Infantry Day in the year of what date. Why is the Russian marines called "black death". Marines holiday in Russia

Marines of the Russian Navy celebrate their professional holiday on November 27. Solemn events will be held in the brigades of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as in two battalions of the Caspian Flotilla, separate companies and subunits.

Marine soldiers

Marine Corps Day was officially established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1995. But the history of this kind of troops began in the second half of the 17th century. It was then that, as part of the crews of the ships of the flotilla, created by order of Ivan the Terrible, they formed special teams of archers - naval soldiers. And in 1669, the first Russian military sailing ship "Orel" already had a similar team, there were 35 of them, for boarding and landing operations and guard duty.

During the Azov campaigns, the most combat-ready Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments created the Naval Regime - a regiment, it consisted of 4254 people. On November 16, 1705, according to the old style, and on November 27, according to the new one, Emperor Peter I issued a decree on the formation of a naval regiment. This day became the birthday of the Marine Corps of Russia. On account of the "sea soldiers" victories at Gangut and Chesma, the assaults on Ishmael and Corfu, the defense of Port Arthur and Sevastopol.

Marines also fought selflessly during the Great Patriotic War. They terrified the Nazis. The Germans nicknamed the Marines the "Black Death" because of their black pea coats and incredible courage. And even when all the fighters of the Red Army were dressed in combined arms uniforms, the Marines kept their vests and peakless caps. They went into battle wide open, biting the ribbons of their peakless caps in their teeth.

Marines fought bloody battles on the Khanko Peninsula, on the Kola Peninsula, blocking the way for the Nazi troops to Murmansk, Polyarnoye, Kandalaksha. Immortal feats were performed by the marines in the battle for Moscow, where examples of courage and heroism were shown by seven naval rifle brigades, a separate detachment of sailors and two companies of cadets of naval schools. Ten brigades of marines and dozens of separate naval regiments and battalions participated in the battles for Leningrad, which, in the most difficult conditions, showed miracles of endurance and heroism in defending the city and breaking through its blockade.

By boat and parachute

For 73 days and nights, the marines, together with the army units, defended Odessa from enemy divisions. In November 1941, near Sevastopol, a group of five marines led by political instructor Nikolai Filchenkov stood in the way of German tanks breaking through to the city. At the cost of their lives, they did not let the tanks pass. Strapped with grenades, they rushed under the tanks. All five sailors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In general, 200 marines were awarded this high title for courage and heroism, and the famous intelligence officer Viktor Leonov, who fought in the Northern Fleet and then created naval reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Pacific Fleet, is twice a Hero. The personnel of the landing force of Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Olshansky, who landed in the port of Nikolaev in March 1944 and completed the task at the cost of their lives, were fully awarded this high award. By the way, one of the largest landing ships of the Russian Navy is named after Konstantin Olshansky.

And today, the marines are an elite military unit, in which each of the sailors considers it a great honor to serve. The Marines are armed with floating military equipment, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and automatic small arms. Marines land ashore from amphibious assault ships and boats, and are landed by ship-based and shore-based helicopters. Sometimes fighters can overcome water spaces on their own - on floating vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Marine units of the Russian Navy are equipped with new D-10 parachutes.

According to Lieutenant-General Oleg Makarevich, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, in honor of Marine Corps Day, the "black berets" organized holidays, weapons exhibitions, and will demonstrate their skills.

The prototype of military formations like the marines first appeared in England in 1664. Initially, the marines were used to conduct rifle fire on the crews of enemy ships, boarding combat and guard duty.

In Russia, the creation of the Marine Corps is associated with the struggle for access to the sea and the protection of maritime borders during the Northern War (1700-1721).

The date of creation of this type of troops is considered to be November 27 (November 16, old style) 1705, when Peter I issued a decree on the formation of a "regiment of naval soldiers."

