The lover is afraid of losing his mistress. Women's tricks and men's pranks: how to behave with a lover in order to control him

The love triangle involving spouses and the “other woman” can be treated differently, but the fact of its existence cannot be denied. In this painful psychological-geometric figure there is always a sufferer, and at the heart of the conflict lies the lack of opportunity for everyone to get what he wants. The wife needs to save the marriage, the husband needs to feel wanted, and the separation woman is most concerned about how to behave with her lover so that he is afraid of losing you: psychology in this context says that all participants in the conflict have their own truth.

In a mistress, a man sees the romance that he had before marriage and lost in it. This woman - a stranger, forbidden - embodies everything that for a man symbolizes freedom, looseness, vulgarity and lust, that is, those aspects of desires that often cannot be realized with a wife. The faithful position themselves as morally pure beings who rarely think about sex, and even think about being afraid of its oral and role-playing manifestations. And then the one who subconsciously and physically feels how to behave with her lover, so that he is afraid of losing her, enters the arena: psychology often puts the behavioral model of a lover higher than the wife’s model in terms of performance, but who and under what development of the situation will win - that’s still question!

A rare wife can embody all the incarnations of a woman: a beauty, a mother, a lover, a nun and a loose girl, a cook, a dressmaker, a cleaner, a psychotherapist ... Men allow themselves intimacy with others not because the entire male sex is so cynical about fidelity and the institution of marriage . They do this because of the inability to choose priorities, asking themselves what to give preference to: carnal desires or moral principles and socially approved norms of behavior in relationships? How to act and behave with someone else's husband - lover, so that he, this very worthy, in the opinion of a woman, representative of his sex was afraid to lose you? Psychology provides an answer to this vital question.

Taking into account male perception The “ideal woman”, his illegal lover, should build her behavior in this way:

  • do not interrupt and listen carefully to everything that he decides to tell;
  • don't fall under hot hand": do not pester with questions and claims if the man is not in a good mood;
  • do not give ultimatums;
  • do not give reasons for jealousy;
  • not build insidious plans code-named "unexpected pregnancy";
  • do not try to destroy the man's family;
  • endure one's position, clenching one's teeth, if it is advantageous and if so for a woman life is better and easier than one.

To understand how to behave with a lover, so that he is afraid of losing you, psychology in its pure - theoretical - form will not help. You need to be attentive and sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in his mood. You should get to know a man well, penetrate into his thoughts and understand what he lacks. When a representative of the stronger sex gets what he craves, without additional reminder or voicing of the essence of his desire, he is still impressed by the insight and care of the woman who was able to give him this feeling "on a silver platter" for a long time.

If a man, in the heat of passion, told about some unsightly character traits and oddities in his wife's behavior, the mistress should listen and do the opposite. Having become the complete opposite of the missus, she will interest a man even more than she does with the beauty of her body and skill in bed. To avoid failure in the implementation of a well-thought-out tactic, one must be careful that changes are not conspicuous.

Although men tend to think in a straightforward way, and not in metaphors, they will smell the deception right away. How then to behave further with a lover, so that he is afraid of losing you? Practical psychology knows a lot of examples showing that a lie has a powerful effect on someone who wants to be deceived. After revealing the truth, no sexual frills will save a relationship in which trust has been lost. Men like to manipulate their wife, children, friends, business partners and even parents, but they themselves will not allow anyone to pull off such fraudulent schemes with them.

Relationships between people are a complex thing in principle, and love relationship and even more so: mutual insults, reproaches and disappointments - it can be extremely difficult to achieve mutual understanding. Many people know computer game"Sims", so if everything in life was as simple as in that game - told a person a couple of jokes, asked about hobbies and voila - you are already close friends and you can move on to the next stage of the relationship. But in reality, everything is much more confusing, and if we are talking about how to make a lover fall in love with you - then this is a real rebus.

Women make lovers the most different reasons, for example, it can be banal curiosity or dissatisfaction in bed, boredom, or disappointment in your man, as well as the need for money if the lover is a wealthy man. There may be many problems due to which a woman takes a lover, but here another new one arises - how to behave with a lover and avoid mistakes that will lead to undesirable consequences?

