What you need to do to be the only mistress. How to be the perfect lover for a married man: rules and mistakes

A woman is a combination of a riot of elements. From the calm and peaceful elements of the air, to the burning touch of a hot flame. A woman is a vessel of passion, contradictions and desires. Desirable is that woman who is for a man one of the embodiments of the most frank fantasies and dreams.

Have you often noticed that representatives of the opposite sex do not always turn their attention to beauties? And some frankly not attractive women have a resounding success with men.

It is impossible to be born into the world as an ideal lover, but almost every woman can become one. Back in those ancient times, shrouded in the twilight of history, men adored women who knew how to endear themselves, create an entourage of sensuality and mystery, realize in sexual relations all sorts of fantasies and ideas. Remember at least geishas. A professional mistress had to satisfy a man in all plans. Physically and spiritually. The girls went through the strictest selection to become a skilled priestess, to possess not only beautiful appearance but also an excellent education, the ability to conduct a dialogue and even play traditional musical instruments.

IN different stages human development there were women who, with their splendor, overshadowed the mind and heart. Recall at least the courtesans, the brightest of them is Diane de Poitiers, who lived in the fifteenth century. This lady, with her mind, tenacious sexuality and charisma, was able to keep on short leash the king of France, Henry II, until his death, the king was fascinated by this woman. Have you already understood for yourself that you want to succeed in the art of seduction? Then you have to follow certain rules.

Competent presentation of oneself is the key to a third of success. A woman is not a means of satisfying a man's needs. This is, first of all, a psychologically and physically formed personality, with a certain psychotype and a model of behavior in society. Men love women who know their worth. Do not think that by playing the weak link in your tandem with a man, you will be desired by them. You must adapt to the mood of your partner. But don't bend over. Tack in difficult situations. Repeat to your man more often how extraordinary, strong, and brave he is.

Your appearance is your trump card

No matter how much you want to put on a soft, cozy robe and build a direct bun on your head, you should not do this in the presence of a man. After all, he "loves" with his eyes, and you must keep yourself in shape, beautiful underwear, good makeup, a slim body. You should smell of perfume that excites him, you should look not just neat, but stunning. Not only in male society, but in general in life. Then success will await you.

A man will not like a radical appearance in the form of piercings or a large number body tattoos. Remember Marilyn Monroe? This is a role model for you. Modest, but flashy sexuality. Follow the latest fashion trends and draw inspiration from them. First of all, you must have well-groomed hair, skin and nails, you must carefully monitor the overall and intimate hygiene, if possible, visit beauty salons.

Learn and know.

Beauty alone is not enough to delight. Of course, at the initial stage of a relationship, you will keep a man with sex and your attractive appearance. But then he will get fed up and he will want new sensations. Men don't like pacifiers. You must be able to competently build your thoughts, express your opinion, have the knowledge to maintain a quality conversation.

You can be interested in the latest business trends, read something about hunting or fishing, maybe your lover is into astronomy, and you could discuss one of the works of Stephen Hawking. Even if you are not particularly interested, you still need to understand what hobbies and preferences your man has. Then it will be easier for you to strengthen your connection. A person, feeling that you are interested in the same thing, and he will like you.

There is no modesty in sex.

Sex is not just a missionary position a couple of times a week. If you want to keep a man, you must learn new techniques and sex positions. If he asks you to try anal sex, don't turn him down right away. Perhaps you will discover new facets of pleasure. Try role-playing games or change the environment. Even if you don't get multiple orgasms, don't show it to your man.

The first rule of strong attachment is to keep falling in love. Each of your sexual contact should be bright and saturated. Show how much you enjoy foreplay, make it clear that you are passionate about sex with this person. Change positions for sex, create an entourage with subdued lights and scented candles, have different sets of erotic lingerie, use devices or sex toys if your partner likes to experiment in bed.

Say "no" to a bad mood.

Don't ask for family leave. Even if you feel bad and cats scratch your soul, you can’t show this man. Your problems remain only purely yours. He can listen to complaints constantly and at home from his wife. You are for him a kind of outlet from the sometimes difficult and burdened life family relations. Be kind to him, be gentle, talk sweet words. You should not pull information out of him if he is in a depressed mood. Do not demand to leave your wife every day.

