How to make a man do what he wants

Any self-respecting girl enjoys being courted by men. Sometimes you want the one you like to show attention, but such luck does not always fall out. Usually some guys are nice to girls, and others are courting. How to make a guy run after you if he doesn't show interest? How to master the secrets of seduction? The task is not easy, but nothing is impossible!

How to make a guy think about you?

Can be distinguished 10 female tricks that make a guy interested in you.

  1. Think of yourself and he will think of you. Be confident and well-groomed girl, then the man will be more likely to visit thoughts about you;
  2. Be interesting a riddle, then he will constantly think about you, trying to reveal your secret;
  3. Experiment with looks. Today appear before him a strict lady, tomorrow a coquette, the day after tomorrow an athlete. After a while, you will understand: he is interested in you;
  4. Strive to be interesting. Stay up to date latest news, read books, constantly improve, go to events, play sports. He should not know that you are sitting at home, waiting for a call;
  5. Experienced women recommend: if you want to interest him, you need to please his relatives. If they manage to do this, they will advise the object of sympathy to become interested in you;
  6. hint a guy that you care about him, flirt with him and flirt;
  7. Don't let him forget about you. Constantly flash before his eyes;
  8. Give him a little present. Looking at him, he will remember you more often;
  9. Always wear perfume before meeting him. Men are good at remembering pleasant smells. If possible, spread a few drops on his clothes, at home or in the car;
  10. Stay out of reach, the hunter's instinct will stir his subconscious.

You can not be persistent and tedious with him. Guys often try to avoid such girls.

How to make a guy run after you: psychology

Psychologists say that in order for a guy to pay attention and start courting, it’s not enough to have a pleasant appearance and good manners, you need to become the girl he always dreamed of.

Thanks to modern technologies and the development of ways to transmit information, this task becomes simple.

  • Don't rush to meet. First, find a profile on a social network and carefully study its page. Check out the photos and notes, you may be able to find out about his interests. Study them for yourself and you will have common topics for conversation;
  • See what girls he rates, who he has in friends and in photos. So you can find out what type he likes. It remains to slightly correct your appearance;
  • If the guy noticed you, then start intriguing him. Cancel a date a few minutes before it occurs, sometimes stop answering incoming calls and texts. He will be in a state of tension and he will want to "tame" you;
  • Do not always agree to a date when it is convenient for him, do not rush to meet him. He must think that you have other plans;
  • You should not meet and communicate too often, 2-5 times a week is enough for him to miss you.

A man will only run after the girl who will be his intrigue. It is recommended to carefully observe his behavior, whether he shows reciprocal sympathy. If this is not the case, then he does not notice you or he is not interested in you.

How to get a guy to text first?

Girls are constantly waiting for signs of attention. They can check the page on a social network around the clock, look at the phone screen, in the hope that a loved one will call or write.

But why torture yourself if you can push him to this action?

  • If you are waiting for messages from him on a social network, then try to always be in his sight. Actively communicate on the forums on which he is present, discuss posts from his wall, comment on videos, rate photos, and so on. Provoke him to communicate;
  • Show him that you have similar interests. For example, he likes the compositions of a certain artist - share his new tracks with him, then you will start a dialogue;
  • If you want him to always write to you first, then be interesting in communication. Never complain about men, don't talk about ex boyfriends, be always cheerful and cheerful. They love fiery girls.

Make sure he really has your coordinates. Perhaps he does not write or call, because doesn't know how to contact you.

How to get a guy to text first: conspiracy

Exists magical rite, which can make a guy remember you and write. On a full moon, you need to stand facing the east and say:

« Servant of God (guy's name), respond to my request. Open your heart and your soul to me, rather remember me. Call me, write to me, your servant of God (your name). Wish to think of me, wish to speak to me, wish to see me. Let it be so».

This plot can be repeated several times. greatest strength he will gain if, when pronouncing it, you hold in your hands a photograph of your betrothed and a church candle.

How to make him call with the power of thought?

Are you sitting in front of the phone screen and waiting for his call? The situation is widespread and familiar to everyone. You can speed up this process and force him to dial the number with the power of thought.

  1. Concentrate carefully and imagine the image of your man to the smallest detail (height, facial features, clothing details);
  2. Put your phone in front of you and make sure that your number is displayed on its screen;
  3. Imagine that your lover comes to the phone and dials your number, concentrate as much as possible on your thoughts.

At the same second, the man will have an irresistible desire to call you. Two conditions are required: he must be familiar to you and know exactly your coordinates.

How to make a guy jealous?

Jealousy is an unpleasant feeling, but it has a positive effect on relationships. It can push a man to take a step forward and start paying attention to a girl. Jealousy can be caused in several ways:

  • Flirt in front of his eyes with individuals of the opposite sex;
  • Be the center of attention and have fun, behave so that you are noticed;
  • Sometimes do not answer phone calls and texts;
  • Periodically stay late from school or work;
  • Always look like you're getting ready for a date.

If the question of how to make a guy run after you is tormenting, then it's time for you to change your behavior. Be more bright, active and interesting, then men will start to notice you.

Video: fall in love with a guy

In this video, psychologist Ekaterina Zhmurova will tell you how you can make a guy run after you and constantly think about you:

Any girl dreams that the guy she likes was crazy about her, couldn’t eat or sleep, thought about her around the clock and didn’t let her pass. You can also have him sing serenades under the window, meet and see her off with a loving look, and be everywhere she goes. And she would walk past him, all so dazzlingly beautiful, independent, proud and impregnable. And I enjoyed it immensely. It is especially pleasant to imagine such a situation after you have quarreled with a guy, you suffer without him, and he is in no hurry to put up.

