How to become the best lover for a man. The Rules of the Perfect Lover

So how to be a good lover

The ideal woman should have a great appearance. Everything should be with her: manicure and pedicure, makeup and a bewitching scent of perfume. Dressing should certainly be stylish and tasteful. A man must be crazy about you. Have the most seductive elements in your arsenal: sexy lingerie, high heels and, of course, stockings. The energy of passion should permeate your entire image.

Not just sex...

But not only sex is important for the ideal lover. Become a close person for your man with whom you can talk heart to heart, be sincere and frank. Let him see you as a partner who can support in Hard time, encourage and understand. Intimacy combined with sexuality - this is a win-win recipe for how to become the best mistress.

Let him be a hero

A man needs to be admired, because he so wants to be a hero. During sex, also do not skimp on compliments, praise his "dignity", many men adore this.

Let him conquer you

Let the man himself give you gifts, save him from hints and begging for certain presents. Do not put pressure on him, because only tenderness is a truly faithful companion of happy unions. Let him want to conquer you with the help of gifts and surprises. A woman should remain a mystery to a man. The charm of mystery and unpredictability has always attracted and attracts people of the opposite sex.

Her husband's mistress

So than mistress better than a wife? Many men are burdened by the monotony and predictability of family life. They lack animal passion, sizzling and genuine. Try to diversify your sex life as much as possible, experiment and fall in love with him again and again. Become your own husband's mistress - charm and seduce!

What if he's married?

An affair with a married man deserves special consideration. Try not to start talking about the family with him, do not ask for a divorce. Let your relationship remain unknown to his wife. After all, if a man himself does not decide to leave the family, persuasion in best case will not have an effect, and at worst will ruin your relationship. If you have to interact with your lover's wife in one way or another, try to avoid any conversation about him. A random phrase, and your romance will no longer be a mystery. If the lover's wife found you together, remain calm, this will help avoid suspicion. This behavior will enable a man to trust you. Here is the answer to the question of how to become a good lover married man.

If the lover is younger than you

Modern women often have affairs with men who are younger in age. How to become a good lover in this case, how to conquer your young lover? First of all, do not emphasize the difference in age, it is important that you feel like peers. Pay special attention to your appearance. Well-groomed, impeccable style and irresistible energy of tenderness and passion - this is the key to the heart of such a partner. Try to look like your man, stick to his style of dress.

Calls from the past

After parting with a lover, it is desirable to minimize communication with him. Most likely, nothing will be returned, but disappointments and problems on all fronts are quite possible.


We hope that after reading the article, the question of how to become a good lover will no longer be insoluble for you.

Each of us remembers how a relationship with a beloved man began, how vivid emotions were, how feelings overflowed. But over time, relationships become more familiar, and a fleeting glance no longer makes the heart beat faster. It is at such moments that women ask questions about whether they are a mistress for their man. But what does the future of relationships really depend on?

Deal with the inevitable...

It's no secret to anyone that bright emotions and the flashes of passion that so delight us at the beginning of a relationship are partly due to the release of specific hormones. But over time, the brain stops producing such a large number of biologically active substances, and the body becomes less sensitive to them. At this point, the inspiring feeling of falling in love begins to fade. But the physiological reactions of the body are replaced by real feelings. They are deeper and more serious. Therefore, do not despair if the passion began to subside - this is completely normal. natural phenomenon that almost everyone has to deal with. Perhaps you should think not only about how to become a better lover to your husband, but also how to become his friend and support. After all, sincere love and deep affection is much more important.

mistress for your man? The technical side of the issue

Yes, passion has ceased to be all-consuming, but this does not mean at all that you should not try to rekindle it. And if everyday problems captured you with your head and there is not enough time to enjoy each other's company, it's time to think about being your husband's mistress.

Of course, work, household chores and children can negate all romantic urges. But you can always set aside some time for yourself. Think about your first dates with your loved one, how carefully you chose clothes and underwear, trying to be real perfection. But after you began to live together, the appearance no longer seems so important to you? This is a completely wrong point of view. Of course, cook dinner in evening dress not worth it, but be sure to show your man how important it is to you that he considers you beautiful.