When starting a lover, a woman can assume two scenarios for the development of events: a lover will serve only for a pleasant pastime or will become a hope for a long life. life together and marriage. How to behave with a lover if you do not want a serious relationship:

If your meetings with a man are frivolous

  • Do not talk about family and relatives.
  • It is not recommended to fall in love with this man, the relationship should be easy, no matter how it sounds - "consumer". This attitude will help to avoid pain and unnecessary experiences in the event of separation.
  • Do not give the lover power over himself, he should not decide any issues regarding the personal choice of a woman (style of clothing, hairstyle and other more important things).
  • Do not refuse signs of attention (gifts, invitations to a restaurant, and so on). Refusing a couple of times, you can no longer see such impulses.

If there are plans for a joint future, then you need to be more careful.

In addition to the fact that a woman must build relationships with her lover, one must remember about conspiracy so that a spouse or just a man with whom a relationship already exists does not find out about the relationship. In any case, no matter what plans a woman has for her lover, he should fall in love with himself, as they say, “over the ears” and tie him to himself. Everyone knows that ideal woman should be a good housewife in the kitchen, a lady in society and a skilled lover in bed - these are the components that must be adhered to. To be more specific,

Some women admit that a lover says a similar phrase: "I'm afraid to fall in love with you." Such a confession is baffling and raises many doubts, but is it worth continuing a relationship with such a man if he is afraid to fall in love? In fact, the reasons are very simple. Such men are afraid of being deceived, used, or they are afraid to get used to a woman, and then lose. Such fear even has a definition - "philophobia". So what are lovers really afraid of?

  1. A lover can simply be afraid of her husband. After all, if a woman's husband is suspected of infidelity, it is not known what his reaction and revenge will be.
  2. Often a man is afraid of responsibility. Falling in love means starting a relationship that may develop into something more, such as marriage, having children. And all this requires high costs, responsibility and constancy.
  3. The loss of freedom is also often the cause of a phobia. A man will fall in love with his beloved and forget about all the delights of a bachelor life, there will be no more football and beer with friends on weekends, as well as many beauties who could be his “prey”. Many missed opportunities big fear for a man.
  4. Leaving your comfort zone is a very undesirable circumstance for a man. The man lived calmly, after work he lay on the couch and no one touched him, and if you have a relationship, you need to go somewhere and do something, but it was so cozy and good. Not everyone agrees to global changes in their routine.
  5. It could be the woman. Sometimes it turns out that a woman is much stronger and more successful than her lover, and many are afraid strong women. Nobody canceled the inferiority complex, and a man often refuses successful woman in favor of a weaker and less successful one, against which it will look more presentable.
  6. “You can’t be beautiful like that” is also a reason. Too much beautiful woman can scare away his lover. A man who is not quite confident in himself may think that he is not able to satisfy all the desires and requirements of such a beauty and decides to look for a “simpler” option.

These are such complex men, in each case one should choose tactics and behavior individually, based on the character, habits, lifestyle and status of a lover. If you approach this issue wisely, then you can get him to run after a woman and not imagine life without her. To tell him that he can't live without her.

A woman must give her lover something that he will not get anywhere else. If the lover also has family life, then you should show him the difference: the wife cooks poorly - surprise with a delicious dinner, looks plain - amaze in a stylish way, in general, work on the contrast!

In any case, the main rule is lightness and ease, no one likes complex and tense relationships in which you work like a galley slave. Yes, they say that any relationship is hard work, but outwardly nothing should show this.

A woman, as they say, is the weaker sex, but everything rests on her shoulders. Remember: if you don't love yourself, no one else will. There are a million different advice: how to please a man, I give only a few. You can choose something that suits you.

