Family as a value among modern youth. The attitude of modern youth to family and marriage

higher professional education

Siberian State Aerospace University

named after academician M. F. Reshetnev

Department of History and Humanities

Test work in sociology

The attitude of modern youth to family and marriage

                  Completed: student gr. IEZU-01

                  Shnitova Yu.V.

                checked: Gavrin D.A.

Krasnoyarsk, 2012


The topic “Attitude of student youth towards marriage” was not chosen by chance. Considering the course that the state has chosen to solve demographic problems, increase the birth rate, and the health of the population, studying the attitude of young people to marriage and family is of great interest.

The attitude towards love of each generation reflects the features of the time and the psychology of people, bears the imprint of the living conditions and moral and aesthetic principles that have developed in this society. According to experts, the fragility of modern marriages is largely determined by the fact that young people are not brought up with true respect for the institution of the family. In addition, the common misfortune of the young is ignorance in matters of marriage, and the common mistake is that they, when creating a family, rely only on the power of feelings.

The stability of marriage and family relations depends on the readiness of young people for family life, where readiness for marriage is understood as a system of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual, which determines an emotionally positive attitude towards family life.

The most important social function of the modern family is the education of the future family man, that is, the preparation of the younger generation for marriage and family relations. This is due to the growing negative processes: the degradation of the family lifestyle, the spread of alternative forms of marriage and family relations, the decline in the prestige of the family, the need to have children, the growth of divorces and domestic violence. The position of youth in society, the trends and prospects for its development are of great interest and practical importance for society, primarily because they determine its future. Here, a significant place is occupied by the attitude of young people to marriage and the family as the main unit of society.

In most parts of the world, the average age at marriage is rising, and there are fewer marriages in the world during adolescence than a decade ago.

Family relationships are currently undergoing significant changes. There are significant differences in family models, there is no evidence that a single form of family relations is being formed. In many countries, a new type of relationship is becoming more widespread - an unregistered marriage. However, a registered marriage is considered ideal, at the conclusion of which the spouses jointly decide on the number of children.

Nevertheless, a study of the value orientations of young people shows that the family remains the main value for young people.

Young people are looking for support and support in the process of socialization in the family of their parents, and they are ready to build their future family on the basis of humanistic and moral principles, but at the same time they experience a huge lack of psychological knowledge and skills.

  1. Family as a social institution of society

    1.1 The concepts of "family", "marriage", "civil marriage" and marriage and family relations

Identification of the content side of the attitude of modern youth to family life involves, first of all, an appeal to the analysis of such basic concepts as "family", "marriage", "family functions", as well as consideration of the phenomenon of "civil marriage".

There are many approaches to interpreting the term "family". So, in the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov, the word "family" means "association of persons related by kinship or marriage ties" 1 . The “Philosophical Dictionary” defines “family” as “a type of social community, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, that is, on numerous relationships between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters and other relatives living together and leading a common household. A.G. Kharchev in his research considers the family as "a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance" 2 .

In recent years, the family is increasingly called a specific small socio-psychological group, thereby emphasizing that it is characterized by a special system of interpersonal relations, which are more or less governed by laws, moral norms, and traditions. Foreign researchers recognize the family as a social institution only if it is characterized by three main types of family relations: marriage, parenthood and kinship; in the absence of one of the indicators, the concept of "family group" is used.

“The family is the most important form of organizing personal life, a type of social community, a small group based on a marital union, family ties or adoption, i.e. on multilateral relations between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers, sisters, other relatives living together and leading a common household. The family as a social group cannot be understood in terms of knowledge of its individual members. The family is an open, constantly evolving system with significant adaptive capabilities. Changes in one of the elements of the system, for example in the relationship of spouses, affect the entire family. Individual dysfunctions of family members are a reflection of systemic disorders” 3 .

“Marriage and family are the two most important concepts in our life, the definitions of which are very, very many. Depending on the culture of a particular place, these concepts may differ, but one thing is clear - family and marriage in their main meaning imply close relationships, in most cases the ultimate goal of which is the birth of a child. Why in its main meaning? Because the spouses may also not live with each other, and, nevertheless, be married, or the family may exist, even if one of the spouses has to leave for a long time due to work. Marriage, throughout the history of its existence, has gone through certain stages of development - from polygamy to monogamy. The very word "marriage" in Russian comes from the verb "to take". But with all the variety of relationships between people, marriage unions can be easily classified (Scheme 1.1).

Scheme 1.1 Typology of marriage

The family created in marriage itself strengthens the institution of marriage, along with the mores that regulate property relations. Other potential factors for marital stability include dignity, vanity, chivalry, duty, and religious beliefs. However, although marriages may or may not be approved from above, they are hardly made in heaven. The human family is clearly a human institution, an evolutionary acquisition. Marriage is a social, not a church institution. Of course, religion should have a tangible impact on marriage, but it should not try to subordinate it to its exclusive management and control. Family relationships, marriage has always been an important moment in people's lives.

    1.2 Readiness of young people for family life

The need to solve the problem of preparing young people for marriage and family relations is due to the very historical situation that has developed by the beginning of the third millennium and is characterized by an awareness of a new system of values, a new strategy and tactics of human behavior, and, consequently, new approaches to its education. The following tendencies in the development of society seem to us to be the most important.

Firstly, the current stage of social life is accompanied by an increase in the requirements of the social environment for the flexibility of human thinking and behavior, for independence and responsibility for one's own destiny and the fate of other people, for the meaningfulness of the passage of life, understanding and resolving the contradictions of modern human existence in its various spheres, including marriage and family.

Secondly, in the current conditions, a family experiencing material and spiritual and psychological difficulties cannot always guarantee the full performance of its functions, which is a necessary condition for maintaining the continuity of generations, the development of the individual and society as a whole, social stability and progress, and therefore it is education should support the individual in a period of conscious and responsible search for ideals in life. It is necessary to consider the modern educational process at a university as an interaction between a student and a teacher, aimed at achieving a certain goal and leading to a positive transformation of the student's properties and qualities, planned by the teacher and accepted by the student.

Thirdly, there is the question of changing attitudes towards the family, namely, the need to consider the family as a value in itself. At the same time, the moral and ethical qualities of partners, the problem of satisfaction with marriage, and the requirements of spouses to each other are brought to the fore. The success of marriage and the stability of the family primarily depend on the personal readiness of individuals entering into marriage, their ability for self-development, self-improvement.

The compatibility of young people entering into marriage is an important condition for creating a stable and prosperous family 5 .

Among the factors that determine the stability of young families, the readiness of young people for marriage also stands out. This is a system of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual, which determines the emotional and psychological attitude to the way of life, the values ​​of marriage. Readiness for marriage is an integral category that includes a whole range of aspects:

1) The formation of a certain moral complex - the willingness of the individual to take on a new system of duties in relation to his marriage partner, future children. The formation of this aspect will be associated with the distribution of roles between spouses.

2) Readiness for interpersonal communication and cooperation. The family is a small group; for its normal functioning, the coherence of the rhythms of the life of the spouses is required.

3) The ability to selflessness in relation to a partner. The ability for such a feeling includes the ability for appropriate activity, based primarily on the qualities and properties of altruism of a loving person.

4) The presence of qualities associated with penetration into the inner world of a person - an empathic complex. The importance of this aspect is related to the fact that marriage by its nature becomes more psychological due to the refinement of a person as a person. In this regard, the role of the psychotherapeutic function of marriage increases, the successful implementation of which contributes to the development of the ability to empathize, understanding the emotional world of a partner.

5) High aesthetic culture of feelings and behavior of the individual.

6) The ability to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, the ability to self-regulate their own psyche and behavior. E.S. Kalmykova believes that the ability to constructively resolve interpersonal conflicts, using them to develop interpersonal relations between spouses plays a decisive role in the process of mutual adaptation of newlyweds.

Numerous studies by sociologists, psychologists, and educators show that a stable family can be created with a certain readiness of young people for family life. A.N. Sizanov argues that the concept of “readiness for family life” includes social, moral, motivational, psychological and pedagogical readiness, as well as sexual readiness” 6 .

Socio-moral readiness for family life presupposes civic maturity (compulsory secondary education, profession, level of moral consciousness, age), economic independence, and health. The developed moral consciousness of young men and women is one of the important conditions for readiness to create a family. It is manifested in young people's understanding of the social significance of the family, in a serious attitude to marriage, choosing a life partner, in a sense of responsibility for the family being created, in deep respect for the future spouse, representatives of the older generation and other family members, in sensitivity and tact in communicating with them. A developed moral consciousness presupposes a minimum of legal knowledge about the family, familiarity with the basics of family law, namely: the rights and obligations of spouses, parents, children, legal norms governing relations in marriage and the family. You can start a family at the age of 18, but the most favorable marriage age from a medical point of view for a woman is 20-22 years old, for a man - 23-28 years old, because. the body of a man reaches full maturity later than a woman. This age is favorable for the birth of healthy children. By this time, many young people acquire a profession, a certain economic independence appears. From a demographic point of view, it is important to increase the time for the birth of several children, since after the age of 30, not every woman will dare to have a second or third child.

“Psychological readiness to create a family presupposes the presence of communication skills with people, unity or similarity of views on life in general and family life in particular, the ability to create a moral and psychological climate in the family, stability of character and feelings, developed volitional qualities of the individual” 7 . The culture of communication develops throughout the life of young people preceding marriage. Many young men and women, of course, own it and know that it is the ability to listen to each other, to delve into the content of the conversation, to organize meaningful leisure. The rules of communication require a careful, respectful attitude towards a girl, a woman. It is believed that if a person under the age of 16 has not learned the elementary rules of behavior in society, then he will have a hard time in relationships with his beloved. Unity as a similarity of views on the world and family life is the psychological foundation of the family. The psychological climate of the family is built on it, the psychological compatibility of the spouses is formed. The disunity of these views is often the cause of divorce. The stability of the character and feelings of young people is also important. An objective assessment of one's character, understanding of the character traits of the future spouse, emotional restraint largely contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate. Tolerance and justice in assessing the actions of family members are especially important. It is also important to feel the state of another person, to anticipate his emotional reaction. Of course, character traits at the time of marriage are an important, but far from decisive factor in the stability of the family. The fact is that in the course of family life there is (with mutual desire, of course) adaptation, adaptation of spouses to each other, mastering their marital and parental roles. The possibility of such adaptation gives plasticity, flexibility of the human nervous system, his psyche. A person can compensate for the insufficient development of character traits in himself by the intensive development of others; for example, an indecisive person most often develops intense attachment to people. Family life requires formed volitional qualities from a person: the ability to manage oneself, purposefulness, independence, determination, perseverance, endurance and self-control, self-discipline. Developed volitional qualities are the result of self-education of the individual. They manifest themselves in vitality, endurance, and, if necessary, in courage.

Considering the readiness of young people for family life as the goal of upbringing and one of the goals of education, it is advisable to single out from the diverse functions of a family man those that are of the most general nature inherent in every family, determine the stability and success of the family. Building a model of young people's readiness for family life, one must proceed from the fact that this readiness is not a set of mental functions, but an integral system of personality traits. The educational process is designed to form a holistic personality, and readiness for family life is the result of the action of versatile factors in its development. The very role of a family man or family activity acts as a function of a holistic personality, the success of which depends on the readiness to perform other functions: labor, moral, collectivist, intellectual, cognitive, etc. elementary practical and applied knowledge and skills to the core qualities of a person, such as her attitude to the family as a social and personal value, value orientations that regulate the role of a family man, family and marriage needs, motives for family behavior, etc.

Numerous studies by sociologists, psychologists, and educators show that a stable family can be created with a certain readiness of young people for family life. The concept of "readiness for family life" includes social and moral, motivational, psychological and pedagogical readiness. A stable, prosperous family can only function if young people are prepared for a joint family life. Young marriages are characterized by the initial entry into each other's world, the distribution of labor and responsibilities in the family, the solution of housing, financial and household problems, entering into the role of husband and wife, the formation of personality, the process of acquiring life experience, growing up and maturation. This period of married life is the most difficult and dangerous in terms of family stability.


2. The attitude of modern youth towards family and marriage

The issues of marriage and creating a family are always relevant among young people. Family is one of the most important values ​​of human life. However, in modern times, the value attitude towards family and marriage is changing, especially among young people.

    2.1 Value orientations in the field of family and marriage relations

At present, one of the main places in sociological and demographic research is occupied by the problem of the value of the family, since it is it that is the main agent of the socialization of the younger generation, forming the primary value orientations and attitudes of young people, gives a sense of unity, security, provides emotional and material support to family members.

“Value is what people's feelings dictate to recognize as standing above everything and what can be aspired to, contemplated and treated with respect, recognition, reverence” 8 . In fact, value is not a property of any thing, but an essence, a condition for the full existence of an object.

The family is a priority value of any modern state interested in preserving its population, strengthening the international status and all socio-cultural institutions. The situation of the family, the trends characterizing its condition, are indicators of the affairs in the country and its prospects for the future. The study of the ideas of modern youth about their future family is most relevant due to the fact that it is young people who are the most sensitive and receptive to the ongoing social changes in the state.

Adolescence is a period of life and professional self-determination of a person. This period of a person's life is characterized by the active formation of the personality, the emergence and development of significant psychological neoplasms involved in all manifestations of the cognitive and emotional attitude to the world - in the assessment of reality and the surrounding people, in predicting one's social activity, in planning the future and self-realization, in the formation own ideas about the world and about oneself.

The family values ​​of young people are formed into a certain system that has three main areas:

Socio-structural orientations and plans;

Plans and orientation to a certain way of life in the family;

Human activity and communication in the sphere of various social institutions, including the family.

They are an essential component of the personality structure. Along with other socio-psychological formations, they function as regulators of behavior and manifest themselves in all areas of human activity.

In general, the family for today's Russian youth remains a significant value. Conscious loneliness and familyless life are not welcomed by the majority of the young Russian population. The majority of young Russians traditionally consider children and the emotional and spiritual closeness of marriage partners to be the main values ​​of family life.

"Family and marriage values ​​of a person, connecting her inner world with the surrounding reality, form a complex multi-level hierarchical system, occupying a border position between the motivational-need sphere and the system of personal meanings" 9 . Accordingly, the value orientations of the individual perform dual functions. On the one hand, the system of value orientations acts as the highest control body for the regulation of all stimuli of human activity, determining acceptable ways to implement them, on the other hand, as an internal source of a person’s life goals, expressing, accordingly, what is most important for him and has personal meaning. . The system of value orientations, therefore, is the most important psychological organ of self-development and personal growth, simultaneously determining its direction and methods of its implementation. According to their functional significance, family values ​​of a person can be divided into two main groups: terminal and instrumental, acting, respectively, as personal goals and means to achieve them. Depending on the focus on personal development or on maintaining homeostasis, values ​​can be divided into higher (development values) and regressive (preservation values). At the same time, terminal and instrumental, higher and regressive, internal and external values ​​in their origin can correspond to different levels or stages of personal development.

