Why wavy nails. Causes of wavy thumbnails

In humans, toenails can become wavy for various reasons. The pathology that caused this violation should be eliminated. In addition, the symptom must be eliminated. You can do it yourself at home or with the help of a specialist in a nail salon.

What causes the problem?

The appearance of waves on the nails can be triggered by mechanical trauma: a strong blow, squeezing, wearing excessively narrow, tight shoes for a long time. Mechanical damage is also possible during pedicure, if its technology has been violated.

Contact with aggressive chemicals can also cause changes in the appearance of the nail plate, the appearance of longitudinal or transverse grooves. Often such an effect is exerted by detergents, nail polish removers, alkaline preparations, which are used in some enterprises.

Wavy toenails in a child or adult indicate malnutrition, lack of vitamins. The lack of vitamins A and group B is especially affected.

The plates can also be deformed in case of frequent or too strong stressful situations, excessive nervous tension.

Fungal infections also cause deformation. In this case, the plate becomes thick, begins to exfoliate, turns yellow, gray or brown, becomes dull.

Changes in the hormonal background can negatively affect. If the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood changes, waves, furrows may appear.

The appearance of certain types of deformation is due to pathologies, disruptions in the functioning of internal organs. Diseases of the blood vessels, heart, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the reproductive system can be manifested by a change in the state of the nail plates.

What do they signal?

If the toenails are uneven, you need to see a doctor: the doctor will help determine the cause of the waviness of the nails and choose the appropriate treatment. Deformation often indicates the presence of a pathological process. If the changes occur for no apparent reason (bruise, compression), they can be caused by malfunctions of the internal organs or an incorrectly drawn up menu, a lack in the diet, habitual dishes of the substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

If the nail on the thumb is deformed, you should not wait for the condition to normalize on its own. The most common cause is a fungal disease. If the condition of the skin and nails has also worsened, vitamin deficiency can be suspected.

Ways to decorate wavy nails

Irregularities can be hidden with a pedicure. If the ribbing is not too strong, you can mask it with polishing. Pearly nail polishes will have to be temporarily abandoned: they will emphasize the defect. Gel polish also helps to hide bumps, bumps. You can also use Japanese manicure: this procedure is aimed at caring for nails, with the help of special formulations, their condition can be improved. Massage of the nails in several sessions will also help get rid of the furrows or make them less deep.


It is important to take care of the nail plate. If she was injured while visiting a nail salon, it is better to change the master. Owners of bumpy, crooked nails should use gloves when washing the floor, dishes or windows, avoid getting dirt on the surface.

It is important to eat right. It is better to minimize the amount of sugar, white flour products, alcohol on the menu: such products are sources of extra calories and are useless for the body; alcohol interferes with the absorption of nutrients. More fruits and vegetables should be added to the menu. In winter, when it is often not possible to get the right amount of nutrients from food, you can use special vitamin supplements, complexes. It is better to choose them together with the doctor.

It is necessary to observe nail hygiene. At home, you should get a personal manicure set that needs to be processed after each use.

Choose a good salon, check reviews.

Situations where there is a high risk of injury should be avoided. For a long time, typing or writing people need to periodically take breaks, massage the nail plates.

Remove the cuticle with care. If wounds, scratches appear, you should immediately treat them with hydrogen peroxide or another antiseptic solution: through damage, pathogenic microorganisms can enter the body, causing processes that are dangerous to health and life.

When performing a manicure, special nourishing, caring compositions should be applied to the surface. They saturate the plates with useful substances, reduce the likelihood of unwanted complications.

Massage will also help. You need to massage not only the plates themselves, but also the feet, hands, pay special attention to the fingers. This action will provide better blood supply, saturation with nutrients.

Nails betray their owner with a head. Even if a person is dressed in elegant clothes and wears expensive accessories, sloppy hands will immediately reveal to those around him an ordinary slob. Unfortunately, healthy nails can boast far from everyone. And one of the common problems is the waviness of the nails. "Waves" are arranged in an arbitrary direction: along or across, spoiling the whole aesthetics of the image. These “stripes” are always noticeable, especially among ladies who love to use bright varnishes. Why are nails wavy? How to return them to their original appearance? Is it even possible?

