Bathing a newborn: rules and useful tips. Bathing a newborn baby for the first time after the hospital

A baby has appeared in your family and life has been turned upside down. New chores, new responsibilities and new worries. A huge layer of emotions is caused by the bathing procedure (yes, I know from my own experience. Scary, exciting, tense.) My head is torn from a lot of questions: how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home, how to hold a baby, what means to use, what grass to bathe in and much more .

However, in reality, everything is not so difficult. Now I will tell you the features and rules of bathing a newborn at home.

Time of water procedures

So, the first question is when to bathe the baby. The first bathing of the newborn is started on the first day of returning home from the hospital.

The only exception would be if you are vaccinated and the TB vaccine was given just before you were discharged. In this case, postpone bathing for a day.

You can choose the time of day for water procedures individually. It all depends on the behavior and well-being of the baby.

Most often, a newborn is bathed in the evening. However, if the child is cheerful and active after bathing, it is better to bathe him in the morning or try using special herbs for this procedure.

There are also no clear rules on how to combine bathing with feeding. It is recommended to buy a child first, and then give him a meal. However, if a hungry baby is very nervous and screaming, this order can be changed. When breastfeeding, no break between eating and bathing of 40 minutes is necessary.

Important! If you started bathing at a certain time, but you see that it does not suit the baby, change it.

We prepare everything you need

Before bathing a newborn for the first time, you should prepare everything you need in advance. A bath, as a rule, is purchased even before the birth of the baby. It must be washed with soda and rinsed with boiling water.

In the future, do such rinsing constantly, otherwise plaque will form on the walls (especially after using herbal decoctions).

The bath must be installed on an elevation: a bathroom, a table or a special stand. Otherwise, you will have to bathe the baby in an inclined position, which can make your back and arms hurt.

Particular attention during the first bathing of a newborn child must be given to the preparation of water. Until the baby's umbilical wound heals, boil water, or in extreme cases, disinfect with 2-4 drops of tea tree oil.

This should be done in advance so that it has time to cool to the desired temperature, which should be in the range from 37.5 to 39 °. To check the temperature, you can touch the water with your elbow or use a special thermometer.

Be sure to prepare hot water to add during the bathing process. Also, in a separate bowl, you need to collect water for rinsing. A decoction of herbs for bathing is prepared in advance and added to the bath just before the procedure itself.

All bathing items should be located near the bath:

  • baby soap or shampoo;
  • diapers or foam base;
  • baby sponge or cotton pads.

Before bathing your baby for the first time, prepare a towel and clothes. Lay out an oilcloth and a diaper, on which you can then put the child to dress. Nearby it is necessary to place means for caring for the baby after water procedures:

  1. Oil for lubricating wrinkles on the body;
  2. Herbal infusion (if there is inflammation on the skin);
  3. Talcum powder or powder (more about powder for newborns >>>);
  4. Zelenka or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  5. Cotton buds, cotton pads.

Separately, you should think about the room where the adaptive bathing will take place. The main thing is that there are no drafts in it.

It is good if one of the relatives is nearby during the bath. He will serve the necessary items, throw a towel over the baby.

Bathing rules

The most important question is how to properly carry out the procedure for the first bathing of a newborn baby.

After everything you need is ready, the baby should be undressed and left for a few minutes on the changing table for air baths. You can give your child a massage or do some gymnastics exercises with him.

At this time, you need to put a diaper roller under your head, a foam base or a special slide in the bath and pour water or a diluted decoction of herbs. Immediately before lowering the baby into the water, it is necessary to check its temperature again.

Let's start swimming

  • It is necessary to immerse the child gradually. The left hand should support the baby's head.
  • First, just wash your baby. To do this, you need to draw water with your right hand and water the child. Then wash it.

Now consider how to wash a newborn baby for the first time.

  • We lather our hand or a cotton pad and gently run through the hair on the head, behind the ears and under the chin.
  • Then we move on to lathering the body. All folds should be washed well, especially the armpits, groin and under the knees. Do not forget to unclench the baby's fists and wash the palms and interdigital spaces.
  • After lathering, wash off the foam.
  • When bathing a baby in a decoction of herbs, soap products are not used.