The marines received their first baptism of fire in 1706 in the Vyborg Bay during the capture of the Swedish boat "Espern" in a boarding battle. She distinguished herself in the battle of Gangut in 1714.

The shipboarding and landing teams of the Marine Corps were subordinate to the commanders of the ships, and in matters of special combat training - to the chief of the Marine Corps of the squadron. After the end of the campaign, the teams united in their battalions, underwent combat training and carried out guard duty at the base.

At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, in connection with the change in the nature of wars and the methods of conducting combat operations by fleets, the Russian marines were reorganized several times. During this period, it was considered primarily as a military branch of the army, intended for landing operations.

Detachments of the Russian marines participated in the Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774), in the Mediterranean campaign of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov (1798-1800), during the Russian war as part of the second coalition against France, when, as a result of landing operations, the Ionian islands, the fortress of Corfu, which was considered impregnable, was taken by storm from the sea, the central and southern parts of Italy were liberated, Naples and Rome were occupied.

Formed in 1810, the marine guards crew, the only unit in the history of the Russian fleet, which represented both a ship's crew and an infantry guards battalion, took part in the Patriotic War of 1812. Operating on the land front, he partially performed some of the functions of the Marine Corps, namely, he built crossings through water barriers, destroyed enemy crossings, etc. In 1813, units of the marine corps were transferred to the army department and lost contact with the fleet.

In 1854-1855, the defense of Sevastopol required a large number of naval infantry units from the fleet, once again confirming the need for marines, the formations of which were urgently formed from the crews of ships.

The question of the formation of permanent units of the Marine Corps was raised in 1910. In 1911, the Main Naval Staff developed a project to create permanent infantry units in the main bases of the fleet: an infantry regiment of the Baltic Fleet, a battalion of the Black Sea Fleet and a Vladivostok battalion. In August 1914, three separate battalions were created in Kronstadt from the personnel of the Guards Naval Crew and the 1st Baltic Naval Crew. At the same time, the formation of naval battalions of the Black Sea Fleet began.

All formations of the marine corps, according to the purpose and nature of the tasks performed, were divided into two types: units intended for land fronts, and units and formations of the marine corps operating in maritime theaters.

Permanent units of the Marine Corps participated in the First World War (1914-1918), as well as in the Civil War (1917-1922). After the end of the Civil War, they were again disbanded.

As a special branch of the forces of the Navy, the marines took shape only in 1939.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the USSR Navy had one brigade of marines. During the war, 19 brigades, 13 regiments and over 70 battalions of marines were formed. They numbered about 100 thousand people. In addition to units of the Marine Corps, the Red Army formed 25 separate marine rifle brigades and more than 10 brigades as part of other formations in the Navy. The Navy allocated more than 39 thousand people for their staffing, which made up 20-30% of the personnel of the brigades; the rest of the personnel came from the ground forces.

The enemy called the marines "black death". They participated in the defense of Moscow, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Odessa, Sevastopol, the Arctic, Stalingrad (now Volgograd), Rostov and others. During the course of the war, the Marine Corps units affected the rear and flanks of enemy groups, diverted their significant forces, and assisted the troops that struck on land. The marines were used in the landing of troops to liberate Novorossiysk, during the Moonsund landing and Petsamo-Kirkines offensive operations, and also participated in the war with Japan. In August 1945, she landed in the ports of Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, the marines participated in more than 120 landings.

For their heroism during the Great Patriotic War, dozens of marine units were awarded guards ranks and honorary titles. Tens of thousands of marines were awarded orders and medals, more than 150 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1956, during the reorganization of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Marine Corps units were disbanded.

In 1963, in accordance with the increased tasks being solved by the USSR Navy, marine infantry units were again formed on the basis of motorized rifle regiments of the ground forces. The First Guards Marine Regiment appeared in the Baltic Fleet. In the same year, a marine regiment was formed in the Pacific, in 1966 - in the Northern, and in 1967 - in the Black Sea Fleet.