What does the problem look like

Most often, waviness manifests itself precisely on the thumbs. Basically, it occurs as a result of injuries and other mechanical effects on the hands. In addition, on the nails of the thumbs, the flaws are much more noticeable than on the rest. But if the "waves" are visible on other fingers, then it's not just about injuring the nail.

It is best to study the presence of "waves" by looking at the hands from the side. In the "profile" of the nail, you can see how deep the depressions are. "Waves" can be the same or different in length and width, almost imperceptible and very deep. It happens that the longitudinal cavity "grows" simultaneously with the nail, no matter how much it is cut.

You can better verify the waviness of the nail if you paint it with a bright varnish without a mother-of-pearl tint. Then the irregularities will appear "in all its glory." Having discovered such a nuisance, you do not need to be upset: you can get rid of it if you establish the cause of the occurrence.

Why are fingernails wavy?

Sometimes the "grooves" that appear are just a cosmetic problem caused by improper nail care. Perhaps the manicure was not done carefully enough, and the cuticle was roughly cut off. Or, when in contact with household chemicals, the hands were not protected by gloves.

But it often happens that wavy nails are a sign of serious health problems. What can be expected?

fungal infection. Mycoses are a frequent guest in the hands of even very scrupulous people. After all, such an infection can be picked up very simply: for example, using the personal belongings of an infected person or even unsuccessfully “walking” through public places like a gym. If you suspect a fungus, you should immediately consult a doctor, since delaying treatment greatly delays recovery.

Mycosis is primarily reported by yellowing nails. Their crumbling, the appearance of itching and painful sensations can also be observed. There are many types of fungi, so first you need to pass laboratory tests. According to their results, the doctor will select the optimal treatment. An individual approach in the fight against mycosis is the main criterion for a successful recovery. But in no case should you self-medicate: this is fraught with a deterioration in health.

Even if it turns out that the cause of the waviness of the nails is not a fungus at all, it is still worth following the rules for its prevention. Basically, this is following hygiene standards: do not wear someone else's shoes, change socks every day, do not be barefoot in baths and saunas.

Non-fungal lesions. Nails can suffer from a variety of disease-causing microbes. They are just as “good” as a fungal infection, affecting the nail plates and deforming them. Therefore, even if it seems that there is nothing wrong with the “waves”, you should still consult a doctor. Treatment will not be superfluous.

Why me?

It's a shame when on the beach sunbathing with a friend together, and she continues to flaunt her beautiful nails. What is the reason? Why do some people allow themselves to fearlessly walk barefoot in shared showers, baths, saunas, swimming pools, and some cannot leave the house without rubber slippers. What explains the fact that fungi and other infections “love” some people more than others?

It's about immunity. In hardened people who eat right and go in for sports, the body easily copes with almost any “infection”. So the appearance of "waves" on the nails signals poor health. What to do?

To protect yourself from the aggressive influence of the environment, teeming with microbes, will help:

  • balanced diet;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • quality sleep;
  • Fresh air;
  • emotional balance.

Is it really easy? But as a result, the body will be able to "boast" of healthy kidneys, lungs, liver, stomach, heart and will be able to protect itself from any disease-causing influences. Inner well-being will manifest itself in outer beauty.

If the nails on the hands have become wavy, how to restore their smoothness?

The solution to the problem of waviness of nails is very simple, but seems to many to be impossible. This is healthy food. Nails very clearly show what exactly the body lacks. No need to be afraid of a healthy diet: the devil is not so terrible ...

Eating healthy is easy and inexpensive. The main thing is to include more "native" and familiar vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, pears, legumes, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes and even bananas, tangerines, oranges: our body has already learned to “pull” the maximum of the necessary vitamins and microelements from them. We must also not forget about nuts, seeds, cereals, greens - they are very useful "guests" on any table.

What substances are the most "favorite" nails?

  • vitamin B and iodine - promote growth;
  • vitamin D - helps the body absorb calcium;
  • vitamins A, C and E - strengthen the nail plate;
  • vitamin H - prevents crumbling of nails, makes them less brittle;
  • iron - provides the correct structure;
  • silicon - takes care of elasticity;
  • sulfur - protects against inflammation;
  • calcium - makes nails hard.