As necessary, hot water should be added, directing it in a thin stream along the far wall of the bath (from the side of the legs). After adding the water in the bath, mix well.

  • Finally, rinse your baby. To do this, you need to take it out and hold it over the bath. It is most convenient to put the child on his left hand with his tummy. Rinse with prepared clean water.
  • Keeping the baby in the same position, you need to throw a towel on him and wrap him up well.

Having finished the first bathing of the newborn after the hospital, it is necessary to wipe the baby dry and put it on a diaper. Then treat the navel area, grease the folds with oil or sprinkle with talcum powder. Now you can dress the baby - bathing is completed.

Watch a helpful video tutorial on bathing a newborn:

Special Moments

Separately, it is worth talking about some of the intricacies of the procedure for the first bathing of a newborn after the hospital.

The use of potassium permanganate

In the first month, the baby can be periodically bathed in water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. This will disinfect the umbilical wound and prevent its inflammation. Potassium permanganate should be diluted in a separate bowl, and added to water only by filtering the resulting solution through gauze. The liquid should acquire a light pink color.

Bathing products

To bathe a child, you can use special baby products:

  • soap;
  • shampoo;
  • foam.

You can also wash the baby in herbal decoctions:

  1. series;
  2. calendula;
  3. hypericum;
  4. motherwort;
  5. hops;
  6. nettles.

Bathing with decoctions of herbs can be done 1 - 2 times a week, and using foaming products - only once a week.

Folk ways

They wrapped the child in a thin diaper and lowered him into the water. Then they unfolded the right leg, washed it and again covered it with a diaper. This was done in turn with all parts of the baby's body. When bathing in a diaper, the baby will not freeze while in the water.

Time for the procedure

A child up to 1.5 months is bathed for the longest time: from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. When I tell mothers how to bathe a newborn, I always explain that bathing is a powerful rehabilitative procedure.

The longest bathing time comes after 6 months, when the child learns to sit up and can play in the bath with a stream of water or toys.

Folk omens

Many folk omens are associated with the first bathing of a newborn.

  • If you put silver coins at the bottom of the bath, then in the future the child will be rich;
  • In order for the baby to be loved by everyone, it is necessary to add a decoction of lovage grass to the water;
  • So that the mother can breastfeed the baby for a long time, it is advised to whiten the water in the bath with breast milk;
  • If a girl is dressed in white clothes for the first bath, then her skin will always be snow-white;
  • The first time a child should be bathed only by his parents without the help of grandmothers;
  • Water after the procedure should be immediately poured into the sewer.

Every day, bathing your baby, you will feel more confident. Gradually, bathing will become a favorite ritual for both you and your child, bringing real pleasure to both.

The appearance of a baby at home is always a joy, anxious expectations and ... stress for young parents. When the first emotions subside, parents begin to think that the baby should be washed, dressed and fed. However, in the absence of experience, even simple tasks can raise many questions.

One of the situations that cause confusion in young mothers is the first bath of the child after the hospital. If there is a caring grandmother nearby or if you are lucky with the supervising nurse and doctor, then bathing will not be a big problem. But if not, moms need instructions. Therefore, now we will give detailed recommendations for bathing a newborn baby.

Preparing the bathroom and water for a newborn's first bath

First of all, it is worth refuting the myth that it is impossible to bathe a child until the umbilical wound is completely healed. You can bathe your baby from the first day of life, but you need to approach this issue very responsibly so as not to introduce infections.

Tray . The main thing to remember is safety. Therefore, take care of purchasing a baby bath in advance. There are many reasons not to bathe a child in an adult bath - the danger of positioning, a rough surface for the baby's skin, the remnants of aggressive detergents, the risk of injury and even accidental drowning.

