need to know about him? Cold, practical and serious. Not a man, but a stone wall, behind which you will be reliably insured for all occasions. But those who give romance, tenderness and constant declarations of love will be very disappointed next to him. Any Capricorn is able to express his love not with ardent confessions, but with something practical. For example, you can donate a car. He used to prove love not with words, but with deeds. And veal tenderness will generally be superfluous, as he believes.

RULE ONE: Everything you wanted to do around him should be done according to the rules. If your desires are too frivolous and careless, there is no practical expediency in them, or they are too impulsive and thoughtless, he will perceive this as a mockery. If you want to get something from him, you must convince him that this is a matter of life and death, you have been warming this thought for a long time and in earnest.

Dear, last year I realized that I need to go to this sports club, it will help me not only look better, but also improve my health!

RULE TWO: You should maintain in him the spirit of leadership and important person(even if it's actually not). Any Capricorn likes to lead something, control something, and also likes to work. At the same time, his significance should be on top, and who, if not you, will constantly tell him how successful he is and how well he copes with all his duties!

What can not be done? To be indifferent to what he does; to be capricious, to show impatience; strive for adventures and adventures and incite him to them.


What do you need to know about him? Aquarius is the biggest original of the Zodiac. He loves freedom so much that he is ready to do anything for it, including breaking the oppressive and fettering relationship. Usually cold in communication with girlfriends, Aquarius will be for women best friends. There is always something to talk about with them, as with all airy men.

RULE ONE: In order to learn to control him, he must first be given freedom and never captivity. If he feels that you are trying to lasso him, hanging around his neck and controlling every step outside the house, he will be very unhappy and, as a rule, will never allow you to get what you want from him. Therefore: let him be free and deprived of your control, be his friend and adviser, and not a controlling mother.

Are you leaving to meet your friends today? Oh, can I take your car and go shopping, you still have to take a taxi back.

RULE TWO: Never let him know that you think he owes you something. Aquarius lives by the principle: no one owes anything to anyone, which is why he does not like different frames, as well as bonds ... of marriage. You should sincerely thank him as soon as he does something for you. Whether it be something small or something big and serious. When he feels sincerity, and not calculation, he will be much more accommodating and accommodating, including in relation to official marriage.

What can not be done? Forbid to see or communicate with friends and like-minded people; to restrict his freedom in any way; make demands and issue ultimatums.


What do you need to know about him? Excessive sensitivity of Pisces men often makes them vulnerable to various complexes, grievances and wrong image life. Pisces is perhaps one of the most difficult types, because they often cannot say exactly what they really want from life, other people or women. However, with all the minuses, Pisces men can give their beloved both tenderness and care, and very strong and devoted love.

RULE ONE: You must constantly reassure him that you trust him and that he can fully trust you. Like other water signs, Pisces are very vulnerable and touchy, they harbor a fear of mistakes and disappointments, so in order to get everything you need from him, you should prove to him every time that he can rely on you, that he means a lot to you. and you are ready for him to make the same sacrifices that he is ready for you.

Manipulation is called psychological tricks, which are aimed at inducing a person to perform actions, contrary to his desire and interests. At the same time, the object of manipulation perceives actions as its own initiative. Unlike a direct request, the manipulator does not remain indebted to the object, does not bear responsibility. Women often resort to manipulation in relationships with men, but only with the right approach can you get what you want without causing anger or resistance from the man.

How to control a man

There is nothing shameful in wanting to learn how to manipulate effectively. Often the object itself is not aware of the benefits and advantages for itself from the implementation certain actions. But the art of manipulation must be learned. Here are some helpful tips.

First of all, you need to use your gender. Even if you want to manage men at work or just friends, you need to encourage them to see you as a woman. Manipulation in this case is based on natural instincts. When a lady is of physical interest, then the actions of a man are guided not by the mind, but by the flesh. He will be ready to do whatever you ask him to.

Your image should not be vulgar, and your clothes should be very revealing. Leave room for imagination, use cuts and cutouts, lace, translucent fabrics. Makeup and fragrance should be unobtrusive, nothing in the image should irritate the interlocutor. If position permits, use tactile contact, light stroking on the hand. Build communication on half hints, do not push or use a commanding tone.

