Which wife to choose, beautiful or God-fearing? What makes a rich wife good?

Of course, I won’t mind if the cool girl I live with (marriage is not even obligatory) will also be rich in addition to everything! But SPECIALLY look for a rich woman to marry her - to hell! It's going to be boring! Well, she will all sparkle with bucks, and fight for each of them. After all, it is no secret that many rich people who have profited by accident or simply dishonestly are extremely nervous, unstable people, shaking for their wealth. Finally, if she only thinks about grandmas, what's the point of living with her then? I'll eat cool, dress, and then what?

Strus, 19/09/03
(Continued) And she won’t go to the Gluck’s concert, let’s say, hell, she’ll go with me, because she doesn’t need it - why hang out with the “youngsters” (as 90% of them think)! But she won’t go to nature with me on an electron hike, because give her fashionable hotels. And in bed she will be cold (if only to fulfill her "duty"), and in communication she will be boring, and it will be possible to talk with her only about grandmas. And she will look like a sedate lady, without a hint of a disco outfit! Fuck it, such wealth! I will choke on these dollars, and the "golden cage" will ruin me! let's get rich together!

datex, 19/09/03
I can't stand being an addict. Damn it, I have willpower, after all. Here I earn a little By more money and marry a suitable beauty (preferably a brunette), just the one I choose for myself. And waiting for mercy from a rich lady is below my manhood, and I think not only mine. Being henpecked all your life because HER has more money - well, no, thank you.

Cosmic Man, 10/07/05
FOR ANYTHING !!!, In this regard, I am principled! I may not be rich, but I want to be equal to my new relatives, since my goal is mutual respect and mutual assistance (and from my side too !!!). And even if such an option took place, it would be a priori groundless. Well, what conversations can I have, a commonality with a woman who talks day and night about foreign cars, trips abroad, boutiques, fur coats and diamond trinkets, which, by and large, are nothing more than carbon - an element common in space!

Naf Nafych, 17/06/06
On this topic, I can’t say that I love or hate, I just never built such global tasks as finding a girl from a wealthy family. For me, the main thing is to have more peace of mind and family peace, and material goods, although important, still cannot compete with this peace of mind and spiritual kindness. If I ever get married, but I think that it will someday happen and the wife will be good, loving and emotionally attached, then I will be quite happy, and from a rich or poor family - this is already the fifth - tenth matter. Agree, if, for example, we marry a rich woman, but spiritually and in characters we will be different, then no family happiness no matter what we will talk about, what will connect and no pastel - carnal relationships will not be able to compensate for this, and it seems to me that you can’t close your whole life on them. For good family happiness, in addition to love and affection, close interests and hobbies would be nice.

Dr. Fell, 10/08/06
As practice shows similar marriages, sooner or later, the wife will begin to reproach her husband with the fact that he is not rich, he married her, and she is all in gold - so it would be better for him to sit and be silent in the corner while she makes a decision. Worse than this situation can be probably toko impotence. Being henpecked is degrading to anyone normal man unless of course he creative person(with them in general a separate conversation), not a lack of initiative and not a pathological coward. It is better to amass wealth by joint efforts than to endure all your life (or for some time) from the faithful reproaches of your financial insolvency. F furnace. A girl with an average income - that's it! :)

Niseman, 26/11/08
I never even look at the material status of a girl, if we love each other, then do not care about it! Some kind of nonsense to our Men in general, this idea is unusual. It's somewhere in Turkey to process a rich daddy's daughter a sheep from Russia! And then throw it away!

Sirius99, 30/11/08
Evgenkun, you are smart! And ask yourself this question - will a wealthy girl want to marry you? A beggar sucker - everything is clear with her, she will drag you to the registry office. And most successful girls, I assure you, not so much and strive to get married, these are all your male delusions :)))

Too lazy to invent a nickname, 08/05/09
I hate gigolos, they should be kept in strip clubs for women, so that old women can rent them for money (old women also want male affection, gygy), and this trash is no good for the rest. It vomits that they are trying to find a young (their own age or even younger) rich, but there are those who are being conducted ... At first I wanted to write "drive this scum into the basement and throw grenades", but who will fuck the old women ?!