Can you make a guy run after you? Yes, but certain conditions must be met. He must have at least some initial sympathy for you. That is, if you are completely, completely not to his taste, the task will be difficult to accomplish. Or not feasible at all. If you met him before, but broke up for a very serious reason, like your betrayal, it will be very difficult to make him look at you with loving eyes again, wounded pride and resentment will not give.

If nothing prevents the appearance of his sympathy for you, then you can try. And if you yourself are burning with passion for him, then you must definitely try.

To do this, there are a few simple but effective tips.

  1. Be self-sufficient. People who do not need anyone's support and can safely do without an environment always attract attention and arouse interest. If he sees that you don’t really need him, that you have an interesting and eventful life without him, this will spur his curiosity. It would be nice to actually be self-sufficient, and not just seem like it. To do this, you need to constantly develop intellectually and spiritually. Learn something new, attend different courses, travel and discover the world- and you will be interested in life in the world. And this is always noticeable in a person and always attracts the opposite sex.
  2. Be mysterious. Don't explain anything. From time to time disappear suddenly in an unknown direction, after phone call or just like that. Do what you think is right without asking his advice. At the same time, it is important to be confident. And be really confident in yourself and in your actions. If you have always lived with an eye on the opinions of others - friends, relatives - it will not be easy for you to behave independently. But this needs to be worked on. You must be absolutely sure that you can leave, come, agree to a date or disagree, accept his bouquet or not, based on your own momentary desires. But, showing your capricious nature, it is important not to overdo it and not look like an eccentric fool who herself does not know what she wants. The line is thin, but you can see it.
  3. Cultivate your individuality. You have to stand out from the crowd and attract attention. But it does not become a freak. Try to make the most of your external data. If you Beautiful legs- wear short skirts, If thin waist- Emphasize this by covering clothes. If your main value is your face, then it needs to be given priority. Men love first of all with their eyes, and only then they figure out what kind of character the chosen one has. So take good care of your appearance. close attention. You have to be stunningly beautiful and charming, and at the same time stand out from other girls.
  4. Show that you have an alternative. Surround yourself with fans. Let him see that you are not bored and that you are a popular and attractive person for many. Hang out with other guys as much as possible. You don't have to go on dates with everyone. You can just be friends and chat. He is unlikely to always know with whom you are sitting now in a cafe: with a passionate admirer who declares his love to you, with a classmate who listens to your valuable advice on writing a diploma or with a friend's brother who complains to you about troubles in personal life. Let her worry and be jealous.
  5. Never repeat twice. If he promised to do something and didn't do it, don't give him that opportunity again. Let him understand that he missed his chance and bites his elbows. You can conduct a similar demonstration not on him, but on one of your mutual friends. For example, you arrange with your classmate to meet after class. If he has gone somewhere, in no case do not wait, leave immediately. If he calls, politely but coldly answer that your time very valuable and you can't lose it. It’s good if this classmate of yours is his friend or buddy and, on occasion, will convey to the intended victim information about your inaccessibility and severity.
  6. Find out his tastes, passions, hobbies and weak spots and push them. If he's into tourism, get into it too. But do not try to make friends with him on this basis. Let him try, seeing in in social networks your photos against the backdrop of conquered peaks. If he's a Rammstein fan, let him casually hear this music from your phone as you pass by. A person with identical hobbies always arouses interest, and this can be an additional attractive touch to your portrait.
  7. Be the girl of his dreams. Find out from his friends, acquaintances or even relatives, if you have the opportunity to communicate with them, what kind of girls he usually likes. Very rarely there are guys who are equally fond of blondes, and brunettes, and girls with forms, and thin people, and glamorous party girls, and quiet house mice. Usually in everyone's head young man there is some ideal of a girl with whom he would like to date. If you are close to this ideal, great. If you can get closer to him by making small changes in your appearance and behavior, that's fine too. Well, if his ideal is your complete opposite, it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth redoing yourself or it’s better to try to please him the way you are.
  8. Use the contrast method. First, show your interest: listen carefully to him, show sincere interest to all his affairs, unobtrusively praise his mind, physical strength and male attractiveness. Call him first to ask how things are going and invite him somewhere. In a word, take the initiative. But don't lose your dignity. Do not run after him and do not impose. After some time, when he gets used to your flattering attention and admiration, stop all this abruptly. Do not call yourself, but answer his calls once or twice. Refuse meetings. Be cold, but not icy. There should be no hint that he offended you with something, you just have no time. There are so many interesting things to do, important meetings, attractive activities for you ... There is simply no time. The effect of this method often exceeds expectations. A guy tamed by you, accustomed to your affection, simply cannot do without it and begins to actively seek your attention.
Many girls are concerned about the question: how to make a guy run after you after breaking up? For the most part, the recommendations are the same as those listed above. But something can be added.

Perhaps after breaking up you will see him with another girl. In no case do not show your jealousy, even if it burns you from the inside with a red-hot iron. Say hello, have a nice chat about various trifles, do not forget to smile and look friendly. But don't show much interest in his life. Let him see that you are fine without him.

Make sure he sees you with someone else too. Behave naturally. No need to defiantly hang yourself on the neck of this other. But, if he shows some signs of attention to you, that's not bad. Show your lover that you expect civilized behavior from him in this situation, because you broke up. Now both he and you are free to meet with other contenders for your feelings. Nothing awakens a possessive and jealous savage in a man like a call to civility and to remaining just good friends.