Men value their freedom very much, and many women's advice perceived as an attack on her. Your requests for a meeting, planning joint leisure activities are perceived as disrespectful to his personality, degrading. Therefore, to get what you want, you need to use manipulation techniques:

  • When communicating, do not use the imperative mood: don't walk, don't do, don't look. Replace verbs with questions-requests: "I'm going shopping, can you help with heavy bags?" Or ask rhetorical questions: "I'm going on a business trip, I don't even know who to leave my dog ​​to."
  • Suggest an alternative. If you do not want to let him go to a party with friends, then voice another option have an interesting evening: romantic dinner by candlelight, sex in an unusual place, going to the premiere of an action movie. Having stayed with you, a man should not doubt that he did this on his own initiative.
  • Give up pressure and lead the man to make the right decision on his own. Do not express disagreement directly, but rather pick up weighty arguments. If you don't want to go visit his friends, say you've cooked it favorite dish, and there will be fast food again. Or offer to drink fine wine together at home, because when visiting, one of you will have to drive and give up alcohol.

Having mastered the basic techniques of manipulation, you will be able to resist them from your man, who is also not averse to controlling you.

The Art of Manipulation

By mastering the art of manipulation, one can achieve career development or get desired man. But, once you apply manipulations, you will want to use them all the time. After all, you need to keep your partner, and you need to get what you want. To make it easier to manage a man, do not forget the basic rules of manipulation:

Still, you should not resort to manipulation too often. loving man and he himself will be glad to do everything for his lady.

How to manipulate a man

The art of manipulation is given to someone from birth. And someone spends a lot of effort and money to master it. Use of skills in Everyday life allows you to achieve success in all areas of life.

The effectiveness of manipulation depends on the accuracy of the choice of the object: they can be the interests of a man, his needs or worldview and moral convictions, emotional condition, personality traits or professional skills.

Starting a dialogue with a man, you need to enter into close contact, inspire confidence. Learn to find mutual language You can do anything with just practice. Using the aging technique in a conversation, when you copy the intonation, gestures, facial expressions of a man, it is possible to create an atmosphere of frankness, to win over the interlocutor. Once close contact is established, any of the manipulation techniques listed above are applied.

At the same time, do not forget the rules that help any man like you. Then you can safely manipulate it.

When resorting to manipulation, you should not seek the fulfillment of desires that can really harm a man. As a result, not only he will suffer, but you too.

I hope that in itself the need to control men does not raise doubts in you. If a man is not controlled, then you will not be able to live happily ever after with him. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to manipulate them at least a little.

In this series of articles, I will tell you about 7 secrets of proper management of men, which will allow you not only to keep a man, but also to live with him happily ever after and so that he is your protector and breadwinner. You can read more about the secrets of management in my new book. “12 secrets of managing men. How to tame the obstinate?

Secret No. 1 Some men are uncontrollable in principle or very poorly controlled, and some are well controlled. You need to avoid communication with uncontrollable men.

It would seem obvious advice, but how often it is violated. Imagine that you have adopted a dog for yourself. However, this dog is completely uncontrollable and therefore not amenable to training. Then she will follow her instincts and act as she pleases. She will mark the territory of your apartment with her urine, she will bite you, your children and guests, she will climb onto the kitchen table with dirty paws and eat your food, etc.

And at the same time, no punishments, persuasion, training with the help of a professional trainer will affect her, or at least the results compared to the catastrophic costs of time, nerves and money will be completely minimal.

Who wants such a dog? Nobody.

But when it comes to men, for some reason some women are drawn to men who are unmanageable, or it is an extremely difficult task with meager results.

I partly understand why this is happening. After all, many uncontrollable men are bright stars with bright personality traits. They are brave to admiration and at the same time they do not play courage, but are really brave (psychopaths). They can rush to fight with three men, without thinking about the consequences. Or driving too risky. Or do things that are clearly contrary to common sense. At a certain age, many girls like this behavior of men.

They are kind and talented (many alcoholics at the beginning of the disease).

They are charming like children, cheerful and happy (many extremely infantile men).

They sometimes think completely unlike other people (some manifestations of schizophrenia or borderline states).

However, even in the average forms of manifestation of such features of theirs, these men are completely uncontrollable.

Eh, if the girls understood that such men cannot be influenced and impossible to tame, then they would not waste their time on them. However, I see how some girls fly to such men, like butterflies to fire, in the hope that they will be able to fall in love with them, that they will be able to influence them, etc.

But miracles do not happen in life, at least in this case.

The conclusion from the first point is simple. Do not try to influence those men who cannot be influenced. They will still cheat, tell lies when necessary and when there is absolutely no need for it, manipulate and be cruel. Maybe they will drink or behave like an infantile child.

