Determine by date of birth vampire or donor. White mage and vampire. The most successful unions

Most of the existing ones are energy vampires by date of birth. Such people from an early age are able to feed on your emotions and feelings. To calculate them, to protect yourself, you need to conduct a simple test.

Energy vampires - test by date of birth

The presence of such a gift as energy vampirism can be determined by the date of birth. Write all the numbers and add the numbers. For example:


If it came out two-digit, it should be added again (3 + 0 = 3).

Three - the result of the test, the interpretation of which is presented below. It distinguishes five types of people:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims (donors);
  • neutral persons;
  • white magicians;
  • black wizards.

After passing the test, we got the number 1 or 2 - in front of you is an energy vampire.

It is possible that the person is aware of the gift. If you do not want to get rid of abilities - do not be afraid, it is not fatal.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones. Most of the techniques involve the construction of blocks, barriers that will help protect.

It is useful to purchase a talisman that will protect against strong attacks. If the person is too aggressive and pulls all the juice out of you, if possible, interrupt communication.

Result 5 or 7 - the person is a victim, a donor. He unconsciously gives up his strength at the slightest impact. Such individuals are very susceptible to magical attacks.

It is necessary to wear a talisman that will help repel the attack of evil spirits. A person will not be able to constantly build energy blocks, there will not be enough strength - one should regularly go to magical places.

Important: these should not be places of burial, where the energy is negative, heavy and there is a chance to meet with a magical essence that will completely devastate.

It is better to choose churches or temples, where it is good, calm and you can draw energy from nature.

If during the test to determine the energy vampire by date of birth you received one of these numbers, then fortune is on your side.

Nature has not endowed with such a gift, but you cannot become a victim of a vampire. You are not good for him.

The owner of these numbers has a very strong energy, clean, bright. Thanks to her, an impenetrable barrier is automatically created, which evil spirits cannot overcome.

The person who got 9 has a supernatural gift, but this is not vampirism. The figure speaks of a strong positive energy, characteristic even of white magicians.

If you learn to manage energy, power, then incredible things will be possible. From birth, you have an immense potential. You can become a good good wizard, provided that you make every effort to achieve your dream.

Unusual abilities nature also bestowed on those born under this number. They are often called black magicians. An individual can feed on others, but only if his life resources are running out.

Vampire/black magician and white magician
- a wonderful tandem, there will always be an energy balance in a relationship.

Vampire/black magician and donor- if the victim can accumulate a lot of energy, the relationship is successful.

Neutral and white mage- absolute harmony, but rather a platonic relationship, not a romantic one.

White magician and donor- people will voluntarily exchange energy, an excellent union.

Donor/neutral and victim- strong connection, the donor can protect the partner from attacks.

Vampire and black magician- a good combination if the second agrees to share energy with the first.

Vampire/Black Mage and Neutral- the couple will live in harmony if the first one is able to suppress power or absorb energy from other sources.

Vampire and vampire- Eternal lack of strength, many conflict situations.

All people are different, someone is energetically strong, the other is weak. Some
it is really necessary to feed on emotions, feelings, energy. This may be in the family, among friends. In fact, there are many.

Such representatives cannot be attributed to any category of evil spirits. These are people with a non-standard supernatural gift.

Calculating by date of birth is easy. The method will help if it is impossible to understand from the behavior of the individual whether he is endowed with the ability or simply over-emotional. At times it is aggressive or not too sensitive.

According to the results of the study, you may even be. Often a person does not assume that he is the owner of a unique gift and is unintentionally capable of harming others.

The fact that we are all different needs no proof. However, in addition to differences in personal characteristics, life passions and worldview, we have different energy. It just influences the nature of our ties and contacts.

Surely, you have an inexplicable dislike for you for some people who seem to be pretty on the outside and inside. And you maintain friendly relations with people with whom you yourself did not notice how close you became. It's just that people's communication is based on a common energy background.

There are five energy types in total, into which all people can be divided. So you are one of the vampires, donors, white and black magicians or neutrals. Numerology will help you determine your type. A simple arithmetic operation consisting of your date of birth. For example, 05/04/1956 = 0+4+0+5+1+9+5+6 = 30; 3+0 = 3. The number 3 is an energy type number. If, for example, the date of birth is 39, then 3+9 = 12; There is no such type, you just need to add the numbers 1 + 2 = 3 again - you get a number of the energy type.