You must become for him the ideal of femininity and beauty. The man himself, gently pushed by you, must come to the realization that he wants to leave his wife. There must be a mystery in you, do not reveal yourself completely to a man. Men are hunters by nature. Who likes prey that climbs into its paws on its own? Try to surprise your beloved, make small surprises, gifts. A man should see you as a holiday. A fountain of energy, cheerfulness, not despondency or tears.

Don't show financial interest.

This is one of the main rules. Let a man give you gifts, flowers, jewelry, but clearly realize that you should not beg for anything yourself. Especially at the initial stage of development of relations. Make it clear to the chosen one that you do not need money, and you can afford to buy something yourself. But do not refuse gifts, over time, when affection for each other is stronger, you can get what you want with hints.

Don't complain about your financial difficulties don't cry in front of a man. And if you were given, for example, financial assistance, do not get carried away and ask again and again for money. A man will consider you too mercantile and will be afraid of relationships. Know that everything given to you by your partner is not your property, but his will.

Try to give back as well. It is wrong if you are given gold jewelry, and you get cheap deodorant in return.

Not tricky rules, right? But it is they who will lead you to success, and you can become perfect lover and for your man. You will be admired, you will be desired, the partner will feel a strong attachment not only on a sexual level, but also on a psychological level. Relationships will grow stronger. And what is important, you will be able to feel yourself on a completely different level, liberated, sexy and majestic. Becoming the only one for a man is not so difficult, and it is quite within the power of every woman.

How to become a good lover: 12 basic rules + 3 main mistakes + 7 best books on the topic + 5 recognized seductresses and their secrets.

Dear ladies, we give a tooth: you, like us, are sure that no one, even the most spiritual man, is interested in lying in bed with a “log” - even the most dear, beloved and warm.

Not all of you to talk about the meaning of life and the fate of mankind. And in general: in winter it is cheaper to warm up, making love, than individual heating turned on all the way.

Therefore, we arm ourselves with information, how to become a good lover and go to bed- become goddesses of intimacy.

12 basic rules on how to become a good lover or Code of conduct for an ideal woman

Rule number 1. good lover nothing is shy in bed with a man- not your tummy, not simple cotton panties, not your desires.

Whatever happens between two adults closed door bedrooms are great as long as it's fun for both of them.

And if the mistress needs one liter of honey, handcuffs and an hour of time for this, then so be it.

Rule number 2. A good lover to the toenails.

Her like Marine, it is impossible to catch by surprise: manicure, pedicure, sugaring - everything is present and in all places.

Rule number 3. A good lover perceives an intimate relationship with a man as wonderful holiday life, and not as military service.

You won’t hear the classic “My head hurts” from her, because even remaining “in the passive” she is able to please her partner.

Rule number 4. Experienced lover knows that all men are sure that the main thing negative quality women are commercialism, therefore it plays in contrast: does not require fur coats and diamonds after the very first night spent together, does not spread rot for cheap wine and easily agrees to a walk out of town by bus instead of the promised Turkey.

At first, the poor fellows tense up: did they manage to get on a crazy feminist or a business woman “hit” on money?

But when they realize that no one is going to take out their brains, they break into smiles and are eager to set a date for the next date.

Rule number 5. Good mistresses know how for a man.

Candles, delicious dinner, good wine, light music - not only girls like everything to be beautiful. In the end, men also need to switch from the bustle of work to love-carrots, which you will agree is difficult if you are met with a rolling pin in your hands and a cigarette in your mouth.

Rule number 6 and colorfully talks about what unearthly pleasure he delivers to her.

This is the rare case when there is never too much praise. After all, a man gets high not so much from the undisguised sexuality of a woman, but from the fact that his mistress wants him.

Yes, even stinking of fish and barbecue from a picnic!

Rule #7- she lets him go into a big and dangerous world.