silent fox, 08/05/09
All this is so vile, so dirty, to look at a girl only as a source of profit, wealth, privileges and all that. This man is a complete nonentity, and the price for him is a penny, no, half a penny. Although, attention!, these are the girls of the rich, they love and appreciate the most! The guy looks at the girl, and sees - a BMW car! chic mansion outside the city! cool restaurants! Miami Beach! I hate these guys, but... I can't judge.

neokommunist, 15/10/09
A crazy idea that only testifies to the lack of convictions, principles of the one whom such an idea visits. I just communicate strictly with people of my class stratum (regardless of occupation) or with people with lower incomes. And to communicate with more wealthy people, and even more so to find a partner there, one of the iron principles contradicts me. In this regard, the position of Gosha from Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears is close and understandable to me. Class contradictions are far from groundless. Firstly, as I have already written many times, large incomes are not achieved through hard work and in an honest way, and the circle of criminals is not my sphere of communication. Secondly, with more affluent people, in principle, I cannot have a common circle of interests and leisure. Since their interests are very standard and limited: expensive cars, trips abroad, restaurants, expensive clothing, jewelry, renovations, etc.. In addition, mutual understanding with my wife's relatives is important for me. And with a rich family, it cannot be in principle!

everything is much more complicated, 15/10/09
I would like to count on the fact that marriage is a more complex and more spiritual institution in order to regard social status as the main prism through which it is necessary to look for a wife. the title of the topic has already been brought to marital alphonism - as much as the idea, the concept of marrying "rich" (some kind of childish-binary word). By the way, the idea of ​​marrying a poor woman, on the contrary, smacks of self-affirmation and a certain purchase of a person. I think the best option is strong marriage(with many exceptions, which is the default) is plus or minus equal statuses plus minus at the time of marriage. And the position of Gosha from "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", excuse me, of course - the position of a drunk house builder from the category of "fist on the table." So vulgarize the relationship, so shamelessly show your vulnerable and wounded beginning, hiding behind supposedly male pride! He himself invented a problem for himself, not realizing that the problem was something inside him, he ran away and just went into a binge. And it seems like he claims to be a positive hero.

VIDoc 9854, 14/03/10
I am not a gigolo. It is much more interesting for me to achieve something myself (albeit laziness) than to be a lapdog with a rich mistress, this is against my nature. If she has a rich dad, that's even worse, I'm not going to run around on my hind legs, begging for a piece. It makes me uncomfortable and uninteresting. I’m not going to marry at all, I’m not fit for life with someone, and even more so for a rich one.

alex01, 11/05/10
It just so happened that he himself plunged into this story. I have been dating a girl for a long time, whose family is much richer than all the other people from my inner circle - parents, relatives, friends. This is hard for a self-sufficient, purposeful man.

Ermac, 25/03/11
It’s not that I wouldn’t even get married and get acquainted with this one, and I know that such relationships are not durable.

tonik2002, 27/03/11
tell me, I used to meet with a poor girl, and now with a rich one, but I don’t love her, there are no feelings, but she loves me. and I have feelings for the poor ex, and what should I do, break up chtoli? can there be feelings? what to do? mind or heart?

tonik2002, 28/03/11
everything becomes boring and then love leaves and you no longer notice whether it is beautiful or not. As they say, a beautiful wife is someone else's wife. Or maybe later in marriage, feelings appear, or just affection. I've filed a claim and I have my doubts. I canceled everything. but she loves, she cannot live. everyone is calling to Moscow. not to drink water from the face, of course, but caring, economic. I don’t want to be calculated like cheese in butter (. and there’s no reproach. I can live and see together. In any case, only women with oligarchs can live without feelings for food. Men in terms of spirituality take this issue responsibly.

Sergey55, 01/02/13
TONIK2002 Come on, it's all nonsense, the main thing is that they love each other, but money has nothing to do with it. If a woman wants to happy life, she will not scold him, recall insults, she will love and respect him. Usually, as it happens, if you see that a loved one does not understand, then there is no need to insult and scold, step aside and everything will settle down by itself. Only anger and disassembly lead to divorce in the family, and there are very few divorces from money. The most big reason there is no mutual understanding. Everyone wants a reward and no one wants to give themselves away. A close person have to serve.