The baby bath is safe for the baby in all respects. It is not worth saving when buying it. On sale there are anatomical baths, baths like "mother's belly", ordinary, built-in adult and inflatable models. The safest for newborns are "mother's tummy" baths. They are cup-shaped, non-slip, stable, comfortable for mothers and keep the temperature. In addition, they help with intestinal colic and support newborns who cannot hold their heads in the correct physiological position.

Water . Babies can only be bathed in boiled water and weak decoctions of herbs. The water temperature for the first bath of the baby at home should be 36.6 ° C, if the mother does not want to cause fear of water in the newborn for the next few months. The baby should not feel the temperature difference. In order to control this aspect, you need to buy a bath thermometer in advance. Or a bath with a thermostat that will maintain the desired temperature.

To avoid infection in the umbilical wound, a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the water for the first bath. To do this, you need to make a strong bright purple solution, take a clean gauze folded in two or three layers, and pour the solution into the bath, filtering through the gauze. Pour until the water turns slightly pink. You can also add strong solutions of herbs to the water - chamomile, linden, dill.

Bathing facilities. If possible, water and herbal decoctions with potassium permanganate should be dispensed with, but if detergents must be used, antibacterial products and soaps should be avoided. Only special foams for babies can be used. The packaging must indicate that the use is permissible from birth (0+). The foam must be dissolved in a small amount in water in the bath.

The temperature in the bathroom is also very important. If the temperature of the water contrasts sharply with the temperature of the air, the least to be expected is tears and screams; more - inflammation of the lungs. The bathroom should be warm, as well as the room in which the baby gets after bathing.

The first bath of the child should be as less traumatic as possible. Try to follow all the recommendations so that it does not cause long-term fear.

How to bathe a child?

So, all the preparations are made, and it's time for a daily bath. First of all, you need to stock up on bathing attributes - a watering can with a spray, a soft towel, cotton balls and flagella (by no means sticks), a solution of brilliant green, clean gauze, diapers and talc.

Let's go to swimming. It is necessary to undress the baby, wash it if necessary, and gently put / put it clean in the bath. To do this, you need to support the head (nape), neck, back with the left hand (if the mother is right-handed), and the legs and buttocks with the right hand. So the baby is lowered into a lying bath. In the baths of the "mother's tummy" type, the baby is planted supporting under the armpits and head, carefully leaning against the walls and making sure that the child is comfortable. It is necessary to lower it slowly and gradually, giving him the opportunity to get used to the water. If everything was done correctly, the baby will relax.

Then you need to take a watering can with water (temperature 36.6 ° C) and carefully pour the baby's body, but not the head. Water in the eyes will frighten the child and may cause fear of bathing. Watering the baby with water (or a decoction of herbs), you need to give him time to adapt, stroking and talking to him.

What to do after swimming?

After the washing procedure, you need to carefully remove the baby and immediately wrap it in a towel from the head to the feet. The towel should be soft, dry and warm. Until 6 months, pediatricians do not recommend using anything that is applied to the skin (creams, lotions, oils). The exception is coconut oil, it is hypoallergenic and in a small amount (just a couple of drops) will help retain moisture. Apply it before you dry your baby's skin.

You need to prepare in advance the room in which the baby will fall after bathing. Cover the changing table with a warm, clean and soft diaper, put diapers and talcum powder next to it. Be sure to close windows and check for drafts. In the first 10 minutes, do not put on a baby diaper and sliders. It is enough to cover the child with a terry blanket and let the skin breathe.

Separately, it is worth stopping at wiping. It is absolutely impossible to wipe the baby. You need to gently blot it with a soft towel, paying attention to the folds. Using a flagellum twisted from cotton, clean the ears and nose, treat the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide and a solution of brilliant green, and leave the baby to lie naked so that the skin breathes. After 10-15 minutes, you can put on a diaper, after treating the skin with talcum powder. If you use a diaper right away, diaper rash and prickly heat cannot be avoided.

The first time washing a newborn is not so difficult if you prepare for it in advance. Moms often do this spontaneously, without preparation, and in a panic they are looking for a towel, then diapers, leaving the child alone. Another extreme is to make a performance out of the first bath, gathering around noisy and lisping relatives. It also adds stress to the already baffling and new bathing routine. It is best if two will bathe - mom and dad, helping each other.