Oh yes, and does not lead to a heart attack in bed with the notorious: “ Do you really like me? Do you love me". No, what are you - he just walked past your bed and thought: " Let me jump in there!».

Rule number 8. The mistress is really good, she is not afraid to spoil her man, giving out "above the norm" of emotions, feelings, poses from the "Kama Sutra" or culinary skills.

Consider it your investment in the relationship.

Remember to whom little children run more willingly - to a strict father or a pampering one, affectionate grandmother? That's the same...

And it is not for us to explain to you that all men, in fact, are grown-up boys. Pamper your baby and you will be rewarded three times.

Rule number 9. A good lover understands that intimacy is not classical poetry, where for centuries everything remains invariably beautiful and not a military charter.

Therefore, such a woman with hands, feet and other parts of the body for experiments in intimate sphere- from massage oils before changing location.

Rule #10

She's awesome, who can compare to her? And she remembers that her beloved is not her property.

Rule number 11. Becoming a good lover for a man will not work if you cannot shut up and stop teaching him about life.

And it doesn't matter where - in business, in bed or in the garden. Wise lovers "grow" real men for themselves, allowing them to fill their bumps in life.

Didn't show up on time from work and didn't call back? No hysteria! The mistress herself is sleeping peacefully, but a man can not count on a hot dinner and no less hot sex today.

Life lesson learned! No scandal or drama.

Rule number 12. A good lover for a man is not a drama woman, but a holiday girl - cheerful, smiling and easy-going.

All her minor problems, somehow unbeaten carpets, broken taps and a “frozen” computer, are solved without the participation of a man. Such a lover turns to him for help only in the most extreme case.

You, too, would not like to be invited home not for amazing sex, right - wash shirts, bake cheesecakes?

How to become a good lover fail: 3 unforgivable mistakes

Hmm, well, since you now clearly know what you need to do to become a good lover, remember what you can’t do so as not to die old maid surrounded by a dozen cats:

    imagine that love relationship, including intimate ones, are of the same global importance for your man as they are for you.

    « First of all, planes, but girls - then ...” – just about this.

    And if a man thinks all the time about how much he loves you and where to get you a “scarlet flower”, then he will have no strength left to earn his daily bread;

    buy clothes, paint, comb your hair, etc. at your own discretion, without regard to the tastes of men.

    Hey, you want this particular person to want you, to become a good mistress to him! Do you think he'll "check out" a trooper Jane haircut or a half-back tattoo?

    to get her way from a man with screams, tantrums and scandals.

    Well, you are not a Druzhba chainsaw, and your beloved is not an insensitive blockhead. If a man categorically does not suit you, change the man and, as they say in Odessa, “do not make nerves” either for him or for yourself.

7 books on how to become a good lover: a little theory and fight!

In the question of how to become a good lover, practice with your beloved man is of key importance (this is what you will do next weekend), but, of course, you can’t do without theoretical knowledge:

  • Lou Page "How to be a great lover";
  • A. Kurpatov “7 intimate secrets. Psychology of sexuality”;
  • P. Joanidis "The Bible of Sex";
  • S.Beikos “The Art of Sex. Everything a woman should know about sex”;
  • A. and Y. Dincheysi "Secrets of a magnificent mistress";
  • I. Aub "Kama Sutra";
  • I.Kon “The Taste of the Forbidden Fruit. Sexology for all.

"To hell with books! Better tell me who to take an example from to become the best mistress for a man!" Do you exclaim angrily? Sure, not a problem! Catch a list of five famous women who definitely have a lot to learn.

Who is a mistress? The rules of an extra-class mistress.

Do you apply these rules in your relationship with a man?

Learning from the best on how to become a good lover: 5 recognized seductresses

And now you can imagine what an explosive mixture can turn out for male mind, body and heart, if you take into service all the secrets of the famous seductresses? Then it will be right for you too lecture on "How to be a good lover".

Inspired? Then go ahead - charm your beloved man with your mind-blowing sexuality.