The study, titled "Money, Sex and Love" for MSNBC and Elle magazine, is based on a survey of 74,000 men and women. Only 12% of the men surveyed said they were opposed to their wife earning more than themselves, "and in general," according to the study, "men are happy to share (with women) the role of provider."

Julia Roberts with her husband

Stephanie Kunz, Director of Research and public education Council modern families(a position with an intimidating title!), calls it “a global change in the distribution of gender roles.”

Jezebel, a women's blogging site, expressed the same sentiment more succinctly: "Guys don't mind if a woman brings home the bread and butter." Above this material is a photograph of Julia Roberts and her husband Daniel Moder, a cameraman, both smiling.

looking closely at modern relations between men and women, here and there we see signs that we have grown up and gone one step further from cave ideas. Forget the old cliches about how a man who is married to a better-off woman feels powerless and helpless. Men are quite satisfied with the less status role of a father, partner and assistant who earns less.

Let's call it the "Julia and Dan Syndrome". Perhaps this is just for the best. Women in their 20s and 30s are reportedly already beginning to outsell men in several major American cities.

As the obstacles that prevent career growth women in corporations around the world, men increasingly have to deal with wealthier women. Get used to it guys.

The study shows that they are already used to it. I am not saying that you should not trust the words of the survey participants. But let's say it's a hard day at the office, your boss just refused to give you a raise, the mortgage company wants to squeeze the juice out of you, so if you ask at lunchtime if you would marry a millionaire, you answer yes.

But for the purity of the experiment, I decided to check what the other side of this theoretically happy union gets in the long run. So, millionaires, how do you feel about a man earning less than you?

I contacted Seventy Thirty, a dating service for single millionaires. The name (“Seventy to thirty”) implies a typical work-life balance. successful person. The agency also works with men, but like other agencies, 70:30 also reflects the ratio of women to men among its members.

Of course, there are more guys who are ready for a relationship now than after the First World War, but still not so much. Seventy Thirty differs from other agencies in one nuance: to join it, you must have assets of at least £1 million.

After you've been vetted by the financiers, a top-notch psychologist is sent in to check how your emotional capital is coping with the double burden of unheard-of wealth and enforced loneliness.

Rachel McLynn (M.Sc., her emails say) is one of those psychologists and the membership manager for Seventy Thirty. “In a practical sense, these women are very independent,” McLynn says. “This woman does not need a man who would pay her bills, she needs emotional support - for someone to hug her, call her her own.”

British men say: I'm ready to do it, I'm ready to be with such a woman! But after the conclusion of such an alliance, one may have to put up with deep psychological and social consequences and a serious blow to self-esteem.

In McLynn's experience, the fate of Julia Roberts' character in Notting Hill, in which the megastar lives happily ever after with a small bookstore owner played by Hugh Grant, is nothing more than fiction. “Men answer the survey question again and again: “I wouldn’t mind,” “That’s not a problem.”

But the problem exists. If she is richer than him, he does not feel like the head of the family. Where is its place in this construction?”

I spoke to several of the Seventy Thirty women, all in their late 40s, all open, sincere and very successful - and I realized they were willing to sacrifice their Caribbean homes and yachts for a happy family life.

Sonia (I have changed her name) is a significant figure in the Australian and London investment world. While she and her first husband were making careers in the corporate world, building a family, buying houses, everything was going great. But as soon as she got a high position, everything went awry. When her husband auctioned off her beloved Vacation home unbeknownst to her, it was all over.

You can call it "Martin Melcher Syndrome". Melcher was married to actress Doris Day and, like many husbands of the wealthy and famous women became its commercial director. By Hollywood standards, it was successful union. After sudden death Melchera Doris found out that he had lost her millions. She was broken.

The easiest way is to label Melcher as a typical rogue and burner. But much more curious is the image of a man, frightened by the success of his wife and trying, according to McLynn, to find his place. As a French trader who lost millions in market speculation, he may have acted this way for the love of "work."

Atavistic notions about who should take the bill when it's served on a silver platter at the expensive restaurant you went to on your first date are as strong as ever. Even according to the Money, Sex and Love study, the change is not as dramatic as it might seem. Three out of four men feel guilty if they don't pay on the first date, and 40% of women feel uncomfortable when a man accepts their money.