But how to understand what exactly is missing nails? They will tell you about it!

Yellowness, irregularities, concavity and thinness of nails. You need iron. Its sources: cabbage, blueberries, raspberries, oats, legumes, peas, any fruit. You can improve the absorption of iron by taking vitamin C and fluoride with it. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, greens. Eggs, potatoes, nuts, milk, tea, apples, cereals, grapefruits are rich in fluorine. You can “make happy” nails with vitamin C by immersing them in lemon pulp: this will not only strengthen the nail plate, but also brighten it.
Brittle, crumbling nails. Lack of vitamin H, or biotin. 0.2 mg of this vitamin per day is enough to get rid of the problem of brittle nails. Biotin is found in mushrooms, chicken yolk and nuts.
Point indentations, white spots, foliation of nails, the appearance of various infections. Lack of vitamin A, C and zinc. Vitamin A "lives" in all orange vegetables: pumpkin, bell pepper, carrots. But it is also abundant in butter and dairy products. Sources of zinc: seafood, legumes, raspberries, dates, herbs, blackcurrants, grains, leeks, mushrooms, nuts.
Nail deformation. Not enough sulfur. It can be provided to the body by eating more cabbage, milk, buckwheat, garlic, cheese, eggplant, oatmeal, onions, bread.

Dull, gray-yellow color of the nails, grooves. It is caused by a deficiency of vitamins PP, B5, and also selenium. Vitamin PP is nicotinic acid, which is rich in nuts, seeds, yeast, eggs, milk, porcini mushrooms. Vitamin B5 can be found in cereals, bran, eggs, yeast, broccoli. Selenium provides smooth, shiny nails and is found in soybeans, blackcurrants, beans, rice, buckwheat, garlic, olives, pistachios, coconut, porcini mushrooms, seaweed, white bread, eggs.

If for some reason the nails do not amaze with beauty and do not shine with health, then it is better to consult a therapist. Perhaps, after all the tests passed, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex that will help get rid of problems with nails.

How to get rid of uneven nails at home

If the waviness of the nails is not a consequence of any pathology or disease of the body, then perhaps the reason lies in the wrong home manicure. Mistakes in nail care, unlike health problems, are easy to fix. The speed of "liquidation" of irregularities depends only on the growth of nails, because "waves" cannot disappear on their own. Having cut off the grooves, it remains only to carefully care for your hands.

Do not injure the nail. The nail plate is quite delicate, so it can suffer from any mechanical impact. Too much pressure on the nail of a regular ballpoint pen, frequent typing on the keyboard - and as a result, crumbling, delamination or deformation. So do not "overwork" your hands: everything is good in moderation.
Gently fight cuticles. Rough removal of the cuticle leads to the appearance of "waves" on the nails. Indeed, after “shredding” the skin with the help of scissors, various cracks, wounds, and cuts often remain. Thanks to them, the gates “open” for pathogenic microbes and bacteria that contribute to the appearance of irregularities on the nail. You can avoid this by turning to unedged manicure: you only need a wooden stick and a special gel that softens the cuticle. You can pre-make a hand bath: with sea salt or essential oils.

Correctly remove burrs. The usual torn skin near the nail, which you just want to tear off or gnaw off, can aggravate existing irregularities. By getting rid of the hangnail in such a merciless way, you can get wounds that are very popular with infections. It is best to eliminate breaks in the skin with sharp scissors, after disinfecting the incision site.

There are also “tricks” that speed up getting rid of the waviness of the nails and prevent such deformations in the future:

  • gloves during contact with household chemicals;
  • decorative varnishes with a uniform coating that does not scratch nails;
  • disinfection of manicure instruments;
  • hand baths (with sea salt, with essential and vegetable oils);
  • regular nail massage (with a special manicure brush or at least a regular toothbrush);
  • unedged manicure: Japanese, spa, European;
  • base coat of the nail before applying nail polish.

Such "techniques" allow you to take maximum care of your skin and nails. And they will thank their mistress with a healthy and beautiful appearance. The main thing is regularity. When using cleaning products, gloves must be worn every time, not just when it comes to mind. The inconsistency of care nullifies all the previous benefits received from caring for the skin and nails.