  1. Watch your posture: keep your back, do not stoop, chin high (you can practice: put a book on your head and walk straight).
  2. Most important point: skin and hair should be in order.
  3. You need to wash your hair often, using balms to keep your hair soft.
  4. Do not fasten your blouse with all the buttons.
  5. Use non-greasy lipstick, men do not like it when traces remain.
  6. Buy yourself something beautiful underwear- it will give you confidence.
  7. If you full figure- clothes should not be tight, avoid fitted.
  8. Let there be not many clothes, but they will be of high quality.
  9. As for communication: tell a man more compliments, praise his masculine qualities.
  10. Try to remember the little things that he likes - this is also important, and flatters a man.
  11. Do not discuss his girlfriend, or even more so - his wife, this is a bad form.
  12. Do not say anything about your ailments, sores, and so on.
  13. Do not impose your opinion, or do it in a gentle way.
  14. Relationships should not be straining, free and beautiful, otherwise why are they needed?

The personal life of any person is untouchable. Do not condemn the cheaters, maybe this is the last chance to find true love?

If you find yourself in a difficult situation, fall in love with a married man or married woman, our magazine will tell you what to do. Read how to behave with a lover.

Periods of relationship between lovers

All relationships start with a little flirting. After several meetings with their eyes, a feeling is born that makes the soul tremble.

First period- falling in love when both are wearing pink glasses. The man and the woman know about it, they don't want to take them off.

In the next period- candy-bouquet lovers are attentive to each other. Evening walks, romance and kissing under the moon strengthen the bond between two people.

Costs pay attention to how a man treats a woman.

Further development of relations and transition to the next stage is possible on the basis of:

  1. The guy wants to get to know the girl's friends and relatives better.
  2. There is admiration in his eyes.
  3. A woman excites her partner sexually.
  4. Lover gives gifts, shows interest.

The third stage is habituation. The couple will develop if they do not part during this period. To turn a relationship into a "happily ever after", you need to cherish feelings. Domestic feuds often destroy emotional attachment.

Advice! Looking for a soul mate. If this is love, there will be no doubt.

The psychology of relationships with a married lover and a single

The main requirement from a woman who is in a relationship with married man- conspiracy. You should not tell your friends about intimate relationships.

Hide your goodbyes choose sparsely populated places where there is practically no chance to meet acquaintances.

The second requirement is no requirements. The status of a mistress already suggests that a man belongs to another woman. If a guy wants to leave his wife, then at will, and not with kicks in the ass of his mistress.

Don't blackmail your partner. If you are not satisfied with the secret state of affairs - find a single guy.
With a free man, things are easier. Relationships develop based on sympathy.

Most cases play a major role appearance. By clothes and without it, lovers meet each other. But do not forget that in the end there will be wires in the mind.

What if both are not free?

Most complicated relationship, When love triangle turns into a quadrilateral. The psychology of relationships is built on new feelings.

Forbidden the connection becomes the fruit of desire, the partners are drawn to each other with greater force.

A woman and a man find dignity in a relationship. Mutual secrecy inspires confidence in the parties. Everyone gets what they want from a relationship.

There are several options for the outcome:

  1. Divorce on both sides Cohabitation lovers.
  2. Parting of lovers.
  3. Divorce of one of the parties.

A divorce or the end of a romance will help clear your conscience. The situation can become more dangerous when one of the lovers decides to destroy the marriage with the desire to build a new one.

The second partner, if he does not want the same, is in danger of being exposed.

Advice! The best way determine a joint future - a heart-to-heart talk.

How to behave in bed?

An ardent young guy will support a chilled relationship with her husband. A woman gets a new partner to make sure of her attractiveness.

Follow the rules of conduct with a young boyfriend:

  1. court for appearance. Cosmetic procedures make you look younger and more beautiful.
  2. frankly get dressed. The goal is to seduce the object.
  3. Do not be shy. Talk about erotic fantasies, bring them to life.
  4. be interested partner's sexual preferences, experiment in bed.
  5. Be sincere. No one requires you to pretend, enjoy the carnal connection.

A strong marriage is built on sexual relations. Try to talk about erotic fantasies with your husband, you don't have to have a lover.

A change of scenery, new lace underwear intimate conversations can turn a husband into a better lover.

Features of lovers of different zodiac signs

The horoscope will tell you how you behave in bed. Stars endow a person with sexual energy. Study the table to find out about compatibility with a potential partner.

