What should be the ideal lover. What is he, the perfect lover

A real man will never squeeze or pull hard female breast, because he is kind to the chest, besides, he is against violence. Most likely, such a man will cover the female breast with light bites and gentle kisses.

The ideal man during sex will never be distracted to change the TV channel and even if his cell phone rings.

The ideal man realizes that his charm lies in his sincere relationship with a woman, and not in the size of his main body.

The ideal lover will not demand from his partner excessive variety and creativity in sex, because he understands that she is not a circus dancer.

A real man will never make love at night, because he understands how tired a woman is at work and that she needs a good night's rest. Suitable option morning is for sex, because during the night the woman’s body has time to rest, besides, her body temperature becomes more sensitive to caresses.

A real man is patient, gentle and attentive to the desires, words and gestures of a woman. This man will speak beautiful words not only during sex, but also before and after it. He will look at his woman as if she were on Earth. the only woman, from which a woman will be even more desirable and beautiful. Such a man will admire your fur coats, knees, fingers, hair, neck. Each glance of such a man is filled with meaning, from which the woman's heart stops, invisible wings appear that carry them high into the heavens. A woman will never get bored with a real man.

One day, after three scandalous divorces with all the “mandatory” attributes, Dr. Polowski came up with the idea to calculate the physical parameters “ ideal husband and lover." Doctors led the words to such a thought last wife, who, leaving, shouted: “You were always too high for me!” These words numbed the doctor and he could not answer anything to this statement of his ex-wife, as he believed that every woman dreams of tall man(he was about 2 meters tall).

When the doctor analyzed his married life, he realized that all the spouses were significantly lower than him. As a result, two former spouses remarried to men who are significantly inferior to him in height.

Such a mysterious pattern did not give the doctor peace of mind and therefore he submitted a request for research to the University of Wroclaw. The university management approved the petition and even agreed to finance it.

Research in this area lasted more than 3 years, and only recently approached its logical finish. Scientific work « perfect couple"was conducted by Polish scientists, the study involved more than 600 women, whose age was from 19 to 50 years. The results of the study exceeded all expectations. Studies have shown that the strength and durability of the relationship is affected by the coefficient of the difference in weight and height of partners.

According to Boguslav Polovski, it's all about genes - people are looking for partners automatically, moreover, with certain parameters, so that in the future children with "ideal" height and weight will be born. All these actions occur instinctively and do not depend on the real desire to have children.

The parameters of the lover are calculated according to the following coefficients: for growth - 1.09; for weight - 1.4. This means that the ideal man should be 1.09 times taller than a woman and 1.4 times heavier. For example, if a woman's height is 170 cm and she weighs 60 kg, then she is ideally suitable man height not less than 183 centimeters and weight not less than 84 kg.

I’ll make a reservation right away, a mistress is not a wife or even a girlfriend, and, therefore, men’s claims to her are specific. Fortunately, she is not expected to be able to give sound advice or prepare a three-course dinner for twelve people, she should not be able to bear and raise a child, or be so devoted as to wait thirty years from wandering or serve a glass of water on her deathbed.

It is not even necessary (although, of course, it is desirable - as an unexpected, but pleasant bonus) to show off to friends. And mother and other relatives, as a rule, should not be introduced at all.

Because the mistress has one, but all-consuming function - to be a sexual object that causes passion and desire. The ubiquitous scientists have already explored and in the dry language of scientific reports have outlined in the aggregate the creature that makes men's hearts beat hard, and other parts of the body rebel.

In short: the main quality that a perfect lover She must be different from a man. Let's start with the points: masculinity- this is strength, which means that a woman should be as weak as possible, ideally - helpless. For this, rigid corsets have long been adapted, tightening the body and restricting breathing; Chinese women they bandaged their legs, turning them into barely moving disabled people, now half a meter false nails serve these purposes, tight skirts and hairpins. It is for this that anorexia is cultivated among the broad female masses. Even the notorious idiom “a woman is driving” is also from this opera, although indirectly.

Other differences between women and men are from the sphere of secondary sexual characteristics: voluminous busts (an indisputable fetish of the last century that has spread from Europe to the whole world), the absence of hair on the whole body (a man is traditionally hairy) and long hair on the head. And in general - in order to be more attractive sexually, a woman should invest - in clothes, cosmetics, her body, and the result, even with modest initial data, will not be long in coming.