But there are procedures that are completely useless in the fight against wavy nails:

  • too much hydration of nails and cuticles. Neither healthy nor damaged nails will like it if they are overly "pampered" with softening and moisturizing products. Over time, the cuticle will become so tender that it will begin to suffer from regular injuries fraught with suppuration and inflammation;
  • nail extension. Artificial nails are not the solution. It is possible to hide the deformation, but this will not get rid of waviness, will not improve the state of health, will not correct cosmetic errors;
  • nail polishing. This is a useful procedure that allows you to get rid of dead cells. But you can do it no more often than once a month and only very carefully with the help of a special nail file. For wavy nails, polishing will not be a salvation, because it will not be able to change their structure and shape in any way.

It does not mean at all that with the waviness of the nails it is impossible to do any of the above list. But you need to be aware that grooves must be dealt with by completely different methods.

Healthy nails couldn't be easier

It is very easy to say that bad nails were inherited from my mother or became so because of the environment, lack of time and money for care .... These are the explanations of a lazy person. After all, caring for nails requires daily attention, and not everyone finds in themselves the desire to take care of themselves so carefully and lovingly. But in vain!

Trimming and filing nails are hygiene requirements. Everything else, although optional, is mandatory for a beautiful appearance. It is advisable to sometimes “show” your nails to a professional: a master from the salon can not only make a high-quality manicure, but also tell you how to nourish your nails, what tools are better to use at home, what vitamins are missing. What should a girl who wants to become the owner of beautiful and healthy nails remember?

You should start with the elementary: the rules of hygiene. Each person should have their own individual manicure set. Instruments must be thoroughly disinfected after and before each use to avoid contamination. In addition, before a manicure, you need to wash your hands with soap and be sure to remove the old varnish with a fortified cosmetic product. It would be superfluous to mention that all scissors-tweezers in a girl's arsenal should be of high quality and well-pointed.

Then it's time to think about protecting your nails from negative environmental influences. After all, nails are similar in structure to hair: they absorb absolutely all substances from their surface in the same way. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the habit of washing dishes or tiles without gloves, and also use decorative varnishes too often, especially if you do without a manicure base. Continuous "painting" is detrimental to nails. You need to give them a chance to recover and take a break from harmful substances. During nail "holidays" it is recommended to make hand baths more often, nourish nails with creams and oils, and use various strengthening varnishes.

And the pinnacle of nail care is simple sanity. No need to tear off the hangnails, bite your nails, cut the cuticle to blood, ignore disinfection. It is also necessary to seek advice from a doctor or a manicurist if you find the slightest problems with your nails: deformations, discoloration, pain.

Beautiful nails are healthy nails multiplied by constant care. To achieve a good result, you can only love and accept yourself. Then taking care of your own body will bring only joy and pleasure. And graceful pens with a delightful manicure will evoke envious glances from less fortunate young ladies in this regard.

On nails with a smooth shiny surface, varnish, gel polish or any other decorative coating will ideally fit. But when wavy nails grow on our hands, it will be very difficult to decorate our well-groomed fingers with a fashionable manicure. Grooves and "combs", which distort the smooth surface of the nail plates with a deep relief, may indicate some pathological changes in the body and it is important to identify the causes of their occurrence as early as possible. Wavy grooves are longitudinal and transverse, evenly covering the entire surface of the nail plate or only its individual sections.

If your hands have wavy nails, then be sure to take the time to visit a specialist. Even an external visual examination of your fingers with deformed nails will help the doctor to approximately determine the cause of unwanted changes. Wavy stripes may appear against the background of exfoliating and brittle nails with white spots, be very deep or barely noticeable, differ in length and width. Often, wavy nails form only on the thumbs a few weeks or months after matrix injury (pinching, bruising of the finger). The nail plate of the thumb is somewhat thicker and wider, any deformation on it will be more noticeable than on the other fingers.