If you are not as unheard of rich and/or famous as your wife, then your best bet is to find your own niche and earn your own credibility so you feel safe.

If Guy Ritchie filmed for last years decent film, perhaps the media would have paid less attention because he didn't come with his wife to the Rock Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Madonna's press service was forced to state that the couple still lives in love and harmony, which sounds suspicious.

“Women want their men to be more successful,” says McLynn. Wealth is an indicator of success, but women give more value education and creativity of your partner. We do not match the rich to the rich.”

This good news. You can get into Seventy Thirty even if you don't have the necessary millions in a bank or other reliable place. One happy example was a wealthy lady from the outskirts of London, whom Susie Amroz introduced to a gardener.

If you are a good gardener, or a plumber, or an artist, a specialist in medieval philosophy, or, say, a bookstore owner, you have a chance.

And best of all, if you are a Scottish anesthesiologist. There are not so many Scottish anesthesiologists in whom millionaires do not have a soul. It only took one, Neil Murray, husband of writer J.K. Rowling, to make it into the high-demand category.

Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Rowling don't like it when strangers discuss them personal life, but they probably wouldn't mind if we said they were okay with a £550m gap between their individual earnings.

Conventional dating services have a struggle. I believe that the website of the Scottish Society of Anesthesiologists www.scottishsocietyofanaesthetists.co.uk will become a popular dating site.

Everyone wants to live life beautifully and carefree. To achieve this goal, someone goes to work, someone goes to study in order to build a good career in the future, and someone is looking for a rich bride whose father has big pockets full of money, who can afford to give a car for her birthday, give the keys to an apartment in the city center for the birth of a child, and so on.

Seeing such prospects, some young people come and ask: Is it possible in Islam to marry a rich girl? Can you marry rich girls?". We will answer this question today.

Of course, we will not leave rich girls without husbands, but Islam, first of all, calls for paying attention not to the girl’s wealth, not to her beauty, but to her religiosity, because the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) says: “ Whoever marries a girl because of her wealth and beauty will lose her beauty and wealth. And if someone takes a girl as a wife because of her religiosity, Allah will endow her with wealth and beauty "(Tirmizi). If a girl is religious, then you can already look at her wealth and her beauty.

The hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) states: A woman is married on the basis of four qualities: her wealth, her nobility, her beauty, and her religiosity. Choose a wife because of her religiosity "(Imam Muslim).

Imam An-Nawawi Commenting on this hadeeth, he says: Usually people pay attention to the wealth of a girl, her beauty and kind, but you first of all pay attention to her religiosity, and then to other qualities.».

Once (may Allah be pleased with him) went around the city. Tired, he leaned against the wall of a house and heard the following conversation: Daughter, dilute the milk with water ", the mother asked her daughter. The daughter replied: Mother, have you not heard the words of our Caliph Umar? » « What did he say? ' asked the mother. " He forbade diluting milk with water ', the daughter replied. The mother, after waiting a little, said: After all, Umar does not see you now, let's dilute ". Then the daughter said: Umar may not see, but Allah sees everything ". Hearing these words, Umar returned to the city, gathered the young people and asked them if any of them were looking for a girl to marry. One young man replied that he was looking for. And Caliph Umar married him to that girl, seeing her piety. Do you understand? First of all, we need to look for such God-fearing girls in order to live a happy life.

But there is very important point- when we talk about religiosity, this does not mean at all that it is enough to look only at its worship, it should be distinguished not only by worship, but also by good disposition, because you can often meet people who are outwardly obedient to Allah, but inside they are like rotten fruits.

One day to Khalifa Umar(may Allah be pleased with him) a man came to testify in favor of a Muslim. Umar began to ask him: Are you his neighbor who sees all the people who come and go to him? "He answered:" No, I am not his neighbor ». « Were you on the road with him to know about his good character? ' Umar asked. " No, I was not on the road with him either. ", he replied. " Did you make trade deals with him? Umar asked again. " No, I didn't deal with him either. ', the witness replied. " You must have seen him worship in the mosque? ' Umar asked. " Yes, this is what I saw. I saw him worshiping Allah in the mosque ”, he replied. Umar said to him at the end: You go. You don't know this person ". Caliph Umar emphasized that religiosity is not only being in the mosque, but also good relationships with people and a good disposition. These are the qualities that young people should pay attention to when choosing a soulmate.