Deciphering the energy type number

1 and 2

Energy vampires that take energy from the people around them. They need regular nourishment with other people's vitality. The absorption of someone else's energy can occur unconsciously, but vampires do not disdain a conscious fence. Vampires eat, having intimate conversations, arranging quarrels or conflicts. During any emotional contacts, this type can pretty well eat at someone else's expense.

Donors feeding vampires. They are not capable of absorbing other people's energy, and therefore, with regular contact with vampires, they waste their vitality.

3, 6 and 8

Neutrals who will not give their energy, but will not take someone else's. They have a fairly protected and strong energy field that keeps them in good shape.

white magicians who have an amazing ability to control their energy. If necessary, they share it with others, but of their own free will do not seek to take it away from anyone.

black magicians , capable of transformation - can act as neutrals or as energy vampires. They also possess, on a par with white magicians, the ability to control their energy charge.

These types formed the basis of the scheme for building relationships between people. It may seem strange, however, both can benefit from the union of a vampire and a donor, provided that the donor has a sufficient supply of energy, which will be enough to provide for two. If the donor is energetically devastated, then from contact with a vampire, he has nothing but negativity to expect.

A successful alliance with a stable relationship can be made up of white magicians and neutrals. The balance is observed in the union of black and white magicians. They often make friendly alliances, because they do not have difficulty building bridges and finding common ground.

It is not advisable to connect vampires and black magicians. Both will begin to draw energy from each other, which will end in mutual devastation. Life with black magicians and neutrals will not work out, since they are not capable of its timely replenishment of energy. The remaining combinations between energy types are neutral.

Date of birth is not just an event when we were born into this world. The year, day and hour of birth bear the imprint of the events that took place at that time. So why not take advantage of this to determine your energy!

Each of us has his own worldview, his own way of life, sensitivity to energy. It is sensitivity and the ability to use energy that makes us so different. Have you ever wondered why we like some people and dislike others? Indeed, often the point is not in the appearance of a person, but in something else that eludes our understanding. The answer is hidden in the fact that people understand and communicate with each other thanks to a common energy background. You can endlessly divide people into types according to different criteria, and as one of the options, let's use numerology.

People can be divided into five energy types: donors, vampires, neutrals, black and white magicians. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 10/7/1981 = 7+1+0+1+9+8+1 = 27; 2+7 = 9; The number 9 is the number of your energy type. Now let's just decipher and get to know ourselves a little better.

Energy vampires have numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of people around them. They just need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. More often, of course, they do not understand the whole mechanism, but subconsciously feel a surge of strength. They usually become vampires as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts. Often such situations are created on purpose.

Donors have numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors give their energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it directly from people, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality is rapidly decreasing.

Neutrals. Their numbers are: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take away, but they do not give away energy either. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape. Balanced calm people who are well able to control their emotions.

White mages. Their number: 9. White magicians have the ability to control their energy. They can both give and take, but they themselves do not seek to take energy.

black magicians have a number: 4. They can be neutrals, or they can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy potential. To take energy or not decide from their own selfish goals.

It is on the basis of these types that relationships between people are built. Often the union of a donor and a vampire can be quite successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. If the donor suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then contact with the vampire will only bring him negative.

Neutrals and white magicians are a successful union. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are a very controversial alliance. Each of them will try to take energy from each other, which will lead to the energy devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral. As you can see, you can quickly determine your type, check yourself.

Any type of energy can be corrected, you can train your energy and the ability to manage it. All in our hands!

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and way of life. In addition, we have different energy. The nature of human connections and contacts depends on it. Have you ever thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant for you, although he is not bad in character and very attractive in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1+7+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 29; 2+9 = 11; 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is an energy type number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires. Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorption of energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors. Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their life forces leave each time.

Neutrals. Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take, but do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

white magicians. Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take energy.

black magicians. Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will only bring him negative. Neutrals and white magicians are a very successful alliance. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to the devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are interested to know if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments who you are, a vampire or a donor? If this information was useful to you, click on and

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Energy vampires are people who by nature have an underestimated energy potential and therefore are accustomed to consuming other people's energy. To do this, they use different methods: scandals, humiliations, complaints and other psychological manipulations, the main purpose of which is to provoke you to emotions.