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Questions of conquering the opposite sex have always been and will be relevant. What tricks women just do not go for in order to attract, win and keep a particular man. This happens to everyone with varying degrees of success. What is the secret? There are actually a lot of them, we bring to your attention an express instruction "How to become an ideal lover".

It all starts with a special relationship...

What is the most important thing for a man in a woman? Appearance? By no means! How many beauties meet old age alone or suffer in their youth from the absence of that very, only one in their lives. A man will at least stay for a long time next to the woman with whom he is comfortable and interested. You will never find the answer to the question: "How to become an ideal lover?" - if you do not learn to understand men. To do this, it is enough to listen to your partner and try to let everything you hear through yourself. Learn to feel like a man too. Nothing will work without this. Guess his mood: sometimes it is necessary to support, in another situation it will be enough just to remain silent, but show your interest. When a relationship is just starting, learn to change your behavior strategies. And one more tip - ideal woman has no problems. You can ask a man for help and advice, but constantly complaining in vain and loading him with your problems is by no means worth it. On the contrary, you need to be more positive and calmer - always demonstrate the joy of meetings and the absence of any troubles in your own life.

How to become the perfect lover in bed?

Intimacy is a big part of a relationship. It’s worth starting with yourself - even if appearance is not the main thing, you should not forget about grooming. You should also definitely purchase several sets of erotic lingerie and some accessories. But with the preparation of the appearance for love games, it is important not to overdo it: it is unlikely that the partner will like it if during the foreplay he constantly clings to jewelry or you are shackled by uncomfortable underwear, in this situation, all desire can disappear. When it comes to sex, all the advice of an ideal lover comes down to looseness and a willingness to try new things. It’s not a shame to be able to do nothing, the situation will be saved by the desire to try new positions with a partner, types of caresses, and maybe even some toys for adults.

I want to be perfect in everything!

The best lover should share the interests of her chosen one, but do not forget about her own initiative. Arrange unusual, try to give a man such impressions and memories that he had not previously had with any woman. And so it is worth doing in all areas, the answer to the question of how to become an ideal lover is to be better than all the surrounding women in everything. If meetings at least occasionally take place on your territory, be sure to maintain comfort and cleanliness in the apartment. Learn how to cook deliciously or at least regularly offer your partner drinks according to the time of day and season. Take care of your chosen one in everything, starting with the smallest details, and he will definitely appreciate it.

IN young age almost all girls dream of marriage with an ideal, loving and beloved man. However, having matured, we understand that life circumstances make their own adjustments to our plans and dreams, and it is possible that it is that long-awaited and only person who is already in legal marriage. Accept the role of mistress married man or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, when building your romance with a non-free person, it is important to understand that these relationships are slightly different from those that our imagination draws. To understand what men are looking for in an affair on the side, psychologists conducted a massive survey and identified 10 signs of a married man's ideal mistress.

So, let's try to understand who she is - the ideal lover according to men?

1. She looks good

A lot of men begin to cheat on their wives because of their dissatisfaction. appearance. This is not surprising, because, unfortunately, women age earlier than men. However, in their mistresses, men want to see the living embodiment of a dream. Regardless of natural external data, a mistress should always look well-groomed, stylish and attractive.

2. She should be fun

Over the years of family life, spouses plunge headlong into everyday life, raising children and caring for material well-being, while losing that halo of romance, lightness and fun that connected them at the beginning of the relationship. It is the lack of this link that often becomes the reason why men decide to have a relationship with their mistress. Accordingly, in their chosen one, they want to see not a woman tired of life, but a light muse, in whose arms one can forget about everyday worries.

3. She treats him like a hero

Rare spouses manage to live life without quarrels, conflicts and reproaches towards each other. Having lived together for several years, the wife, like no one else, knows all the weaknesses and shortcomings of her husband, while in the eyes of his mistress, the man becomes a hero and ideal partner. It is this attitude, filled with romance, admiration and respect, that keeps married men close to their mistresses.

4. She is self-sufficient and self-confident

According to men, the ideal lover is a woman who loves and respects herself. In addition to a relationship with an unfree person, she has her own life filled with various events, achievements and adventures. She does not put the novel above all else, devoting a lot of time to her development and her hobbies.