By the way, common myths that men love blondes because they are allegedly more fertile, with an increased level of female hormones, or supposedly because White color most of all attracts attention - just ridiculous. In fact, they love them for the effort spent on working on themselves! Indeed, in our world, becoming a blonde is the most difficult thing: as my hairdresser said, about whether I should repaint, “blond is expensive,” referring to the bills for my services.

Since in sex the bodily prevails over everything else, the ideal lover is young and laconic, preferring incoherent moans and multiple orgasms to a heap of words and reasoning about Schopenhauer. And, of course, she loves sex: always and everywhere she is ready for it, uninhibited, hot and faints of adoration at the sight of a naked male torso - it doesn’t even matter that it can be disfigured (or decorated, with male point vision) beer belly.

I want to note that ideas about ideal lovers change from time to time. In the Middle Ages, in order to be known as such, it was supposed not only to perform miracles of fellatio, but, on the contrary, to lie down and not move, and even, as they say on the outskirts, not to “wave”.

So, to summarize all of the above, I would like to advise those women who dream of becoming ideal lovers: be silent and be different! Lace instead of jeans, languid looks instead of eloquent ones smart words, sexy lingerie, heels, stockings, total depilation and perfumes with pheromones, as well as the notorious sex technique - no one has canceled all this and is unlikely to cancel it in the near future.

But in order not to lose yourself on this slippery path of serving male lust, remember the most important thing: the ideal is the ideal because it is unattainable.

P.S. The topic was inspired by the discussion of one comment in the "next topic" (sorry for the tautology). Therefore, I repeat: “But, by the way, it’s not by chance that they say -“ The husband who couldn’t make a good mistress out of his wife is bad. Naturally, if a man really loves, he will make an excellent mistress out of his wife. It’s like twice two!

Well, who does not agree with this? Try to refute!

Now for a long time no one is interested in why even the most respectable family man has a mistress. Some people think that it is fashionable, maybe so, but not always, sometimes the reason for having such a lady is a misunderstanding in intimate relationships or uniformity.

How to be the perfect lover for your husband

Tip 1: Relax and be active in bed

In order for a man to be passionate and active in bed, warm him up, show your passion and orgasm that you are excited, then the man will feel his own strength. Men really like to see, hear and feel that his caresses give their partner intimate pleasure. The whole secret lies precisely in the fact that when a partner is well - the best drug, remember this, dear ladies. You can slightly embellish your feeling of passion, but without fanaticism, just in moderation.

Orgasms are different for men and women. If women orgasm gradually in waves and after the final completion for a few more minutes they are in a state of prostration, then men most often get a short-term, fast-paced completion. That's why you need to try to be the first to have fun.

Talk about sex, talk about it, share with a man what you like and find out what he likes, this is important. Only in this way can you take into account his intimate wishes. Remember perfect sex life based on the little things.

Perhaps, for many women, this topic is not particularly pleasant, and very in vain. But if you've already decided to find out, how to be the perfect lover and become it for a loved one, then “absorb” the information. Oral sex is not just a favorite form of contact for a man. Such caresses are a pleasure, but if both partners like them, then the man is simply delighted. Learn to love your partner not only with your hands and body, but also with your oral area, and you will be the most desired and the only one, because a blowjob is the main moment that every man desires.

So that your man does not have a mistress, let intimate life whatever you like. Remember the old but very wise saying: “If you want to become an ideal, always desired and beloved wife, become the best lover in bed.” And borscht ... borscht then, in second place.

In my opinion, every wife is simply obliged to be a good mistress, then there will be no betrayals or divorces. Summing up the numerous reviews of amateurs, connoisseurs and just ladies' man, we tried to get close to unraveling this great mystery.

So, the ideal lover is the one who ...

loves himself

The favorite subject of men's dreams is tender, beautiful, temperamental woman, which under no pretext will interfere in his life and encroach on his freedom. And also look for him, collect information about his favorite ways of spending leisure time, demand dates, gifts and call for no reason. At the same time, she should be sensual, loving, affectionate ... The list of angelic virtues can be continued indefinitely.

