Find and excite: hot spots of the male body and ways to influence them. Erogenous zones on the girl's body

Many men forget about the caresses of women's erogenous zones, although the stimulation of these special areas can bring much more pleasure to women than sex itself.

Data on the exact number of erogenous zones do not exist, they can change their location during life, or even disappear. But if you want to give women an unforgettable orgasm, know main erogenous zones You simply have to!

Erogenous zones these are areas of the body that are hypersensitive and, when stimulated, one can easily cause vivid sexual arousal. A man also has these zones, but they are much smaller than women.

Erogenous points appear immediately after birth, they can move around the body, disappear and reappear. Their location depends on the individual structure of the female body, and some external factors can also influence, for example: climatic conditions, stressful situations, the birth of a child, etc.

From our article you can find out where the most common female erogenous zones. Knowing where they are located, you will understand as quickly as possible, without wasting time to excite a woman.

Well, let's get started, let's start our excursion from the top!

The fastest way to excite a woman is to use the French kiss with the use of the tongue. But know that only 20 percent of women are excited by such kisses.


There is a huge cluster of nerve endings on the forehead and adjacent areas. A couple of passionate kisses in these areas and the girl will quickly turn on.

Since ancient times, it has been known that women love with their ears. That is why, in order for the stronger sex to pay attention to this erogenous zone, women began to wear earrings. If you whisper pleasant and gentle words in your ear, a woman's excitement will come in a few minutes.

Gentle kisses on the neck, as well as stroking it, can make a girl want to make love with her soulmate.

cat place

A special zone between the shoulder blades, if it is easy to bite, a woman may experience slight arousal, and then it’s just a matter of technology.


A powerful erogenous zone, the stimulation of which causes a vivid excitement in women, in men, by the way, the chest is also very sensitive. In the Kama Sutra, you can find various ways to stimulate a nipple orgasm using only your hands and tongue by stimulating your nipples.

Zone "V"

The area from the waist to the genitals, in the center is the navel. With skillful stimulation of this zone, you can set up a partner for a passionate sexual intercourse.


Buttocks should not be caressed, but slightly patted and kneaded. It turns women on!

Inner thigh

Key point until the transition to the genitals. If the area of ​​the hips is lightly caressed, the woman will quickly warm up and it is already possible to proceed to the next stage of caresses.


All men know about the clitoris, it is the most famous erogenous zone. Up to 80 percent of women are excited by his stimulation, and a violent orgasm also occurs very quickly.


This point is in second place after the clitoris. It can be found at a depth of five to six centimeters on the anterior wall of the vagina.


Stimulation of the uterus can cause a uterine orgasm, yes, this kind of orgasm exists! True, only 20 percent of women are able to receive true pleasure from such an erogenous zone.


Stimulation of the hamstring can cause pleasant sensations.


All women are divided into two types, those who enjoy foot stimulation and those who are afraid of banal tickling. So be careful!

By the way, in addition to the above erogenous zones, sexologists also distinguish additional zones, these can be: elbows, as well as hair on the head.

We hope our article will teach you how to excite a woman.

If you have something to say on this topic, we are waiting for your comments! 😉

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which there is sexual arousal and increased erection, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his thoughts.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue, catching the slightest impact.

The lips are much more sensitive than the tips of the fingers and even the skin of the face, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is in a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touch to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are also used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, "mill" - the introduction of the tongue of one partner into the mouth of another and the rotation of the tongue in the partner's mouth; "exquisite kiss" - the introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth and sliding across his palate; "royal kiss" - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it on the partner's cheek; "stinging kiss" - sucking on the partner's lips with a sharp and short introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of the impact on this erogenous zone, not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly show them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area is laid down in childhood, when the mother stroked the boy's head.

Besides, the head is an important part of the body. To allow her to hug her means to some extent to deprive her of vision, of control over what is happening. This can only be done to a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to the neck and head of your partner - stroke, wrap your hands around, kiss, you can also scratch your nails a little.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm of your hand - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the inguinal region on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading this zone can cause a man to have a quite noticeable erection.

The second erogenous zone on the palm is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back. If you depict a walking man with your hand, then the index and middle fingers will become legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the inguinal region. So hand massage can turn into a sensual game.

As for the hands as such, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Pay close attention to the reaction, there is a risk that your man will be tickled.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up for more daring caresses. As for the nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings untold pleasure. With these, use the entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try body-body massage elements - stroke his bare chest with your wide movements.


For men, caresses of the abdomen are a signal that a woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses of the palms, breasts and abdomen that come to mind, try the crown spiral massage.