5. She doesn't blame or make scandals.

In relationships on the side, men are looking for a holiday, lightness and an opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. To keep such a romance, you should not make any demands on your partner. And even more so, there is no need to reproach him for a lack of attention, since these reproaches will make him feel guilty, and very soon the man will get tired of being torn between his family and his mistress.

6. She does not claim his freedom

Starting a relationship with a married man, initially a woman must understand that she cannot claim his whole life. This man has a family and everyday duties associated with it, but when meeting with his mistress, he wants to forget about them. Therefore, any questions related to his family life, as well as plans for the future, will cause him unpleasant emotions.

7. She does not pretend to a joint future

Perhaps, in reality, everything is somewhat different and the mistress secretly hopes that sooner or later her partner will divorce his unloved wife and stay with her, but such thoughts should never be shown to a married man. A good lover should carry on a conversation without affecting plans for the future, as well as bypassing conversations about his family life.

8. She doesn't die of love

Of course, every man dreams of becoming the object of a fiery and sincere love. However, young ladies who are too in love, ready to do anything for the sake of their loved one, are hardly suitable for the role of mistresses. The fact is that excessive love on the part of a mistress will place a burden of responsibility on a man, which he probably does not want to bear. Relations of this format should be based on common sense. It is very good when both partners understand that their romance is based on mutual sympathy in the present, and its development in the future is not an obligatory goal.

9. She is outspoken and unpredictable

Another common reason why men have lovers is dissatisfaction in bed. Not all women are ready for experiments and the embodiment of the most secret fantasies in reality. However, excessive modesty is excusable for a wife, but not for a mistress. The lady of the heart should bring a man a holiday, surprising and amazing the imagination.

10 She Acts Like His Wife Doesn't Exist

Talking about family life, and especially about the wife of a married man, should become a taboo in a relationship. A good lover should try to forget that her chosen one has lawful spouse. You can build relationships on passion, mutual hobbies and sympathy for each other, while dissolving in momentary happiness and not looking into the future. And, of course, the ideal lover will never give her partner an ultimatum - either I or she.

Married men want their romance to be like a game with clearly defined rules and laws that develops in parallel with their marriage. family life and does not interfere with everyday life. But this game should bring joy to both players, so relationships of this format should last as long as they suit the partners. In addition, even at the beginning of the novel, you need to accustom yourself to the idea that such relationships very rarely have a perspective and the opportunity to develop into something more than an ordinary intrigue. And even if the romance married man and will develop, this development will not be able to pass easily and painlessly.

So what are the benefits of this position?

    A woman owes nothing to anyone. Agree, at least once in your life you dreamed of an easy relationship in which no one puts pressure on you. You don't have to give everything to your man free time. If you wish, you can have relationships with several young people. And you don't have to feel guilty about a permanent partner (of course, if you don't have a spouse).

    Great relationship experience. Communication with the opposite sex allows us to better learn to understand people. Any relationship is a valuable experience that helps us work on our own mistakes.

    Good time. Contrary to popular belief, a married lover can give you not only enchanting sex, but also fascinating communication. Many couples enjoy visiting theaters, exhibitions, and make small trips. New person in your life can help you find an incentive for self-development and self-improvement.

    Distraction from life. Unfortunately, it is everyday life that causes cooling of feelings in many people. married couples. On this basis, quarrels and misunderstandings often arise. WITH married lover you can forget about all these problems. Meeting with him is a celebration of romance.

    Fresh emotions. How often in life there are not enough new feelings that make us take a different look at the world. The wise mistress of a married man enjoys secret dates, finding in this position some special zest and piquancy. If you are looking for just such sensations, then periodically you will have to change your lover.

    Material support. By becoming the mistress of a wealthy man, you can receive from him nice gifts who could not afford before. There is nothing shameful in this: you give him positive emotions, and he pampers you with luxurious surprises.

Lover can provide material support

Why does a man need a mistress?