In the post-war years, the marines carried out numerous combat services in the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, off the western coast of Africa, and participated in local conflicts during the Cold War - for example, in Angola, Yemen and on other distant approaches to the borders of the USSR.

After the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the first half of the 1990s, the marines were transferred to a new organizational structure. The essence of its transformations was to give greater independence to subunits and units in performing tasks in isolation from the main forces.

In the 1990s, units and subunits of the Marine Corps took part in the hostilities in the North Caucasus. For courage and heroism, more than 20 marines were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, about five thousand "black berets" were awarded orders and medals.

The structure of the modern marines in the Russian Navy includes formations and military units of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic, Black Sea Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla.

All units and subunits belong to permanent combat readiness formations, are kept in wartime states, are completed on a contract basis and by conscription. The marines have at their disposal floating military equipment, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and automatic small arms.

As part of the anti-terror units, the Marine Corps participates in long-range campaigns of warships of the Russian Navy, successfully fulfills tasks during international and naval exercises.

At present, the "black berets" are serving on the ships of the permanent task force of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as on the ships of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, performing tasks in various regions of the World Ocean.

The motto of the Marines is "Where we are, there is victory!"


November 27 in the Russian Federation is annually celebrated as the Day of the Marine Corps. This date was chosen due to the fact that on November 27 (November 16 - Old Style), 1705, Peter I ordered the creation of the first "regiment of naval soldiers" in Russia. Peter the Great borrowed this version of the military formations, like many other things militarily, from the Europeans. Most historians tend to argue that the British, who landed an amphibious assault in 1664, were the first to create the prototype of the Marine Corps. However, some experts in the field of historical science believe that the real prototype of the Marine Corps was created back in Ancient Greece, where specially trained armed people could use ships to land on the coast in order to conduct military operations there against the enemy. This version is controversial, but still, with a sufficiently deep study of the ancient world, it does not look incredible.

In Russia, units of "sea soldiers" existed even before Peter's order to create a regiment. We are talking about a special formation within the framework of the crew of the ship "Eagle". Considering the fact that reinforcement at sea allowed the Russian army to achieve success in the Northern War (the war against Sweden), Peter I, in fact, decided to use the opportunities to expand the strength of the mentioned "sea soldiers" - first to the regiment, and then to larger formations.

Initially, the tasks of the Marine Corps included firing at the crews of enemy ships from guns, boarding battles (a vivid example is the Gangut battle of 1714), while on guard duty. Subsequently, the marines began to be used both as landing forces (for example, the campaign of F. Ushakov in 1798-1800), and also as forces to assist the ground forces.

Formations and units of the Marine Corps were repeatedly reorganized and even disbanded. In the USSR, units and formations of the Marine Corps were again recreated in 1939. Marines performed combat missions both in the defense of fleets and flotillas, and in participation in landing operations. Historical facts indicate that after the Great Patriotic War, units of the Marine Corps were once again disbanded, and they were revived already in the early 60s.

Today, the Marine Corps, whose fighters are called "black berets", is an integral part of the Navy. This is a branch of the military, designed to conduct combat operations in important areas of the coast and coastal facilities. The tasks of the marines during the hostilities include occupying and defending a foothold on the coast - this is when it comes to an offensive operation. If we talk about a defensive operation, then the Marines will stand to the end in the defense of naval bases and repulse enemy attacks.

In the course of landing operations, the Marines can be used both as separate military formations to capture important naval bases, as well as port infrastructure, certain sections of the coast, and as formations with other branches of the military.

The Marine Corps of the Russian Navy is armed with a wide variety of equipment, including amphibious armored personnel carriers, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, means of overcoming water obstacles, and numerous types of small arms.