Jealousy is a string that can be skillfully played after a breakup to make a guy run after you again.

Often a girl faces a problem: how to make a guy offer to meet himself. After all, society is not accepted for the girl to be the first to make such proposals. But to bring the guy to this and help him make a decision is quite acceptable, and we will now tell you how to do it.

At first glance, it seems that the guy does everything himself: he calls, writes, invites you on dates, the first one kisses the girl. But most often the girl herself is interested in this and leads the young man to such decisive action.

After all, not all guys are confident and not afraid to make a mistake, and they must be convinced that by making an offer to meet, they will not be refused.

In order for a guy to offer to meet, you need to let him know that he will be better with you than without you, be interested in him, show attention and care.

And then, left alone, he will gradually begin to notice that he misses you, lacks warmth and a sense of comfort, those positive emotions that you give him.

When he realizes this, then you can be sure that he will immediately offer you to be together.

Steps towards

You can make a guy take the initiative at the age of 13 by taking a few steps towards him. And then the young man will not resist, and will also move towards you.

From the foregoing, we can conclude: in order to make a guy offer to meet at the age of 12, you need to be self-confident, sincerely smile and enjoy life.

Learn to listen

When the first steps have been taken and you have begun to communicate well, you need to learn to listen to the young person. No need to pretend that a conversation with him is a holiday that you have been waiting for so long. This normal conversation which is no different from the others.

But there are a few secrets that only you should know:

Every day you need to train the quality of listening skills in yourself, even if it doesn’t work out the first time, but when you achieve mastery in this matter, you will thank yourself.

This will help not only when communicating with guys, but also when building other relationships, including business ones. And if a guy interests you not only as a friend, all the more you need to give him that very irreplaceable female support.

The most important thing is to be sincere, so that the young man feels this and becomes open himself, not afraid to show his feelings and emotions.

Only in this case, he will be sure that he has nothing to hide and fear, and will offer a relationship.

Never push him

While you are not dating yet, you need to carefully monitor your words and actions. And in no case should you rush the guy and put pressure on him, he himself must make such an important decision as to offer to be together.

Even if the guy is wrong about something or doesn’t do what you want, you don’t need to correct him or point him out. At this stage of the relationship, this can cross out your entire future.

A man should feel that he is right, that he makes decisions himself, and you should support him in this, and not vice versa.

It’s easy to make a guy offer to meet at the age of 11, the main thing is not to hurt his feelings and manhood, then you can count on all the best.

A man needs a woman's shoulder, care and attention, but he does not need a front-line friend and he certainly does not want to be henpecked. Therefore, too self-confident and domineering girls cannot find a mate for a long time.

Make sure your goals/desires match

Pledge successful relationship is that you like the same things, you strive for the same goals. If you understand in advance that your interests coincide, then in the future you will be able to avoid many problems and disagreements.

In addition, if you have a lot in common, then the guy will strive to spend more and more time with you, which is what we are trying to achieve.

But it is also important to understand that you are not just a friend for him, but he really likes you. Make sure he feels the same for you as you feel for him. After that, you can act more frankly and count on the initiative.

Become irreplaceable

This has already been mentioned a little above, but such a point should be highlighted separately.

You can make a guy propose dating at 10 years old if he feels that he cannot do without you:

Push to action

And so, when everything goes according to plan and communication goes to the point that a relationship is started, and the guy still can’t decide, then you just need to help him. Maybe he is shy, maybe he is not yet sure of his feelings or not sure that you will answer positively.

In this case, we connect female cunning and create a situation that will help to dot the “and”.

The plan is this:

If you don't like these two methods, then try another one - to behave more relaxedly. You do not need to directly talk about your feelings - this can scare a young man, but a little flirting will not hurt.

Be lighter, more natural, don't be afraid to touch the guy and be closer to him, and then he will definitely not resist.

But if the guy turned out to be impenetrable and after all this does nothing, then you can directly tell him about your feelings. But if it’s hard for you to do this, then you can get around the situation and write beautiful postcard or anonymous letter.

And if he has feelings for you, then he will definitely invite you on a first date.

Love and magic

Many girls, completely desperate, begin to think about magical ways attracting a guy. But you should understand that it is very dangerous action and no one has ever been happy after the application of a conspiracy.

Not only will this sooner or later result in backfire may even affect your children and grandchildren. In addition, love spells force only your physical bodies to be together, but the soul can never fall in love. What is the point of such love?

Before you decide on this, think carefully about whether this particular young man will interest you in a year or two. Your feelings may disappear in a month or a more worthy guy will come across.

How to get a proposal by correspondence

In the age of information technology, we communicate more and more by phone and the Internet. No need to wait until the guy comes to you under the windows, or you meet by chance.

Relationships can also develop over a distance. There is no need to wait for a special moment, besides, it is much easier to confess feelings without seeing a person through the phone or social networks - there is no that excitement and uncertainty.

  1. In correspondence, try to emphasize more positive traits young man, praise him more often, support him;
  2. After you spent time together, write how you enjoyed being with him and how you would like to repeat your meeting. It seems to be not a declaration of love, but also a good hint to make the guy think;
  3. You can also share songs, poems, pictures with a guy, thus determining whether your tastes match;
  4. Do not forget to ask his opinion, making it clear how important it is for you.
  5. And the last tricky move that a girl can use is to send a message supposedly addressed to another guy. So you can make your chosen one jealous, which will lead to a clarification of your feelings and perhaps he will immediately offer to meet.