Speaking about the rules of conduct for the mistress of a married man, you should first understand why men decide to cheat on their spouses. What do the representatives of the stronger sex really want from girls? Here are the main causes of adultery:

    A mature man wants to feel young and reckless again. To do this, he chooses young and pretty girls who are ready to give him their own time.

    The man is tired of permanent relationship that are filled with scandals and quarrels. He is looking for an opportunity to pour out his soul and talk about his own problems. A man expects understanding and moral support from his mistress. This is not a wife who saws him almost every second.

    Having lived for several years in marriage, a man realizes that he lacks fresh emotions. At home, he is met by the same woman, dressed in the same home bathrobe. He knows every inch of her body, thoroughly learned what brings her pleasure in bed. He memorizes the names of her favorite perfumes and TV shows. He simply lacks variety, not only in sex, but also in relationships.

Sometimes a man wants new emotions

    Problems in bed. Intimate relationships in the family often gradually come to naught. Unfortunately, first of all, the spouses are to blame for this, who cease to monitor their own figure and appearance. There are also women who are practically indifferent to sex. So a man has to look for satisfaction on the side.

    Revenge. Suspecting or convicting a spouse of treason, not every man decides to divorce. Some Husbands Just Have Mistresses Who Help Them improve self-esteem.

Thus, in a mistress, a man first of all looks for what he lacks in own family. And these are exactly the things that once accompanied the beginning of a relationship with his current wife.

A man never decides to cheat in order to get new family. From this follows the first rule of behavior of the mistress of a married man: never and under no circumstances should you wait for the continuation of the relationship. By allowing yourself to think that one day he will leave his wife and come to you, you doom yourself to suffering. Do you need it?

    Do not try to tie a man to you with some gifts and cute surprises. Ties, lighters, perfume set aside for permanent partner with whom you will be connected serious relationship. Best gift for a lover, it's you. IN beautiful lingerie, neat attire, with good styling and natural makeup. Don't be a caring mom.

    Don't get in personal life your lover. Asking him about the family, you most likely will not hear any truth. Most often, men tell their mistresses that they live with their spouses, like neighbors, there is no relationship between them. intimate relationships Yes, they do sleep in separate beds. Naive girls believe in this nonsense and ... invent feelings for themselves on the part of a man. At the same time, the hero-lover himself is having a great time with you and his wife.

A lover should have a private life

    Realize that the spouse will be in the first place for a man. Let the feelings fade away, even if they really have problems with sex, but they are connected long years life together and possibly common children. In addition, according to numerous surveys, a small percentage of men are ready to sacrifice their usual comfortable living conditions for the sake of a new adventure. Having enjoyed your company, he will go home, where dinner prepared by his wife awaits him. And it's not worth making a tragedy out of this either.

    Do not try to become his second wife. If it turns out that you really fell in love with a lover, do not seek to take him away from the family by ironing his shirts or pampering him with gourmet treats. In this situation, his interest in you will gradually fade away, because there will be no intrigue left.

    Do not introduce a man to relatives. Most likely, the offer of such a meeting will simply repel the lover, who will decide that you have some kind of views on him. This rule does not apply to friends and acquaintances.

    Are you expecting gifts and expensive surprises from your lover? In this case, from the very beginning you should behave like real lady. When you visit a restaurant for the first time, you should not take your wallet out of your purse and try to pay for yourself. Also teach a man to come to visit you not empty-handed. At the very least, a bouquet of daisies must be present. Be for him a weak and desirable girl.

    Do not devote a man to your personal life. You have every right to communicate with other males. Let him know that your relationship will last exactly as long as you want, not him.

    Talk to him directly about what you don't like about your relationship. For example, while at your house, he switches the TV to a sports channel. Or he is constantly late for meetings for no good reason. Do not be silent and do not pretend to be a sufferer. A man should know that in front of him is a self-sufficient and self-confident girl. You don't have to play by his rules.

    Be busy doing something. In addition to work, you should find for yourself interesting hobby. visit Gym, courses Chinese, a literary circle, go to theaters, etc. A busy life schedule will not only make your life brighter, but also show your lover that he is not the center of the universe for you. Let the man independently adjust to the rhythm of your life and find time for dates.