Thus, value orientations are special psychological formations that always represent a hierarchical system and exist in the personality structure only as its elements. It is impossible to imagine the orientation of a person to a particular value as a kind of isolated formation that does not take into account its priority, subjective importance relative to other values, that is, not included in the system. The regulatory function of a person's value orientations covers all levels of the system of human activity stimuli.

The vast majority of boys and girls believe that a marriage partner should have an equal educational status, and only a small part of girls are ready for the marriage partner to be more educated than themselves. But most believe that it does not matter, as long as there is a worthy and interesting person. Approximately the same ideas exist among young people regarding the equality of partners at the cultural level.

With regard to material status, young people demonstrate rather traditional, stereotypical views: men see themselves, first of all, as breadwinners responsible for the material well-being of the family, and girls see themselves as homemakers.

Two-thirds of the girls believe that the future marriage partner should be better off than they are, others believe that they should be equal in material status. The opinions of young men on this issue are more differentiated. Most of them believe that the material level of partners does not matter for marriage and family relations, or it should be equal.

When choosing forms of marriage and family relations, more than half of the young men and women choose a registered marriage, a third prefer unregistered cohabitation - a civil marriage, and only a small part prefer to live alone. Girls also indicate other options for developing relations with a partner: initial residence in a civil marriage with subsequent registration of relations. Young men also believe that the choice of the form of marriage and family relations depends on life circumstances. From the point of view of boys and girls, civil marriage guarantees greater freedom of relations, fewer obligations and responsibilities, makes it possible to separate without unnecessary problems and at the same time provides an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Most of the girls and boys see the advantages of a legal, legally registered marriage in greater confidence, stability, reliability, responsibility for each other, a sense of calm, constancy, and the opportunity to have children.

Of great interest are the opinions of young Russians about the parental family, its main values ​​and material prosperity. Their totality makes it possible to predict with sufficient certainty the future family and marriage behavior of young people. According to research, 28% of boys and girls consider their parental family a model for themselves. At the same time, a significant number of respondents indicate that they would not like their families to be similar to their parents. This is not surprising, since modern youth lives in completely different conditions and a significant part of parental values ​​ceases to be relevant to them. Characteristically, girls are the most radical, while boys have more traditional views on the family and its value.

Thus, the family is an important life value for today's youth. Young people's ideas about the family are varied and are more connected with the psychological aspects of marriage and family relations than with its social and domestic orientation.

In modern conditions of total social changes, social progress and democratization of gender relations, the psychological and pedagogical problem of the formation and development in adolescence of a person's value-orientation system of ideas about the family becomes relevant, since it is this period of personality development that is characterized by the need to comprehend the social and intimate experience gained, knowledge acquired in the process of interaction with the outside world.

    1. Influence of parents on the attitude of young people to the family

In the upbringing of the future family man, a huge role belongs to the family. The family is the primary institution for the socialization of the younger generation, the transfer of family life experience; its educational impact on the child can hardly be overestimated. For the child, his moral, mental development, the family acts as a social environment of the closest environment. In the family, the child receives initial knowledge about the world, here his character, needs, interests, moral ideals and beliefs, the foundations of humanistic and altruistic feelings are formed, in it he learns moral values, social norms, forms a worldview and attitude towards other people. The direct experience of the parental family largely determines the process of personal self-determination, established attitudes and value orientations in the sphere of family life.

The behavior of parents, their life together, marital relations in the parental family create in children an idea of ​​family and marriage, have a significant impact on the formation of children's attitudes towards gender issues, their attitude towards the opposite sex.

“The upbringing of the future family man largely depends on the lifestyle and behavior of the parents. The nature of upbringing in the parental family largely determines the appearance of the future family and children. At the same time, the structure of the family, material and living conditions, personal qualities of parents, the nature of relations in the family, and the spiritual and moral interests of its members are of great importance for the formation of the qualities of a family man. The inner atmosphere of the family is of particular importance” 10

The modern world is extremely active and rapidly changing. Changes are also taking place in people, especially young people. The current problems of youth reflect the imperfections and vices of the whole society. Therefore, the solution of these difficulties will have an impact on the well-being of the entire society.

Youth unemployment as a social problem

Problems of this nature come from the economic instability of the state, which is unable to provide the required number of jobs, the unwillingness of employers to accept low-skilled and inexperienced employees. The problem of youth employment also lies in the financial claims of young professionals, which are not shared by employers. Thus, young people are looking for work, but they cannot get a job, which is why they have no means of subsistence. This pushes them to search for illegal earnings, which often pushes them to crime, drug addiction, leads to poverty, and contributes to the development of housing problems for young people. State programs to provide young families with their own homes are practically not implemented. And the mortgage becomes an unbearable yoke.

Problems of moral education of youth

Having no prospects in life, forced to fight for survival, many young boys and girls become part of the criminal world. The social insecurity of families, the need to look for work affect the culture and education of young people: they move away from studies, spiritual ideals

Low living conditions, disadvantage, lack of opportunities for realization pushes young people to try alcohol and drugs. The problem of alcoholism among young people is monstrous. Needless to say: already every second high school student drinks alcohol twice a week. The problem of drug addiction among young people is also relevant. By the way, this addiction occurs not only among children from low-income families: many drug addicts are the children of wealthy parents.

The problem of smoking among young people is not small. Every third high school student smokes constantly. Indeed, among young people there is an erroneous prestige of smoking, which, in their opinion, looks “fashionable” and liberates.

Problems of culture of modern youth

The decline in the standard of living of young people was reflected in their cultural life. Western ideas of a consumer attitude to life are popular, which is reflected in the cult of money and fashion, the desire for material well-being, and pleasure.

In addition, there are problems of youth leisure. In many towns and villages, no conditions have been created for the cultural spending of free time: there are no free swimming pools, sports sections or hobby groups. So boys and girls sit in front of a TV or computer, in the company of their peers with a cigarette and a bottle in their hands.

Spiritual impoverishment is also reflected in the problem of the speech culture of modern youth. The low level of education, communication on the Internet, the creation of youth subcultures contributed to the development of slang, which is far from the rules of the literary Russian language. Following the fashion, the younger generation uses swear words, slang expressions in speech, violates language norms.

Psychological problems of youth

The psychological problems of youth are mainly associated with the lack of a clear life direction. Boys and girls are introduced to the laws of life not only by parents, school and books, but also by the street, products of mass culture, the media, and their own experience. The indifference of power and lack of rights, youthful maximalism provokes the development of indifference or aggression in young people, pushes them to join informal youth groups. In addition, adolescence is a time when a person has to solve many important tasks: choosing a profession, the second half, friends, determining the path of life, forming one's own worldview.

The ways of solving the problems of youth are in a purposeful systematic policy of the state, not only on papers and speeches. The authorities must truly realize that young boys and girls are the future of the country.

The attitude of modern youth to the family as a value


Chapter I. The Family as a Social Phenomenon

1 The concept, types and functions of the family

2 Family as an institution of personality socialization

3 The main problems of the modern Russian family

Chapter II. Family as a value in the modern world

1 The value of the family at different historical stages

2 Family as a value among modern youth

3 Spiritual values ​​of everyday family culture. Family values

Chapter III. Pilot study

1 Methods for identifying the attitude of modern youth to the family as a value

2 Processing results

3 Main findings




In this thesis work, the problem of the relationship of modern youth, its value orientations and the problem of the attitude of modern youth to the family as a value in general are considered. This problem is the most relevant today. Recently, more and more often we have to hear about the decline in the morality of today's youth and the depreciation of the importance of marriage and family in the minds of the young part of the population.

A lot of research has been devoted to the family and marriage from antiquity to the present day. Even the ancient thinkers Plato and Aristotle substantiated their views on marriage and the family, criticized the type of family of their time and put forward projects for its transformation.

The problems of family development are still in the focus of attention of scientists from various branches of knowledge, which is caused by the special role that it plays in the life of every person. Family and marriage relations are of interest for research, since the family is one of the five fundamental institutions of society, giving it stability and the ability to replenish the population in each next generation. At the same time, the family acts as a small group - the most cohesive and stable unit of society. Throughout his life, a person is part of many different groups - a group of peers or friends, a school class, a work team, a sports team - but only the family remains the group that he never leaves.

The problem of studying the attitude of modern youth to the family as a value in connection with the sharp deterioration of the demographic situation in the country seems to be very relevant, given the role of young people in replacing passing generations and reproducing the socio-demographic structure of society. I would like to especially note that over the past decades, there has been a growing positive attitude towards premarital relationships among young people. This can be treated differently, explaining this by the fact that for several decades the psychophysiological development of young people has been observed earlier; there are no special restrictions in broadcasting relevant orientations in the media; in most families, the weakening of sexual control over adolescents is evident; there are no social programs for sexual and family education and training of young people. But nevertheless, the question of creating a family again and again confronts young people today, as many years ago.

What motivates a person to create a family? From the point of view of psychophysiology, human actions are based on needs transformed into motives that direct human behavior in one direction or another, but the results of surveys of young people on the streets undoubtedly give a larger percentage of votes in favor of love and the simple desire to be close to a person who expensive and comfortable.

Modern youth does not refuse marriage in the generally accepted sense of this concept, but refuses to register their marriage in a timely and official manner. Today we are faced with the issue of considering all these problems of youth and finding a way to increase the level of marriages, fertility and interest in family values ​​among young people in order to have a noticeable effect in the socio-demographic development of the country.

Object of study: the value-semantic sphere of modern youth (young people 16 - 25 years old.) high school students, students of prof. schools, colleges and universities.

Subject of research: features of the attitude of modern youth (students) to the family as a value.

The purpose of the study: to study the features of the attitude of modern youth to the family as a value.

Research objectives:

define the concept of a family, types of a family, its main functions;

reveal the essence of the socialization of the individual in the family;

identify the main problems of the modern Russian family;

establish the value of the family at different historical stages;

consider the family as a value for modern Russian youth;

to develop an empirical study of the peculiarities of the attitude of young people to the family as a value.

Research hypotheses: 1. The family remains a significant value for today's Russian youth;

There is a tendency to live in a civil marriage with the subsequent registration of relations in connection with the birth of a child;

There is a transition from a family of a patriarchal type to a family of an individualistic type.

Chapter I. The Family as a Social Phenomenon

1 Concepts, types and functions of the family

There is no unity in science in defining the family. Especially representatives of different sciences that study man and the human community, all look at this issue differently.

By definition N.Ya. Solovyov, the family is “a small social group of society, the most important form of organizing personal life, based on marital union and family ties, i.e. relations between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, and other relatives living together and leading a common household. A.G. Kharchev gives it the following definition: a family is a small social group whose members are connected by marriage or kinship, common life, mutual assistance and moral responsibility.

By definition, A.V. A Mudrika family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are knitted by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance; it develops a set of norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior that regulate the interaction between spouses, parents and children, children among themselves.

The largest contribution to the study of the family was made by: A.G. Kharchev (theory), M.S. Matskovsky (methodology and methodology), A.I. Antonov (birth rate), V.A. Sysenko (marriage stability), I.S. Golod (family stability), V.A. Borisov (the need for children), D.Ya. Kutsar (quality of marriage), N.G. Yurkevich, M.Ya. Solovyov, S.S. Sedelnikov (motives and reasons for divorce), L.A. Gordon, E.V. Klopov (life cycle of a family), I.A. Gerasimova (demographic typology of families), V.L. Rugge (typology of family groups), G.A. Vishnevsky (historical types of fertility), T.Zh. Gurko (young family), V.B. Holofast (family functions).

The family is not only a marriage group, but also a social institution. That is, a system of ties is concentrated in the family, a system of relations not only between spouses, but also children, as well as relatives.

The family as a social institution goes through a number of stages. This:


the birth of the first child;

end of childbearing (last child);

"empty nest" - the loss of the last child from the family;

termination of the family with the death of one of the spouses.

For each person there are two families: the one from which he came out, and the one that he created and in which he lives now.

The family is a unit of society that requires constant attention if we want the normal development of society.

One of the conditions for the existence of a family is the relationship in the family. How children are born and brought up, how the economy is run, how the interests of all its members are satisfied. Mutual understanding, respect, support, understanding determine the relationship. What is the health of relatives, their character and actions.

Relationships in the family depend on the traditions of communication, the economic and social state of society, the participation of spouses in housekeeping, in social production, and on the type of family. Considering the types of families, we can refer to the most common modern family - a family consisting of many generations. In this family, both children, and grandfathers, and grandmothers on the paternal and maternal lines live together. But now children more often live separately, maintaining the relationship of one family, the relationship of responsibility and solidarity.

There is a family consisting of many generations, when adult children, after some setbacks, return home, because they cannot solve the problem of housing.

The most common in modern conditions is the nuclear family, consisting of a husband, wife and children, a family of three to four members. The functions of raising and educating children in this family were taken over by the school and preschool institutions. They, replacing the family, began to solve the problems of socialization of the individual. In this family, the roles of family members are changing, as in modern conditions the employment of women in production has increased.

A young family is a married couple, with or without children, the first marriage, the duration of this family is up to 5 years, the age of the spouses is not older than 30 years. In recent years, the number of such families has been growing, and the predominant age of spouses is 21-24 years.

An incomplete family is a family with one parent; in recent years, such families have become common. The parent in such a family is the mother, fathers are rare. American researchers have identified only 2.8% of families where the father brings up children alone. Such a family is the result of a divorce, prolonged absence or death of one of the parents, as well as the birth of an illegitimate child. Today there are 25% of such families where the head of the family is the mother.

An illegitimate family that arises with the birth of an illegitimate child, in addition to difficult material conditions, also experiences a negative attitude towards it from society.

A remarried family is a family with two parents, where, along with common children, there may be children from previous marriages. Such marriages were rare in the 19th century, but in the 20th century they became common, especially after World War II.

There is also a different approach to considering family types, it distinguishes five main types of family relationships:

The partnership type of family is the most democratic way to build relationships. In a partner family, life is built on trust, equality and constructive dialogue. It doesn't matter how much money a husband or wife brings to the family - the budget is still organized by a common budget. All problems and controversial issues are resolved by discussing and finding the best way out of the current situation. The main difference between a democratic family is a healthy and joyful atmosphere in the house.

Patriarchal. Here the wife and children are subordinate to the husband. The man is the head of the family, is fully responsible for the household, independently solves all problems. The female role is reduced to the banal - housework and raising children.