How to answer?

And now you finally got yours. The guy asks you to meet. And what should he answer? How to make sure that you do not make yourself look insincere, funny or intrusive?

  • You don’t need to prepare an answer in advance, most likely it won’t be suitable for the current situation, or you will completely forget everything you wanted to say when you hear the cherished statement.
  • You can not answer him directly "yes" or "come on." Be a little flirtatious, but so that the guy understands that your answer is yes.
  • You can hug him or invite him for a walk.

Video: What to do to make a man think about you more often

Show support. He needs to feel that you are always on his side. If he complains about someone, give him the feeling that you think he is right. Praise him, compliment him, say good things about him to his relatives and friends. If someone criticizes him, immediately stop it, saying that you will figure it out together. Show your weakness. Let the man know that you need his care and protection. Most males like to feel like they are the protector of their lover. Admire his ability to wash dishes, cook or shine shoes. No matter how much he helps you, thank him and praise him, even if the result is far from desired. A young man must fix in his mind that when he does something for you, he receives positive emotions in return. Be an example. If you want a man to pay attention to you, make gifts and make concessions, you will have to do the same at least periodically. On your example, he will see what kind of attitude you want towards yourself, and on occasion he will not be able to reproach you: “But you don’t do that!”. Delight him. The guy will not fulfill the desires of the girl, who causes him less and less interest. He must be delighted with you, and this can be achieved if you always look great, get carried away interesting hobbies, to demonstrate their charm and femininity. Do not evoke negative emotions. If you want to achieve something from your chosen one, then do not throw tantrums and scenes. Hint to your lover what you expect him to do. It is possible that you will directly have to tell him what you want. If the guy does not respond to your request or ignores it, be a little sad, be thoughtful, but do not make scandals. Rather, your sad appearance will cause him more guilt than your screams. Force jealousy. The young man must understand that if you wish, you can always find yourself another chosen one. The way he sees that you have fans who would like to take his place. If so far these are not observed in reality, then you can go for harmless tricks. Ask a male friend to call you a couple of times in front of your boyfriend, posing as a secret admirer who wants to date. You can also order a bouquet of flowers for yourself, which will also be allegedly from a mysterious admirer.

I want the guy to be the first to call and write (sms or in contact)

In social networks If you want a guy to show you signs of attention on social networks, then make sure that your page is really interesting. To do this, regularly post new information about yourself, write funny or philosophical posts, add extraordinary pictures. Also, do not forget about the photo - perhaps this is the most important thing. Post more often new pictures in which you look great. Forget about the same type of selfies - let your photos be taken in different locations - at the skating rink, in the park, in a cafe, on a walk, in the company of friends. Thus, it will always be interesting to visit your page. In addition, a young person will not have to look for a reason to write to you for a long time if you always have a lot of information in your profile that you can comment on. Phone calls Toward the end of the meeting, start some interesting topic with a man, and then say: “Okay, it’s almost out of time, let’s discuss this later on the phone.” Thus, you yourself will hint to the person that you will be waiting for his call. You can also, when discussing something important on a social network, say in the middle of the dialogue that you urgently need to leave, but if he wants to continue the conversation, he can call you. Most often, guys enthusiastically respond to such proposals. If you usually communicated on a social network, then for some time you will have to disappear from the “world of virtuality”. Tell the young man in advance that for some period you won’t be able to log into VK or another social network, adding: “If anything, call.” Sometimes men can't make up their minds to call, so it can be very important to give them " green light". Once you can dial the guy's number, and after the first beep, drop the call. After waiting for the chosen one to call you back, say that you accidentally dialed his number. As a result, you will probably start a conversation, after which it will be easier for the guy to call you next time. SMS messages to mobile At first, write him SMS yourself, and do it at about the same frequency. For example, every morning you can wish him lucky day and good mood, or just write something nice. After some period, abruptly break off this "tradition" - for sure, the chosen one will notice these changes and will try to initiate contact himself.

How to make a guy kiss you and want

I want a kiss from a guy, how to get it

If you want a guy to kiss you, then it is important to observe some nuances that at first glance may not seem very important to you. Namely:
    Before the meeting, do not use too bright lipstick - many guys in this case do not dare to kiss, for fear of being dirty or ruining your makeup, which you seem to have worked hard on. Opt for a colorless gloss or a lip balm with a subtle tint. Although this is an obvious point, do not forget about fresh breath. Practice good oral hygiene, buy mint-flavored or fruit-flavored chewing gum, or menthol candies. Find the right moment to kiss. If you want a guy to take such a step, you should take care of creating the appropriate conditions. Going on a date, do not choose noisy and crowded places - a secluded setting is more appropriate for the first kiss. If you are together in a noisy company, then ask the guy to accompany you to be alone.