Learning how to wash a baby is easy. It is enough to do everything right once, so that daily bathing becomes a real pleasure for both parents and crumbs.

Informative video on the topic

Bathing is an important and necessary procedure for a child. It not only provides hygiene, but also strengthens the immune system, hardens the body. Swimming and bathing in the bathroom helps to straighten the arms, legs and fingers of the newborn more quickly. It stabilizes blood pressure and blood circulation, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and coordination, relaxes and soothes. After bathing, the baby eats well and sleeps soundly.

But many parents are interested in how to properly bathe a newborn at home, especially if the procedure is happening for the first time. Let's see how to do it.

When and how much to bathe the baby

It is recommended to bathe the child for the first time after the umbilical wound has completely healed. As a rule, this occurs 10-14 days after birth. In the first two weeks, the body of the newborn is wiped with hypoallergenic wet and dry wipes, as well as a towel soaked in boiled water. But today, pediatricians are allowed to do the procedure already on the fifth day of a child's life, subject to hygiene rules.

Bathing a child in the first month is carried out only in boiled water at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time spent in the bathroom up to 15-20 minutes. For the first time bathing at home, 3-5 minutes are enough. It is important to understand that this can be a great stress for a newborn, because he is just starting to get used to new conditions.

Up to six months, the child should be bathed every day, after six months - once every two days.

With each week, gradually reduce the temperature of the water and increase the time of bathing. But the use of detergents is better to limit. Bath procedures with shampoo and soap are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. At the same time, baby shampoo is used only after 2-3 months. Before that, ordinary baby soap is used. By the way, after two months, you can enter special swimming exercises in the baby bath. Read more.

Features of the first bath

For bathing, it is better to use a special baby bath, as it is much more convenient. In addition, bathing in your own tub is more hygienic. To simplify the procedure, many parents use a children's slide or hammock. When the baby is in such a device, mom or dad who is washing the baby will not have to lean too low. In addition, a slide or a hammock will not allow the baby to slide on the bath. However, you can bathe a newborn in a regular adult bath.

Pre-wash the tub or baby tub with laundry soap and baking soda. Fill it with boiled water. The temperature should be 37 degrees. Do not dilute boiling water with tap water, but simply let it cool. To check the water, use a special thermometer or dip your elbow into the water. You should not feel either hot or cold.

The optimal water temperature for a newborn is 36.6-37 degrees above zero.

What you need for swimming

  • Tray and slide for bathing, thermometer for measuring water temperature. However, these devices are used only at will, since you can bathe the child without them. But the ladle is simply necessary to thoroughly rinse the baby;
  • Soft mitten, sponge or cloth, cotton pads as a washcloth. It should be very gentle so as not to injure or irritate the skin of the baby;
  • It is not necessary to take toys, but they can distract the child. Remember that bathing can be stressful for a newborn, and toys can help to relax and distract. In addition, while bathing, the baby can tell stories or nursery rhymes, play games in the water;
  • Bath additives are best not used for the first month. Pediatricians recommend starting to bathe a newborn in ordinary clean water. After a few weeks, when the baby gets used and adapts, you can use various infusions and decoctions of herbs, sea salt. But be careful, as plants can cause allergies in babies!;

  • Detergents include unscented liquid and regular baby soaps and fragrances with natural ingredients. After two to three months, you can use the "no tears" baby shampoo;
  • Cosmetics include special baby creams or oils after bathing, which are used for irritated or dry skin;
  • Prepare a table with a diaper or sheet where you will wipe the baby after water procedures. After bathing, you will need a warm terry towel, powder and diapers, clothes and a hair brush;
  • Cotton swabs or discs, brilliant green or 3% hydrogen peroxide to treat the umbilical wound.

Rules for bathing a newborn

After you have prepared the bath, fill it with boiled water for 15 centimeters and wait until it cools down to the desired temperature. Undress the child, hold him in your arms and hold him close to you so that he calms down. Immerse the newborn in water slowly and carefully!