In this article, we will tell you how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth using a simple test.

Pythagoras, who lived more than two and a half thousand years ago, wrote about the patterns of the influence of numbers on human destiny. The knowledge he collected was appreciated during his lifetime (the so-called School of Pythagoreans was created), and continues to be actively used to this day.

According to this doctrine, all people are represented by the following types:

  • vampires;
  • donors;
  • neutrals;
  • white magicians;
  • black magicians.

And to find out which of the categories you personally belong to, we suggest you resort to a simple calculation. You should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you get a two-digit number as a result, you will need to add the received values ​​\u200b\u200bagain to end up with a single-digit number.

Let's look at this with a specific example:

Date of birth - 05/25/1994.

2+5+5+1+9+9+4 =35.

Based on the resulting value, and we can conclude what kind of person you are in terms of energy. Next, we will consider which numbers correspond to which category of people.

Energy Vampires: Ones and Twos

But one should not immediately try to accuse such a person of all mortal sins, because for the most part a vampire takes away the energy of those around him completely unconsciously, because such is his essence and he is not able to change it. If it so happens that your close relative acts as an energy vampire, whom you cannot communicate with, talk about this topic and, preferably, offer alternative energy sources.

For example, a pet would be an excellent donor. In addition, nature, sports, good music will fill you with energy.

Energy donors: fives and sevens

You are lucky if, as a result of mathematical manipulations, such numbers are obtained. They characterize the typical donor. But you can recognize him not only by calculations - you need to find the most cheerful, noisy person, near whom life is always in full swing - this is the standard donor.

And if you look even more closely, then next to the donor you will always find a couple of "bloodsuckers" who, like fish-sticks, do not want to leave the walking storehouse of energy and are fed by life force from it.

But if the donor is strong, he may well cope with several energy pumps, the main thing is that their number does not exceed all permissible limits.

Neutrals: threes, sixes, eights

In some cases, neutrals can be fueled by the energy of others, but this is more of an exception to the rule. It turns out that neutrals refer to ordinary people, who are now the most.

White magicians: representatives of the number nine

It should be noted that nine is a rather rare number in the date of birth. In terms of its energy potential, it is stronger than even the most powerful donor, because in this case, not a single vampire will be able to take your energy without obtaining your consent.

It is also noteworthy that the representatives of white magicians themselves generously give away their vitality to others. It is the “nines” who become psychics, healers, brilliant doctors, these are all white magicians who managed to reach their full potential.

Black magicians: four

And the last category of people is a group of black magicians who have the number four in their date of birth. Along with their white opponents, they also control energy flows, so they never experience a lack of energy. But if the black magician wants to suck strength out of someone, he will not need to resort to any specific methods - scandal, complain or talk a lot - just come up, take as much energy as you need and leave.

Note that black magicians are not a very common category, and those who were able to fully develop this potential in themselves can be easily counted on the fingers.

Energy vampire signs by date of birth

There is another method for calculating an energy vampire by date of birth. The amount of one's own energy is a constantly changing indicator, which depends on many factors (state of health, emotions experienced, and so on).

Next, we offer you a second way to interpret the meaning of your personal number. Its calculation is carried out in exactly the same way as in the first case - just sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit.

And then we turn to this interpretation:

  • if the final result is less than five, the person has low energy, he constantly needs energy replenishment;
  • if the final number varies from five to seven - your energy is normal, you do not need to vampire others in order to take their energy;
  • and if the final result exceeds seven, you have so much energy that you can share it with others without loss for yourself.

Which of the described ways to believe is up to you. And we offer you effective recommendations on how to restore your energy after communicating with a vampire.

Ways to replenish your energy

If you yourself are an energy vampire or have suffered from the actions of such a person, you need to restore the disturbed energy balance as soon as possible.

