Fascinating conversation. Topics for conversation with a girl and a guy

Communication on Vkontakte between a guy and a young lady often develops into a virtual friendship, a telephone dialogue, and there it’s not far from a real date. However, in order to achieve such progress, it is important.

If you do not know what you can talk about with a girl, what topics to choose for a conversation, follow the following tips from experienced network users.

If you have no idea what to talk about with a girl, first remember what you know about this interlocutor.

Let's say you already know each other (there are mutual friends, just a casual acquaintance, we corresponded for a long time), in this case it will be much easier to conduct a dialogue in VK.

You just need to ask the right questions that relate to the changes that have occurred since the previous communication.

If you just want to chat with a woman in contact, carefully study her page - photos, a list of communities, downloaded audio and video files. Such a “revision” will tell you the hobbies of a potential interlocutor and help you choose really interesting topics for a conversation with a girl.

If you notice something that unites you - acquaintances, studies, hobbies - offer to chat on this topic. For starters, you can lay out a "piece" of your biography, telling some interesting case from life.

There is no need to immediately talk about personal topics, since the principled nature of young people can nullify communication.

Don't know what to talk about with a girl? Focus on the situation and once again carefully review all her photographs in contact. Probably, something in the girl's appearance will give a clue and help support the conversation that has begun. For example, in the photo, a young lady hugs a cat (find out his name), sits on the river bank (ask if she can swim when the picture was taken). Finding questions is not so difficult, the main thing is to be attentive to the little things.

Topics for conversation with girls

Your task is to correspond in VK with the young lady so that both of you are interested. To do this, you need to find suitable topics for communication with a girl. The representative of the weaker sex is unlikely to be pleased with many hours of conversation about cars or football-related news.

You need to be careful when choosing questions that you don’t really understand, so as not to seem stupid in the eyes of girls. It is not permissible to argue in the process of discussing such topics, this can make your interlocutor laugh.

What questions to discuss? The simplest and most reasonable solution is to choose so-called eternal topics for dialogues. It is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

  1. Relationship. Ask what kind of men the interlocutor likes, what she expects from the relationship, and what behavior she will not tolerate from the guy. Naturally, one should not insist on discussing this topic if the girl is not ready for excessive frankness. Don't ask vulgar questions either.
  2. Cinematography and music. You can also chat with a girl in contact on such topical topics as new movies, musical works, television series or television shows. From the correspondence, you can find out what the young lady's favorite actor, film, musician is. Then these questions should be smoothly translated into the opportunity to go to the cinema together.
  3. Hobbies. Another "eternal" topic that will interest both a guy and a young lady is hobbies and sports. Ask what the interlocutor is fond of, how she spends her free time, whether she does any kind of sport.
  4. Reading. Now it is not so easy to find in contact, and in real life, a girl who would be passionate about literature. If your interlocutor is an avid bibliomaniac, discuss what literary genres are close to her, what books of writers she has read in the last week. You can show your erudition by including quotes and aphorisms from classical works in your conversation.
  5. Memorable or favorite places. You can also chat in contact about the sights of the city in which you both live. Discuss the girl's favorite city places, find out in which cafes she prefers to sit for a cup of coffee. This information can then be used when asking for a date.
  6. Travel or vacation. You can also chat with your interlocutor on VK about planning a weekend vacation, traveling during a vacation or vacation. A guy and a girl can be united by a common love of travel, outdoor activities or a vacation in the same place.
  7. Study or work. Questions about training or work moments also belong to the "classic" topics of communication in contact and other social networks. You can ask the interlocutor how her day went, so she can feel the care from the guy.
  8. Animals. The fairer sex usually loves to talk about their pets and will be interested in a guy who also shares this interest. Find out if the cat lady is a girl or a dog lady, perhaps she keeps parrots at home. Most likely, in the pictures on VK you will see these very favorites.

Naturally, you do not need to correspond on all these topics at once, choose for dialogues only those questions that are of interest to the interlocutor and you. In this case, communication in contact will not seem like an interrogation to the girl, but will look like a casual conversation.

To keep the conversation going, insert stories about your hobbies and skills along the way, but in a way that does not seem like boasting.

For example, if the interlocutor is fond of cycling, offer to keep her company or teach her bike tricks.

If the conversation turned to the literature you read, offer to read some new book or a continuation of the series that the young lady is fond of. The task of the guy in such a situation is to show imagination and offer his help.

If you had a good chat in contact, it's time to chat on your mobile phone. And here the following questions arise before the guy: what to talk about with the girl on the phone, where to find the courage to call and how to conduct a conversation, hearing her voice.

Taking the girl's phone number, take courage and make a call. At the very beginning of the conversation, make a smooth transition from communication in contact to the moment when you decide to call her. Continue the conversation from where you left off during the correspondence. For example, find out how she got home yesterday.