The child should be positioned so that the chest is in the water, and the shoulders and head are on top. At the same time, the head should be on the bend of the elbow, and the back should be on the arm of the person who washes the baby. First, the baby's body is washed with a soapy cotton swab. Rinse your baby's folds thoroughly. The head is washed with baby soap or shampoo, the soap suds is washed off with a ladle.

After washing, rinse the baby with clean water and immediately wrap it in a clean, warm towel. Lay the newborn on a table with a diaper or sheet. Do not wipe the body, blot the moisture with a towel with gentle movements. Carefully wipe every crease! For dry or irritated skin, use a baby oil or cream. But before using, be sure to consult a pediatrician!

Then the umbilical wound is treated. To do this, put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution in the navel area and rub it with a cotton pad. Or you can dip a cotton pad in peroxide and treat the wound with it. At the end of the procedure, put a diaper on the baby. If your baby has diaper rash, use liquid talcum powder.

What do we know about the hygiene of newborns, or rather about the first bathing of the baby? Remember how scary it was for the first time to pick up this little bundle of happiness? Let's take the same look at the most egregious mistakes of young parents when bathing a baby and try to avoid them.

Preparing a bath for a baby's first bath

How to bathe a newborn for the first time?

The first stage of preparation for bathing was completed - the water was boiled, potassium permanganate was added. What is the right way to put a baby in this bath?

What to do with a newborn after bathing?

In the future, for example, you bathe the baby only in chamomile, it relieves irritation on the skin, helps the umbilical wound heal. Chamomile should be bought only in pharmacies, the grandmother herself collected, unfortunately, not an option, remember this. Your child has just been born; he still does not have a protective reaction and the skin is very susceptible to external irritants and allergens.

Therefore, bathed and looked at how the baby feels. How he slept, how he ate, each child is individual in this. For any deviations in behavior, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Also see when, spruce concentrate or salt bath. Be sure to pay attention to the newborn's reaction to the new weed and smell.


The time for bathing must be selected individually, since before going to bed, it does not always mean that after bathing you will see this dream.

Dear parents, not everything is so troublesome and scary, you get used to everything. Each child is a person with his own character, his own needs, and for everyone in any business, including the first bath, you need your own approach, use the advice, but remember, your little man will tell you everything. Keep your body and mind clean! Enjoy Your Bath!

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The birth of a child is a great joy for young people and a great responsibility at the same time. Caring for a baby requires attention and affection from new parents. And if all relatives can give love to a baby, then with experience in terms of care, the situation is much worse. The process of bathing seems very difficult, especially for the first time.

Call your husband or mother, let them help you. For a child in the first months of his life, hygiene is very important. After all, his delicate skin is very prone to diaper rash and irritation. That is why the first 3 months it is necessary to wash the baby daily. Remember, gradually you will learn all these tricks, and bathing will become a great pleasure for you and the crumbs. In the meantime, I'll show you how to do it right.

When can I start bathing a newborn baby after discharge from the hospital?

Usually children are discharged from the maternity hospital for 3-4 days. If BCG was vaccinated on the day of discharge, it is not recommended to immediately bathe the newborn.

You immediately need to take note that any vaccination is a contraindication to water procedures. And here the next day, you can safely proceed to bathing the baby.

Water procedures are designed to wash away dirt, discomfort and fatigue, so that the child is hardened, grows strong and healthy.

What will we need?

For the first and subsequent bathing, we need a few things.

  • Baby bath.
  • Stand (you can hold the child with your hand).
  • Baby soap, shampoo, thermometer, washcloth or sponge.
  • Potassium permanganate and herb succession and chamomile.
  • Terry towel for a child.

Nine months of pregnancy passed very quickly, the pangs of childbirth were left behind. In front of the mother lies a small tender lump. Of course, in the maternity hospital they will help to cope with the newborn. But, having arrived home, you will be left without doctors and without their professional support. How not to get confused and feel confident with the baby alone? I will try to tell you in detail about this and about how, where, at what time and with what it is better to bathe a baby. So let's get started.