Infectious diseases.
If the nails on the hands hurt, become thinner, begin to crumble and turn yellow, and wavy layers appear on the yellowed plates, then there is a high probability of infection of the upper phalanges of the fingers with a fungus. Be sure to contact a dermatologist or a mycologist so that the specialist prescribes a course of treatment for mycosis after the examination and study of the test results. But in addition to mycosis, nail plates can affect non-fungal infections, including bacterial ones;

Diseases of the body.
If symptoms such as dullness, discoloration, the appearance of white or black spots on the nails join the deformation of the nail plate, then there is a high probability of disruption of the internal organs or body systems. Well-defined transverse waviness of the plates is observed in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation of the thyroid gland, pneumonia, arthritis, iron deficiency anemia.

A number of diseases associated with metabolic disorders can provoke the appearance of the so-called Bo furrows on the nails. The arcuate grooves of Bo with a small comb along the posterior edge of the line become deeper depending on the severity of the disease;

Common violations of the structure of the nails include longitudinal waviness in the form of mild grooves descending from the cuticle line to the tip of the free edge. Such a deformation appears after severe pinching and bruising, as well as after incorrect processing of nails with metal manicure tools. Wavy nails appear on the hands and after too frequent extension procedures. If you constantly remove extended nails without first softening with a special liquid, then the natural plates become thinner and brittle;

Nutrient deficiency in the body.
Passion for diets and an unbalanced diet can lead to a chronic deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other substances necessary for the growth of normal nails from the matrix. Nails quickly fade and become deformed if such important trace elements as iodine, sulfur, silicon, calcium, iron, and vitamins are not supplied to the matrix in sufficient quantities. If the nail plates turn yellow or gray, wavy stripes or grooves appear on their surface, then most likely the body lacks selenium, vitamins PP and B5;

Stress, frequent fatigue.
If you constantly experience stress, do not recover well after hard work, then the body weakens and this is reflected in the condition of the nails. Nail plates lose their healthy shine, white spots and wavy grooves appear on them;

The impact of active substances.
House cleaning and washing dishes using household chemicals adversely affect the condition of the nails, if you do not use special rubber gloves. The nails are also deformed after applying a low-quality coating (varnish, gel polish, acrylic paints), removing the coating with liquids with a high content of acetone in the composition.


- in the photo: nails with longitudinal and transverse wavy grooves


Before choosing a varnish, cream, spray or ointment for the treatment of nails affected by mycosis, be sure to consult your doctor!

- in the photo: antimycotic agents for nails


Orly Ridgefiller Smoothing Primer Basecoat, Smart Enamel Concealer, Zinger Smoothing Base, Mavala Ridge Filler.
These products can be used as the first (base layer) before applying a decorative coating to remove all irregularities and smooth the relief of the nail plate.

- in the photo: leveling base for varnish


Avoid diets in which foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and trace elements are excluded from the daily diet. To prevent the formation of wavy nails, eat different types of cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), carrots, beets, eggplant, citrus fruits, greens, sour-milk products, nuts, buckwheat, oatmeal;

For nail design, use only quality products from reputable brands. Before decorating your nails with colored polish or gel polish, be sure to apply a base coat to protect the natural plate. Before removing hardened varnish or gel polish from nails, treat the coating with a special liquid without aggressive solvents (acetone is especially dangerous for nails). If you prefer to wear extended nails, let the natural plates rest for at least 2-3 weeks between extension procedures and during this time do baths and masks to strengthen nails;

To improve the functioning of the matrix, it is useful to do a special finger massage. Massage the nails and the periungual area especially carefully for 3-4 minutes to improve blood flow to the root through the network of capillaries. You can massage the nails with fingertips and a special manicure brush;

By improving blood circulation, we accelerate the delivery of all the necessary nutrients to every cell of the body, including the nail growth zone. Add moderate physical activity (30-40 minutes) to your daily routine, walk daily in the fresh air. To improve blood circulation, it is very useful to walk with a fast sports step (including for getting rid of excess weight). Good sleep is the key to good health (sleep period should be 7-8 hours daily);


Antimycotic drugs.
To prevent fungal infections, there is an arsenal of antifungal gels, creams and ointments. But if you find signs of mycosis on your nails (discoloration, delamination, deformation), then be sure to undergo an examination by a specialist and do all the tests to determine the type of fungus. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment using a suitable antimycotic drug (Mikozan, Nizoral, Zalin, Lamezil, Atifin, Terbizil, Amorolfin);

Oil solutions.
Medicines with vitamins A and E in the composition to eliminate damage, small cracks, strengthen brittle nails. Rub the oil solution 3-4 times a week so that wavy nails change plates with a smooth and shiny surface in a month;

SPA manicure.
Perfectly strengthen nails and improve the condition of the periungual skin SPA procedures (Japanese manicure, manicure with lavender), as well as hot paraffin baths;

Baths and masks

Several times a week, do strengthening baths for nails with sea salt and lemon juice, as well as with essential and vegetable oils. It is very useful to apply masks with red pepper on the skin around the nail to improve blood microcirculation.