Can a woman be SUCH in our country, where there are fewer men of childbearing age (and competition is appropriate)? Oddly enough, yes. But only in one case. If she loves herself more than a man. If she goes on a date for her own pleasure, and not for "everything to be like people's." And she has sex for herself, and not to keep a man. She lives with her husband because she loves him, and not because of money and not because of a child. And after the love act, he listens more to himself and his feelings, and does not pout his lips about the fact that he immediately ran into the shower. A woman who loves herself, a "thing in itself" is a mystery to men. And what could be more interesting than solving a mystery?

Uninhibited in sex

We have all mastered the art of flirting, each in its own way. Why, easily and with pleasure indulging in these games in vertical position, many begin to be shy, pinched and dumb in the process of transition to the horizontal plane? By continuing to tease your partner, fooling around and being naughty, you can get rid of the tension that fetters natural outbursts and give each other a lot of pleasure.

Don't forget that sex is a natural extension romantic love. seductive woman wears beautiful lingerie or stockings even when no one is going to undress her. Just for yourself. All kinds of erotic accessories tone her up.

She never chirps, but speaks in a low, low voice. Even if you naturally have the highest soprano - don't worry! Speak in a low voice and your voice will sound beautiful and exciting. The main thing is not to raise it. Any, even the most pleasant voice, breaking into a scream, sounds disgusting (not least because the timbre rises several times). And learn to enjoy. You will not enjoy what is happening - nothing good will come of it.

Initiative but not aggressive

Most men in sex are not that lazy, but often somehow do not dare to take the first step. It comes from teenage complexes, when the boys were afraid to invite the girl to dance in the club. In turn, those who behave aggressively in bed - in childhood, obviously pulled the girls' pigtails to attract their attention. Any aggression is a sign of weakness, and the best way to extinguish it is to take the initiative yourself.

In addition, being active in bed encourages your partner to behave accordingly. If you lie like a log and wait for a man to do something with you, then there is a high probability that he will treat you exactly like a log, and not as the most charming, attractive, beloved and unique.

Throw a gentle challenge to a man, start caressing him first - this works especially well if he is used to your passivity. You will see the result yourself.

Does not complex over trifles

The woman who represents male ideal, is not ashamed of his body, no matter how thick (thin, tall, small) it may be. This does not mean that she does not take care of herself - no, she regularly does hair removal and pedicure, hair and manicure. But there are moments that just like that, for one trip to the beauty salon, are not solved. A big nose. Small chest. Wide hips. This is precisely the difference between a woman who is simply pleasant and a woman who is pleasant in every way. What is easy to change, the latter easily changes, and what is difficult or impossible to change, suits her anyway.

If you love yourself for who you are, men will not hesitate to do the same. It is for this very reason that fat women who, seeing themselves in the mirror, smile at themselves with pleasure and note that there should be a lot of a good person, do not suffer from a lack of admirers.

Another aspect - don't be shy when you find yourself in an awkward situation. The heel has broken - feel free to break off the second one and proudly walk through life (to the nearest shoe store, home or to a friend). Leggings burst in the gym? An occasion for a joke and an early termination of classes for today (as well as for buying a new thing!). What is the connection with sex, you ask? Straight. A woman who is uninhibited in life, in 90% of cases, a man perceives as a person who is uninhibited in bed. And these associations, it should be noted, are not unfounded.

Likes to give pleasure

Some ladies, corrupted by modern glossy magazines, going to bed with a man, are most concerned about whether he can please them. The idea that a lot depends on themselves somehow does not occur to them. Male statements on the topic “real bliss is when you, dear, feel good” cause them to best case mistrust. Meanwhile, Golden Rule altruist - giving more than receiving - works in bed as well as possible.

Sexologists believe that a person turns on from his own actions "much stronger than from the actions of a partner. That is why the ideal sexual contact arises only if the lady tries to give her partner no less, if not more, than she herself receives.

Knows how to compliment him

“My dear, I have never been so good with anyone as with you,” only fools take this at face value. Clever woman tells her man the same thing, but in a more constructive form. She will certainly praise all his virtues (she will focus his attention on details, this works great), but at the same time she will also casually mention that if he paid attention to some moments that were especially pleasant for her, then her happiness would become limitless ...

Well, in general, there is no limit to perfection! So become the perfect lover for your beloved man! Make him happy in bed and he won't look for connections on the side!

Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

"You are not a woman! You are an exception!

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: “What is she, an ideal lover?” What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants . She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is smart, charming and bold. Enough smart , after all, it was not for nothing that history brought the parable of Napoleon to us. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. Mistress allows a man to feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4_. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday_- while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you like. The rest will be done good shoes and silk underwear. It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the "exception" for your man? Tired of routine in sex? Then forward to the next chapter!

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from a woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how wonderful the idea, but striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography into a humiliating copying of poses (often, unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Need to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body . Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in themselves in life, but ideal figure will not bring happiness on its own. You need to love your breasts, your thighs and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow , as if you are filled (and so it is!) internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a light is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to “radiate” something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

Thank you for every night of love

Secrets of the perfect lover

When your husband has finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get settled there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave only a small bandage on the hips, the most beautiful,
and always wear pearls at the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: supper, incense or aromatic oils, environment, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening . Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang in the bedroom and spread on the floor and large beds erotic pictures (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view the "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around the neck or a rose in the hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will “turn on” very quickly. Your task - stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an “outbreak”, even old relationships flare up with new force. However the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man . Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


A good lover is not one that owns a man only sexually. You can truly subjugate a man by combining spiritual and bodily affection.

  • Since ancient times, there have been special women, the thought of which drove men crazy. In Japanese culture, they are known to us as geishas. In the western - courtesans
  • It was not only women who satisfied men physically. They were the ones who completely controlled the mind and feelings of men
  • There are many cases in history when courtesans were "gray cardinals." In the world of men, they easily manipulated them, participating in the political life of the country
  • IN modern world feminization has gained momentum. But on the one hand, this is not a strength, but a weakness of women
  • Women who feel their strength can easily conquer any peaks. At the same time, without making any effort, but only using the efforts of men
  • Everyone can learn to be a good lover. Appearance is of course important, but it is not the determining factor.

How to Become the Perfect Lover: Practical Tips and Tricks

These tips apply to women of all ages. It's never too late to improve and win hearts.

  • A good lover is good not only in bed, but also outside of it. Otherwise, the man will come back to you only for sex. And then until you find the best option
  • The main quality of a woman is femininity. This is a topic that requires deep consideration. But in short, this quality is manifested in everything: in appearance, manners, speech, attitude towards people
  • Appearance is always extremely important for men. You may not shine natural beauty. But you have to be well-groomed. Get manicures and pedicures, take care of your skin, exercise and eat right
  • A woman's erudition is important to a man. Don't act like a dumbass with nothing to talk about. But at the same time, do not lecture your man, do not point out his shortcomings.
  • Femininity is tenderness and kindness. The essence of women is to give love to the world around them. Men really do not like greedy, angry and quarrelsome women.
  • Be self sufficient. Your world should not be confined to one person. Spend time on yourself and your hobbies
  • Don't be locked in bed. Many men love experiments. If you are too insecure, it will be a hindrance to your goal.
  • Balance between coquetry and restraint. This game is very intriguing and attracts the opposite sex.

How to be a good lover for a husband?

If your relationship has reached an impasse or turned into a routine, it is in your power to fix everything.

  • The strength of a woman is that she can fill any relationship with energy. If your man has become withdrawn, boring and inattentive, think about what you are doing wrong
  • Pay attention to yourself. Without your own happiness, it is difficult to make your partner happy. Sometimes a woman does everything: work, life, children, but not herself. Take time for yourself, do what you love cosmetic procedures and just relax
  • When you fill yourself with energy, think about what your husband might miss. Show warmth and care for him, open your soul and let him know that he is the most important person in your life.
  • Do not walk around the house in old, worn out clothes. It depresses even the most loving men
  • Spend time together, but not watching TV or eating. Come up with an interesting pastime for both. Put aside work and household chores for a while and just immerse yourself in happiness
  • Pay special attention to sex. Sometimes married life turns sexual intercourse only into the satisfaction of banal needs
  • Get your man interested in something new: lingerie, positions, sex toys, or watching an adult movie
  • Learn how to give a man a massage. If necessary, take courses
  • Master the technique of aromatherapy. Pleasant smells able to arouse the most intimate desires. The easiest way is to purchase an aroma lamp and light it periodically. Smells such as cinnamon, ylang-ylang, rose can revive sensuality
  • Ask what your husband would like to try in bed. You will be surprised how he will come to life after such a question.