Find out who will keep the fire on the marriage bed:

Zodiac sign Sexual preference
Aries Hot By temperament can be compared with the Spanish macho. In sex, dominates and experiments. Aries - perfect lover constantly hankering for carnal relationships
Taurus Charming. Draws young girls into the net. Foreplay is his main trick, forcing victims to return to bed with the calf again and again
Twins Talented. Constantly invents new poses, implements erotic fantasies partner. For a long time looking for an approach to the girl, but surprises her with unsurpassed sexual abilities
Cancer Legible. Loves weak girls able to obey. Doesn't trust women. If he chooses a partner, he pleases her until the morning
a lion Pornstar. Loves sex. Ready to satisfy more than one partner every day. Egoist in bed, demands maximum return from a woman
Virgo Sensitive. Sex is love. Other reasons will not make a man go to bed with a woman. Lights up fast, fades fast
Scales Sincere. Appreciates the beauty of the body and soul. Treats a woman with reverence, appreciates the moments of bliss presented by her
Scorpion Sexual. Women themselves take off their clothes in front of him. But they are quickly disappointed. Scorpio enjoys the gullibility of beautiful ladies
Sagittarius Unsurpassed. The goal of the archer is to be remembered for a lifetime. After the end of the relationship, the lover is sure that he was the best sexual partner in a woman's life
Capricorn Serious. Looking for sex and a faithful life partner. Partner loyal, passionate and reliable
Aquarius Traditional. Does not recognize any types of sex other than the usual. Persuading Aquarius to try a new position will work out over time
Fish Lazy. But the anatomical features of the body surprise women, forcing them to run after a tasty fish.

Don't forget that cheating is a sin. Live in harmony with your conscience, love or disperse!

Useful video

In order to understand how to behave with a guy, a friend, or just a man who has a wife, you need to face the truth. Relations between a man and a woman can be just friendly, but anyway, sooner or later, potential lovers begin to look at each other.

No matter how trite it sounds, there is no friendship between a man and a woman. And if everything comes to intimate relationships, without tears and disappointment is unlikely to do. The fact is that a married man after for long years life in a routine and caring for the family begins to want something new, but, as a rule, he does not want to destroy the family at all. And then trips begin to restaurants, cafes, bars and places where you can spend time with a single woman, giving her a one-time evening.

You can just become a toy that is designed to keep a man from getting bored, and then, most likely, fade into the background.

Of course, there are situations when a woman does not plan long relationship, and from acquaintance with a married man he wants to take only sex. But it is so arranged in nature that a girl, somewhere in the depths of her soul, dreams of beautiful children and a beloved husband. And even if the evening passes by highest level, and everything will be fine, the incomprehensible emptiness after the partner leaves, most likely, will make you think about the future. Soon she will begin to think about how to break off relations with her lover.

Without a doubt, it also happens that a man just stopped loving his other half and wants to give love, but not to her. Love comes and goes, but children remain. So you should think about whether to switch from friendly relations to intimate. A man who has decided to leave his wife can appoint you as his future wife, and then you will have to put up with his children and ex-wife. And it should be said that once having fallen out of love, it can stop loving again, such is the psychology, you can’t get away from it.

If you still decide to become the mistress of a married man, remember that when communicating with him, you do not need to touch on the topic of his family, children and other things that are personal. Do not touch his innermost, because you yourself have chosen the role of a lover, so many topics in communication with him are forbidden to you.

Not everything is so bad

But in no case be afraid, if you sincerely love, and your feelings are mutual, start acting. Love works wonders and no one can stop it. Moreover, when a husband and wife live without love, they cannot avoid frequent scandals and children are known to suffer from this.

Therefore, in this case, you can become a savior for everyone. Having gone to you, he will stop quarreling with his wife, thereby preserving the psyche of the children.

If you have the opportunity to be the wife of a man who has already been married, most likely your relationship will be the best, since this man has already seen all the standard relationship problems and probably knows how to avoid some conflicts.

Despite all the advantages, it is still better to have friendly relations with married men and not cross the line. But also, you should not put the question point-blank, they say, with a married man, never and for nothing, since your life is very diverse, and everything in it is possible.