  1. Spending time in nature will help a lot: walk barefoot on the grass more often, lean against tree trunks, bask in the sun and feel that the forces of nature fill every cell of your body with vital energy.
  2. Contact more often with animals or plants - they also bestow vitality.
  3. Turn on your favorite musical compositions, with their help you will eliminate the source of irritation and negative thoughts.
  4. Shown to take a shower. Water perfectly eliminates all negative energy.
  5. Fill yourself with joyful emotions and positive experiences as much as possible - for this, communicate with friends, have fun and concentrate on the positive.

Now you know how to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth and how to restore energy after communicating with him. Finally, watch the informative video

I found a very suitable system that shows how people of different energy types coexist. To calculate who you are, add up the end digit of your date of birth. We add up all the numbers, up to the last one, for example, 22.02.1985=2+2+2+1+9+8+5=11=1+1=2

Keep in mind that vampires and donors are not to be taken in a harshly negative sense. A vampire is one who needs, for example, attention, or he can listen a lot. And the donor - gives out care, attention, conversations, in general, there are "a lot" of him. And what specific emanations the donor gives out and the vampire eats is another matter. The donor can also give out a pack of negatives, eat my anger. And a vampire can take away the negative, absorb it, consume the excess. People of different types are compatible in different ways. First, we consider who is who.


Numbers 3, 6, 8. Neutral people

They will not give energy to anyone, but they will not take someone else's either. A self-sufficient energy system that feeds on energy from space.

Numbers 5 and 7. Donors

They themselves cannot take anything, but they have a strong need to share, otherwise it is hard for them. If there are tough vampires around them, they can become emaciated and this greatly affects their mental and physical health.
Number 9. White magicians

In general, they control themselves, they are very powerful, they can give and accumulate their energy. Share at will. They may or may not share. They cannot pick up.

Number 4. Black magicians

They are also mostly neutral, but sometimes they can grab from a person. They manage their energy well, they do not need prompts.

Numbers 1 and 2. Vampires

Constantly in need of refreshment. If there is no encouragement and attention, they create conflict situations from which they also draw. Even if they do not create a conflict, energy is constantly pulled. This is sometimes done not on purpose, but individuals pull consciously.


I have tested with different couples. A lot of coincidences. Check yours too. As a rule, exactly coinciding energy types live, neutral combinations are extremely rare, and combinations of a conflict type do not coexist for a long time.


Donors and Vampires

They will get along only if the donor is strong and ready to feed the vampire constantly. However, the vampire can de-energize the donor and simply suppress it.

White and black magicians

Ideal compatibility, attunement and understanding of each other. They instantly find a common language. They literally feel with fibers who needs what and at the right moments they exchange excess energy. White gives, black takes, and always by mutual attunement.

Black magician with a donor

They live normally as long as the donor can give. However, at the right moment, the donor can “break”, and the black magician does not have enough strength, and black magicians often take abruptly and a lot. However, a black magician with a donor live a long time if the black magician takes infrequently, but in bursts. Then the donor is enough for such a person for a long time. If the black magician takes a long time, he can devour the donor whole. The donor in this alliance always receives less, feels insecure.

White magician with a donor

White mage with neutral

Almost the same as with the donor, just the neutral does not feel the magician stronger or weaker, he just accepts him as is. Sometimes it can get tired of him, and in general, seeks to protect himself from an excess of communication. However, with an excess of energy, the white magician will have to dump the excess outside the union, otherwise there will be a conflict. If the white magician pulls himself together, it will be a sweet union of two neutrals, and the couple will last a long time.

Black mage with neutral

The combination is difficult. As long as the black magician has enough of his strength, they live. But as soon as there is a need for replenishment, the neutral cannot give anything, and the black magician needs to look for replenishment and support elsewhere. This provokes conflicts. In combinations magic + neutral, the magician should adjust, he feels better how to do it.


Two neutrals

They can live happily ever after. A comfortable combination, but more suitable for a working alliance than for a family. The spirit of equality will reign in the family, even under the condition of patriarchy or matriarchy. These are free souls.

White mage and vampire

The combination is quite comfortable. The vampire requires energy, and the magician can give exactly as much as not to the detriment of himself. The magician does not deplete, the vampire gets more. This combination has good prospects, enough different emotions. In addition, sincere love and protection are often in such a pair. At the same time, the white magician has enough internal strength to let the vampire fly free, but he must let go where he will be, whom he will consume. A white mage can tolerate a vampire much longer than a donor, because he does not deplete from him, even if the vampire is very strong.