Many women complain about inexperience, which supposedly interferes with their intimacy with their husband. In fact, experience is not the main thing. mistress? Please refer to the original source. Ask your man. After all, who knows better than him about his own desires? Only together can you improve your intimate relationships.

And do not forget that for the rich sexual life some Light gymnastics, regular exercise will add to your endurance, flexibility and grace.

Get rid of stereotypes

Yes, we are all influenced by the environment in which we live. And generally accepted stereotypes often cause misunderstanding and a lot of related problems. Yes, some men like it when a woman meets them in skimpy underwear. leopard print and with bright makeup. Are you sure your husband is like that? Maybe he will like white lace ... Or maybe he considers flannel seductive and the “dance at the pole” will cause at least a slight bewilderment in the faithful?

Another stereotype. Is it true that if a loved one spends much less time in your bed, then this means that he has another woman in mind? Before you wonder who your imaginary opponent might be, try looking elsewhere for an answer. But what if the reason for such behavior of the husband lies in you? And here again we return to our question. How and how to attract the attention of a spouse? What can be done to make the sky look like diamonds to him?

In fact, there are many such questions. And there is only one person with ready-made answers. Only your man can tell you how to become the best lover.

The problem is that most of the time we are afraid to ask.

Mutual understanding, sincerity and complete trust is the only way to harmony. Therefore, all questions and problems you must solve together. If you do not know how to do it right, then just ask each other. And remember that intimate life largely depends on other aspects of the relationship. If out of bed you behave like an overly demanding wife, meet a man at the door “with a frying pan in your hand”, belittle him in every possible way and make him feel insecure, then you should not count on passion. Serious relationship are built largely through compromise. And it's up to you to decide whether your man is worth so much effort.

The explanatory dictionary defines the meaning of the word "lover" as a woman who is in an intimate relationship with a man, but not in official marriage. Of course, a girl in this position has slightly different requirements than a wife. For example, she may not have outstanding culinary skills, she may not be expected to be deeply involved in serious matters or to be able to carry on highly intellectual conversations. As a rule, it all comes down to passion, which the passion is obliged to constantly kindle and support. So what should be a good lover? Let's look at it with male point vision, let's try to reveal all the secrets, figure out how to behave so that his interest does not fade away.

The ideal lover through the eyes of a man

Numerous surveys and studies prove- Sexuality, confidence, the ability to present oneself correctly are most valued in a partner. What other qualities, according to the stronger sex, should an ideal lover have?

  1. Uninhibited in sex. It is not for nothing that I single out this point as the very first. Naturalness, the desire to give and receive pleasure especially strongly attract and fascinate.
  2. Well-groomed and "expensive". Lady in spectacular, beautiful underwear automatically becomes more attractive and excites the imagination.
  3. Initiative. Remember, no one is interested in inactive ladies. You will quickly understand how to drive your lover crazy, if you yourself offer something unusual, showing that you are trying to diversify the relationship. By trial and error, find out his preferences in intimacy.
  4. Mysterious. No wonder they say that a woman should be a mystery, but in a relationship- intrigue. Periodically arrange a little shake-up for the chosen one - it's useful. But! This does not mean that you need to turn off your phone for a week, ignoring calls. Just try to make him a little jealous and nervous. Such emotional outbursts increase both passion and emotional connection.
  5. Ready for experiments. A woman should support in all endeavors (this also applies to intimacy), and also be ready for new discoveries.
  6. Respect his freedom. Intrusive calls and constant messages will not lead to anything good. A man needs personal space, and touching sms with questions: “Where are you now?”, And “When will you arrive?” Can only piss you off.
  7. Focuses on health. Do not neglect contraceptives and regular trips to the gynecologist, because, taking care of your physical condition, you show respect for your beloved.
  8. He always remains himself, is not silent if something is not to his liking. A woman should talk about things that bring her pleasure. Silence frightens the partner and he begins to think that he is doing something wrong. Mutual understanding, as well as frank dialogue, are important components of a strong union.

An experienced lover knows that men do not accept commercialism, so she knows how to play in contrast. This is very effective method. The author still shocks gentlemen by not allowing them to pay for themselves. At first, they are at a loss, wondering if they hit a feminist, but then they are happy to ask for a second date, because they realize that she will not require large investments.