Today, the Marines carry out combat missions on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. Unfortunately, when performing tasks to counter international terrorism, it does not do without casualties among the "black berets". So, on November 24, 2015, Alexander Pozynich, a 29-year-old marine from Novocherkassk, died in northern Syria during a search and rescue operation. At home - in the Rostov region - there was a widow and children. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Alexander Pozynich was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously. Novocherkassk secondary school No. 11, where Alexander once studied, now bears his name.

Today, Marines improve their skills through numerous exercises and training sessions. At the same time, the command allocates the best units of the "black berets". In 2016, a separate guards brigade of the marines of the coastal troops of the Baltic Fleet (BF) was recognized as such.

From the message:

More than 20 tactical exercises, more than 350 combat firing from small arms, armament of armored personnel carriers, more than 3 thousand training parachute jumps of varying complexity - with such results, the Marines of the Baltic Fleet are celebrating their holiday. In the course of combat training, the brigade unit conducted over 20 training sessions and exercises for landing amphibious assault forces on an unequipped coast.

The "Black Berets" of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation took part in 8 long-range campaigns of warships in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Baltic, North, Red and Mediterranean Seas. Today, the Marines are on combat duty on the large landing ship "Alexander Shabalin" and the patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise".

It is reported that the military personnel of the separate guards brigade of the Marine Corps of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation became the best according to the results of the "Seaborne Assault" competition as part of the 2016 Army Games.

"Military Review" congratulates the marines of Russia on the holiday!

The birth of the marines in Russia began in 1668, when a team of archers was included in the crew of the Oryol ship along with sailors and gunners. The tasks of this team were reflected in the "34 articular articles" (the naval charter of that time) as "capturing enemy ships in a boarding battle."

In 1705, Peter the Great issued a decree on the creation of the first regiment of marines.

Marine Corps Day in Russia is celebrated in accordance with the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy dated November 19, 1995, in memory of the decree of Peter I on the creation of the first "regiment of naval soldiers" in Russia, which was issued after the battle with the Swedes on November 27, 1705. This date is considered the birthday of the regular Russian marines.

Interesting facts from the history of the Marine Corps

To ensure Russia's access to the shores of the Baltic in 1700-1703, first of all, it was necessary to oust the Swedes from Lake Ladoga and Lake Peipsi. To implement such a bold plan, they decided to involve the Don Cossacks, who had experience in battles on row-and-sail ships on the rivers and the sea. However, the Cossacks did not arrive at the right time, and all the main military activities had to be carried out by the forces of Peter's infantry regiments. The regiments of Tyrtov, Tybukhin, Ostrovsky did an excellent job - after a series of fierce boarding battles, the Swedes were partially destroyed, and the rest were driven out of these waters. The path to the mouth of the Neva was free...

These events showed that in Russia there was a need to create a new kind of troops - naval soldiers.

On November 16 (November 27 - New Style), 1705, Peter I issued a decree on the creation of a naval regiment, which marked the beginning of the organization of the marines of the regular Russian fleet. The first regiment of marines, formed in the Baltic Fleet, consisted of two battalions of five companies. The regiment had 45 officers, 70 non-commissioned officers and 1250 privates. The marines were armed with guns with baguettes (the prototype of a bayonet) and edged weapons (cleavers, sabers). In the Northern War, the marines were widely used in naval battles and landings. In 1712, instead of a regiment, five battalions of 22 officers were formed, up to 660 privates and non-commissioned officers in each. Three battalions were included in the ship squadrons, one in the galley, one carried out guard duty in the bases.

Since 1804, companies of naval regiments began to depart on ships from Kronstadt to the Mediterranean Sea to the location of D.N. Senyavin. By the end of 1806, there were ten companies of naval regiments in the squadron of D.N. Senyavin, and on November 10, 1806, they formed the 2nd Marine Regiment, whose chief was the commander of the 2nd Marine Regiment Buasel. The two battalions of the 2nd Naval Regiment remaining in Kronstadt attached one to the 1st Naval Regiment, the other to the 3rd. 4th Naval Regiment during 1811-1813 remained on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and until March 1813 participated in all of its combat operations. For all types of allowances, the naval regiments were under the jurisdiction of the fleet.