Whatever techniques of influence you learn, no matter how hard you try, everything will be useless.

In the aggregate, there are not so many such men, probably 5 percent. (However, due to high activity some of them and a tendency to change partners, it seems that they are almost half of the entire globe.)

Learn to distinguish them, avoid them, and your ability to influence men will immediately increase 10 times. After all normal man amenable to influence and learning, even if you are not very good at it.

How to distinguish between men who are amenable to influence and not amenable to influence?

I write about this from time to time and will write in the near future.

You can read one of the articles about hard manipulators.

Secret #2. Don't fuss and don't rush. Let the man fuss.

Men are such creatures that have a highly developed sense of smell for haste and fussiness. If you're in a hurry, then you need something. And those who are in need cannot manage.

The rule is this. As soon as you start fussing or in a hurry, you immediately lose 50% of the threads to control a man.

Of course, 50% is an approximate figure. The less haste and fuss, the less figure. And the loss of threads for management leads to uncontrollability, that is, again betrayal, disrespect, lack of help to you, unwillingness to change your habits, etc.

A man is like a dog on a not very strong habit. If you start pulling on the leash, he will definitely twitch and break it. In dealing with him on the part of a woman, you need to be patient and never fuss.

Imagine this analogy in your head, and you will immediately become a much stronger influence on men.


- You start to flirt. You see that the man is interested, but sits and does nothing, does not show initiative. And then you approach him or do something else to get his attention and get to know him. You don't have to do that! Keep flirting for some more time, after a while you can stop flirting.

Doesn't fit? And you don't need to. Maybe it will come in a few hours or even days, when you even forget about it. Maybe it never will.

But approaching herself is the same as giving a man a leash from him. Everything, in front of you is a completely uncontrollable man, even if he is naturally shy and modest. He will sit on your neck and you will be forced to pull him on yourself for the rest of your life.

Again, I'm not saying that nothing needs to be done at all. Maybe you're not very good at coquetry? Then you need to see how others do it and practice.

Maybe you are right to flirt, but not in front of those men or not there. Then you need to decide what kind of men you need or understand where they are and, accordingly, visit there more often.

Maybe you need to work with your appearance in order to please men more in general, or certain men. (If, for example, you need to like 18-year-olds, then the skirt is shorter, the neckline is deeper, the manners of youth. If men are over 40, then the skirt is longer, the neckline is smaller, the clothes are more expensive, the grooming of the face, the ability to listen, speak)

Maybe you need to stop wearing headphones in your ears or stop being overly businesslike.

Maybe 10 more options. Eliminate obstacles. However, you do not need to approach the man. About how to please a man.

The man took the phone number and does not call back the same day or the next.

Are you starting to get nervous and fussy? Or even God forbid you decide to call him?

Don't ever do that. As soon as you start the fuss, and the man feels it, that's it, he will sit on your neck. Carrying a heavy man on a delicate female neck is quite difficult.

Therefore, complete peace of mind, even if you are not very calm inside.

It's better to throw away the phone than to call yourself.

- You had a little quarrel, and the man fell silent.

You can't handle the tension with silence, so you walk up to it and start putting up with it.

I don’t know for sure whether it makes sense in your situation to come up first and make peace or wait until suitable man. (There is no clear advice here.)

However, there are two big differences when you come up simply out of a desire or understanding that you yourself are to blame and from the fact that you simply could not stand the silence, but your partner screwed up on a large scale. A man will immediately feel it. After all, males instinctively feel weakness and strength.

And if you think that you don’t need to approach, but you need to be silent, then if necessary, learn to be silent at least until a well-deserved pension.

Here is a small note. Enough significant difference in the psychology of men and women lies in the fact that most men (70 percent) calm down during silence (of course, you don’t believe it, but it’s true). A woman, during the silence of a man, can reach white heat. And then, when a man, having calmed down, finally decides to come up and ask for forgiveness, then a “pleasant” surprise often awaits him. (Sometimes, of course, a woman calms down during silence, and a man begins to lose his temper. See specific cases).

Say you belong to 70 percent of women who, after a quarrel during silence, do not calm down, then repeat to yourself: “During silence, my man calms down and I calm down”. Repeat like a mantra. Suddenly, the mantra will help, and you will hit the man with a frying pan not with all your strength, as you wanted, but a little weaker. And if from reading this article 100 women do this, then I will consider that I did not waste time on the article.

- Usually your man served you outerwear, opened the door, etc., and then at one “wonderful” moment suddenly stopped doing it.