How many young boys have been killed by their wives; they, having become, roughly speaking, "henpecked", severed relations with their parents, brothers and sisters, ceasing to talk to them. All for what reason? Because the language of their chosen wives, which speaks of the bad qualities of his family, is sharper than a knife blade.

Why did it happen? For what reason? Due to the fact that initially, when he chose a spouse for himself, he paid attention to her beauty and wealth, but did not pay attention to her religiosity and good disposition. Therefore, young people who are looking for a girl to create family happiness, see if she is religious, if she has a good disposition, and only after that pay attention to other qualities.

Often young people ask: “what if the parents do not agree with his choice”

I will answer this question as follows:

You, young people, perhaps, because of your youth, because of the surging feelings, do not realize the correctness of your choice, do not understand that after marriage, the feelings that overwhelmed you can leave you, and after that, sadness about the wrong choice will remain. Parents have seen a lot in this world, they have gone through a lot, you should always remember that parents want only happiness for their son. So when your parents disagree with your choice, they may have a reason, their own motivation that you are not aware of.

What should be done in this case?

I advise you to sit down with your parents for a cup of tea on one calm, quiet evening and discuss a topic that is vital to you. Perhaps your parents do not know anything about this girl. Tell them about her. Perhaps they will tell you something about her that you do not know.

And no matter what, no matter what happens, always look for the contentment of your parents. Do not marry without their consent when they are angry with you in their hearts. Because the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah says: The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of parents "(At-Tabarani).

Seek the satisfaction of your parents, and then Allah Almighty will be pleased with you. And if Allah is pleased with you, your family life will be happy and blessed.

Prepared Khamza Nurmagomedov

Have you decided to marry a rich girl? This desire is completely understandable and reasonable: if both of you and your future wife make decent money, then you can provide for offspring without difficulty, and your children will not need anything. How to marry rich?

Be in the right places

To find a rich bride, you need to know where to look for her. Try to walk more often in the vicinity of prestigious universities, which have a solid proportion of wealthy students. Visit expensive restaurants, prestigious boutiques, where mostly rich ladies shop.

If you have a car, drive around in it, do not be shy. You can, for example, take a student you like home from her university or a well-dressed beauty from a nightclub to home, and in parting give a bouquet of flowers bought at a nearby flower kiosk.

Please her family

It's not enough to charm a rich girl, you also need to charm her parents like. After all, they certainly will not give their daughter in marriage to someone who is not clear. If they were low-income, the picture would be somewhat different.

Ask the girl what her parents are fond of, especially her father, what are their hobbies, in general, try to learn more about them. They are sure to be at your level of awareness and will be flattered that you treat them with due consideration. Be courteous, behave like a gentleman, but avoid showing off. If you are offered to spend together free time, do not refuse in any case. The girl's parents should get used to you, to the fact that you will continue to take an active part in their life.

Raise your education

Rich girls prefer educated young men. Even if you are not rich, even if you do not have millionaire parents, but if you are also an uneducated, uncouth loafer, then you can not even dream of a rich bride. Study hard, if you haven't graduated yet, sign up for courses in English- he will help a lot in life. If you already know this language, learn, say, Spanish. He is very handsome, emotional, and girls are from guys who know Spanish, just crazy.

Be the ringleader

If you are the soul of the company and quick for good jokes, and indeed, attract people to you thanks to your energy, it will not be so difficult for you to start a relationship with a rich beauty. Go ahead.

If there is a girl in your life that you feel for serious feelings and even agrees to sacrifice his freedom for her and make her an offer of marriage, which means you can only be congratulated! It is likely that you have chosen a worthy life partner, because finding your soul mate is not so easy!
However, do not rush to rejoice and jump for joy to the ceiling. After all, she has not yet answered you "yes." And if your chosen one is so perfect, it is likely that you are not the only contender for her hand and heart.
That's why now in front of you the main task- do not get rejected by your beloved when you solemnly make her an offer to become your wife.

First of all, you must remember that your chances of success will increase significantly if you are sure that this girl really loves you. As you know, love is such a thing against which the most violent barriers and obstacles are powerless.

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How to marry the girl of your dreams.

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