Soon, the 25th division was formed in Abo, which became part of the corps intended to assist the Swedes. Then the naval regiments left for St. Petersburg and allocated their second battalions to form new infantry regiments - the 9th, 10th, 11th and others.

In September 1812, the 1st Naval Regiment with the second detachment, formed by the people's militia, left for Wittgenstein's army, and in 1813-1814. participated in its composition in the fighting on the Dvina near Danzig. The 2nd Naval Regiment was also in the army, and the 3rd Naval Regiment during the Patriotic War of 1812 was part of the garrison of St. Petersburg.

In 1810, the Naval Guards crew was formed, which had dual subordination - to the fleet and the Guards Corps in St. Petersburg. This crew, together with the army, fought through the entire war of 1812-1814. And, ironically, the first Russian flag raised over Paris in 1814 was the naval one - Andreevsky.

In addition, the Black Sea Fleet was sent to the front in Chichagov's army, the 75th ship's crew also reached Paris.

In subsequent decades, the participation of sailors in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 should be noted. The Marine Guards crew participated in the Danube Flotilla. And when the Russian army approached Constantinople, standing in Adrianople, as in Paris in 1814, the Russian naval St. Andrew's flag was the first to be raised over the city.

During the First World War, in the Russian fleet - the Baltic and Black Sea - they began to form a number of units of the Marine Corps - brigades, regiments, separate companies and teams. A part of the Naval Guards crew was sent to the land front and the post of Chief Commander of all naval commands in the army and at the front was established.

By the end of March 1917, despite all the difficulties, the formation of the Black Sea Naval Division was completed. However, already in May 1917, the landing on the Bosphorus had to be postponed due to the lack of persistent elite units needed in large numbers for a landing of this magnitude.

This is a brief chronology of the regular units of the marines of the Russian fleet.

The events of the Second World War unfolded for the Marine Corps according to the following scenario. The Soviet Navy, especially surface ships, practically did not participate in the hostilities of the summer of 1941. The Baltic Fleet was bottled up in Leningrad and Kronstadt. The Black Sea Fleet was somewhat more active, but here, too, ships were often idle in ports due to the threat of air attacks. As a result, many sailors were inactive.

The Soviet Navy traditionally had marine brigades designed for land operations. In October 1941, 25 new marine brigades were formed, over time their number increased to 35. The marines played a big role in the defense of Leningrad, in 1942 they were actively used on the Black Sea coast and even participated in the defense of Moscow. It is known that the marines acted more efficiently than conventional infantry units, but at the same time they suffered much higher losses. In addition to brigades, improvised battalions and even smaller units of marines were formed in many fleets. The Marines conducted several small-scale amphibious operations, mainly along the Black Sea coast. With bold sorties behind enemy lines, attacks on its fortified points, marine snipers inflicted great damage on the enemy. The Marines displayed unprecedented heroism and courage in these battles. Dozens of sailors have become true masters of a well-aimed shot. For fifteen days, snipers of the marines destroyed 1050 fascists in the battles near Sevastopol ...

At the end of the 1950s, it became necessary to have modern landing forces in the Soviet Navy, because. attempts to use even specially prepared parts of the SV did not lead to positive results. It required the creation of specialized amphibious assault formations. And with the assistance of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet S. G. Gorshkov, according to the directive of the Ministry of Defense of June 7, 1963, ЉORG / 3/50340, in July of the same year on the basis of the fleet of the 336th GV taking part in the exercises. SMEs from the BVO formed the 336th Bialystok Order of Suvorov and Alexander Nevsky Guards Separate Marine Corps Regiment (OPMP). The location of the regiment is Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region). The first commander - Guards. Colonel P.T. Shapranov.