To do this, you need to put a man on his back, saddle him from above, bow his head strongly, put his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you, he has never experienced such sensations.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in Eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of one's spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee, it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own threshold of sensitivity, such procedures may seem very ticklish to some.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and meanwhile, several erogenous zones are located on the back at once, such as the area of ​​the sacrum and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify stroking with your hands, for example, by touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a delicate feather or sharp claws, or maybe even crush it with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and never get bored with your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Usually, women are somewhat aware of what to do with these male erogenous zones in order to cause arousal. But you want not just sex, but one that will become memorable and unusual for your man.

The secret reception of Thai masseuses

Often, men who have lived in Thailand with a local girlfriend, returning, feel that something is missing in making love with any other woman. It turns out that the Thai put the so-called anchor on the body of a man. If this anchor is not activated during sex, it seems to a man that caresses are not full and pleasant enough. So Thais protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two non-banal parts of the body of your chosen one. You will pay attention to one zone before the very beginning of sex, to caress the other after the end of coitus. You need to do this for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is desirable to keep the anchor up to date.

Zones should be those that are rarely touched in ordinary life. If you pat your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office later can lead to unnecessary excitement.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means “dear, there will be sex soon,” then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this zone. Similarly, instead of the annoying “I have a headache,” you can caress the final zone, and your partner’s romantic intentions will subside by themselves.

WITH exologists teach us to please men by talking about their erogenous zones. But as multiple studies show, many women have no idea where their own "pleasure points" are. will help fill this knowledge gap.

What are erogenous zones? As numerous guides say, these are areas of the human body, the impact on which delivers pleasant sensations of a sexual nature. Stimulation of these zones causes arousal and helps to achieve orgasm.

Erogenous zones occupy 15% of the dermis. On the surface of the skin of every woman there are 1.5 million nerve receptors that are responsible for sexual arousal (there are 8,000 of them on the clitoris alone!).

Each representative of the weaker sex has her own erogenous zones. For example, someone is strongly turned on by stroking the abdomen, and someone is “turned on” only by stimulating the clitoris.

Ignorance of one's own erogenous zones can cause many intimate problems. By the way, experts claim that it is this lack of knowledge that is the most common reason for the lack of orgasm in a woman.

So, where and how to look for your erogenous zones?

There are three types of erogenous zones.


These include parts of the body that can be stimulated to achieve orgasm. For women it is:

- vaginal walls

The type of orgasm that she can experience depends on which of these zones a woman is most sensitive to - clitoral or vaginal. In some women, both areas are sensitive.

The most receptive area of ​​the vagina is the G-spot.


Stimulation of these zones causes sexual arousal, increases pleasure, but does not necessarily ensure the achievement of orgasm.

These include:

- ears,
- breast
- nipples,
- small, large labia,
- entry into the vagina
- Cervix,
- buttocks,
- anus.

It's interesting that about 25% of women can still experience orgasm through breast and nipple stimulation. But this is a slightly different orgasm - as experts call it, sensory or peripheral.


Exposure to these areas causes sexual arousal, nipple erection and lubrication. But their main feature is that these zones are individual. They are associated with the personal experience of a woman and can be anywhere - even on the palms.

Stimulation of these areas of the body can activate secondary and primary erogenous zones.

"Migration" of erogenous zones

Some erogenous zones are present on a woman's body from the moment of birth, while others appear over time. Moreover, over time, these zones can "wander" through the woman's body.

Moving sensitive sex points can be caused by the following reasons:

Pregnancy and childbirth,
- hormonal changes
- menstruation.

Many experts claim that a woman's erozones change even when a sexual partner changes.

Especially sensitive erogenous zones become before sexual intercourse. During sexual foreplay, their stimulation gives the woman the greatest sexual pleasure.

And here exposure to these same areas after intercourse can cause discomfort and even pain. The same effect can be observed if a woman is experiencing stress.

According to statistics, the most common and active erogenous zone is the clitoris. Before 70% of women claim that it is the stimulation of the clitoris that gives them the greatest pleasure. Next in popularity are the nipples and cervix (15-25%).

How to find erogenous zones?

How to find erogenous zones on your body? There are several ways.


Psychologists say that both men and women seek to hide and protect their most sensitive areas. For example, if a woman has very sensitive nipples and breasts, then she will consciously or unconsciously try to always wear a bra.

In general, a woman's clothing style can tell a lot about her sexual preferences. If a woman wears long-sleeved clothes, then she probably has a very sensitive inner side of her elbows, and the predominance of trousers in her wardrobe indicates the sensitivity of her hips.

In addition, many women "give out" their erogenous zones with their behavior, unconsciously focusing on them.