Traditional family. She is distinguished by maintaining close relations with relatives up to the seventh generation, subordinating herself to the elders in the family. The traditional family is based on the inviolable laws of the strength of relationships and responsible parenthood. In a traditional family, as a rule, spouses marry once in a lifetime. The advantage of creating such a family is a clear delineation of responsibilities for each of its members and mutual understanding.

The matriarchal type of family is quite common in the modern world. Here, a woman either earns more and thus has influence over her spouse, or is an activist who loves to deal with the family budget, children, repairs - everything that she manages to do. Often a husband allows a woman to take on a dominant role because of his natural laziness, inability to solve domestic problems. There are times when a wife can fully provide for the family, so that the spouse does not need to work - and he takes on the functions of a housewife.

One of the new types identified by some researchers is the modern family. This type arose in the middle of the 19th century in Europe, spreading everywhere over a hundred years, and is characterized by the predominance of personal desires over common ones in relationships. Sala's personal life comes to the fore, it becomes more important than intra-family problems. Private life has become almost inviolable, where the interests of spouses can be completely different. The sensual and intimate aspects of marriage prevail over all others, but the family is limited to the birth of one or two children who become the object of affection. The negative feature of such a family is a desperate desire to give children everything from which the younger generation gets hard on its feet, because it is freed from the need to work, to get something by labor, it is protected from difficulties.

Thus, whatever the family union may be, it was created and is being created to solve certain tasks by the people entering it, to satisfy their aspirations and dreams. In this case, we can talk about the functions of the family, about the areas of family life that are directly related to the satisfaction of certain needs of its members.

Thus, the educational function, according to E.I. Rogov, consists in meeting individual needs in fatherhood, motherhood, in raising children and self-realization in children. Everyone who is going to start a family already has plans that determine how many children will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl. In relation to society, this function, implemented by the family, ensures the socialization of the younger generation.

The economic function is to meet the material needs of the family. By joining their efforts, it is easier for spouses to resist material hardships, to conduct joint management. In this sense, the family also ensures the restoration of the physical forces expended in labor.

The emotional function is realized in meeting the needs of family members for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, and psychological protection. Partners together experience joys and sorrows, endure pain, admire the successes of children. It is impossible to imagine a family where the bad or good mood of one of the spouses would not be transmitted to the rest of the family. Here, the psychological laws of infection are in full force. This function ensures the emotional stabilization of members of society, helps to maintain their mental health.

The function of spiritual communication is manifested in meeting the spiritual needs of people, the need for joint leisure activities, mutual spiritual enrichment and plays an important role in the spiritual development of members of society. As a rule, family members have the same spiritual passions, they read and discuss the same books and magazines, they watch the same films and plays, they like to spend time in the same places.

The family also performs the function of primary social control, requiring members to comply with social norms. This is especially true of the younger generation, which does not always behave in full accordance with social norms.

The sexual-erotic function is realized in the satisfaction of the intimate needs of family members. The family in this sense provides stable and reliable sexual relations. Thanks to this function, the family ensures the biological reproduction of society. This function includes elements of all other functions, since the family participates not only in the quantitative, but also in the qualitative reproduction of the population.

Inherent by nature, the instinct of procreation develops in a person into the need to have children, raise and educate them. Without satisfaction of this need, a person does not feel happy. And this is no coincidence. If marriage awakens new strengths and new feelings in people, then the appearance of children transforms spouses. They awaken parental love and a rich range of feelings associated with it, which can only appear with the birth of children. The main ones are: a woman has motherhood, a man has fatherhood. In each family, the ratio of these functions and their importance may be different. In addition, depending on social conditions, the content and importance of the various functions of the family may also change over time. So, if earlier the leading function of the family was economic, then in modern society the importance of such family functions as emotional and spiritual communication has significantly increased. Marriage is seen in our time as a union based on emotional ties to a greater extent than on economic and material ones.

All these functions change at different stages of family development. So the development of the family goes through several stages.

The first stage is the initial formation of the family, more often when the newlyweds separate and leave the extended family.

The second stage is the birth of a child, the family consists of two generations.

The third stage is a family of three generations, when adult children start a family. They either stay with their parents or leave. Parents enter into relationships with relatives by marriage of their adult children. At this stage, the family either expands or collapses.

The fourth stage - when everything is settled, the children settled in separate families, the parents retire. During this period, family solidarity grows stronger, children can support their parents.

The fifth stage is a period of care for family members, as its members need help. The concern falls on the middle generation, since they can take care of children for health reasons, provide shelter for elderly relatives, and so on. Caring for elderly or sick parents is the main task of this stage of the family.

The sixth stage is the final period of the family cycle. With the advent of a new head of the family, a new family does not appear, but the first cell continues, since there is an inextricable link between generations in the family.

But still, the primary socialization of the child remains the main function at all stages of family development. The understanding of the fact that the family plays a crucial role in the formation of personality, the socialization of children, can be found already in the most ancient works of mankind.

In one of the most important works of ancient Russian literature, Domostroy, a lot of attention is also paid to the family and its role in shaping the personality of the child, the need for parents to show concern for children, and to educate children in respect for elders. “And if God sends his children to someone - sons or daughters, then take care of his children to his father and mother, provide for them and educate them in good teaching; ... "

Much is said about the importance of parental influence on children in the family in pedagogical writings of the 18th century. in Russia (N.I. Novikov, N.N. Ponovsky, A.A. Prokopovich-Antonsky, etc.).

“... The upbringing of children is very important ... for ... a father and for ... a mother ... children neglected in upbringing will punish them for their carelessness and will destroy their peace and pleasure,” writes N.I. Novikov.

“In fairness, prudent people attribute an equal or even greater part and respect to the teachers ...”, N.N. Ponovsky, knowingly giving parents at least half of the entire impact on the formation of the child's personality.

“There is no doubt,” A.A. points out. Prokopovich-Antonsky, - that the first educators of children should be their parents. To give life is the duty of man, common to him with all living creatures; but to give useful members to society, and to a person - worthy of a person - there is a duty ... The laws of nature, love for children, settled in the hearts of parents by the same nature, requires that their first nurse be their mother, and their first mentor be their father.

Thus, in the life of every person, the family occupies a special place. A child grows up in a family, and from the first years of his life he learns the norms of the hostel, the norms of human relations, absorbing both good and evil from the family, everything that is characteristic of his family. As adults, children repeat in their family everything that was in the family of their parents. The family regulates the relationship of the child to the environment, in the family he gets the experience of morality, moral standards of behavior.

Carrying out a social function, the family forms a personality depending on its cultural, social and spiritual level. Conditions in the family, housing hygiene, features of life and hobbies of the family - it all depends on its way of life.

2 Family as an institution of personality socialization

The family is the most important institution of the socialization of the individual. It is in the family that a person receives the first experience of social interaction. For some time, the family is generally the only place for the child to receive such an experience. Then such social institutions as a kindergarten, school, street are included in a person's life. However, even at this time, the family remains one of the most important, and sometimes the most important, factors in the socialization of the individual.

The family is the primary cell of society, its social and everyday basis, which is in close relationship and interaction with its social and production basis. At its level, it concentrates in the life of its members the whole complex of relations that exist in society.

At the same time, the family actively participates in the formation of the value orientations and behaviors of its members, in the realization of their status.

In infancy, the family plays a major role that other institutions of socialization cannot replace. But already in adolescence, the role of the family decreases.

In the family, the formation of the psychological sex of the child takes place. In the first 3 years of life, this influence is decisive, because the child learns the attributes of the sex assigned to him: features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes. Behavioral patterns of men and women. In the further development of the baby, the family continues to help or hinder the formation of the psychological sex of a boy or girl.

After the child goes to kindergarten, he enters the environment, which acts as a condition for his change and development. Man himself creates the environment in which his life will proceed. By changing it, the personality changes, morals, habits, passions and feelings change. Here, the system of social relations acts as a factor in the formation of personality and the development of the psychological structure of personality.

But the acquisition of one's experience, even if it is small, in the family as a result of learning about the world around him, feelings about the behavior of loved ones and his own actions in response to their behavior is one of the ways in which the child develops the qualities he needs in the future for successful communication with other people.

It is the parents, the family as a whole - often without noticing it - that develop in children a set of basic social values, orientations, needs, interests and habits. These first lessons of life in a family way create the basis from which a child, a young man (girl) or a teenager selectively perceives, processes, assimilates or discards social information as a guide to action.

Socialization can be interpreted as the development and self-change of a person in the process of assimilation and reproduction of culture, which occurs in the interaction of a person with spontaneous, relatively directed and purposefully created living conditions at all age stages.

The essence of socialization lies in the fact that in the process of it a person is formed as a member of the society to which he belongs. E. Durkheim, one of the first to pay close attention to the problem of socialization, emphasized that any society seeks to form a person in accordance with some universal moral, intellectual and even physical ideals that he has.

Human socialization in interaction with various factors and agents occurs through a number of "mechanisms".

There are various approaches to considering the "mechanisms" of socialization. Thus, the French social psychologist Gabriel Tarde considered imitation to be the main one. The American scientist Yuri Bronfenbrener considers progressive mutual accommodation (adaptability) between an actively growing human being and the changing conditions in which he lives as a mechanism of socialization. V.S. Mukhina considers the identification and isolation of the individual as mechanisms of socialization, and A.V. Petrovsky - a natural change in the phases of adaptation, individualization and integration in the process of personality development. Summarizing the available data from the point of view of pedagogy, we can identify several universal mechanisms of socialization that must be taken into account and partially used in the process of educating a person.

Imprinting (imprinting) is the fixation by a person at the receptor and subconscious levels of the features of vital objects affecting him. Imprinting occurs predominantly during infancy.

Imitation - following an example, a model. In this case, it is one of the ways of arbitrary and most often involuntary assimilation of social experience by a person.

Existential pressure - mastery of the language and unconscious assimilation of the norms of social behavior in the process of interaction with significant persons.

Identification (identification) is the process of unconscious identification by a person of himself with another person, group, model.

Reflection is an internal dialogue in which a person considers, evaluates, accepts or rejects certain values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are inherent in the family, peer society, significant persons. Reflection can be an internal dialogue of several types: between different selves of a person, with real or fictional persons.

The traditional mechanism of socialization is the assimilation by a person of norms, standards of behavior, attitudes, stereotypes that are characteristic of his family and immediate environment.

The interpersonal mechanism of socialization functions in the process of human interaction with persons subjectively significant to him. It is based on the psychological mechanism of interpersonal transfer due to empathy, identification. Significant persons can be parents, any respected adult, peer friend, etc.

The most important component of the socialization of the individual is his upbringing in the family. The family impact on the child is unique in its intensity and effectiveness. After all, it covers all aspects of the emerging personality, continues for many years continuously and is based on the emotional relationship of children and parents to each other. The attitude and atmosphere in the family are presented in the eyes of children not only as a safe haven from adversity, but also its model. Life provides us with many examples of the strength of beliefs, motives, stereotypes of behavior that people perceive in childhood from their parents and other older family members.

Family education is a more or less conscious effort made by older members of the family, which are aimed at ensuring that the younger members of the family correspond to the older ideas about what a child, teenager, and youth should be and become.

The educational potential of the family and the effectiveness of its implementation are determined by many social (political, economic, demographic, psychological) factors of an objective and subjective nature. These include:

factors of the macro environment and the changes that occur in it;

family structure (nuclear or multigenerational, complete or incomplete, large or small);

material conditions of her life activity (level of income, housing conditions, well-being of life, etc.);

personal characteristics of parents (social status, level of education, general and psychological and pedagogical culture, orientations and attitudes towards the upbringing and education of children);

the psychological climate in the family, the system and nature of the relationship between its members, their joint activities;

assistance to the family from society and the state in the education and upbringing of children, the socialization of the younger generation.

The family also has a number of socializing functions:

First, the family ensures the physical and emotional development of a person. In infancy and early childhood, the family plays a decisive role that cannot be compensated by other institutions of socialization.

Secondly, the family influences the formation of the child's psychological sex. In the first three years of life, this influence is decisive, because it is in the family that the irreversible process of sexual typing takes place, thanks to which the child learns the attributes of the sex assigned to him: a set of personal characteristics, features of emotional reactions, various attitudes, tastes, behavioral patterns associated with masculinity or femininity.

Thirdly, the family plays a leading role in the mental development of the child, and also influences the attitude of children, adolescents and young men to learning and largely determines its success. At all stages of socialization, the educational level of the family, the interests of its members affect the intellectual development of a person, on what layers of culture he assimilates, on the desire to continue education and self-education.

Fourthly, the family is important in mastering social norms by a person.

Fifthly, a person’s fundamental value orientations are formed in the family, manifested in social and interethnic relations, as well as determining his lifestyle, spheres and level of claims, life aspirations, plans and ways to achieve them.

Personal resources, on the one hand, are determined by the composition of the family (the presence of both parents or one, older brothers and sisters, close relatives included in family life: grandparents), such characteristics of older family members as the state of health, character, level and type education, individual hobbies, etc.

On the other hand, personal resources influence the goals and style of family education. The goals of upbringing in the family can be different in scope, content and nature.

So, the range of goals of family education includes instilling in the younger ones hygienic skills, household skills, a culture of communication, physical, intellectual, expressive, personal development; cultivation of individual abilities; preparation for a particular profession or field of activity.

The most important characteristic of family education is its style, i.e. the system of receptions typical for the elders and the nature of interaction with the younger ones. Depending on the measure of its “hardness-softness”, the style can be defined as authoritarian or democratic with many intermediate options.

The authoritarian (imperious) style is characterized by the desire of the elders to subordinate the younger ones to their influence as much as possible, cross their initiative, brutally pursue their demands, completely control their behavior, interests and even desires. This is achieved through vigilant control over the lives of the younger ones and punishments. In a number of families, this manifests itself in an obsessive desire to completely control not only behavior, but also the inner world, thoughts and desires of children, which can lead to open conflicts. There are many fathers and mothers who actually view their children as wax or clay, from which they seek to "sculpt a personality." With this style of education, the interaction between the elders and the younger takes place at the initiative of the elders. Such a style, on the one hand, disciplines the younger ones, forming in them attitudes and behaviors that are desirable for the elders, on the other hand, it can cause them alienation from the elders, hostility towards others, protest and aggression, often along with apathy and passivity.

The democratic style is characterized by the desire of the elders to establish warm relations with the younger ones, to involve them in solving problems, to encourage initiative and independence. The elders, setting the rules and strictly implementing them, do not consider themselves infallible and explain the motives of their demands, encourage their discussion by the younger ones; in the younger, both obedience and independence are valued. The content of the interaction is determined not only by the elders, but also in connection with the interests and problems of the younger ones, who willingly act as its initiators. This style contributes to the education of independence, responsibility, activity, friendliness, tolerance.