Neutral and Vampire

Cold combination. The vampire will be bored, will lack emotions and sensations. they can work together without much conflict, but the neutral will be tired of the expression of the vampire, he will be protected from excessive communication. family relationships are hardly possible, business relationships are ideal.


Two vampires

They will eat each other like spiders in a jar. They will be exhausted, they will get sick, suffer, suffer, and also get friends and parents, all the time they need vests or sources of energy. If the donor of such a couple is a child, he is literally exhausted by scandals, nit-picking and lectures. To change the situation, alas, is almost impossible. Such people get along with difficulty, unless they are very spiritually mature.

Black magician and vampire

The vampire pulls on himself all the time, the black magician endures for the time being, but when he wants to feed himself, he crushes the vampire, he can even sharply shut up his need to receive, pulling on himself. If such a state of the black magician lasts for a long time, the situation leads to a break, because both are lacking. If the black mage is the parent and the child is a vampire, the other parent must be a donor, or preferably a white mage.

Two donors

relative situation. Excess energy creates a need to reset. If there is nowhere to dump, there is a need for hyper-custody and control, which is dumped into conflict and bright, stormy showdowns. Everyone is trying to give a lot of advice, care. Everyone feels more important, and when the second gives the same reaction, a situation begins like this: I found a scythe on a stone. At the same time, the attraction is strong and powerful, sincere. The second side is "with a mustache" and cannot accept. The result - quarrels, and stormy ones, because a reset is necessary, then the same stormy passion. Such a couple either comes across a child vampire, which takes almost all the energy of the parents. Either people need to conduct a common cause, it is better to do charity work, so that there is somewhere to pour strength, then there will be harmony and understanding in the house. If such a couple has a vampire child, they can literally choke him with care, sometimes even a vampire cannot absorb so much, then the vampire becomes exhausted, starts to get sick. if a couple does not have a child, she needs to be outside the family as often as possible, to engage in various activities so that energy is accumulated. Such people perfectly conduct a common business, nurture it like a child. The main thing is to separate spheres of influence so as not to conflict.

How to apply it?

In practice, I personally analyzed situations, who lives with whom. An amazingly useful system. It is immediately clear who is who and how it manifests itself. Yes, I am a donor. Living with a guy with a black magician, I sometimes felt a sharp loss of energy when he got sick. Was depleted. But my friend is a white magician, with her I feel quite comfortable, but I feel really lower in level. My friends are a donor and a white magician. They either have excess or mutual understanding. Of course, the child is a vampire, otherwise their union would have undergone constant storms.

My parents are both neutrals, and yes, they live together all their lives, but rather they have a reasonable coolness without titanium passions, in principle, this is super for a family. Analyze your situations, you will see how interesting it is. And at the same time you will be able to understand how to build relationships with friends, bosses, colleagues.

But as one classic said: “The numbers don’t lie,” and therefore it will be interesting to check out a rather original way to determine whether you are a donor or an energy vampire by date of birth.

Test for energy vampirism by date of birth

So that the incredulous reader does not immediately accuse us of quackery, we recall that Pythagoras of Samos, who lived more than two and a half thousand years ago, began to systematize the patterns of the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. His knowledge was appreciated during his lifetime, and the Pythagorean school is evidence of this.

According to this doctrine, people are divided into:

  • Vampires
  • Donors
  • Neutrals
  • white magicians
  • black magicians

In order to find out who is in front of you, add up all the numbers of his date of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, sum up the received signs again and so on until a single-digit number. For example, it looks like this:

Date of birth: 11.02.1958


It is this number that allows you to determine the energy vampire by date of birth.

Energy vampires: numbers 1 and 2

But one should not immediately pounce on such an accusation, in most cases the energy sucker himself does not realize his essence and simply lives as best he can. If this is a person close to you and you cannot simply stop communicating with him, you will either have to carry out explanatory work, or show him other sources of energy.

For example, a pet can be a good donor, but if it is not possible to get one, take the vampire out into the fresh air more often, offer to go in for sports, and preferably to classical music.