Mix in a bowl 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper, 3 tablespoons of hand cream and add 1 tablespoon of boiled water. We rub the mask into the nail plates and into the periungual skin, put on warm gloves or mittens for 20 minutes. After the procedure, carefully wash off the mask with warm water.


First of all, it is important to find out why your wavy nails grow and gradually eliminate the cause of the pathology. But still, I want to hide the wavy stripes or grooves until this unpleasant defect on the nails is completely eliminated. If you constantly grind nails (especially with deep grooves) with nail files, then you can greatly thin the nail plates, make them brittle and exfoliate. Therefore, we will use safer methods using decorative cosmetics.

Perfectly hides uneven modern gel polish (for example, from the Shellac line) with a leveling base layer and a dense color coating after drying in a UV lamp;

If you have only regular polish on hand, use a special nail leveling agent before applying a decorative coating. To hide wavy grooves, apply several leveling layers;

Use dark shades of decorative varnish without gloss. You can hide the ribbing with varnishes in pastel shades with sparkles or mother-of-pearl;

There are special therapeutic varnishes and gels that strengthen the structure of weak nails. Can be applied in place of base coat before top coat.


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Wavy fingernails are often not only a cosmetic defect. Often this trouble is a reflection of the pathological processes occurring in the body. Therefore, if the nail plate is deformed, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. But sometimes waves appear due to the influence of external factors. For example, a blow, an improperly performed manicure, etc. In this case, you can align the nail plate at home using improvised means.

Why do waves appear on the nails?

You can notice the waves on the nails by looking at them in profile. Most often, such a nuisance occurs on the thumbs, but with mechanical damage, the nail plate on the little finger can also become wavy.

Wavy nails

Deformation can be caused by several reasons:

  • mechanical damage;
  • rough polishing of the nail plate during manicure;
  • fungal infection;
  • incorrect removal of the cuticle;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema of the skin of the hands);
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys or thyroid gland.

If the nails become bumpy without the influence of any external factors (impact, careless manicure), you should definitely consult a doctor and conduct an examination of the body. After all, the curvature of the nail plate can be a symptom of the disease.

Uneven toenails can occur for the same reasons as on the hands. Often this problem appears due to improper hygiene or visits to public pools, saunas without flip flops. In these cases, a fungal infection develops, which eventually leads to deformation of the nails.

In children, wavy fingernails most often appear due to beriberi. To make sure that there is a lack of vitamins and iron in the child's body, you need to contact a pediatrician and take a blood test.

Treatment for wavy nails

If the waves are due to illness, they should even out after treatment. If the nail plate is deformed under the influence of external factors, it is necessary to take measures at home.

Some girls, wanting to quickly restore the shape of the nail, “cut off” the waves, resorting to rather rough polishing. But this cannot be done. As a result, the condition of the nails will be even more damaged, and they will continue to grow wavy.

Taking vitamins

A common cause of changes in the shape of the nail plate is beriberi. Vitamins A, E and C are most important for nail health.

You can get them from the following products:

  • vitamin A - egg yolks, liver, fish oil, carrots, tomatoes, dill, parsley;
  • vitamin E - beef, nuts, unrefined vegetable oil, seeds, spinach;
  • vitamin C - citrus fruits, cranberries, lingonberries, currants, rose hips, leafy vegetables.

The intake of these vitamins helps to strengthen the nails and accelerates their growth. It is desirable that the diet includes the listed products constantly, and not only during the period of restoration of the nail plate.

You can get vitamins not only from food. Pharmacies sell special vitamin complexes. The best of them are: Lady's Formula, Merz, Vitrum Beauty, Aevit, Complevit Radiance, Alphabet Cosmetic and others.