In reality, pure authoritarian and democratic parenting styles are rare. Usually families practice compromise options that are closer to one or the other style. But often there are mistakes in family education. So, A.E.Lichko singled out several types of improper education.

Hypoprotection is a lack of guardianship and control, a true interest in the affairs, worries and hobbies of a teenager.

The dominant overprotection is overprotection and petty control. It does not teach independence and suppresses a sense of responsibility and duty.

Indulgent hyperprotection - lack of supervision and uncritical attitude towards behavioral disorders in adolescents.

Upbringing "in the cult of illness" is a child's illness, even a minor ailment gives the child special rights and puts him in the center of attention of the family.

Emotional rejection - the child feels that they are weighed down

The conditions for a tough relationship are the unleashing of evil on children and spiritual cruelty.

Conditions of increased emotional responsibility - childish cares and high expectations are assigned to the child.

Contradictory parenting - incompatible educational approaches of different family members.

Also, the socialization of the individual in the family is considered depending on the number of children in the family. Thus, the educational potential of a large family has its positive and negative characteristics, and the process of socialization of children has its own difficulties and problems.

On the one hand, here, as a rule, reasonable needs and the ability to take into account the needs of others are brought up; none of the children has a privileged position, which means that there is no ground for the formation of selfishness, antisocial traits; more opportunities for communication, care for the younger ones, assimilation of moral and social norms and rules of the hostel; such moral qualities as sensitivity, humanity, responsibility, respect for people, as well as the qualities of social order - the ability to communicate, adapt, tolerance can be more successfully formed. Children from such families are more prepared for married life, they more easily overcome role conflicts associated with excessive demands of one of the spouses on the other and low demands on themselves.

However, the process of education in a large family is no less complex and contradictory. Firstly, adults often lose their sense of justice in relation to children, show them unequal affection and attention. An offended child always acutely feels a lack of warmth and attention to him, reacting to it in his own way: in some cases, anxiety, a feeling of inferiority and self-doubt may arise, in others - increased aggressiveness, inadequate reaction to life situations. For older children in a large family, categorical judgments, the desire for leadership, leadership, even in cases where there are no grounds for this, are characteristic. All this complicates the process of socialization. Secondly, in large families, the physical and mental burden on parents, especially on the mother, increases sharply. She has less free time and opportunities for the development of children and communication with them, for showing attention to their interests. Children from large families are more likely to take a socially dangerous path of behavior than children from families of other types.

A one-child family is not only a demographic, social and moral problem, but also a pedagogical one. An only child in a family is an objectively more difficult subject of upbringing. Usually he matures later, and in some respects, on the contrary, he acquires the outward signs of adulthood too early (intellectualism, excessive rationalism), since he spends more time among adults and witnesses their conversations.

The moral and emotional climate of the family is largely shaped by the relationship between father and mother. Socialization, moral and mental development of children in the family depend on the degree of harmony of marital relations. Studies show that the type of family based on equality and partnership has the highest educational potential. Egalitarian marital relations contribute to the development in children of such personal qualities as kindness, diligence, discipline, the ability to stand up for themselves, independence, disinterestedness, modesty, responsibility, self-criticism. Children from such a family are better prepared for the role of a future family man, show great concern for their parents, the content of their life goals is of greater social value than children from other families. Also, such qualities of children as a responsible attitude to learning, diligence, sociability, responsiveness and a number of others are directly related to the absence of serious conflicts between parents. In conflict families, as a rule, opposite qualities are formed in children - an irresponsible attitude to learning, unwillingness to work, isolation, hostility. Thus, the state of marital relations is one of the main criteria for the success or failure of family education and socialization of the individual.

Summing up, we can say that the personality of the child is both formed and brought up under the influence, first of all, of the parents. Pedagogical wisdom, skill lies in the fact that the impact, although purposeful, is carried out in the process of dialogue, under the influence of a living word, an example, organized, significant for the child, meeting his needs, activities, self-education. Thus, the process of forming the foundations of the personality, the formation of its pro-social orientation, relationships and moral qualities is based, first of all, on family education.

The process of upbringing in the family is in the nature of feedback, and by educating their children, parents educate themselves. Depending on the nature of upbringing (upbringing model), the attitude of parents to the child, certain (sometimes quite stable) relationships are formed between them.

Sociological studies have revealed that the influence of the family on the child is stronger than the influence of the school, the street and the media. Thus, the success of the processes of development and socialization of the child depends on the social climate in the family, the spiritual development and physical development of children in it.

3 The main problems of the modern Russian family

Family problems are of interest both to specialists of various profiles, and not to specialists, since these problems concern everyone and are one of the indicators of the quality of life of the population and the well-being of society. Family problems reflect the close dependence of the family on society. The family performs important social functions in society, and for this reason the state and public organizations are objectively interested in creating the necessary conditions, carrying out socio-pedagogical work to eliminate the main problems.

One of the main problems of the modern family is the decline in the status of the family as a social institution of society, the change in its place in value orientations. It is known that during the years of Soviet power, the social status of the family was relatively low, although the state had a significant impact on family relations in society. During the reform years there was a sharp decline in this status. In the system of social institutions, the family found itself in a very unequal position. In addition, it must be borne in mind that since the 60s, in the public mind, orientation towards the realization of personal qualities, the achievement of comfort and other similar symbols of social success has increasingly begun to prevail. Yu.G. Volkov, V.I. Dobrenkov, F.D. Kadariya, I.P. Savchenko, V.A. way of life and increase the prestige of single - bachelor independence and small families (1-2 children in a family), in different strata and strata of society. These tendencies were particularly intensified in the 1990s, when "marriage with several children ceased to be one of the indicators of human well-being" Associated with this is a decrease in the number of marriages and an increase in the number of divorces.

So, according to research, the main social problem of the family is that at present 50% of people are in the area of ​​social disadvantage. Moreover, 20% of them are people whose incomes are below the subsistence level, and 7% are simply poor, for whom even maintaining physiological nutritional standards is a problem, 10% are the social bottom, people rejected by society and deleted from life.

Entire social groups are known to be at high risk: these are engineering and technical workers, former military personnel, migrants, refugees, graduates of orphanages, single mothers. When a family falls into such conditions and breaks up, then, as a rule, children leave it.

Obvious manifestations of this problem are:

the growing stratification of society as a result of the transition to market relations, a sharp decline in the standard of living of low-income families;

the development of shadow, market relations among adolescents and youth, the emergence of teenage and youthful racketeering, the growth of property crimes;

the expansion of homelessness and the emergence of homelessness as a social phenomenon;

the growth of juvenile delinquency, the involvement of children and adolescents in adult criminal gangs;

introducing young people to drugs and substance abuse;

spread of teenage and youthful prostitution;

an increase in teenage and youth suicide;

In conditions of economic and domestic disorder, psychological stress, and confusion, anxiety arises more and more often: is the family able to fully fulfill one of its most important functions - educational? The decline in the birth rate also testifies to the crisis state of the family, which leads to a change in the meaning of family life, its orientation towards raising children.

There is also concern about the pedagogical illiteracy of parents, who, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child, his development, often carry out education blindly, intuitively or “in passing” between work and other affairs, not paying due attention to the child. But the point is not only in the lack of time for parents to communicate with children, but also in the irrational use of it. Often, not only psychological or emotional, but also physical violence is used against children. This is evidenced by the following data: Every year in Russia, about 2 million children under the age of 14 are beaten by their parents. For 10% of these children, the outcome is death, and for 2,000, suicide. More than 50,000 children leave home during the year to escape their parents, and 25,000 minors are wanted.

The process of educating a personality is especially complicated in those families where drunkenness, dependency, the semi-criminal lifestyle of parents, their constant conflicts are the dominant factors influencing the child.

Thus, many conflicts arise due to the dissatisfaction of certain needs of one or both spouses. The famous psychologist V.A. Sysenko identifies the following main causes of conflicts:

Conflicts based on an unsatisfied need for the value and significance of one's "I", humiliation of dignity on the part of a partner.

Conflicts based on unsatisfied sexual needs of one or both spouses.

Conflicts that have as their source the needs of spouses in positive emotions; lack of tenderness, care, attention and understanding.

Conflicts based on the addiction of one of the spouses to alcohol, gambling, which leads to wasteful and inefficient spending of family funds.

Financial disagreements arising from the exaggerated needs of one of the spouses. Different approaches to the family budget and the contribution of each of the partners to the material support of the family.

Conflicts based on the need for mutual assistance, cooperation and collaboration.

Conflicts related to the division of labor in the family and housekeeping

Conflicts associated with different approaches to raising children.

The crisis in the family has a number of negative consequences. And the most severe of them is the mental trauma of children who, at any age, suffer from an unhealthy psychological climate in the family.

The next social problem of the family can be attributed to a sharp rejuvenation of marriages. The lower limit of the legal marriageable age has reached 16 years, and the average marriageable age is 19-21 years. Statistics also show that 40% of young families under the age of 24 break up a year or two after marriage. So, at present, according to official data, more than 20% of families are incomplete, and in such megacities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, this figure exceeded 30%. There is a growing trend in the number of extramarital births of children, with every tenth child born to mothers under the age of 20.

Faster puberty and early onset of sexual activity have led to the emergence of the phenomenon of "teenage motherhood", which negatively affects the health of both newborns and their mothers. In recent years, every tenth newborn is born to a mother at the age of 20: annually, about 1.5 thousand children are born to mothers aged 15, 9 thousand to mothers aged 16 and 30 thousand to mothers aged 17 years. Young pregnant women are more likely to develop pregnancy complications, preterm birth, so the mortality rate for women under 20 is about 10%.

There is a great threat to the family to be left without a father because of the high level of male mortality in working age due to unnatural causes, which is 4 times higher than among women. In the past five years, the number of families receiving survivor benefits has increased dramatically. The potential consequences of this phenomenon are negative and manifold, including the early abandonment of children and the upbringing of grandchildren without grandparents.

The latest census data show that the Russian family has an average of 3-2 people. the family structure is dominated by one-child families - 56%, two-child families - 35%, families with many children - 8% have been preserved due to the traditional mentality of high birth rates in the southern republics.

The large number of divorces cannot but disturb the public. It is no exaggeration to say that there is a catastrophic increase in divorce rates. The main reasons for divorces are alcohol abuse, household disorder of the spouses, adultery, the problem of distribution of household duties, psychological incompatibility. The increase in divorces has led to a significant increase in the number of children left without a parent.

The role of parents in education is weakened. This happens again due to employment, congestion with everyday problems, loss of moral guidelines, reassessment of values, and often inability and unwillingness to deal with children, especially fathers.

Over the past decade, the problems of social orphanhood have become even more aggravated, the number of children abandoned by their parents or taken from them by law has increased. There is a growing number of children running away from families due to abuse or lack of understanding. There are more and more juvenile homeless people, vagrants, beggars, growing and feminizing teenage and children's crime.

All this indicates the following trend in the development of the modern family:

reduction in the total number of families;

reduction in the number of children in the family;

orientation of the reproductive behavior of the family to one child;

reduction of large families;

the growth of incomplete and crisis families, the most socially vulnerable;

the growth of asocial families unable to raise children.

What are the causes of this family crisis. So, the scientist, doctor and teacher Vladimir Bazarny believes that the crisis of the modern family is not due to material difficulties, but because of a spiritual split: “Ask prosperous, healthy, respectable young people of 30-35 years old living in stable Germany: why they don't have kids? It is unlikely that you will hear something intelligible in response: you can’t take seriously arguments about a career, about the pleasures of a free life, about seeing the world, saving up money ... And at the same time, a wedding is being celebrated in the Chechen refugee camp. Young people have no housing - only a corner in a tent, a vague idea of ​​​​where and when they can work stably, but there is no doubt that they will have children at the time due to nature. The thing is that there is always trouble, deprivation only rallied and tempered family teams. And today, both the poor and the rich are moaning and crying from marital torments. We have violence, hundreds of thousands of social orphans, homeless children, drunkenness, drug addiction. And while explaining this family misfortune, we go over and over the factors of material life. And the factor of spiritual life is not taken into account. Meanwhile, the spiritual abyss is growing from generation to generation.”

Thus, the most acute problems of the family are expressed today in a sharp socio-economic stratification of society, when today there are 35% of the poor, including 10% of the poor; in the constant deficit of the state budget and the impossibility of social and geographical mobility; in the deterioration of the health of the population, including the family, the demographic situation, manifested in the natural decline of the population; in the fundamental traditional roles of family members, especially women; in the growth of the number of incomplete families; in domestic violence, social orphanhood and much more.

Chapter II. Family as a value in the modern world

1 The value of the family at different historical stages

Each culture at various historical stages gives rise to a certain normative model of the family. At each historical stage, the family has a different value.

Marriage in antiquity. The emergence of urban civilization, the development of writing and reading skills led to the first written marriage laws that appeared in ancient Babylon. Marriage in those days was also an economic deal: the future husband had to buy the girl from her father. In all ancient cultures, marriage-agreement and marriage-deal were commonplace.

In ancient Egypt, marriage was also arranged for economic or political reasons. Brothers and sisters often married so as not to share hereditary land or government posts inherited by the family.

The first historical form of monogamy, the patriarchal family, is ruled by the father, including his descendants, their wives and children, and domestic slaves.

During the period of matriarchy, inheritance always went through the female line, and in marriage agreements, the groom's property was often transferred into the possession of the bride. Many pharaohs married their sisters and even daughters in connection with this, as this helped to preserve the throne, dynasty and inheritance.

So, Cleopatra (69-30 BC) was first the wife of her older brother, then, after his death, the wife of her younger brother. Each of these marriages gave them the right to own Egypt.

The first laws of Roman law are attributed to Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome. In accordance with these laws, a woman, connected with a man by the sacred bonds of marriage, was to become part of his property, all the rights of her husband extended to her. The law ordered wives to fully adapt to the character of their spouses, and husbands to manage their wives as their necessary property. The laws of Rome said that marriage existed solely for the sake of procreation, and also in order to ensure that family property remained indivisible. Many centuries later, Roman law formed the basis of English law, which still reserved great rights for husbands.

During the period of slavery in Ancient Greece, 4 types of women were known: 1) matrons - respectable, married women, mothers of children (she called her husband “you”, she could pay with her life for treason or be sold into slavery); 2) getters - educated and gifted women; 3) slaves who were concubines of the plebeians; 4) priestesses - servants of various cults, "mystical" women.