How to become a great lover for a guy, a man?

  • The ideal lover is always attractive to a man. Her image is seen in a dream, he cannot forget her even at work. This is what a woman should strive to conquer a man.
  • Dresses are the best weapon of women. Nothing attracts the stronger sex like a dress. Try to wear jeans or trousers less often in the company of your boyfriend.
  • Know how to be strong by exploiting your weaknesses. Many women forget that their strength is in their weakness. Learn to gently ask a man for favors. If you do it right and with love, he will not refuse you.
  • Even if you adore your work, never bring it to the fore in the eyes of a man. This attitude will alienate anyone.
  • Don't be intrusive. Men are hunters. Yes, everyone loves the attention. But if you bother him daily with calls and messages, he will just run away.
  • Be interesting and erudite. The guy will be pleased that he can talk to you. And that in society it is not a shame to imagine
  • Don't be passive and lazy in sex. Let it be known that you enjoy it
  • Praise your man as often as possible. For you, he must be a hero. Just don't confuse it with flattery
  • Don't brainwash him. Try to keep things simple. One way or another, either you accept his shortcomings, or you leave. No need to get on each other's nerves
  • Sensuality is the basis good sex. Learn to understand his preferences, to feel his body - this is sensuality. Strive for it
  • Get rid of your own complexes. Childhood traumas, dissatisfaction with one's body, past relationships often become obstacles. Become aware of your complexes and fight them

Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

"You are not a woman! You are an exception!

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: “What is she, an ideal lover?” What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants . She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is smart, charming and bold. Enough smart , after all, it was not for nothing that history brought the parable of Napoleon to us. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. Mistress allows a man to feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you like. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest.” It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the "exception" for your man? Tired of routine in sex? Then forward to the next chapter!

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from a woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how wonderful the idea, but striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography into a humiliating copying of poses (often, unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Need to love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body . Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in itself in life, and an ideal figure will not bring happiness in itself. You need to love your breasts, your thighs and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow , as if you are filled (and so it is!) with some kind of internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a light is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to “radiate” something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

Thank you for every night of love

Secrets of the perfect lover

When your husband has finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get settled there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave only a small bandage on the hips, the most beautiful,
and always wear pearls at the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: supper, incense or aromatic oils, environment, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening . Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang in the bedroom and spread on the floor and large beds erotic pictures (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view the "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around the neck or a rose in the hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will “turn on” very quickly. Your task - stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an “outbreak”, even old relationships flare up with renewed vigor. However the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man . Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


First of all, there must be a reason, you need to decide for yourself what it is: passion, love, temporary infatuation. In any case, you need to be aware of how to behave with married man so that he feels superiority, the joy of meeting, even if only status in society is interesting, he is a temporary option and can simply give something of value.

Often, they turn to a mistress not only for the sake of carnal pleasures, but also in order to fill life with the missing elements: affection, care, understanding, advice to mistresses will help to keep, win over any man.

It is important to adhere to those principles that are beneficial to both parties, even when a guy has fallen in love - it’s not a fact that he is ready to say goodbye to his legal wife. The essence of relations on the side is to satisfy the desires of a kept woman, who must clearly know how to behave with married lover, and accordingly, to please a married man.

If the relationship is temporary, uninteresting, without feelings, then you should not apply for a place new wife, it is better to be an ideal, before which they bow, they want to fulfill all whims, than forever exhausted by life, tired with a heavy moral sediment. Adoration is received by the ideal lover of a married man, because she knows exactly how to behave with a married man in order to please him.

Perfect Look

Being the lady of a married person, you must be able to remain in the background, understand that exposure can lead not only to the collapse of your relationship, but also provoke incredible problems that will leave a stigma for a long time.

Being a lover is a lot of work. It is necessary to realize what responsibility is assigned, to know what the rules of the mistress of a married man are. It may look funny, but, in fact, there are unwritten rules the behavior of a mistress, which can conquer, conquer the heart of even the most callous, impregnable macho.