Vitamins A and E can also be taken in liquid form by adding a few drops to a cream or nail oil.

Baths and compresses

To grow healthy nails, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons and spend money. At home, you can prepare effective baths or compresses.

To do this, you will need improvised means that can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store.

Sea salt bath

Baths with sea salt are very effective for restoring the nail plate. They help accelerate nail growth and protect against delamination.

Method of preparation and use:

  • pour a glass of warm water;
  • dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in it;
  • dip your fingertips into the prepared solution so that the nails are completely immersed in the liquid;
  • wait 10-15 minutes and rinse your hands with water.

You need to use sea salt without flavorings and other additives. If the skin has wounds and damage, it is better to choose a different recipe.

To quickly get rid of the waves, such a bath should be used once every 1-2 days.

Lemon acid

Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C. Therefore, it is able to make the nail plates strong and shiny. It can be applied in different ways.

The first way is to take a bath. For this you will need:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of powdered citric acid in a glass of warm water;
  • immerse your fingertips in the solution and leave for 10 minutes;
  • then rinse them well with water.

You can also use fresh lemon. For this you need:

  • cut 1 lemon in half;
  • lower the nails into each of the halves for 10 minutes.

Using Lemon to Strengthen Nails

You can carry out such a procedure to align the nail plate every other day, and for prevention twice a week.


You can moisturize and restore wavy fingernails with the help of base and essential oils sold in a pharmacy. The best base oils for this purpose are: coconut, almond, olive, castor, burdock, apricot, avocado. Of the essential oils, lavender, rosemary, lemon, grapefruit, and tea tree oils are suitable.

Base oils can be rubbed into the nail plate in the evening for a few minutes. Then cotton gloves are put on top and the product is left overnight.

In addition, you can prepare an oil bath. Required:

  • mix 3 tablespoons of olive, almond and avocado oil;
  • add 5-6 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • slightly warm the composition in a water bath;
  • dip your fingertips into it for 15 minutes;
  • after the allotted time, wash your hands and apply a nourishing cream.

Another way to use oils is to prepare a mixture with iodine.


  • Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with the same amount of lemon juice;
  • add a few drops of iodine;
  • mix composition.

A cotton pad is moistened with the resulting mixture and rubbed into the nails. After a few minutes, wash your hands thoroughly with water. You can use nail oils daily.

In order to prevent nail deformation in the future, it is necessary to visit only professional manicure masters and not cut the cuticle. It is advisable to use a protective base coat before applying the colored varnish. In addition, you need to work with household chemicals only with gloves and protect your nails from mechanical damage.

Smooth beautiful nails look aesthetically pleasing and attract attention. But what if they become ribbed and spoil not only the appearance, but also any manicure? You can find out why the nails deformed and began to exfoliate, whether this is only a cosmetic problem and how to cure the disease, by comparing various causes and examining a specialist.

The unevenness of the nail plate can appear not only as a result of injuries or incorrect manicure, but also be a symptom of malfunctions in the internal processes of the body. Also, nails can become ribbed due to the addition of a fungus, which is not only unpleasant, but also takes a long time to heal. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are most at risk. Conventionally, the causes of problems are divided into 2 types: internal and external.

Internal culprits:

  • deficiency of useful vitamins and minerals;
  • violation of proper metabolism;
  • hormonal disruptions and surges;
  • stress and nervous shocks;
  • malnutrition;
  • mycoses;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • general diseases.

External reasons:

  • waviness of the nail plates due to injury;
  • improper extension and use of false nails;
  • incorrect cutting of the cuticle during processing;
  • exposure to harsh chemicals.

These are just the main culprits for uneven and ribbed nails; in a global sense, the human body can have such an individual reaction to any external or internal manifestations. Children and teenagers can acquire the problem of uneven nails due to rapid growth without additional comorbidities. Elderly people often complain of wavy thumbnails as a result of hormonal changes with aging. Only a doctor will help to identify the causes and prescribe competent treatment.