Morals in ancient Sparta are illustrated by the following example. The Spartan allowed any man who asked him to have sexual intercourse with his wife. At the same time, the woman remained in her husband's house, the child born to her from an outside man also remained in the family (if it was a healthy, strong boy). This is understandable from the point of view of the sole purpose of the marriage of the Spartans, which was the birth of children.

European marriage in the Middle Ages. During the 4th and 5th centuries, Europe was constantly subjected to the invasion of the northern barbarian tribes, who brought their ideas about marriage, their marriage rites. For example, in accordance with the traditions of the Germanic tribes, marriage was monogamous, and adultery of both husband and wife was strictly punished by morality and law. The French tribes, on the contrary, approved of polygamy and allowed the sale and purchase of brides. At the same time, almost all barbarian tribes believed that marriage exists for the sake of the family, for the sake of sexual and economic convenience.

The Middle Ages are covered with a halo of chivalry. However, in the marriage sphere, the situation looked like this: the knights had to marry the ladies of their circle. In essence, marriage was a socio-economic deal: on the one hand, the girl "sold" her virginity, chastity, on the other hand, the man took on the obligation to support and provide for her and future children. Ideas about serenades require clarification in the sense that they, as a rule, were sung under the window of other people's wives. But while a married knight sang under the window of someone else's wife, another could be under the window of his own wife. The idea of ​​troubadours of the Middle Ages is well combined with the image of a cuckold.

By the Renaissance and the Reformation, marriages based on a voluntary union became possible. At the same time, a more liberal point of view on marriage began to spread, new spiritual and sexual trends appeared.

The Family in Biblical Times. Researchers of the Hebrew family found in it elements of phratriarchy (when the elder brother is the head), matriarchy, but in general the structure of the Hebrew family is patriarchal. The husband was the master of his wife: he slept with her, she bore him children, and he had absolute power over the offspring.

The family was not closed: it included all blood relatives, as well as servants, slaves, accusers, widows, orphans related to the family. All of them were under the protection of the family. If the damage inflicted on the family was so serious that revenge was required, this became the prerogative of the "redeemer", "deliverer". Revenge could be carried out in the form of a "vendetta" - blood feud.

"Marriage conspiracy" was committed by family members or their official representatives. The groom paid mohar to the bride's family, partly to compensate for the loss of her daughter, but mainly because all the children she would bear in the future would be members of the husband's family.

In most cases, the groom did not see the bride until the marriage was concluded. Gifts were exchanged at the wedding.

Both men and women married young. Mixed marriages took place but were not encouraged. The purpose of marriage was to strengthen the family, preferably consisting of males. Extramarital sex was forbidden, and adultery or fornication was punished.

There was a clear distinction between the importance of men and women. The man had more freedom and value in the eyes of society. The purpose of a woman was to bear and give birth to children for her husband and to help him in all his affairs. She had to make him happy, satisfy his sexual needs and follow his orders in everything. The woman actually had no social status, and all decisions were made by men. “Certainly,” writes J. Larue, “many women had more power than it seems in intra-family situations. To express her demands, a woman had many means at her disposal - anger, whims, an evil tongue, but the submissive woman always remained the ideal.

Pagan family. An example of family relations characteristic of pagan culture is the relationship in the Russian family of the 12th-14th centuries. The relationship between husband and wife in this family was not built on the relationship of “dominance-submission”, but “on the initial conflict,” V.N. Druzhinin.

The woman had freedom both premarital and in marriage. Not only the power of the father was limited, but also the power of the husband. The woman had the possibility of a divorce and could return to her mother and father. In families, the main role was played by the “big woman” - the eldest, most able-bodied and experienced woman, usually the wife of the father or eldest son, all the younger men of a large family obeyed her. At the same time, the man was responsible for the external, natural and social space, the woman dominated the internal space - in the house and family.

A similar picture can be seen, according to V.N. Druzhinin, in most other pagan civilizations, for example, in ancient Greek. In ancient mythology, gender parity is observed: male and female deities are equal, and the relationship between them is complex and ambiguous, including the struggle.

On the whole, the normative pre-Christian model of the family is described as follows: parents (father and mother) can be in different relationships: “dominance-submission” or “conflict”, struggle. Parents (as a whole) oppose children, one generation struggles with another. Children are always subordinate.

Christian family model. The victory of the Christian model of the family over the pagan one is characterized by a change in the types of relationships between father, mother and child.

During the period of early Christianity, many marriage laws were radically changed. For example, polygamous marriages and levirate, a custom that obliges the brother of the deceased to marry his widow, were banned.

In the days of the first Christians, the concept of the family differed little from that of the Jews. The man remained the main figure endowed with power. The wife had to obey him.

The patriarch is the head of the family, the father of the family, and also performs the functions of a leader. The fusion of the roles of the Father and the Leader, as well as the Father and the Teacher, is, as B.I. Kochubey, a characteristic feature of patriarchal culture.

In a primitive, pre-literate society where there is no strong state power, the father may or may not be the head of the family. The state, whether it be a monarchy or tyranny, makes the head of the family a pillar of power, forming a miniature of social relations in the family. Family members obey the father, as subjects of the monarch or dictator, and, further, like all people - to the one God, the Heavenly Father. Triad - Father - Ruler - God - the basis of patriarchal ideology. On the one hand, the father (the real father of the family) is assigned the functions of a monarch in miniature, on the other hand, the ruler, and then paternal qualities are attributed to God: a combination of rigor and justice, the ability to resolve all conflicts “in a family way”.

In general, as accurately noted by V.N. Druzhinin, no world religion assigns such an important place to the family in the system of belief as Christianity. Therefore, it is especially interesting to consider the model or, more precisely, the models of the Christian family. As V.N. Druzhinin, the Christian doctrine prescribes to the world two models of the family: the ideal "divine" and the real, earthly.

The "ideal" Christian family includes: Father, Son and Mother (Virgin Mary). It is built on the basis of the principle of power - the combination of responsibility and domination. The hierarchy on the scale of "dominance-submission" is as follows: father - son - mother. According to the scale of responsibility, the hierarchy is different: father - mother - son. The wife is in a subordinate position, at the same time, this subordinate position implies the inclusion of the wife in the sphere of psychological intimacy.

In addition to the ideal "divine" family, Christianity offers a variant of the "earthly" real family. The words "Holy Family" characterize the earthly family of Jesus Christ: his own, adoptive father - Joseph, the Virgin Mary.

Christianity separates the father-educator, who is responsible for the life, health, well-being of the family (first of all, the child), and the genetic, spiritual father, whose function is realized by God the Father. The earthly model of the Christian family is a classic version of the child-centric family. On the scale of responsibility for the family, its members are arranged in the following order: father - mother - son. On the scale of dominance (involvement in the Divine essence), the sequence is opposite: son - mother - father. Psychologically, Mary is closer to her son, and the son to his mother, than both to his father.

Interestingly, in Catholicism, the cult of the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, is of particular importance, her psychological closeness is emphasized not only to her son, but also to her father (the immaculate wife of God the Father).

On the contrary, almost all Protestant creeds ignore any role of the Virgin Mary. The Protestant family is the relationship of man to man: father to son, master to heir, potentially equal. Protestant activist Martin Luther (1485-1546) opposed the traditional sacrament of marriage, believed that the purpose of marriage is the birth of children and the joint life of spouses in mutual fidelity. The attitude towards a woman (wife, spouse, daughter) remained outside the sphere of relations consecrated by religion. The nullification of the role of the mother led to a hardening of morals, for example, in Calvinist families (up to 12-13 months, children were fed by a nurse, from 10-12 years old they were sent to study in neighboring families). At the same time, by the 17th century in Germany, Holland and Scotland, the view of family relations as the spiritual unity of husband and wife began to spread.

However, among the settlers, a desire for greater freedom was gradually formed. In 1630, Anna Hutchinson, the first female settler in New England, questioned the subordination of women and their limited freedom in marriage.

As women gained more rights in the United States, attitudes towards marriage changed radically. This was facilitated at first by the struggle of women for voting rights, and later by the growing feminist movement.

The structure of the ideal Orthodox family is derived from the general Christian model. But Orthodoxy makes a choice in favor of the “divine” family, and not the “Holy Family”. God-father dominates in the triad. He, as it were, rules the world of the family from afar, without being present in it. Mother and child are left to themselves, but periodically feel the invisible and formidable power of the father. But in general, the divine triad can be represented as follows: father - son - mother.

Less pronounced responsibility of God the Father. Responsible for the affairs of the family Mother. The son is psychologically closer to the mother than to the father, and the mother is also closer to the son than to the father. The great psychological closeness of the mother to her son is embodied in the dominance of one of the two hypostases of Mary - the role of the Mother. In the Orthodox faith, the role of the Mother of God prevails over the role of the wife and, accordingly, the maternal attitude - over the relationship of love (the relationship of the sexes). It is no coincidence that in Orthodox culture there is no emphasis on erotic relations between spouses: they are not denied or repressed, but, as it were, recognized as insignificant.

Intra-family relations according to Domostroy. In Domostroy, for example, a lot of attention is paid to the distribution of roles in the family and how to make sure that the main place in the house belongs not to the wife, but to the husband.

Domostroy does not know the term "family" in its modern interpretation. He operates with the concept of "house" as a designation of a single economic and psychological whole, whose members are in a relationship of domination-subordination, but are equally necessary for the normal life of the home organism.

The house seeks to protect itself from outside interference by presenting itself to others as its most prosperous side. The home community sought to protect itself from the interference of gossip and gossip in their home life, which were very characteristic of Russian townspeople.

The most terrible punishment known to the author of Domostroy is “laughter and condemnation from people”, which indicates the dependence of the family on an equal social environment, on the one hand, and the desire to keep family relations secret. The punishment is "shame" as "public viewing".

L.P. Naydenova notes the family pleasures that are present in Domostroy. These include: the pleasure of delicious varied food, from a well-made thing, from “arranging in the house”, where “it’s like entering paradise”, from honor and respect from neighbors and “people of the Known”.

The duty of the head of the house is to take care of the well-being of the house and the upbringing, including spiritual, of its members. The wife is obliged to do needlework herself and know all the housework in order to teach and supervise the servants. In addition, she is engaged in the upbringing and education of her daughters (the education of sons is the duty of the father). All decisions related to the “building of the house” are made jointly by the husband and wife. They should discuss family issues daily and in private.

The source of high appreciation of the role of wife and mother in Domostroy is the idea of ​​marriage as a Christian sacrament. The wife in Domostroy is the regulator of emotional relations in the family, she is also responsible for family charity.

Domostroy recommends that the wife “destroy her husband”, that is, act in accordance with his desires and ideas. It follows from the text that in family relations all sorts of “unlike things are condemned: fornication, foul language and shameful language, and an oath, and rage, and anger, and rancor…”

Love for children in Domostroy is considered as a completely natural feeling, as well as concern for their bodily well-being; concern for the spiritual development of children is considered less common. However, in terms of their position in the family, they are closer to servants than to parents. The main duty of children is love for their parents, complete obedience in childhood and youth, and care for them in old age. Anyone who beats parents is subject to excommunication and the death penalty.

The embodiment of the ideal model of the Orthodox family in Russian life had its own characteristics. The Russians, like all the Eastern Slavs, for a long time were dominated by a large family, uniting relatives in direct and lateral lines. Several married couples jointly owned property and ran a household. Among the families, "paternal" and "brotherly" were distinguished. The first included grandfather, sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The family was led by a "highway", the most mature, experienced, able-bodied man, whose power extended to all family members. His adviser was a "big woman", an older woman who ran the household. It should be noted that her role has changed significantly compared to the XII - XIV centuries, when the "big woman" had real power over the men of the family. The position of the rest of the women was completely unenviable (suffice it to say that widows did not inherit their husband's property).

Later, in the 18th century and by the middle of the 19th century, an individual family of 2-3 generations of relatives in a straight line began to prevail in Russia. By the 19th century, in the Russian culture of the lower strata, a type of small family with a structure corresponding to the model of the Orthodox family was established: father - son - mother (V.N. Druzhinin).

By the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the patriarchal nature of the family model was increasingly making itself felt. She exploded, as it were, from the inside, she was bursting with internal contradictions, which ended in severe family crises.

Thus, at various historical stages, the family was of great value to various cultures. In my opinion, family ties are the meaning of the existence of various nationalities.

2 Family as a value among modern youth

The family is a priority value of any modern state interested in preserving its population, strengthening the international status and all socio-cultural institutions. The situation of the family, the trends characterizing its condition, are indicators of the affairs in the country and its prospects for the future. The study of the ideas of modern youth about their future family is most relevant due to the fact that it is young people who are the most sensitive and receptive to the ongoing social changes in the state.

Our assumptions that at present the low readiness of young people to marry is associated with the spread of the opinion about the priority of freedom from duties, freedom of relationships, material values, were confirmed. For example, one of the biggest recent developments in family formation is the rise in the number of unregistered marriages, which is accompanied by a growing acceptance of this way of cohabitation. The study carried out confirmed this trend. Thus, the absolute majority of the students surveyed (64%) have a positive attitude towards the so-called civil marriages. The growing approval of civil marriages is also evidenced by the fact that many respondents expressed their readiness to enter into a civil marriage themselves. The proportion of such respondents was also two-thirds of all respondents. One third of the respondents consider it unacceptable to be in a civil marriage. As a result of the study, it was found that 60% of respondents consider it possible for themselves to have a child in a civil marriage, 40% consider it unacceptable. Also one of the important problems in modern families is the problem of leadership. We assumed that decisions are now more often made on a democratic basis, i.e. together. But this trend is not observed. Only a third of the respondents said that spouses should act together, and two thirds were of the opinion that there should be a leader in the family, and of these, approximately 6% believed that it should be a woman and 94% said that a man should be the head of the family. From this we can conclude that modern families are also characterized by a traditional attitude: a man is the head of the family. There is a stereotype that when making decisions in the family, the material factor plays the main role: the one who earns more has more power in the family. As a result, we found out that about half (44%) of the respondents believe that the husband is obliged to support the family, 4% of the respondents are of the opinion that a man and a woman should earn the same money, and the majority (52%) said that it does not matter to them who earns more. Nevertheless, to the question “Does the social status of your half matter to you?” two-thirds of the respondents answered that the social status of the other half matters to them, and only 24% answered that it does not matter to them. In modern conditions, the factor of divorce has become a mechanism that lowers the value of marriage and family relations. Divorce becomes an ordinary event. On the basis of data on divorces and their motives, in a certain sense, one can judge the role of marriage in the life of people together, the strength of the family in society. As statistics show, it is young marriages that are the least stable. Sociological studies show that in the first place among the causes of divorce is the psychological and practical unpreparedness of spouses for family life. In second place is the drunkenness of one of the spouses, most often the husband. Moreover, the drunkenness of one of the spouses can be both a cause that destroys family relationships and a consequence of abnormal relations between spouses. In third place - adultery.