These are just the basic qualities that, according to men, the chosen one should have. To understand how to behave properly with a lover, you need to learn how to feel him and be on the same wavelength with him.

Rules of conduct and secrets of the ideal lover

Interested in how to be a good lover for a man? Then take on a few useful rules. By observing them, you can be sure that your loved one will not allow the thought of finding a new object of his desires. Let's sort it out in order. So, the ideal lover:

  • knows exactly what the partner wants;
  • knows how to surprise a lover;
  • gives a lot, does not ask for anything in return;
  • does not behave obsessively, does not control;
  • does not put before a hard choice, testing feelings for strength;
  • does not complain, does not act up;
  • does not put himself above, does not point out shortcomings;
  • knows how to forgive, forgets mistakes;
  • does not teach life;
  • values ​​communication.

Now consider important points relationships from the point of view of psychology and reveal the main secrets of a good lover:

  1. Don't make your partner feel guilty. This is a serious management tool, but not everyone knows how to use it competently. Manipulation often leads to separation.
  2. Don't try to keep him as a child - bad idea.
  3. Don't control. A man wants to feel free, and not account for every step.
  4. Do not arrange a showdown with a lawful wife. Attempts to assert themselves and show that they chose you, can serve as a catalyst for a breakup. Keep in mind that in such a situation you will lose more than you will gain.
  5. Give up tantrums and showdown, because next to you he is just looking for peace and harmony.
  6. To understand how to deal with married lover, remember that sex does not always play a paramount role. For such a partner, you will have to be a psychologist and adviser, listen to complaints about misunderstanding and quarrels with your wife, and provide moral support.
  7. Keep secrets. Happiness loves silence, so it’s not worth trumpeting at every corner about the “forbidden” connection.

In conclusion, I would like to add to all of the above that any woman who is concerned about the question: “How to become a good lover?” Should learn to be more silent and listen, and prefer languid sighs to boring phrases and moralizing. Also, do not forget about the well-groomed appearance ( stylish hairstyle, lace underwear, stockings, shoes with heels). All this in a set will make you simply irresistible.

Love once and for all life is rather a beautiful exception to the harsh rules of polygamy in this life. And marriage for life often comes with painful periods of quarrels, jealousy, betrayal, and often on the verge of divorce.

It often happens that a man, having taken a mistress, after a while leaves the family for her, marries and lives happily until the end of his life with a bunch of kids. But this happens only in cases where a woman has sufficient wisdom to understand how to bind a married man to herself. And in most cases, it is the play on the basic instincts that is extremely important. After all, not all girls are able to properly satisfy the guy physically.

From this article, you will learn how to become a good lover for a married man so that he does not go anywhere else from you.

Before you figure out how you need to act, you should understand what the representative of the stronger sex wants and why he goes from his wife to the left.

The main reasons for cheating are:

  • Problems in the family - lack of sex, comfort, inability to talk about anything with a life partner. In such a situation, any sexual desire, love and desire to come home after work.
  • Polygamy of the opposite sex. In other words, a tendency to change. She either exists or she doesn't. The point is the presence of a gene that is responsible for the risk, as well as how pronounced it is in humans.
  • An ugly wife who does not cause physical desire. In this case, even if everything is fine in the family, there are no quarrels, misunderstandings and other things, the husband will still go to seek affection from another, because her own has simply grown old and swollen with fat.
  • Boredom. It seems to be good: the wife is not hysterical, and she cooks deliciously, and the goddess is in bed, but something is missing. In this case, it is very unpleasant for a girl to meet a married man - he is with her only for a change of scenery, some kind of entertainment and risk. If you see that the situation is like this, just don’t get involved or immediately quit when you understand, because your nerves are more expensive.

When you understand what throws a lover into your arms, it's time to decide how to act in order to become perfect lover y for him. It is clear that the representative of the stronger sex needs great sex, but what else to give him? Depends on the situation.

How to be the best

In a situation where a person is polygamous or looking for entertainment the best way will have fun with him for a week and be the first to quit, or even completely abandon such dubious joy. If you understand that a person is coming to you because they feel bad at home and are not expected there, then the task of how to drive such a person crazy is very simple for a smart and competent girl.

Moral aspect

The first thing you need to do is to give him pleasure, not physical, but moral, that is, arrange it so that it is pleasant for him to come to your house.