Rules for an ideal lover:

  • Be as simple-hearted as possible, do not interfere with whining and constant problems, complain less.
  • Work on confidence, say daily: “I am the best, I will succeed”, psychologists have proven that people with high self-esteem are more drawn to.
  • Passion, frankness helps male gender feel like in paradise, if he considers you a goddess in terms of sex, then he will certainly want to come back again.
  • Elegance, elegance, grace. Few people will be interested in a young lady with a “bun” on her head, in a dressing gown soaked in the aromas of food. thrill, a variety of feelings, a surge of emotions.
  • As much as possible, it is desirable to share not only a bed, but also views, values, provide support, be able to listen, just be a good friend.
  • Why go where there is constant dissatisfaction and statements? He just ran away from home, where his wife "drank blood", and here you are - to be continued. Be prudent, hold back, even if it is extremely difficult, remember that you have to be a princess from a fairy tale, not a grouchy witch.
  • He must feel that no one loves him as much as you do. Completely ignore the fact of marital status.
  • Don't beg for anything, don't blame, don't whine about how bad it is when he's gone, let him be the perfect superhero for you, who always shows up on time and does everything perfectly.


  • The first and main rule, on which the further development of relations will depend, is the frequency of family discussions, believe me, negative, unflattering statements will not lead to anything good. If you value a person, then you cannot condemn his choice, demand something, speak in raised tones. You should always listen, but it is better to refrain from an explosion of emotions, because the reaction can be the most unpredictable.
  • It's no secret that marriage with married people is often done for the sake of profit, in fact, there is something in this ... There must be some kind of compensation for patience, constant separation from another lady, listening to problems. Of course, it is pleasant to accept, receive gifts, especially if they are expensive, but this must be carefully hidden, to rejoice at every little thing, so that a good desire to please more and more arises. Remember, no respectful gentleman will tolerate a capricious spender next to him.
  • You can’t be a spineless mumbler, but tantrums will also have to be left somewhere on the sidelines, be something in between. Turn your time together into a holiday. Shouldn't be wasted rare meetings then quarrels, tears, showdowns, constantly pretending to be a victim, whining, in this case, such “suffering” can easily, irrevocably end, do not shake your nerves and do not test the patience of others.
  • Stop manipulating, instilling a sense of guilt, because this can push you to make a choice, which, by the way, may not be in your favor.
    Forget about control, persecution, a person should not feel like a prisoner.
  • Men do not tolerate fools, they try to get rid of their society as soon as possible, so get the following things out of your head: sex is the most important thing, in addition to this, you need to engage in at least self-development. Don't even try to keep the kid, if the plan works, the "happy" dad will feel like an idiot, hate you for this trick, such things should be agreed. Remain calm, adequate, do not make unexpected visits, do not engage in persecution, amateur performances.
  • Nobody likes obsession, impudence too. Show independence, do not shift your problems, worries, worries, do not ask for frequent help.

Kill the victim in you

It's good that we live in free time where everyone sets rules, moral standards, a way of life for himself. Is it worth it, in general, to start a relationship with a person connected by family ties? - Yes, if you really want to, in the end, you need to listen to your heart, if it's love, burning feelings, and suddenly, and mutual, then it's probably worth the risk, go to action.

The kept woman probably knows in advance what she is doing, so in the future it is useless to roll up scenes of jealousy, put pressure on pity, put forward ultimatums. Everything is quite simple: the option is either suitable, or it is not. In fact, it was you who invaded someone else's life, so threatening, blackmailing, demanding is stupid. It is unlikely that you will be compassionate by a thief who has invaded your own territory, who carries some incomprehensible nonsense that you have offended him, are heavily indebted.

Of course, you can put a final cross on morality, show up home, call (by any means to run into a conversation or meeting with your wife), throw a huge scandal, but this is tantamount to signing your own death warrant, after this not only passion will go out, but a cruel finale of the relationship will come. Rejoice because you have: attention, affection, tenderness, gifts.

In fact - freedom, the absence of constant moralizing, life. Build your life in such a way that it suits you, if something went wrong, it means that the path was chosen incorrectly, for which, in fact, you should only blame yourself, try to improve. Realize not everyone is ready to go on cardinal changes, to leave the family, it is worth accepting, not to dramatize once again about this.

The truth is very simple

guys (at any age) always go where they are loved and expected.