We tried to find out what is the attitude of boys and girls to adultery. To the question "What would you say about a man who cheats on his wife?" in general, 64% of the respondents spoke out, but the proportion of such respondents among boys was half that of girls. That he should not be condemned was said by 24%. To the question "What would you say about a woman who cheats on her husband?" also 64% of the respondents, of which equally girls and boys, answered that she deserves condemnation, but only 16% said that she should not be condemned. We can conclude that boys, to a greater extent than girls, tend to justify their husband's adultery by the prevailing circumstances, and girls are also somewhat more lenient towards their wife's infidelity, in relation to her husband's infidelity, but still, their position on this issue is not so striking. different, as in boys.

Thus, today there is a process of reforming many social institutions, one of which is the family. The young family was especially vulnerable in the new conditions.

However, in general, the family for today's Russian youth remains a significant value. Conscious loneliness and familyless life are not welcomed by the majority of the young Russian population. The majority of young Russians traditionally consider children and the emotional and spiritual closeness of marriage partners to be the main values ​​of family life.

The vast majority of boys and girls believe that a marriage partner should have an equal educational status, and only a small part of girls are ready for the marriage partner to be more educated than themselves. But most believe that it does not matter, as long as there is a worthy and interesting person. Approximately the same ideas exist among young people regarding the equality of partners at the cultural level.

Thus, regarding the cultural and educational status of marriage partners, the views of boys and girls are similar. As for the distribution of social roles in the family, young people demonstrate rather traditional, stereotypical views: men see themselves, first of all, as earners responsible for the material well-being of the family, and girls see themselves as homemakers.

Regarding what character traits young people would like to see in a marriage partner, we can say the following: girls in a partner value such qualities as kindness, respect, sense of humor, purposefulness, responsibility, confidence, caring, etc. Young men consider kindness, understanding, modesty, caring, attractiveness, sexuality to be significant features of a marriage partner.

Most of the girls and boys see the advantages of a legal, legally registered marriage in greater confidence, stability, reliability, responsibility for each other, a sense of calm, constancy, and the opportunity to have children.

Among the dominant motives for a girl to marry are pregnancy, love, the desire to separate from the parental family, and only then - material gain, fear of loneliness, unwillingness to remain an "old maid", the desire for adulthood. The motive of young people to get married in connection with pregnancy among today's youth may be due to the fact that young people prefer open relationships and, sadly, they are often pushed to register not by love for each other, not by the desire to be together, but by pregnancy.

These studies show that the vast majority of boys and girls, 86%, see themselves as parents in the future, only 4% do not want to have children at all, and 10% have not thought about it at the moment. Most of those who want to have children plan to have at least two children. About 36% of girls and 15% of boys plan to have three children when creating a family.

Girls see signs of well-being in family relationships in communication that brings joy and spiritual pleasure; harmony between a man and a woman (spiritual and physical); in mutual love and respect; productive and coordinated life planning; devotion.

Of great interest are the opinions of young Russians about the parental family, its main values ​​and material prosperity. Their totality makes it possible to predict with sufficient certainty the future family and marriage behavior of young people. According to research, 28% of boys and girls consider their parental family a model for themselves. At the same time, a significant number of respondents indicate that they would not like their families to be similar to their parents. This is not surprising, since modern youth lives in completely different conditions and a significant part of parental values ​​ceases to be relevant to them. Characteristically, girls are the most radical, while boys have more traditional views on the family and its value.

3 Spiritual values ​​of everyday family culture. Family values

First of all, I would like to think about family values, what is it and what should these “family values” consist of?

The family is a union based on love and marriage, whose members are connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance.

The family begins with marriage, but marriage in the Christian tradition, "there is a sacrament in which, with the free promise of true love, the marital union of the bride and groom is sanctified for the pure birth and upbringing of children and for mutual assistance in salvation"

Family traditions are a tradition, the transmission of spiritual, cultural and social heritage, passed down from generation to generation, preserved in families. Preservation of continuity of generations. This is love for one's people, family, for one's ancestors.

Chastity - refers to the integral composition of a person, the highest form of morality: prudence, spiritual and bodily purity, purity. This is inner purity, integrity of the worldview, thoughts and actions. This is a wise aspiration to gain and preserve the integrity, the inner unity of the personality, which is in harmony with the mental and bodily forces.

Integrity is the ability to look at oneself, at one's own life from the standpoint of a universal, all-united whole, eternal.

Service. The constant overcoming of individualism, selfishness in the name of the common good is a family tradition of showing love, courage and solidarity. Selflessness, dedication, heroism, willingness to put public interests, the interests of neighbors above personal interests.

Fidelity - marital devotion based on love, reliability, steadfastness and immutability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one's duties and duty.

Love for children - love for children, the desire to have many children, the need to care for, educate and develop them. The basis of family happiness.

Diligence - education of love and respect for work. It is reflected in folk wisdom in proverbs and sayings “Without labor you cannot take a fish out of a pond”, “Skill and work will grind everything”, “What kind of work, such are the fruits”.

Labor families are families where labor is the leading value. Receiving joy from creative work in the name of one's neighbor, in the name of a common cause is our national conciliar tradition.

Citizenship is a feature of the national character, a patriot-citizen who perceives himself, his family, his clan, his people, his land, his fatherland, as part of a common whole, having roots, in love for the common good. Citizenship is closely related to the development of a sense of duty, responsibility and obligation to serve society.

Civil society, in our understanding, is a society of patriotic servants who stand up and set a personal example in the defense and prosperity of the Fatherland, who do not disregard all their citizens. People's memory sacredly preserves examples of the exploits of true citizens of Russia.

Respect for elders - honoring parents, respect, attention and care for elders, maintaining the continuity of generations. The family, as a link of many generations, as the guardian of the clan, covenant, mandate, memory. "Love for Father's Coffins"

Having many children is a national family tradition, a symbol of nepotism and family happiness

Masculinity is a characteristic feature of a spiritually and physically mature man - a husband, father of a family, a master who takes responsibility for the family before God and society. It manifests itself in resistance to trials, courage, determination, caring, self-denial, nobility and mercy.

Femininity - the most valued by men, character trait of a woman, manifests itself in gentleness, humility, patience, modesty, caring, tenderness, self-denial and mercy.

Also integral components of the spiritual values ​​of the family are such concepts as:

Faith. Faith in God, concern for the preservation of the religious traditions of peoples, the embodiment of these traditions in deeds. Loyalty to convictions and morally justified life principles, including among non-religious people.

Justice, understood as political and social equality, fair distribution of the fruits of labor, worthy remuneration and fair punishment, the proper place of each person in society, and the nation in the system of international relations.

Peace (civil, interethnic, interreligious) peaceful resolution of conflicts and contradictions in society, brotherhood of peoples, mutual respect for cultural, national, religious characteristics, non-confrontational conduct of political and historical discussions.

Freedom. Personal freedom limited by personal moral responsibility. Its disclosure in the service of neighbors and the Fatherland. Independence, independence, identity of the people.

The unity of different nationalities, social strata, political and ideological groups in the work for the benefit of the country and all the people living in it. Interaction of diverse cultures. A harmonious combination of spiritual aspirations and material interests of the individual and society.

Moral personal and public. Loyalty to immutable moral norms as a guarantee of the well-being of a person and society. Priority support by society and the state of conscientious behavior, both in personal life and in the life of society and the state. A viable state and society cannot be morally neutral.

Dignity. Recognition of the unique value of each person. The moral ability to distinguish the worthy from the unworthy.

Honesty as a criterion of personal and public morality. Conscience, following the moral principle in the soul as a way of life.

Patriotism. Love for the Fatherland and the people, for the native land, for its culture, respect for its history, for the achievements of previous generations. National consciousness. Willingness to work for the sake of the Motherland.

Solidarity the ability to share with another the burden of his worries, his difficulties, his illnesses, his sorrows. National solidarity as a force that binds the people, ensuring the unity of the nation, its integrity, its viability.

Mercy active compassion for others, helping people in need of spiritual, social and other support.

The family is the union of a man and a woman in which children are brought up. Love and fidelity. Caring for juniors and seniors. Family support through social policy, education and culture.

Culture and national traditions. Respect for the heritage of ancestors, openness and respect for the culture and views of others. Caring for the culture of communication, the purity of the Russian language and other languages ​​of the Russian world.

The blessing of man. Spiritual and material well-being of a person as the main priority of social development. Observance of human rights and freedoms.

Self-restraint and sacrifice rejection of the consumer attitude to neighbors and to the world around. The ability to sacrifice personal for the good of the Fatherland and the people.

It is in the daily culture of the family that spiritual values ​​are formed, which are of great importance not only for all members of this family, but also for society as a whole.

The daily culture of each family is characterized by a certain level of spirituality. The higher this level, the more reason for the family to be united, develop abilities and interests, satisfy the cultural needs of its members, successfully raise children, and live a rich moral and emotional-aesthetic life. The spiritual values ​​of the daily culture of the family should, first of all, include its ideological and moral foundations, the distribution of responsibilities, the family atmosphere, communication within the family, and the aesthetics of everyday life.

Let us consider the models of spiritual values ​​in more detail.

The very spirit of the family, the nature of the relationship in it, the general style and tone of marriage is usually called the family atmosphere. In essence, it is the main source of joy or trouble, the feeling of the fullness of marriage or its inferiority. The family atmosphere is made up of many elements, the main of which is the moral health of the family, which is closely related to the life of society. It can be said that the moral family atmosphere is stable to the extent that the family is social and the spouses are sincere and honest in their relationships. Moreover, the moral consciousness of the family and spouses is constantly growing if they do not proclaim principles here, but are guided by them, do not talk about how to behave, but simply live according to the laws of conscience and honor, do not talk about morality, but live in accordance with it. Such an atmosphere is optimistic, imbued with high morality and confidence in the future.

The family atmosphere is the psychological climate of the family. It includes the spiritual life of parents and children, the unity of their interests, hobbies, experiences. In this case, the researchers talk about the spiritual unity of the family, when everyone strives to understand others, share their worries, and help. Spiritual unity unites the family into a team, helps to create a common style and tone of life.

Many researchers distinguish two types of family climate: favorable and unfavorable. Long-term observations show that a rather significant part of the families is characterized by a contradictory climate.

The initial basis of a favorable climate is marital compatibility, primarily such a component as the commonality of the ideological and moral views of the husband and wife. A favorable climate is characterized by the following features: cohesion, the possibility of comprehensive development of the personality of each of its members, high benevolent exactingness of family members to each other, a sense of security and emotional satisfaction, pride in belonging to one's family, adherence to principles, responsibility.

In a family with a favorable climate, each of its members treats the rest with love, respect and trust, to parents - also with reverence, to the weaker one - with readiness to help at any moment.

An important indicator of a favorable family climate is the desire of its members to spend their free time in the home circle, talk on topics of interest to everyone, do homework together, emphasize the dignity and good deeds of everyone, present pleasant surprises to each other, and travel together.

An unfavorable family climate leads to depression, quarrels, mental tension, and a deficit in positive emotions. If family members do not strive to change this situation for the better, then the very existence of the family becomes problematic.

Communication in the family is the relationship of family members to each other and their interaction, the exchange of information between them, their spiritual contact. The spectrum of communication in the family can be very diverse. In addition to talking about work, household, health, the lives of friends and acquaintances, it includes discussion of issues related to raising children, art, politics, and so on.

Satisfaction of spouses with communication depends on the degree of compatibility of their views and values. There is no doubt that nervousness, imbalance, isolation and other negative character traits are bad companions of family communication.

However, there is no ideal communication in the family; communication, consisting only of consent. Marital relationships inevitably go through contradictions: quarrels, conflicts, and so on. In these cases, it is very important for the spouses to understand each other's position, to put themselves in his place.

In family communication, moral principles are very important, the main of which is respect for the other, his “I”. Often, after a hard day at work, spouses seek to vent their bad mood on loved ones, to give vent to accumulated anger. They begin to grumble, reproach, make comments, shout. As a result of such a discharge, a person may receive temporary relief, although the consequences may be severe. Some begin to be tormented by remorse for their own wrongness and incontinence. Others - resentment for unfair accusations and reproaches. As a result, it contributes to the destruction of the family.

Sometimes it's good to make compromises, ie. make concessions to each other. It is also very important to be able to admit your mistakes, as the right of others to make mistakes.

It is very important to share your thoughts more often, not to skimp on praise, kind words.

The main components of the culture of communication are empathy, tolerance, compliance, goodwill.

The larger the family, the more difficult the distribution of household chores.

The law of family life is the equal distribution of household duties among all family members. This is also an important point in the upbringing of children. Growing up, children take on more and more complex and responsible household responsibilities. As a result, they really help their parents, their families and develop good habits. Thus, the domestic atmosphere in the family is formed gradually. Labor in the family provides the necessary harmony in relationships, guaranteeing material well-being. Housework is perceived as something unpleasant, imposed, but it is very important and constitutes the main part of family affairs. The people on whose shoulders it rests should be given special attention.

Household work acts as a means of showing attention to each other, caring, mutual respect. This expresses the moral meaning of domestic work, domestic duties. Industriousness presupposes a certain work culture. Household work is very diverse, and a sensitive attitude, mutual assistance, and the ability to tactfully support each other are important here.

The more equitably the distribution of responsibilities is organized in the family, the more creatively family members treat their responsibilities, the more prospects the fate of marriage has. The economic aspects of everyday life take on the color of high pedagogy and true education of feelings. This should be taken seriously in order not to lose the ability to care for others tenderly and faithfully. This quality is cultivated in the family.

Thus, we can conclude:

Family atmosphere is the main component of all models. Its uniqueness, expressed in the sensitivity of perception of changes in the moods of family members, is noted. At the same time, only members of one family can feel changes in the family atmosphere. Communication - as a spiritual contact between family members, the distribution of responsibilities - as again a favorable spiritual relationship. Household work - as a means of showing attention to each other, caring, mutual respect.

For an in-depth study of this topic, a study was conducted. The following results are obtained:

The survey involved 30 people of them, male respondents 55%, female 45%, the following age categories: from 18-25 years old - 35%, 25-35 years old - 35%, from 35-55 years old - 30%. Respondents by type of activity: employed - 70%, student - 20%, student and employed - 5%, unemployed - 5%.