To make a guy want you - be a seductive little thing

First of all, men, most often, pay attention to the appearance of the girl, and if you want to arouse sexual interest in the chosen one, then you should look seductive. When thinking about what hairstyle to do before a date, give preference to loose hair, which, of course, should be well-groomed. Let your hair be perfectly smooth or flow down your back in voluminous curls. It is also important to choose the right wardrobe. It is not necessary to opt for a vulgar dress in order for a man to want you - learn to understand things that emphasize your advantages as much as possible and smooth out possible flaws. If you open some part of the body, then the emphasis should be only on it. For example, choosing a dress with deep neckline, compensate for this frankness with knee length. In turn, when putting on clothes that open your legs, make sure that the top is “closed”. In addition to appearance, you can also seduce with behavior. You should look relaxed. Tense and closed postures can confuse the chosen one. In all your appearance, manners, conversation, there should be relaxation. It is better to keep a slight mystery and be silent from time to time than to chat incessantly on unnecessary topics about problems at work and seminal turmoil of a friend. Also, one should not underestimate the importance of touch. Swipe the man's cheek, his back or his hair, touch your fingers. Of course, it is important to choose the right moment so that it does not sound out of place. Speak in a calm, slightly muffled voice, giving your dialogue more intimacy. This does not mean that you need to go to extremes, and lower your tone almost to a whisper. Men love it when women laugh at their jokes, but let your laughter be melodic and quiet - it is not at all necessary to laugh in such a way that passers-by or cafe visitors turn around. From time to time, do not forget to give the chosen one a soft smile, look into his eyes and, of course, flirt.

How to Convince Him to Quit Bad Habits

A person who is fond of smoking, drinking alcohol and gambling often harms not only himself, but also loved ones.

Get a guy to quit smoking

Arm yourself with simple and easy to understand articles about how smoking is injurious to the health of your boyfriend and the people around him. As a rule, everyone knows that this habit is harmful, but rarely does anyone go into minute details. Dedicate the young person to what prospects await him in a few years. If you are planning to conceive children, then tell the man that his smoking can turn into problems for the unborn child. There are many illustrative articles on the Internet on this subject. Let your beloved know that you are not comfortable with the smell that comes from him after smoking. Pay attention to the fact that because of cigarettes his teeth begin to darken. Avoid kissing if the man has just smoked a cigarette. Tell him more often that he is good for everyone, “if only he didn’t smoke yet ...”. Pay the smoker’s attention to how much his harmful hobby costs him - for sure, for the same money, giving up smoking for a year, he could to acquire the desired thing, for which he always felt sorry for the financial means.

What to do to make a man exclude alcohol from his life

If you understand that a person is clearly abusing alcohol, then it makes sense to convince him to seek medical care. Most likely, at first a man will take such an offer with hostility, so you will have to look for other ways to influence him. Expand the range of his interests. Offer to go on a hike or go to an amusing trip where you can control his addiction. Tell him that you can alcohol intoxication he behaves unbearably - you love him very much, but it is unpleasant for you to be with him when he drinks. Most likely, he does not drink himself, but with certain people. Try to find a way to break his relationship with these personalities. If he is on initial stage alcoholism, then ultimatums can still affect him. Tell him firmly that you cannot live with a person who is unable to overcome his addiction.

Gambling addiction - my boyfriend's addiction, how to deal with it

The guy is almost everything free time spends for computer games? If it started recently, then ultimatums may affect him, but if he has long been passionate about such a pastime, and ultimatums do not bother him, then he will have to behave differently. It is necessary to occupy his free time with something else. You can go on an exciting tour where he will not have the opportunity to sit in front of the computer. Involve his friends - go to some interesting events together, go on trips, etc. You can also suggest that the guy sign up for a gym or go there together, noting that a too persistent fan is trying to get to know you there.

How to hint to him that it's time to lose weight and exercise

You can not immediately hint at it excess weight rather go for the trick. If you live together, tell the guy that for health reasons you will have to sit on proper nutrition. Tell the chosen one that such changes are not easy for you, and you need his support. Accordingly, the two of you will have to follow some diet for a while. You can do the same with the gym - say that you are going to play sports, but you yourself are bored, and you want him to keep you company. If you know that your boyfriend may be interested in wrestling classes, then give him a subscription to attend them. Of course, this will not help much in losing weight, but it will begin to instill in the young man a craving for sports. In addition, most likely, he will see a lot of guys in training in a better physical form, on which he wants to be equal. You can go for such a trick. Buy him a T-shirt in the size he wore some time ago. When it turns out that the thing is small, embarrassedly say that for some reason you were sure that this was its size. If earlier a young man did not pay attention to his excess weight, now he will have a reason to think about it.

What to do to make a guy show love

For a man to be bored and be able to confess his feelings

To make a man miss you, make sure that your communication always takes place on a positive note. These meetings should be like a sip for him. fresh air. On dates, be interested in his affairs, joke, laugh at his witticisms, be charming and cheerful. Talk about your affairs with enthusiasm and listen with interest to what he tells you. If a person will be pleased to be in your company, then, of course, he will miss you. Think about whether you are spending too much time together. If you see each other almost every day, then the guy simply does not have time to really miss you. Some men cannot confess their feelings, doubting their reciprocity. To give the chosen one confidence, show him that you like him too. To do this, be interested in his affairs, flirt with him, ask him for advice.

To run after you and fall in love

In general, they run after those who at least periodically try to “run away”. Girls who are too predictable and always ready for dates gradually become uninteresting in their lovers. A guy will certainly fall in love with you if you always look great, there will be no complaints and discontent from your lips, and you yourself will be carried away by some entertaining hobby . When a young man calls you, you should not immediately grab the handset and try to stretch the dialogue time as much as possible. Periodically skip his calls, and then tell him that you were busy and did not hear the ringtone. Of course, it is necessary to mention that some very interesting thing was distracting you - dancing, a painting lesson, classes with a coach in a sports club, etc.