For this you need:

  1. Keep the place where you meet clean and warm. It doesn't matter if it's your apartment or a temporary one you rent. Come half an hour before the meeting, arrange the candles, cover the bed beautiful bedspread, clean the bathroom and put a shower gel with a delicious smell. It seems to be trifles, but they work perfectly, creating coziness and a feeling that it is pleasant and good to be with you. If you have your own apartment, there is nothing easier than keeping it in exemplary cleanliness, spraying your perfume and thereby evoking a stable association on a subconscious level that where you are is good and comfortable.
  2. Get ready. Even if a guy can afford a daily dinner at an expensive restaurant, there is nothing better than a pie or pasta made by your hands. The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, and whoever feeds the most delicious food will be ahead. You don't want him to praise you for the chef's cooking, or worse, his wife. Therefore, even if you are not so good at cooking - look on the Internet for some simple recipe for soup or a hearty salad, practice before you cook for your loved one - and your heart will be at your feet.
  3. Be beautiful. Even if you are not 20 for a long time and the figure is no longer so slim and cellulite and wrinkles - you can either fix it, or cover it up, or present it very beautifully. If your lover is training in the gym, and you have excess weight- Ask to walk with him and teach you how to exercise in order to become slim. Such an offer is very flattering. male pride Plus, you'll see each other more often. And if there are no special problems with the figure, then masks, beautiful make-up, chic dresses and shoes on high heels no one has canceled yet - he must want to show you to the world.
  4. No tantrums. Scandals over trifles, winding yourself up, irritation, refusal to have sex - these are common mistakes of wives who forever discourage the stronger sex. Mistresses of a married man should not behave in this way. In order to understand how to communicate and date a married man, look at the speeches of psychologists on the Internet. Especially if the doctor is a representative of the stronger sex, he will tell you well and clearly what line of behavior should be avoided in order to be perfect in such a relationship.
  5. Share hobbies, or at least just listen to conversations. It is very important that a person, coming to you, receive not only physical, but also psychological attention. So the level of comfort, and consequently, affection will be many times higher.

Now that you have understood the principles of a partner’s psychological comfort, figured out how to communicate with a lover on a human level, you should also think about how to be with him in bed correctly, in other words, how to drive you crazy with your body so that he forgets everyone but you.

Sexual aspect

In order to find out what qualities of an ideal lover your soulmate prefers, just ask. Yes, most sexual problems couples happen because of misunderstanding, innuendo and lack of communication and conversations on intimate topics.

Psychologists say that it is more difficult to start sexual relations at a more conscious age.

Everyone has already formed habits and preferences in bed, in addition, people after 30 are less inclined to experiment and they may have unresolved fears, complexes, conflicts with themselves. But this can be turned to good if you just talk about who wants what, who doesn’t like what or who is categorically unpleasant. After that, it is worth discussing the possibility of a compromise and trying something that neither of you has done so far.

But if for some reason you postponed the conversation or it went smoothly and you didn’t learn anything new for yourself, no special wishes or taboo, then here are a few universal advice about how to satisfy a lover and make you want intimacy again and again.

  • No failures. Only comic and only in order to awaken even greater desire and better kindle the fire. A mistress at the beginning of a relationship is needed not because of conversations or borscht, but because of passion, sex, pleasure. So never give up. During sex, endorphins are released that relieve pain. If there is no desire, make excite you. Petting, oral sex or even a simple massage is a game that is pleasant to play for both your partner and you.
  • Be relaxed and agree to experiments if they are not a strict taboo for you. Believe from oral sex or striptease no one has died yet, and to see the happy eyes of a loved one is priceless.
  • Don't commodify intimacy. A phrase like "Buy a fur coat, you'll get a blowjob" completely kills all desire, romance and passion. You are not a prostitute - to give yourself up for something. Only if both of you feel good together, if you want physical and moral fusion equally, the relationship will be wonderful, and sex will be divine. If a man does not satisfy you or it is tritely unpleasant for you to be with him in bed - do not suffer and quit.

We hope these tips on how to become a good lover will help you. And remember: patience and work will grind everything.