Prevention of bumpy and wavy fingernails

It is possible to prevent problems with the nail plate without therapy in at least half of the cases. Finding out why the nails become ribbed on the hands, and treatment is not necessary if measures are taken to prevent this disease. The first rule is to care for the nail plates and prevent negative effects on them. Do not allow the appearance of external causes, under the influence of which an uneven surface of the nails is formed:

  • do not directly touch household chemicals, work with gloves that will protect nails from harmful substances and irregularities;
  • if your plate is thinned, then extensions and some types of manicure should be discarded so as not to provoke the development of the disease;
  • try to limit the mechanical impact on the nails, including caring for them and the cuticle;
  • to prevent wavy nails, include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and minerals: sour-milk, fruits and vegetables, oils and seafood. Treats containing gelatin, such as marmalade or jelly, will be very useful. Some of the most common causes of wavy nails are lack of sleep and smoking. The latter makes the plates yellowish, thin and brittle, they require treatment. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent ribbed fingernails.

Wavy Nail Care

So that the problems of uneven bumpy nails do not concern you, you need to take care of your hands. If the causes of unevenness are not symptoms of internal spectrum diseases and do not require specific treatment, then it is enough to follow simple rules for care.

1. Protect your hands from exposure to aggressive external environment: frost, scorching sun, wind. Do not neglect wearing gloves and mittens, thus covering not only the skin, but also the nails on the hands.

2. Use protective creams no later than an hour before going outside. When applying them to the skin, spread a thin layer on the nails so that they also receive nutrition.

3. Responsible for manicure. The treatment of wavy nails should be gentle, so you should especially take care of choosing a nail file:

  • give preference to glass, metal files destroy nails and spoil the structure;
  • choose the direction of movement of the nail file and stick to it, you can’t use it in the back and forth mode, this contributes to the brittleness and crumbling of the plate, the appearance of ribbed nails;
  • never file your nails in a steamed state, they must be dry.

4. Carefully handle the cuticle, pushing its edge with a stick, and get rid of the burrs with the help of tweezers, so as not to treat wounds later, especially on the nails on the thumbs. Before the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer.

5. Before applying varnish, use a protective base to cover the nail: it will strengthen the structure of the ribbed nail plate and allow you not to update the manicure longer.

Baths for the prevention of wavy fingernails

The ribbing creates discomfort and forces women to hide their nails both under a thick layer of varnish and under extensions. A bright colored coating of the nail plate will not help in the treatment of the disease, but will only highlight defects, and tips will interfere with the growth of normal healthy nails. Cover them during the period of therapy can only be colorless or matte varnish. Special baths will strengthen the nails well:

1. Oil. They are useful for preventing irregularities, preventing the occurrence of wavy nails. Fill a bowl with one of the following: olive oil, castor oil, tea tree oil, and jojoba oil with a few drops of lemon juice and frankincense. Heat in a water bath until warm. Hold the nails in the bath for 10 minutes, then wipe with a dry cloth and spread with cream. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week.

2. Salt. A solution of several teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water will help strengthen the nail plate and prevent its deformation. Dip your fingertips into it and hold for 5-7 minutes, then rinse under the tap and wipe. Salt must be handled with care, so do such baths no more than 2 times a week.

3. Iodine. in addition to simply covering uneven nails with iodine, you can put a few drops in corn oil and hold your nails there for 10 minutes. Such a bath will strengthen the plate and give the hands a healthy look.

Treatment of ribbed nails

Ribbing will be avoided if you always take care of your nails, and not just when the first signs appear. If you treat the disease at home, then this is no different from prevention, except for the more frequent use of baths and creams. If you do everything for the benefit of nails, and the disease does not recede, you need to see a doctor. First of all, go through an examination with a therapist who will give advice on how to straighten bumpy nails, and in the absence of any, refer you to a dermatologist.

A visit to a dermatologist is mandatory when treating problem nails, since the cause sometimes lies in fungal pathologies that only a specialist diagnoses. To determine the type of fungus and prescribe treatment, you need to take tests. The disease can manifest itself with beriberi and be seasonal. In this case, taking vitamins will help. Nails respond best to such beneficial substances:

  • vitamins of groups B, E, D, C, K, PP;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • inulin;
  • selenium.

There are whole complexes that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plates and help get rid of the ribbing of nails without much effort. And proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins, will enhance the effect of any treatment.