You must always be a little busy with your own affairs.

    A smart girl uses many ways to attract a man, and wise woman does it in such a way that the man is sure that everything happens solely on his initiative. In no case should he decide that you are seeking him, and not he you.

    Don't be hysterical. If a man once canceled a meeting or was unable to attend a holiday because of his wife, you should not make a scandal. Pretend that you simply did not notice this or considered what happened to be a trifle. Otherwise, very soon your relationship will simply come to naught.

Advice for married women who have a married lover

Relationships between unfree people are the most convenient option connections on the side, because in this situation, you both understand that you are not held by any obligations. However, in this situation, the woman has serious problem: she needs to make every effort to ensure that her husband does not find out about the side connection. To do this, you will need to follow these tips:

    Never choose as a lover a man who knows your spouse. Often the object of sympathy for girls become best friends husbands. But this option should be immediately abandoned. Sooner or later, the secret will be revealed.

    What does a woman who has a lover look like? New emotions overwhelm her. She smiles and flies on the wings of passion. In the eyes of the girl it is noticeable that pleasant changes have taken place in her life. Many ladies start to give increased attention his appearance. Attentive Husband immediately notice that something is wrong with you. Immediately descend from heaven to earth and stop doing combat makeup in the morning. Try to make sure that your face does not express anything superfluous.

Glitter in the eyes can give out the presence of a lover

  1. A married lady who has taken a lover begins to come after work much later. Naturally, she informs her husband that she has a lot of things to do, papers that need to be drawn up, meetings, etc. crack down true reason this behavior is quite simple. Use an alternative method.

Get yourself a girlfriend with whom you supposedly will attend various events in the city. It is even worth inviting a friend for a tea party at your home. 1-2 times a week you can justify your absence by meeting with her. If you wish, you can meet with your lover even on weekends. To do this, inform your husband in advance that you are going with Masha / Katya / Sveta to some fashion exhibition that obviously will not interest him. You can even invite your husband to this event. Obviously, he would rather watch football or go fishing with his friends.

    A good lover will give you some gifts from time to time. If you have new Jewelry or expensive dresses, come up with a believable story about the death of a wealthy distant relative of your mother or aunt. Remember: all labels from things must be thrown away immediately. If the husband suspects something is wrong, he can take a walk to where the goods were purchased. He can easily find out when the purchase was made and how it was paid.

    What to do if a lover invites you on a short trip for a few days? Traveling is a smart option. It is desirable that the final destination is not known to your spouse. Naturally, this option is dangerous if your husband is well acquainted with your superiors or employees.

    Any correspondence with a lover must be conducted on a work computer. Use your home laptop exclusively for other purposes. Otherwise, you risk one day forgetting to get out of social network, and the entire dialogue will be successfully read by the jealous.

    Try not to communicate with your lover on the phone at a time when the husband is at home. If there is an urgent need to call the object of passion, think that you urgently need to go to the nearest store for bread. Next time, go take out the trash or take your dog for a walk.

    After a passionate evening with a lover, do not rush to go to the bathroom. An observant spouse may think that you are trying to quickly wash away the traces of a vicious relationship.

    Don't forget what you need to do marital debt in bed. If you start to constantly refuse your husband intimacy He will immediately understand what is going on. Try not to change intimate behavior and not to demonstrate new skills to the spouse.

    Don't let your lover leave traces of you sexual games on the body. Scratches, hickeys are direct evidence of your extramarital affair. Any arguments are powerless against such evidence.

A husband can find out about a lover by finding traces of love games on the body

    Be in touch at any time. When away from home, never turn off your phone. Pick up the phone, even while in bed with your lover. Confusion can easily be explained by being in the gym, rushing to a meeting, missing the last bus, and so on. In this case, the risk of suspicion on the part of the spouse will be minimized.

    Try to make sure that the lover does not have any evidence of your relationship. It's about about joint photographs or even videos ... There are situations when a woman, having decided to leave her lover, is blackmailed by him. Protect yourself in advance, because you can never predict what might await you.