Of course, these are not the easiest ways to replenish strength, vampirizing from your neighbor is many times easier, but you need to understand that only a well-fed predator does not bite.

Donors: numbers 5 and 7

It’s good if the sum of your calculations turns out to be equal to five or seven. In front of you, it seems, is a real donor, but you can recognize one without mathematics. Find in the crowd a cheerful, healthy guy, near whom life is always in full swing - this is exactly the one we are talking about.

And if you take a closer look, you will notice one or two vampires near the donor, they, like sticky fish, do not lag behind this walking well of energy day or night.

However, a couple of energy pumps for a strong donor is not a problem, the main thing is that there are not too many of them - after all, any well can be drunk to the bottom.

Neutrals: numbers 3, 6, 8

Neutral is a person without a pronounced energy state. Yes, he has energy and he can restore it, but its reserves are insignificant, and regeneration is rather slow.

On the other hand, on occasion, the neutral can slightly subvampirize, but such cases are more the exception than the rule.

Conclusion: neutrals are ordinary people, who are in the majority around.

White magicians: people born under the number 9

Very rarely there are people whose date of birth can add nine. In terms of their energy reserves, they surpass even the strongest donor, and at the same time, not a single vampire will take a drop from there without the consent of the owner.

But what is interesting is that white magicians, namely, as it is customary to call the nines, are themselves capable of bestowing their strength.

Psychics, healers, brilliant doctors - all these are white magicians who were able to realize their potential. And how many of them have remained undiscovered.

If you manage to figure out such a magician, try to explain to him what he hides in himself, not to use such a talent is a crime.

Black magicians: number 4

And finally, black magicians are the owners of the number 4. Like their white counterparts, they are able to control the flow of energy, and therefore they are never hungry. If a black magician wants to vampirize, he does not have to resort to standard vampiric tricks. No scandals, whining or chatter, just came up to stretch out as much as he wanted and left.

One has only to be glad that such people are quite rare, and those who have managed to develop this destructive talent in themselves, in general, can be counted on the fingers.

For the most part, black magicians are impenetrable neutrals who have enough of their own energy, but they are in no hurry to share it with vampires.

You see, nothing complicated and it is not necessary to look closely at the behavior, try to calculate the vampire by the sign of the zodiac. Elementary mathematical calculations, and data today can be easily taken from social networks.

Date of birth is not just an event when we were born into this world.

The year, day and hour of birth bear the imprint of the events that took place at that time.

So why not take advantage of this to determine your energy!

Each of us has his own worldview, his own way of life, sensitivity to energy. It is sensitivity and the ability to use energy that makes us so different.

Have you ever wondered why we like some people and dislike others? Indeed, often the point is not in the appearance of a person, but in something else that eludes our understanding. The answer is hidden in the fact that people understand and communicate with each other thanks to a common energy background.

You can endlessly divide people into types according to different criteria, and as one of the options, let's use numerology.

People can be divided into five energy types: donors, vampires, neutrals, black and white magicians. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 10/7/1981 = 7+1+0+1+9+8+1 = 27; 2+7 = 9; The number 9 is the number of your energy type. Now let's just decipher and get to know ourselves a little better.

Energy vampires have numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of people around them. They just need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. More often, of course, they do not understand the whole mechanism, but subconsciously feel a surge of strength. They usually become vampires as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts. Often such situations are created on purpose.

Donors have numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors give their energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it directly from people, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality is rapidly decreasing.

Neutrals. Their numbers are: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take, but do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape. Balanced calm people who are well able to control their emotions.

White mages. Their number: 9. White magicians have the ability to control their energy. They can both give and take, but they themselves do not seek to take energy.

Black magicians have a number: 4. They can be neutrals, or they can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy potential. To take energy or not decide from their own selfish goals.

It is on the basis of these types that relationships between people are built. Often the union of a donor and a vampire can be quite successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. If the donor suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then contact with the vampire will only bring him negative.

Neutrals and white magicians are a successful union. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are a very controversial alliance. Each of them will try to take energy from each other, which will lead to the energy devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to charge the magician with energy at the right time. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral. As you can see, you can quickly determine your type, check yourself.

Any type of energy can be corrected, you can train your energy and the ability to manage it. All in our hands!