IN young age almost all girls dream of marriage with an ideal, loving and beloved man. However, having matured, we understand that life circumstances make their own adjustments to our plans and dreams, and it is possible that it is that long-awaited and only person who is already in legal marriage. To agree to the role of a married man's mistress or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, when building your romance with a non-free person, it is important to understand that these relationships are slightly different from those that our imagination draws. To understand what men are looking for in an affair on the side, psychologists conducted a massive survey and identified 10 signs of a married man's ideal mistress.

So, let's try to understand who she is - the ideal lover according to men?

1. She looks good

A lot of men begin to cheat on their wives because of their dissatisfaction. appearance. This is not surprising, because, unfortunately, women age earlier than men. However, in their mistresses, men want to see the living embodiment of a dream. Regardless of natural external data, a mistress should always look well-groomed, stylish and attractive.

2. She should be fun

Over the years of family life, spouses plunge headlong into everyday life, raising children and caring for material well-being, while losing that halo of romance, lightness and fun that connected them at the beginning of the relationship. It is the lack of this link that often becomes the reason why men decide to have a relationship with their mistress. Accordingly, in their chosen one, they want to see not a woman tired of life, but a light muse, in whose arms one can forget about everyday worries.

3. She treats him like a hero

Rare spouses manage to live life without quarrels, conflicts and reproaches towards each other. Having lived together for several years, the wife, like no one else, knows all the weaknesses and shortcomings of her husband, while in the eyes of his mistress, the man becomes a hero and ideal partner. It is this attitude, filled with romance, admiration and respect, that keeps married men close to their mistresses.

4. She is self-sufficient and self-confident

According to men, the ideal lover is a woman who loves and respects herself. In addition to a relationship with an unfree person, she has her own life filled with various events, achievements and adventures. She does not put the novel above all else, devoting a lot of time to her development and her hobbies.

5. She doesn't blame or make scandals.

In relationships on the side, men are looking for a holiday, lightness and an opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. To keep such a romance, you should not make any demands on your partner. And even more so, there is no need to reproach him for a lack of attention, since these reproaches will make him feel guilty, and very soon the man will get tired of being torn between his family and his mistress.

6. She does not claim his freedom

Starting a relationship with a married man, initially a woman must understand that she cannot claim his whole life. This man has a family and everyday duties associated with it, but when meeting with his mistress, he wants to forget about them. Therefore, any questions related to his family life, as well as plans for the future, will cause him unpleasant emotions.

7. She does not pretend to a joint future

Perhaps, in reality, everything is somewhat different and the mistress secretly hopes that sooner or later her partner will divorce his unloved wife and stay with her, but such thoughts should never be shown to a married man. good lover should conduct a conversation without affecting plans for the future, as well as bypassing conversations about his family life.

8. She doesn't die of love

Of course, every man dreams of becoming the object of a fiery and sincere love. However, young ladies who are too in love, ready to do anything for the sake of their loved one, are hardly suitable for the role of mistresses. The fact is that excessive love on the part of a mistress will place a burden of responsibility on a man, which he probably does not want to bear. Relations of this format should be based on common sense. It is very good when both partners understand that their romance is based on mutual sympathy in the present, and its development in the future is not an obligatory goal.

9. She is outspoken and unpredictable

Another common reason why men have lovers is dissatisfaction in bed. Not all women are ready for experiments and the embodiment of the most secret fantasies in reality. However, excessive modesty is excusable for a wife, but not for a mistress. The lady of the heart should bring a man a holiday, surprising and amazing the imagination.

10 She Acts Like His Wife Doesn't Exist

Talking about family life, and especially about the wife of a married man, should become a taboo in a relationship. A good lover should try to forget that her chosen one has lawful spouse. You can build relationships on passion, mutual hobbies and sympathy for each other, while dissolving in momentary happiness and not looking into the future. And, of course, the ideal lover will never give her partner an ultimatum - either I or she.

Married men want their romance to be like a game with clearly defined rules and laws that develops in parallel with their marriage. family life and does not interfere with everyday life. But this game should bring joy to both players, so relationships of this format should last as long as they suit the partners. In addition, even at the beginning of the novel, you need to accustom yourself to the idea that such relationships very rarely have a perspective and the opportunity to develop into something more than an ordinary intrigue. And even if the romance married man and will develop, this development will not be able to pass easily and painlessly.