    Pamper your spouse delicious dinners Give enough time to your children. Remember that a lover is a temporary phenomenon. And the family requires full attention from you.

    Don't tell literally anyone about your lover. Even best friend may turn out to be a rare bitch. Be prudent. You can only trust yourself with such serious secrets. Of course, in no case should you start a personal diary.

    Never give in to the temptation to confess to your husband of infidelity. Even if he somehow finds out that there are rumors that you have a lover. Even if the lover decides to annoy you and calls his spouse (and this happens)! In the most unfortunate situation, you can pretend to be a victim and say that your lover slandered you because you refused to enter into an intimate relationship with him.

    Do not carry condoms in your purse if you and your husband do not use this method of contraception. It is better to buy condoms just before a date.

    Do not, under any circumstances, bring your lover to your home. Even if the spouse is long business trip, you may be noticed by "friendly" neighbors who will gladly tell their spouse about what is happening. Perfect option- dating on neutral territory.

How to take a lover out of the family?

Unfortunately, romantic women are not always able to maintain their composure. Many ladies fall hopelessly in love with married lovers. What to do in that situation, if you are really experiencing strong feelings to this man? According to statistics, no more than 5-7 percent of unfaithful spouses go to mistresses. But there is always a chance. The main thing is to follow wise advice:

    Remember that if a man has not left the family after a year of your relationship, he will never do this. Therefore, it is necessary to act much earlier.

    Try to study your lover well. He will probably constantly tell you about himself, problems in relations with his wife. Learn his habits and personality traits.

    Let him know that he can trust you. Be an attentive listener and interlocutor. Keep all his secrets and problems in strict confidence. Do not refuse the help and support he needs if you are able to do something for him.

    Remember that a man will leave his wife only for the sake of a mistress who will be much better than her. Therefore, you need to make time for your appearance, go to the gym and always look as neat as possible.

    Take care of intellectual enrichment. Men love women who can keep up a smart conversation on any life topic. At the same time, you should not try to show your superiority.

    Try not to disturb the man with your own problems. He should not see your tears and tantrums. With you, he should constantly feel warmth and joy.

    If the object of your passion is over 40 years old, you should exercise maximum caution. You need to determine what this man really wants. Accustomed to many years of marriage, he will be able to go only to that mistress who can provide him with the maximum comfortable conditions life.

    Learn different sexual techniques. You have to become a real master in this matter. Returning home, a man should feel that something is missing.

    Try not to touch financial issue. If you need to find out the income level of a loved one, do it indirectly.

- Never wonder about the future of your relationship. Otherwise, the man will immediately understand that you are very much in love with him. And that means the game is lost.

  • If a man has children, try to show sincere interest To this issue. Surely he will be happy to talk about his kids. Even if a man has fallen out of love with his wife, he will never give up his children. Your inquiries will show your lover that, in the event of your reunion, you will gladly accept his daughter or son. And no problems like " new wife does not allow to see the children from the first marriage” will not arise.

How to break up with a married lover?

If you realize that your relationship is hopeless, and over time you become more attached to a man, think about how to break this painful connection for you. First of all, you need to understand that your leaving is a conscious choice that will allow you to start new life without the pain. If you decide to break up, don't change your mind. Do not expect a married lover to change his mind and leave the family. Most likely, after a while he will simply find a new mistress. Remember that a girl's youth passes very quickly. If you can't imagine your life without a full-fledged family, once and for all give up married lovers.

The first few weeks after breaking up with a married lover, try to spend in the company of people close to you. You may need to change your phone number (in case it rings). A good way out of the situation would be a short trip to another city or country. There you can unwind and relax mentally.

You should not withdraw into yourself and think that your former manbest person in the world and you won't find anything like it anymore. Understand that your love would not torment you. If you're lonely, let yourself be turned on new novel with a free young man. Even if he does not become your husband, you are guaranteed to receive a charge of positive energy.

We hope that this article has helped you get rid of many of the problems that mistresses of married men face. In any case, you should start taking things a little easier. You are the creator of your own destiny!