So, if a woman often crosses her legs and likes to hold her folded palms between her legs, this indicates the sensitivity of her clitoris. Constant biting and licking of the lips indicates their special susceptibility.

Observe your behavior, especially when you are nervous: if you do not discover new erogenous zones in yourself in this way, you will surely notice many interesting coincidences.

Joint searches

Another way, and perhaps the most correct one, is to search for erogenous zones together with a partner. Why is the most correct? Because this practice will be useful not only for you, but also for your sexual relationship with your beloved man.

Ask your partner to help you find the most sensitive areas on your body. Try different types of stimulation and listen carefully to how your body reacts. upon impact on a given area.

"Search" can take a fair amount of time, but at the same time, they will bring variety to your sex life. True, they require special frankness and lack of embarrassment on the part of both partners.


But independent searches for erogenous zones can succeed much faster than in a company with a partner, although this is not always the case.

How to independently find sensory zones on your body? To do this, you will need a little knowledge about where the erogenous zones might be located, masturbation skills, patience and time. You can also use a mirror.

As sexologists assure, the act of self-satisfaction is a great way to explore your body, no matter how ugly it may sound.

And indeed, alone with you, without embarrassing anyone, you can study your body to the smallest detail and its reaction when exposed to certain erogenous zones.

Feel free to use all kinds of sex toys.

Methods of influencing erogenous zones

There are as many ways to influence erogenous zones as there are erogenous zones themselves. You can stimulate sensitive areas of the body with:

- pinching,
- flip flops
- circular movements

- breathing,
- kisses,

tongue, lips,
- penis,
- heat,
- cold.

The choice of method of exposure depends again on the individual characteristics of each woman. For some, gentle caresses of the nipples with the tongue will bring incredible pleasure, and for others - quite strong pinching.

But what if you still haven't managed to find your erogenous zones? This can happen if your sensuality is "blunted" due to stress and fatigue. So, erogenous zones need to be activated. How to do it?

Can apply aphrodisiacs and aromatherapy. So, cook seafood dishes (oysters, shrimp), nuts, chocolate with spices for dinner. Also, experts advise filling the room with a languid, exciting aroma of sage, ylang-ylang, jasmine, patchouli or geranium.

Another way to awaken sensuality is massage. Particularly effective massage, during which attention is paid to the abdomen, lower back, chest, neck, inner thighs. The movements should be gentle, soft and unhurried.

Anastasia Vladykina

Erogenous zones are places on the body that are particularly sensitive. Knowing them is necessary in order for sex to turn into an intriguing adventure, and not a boring pant.

Enchanting sex is able to raise the degree of love in a relationship and significantly diversify life, bringing a special zest to it. But often, most couples who, it would seem, have been together for a long time and know each other by heart, manage with a boring twenty-minute panting in bed, after which, if there is satisfaction, it is not at all enchanting, as expected.

Sex will change significantly if you show imagination

This happens because of the complete sexual illiteracy, because, according to most women, a man has only one erogenous zone and is located in the groin area.

In fact, there are many zones of excitation in men, and in order to give maximum pleasure to a partner need to know them by heart.

Where are the erogenous zones in men?

Surprisingly, even most men they themselves do not know About our zones hyperexcitability. Most likely, in their lives they did not come across a skillful lover who would lead to the pinnacle of pleasure. in every possible way, and there were only clumsy ones who are poorly oriented in what a man needs. But you not like that at all if you are reading this article? So, let's look at the zones of increased excitability most men.

Everyone knows one of the erogenous zones

There are erogenous zones that bring excitement and pleasure absolutely all men. This is due to male physiology, the sensitivity of certain zones, which is due to the structural features of the male body. These areas include:

  • penis and scrotum
  • auricles and earlobes
  • breast
  • wrists
  • toes
  • area between shoulder blades
  • area between penis and anus
  • armpits

Armpits are also sensitive.

In addition to these areas, there are specific, which may or may not be highly sensitive for your partner. In order for them diagnose need to do a little experiment and explore these places on your partner's body:

  1. buttocks
  2. navel
  3. back of the head
  4. shin
  5. fingers

Video: 5 unexpected erogenous zones on a man's body

What are the most erogenous zones in men?

It is well known that the most excitable part of a man's body and at the same time his main pride - penis. But few people know what kind of caresses are most pleasant to a man and where are the most nice points on this organ of pleasure.

As a rule, women are limited to inept oral sex if they want to show respect to the male penis without suspecting that they have started a whole intriguing game using hands, tongue and lips, you can give unearthly pleasure to a partner.

The groin area requires special stimulation

Penis not equally sensitive in all places. So, penis head and frenulum the most excitable areas, stimulation of which in various ways will quickly lead a man to the pinnacle of bliss. Do not forget about testicles- they are very fond of petting and not only with the use of hands.