To the question “What does the concept of “spiritual values ​​of everyday family culture” include?” 30% of respondents answered “traditions, customs, mores”, the same 30% of respondents chose “communication, distribution of duties, domestic atmosphere”. 70% of respondents' families consist of two people, 12% of families include three or four members. 80% of respondents communicate personally with family members several times a day, 15% several times a month. The importance of communication in the family is assessed by 60% of respondents as very important, 35% as important. The topic of communication in the family for 40% of respondents is education. There is no clear delimitation of responsibilities for 60% of respondents; responsibilities are assigned to each family member for 30% of respondents. 45% of respondents believe in the existence of a family atmosphere, 40% answered “more likely than not”. To the open question “What do you mean by “family atmosphere?” 35% answered "comfort", 20% "mutual understanding", 15% "well-being", 15% "relationships between family members", 15% - "love". "Blue - calm and peaceful" - 70% of respondents referred to the color of their family atmosphere, 20% chose "red - saturated, bright." To the question “Do you feel when the family atmosphere is undergoing changes for better or worse?” 50% answered yes, 35% answered yes rather than no. As a result of assessing positions in the daily culture of the family, the votes were distributed as follows: the first place in importance was shared by "communication" and "mutual understanding" - 35%, "material well-being" - considered important by 20% of respondents, "interior" - 10%. 70% of respondents "rarely" spend holidays with the whole family, 20% regularly. 50% of respondents enjoy family holidays together, 40% answered “more likely than not”. To the question “With what feeling do you most often go home?” 50% answered “finally I will rest”, 30% chose the answer “I really missed my home”.

In the final question of the questionnaire, it was necessary to “agree” or “disagree” with the correctness of this statement: ““The higher the level of spirituality of the family, the more reason for the family to be united, develop abilities and interests, satisfy the cultural needs of its members, successfully raise children, live a rich moral and emotional-aesthetic life”, 60% of respondents confirmed the correctness of this statement, 40% answered “more likely than not”.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that at this stage of the development of society, with an accelerated pace of life, high competitiveness in the labor market, the family, the spiritual values ​​of its everyday culture, are becoming increasingly important for each person. According to the results of the survey, family members attach great importance to communication, know what a family atmosphere is, and strive for its stability and strengthening. The house remains a place of rest for the soul and body, mutual understanding, love and well-being.

Chapter III. Pilot study

1 Methods for identifying the attitude of modern youth to the family as a value

Girls and boys from 16 to 25 years old took part in the pilot study. Students - 16 people (8 girls and 8 guys), working youth - 14 people (7 girls and 7 guys), schoolchildren (grades 9-10) - 10 people (5 girls and 5 boys).

Study of value orientations.

Research methodology.

The study is based on an adapted version of M. Rokeach's method of value orientations. Students are invited to rank (number) 18 values-goals in descending order of their importance for their own lives. At the same time, after reading the list of all 18 values-goals, it is proposed to first choose three values ​​that are the most important in their lives, assigning them 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, then choose two of the remaining values-goals, striving for which, in their opinion, does not make sense, and assign them 17th and 18th places. And after that, distribute the places of the remaining values ​​in descending order of preference. The study is conducted using forms and anonymously. The form has the following form:

Date_________ Course____ Faculty______ Gender_______

Instruction: Before you is a list of values-goals that a person strives for in his activity, life.

You are invited to carefully read the entire list:

A) choose 3 values-goals that are most important for your life by putting numbers to the left of the value number (in the PLACE column): 1 - the most important thing in my life; 2 - slightly less than 1; 3 - slightly less than 2;

B) choose 2 values ​​that are the least important for you (it makes no sense to live for them), and put the numbers 18 (the most unnecessary) and 17 opposite them;

C) arrange the remaining numbers (from 4 to 16) in descending order of the need for these values ​​in your life.

PlaceList of values ​​(values-goals)

Active, active life.

Life wisdom (maturity of judgment and common sense, achieved by life experience).

Health (physical and mental).

Interesting job.

The beauty of nature and art (experiencing beauty in nature and art)

Love (spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one).

Financially secure life (lack of material difficulties).

Good, true friends.

Calm, favorable situation in the country, in our society.

Public recognition (respect for others, classmates).

Cognition (the possibility of expanding one's education, horizons, general culture, intellectual development).

Equality (brotherhood, equal opportunities for all).

Independence as independence in judgments and assessments.

Freedom as independence in deeds and actions.

Happy family life.

Creativity (possibility of creative activity).

Self-confidence (freedom from internal contradictions, doubts).

This study and the results obtained can serve as a starting point in the study of the current state of moral values ​​in the sample and an analytical tool for purposeful education and the formation of moral values ​​that contribute to the spiritual development of the individual, and as a method for identifying the place of the family in the list of values ​​among students. family moral value spiritual

Test "Am I ready for family life?"

One of the reasons for loneliness is that there is often a dispute in the family about the distribution of responsibilities. Many women are sure that society requires much more from them than from men. And men are convinced that housekeeping and raising children is such a non-serious matter that a man is simply unworthy of doing it.

Instruction: express your attitude to the question by answering: “I”, if you think that you should do this in the family, and “He (she)”, if you think that this is not your duty as a spouse, “I ” and “He (she)”, if it is, in your opinion, about the duties of both spouses.

No. Statement I He (she)

Child care

Checking homework

Attending parent meetings

Solving the problems that children turn to their parents

Organization of children's celebrations in the garden, at school

Organization of family holidays

Reading special literature on raising children

Doing heavy physical housework

Doing homework that requires a lot of focus

Buying products

Cleaning of the apartment


Current apartment renovation

Minor repairs around the house (electrical appliances, furniture, etc.)

Maintaining contact with neighbors

Family budget planning

Payment for utilities and electricity

Buying clothes, shoes

Purchase of furniture, household appliances

Feeding and caring for pets

Processing of results: for each answer "I" the participant receives 1 point.

Interpretation of results:

and less - you want to get not a spouse, but a housekeeper, you still have a lot to reconsider in your attitudes towards family life;

from 6 to 14 - you have no special reasons for alarm, but still think about how many responsibilities you shift onto the shoulders of your future spouse (wife);

and more - you are completely ready for family life.

Challenge: Define Your Understanding of Loyalty

Some are even afraid of the word "treason", others think that the concept of "fidelity" exists only in women's novels ... And what meaning do you attach to fidelity?

When you go to a party, you hope you can....Meet nice people..Have fun..Meet an interesting person.

How do you feel about striptease?. I like it.. Sharply negative.

What unusual thing would you like to have at home?. A huge soft toy.. A real, antique statue.

C. Indoor fountain.

Your partner cheated on you. And now he apologizes. How will you react?

A. I'll stop talking to him - I'm offended.

B. I will forgive him, because he realized his mistake.

C. I am not vindictive, but I will ask him not to deceive me in the future.

In a horoscope printed in a magazine, a quarrel with a partner is predicted for you. What will you do?

A. I will try to prevent a quarrel.

B. Nothing. I don't believe in horoscopes.

S. You can't escape fate.

Which of the following situations would make you angry?

A. If it turns out in front of the doors of the theater that he forgot his tickets .. If the bus leaves right from under his nose .. If all the places in the cafe where you are going to go are occupied.

He left unexpectedly on business. What will you do with your free evening? Reading my favorite book.. I'll go somewhere with my friends.. When I'm bored, I'll watch TV.


Sum the scores of your answers:

11 - fidelity, tenderness, constancy you attach great importance. Being a devotee by nature, you demand the same from your partner. Perhaps you should be a little softer and more condescending to human weaknesses.

16 - it is important for you to feel secure. You understand fidelity first of all as an opportunity to rely on a partner in everything. But your partner is also convinced that no matter what happens, you will always be there.

21 - you do not attach any importance to loyalty. Emotions and desires win over any moral attitudes! You give complete freedom to yourself and your partner. This shocks acquaintances, but your behavior is absolutely honest.

2. Processing of results:

According to the first methodology “Research of value orientations”, we obtained the following results:

% of the subjects put in the first 3 places - love (No. 3), Happy family life (No. 15) and an active active life (No. 1) The 17th and 18th places were put mainly No. 5 "beauty of nature and art" -23%; and No. 2 "life wisdom" - 17% of the subjects.

According to the second method “Am I ready for family life?” The test of which was conducted on students and working youth - 86% of the subjects scored from 13 to 15 points, which indicates that the participants are already ready for family life or close to it.

According to the third method “defining your understanding of fidelity”, in which subjects of all age categories participated, 61% scored 10–15 points each, which suggests that the majority of subjects at their age attach great importance to fidelity, tenderness, constancy, and demand the same from a partner.

3.2 Main findings

Thus, the family is an important life value for today's youth. Young people's ideas about the family are varied and are more connected with the psychological aspects of marriage and family relations than with its social and domestic orientation.

In modern conditions of total social changes, social progress and democratization of gender relations, the psychological and pedagogical problem of the formation and development of a value-oriented system of ideas about the family in adolescence becomes relevant, since it is this period of personality development that is characterized by the need to comprehend the social and intimate experience gained. , knowledge acquired in the process of interaction with the outside world.


The family is an important social institution, the process of human socialization unfolds in it, and any, even not pronounced, changes in this institution testify to changes in other areas of human life, the state, and society.

As a small social group, the family:

realizes the natural needs of its members;

creates conditions for direct contacts;

socializes its subjects with a sense of kinship, love, affection and responsibility for each other, accumulated social experience.

The modern family is going through a difficult stage of evolution - the transition from a traditional model to a new one. The role of the family is changing significantly: 67% are simple families consisting of a married couple with or without children.

Along with the traditional functions associated with the birth and upbringing of a child, with the solution of everyday problems, the family is called upon to be a psychological "shelter" that helps a person survive in the difficult, rapidly changing conditions of modern life.

The family acts as a social institution of last resort, providing its members with economic, social and physical security; caring for the young, the elderly and the sick; conditions for the socialization of children, youth, uniting its members with a sense of love, community.

The family has a special place in the life of every person. A child grows up in a family, and from the first years of his life he learns the norms of the hostel, the norms of human relations, absorbing both good and evil from the family, everything that is characteristic of his family. As adults, children repeat in their family everything that was in the family of their parents. The family regulates the relationship of the child to the environment, in the family he gets the experience of morality, moral standards of behavior.

Carrying out a social function, the family forms a personality depending on its cultural, social and spiritual level. Conditions in the family, housing hygiene, features of life and hobbies of the family - it all depends on its way of life.

The personality of the child is formed and brought up under the influence of parents, first of all. Pedagogical wisdom, skill lies in the fact that the impact, although purposeful, is carried out in the process of dialogue, under the influence of a living word, an example, organized, significant for the child, meeting his needs, activities, self-education. Thus, the process of forming the foundations of the personality, the formation of its pro-social orientation, relationships and moral qualities is based primarily on family education.

Factors in the formation and strengthening of a young family, the peculiarities of intergenerational relationships in the family, the problems that arise for young people living in the parental family, medical and social problems - all these and many other issues are of particular concern to young people who are about to marry.

Strengthening the concept of the family in the system of values ​​of modern Russian youth is possible only with a thorough study of it, the formation of a holistic view of the dynamics of the development of the family as a social institution, the liberation from stereotypes in judgments about the family, about the gender roles of men and women, which is also the task of all teachers, social pedagogues and other educational professionals.


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The problems of the Russian youth, in their essence, are the problems not only of the modern young generation, but of the whole society as a whole, on the solution of which not only today, but also the future of our society depends. These problems, on the one hand, are interconnected and come from the objective processes taking place in the modern world - the processes of globalization, informatization, urbanization, etc. On the other hand, they have their own specifics, mediated by modern Russian reality and youth policy pursued in relation to youth.

The most urgent problems for modern Russian youth, in our opinion, are the problems associated with the spiritual and moral sphere of being. The process of formation of modern Russian youth took place and is taking place in the conditions of breaking the "old" values ​​of the Soviet period and the formation of a new system of values ​​and new social relations. In the context of the systemic crisis of modern Russian society and its main institutions, which has affected all spheres of life, the institutions of socialization (family and family education, the education and upbringing system, institutions of labor and labor activity, the army), the state itself. Active planting and substitution of the foundations of the existence of civil society with the standards of the consumer society, the education of a young person, not as a citizen, but as a simple consumer of certain goods and services. There is a tendency towards dehumanization and demoralization of the content of art (decrease, deformation, destruction of the image of a person), substitution of the norms of the value of high culture with average examples of mass consumer culture, reorientation of young people from collectivist spiritual values ​​to selfish-individual values. This, as well as the lack of a clearly formulated national idea and a unifying ideology, a development strategy consolidating society, insufficient attention to the cultural development of the population, the inconsistency of the state youth policy naturally leads us to extremely negative consequences.

Against the background of the ideological uncertainty of young people (their lack of ideological foundations of sense orientation and socio-cultural identification), commercialization and the negative influence of the media (forming the "image" of the subculture), the ongoing spiritual aggression of the West and the expansion of mass commercial culture, the imposition of standards and psychology of the consumer society, there is primitivization of the meaning of human existence, moral degradation of the individual and a decrease in the value of human life. There is an erosion of the value foundations and traditional forms of public morality, the weakening and destruction of the mechanisms of cultural continuity, the threat of preserving the originality of national culture, the decrease in youth interest in national culture, its history, traditions, and carriers of national identity.

These factors, combined with the processes of differentiation and material stratification of society that arose during the transition to market relations, naturally lead to the expansion of the zone of desocialization, marginalization and lumpenization of young people (confusion; apathy; pessimism of young people; their disbelief in the future, the ability to realize their interests in any other way other than deviating from moral and legal norms). They stimulate asocial and illegal forms of self-realization of youth (growth of criminal manifestations in the youth environment, alienation from work, alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution); development of counterculture in the content of youth subculture; desire to participate in informal youth associations; increased tension and aggressiveness, the growth of extremism among the youth. In the context of the outbreak of the global crisis, all the indicated problematic circumstances in the development of youth can be used by destructive forces to destabilize the situation in Russia and carry out another "orange revolution", which our government rightly fears. Without paying due attention to the education of young citizens and the creation of the foundations of civil society, the state largely contributed to the establishment of consumer society standards in our society and the education of consumers, but clearly did not expect that those in power themselves could become a “product” for these consumers.

The youth environment, due to its age, socio-psychological and ideological characteristics, is in dire need of sociocultural identification, and therefore, to a greater extent than other social and age groups, is susceptible to transformational processes associated with the assimilation of value systems, norms that form certain forms of behavior. The process of social formation of young people, their choice of life path and development strategies, is carried out through training and education, assimilation and transformation of the experience of older generations. Youth is a period of active formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the social status of an individual. Value orientations, social norms and attitudes of young people "determine the type of consciousness, the nature of activity, the specifics of the problems, needs, interests, expectations of young people, typical patterns of behavior" . In general, the position of young people in society is characterized as extremely unstable and contradictory. On the one hand, it represents the most mobile, dynamic part of our society; on the other hand, due to the limited nature of its practical, creative activity, the incomplete involvement of a young person in the system of social relations - the most socially unprepared, and therefore vulnerable part of it. The implementation of the life plans of young people and the opportunities provided to them largely depend on the material resources of their parents, on the basis of which certain intergenerational contradictions may arise. “Parents often become the main culprits of unrealized market claims and consumer ambitions of their children.” In youth consciousness and behavior, contradictory features and qualities can be combined in the most bizarre way: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and withdrawal, detachment from the outside world.