In November 1979, on the basis of the directive of the Main Headquarters of the Navy No. 730 / 1 / 00741 of September 3, 1979, the regiments were reorganized into separate brigades (OBrMP). It should be noted that the transfer of a regiment to a brigade actually means a change in the status of a military formation from a tactical unit to a tactical formation. At the same time, the battalions included in the brigade become tactical units and are referred to as "separate".

The total number of the Soviet MP according to 1990. was in the European part -7.6 thousand people, and taking into account the five thousandth division of the Pacific Fleet - approx. 12.6 thousand people. (All according to peacetime states.). According to other sources, the total number of Soviet marines in peacetime was about 15,000 people.

Modern marines are a branch of the Navy, designed and specially trained to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces, as well as to defend important sections of the coast, naval bases and coastal facilities. Marines in landing operations can act independently when capturing enemy naval bases, ports, islands, or individual sections of the coast. In cases where the basis of the landing force is made up of units of the ground forces, the marines land in advanced detachments to capture the most important points and sections of the coast and ensure the subsequent landing of the main landing forces.

From the mid-1960s to the present, Russian Marine Corps units have taken part in combat services and military conflicts in the following places on the globe: Poland, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the 55th point off the coast of Cyprus, Yemen, Iran, Iraq , Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Cuba, Maldives, Seychelles, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Angola, Benin, Congo, Mozambique, Vietnam, Georgia, Abkhazia, Dagestan, Chechnya.

Marine Corps - today you have
A big day has come
After all, Marine Corps Day is now,
And we are not at all lazy
Compose a beautiful, big congratulations,
To make you smile from him
So that every marine could
Rejoice hoo.

Marine Corps Day today
It is fashionable to celebrate it on November 27th.
You need to be congratulated today
And send good gifts.
So that you have fun on this day
And they did everything that is not laziness.
Drink tea with sweets
And until the morning you have fun.
I send greetings
Remember this day.

Of course, you were not born a Marine.
No one knew that you would become him when you appeared.
But you loved the sea, the waves, of course, always,
And you sometimes jumped with a parachute in your youth.

When you were drafted into the army in the spring,
You were recommended to the amphibious assault.
And you serve honestly now everywhere:
On land, in the air, but more on the water.

Congratulations on your significant holiday
And we wish you more strength.
And let our fast runner fly to you,
And with it, a gift - congratulations.

To protect the border from the enemy,
Couldn't attack from the water
Marines are always on guard here,
They certainly won't get past him.

You are strong, brave guys,
You always fight hard.
With the Marine Corps and reliably, and easily,
And look far into the future.

We all congratulate you on the holiday,
May your ardent supply not run out.
And you have comfort in the house and warmth,
So that someone was always waiting by the hearth.

You like to attack quickly
Solve military tasks instantly.
You serve in the marines
You make all your dreams come true.
We congratulate you on your holiday,
We thank you for your military work.
We wish you always to be brave
Let the star show you the way.
We wish good, faithful friends,
And you read our congratulations quickly.

On November 27 we congratulate the infantry,
We wish you now hunting.
So that happiness always smiles
And all insults, grief - were forgotten.
In this quiet, gentle evening,
Read our congratulations.

You are the pride of all Russia,
You are our honor and valor,
You are our strength and strength.

Serve the Motherland
You're not on display
On the day of the marines
We congratulate you.

May the service be peaceful
training fights,
Your hearts are open
For friendship and love.

Brave guys
On your holiday I wish you peace
To be rich.

I wish you easy service,
Happiness in personal life
career advancement,
Excerpts are excellent.

Maritime congratulations
I am the infantry of Russia,
Fighters brave, brave,
The most beautiful guys.

Wish you luck
On land and water
Close your chest
country in any trouble.

black berets,
striped vest,
Calm, peaceful service
I wish you guys.

Our best troops!
Guys look down
A step is minted on the parade ground,
But without the sea they can not!
An example to everyone: mind and strength,
Pride of Mother Russia!