Make a man apologize after a fight

1) If a man does not apologize, then most likely, he does not feel fully guilty. He must understand what exactly offended you. Perhaps you look at the same situations differently, and what seems offensive to you is completely normal for him. Think well whether the man is really to blame for something, or whether you are simply overly touchy. If we are still talking about the first option, then calmly talk with your lover, trying to convey your own point of view to him. 2) Do not express aggression and obvious dissatisfaction - such behavior is likely to only push the man away. It is better to show the chosen one that some of his actions upset and saddened you. Do not show anger and resentment - he will be much more impressed if you look depressed and sad. And, of course, there is no need to sob and throw a tantrum - the “imperceptible” wiping of tears will be more effective. 3) Do not begin to take revenge on him after a quarrel. Let him see that you are offended, but despite this, he remains important to you and dear person. Continue, as before, to take care of him, to cook food. 4) If you get the opportunity to talk with his friend, mother, or someone close to you (you don’t need to call yourself), then make it clear to the interlocutor that you are very sad, without specifying what caused the resulting sadness. Surely, this person will ask her husband what happened to your mood.

How to influence him so that he wants to give gifts and flowers

Remember which people you like to give gifts to, and which ones you don't. When you see that a person is delighted with any little thing that you donated, then you subconsciously want to please this person again. Noticing that a person indifferently turned your gift in his hands, and soon forgot about it, you will clearly consider him ungrateful, and maybe even offended. 1) The young man experiences similar sensations. Rejoice in every little thing that he will give you. Even if you wanted to get a completely different thing for your birthday or March 8, manage to hide your disappointment. If you radiate joy when receiving gifts from your lover, he will remember this emotion, and subconsciously want to see it again. A young man gives you some kind of clothes or jewelry - be sure to try on this thing, periodically put it on dates with your lover. 2) Sometimes, in conversations with a loved one, mention that you dream of buying some thing, specifying that you will do it when you receive a salary, you find yourself in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthat store, etc. Let the guy know that you really want something, but for some reason you can’t afford it yet. It is possible that he himself will want to present you with such a gift. 3) You can also show by example the importance of gifts and bring such a tradition into your relationship. Regularly make him surprises - give the necessary things souvenirs for the holidays and for no particular reason. 4) If you want to receive flowers as a gift more often, post photos on social networks beautiful bouquets admiring their beauty. Of course, you should not go into a group dedicated specifically to flowers. Similar pictures are often found in public with quotes and many others. Also, in order not to make a guy jealous and at the same time show your attitude to flowers, meet him with a cute bouquet in your hands. Say that before the date you saw a friend who congratulated you on some important event(increase in salary, name day, completion of repairs, etc.). Throughout the date, periodically throw an admiring glance at your bouquet, handle it carefully, sometimes smell the flowers. Of course, this should not look theatrical or annoying - the guy will quickly notice how positively the girlfriend's gift worked on you.

How to achieve the desired intimate caresses

Of course, it is easiest to initiate straight Talk, choosing for this the most right time. Organize romantic dinner and bring up the topic of sex over a glass of wine. In a confidential tone, ask the chosen one if he would like to somehow diversify your intimate life, and what experiments he would like. After his answer, you will also have the opportunity to voice own desires. Perhaps you are hesitant to tell a young man exactly what you want from him in bed, then you need to show it. When he begins to approach with his hands or kisses to the “necessary” area of ​​​​the body, start breathing more often and demonstrate in every possible way that you really like his actions. You can offer the young man to watch some erotic film. When you see a scene that you would like to repeat with your lover, tell him that you found this moment in the plot very exciting, and it would be nice to “recreate” it someday.

What to do to make a man propose

You have long been ripe for marriage, and the chosen one is not in a hurry to make you his wife? You can "push" him to this step. Family films. Start small. Choose to watch movies together that show happy family relationships. You can also opt for films where a guy proposes to a girl - as a rule, these scenes are very nice and set in the right way. Thrift. A man should see that you are ready for family life. It is important for many young guys that their beloved can cook deliciously and keep order in the house. Coming to visit you, and seeing exactly how you live, he can roughly imagine what his life in marriage will be like. Treat your boyfriend more often with homemade goodies, periodically mention in conversations that you are going to start household chores. Talk about the future. Periodically initiate conversations with the guy about how he sees his future in a year, in five years. Based on his answers, you can determine what role he assigns specifically to you in this future and whether he is going to marry. Ultimatum. If your relationship is already several years old, and your lover does not heed your hints, then it makes sense to bring him to a direct conversation. Tell a man that you understand that you want to be his wife and live with him family life, and are already a little tired of uncertainty and want clarity on this issue. However, when initiating such a conversation, be prepared for the fact that the man admits that he is not in the mood for marriage. Then you will either have to agree to its terms, or break off the relationship. If you're not ready for the second option, it might make sense to wait a little longer.

How to make a young man jealous

Does it seem to you that your lover does not value you at all and is not afraid to lose you? Try in this situation to cause his jealousy, which is not at all difficult. How to do it? In a conversation with your lover, mention your fellow student, colleague or colleague - praise him, talk about him with delight. Your enthusiasm will clearly confuse the young man and make him nervous:
    When heading to a meeting with friends in a cafe, dress as effectively as possible - tight-fitting outfits, loose hair, bright makeup. Show what you have good mood and you are in anticipation wonderful evening. So you can also give your boyfriend a reason to worry. Periodically tell your lover that someone wanted to meet you on the street or in a cafe, but you refused. Send yourself a bouquet to work or home, arranging everything as if an unknown admirer was interested in you .Spend more time on social media than usual.