No need to fuss and rush. You don't have to open the door yourself. You don’t even need to scold the man for not having thought to open the door. Just stand rooted to the spot near the door and don't move anywhere. In half an hour, he will definitely figure out what the matter is and open the door. (will give you your fur coat, move a chair in a cafe, etc.)

Certainly, given example Designed for men with some degree of upbringing. If a man is proud of the fact that he has never used napkins in his life (and wipes the fat flowing from his lips with his sleeve), is proud of how he spits on the floor with relish and pulls the remnants of food from his teeth with dirty, greasy fingers, then, perhaps, this example cannot be applied directly.

But I always urge you to be critical of the examples. After all, the rules almost always apply, and specific example may not suit your situation. People are different and their circumstances are different.

With this example, I end the first part of this article. Always remember that if you constantly have some problems with men, then the reason, of course, is not in men, but in the fact that you don’t know or don’t know how to do something. Or choose the wrong men.

And as soon as you receive new information and practice using it, then everything will become much easier. Men will love you, respect you, run after you, line up to chat with you, etc.

The ability to properly manage a man is just the skill that will allow you to achieve these goals. Continue reading the article at the link

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

Is there a woman in the world who would not like to secretly or openly control a man? Not to lead him through life, not to suggest every step, but to make sure that he himself understands exactly what his half wants, does everything in accordance with her ideas.

Disputes about the ethics of such management have been going on for centuries, they are reflected in the culture different peoples, folklore, religion, philosophy. But this does not make the question of how to manage men any less relevant for women of all ages.

So is it possible?

Of course available. But only wise, tactful ladies can do this. And to become one, you will have to work on yourself first of all. And still it is necessary to adhere to several rules.

To some they may seem complicated, someone will be surprised at their simplicity, someone will consider them stupid. Any woman has the right to choose her own strategy of behavior. But if you want to manipulate the consciousness of your companion, then try, at least for how many days, to live in accordance with these rules.

But first, remember the main thing: a man is ready for anything just for the sake of that lady whom he deeply admires. And in order to achieve this, you will have to work on yourself, as already mentioned.

So, how to control a man?

To do this, he must be respected.

  • To begin with, in your conversations with your girlfriends, even casually, stop mentioning that "all men are goats." If you allow this even for a moment, you can never hope that your whims will be fulfilled. It is better to discuss with them the question of how to manage a man. Suddenly you will find some interesting, yet unknown method.
  • Find out the needs of your friend, his tastes, inclinations, addictions. Respect them. Be prepared to take care of your soul mate. But do it in such a way that your partner understands exactly how valuable you are to him. Mere indulgence and satisfaction of male desires usually lead to the opposite result.
  • Stop giving your husband or lover the gifts you need from your point of view, cook delicious food from your point of view. Remember that men appreciate those women who are able to understand exactly what HE wants. The rest of the strong sex is of interest insofar as.
  • Learn to respect the worldview, feelings, passions of your companion. If you have other tendencies, talk about them. You can even disagree with the opinion of a friend, argue with his decisions, but never, I repeat, never criticize the worldview, values, beliefs of your loved one. A man will linger for a short time next to a lady who constantly “lowers” ​​him.
  • Praise your partner. Admire the beauty, intelligence, skill of your lover or husband. Do it often. Remember the saying: kind word and the cat is happy.
  • Try to stick to the style of clothing that you like. young man. Of course, you may have contradictions. But it was you who decided to learn how to manage a man. So, you will have to give up something. Find out the aesthetic and sexual preferences of the chosen one, try to match them, and not the ideas of the average majority about fashion and sexuality.
  • Forever throw out of your vocabulary phrases like “I knew it ...”, “I told you ...”, “You are not capable of anything.” Replace them with others that are friendly. The more often a loved one hears from you “I believe in you”, “I know you can do it”, etc. The more often you sincerely support your lover, the sooner the gentleman will begin to admire you.
  • One of the most important in the science of how to manage a man is the ability not to load him. Men are arranged differently, they are not capable of long and loud emotions. In the same way, they are naturally unable to tolerate an excessive amount of female emotions. Stop yourself, express your feelings in a dosed way, and your partner will appreciate your calmness.
  • Be self-sufficient, know the sense of proportion, respect both him and yourself.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to describe in one article all the methods of controlling the stronger sex. Therefore, I will say in the end: the question of how to manage a man is on the agenda only of those women who want to receive without giving anything in return. Love your man and he will love you. And then he will be able to do a lot for you.