Caresses of the penis should be delicate

Few people know, but an incredibly sensitive area is male ears. Proper biting, kissing and gentle whispering can bring a man to a real peak of excitement! But you should not get hung up on this zone too much - after stimulating the ears go to other points, men have plenty of them.

Your man can go crazy from gentle strokes and kisses neck, nape and area between the shoulder blades These areas are also incredibly excitable. It is only important to be able to influence them and correctly dosing caress time.

Erogenous zones in men, photo


Lips are an incredibly sensitive area.

back of the head



shoulder blades


Sex organs and groin


Toes and foot

How to find erogenous zones in men?

Sometimes it seems that men representatives of another planet- such an abyss of misunderstanding is laid between them and us. But in bed this misunderstanding should not arise, because a woman who wants to deliver pleasure loved one can find a thousand ways do it.

The main trick of real courtesans, women who are good in bed, is that they not afraid to experiment and each sexual act is an exciting game for them, and not a duty or a standard procedure.

Study your partner: do pleasant touches and kisses, stroking and massage, and at this time follow the reaction men - she will certainly tell him whether everything is pleasant to him, which causes special delight, and why it is better to refuse and do not repeat.

Conduct an experiment and find your partner's sensitivity zones

Do not forget that any of your actions, performed with tenderness and affection, will bring positive emotions to a man, and will also open for you individual sensitivity zones and let you get to know your partner.

How to stimulate erogenous zones in men?

Know erogenous zones in order to bring a man especially pleasant moments is not enough - you need to know how to stimulate these zones. Women who believe that it is possible to caress erogenous points whatever and whatever, are greatly mistaken, because if you follow this motto, then your partner may not get an enchanting orgasm, but ticklish laughter. Agree, this is not the best end to a long prelude.

A man needs to be brought to orgasm, not to laughter
  • Concerning genitals men, then here any gentle movements with both hands and mouth will be pleasant, desirable and lead to orgasm
  • Stimulating the penis, do not forget that caresses heads and bridles can lead to a quick orgasm, and to prolong the pleasure, switch to less sensitive areas, for example, caress the penis along its entire length or testicles sexual partner
  • It's important to know that caressing the penis should be as gentle as possible - this zone is too sensitive and if you overdo it, then the man feel pain and not unearthly bliss

Stimulation of the neck with hands

Erogenous zones such as neck, back, neck, toes do not tolerate too long and too gentle touches, as the partner simply can become ticklish.

Try to be soft and persistent at the same time, use lips and hands and stimulation of these points will not go in vain. It will also be useful to be exciting massage these areas, which will prepare for more intimate caresses and “warm up” the partner for foreplay.

Massage of erogenous zones in men

For gentle and erotic massage the above areas can be used hands and lips. But if you decide to massage something more extravagant and your intimate relationship with a partner suggests this, then with the courage to make such stimulation.


You should not get carried away with the massage process itself, as it only prepares to the main course, and is not the highlight of the program. Combine gentle touching hands, lips, breasts, intimate organs to the partner's body and he will definitely appreciate it. Do not forget about the fact that not one zone of a man deserves a massage, but all.

Try to pay some attention every erogenous corner partner, but don't turn the game into a speed marathon.

Don't forget about the main erogenous zone

And pay the main attention in massage penis- these caresses will be a wonderful end to tedious stimulation. By giving your partner increasing pleasure, you will make him eagerly await each of your subsequent steps and freeze in anticipation of a magical moment.

Anal erogenous zone in men

It has been scientifically proven that anal area has the same number of nerve endings as clitoris women. Therefore, women who know about the power of clitoral stimulation can guess about those feelings that a partner can experience when stimulating the anal zone.

It is important to understand that far not every man will allow his partner to stimulate the anal area, as more conservative males consider such caresses lot of homosexuals and are afraid to admit even to themselves that the anus has a special sensitivity. And they do it very much in vain, because by its excitability the anal zone is one of the main ones.

Stimulation of the anal area will bring unprecedented pleasure

If your man supporter of various caresses and not a hypocrite in bed, then you can give him additional pleasure stimulating the anus finger. At the same time caress penis partner, and shortly before orgasm, move your finger to the area between anus and scrotum with a gentle massage. So the sensations during an orgasm in a man will increase significantly, it will be longer and brighter.

Are nipples an erogenous zone for men?