How to make a guy leave a girl

Do you really like some young man, but he is already in a relationship with another girl? You can try to "recapture" the guy from the opponent. However, keep in mind that it is better not to get involved in this if the couple has already been living together. a long period or preparing for the wedding. If the chosen one has only recently entered into a relationship, and you are convinced that you suit him much more than the current chosen one, then try to make friends with him first. Find out more about his girlfriend, as well as what he generally likes in girls. Having studied your opponent, identify her weaknesses and try to play in contrast - show the guy your superiority where she loses. Try to become his true friend, an integral part of his life. Be interested in his hobbies, try to support him in everything, do not openly set him up against his beloved, but on the contrary, try to give "wise" advice when they are in a quarrel. Also, don't forget that guys "love with their eyes," so spend Special attention his appearance.

What to do so that even at a distance a man thinks about you

If you are constantly in touch with him, then it makes sense to sometimes neglect this rule. For example, you agreed to write off or call in the late afternoon. Do not go to VK at this time, and at night write that there were problems with the Internet or that you were very tired after work and dozed off. Of course, such disappearances should not be abused, because it will look suspicious. Also, do not forget that most guys are visual. Therefore, periodically send him your new photos, in which you turned out to be the most impressive.

How to hint a guy to ask you out on a date

Many girls, having begun to communicate with the guys they like, for example, on social networks, sometimes note that correspondence in the end does not lead to anything - young people do not invite them on dates and remain in the status of “virtual friends”. Why is this happening? Firstly, the guy may decide that you are quite satisfied with this state of affairs, and he is of little interest to you as a potential boyfriend. To dissuade the interlocutor of this, flirt with him more often, show interest in his affairs, mood, make compliments. Having established a fairly close contact by correspondence, mention that the premiere of a film that you have long wanted to see is expected in cinemas soon. If the young man does not catch your hint, then you, seeing his general interest, may well take the first step by simply writing “Will you keep the company?”. Surely, if he can’t even go to the cinema, he will offer you an interesting alternative. If this does not happen, then, unfortunately, it is unlikely that he longs for real meetings with you.

Every woman dreams of gradually controlling a man: directing his energy into right direction, to convince him to do what she needs. To be honest, a woman learns all these wisdoms almost her entire conscious life.!

Needless to say, women begin to learn the art of manipulating men from childhood: theoretical classes alternate with practical ones, first the father acts as guinea pigs (as a rule, it is on him that the first combat experience and much-needed self-confidence are acquired), then neighbors, classmates, male school teachers, lovers, husband (God himself ordered them to be manipulated), colleagues (including the boss) and other males who fall into the sphere of vital interests.

As mentioned above, the learning process is continuous. Some ladies become real aces in this business, masters of manipulation.

Giving the last instructions to the daughter before marriage, loving mother usually says: "The husband is the head of the family, and the wife is the neck, which turns this very head as it pleases." To control a man so that he not only does not notice it, but also believes that he controls a woman himself is a brilliant formula, isn't it?

Of course, the women themselves will never admit this, but if a woman takes on a man, he has practically no chance, like a Zaporozhets in a collision with a KAMAZ. When a man and a woman argue, the woman is always or almost always right. man in best case was wrong, at worst - behaved like the last scoundrel.

Why is this happening? Because women have a powerful weapon called public morality. This very public morality is always on the side of women, since they are her creators. Excuse me - some reader will ask - but what about Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Thomas More, Martin Luther King?

I answer - no way. The above comrades hovered somewhere high in the clouds, descending to the ground only occasionally to eat, have sex, drink vodka and pop into the office. To the creation of that public morality, about which in question in this article, they have about the same attitude as the Chukchi to the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Let's get back to morality. The first rule says: "A woman is always right," or, as the French say, "What a woman wants, God wants." Try to get around this rule - all the women of the world will immediately stand up to protect public morality.

Therefore, first of all, you should actively use your own moral superiority.

1. You are guilty and must atone for your guilt!

How to control a man

Periodically remind the man of those moments from your life together for which he should be ashamed. For example, about how three years ago he promised to buy you new blouse but going into the salon slot machines, lost to smithereens. In the meantime, the blouses were sold out, and it was this style that suited you the most ...

Now my husband is getting paid. Your task is to find funds to buy new shoes. Remind me of the case with the blouse. Modestly so, unobtrusively. Or about something else. For example, how he molested your girlfriend while you were vacationing in the south. Remorse will do its job.

When you receive the amount you need, don't forget to say thank you. "Thank you dear, I always knew you loved me."

2. You are bad! Get better. Oh please...

You can follow the example of Soviet propaganda create images of "bad" and "good" guys and actively use them for their own purposes. Images, not guys.

Here is your employee's husband Vasya - he regularly gives his wife flowers (his own, not someone else's - he doesn't even look in the direction of strangers!), buys clothes, helps with the housework, performs all sorts of petty whims (a woman without whims is about the same as homeless dog without fleas) and never groans, does not complain that he is tired or cannot do something. In a word, he behaves like an exemplary soldier - or rather, like an ideal man.

And here is another young man, Petya, ex-husband Sveta, who now lives with Vasya, missed the girl. Missed mediocre, as some domestic forwards miss scoring chances. And all why? Because he misbehaved. He came home when he felt like it - freedom, you see, is more important to him.