Water temperature

I advise you to bathe the baby in a room with an air temperature of at least 26-28 degrees to prevent hypothermia. The body of the baby does not retain heat well, so it can quickly get sick. The water temperature should be at least 36-37 degrees.

Before putting a newborn in the bath, I advise you to check the water with your elbow or a special thermometer. She must be warm.

What baths are best for bathing a child?

After that, you can bathe the newborn in unboiled water, but always with the addition of manganese (the water should be light pink). Bathe in a weak solution 2 times a week.

The baby can be washed with soap twice a week, and the rest of the time - in solutions of chamomile, string and oak bark. Steam the herb according to the recipe and add it to the bath, following the correct proportions.

Chamomile and string have relaxing and disinfecting properties.

For the baby, these herbs are very pleasant, because, among other things, they relax her muscles well.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of bathing time varies depending on age. The very first bathing can take from 2 to 10-15 minutes.

In order to atone for a child, 5 minutes will be enough. But it’s better to hold the newborn in some water, give him the opportunity to get used to it or just shake his legs. True, this can only be done if the baby is not naughty. And remember that the water should not cool even one degree!

When the baby is 1.5-2 months old, the bathing time will increase to 25-35 minutes.

What time?

I advise you to choose the time for swimming yourself, when it is more convenient for you - in the morning or in the evening. And in the future, I recommend not to change these hours.

It is best to do this shortly before feeding. After all, if the baby is full, she can start spitting up food while bathing, and if she is hungry, she will simply become capricious.

What is the best way to wash a baby?

Wash your baby with liquid hypoallergenic soap that does not dry the skin. To do this, it is better to take "Eared Nanny" or "Johnson Baby". I advise you to choose a shampoo carefully, paying special attention to an important point: these products should not pinch your eyes when they hit.

To wash your head and body, buy 2in1 products, it's much easier. I also advise you to use a bathing foam, it will moisturize the skin of the crumbs well. It is better to buy it when the baby is already 5-7 months old.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

If there are no contraindications, then I advise you to bathe the newborn every day. It stimulates blood circulation and is good for the skin. After bathing, the baby has a good one.

I started bathing the child on the 3rd day of being at home, when he was already used to the new environment.
To begin with, I undress the baby, take out the handles from the sleeves, holding the elbows. I boldly turn the baby from side to side, while commenting on all my actions. I pronounce the name of the sides and parts of the body of the newborn - it also turns out a speech lesson.

Before bathing, I always treat the bath with cleaning products suitable for children in the first days of life. I rinse it a few times after that.

Daily bathing turns into a swimming lesson and wonderful gymnastics for a child during the first 3-5 months of life.

I bathe in ordinary unboiled water with a weak solution of manganese. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, and the air - 26-28 degrees, about 4 degrees higher than in the room where the baby sleeps. The tub is 2/3 full of water.

Gently, starting from the legs, lower the baby into the water - to the middle of the chest. I wash with my hand each fold of the newborn, starting from the neck, then the muscle, elbow, carpal and inguinal folds. My baby without a washcloth or any sponges.

Once a week I wash with Johnson's Baby or Mustela soap and in a solution of chamomile.

Then I rinse with clean water, which is a degree lower than the one in which I bathed. I water from top to bottom. After I take the baby out of the bath and get wet with a warm diaper. I process and dress him in pants and a blouse so that the child feels relaxed. And I always put anti-scratches on my hands so that I don’t get scratched. And here we are, clean and contented, we begin to eat.

How and what is the best way to handle a child after bathing?

After bathing a newborn, do not forget to treat with baby cream or oil. If possible, give him a soothing massage before bed.

Pay special attention to the buttocks and inguinal folds. Here you need to use a special cream or powder.

Then we process the baby's eyes, ears, nose, navel.

We simply wipe the eyes with boiled water - one cotton pad per eye, process from the corners to the spout. We clean the ears with cotton swabs. My nose with twisted cotton flagella. We process the navel with greenery.

And you can dress the baby.