Speaking about the youth sociocultural environment, of course, one cannot fail to note its certain positive features. Modern youth in general is very patriotic, they believe in the future of Russia. He advocates the continuation of changes in the direction of increasing the socio-economic well-being of the country, the creation of civil society and the rule of law. She wants to live in a great country that provides a decent life for its citizens, respecting their rights and freedoms. “Young people are easier to adapt to new economic conditions, they have become more rational, pragmatic and realistic, focused on sustainable development and creative work.” . She has a much greater freedom of choice of profession, patterns of behavior, life companions, style of thinking, compared to her peers 20-30 years ago. But this, as they say, is one side of the coin.

Its other side shows that the ongoing "Time of Troubles" has most acutely affected the younger generation. Our society is rapidly aging, there is a reduction in the number of young people, the number of young families, the number of children born. Each new generation of young people turns out to be less healthy than the previous one, diseases have "moved" from old age to youth, jeopardizing the nation's gene pool. The socio-economic pressure on jobs has increased in order to ensure the life of all generations; the intellectual potential of young people, the innovative capabilities of society are rapidly declining. The youth turned out to be the most socially disadvantaged part of society. There is a clear conflict between the interests of young people and the real possibilities of social mobility. There was a sharp differentiation and social polarization of young people based on property stratification, social origin and their own social status of young people. Possessing social, age and subcultural characteristics of different communities, they differ in material capabilities, value orientations, image and lifestyle. The question arose about the life prospects of young people: their creative self-realization (education, profession, career), well-being, the ability to financially provide for their future family. There are obvious problems of youth employment, deterioration of their material and living conditions, accessibility of education. The youth environment has become a dangerous crime zone. There has been a sharp rejuvenation of crime, an increase in its group character, an increase in the number of "women's" crimes and crimes committed by minors. Each new generation of young people, in comparison with previous generations, according to the main indicators of social status and development: much less spiritually and culturally developed, more immoral and criminal, distant from knowledge and education, less professionally trained and work-oriented.

In a society where material well-being and enrichment become the priority goals of its existence, the culture and value orientations of young people are formed accordingly. Consumer orientations prevail in the socio-cultural values ​​of today's youth. The cult of fashion and consumption gradually and gradually takes possession of the consciousness of young people, acquiring a universal character. The tendency to intensify the processes of standardization of cultural consumption and leisure behavior, approved by a passive-consumer attitude towards culture, begins to prevail. It is impossible not to note the underlined apathy of the youth, which soberly and without false hopes assesses the attitude towards themselves on the part of the state and society as indifferent and frankly consumerist. “77% of respondents believe that: - “When necessary, they remember us.” Maybe that's why today's young generation is closed in their own little world. Young people are absorbed in the internal problems of survival in difficult and cruel times. They seek the culture and the education that will help them endure and succeed.” .

According to the results of polls by the Public Opinion Foundation conducted in 2002, 53% of young Russians to the question: “What life goals, in your opinion, do modern youth most often set for themselves?” First of all, they noted their desire to achieve material well-being and enrichment ; in the second place (19%) - education; in the third place (17%) - work and career. (See Table 1). The analysis of the data obtained indicates a clear pragmatic and rational position of young people, their desire to achieve material well-being and a successful career, interconnected with the possibility of obtaining a good professional education.

Table 1. "Goals of modern youth"

For modern youth as a whole, a change in the direction of life orientations from the social (collectivist) component to the individual is characteristic. "The personal value position of young people does not correlate with the values ​​of the political ideology they prefer". Material well-being began to be valued much higher than freedom, the value of wages began to prevail over the value of interesting work. Among the social problems that most worry young people at the present time, in the first place are such problems as: rising crime, rising prices, inflation, increased levels of corruption in government structures, increasing income inequality and social inequality, division into rich and poor, environmental problems , passivity of citizens, their indifferent attitude to what is happening. Of the various problems experienced by young people, the problems of material security and health come to the fore, although the orientation towards a healthy lifestyle is not being actively formed.

Dominant in the value system of modern youth are money, education and profession, a business career, the opportunity to live for pleasure (see Table 2).

Table 2. Distribution of core values ​​of young people .

Education, profession

Get more pleasure from life

business career

Peace (so that there is no war)

Actions for the future of Russia

ideals, faith

According to the results of an expert study conducted in 2007 by the Pitirim Sorokin Foundation, the hierarchy of the dominant values ​​of young Russians is built as follows:

Material well-being.

The value of "I" (individualism).

Career (self-realization).



Respect for elders.

God (faith in God).


Duty and honor.

At the same time, analyzing the current state of Russian society, it was noted that the place of values ​​in Russia is largely occupied by anti-values. Among the value systems that dominate today in Russian society, experts noted the following anti-values:

The cult of money;

Indifference and individualism.


Cynical pragmatism, career cult.

The collapse of the family.

Social dependency.

Sexual promiscuity.

Bad habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, foul language.



Characterizing the youth consciousness and the value system of modern Russian youth, sociologists distinguish:

Predominantly entertaining and recreational orientation of its life values ​​and interests;

Westernization of cultural needs and interests, the displacement of the values ​​of national culture by Western patterns of behavior and symbols;

Priority of consumer orientations over creative, constructive ones;

Weak individualization and selectivity of culture associated with the dictates of group stereotypes;

Extra-institutional cultural self-realization;

Lack of ethno-cultural self-identification.

The dominance of consumer value orientations inevitably affects the life strategy of young people. Data from the analysis of the results carried out in 2006 - 2007 by the Department of Sociology of Youth of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov sociological research among students showed that: “At present, in the youth environment, in society, one can meet ambiguous life principles. The data obtained allow us to draw a conclusion about the dysfunction in the youth environment and require a more detailed study. Attention is drawn to the rather high degree of indifference of young people to such traditionally negative phenomena as opportunism, indifference, unscrupulousness, consumerism, an idle lifestyle and their positive assessment. (See Table 3).

Table 3. List of phenomena encountered in the youth environment

List of events

Negative evaluation


Positive rating

Public order disturbance



Illegal enrichment





Imitation of the Western way of life

Idle lifestyle



All of the above problematic features of the modern youth sociocultural environment unequivocally testify to the alarming trend of deep and systemic social degradation of a significant part of modern Russian youth, in particular, and our entire society as a whole. The youth environment clearly copies and mirrors in itself all the most significant processes taking place in our society. The systemic crisis in which our society and state are still living, which have not clearly and clearly formulated the national idea and have not defined their development strategy, has led to them losing the meaning of their own existence and immediately affected the youth environment. In it, as in modern Russian society, in general, there is definitely no single, well-established system and hierarchy of values. At the same time, one can observe the coexistence of two processes: both the continuity of traditional values ​​historically inherent in our society, and the formation, mass dissemination of new liberal (consumer) interests, the triumph of anti-values. The improvement of the youth environment, which forms the value orientations of modern Russian youth, can, in our opinion, be carried out by improving the system, forms, methods of implementing youth policy in the Russian Federation.


  1. S.G. Plukin Value Orientations //
  2. Karpukhin O.I. Youth of Russia: features of socialization and self-determination // Sociological research. 2000. No. 3. S. 125.
  3. Dobrenkov V.I., Smakotina N.L., Vasenina I.V. Extremism among the youth. Results of sociological research. Moscow: MAKS Press. 2007, p. 42.
  4. Karpukhin O.I. Youth of Russia: features of socialization and self-determination // Sociological research. 2000. No. 3. S. 126.
  5. Public Opinion Foundation. All-Russian poll of youth from July 18-23, 2002 (100 settlements of 44 subjects of the Russian Federation, 1500 respondents). Principles and values ​​of youth // .
  6. Pitirim Sorokin Foundation. Values ​​in modern Russia: results of an expert study conducted from June 15 to September 10, 2007 //
  7. Manko Yu.V., Oganyan K.M. Sociology of youth. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Petropolis". 2008, p. 79.
  8. Pitirim Sorokin Foundation. Values ​​in modern Russia: results of an expert study //
  9. Sociology of youth. M.: Gardariki, 2007, S. 190-193 / Manko Yu.V., Oganyan K.M. Sociology of youth. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Petropolis". 2008, p. 80.
  10. Dobrenkov V.I., Smakotina N.L., Vasenina I.V. Extremism among the youth. Results of sociological research. M.: Maks Press, 2007. S. 34.

The family is a priority value of any modern state interested in preserving its population, strengthening the international status and all socio-cultural institutions. The situation of the family, the trends characterizing its condition, are indicators of the affairs in the country and its prospects for the future. The study of the ideas of modern youth about their future family is most relevant due to the fact that it is young people who are the most sensitive and receptive to the ongoing social changes in the state.

Our assumptions that at present the low readiness of young people to marry is associated with the spread of the opinion about the priority of freedom from duties, freedom of relationships, material values, were confirmed. For example, one of the biggest recent developments in family formation is the rise in the number of unregistered marriages, which is accompanied by a growing acceptance of this way of cohabitation. The study carried out confirmed this trend. Thus, the absolute majority of the students surveyed (64%) have a positive attitude towards the so-called civil marriages. The growing approval of civil marriages is also evidenced by the fact that many respondents expressed their readiness to enter into a civil marriage themselves. The proportion of such respondents was also two-thirds of all respondents. One third of the respondents consider it unacceptable to be in a civil marriage. As a result of the study, it was found that 60% of respondents consider it possible for themselves to have a child in a civil marriage, 40% consider it unacceptable. Also one of the important problems in modern families is the problem of leadership. We assumed that decisions are now more often made on a democratic basis, i.e. together. But this trend is not observed. Only a third of the respondents said that spouses should act together, and two thirds were of the opinion that there should be a leader in the family, and of these, approximately 6% believed that it should be a woman and 94% said that a man should be the head of the family. From this we can conclude that modern families are also characterized by a traditional attitude: a man is the head of the family. There is a stereotype that when making decisions in the family, the material factor plays the main role: the one who earns more has more power in the family. As a result, we found out that about half (44%) of the respondents believe that the husband is obliged to support the family, 4% of the respondents are of the opinion that a man and a woman should earn the same money, and the majority (52%) said that it does not matter to them who earns more. Nevertheless, to the question “Does the social status of your half matter to you?” two-thirds of the respondents answered that the social status of the other half matters to them, and only 24% answered that it does not matter to them. In modern conditions, the factor of divorce has become a mechanism that lowers the value of marriage and family relations. Divorce becomes an ordinary event. On the basis of data on divorces and their motives, in a certain sense, one can judge the role of marriage in the life of people together, the strength of the family in society. As statistics show, it is young marriages that are the least stable. Sociological studies show that in the first place among the causes of divorce is the psychological and practical unpreparedness of spouses for family life. In second place is the drunkenness of one of the spouses, most often the husband. Moreover, the drunkenness of one of the spouses can be both a cause that destroys family relationships and a consequence of abnormal relations between spouses. In third place - adultery.

We tried to find out what is the attitude of boys and girls to adultery. To the question "What would you say about a man who cheats on his wife?" in general, 64% of the respondents spoke out, but the proportion of such respondents among boys was half that of girls. That he should not be condemned was said by 24%. To the question "What would you say about a woman who cheats on her husband?" also 64% of the respondents, of which equally girls and boys, answered that she deserves condemnation, but only 16% said that she should not be condemned. We can conclude that boys, to a greater extent than girls, tend to justify their husband's adultery by the prevailing circumstances, and girls are also somewhat more lenient towards their wife's infidelity, in relation to her husband's infidelity, but still, their position on this issue is not so striking. different, as in boys.

Thus, today there is a process of reforming many social institutions, one of which is the family. The young family was especially vulnerable in the new conditions.

However, in general, the family for today's Russian youth remains a significant value. Conscious loneliness and familyless life are not welcomed by the majority of the young Russian population. The majority of young Russians traditionally consider children and the emotional and spiritual closeness of marriage partners to be the main values ​​of family life.

The vast majority of boys and girls believe that a marriage partner should have an equal educational status, and only a small part of girls are ready for the marriage partner to be more educated than themselves. But most believe that it does not matter, as long as there is a worthy and interesting person. Approximately the same ideas exist among young people regarding the equality of partners at the cultural level.

Thus, regarding the cultural and educational status of marriage partners, the views of boys and girls are similar. As for the distribution of social roles in the family, young people demonstrate rather traditional, stereotypical views: men see themselves, first of all, as earners responsible for the material well-being of the family, and girls see themselves as homemakers.

Regarding what character traits young people would like to see in a marriage partner, we can say the following: girls in a partner value such qualities as kindness, respect, sense of humor, purposefulness, responsibility, confidence, caring, etc. Young men consider kindness, understanding, modesty, caring, attractiveness, sexuality to be significant features of a marriage partner.

Most of the girls and boys see the advantages of a legal, legally registered marriage in greater confidence, stability, reliability, responsibility for each other, a sense of calm, constancy, and the opportunity to have children.

Among the dominant motives for a girl to marry are pregnancy, love, the desire to separate from the parental family, and only then - material gain, fear of loneliness, unwillingness to remain an "old maid", the desire for adulthood. The motive of young people to get married in connection with pregnancy among today's youth may be due to the fact that young people prefer open relationships and, sadly, they are often pushed to register not by love for each other, not by the desire to be together, but by pregnancy.

These studies show that the vast majority of boys and girls, 86%, see themselves as parents in the future, only 4% do not want to have children at all, and 10% have not thought about it at the moment. Most of those who want to have children plan to have at least two children. About 36% of girls and 15% of boys plan to have three children when creating a family.

Girls see signs of well-being in family relationships in communication that brings joy and spiritual pleasure; harmony between a man and a woman (spiritual and physical); in mutual love and respect; productive and coordinated life planning; devotion.

Of great interest are the opinions of young Russians about the parental family, its main values ​​and material prosperity. Their totality makes it possible to predict with sufficient certainty the future family and marriage behavior of young people. According to research, 28% of boys and girls consider their parental family a model for themselves. At the same time, a significant number of respondents indicate that they would not like their families to be similar to their parents. This is not surprising, since modern youth lives in completely different conditions and a significant part of parental values ​​ceases to be relevant to them. Characteristically, girls are the most radical, while boys have more traditional views on the family and its value.