He denied his wife the bare necessities, including panties for 15,000 rubles, a diamond necklace, a separate apartment for his mother-in-law, and a new fur coat for Sveta in addition to the two already available. Ultimately, even this modest girl, like Sveta, tired of enduring this tyrant and she is in one underwear ran away to Misha, that is, to Vasya (Misha is so, it doesn’t count, just an episode from life and nothing more).

Sveta is happy, Vasya is too (just like the characters in Indian cinema!). But Petya drank himself, girls don’t like him, so now he lives like a psycho-loner, walks in the same socks for weeks, doesn’t shave, doesn’t wash, he has no one to have sex with, all that remains is to masturbate. In a word, he degraded as a person.

3. If you don't do what I want, I will cry...

How to control a man

Another simple but terrible effective method: tears. The point is that due to some physiological characteristics Men can't stand it when a woman cries. Even people like Bluebeard, the famous maniac and pervert of all times and peoples. A man is not able to endure such discomfort for a long time, so he will do everything possible, if only the flow of tears stops.

Dad trotted to the store and buys the required toy for his daughter, the guy who slept with the girl a couple of times takes her by the hand and, with the determination of a man sentenced to death, pulls her to the registry office to apply, the husband climbs into the stash, the boss tears the dismissal order to shreds and signs another, about the bonus.

The lover collects things and finally moves to live with her (and in order to current wife, using the same technique, did not seize the initiative, does it at lunchtime, while the unsuspecting wife plays solitaire on the computer and flirts with the boss).

4. Do you want sex? It still needs to be earned!

In addition to public morality, a woman has another powerful weapon in her arsenal. The basic Instinct. More than anything, men think about the thing that is located between their legs. And, I must say, this apparatus largely determines their behavior.

By the way, not one old man Freud thought so. (It was only in the USSR that there was no sex, and in order to become a man, it was necessary not to sleep with a woman, but to serve in the army. Well, what about girls? And girls - later.) For the sake of the opportunity to have sex with a lady of interest to him (optional familiar - by the way, with an unfamiliar sometimes even more interesting), a man is ready for a lot. On which, of course, they catch him.

Often a guy understands that he is simply being used - maybe there will not even be sex - but with manic persistence he steps on the same rake. Physiology again! You can't go against nature. We men are not inclined to appreciate what goes into our own hands. If a girl is too available, she is enough for one - a maximum of several - times, after which she is no longer interesting.

It is another matter if, in order to to achieve female favor, you have to sweat. And then the woman begins to play her game. In an effort to win the heart of a lady, as well as gain access to some other organs, a man fulfills all or almost all of her whims. Feeds, waters, clothes, entertains - depending on their financial opportunities and her requests.

Sometimes the process of courtship lasts for years, and its participants do not come close to the cherished goal - the bed."I am strong, I will achieve my goal!" he encourages himself. But what is she? Having held out for a year or two, she may not give him a purely sporting interest and build an impregnable fortress out of herself. (And in parallel to sleep with another guy, as they say, for health.)

Interestingly, a man ready for anything, caught in the full emotional dependence from a woman, she is no longer interested, Like a toy that has been taken apart for parts. Another thing is a guy who is "not being conducted." Here the woman herself will try to wrap him up.

By the way, among men there are also good manipulators. Such women are called scoundrels and other abusive words. However, these are extremes and exceptions to the rule. Basically, a woman periodically gives a green light to a man so that he knows what he is fighting for, and he fulfills some of her requirements.

5. You can do everything!

How to control a man

In addition to the basic instinct, men have another weak point, and his name is male vanity. Men are very dependent on the assessments of others. Some even think only about the impression they make. Women understood this and began to actively use it to their advantage.

Asking a man to do anything from fixing an iron to a European-style renovation, while adding that no one will do it best, means making him an offer that is hard to refuse. A while hinting at possible sex, then he will work with the enthusiasm of Alexei Stakhanov, who is going to the record.

As an option - to hold a kind of tender. Like, there is a certain young man who is able to do what I need quickly and efficiently, I think, can I ask him? (If there is no such guy, again, you can invent him.) Remember how Tom Sawyer painted the fence? What's worse than girls?

6. You promised!.. Can't you keep your word?

By the way, about vanity. A wonderful way to get something from a man is to make him promise. The point is that everything serious guys fulfill the promise. Regardless of where these serious guys live, drive Maybachs or sit in the zone. "The boy said - the boy did!" (As opposed to "radishes", throwing words into the wind, like husks from seeds). But for some reason no one wants to be a radish.

Need to say, the above methods are much more effective when used in combination and in the presence of sexual interest. What do you think, whom a man will comfort more willingly - a sobbing old woman or a crying young beauty?

In addition, some of them are emotionally straining, and therefore need to be dosed. It's one thing to shed a tear about once every two or three weeks, and it's quite another to do it every day and every time you threaten to go to your mother. One wonderful day you can hear "Well, go, got it."

And you can't keep a man on all the time short leash. The carrot and stick method, invented back in the time of the pharaohs, works much better than the "no carrots, just the stick" method.


All men love to emerge victorious from an argument. It is incredibly important for them who will remain the last word. Be wiser. That's why do not try to argue with him, especially in public, showing your mind and erudition: this can be very annoying. Argue only in private and only on important issues: fuss over trifles kills a lot of energy and time.

Men are like children. They love praise. Criticism of their actions, interests is meaningless. You need to make sure that your beloved decides to change something in himself. I considered this decision to be my merit.