Everyone knows about the special sensitivity of female nipples, but that nipples in men also excitable remember few. Stimulating this area is a great place to start. gentle foreplay, smoothly turning into violent sex. Initially, caresses of the nipples should be gentle and careful, then intensity can be increased, but this should not be overdone.

male nipples

Kiss your partner's nipples, stroke, lick, bite, but don't get carried away otherwise you can deliver to a man discomfort or bore him. If you see that the nipples are a little enlarged and hardened, then the stimulation of the zone can be stopped and you can move on to more intense caresses in other erogenous zones.

Do men have an erogenous zone - ears?

Such an erogenous zone not only exists, but is even considered one of the most sensitive. The variety of caresses depends entirely on your imagination: you can stroke your ears, gently caress with kisses, bite your earlobe, massage and even lick the ear.

Even gentle whispers can drive a man crazy

When stimulating the ears, it is better to give preference mouth caresses and with the tongue than with the hands. Since this area is tender, it should be handled very delicately, otherwise the partner will feel not in bed with a gorgeous woman, but at a reception at Laura.

All men are individual and each has its own erogenous zones. As for the opinion of many men about the numerous articles in women's magazines about the stimulation of pleasure zones, they the most controversial. Some agree, others talk about more pleasant pleasures, but still reviews of men about erogenous zones largely agree:

  • the highest pleasure you can get when stimulating the penis
  • mouth caresses more pleasant than hand caresses
  • if the partner touches chest or crotch during caresses to the body of a man, then the effect of stimulation greatly enhanced
  • leg stimulation most men who have not experienced this consider it completely not exciting

Love every corner of your partner's body and show it off

The strength and duration of pleasure partners in bed largely depend on dedication of each from partners. Caress the body of a loved one, thus show your love by putting in their caresses all the tenderness that they are capable of.

Then the process will be pleasant for both, and the stormy orgasm of the partner will be the highest reward for the work. AND don't be a hypocrite: for a woman who loves her man there are no forbidden zones and unacceptable caresses.

Video: Erogenous zone. The most erogenous zones

On the male body there is a huge number of erogenous zones, which are affected by completely different, but very pleasant sensations. To keep your sex life full of variety, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the location of these "hot spots" and the right way to deal with them.

Lips and tongue

It’s not for nothing that we devote so much time to passionate kisses. In the area of ​​​​the lips and tongue there is a huge number of nerve endings - very sensitive areas that capture even the slightest impact.

To make your loved one feel new sensations, learn the technique of caressing lips and tongue. You will learn that in addition to the most popular “French”, there are also “royal”, “refined”, “stinging” and several other varieties of kisses.

Nape and neck

This area in men is very sensitive, most likely due to the fact that in childhood it was on it that maternal strokes fell. There is no universal point that causes excitement and is located in this area, so each man needs to look for an individual approach. Try gentle and passionate kisses, light stroking with your palms and a light massage with your fingers, you can try to blindfold your loved one - so by trial and error you will calculate those places that are the most sensual for him.


There are two secret points on the male hand, the impact on which causes incredibly strong sensations. The first is located between the tubercles under the ring and middle fingers - it is a projection of the inguinal region. Light, but persistent stroking this point can cause an erection.

The second sensory area is located between the bases of the middle and index fingers on the back of the hand. Massage of this zone causes pleasant sensations in almost all men.

You can also try caressing the armpits and elbow creases - some members of the stronger sex experience arousal from touching these areas.


Do you know why Thai massage is so popular among men? Because during it there is an intense effect on the feet, and they are another erogenous zone of the male body.

You can also pay attention to the back of the knee. For some men, touching this area causes a tickle, and for some, on the contrary, it excites.


Many girls mistakenly consider the male breast an extremely erogenous zone, apparently drawing parallels with themselves. In fact, most men do not experience any special sensations from the caresses of this part of the body. Although there is a small percentage of the stronger sex who like light strokes, playing with hairs on the chest and gentle kisses on the nipples and the area closest to them.


When a girl touches the belly of her beloved, he feels that the most important thing is about to begin. Exciting effect on this part of the body is stroking with the palms, the stomach and especially the chest.

There is another secret technique: if a man is lying on his back, saddle him from above, and then place your crown on his navel and start making slow circular movements with your head, gradually expanding the diameter of the circles. This will make your loved one be at the peak of sensual bliss.


On the male back there are not just "hot" spots, but entire erogenous areas. The most sensitive places are located in the interscapular space and near the sacrum. You can stroke them with your palms, gently scratch them with your nails, touch them with your hair, feather or chest, and even lightly massage them with your feet. Each such touch will respond in the body of your loved one with new waves of pleasure.

The most important

We deliberately did not touch the most sensitive parts of the male body - the groin, penis and anus, because by handling them, you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, because any touch here will bring the most vivid and exciting sensations to your man.