In this way, they are a little distracted, forget their daily difficulties. No matter how insulting, regrettable, but a mistress is needed for relaxation, show yourself in all its glory, splendor, and certainly do not leave him indifferent.

Sometimes it is useful to show firmness of character so that “Casanova” does not think that much is allowed to him, because he will immediately begin to “wipe his feet”, interest will immediately dissipate. A lot of effort must be made to understand how to behave with a married man so that he is satisfied, a complete idyll reigned.


Every woman dreams of perfect man- reliable, gentle and caring. However, very few of the fair sex believe that their chosen one can simultaneously possess the qualities of a responsible spouse and a good lover. Most women believe that someone who is perfect in bed is not capable of being a reliable life partner. Be that as it may, an affair with such a man gives unforgettable moments and leaves magical memories.

What is he, an ideal lover? It turns out that getting this status is not so easy. The ideal lover is not only a master of love pleasures, but also an understanding friend and a kindred spirit. This is not just a sexual partner, but a romantic hero from women's dreams. And yet, every man can meet the parameters of a good lover, if he follows some rules.

Narcissism and a great lover are incompatible concepts

On dates with a woman, a man should not brag and talk about former partners, engage in narcissism and self-promotion. No one will be pleased to hear about the past victories of a loved one, and a true master of love does not need any PR. It is better to prove your skills in practice than to tire the young lady with conversations.

An egoist and a manipulator cannot become an ideal lover, because the latter does not play with the girl's feelings, does not make her worry and be jealous. It allows a woman to feel like a goddess - unique and desirable. He notices beauty and femininity in a girl, and it doesn’t matter what her face and figure are.

Caring for a woman not only in bed

The ideal lover constantly gives the girl compliments, notices positive changes in her appearance, does not allow himself to be rude and impolite. It is unforgivable for him to break loose on a lady, to swear in her presence. He speaks calmly and with restraint so that the woman feels comfortable and protected. Before calling the girl at midnight, he will remember that she can already sleep, and will not wake her up.

good lover always attentive and knows how to cheer up a lady. He asks about her well-being, tries to help with solving her problems. It doesn't matter if they're dating "officially" or in a non-committal relationship. The ideal lover will not be greedy and will always support the girl financially.

Not without romance

In a lover, a woman sees not only sexual partner, but also a caring friend who will give her love, affection and warmth. Dating just for sex won't satisfy psychological needs women. She needs attention pleasant surprises, compliments and flowers.

An ideal lover will not create new problems for the girl, because she already has enough of life's troubles and everyday routine. It will become a quiet mooring in the ocean of life's difficulties and sorrows. A lover is a haven in which you can always hide and forget about real life.

Foreplay and kisses

A good lover never forgets a skillful foreplay. For a girl, foreplay is even more important than the intimate act itself. Therefore, in order to become perfect in bed, you will have to master all the kissing techniques and learn how to feel a woman physically. No need to impose your experiments, rush a woman and rush to satisfy her needs. No violence or coercion! A good lover himself notices what kind of caresses a girl likes, and which ones she tries to avoid.

Task ideal partner- to create the most for a woman comfortable conditions in bed. He knows how to guess her desires and study sexual preferences. There is no need to ask about them directly, because girls are created in such a way that it is inconvenient for them to talk about such things out loud.

Personal hygiene

Scientists say that a person falls in love first with the smell, and then with everything else. But this aroma is barely perceptible for the olfactory receptors, and is perceived rather at the subconscious level. It's one thing to smell like a man, and quite another to smell like an unwashed man. Is it possible to imagine the ideal lover as sloppy, with bad breath and bad teeth? No.

Before each date, you need to take a shower, as well as keep your clothes clean. A beautiful perfume will never be superfluous if the partner is not allergic. A perfect kiss is out of the question if a man has rotten teeth or does not pay enough attention to their hygiene.

And last but not least, your own home!

Any adult male should live separately from relatives. Having his own territory, he will be able to invite his woman home at any time. The apartment should be clean and comfortable. In the bedroom for convenience, it is better to put a double bed. In the first place for a man should be the comfort of his beloved, physical and moral.

The ideal lover first of all takes care of the desires of a woman, and only then thinks about himself. Thus, he will achieve an unconditional victory over the girl, because it is impossible to refuse such a man.