There are no special topics when talking on the phone between a guy and a girl. You can chat on the above examples of topics, discuss something new that happened while you were not talking. Perhaps the interlocutor herself will ask questions - serious and not so, and you can switch to a new problem of discussion.

Try to listen to the young lady carefully, inserting your emotional comments in the course of the conversation. Be sure to tell how you enjoyed talking to her, how pleasant and sexy her voice is. Vulgar hints at this stage are not entirely appropriate.

Communication rules

Let's say you now know the main topics for communicating with a girl on VK or by phone. However, in order for communication to proceed in a positive way and bring only positive emotions to you and your interlocutor, adhere to the following communication rules in contact:

  1. Do not deceive your interlocutor by inventing non-existent wealth or a successful career for yourself by exposing other people's photos. If you want to chat not only in VK, but also in real life, the deception will quickly be revealed, and the girl, most likely, will no longer want to correspond with you.
  2. Do not pull the “blanket” of the conversation over yourself by actively advertising your own person. A guy who starts talking for hours or describing how cool he is, the interlocutor with 100% probability will consider narcissistic and narrow-minded egoist.
  3. If you communicate with the interlocutor as a girl, and not as a friend, pen pal, do not discuss other representatives of the weaker sex with her. The only exception is if you want to compare your interlocutor with some actress (naturally, the young lady will at least be in no way inferior to a celebrity).
  4. Do not discuss with the young lady her former relationship, unless she, on her own initiative, wants to discuss her former lover with you. In general, it is considered bad form to have a conversation with an unfamiliar girl on the topic of ended love affairs.
  5. Not all the fairer sex likes vulgar jokes! This is a concrete rule that applies to every guy, which should be remembered once and for all. Perhaps after a while you will move to a different level of relationship, and vulgar anecdotes and jokes will be perceived by the young lady with understanding and even pleasure.
  6. During the conversation, try to ask so-called open questions that will require detailed answers from the interlocutor. For example, instead of “worked today?” ask the girl "how was your working day today." So you can significantly extend and diversify the conversation.

And a few more simple recommendations for a guy who doesn’t know how to communicate with pretty girls on VK. No need to behave in a conversation intrusive and defiant. Lovely young ladies like interlocutors who arouse interest, and not a desire to quickly end the conversation. In addition, it is important to find those topics that both of you will like, because both people should enjoy communication in contact and on the phone.

Good afternoon Elvira Baryakina and the Writer's Handbook are with you.

Today we will talk about the "hot topics" that always cause discussions on the Internet.

It's no secret that in any society there are "pain points". They become painful because there are several polar opinions on this or that topic, and, having met with the opposite point of view, people begin to defend their vision of the situation. They want the world to be “like this” - convenient for them personally: otherwise an inevitable catastrophe will come.

So, let's see what these "hot topics" are:


Migrants, refugees, the national question.

One of the hot topics is migrants, refugees and the national question. Some believe that migrants should be welcomed, others that they should be expelled from the country. On one side of the scale - security, on the other - the lack of labor at affordable prices.

Progressives vs. conservatives

There are people who uphold the ideals of global peace, and people who are closer to more conservative values. Some call for reforms, others for a return to the roots. Everyone can be understood - everyone has their own comfort zone, but it is impossible to please everyone.

Great Power vs. "We're bad"

Some people say that “We are already the coolest and have won everyone”, others write indignantly that we have flaws everywhere you look. The eternal theme: the glass is half empty or half full


Hot discussions can be generated by discussing the news. Suppose the author read something in the news feed and gave his comments on this or that event. At the same time, he put the question in such a way that one would like to argue with him.

Interpretation of statements

What did significant people say: President Putin, President Trump, etc.?

Natural disasters and terrorism

We show our reaction, discuss who is to blame, what to do, where to run, how to help.

Science news

Here we can talk on a variety of topics: admire the next achievements of mankind, condemn them or doubt their usefulness. The main thing is not just to report this or that news, but to express your opinion - then there will surely be people who want to add something to the above.

News from the life of celebrities

The whole range of emotions is manifested here - from admiration to outright hatred. A blogger can discuss the outfits, actions, or statements of a star... The shape of her nose, the shape of her dog's nose, the shape of her plane's nose. Comments can be obtained by asking readers questions or deliberately challenging them to an argument.

Animal News

What happened at the Melbourne Zoo? Who had a baby in San Diego? We show photos and tell touching and / or interesting stories. If you have quality content, many will start sharing it.

Release of new interesting products

We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of new gadgets, films, programs, etc. Comments will appear from those bloggers who benefit their readers, as well as from those who deliberately tease them.


This topic has a huge potential for discussion - because it concerns everyone without exception.

Child safety

Disputes on this topic always evoke a lively response: what can and cannot be done? Is it okay to hit kids? What threatens the religious education of children? And what is secular? Giving your child more independence? Do not let go of him a single step? Intercede during conflicts? Or let him solve his own problems?

The relationship of adult children with parents

This is where a lot of people have a pain point, and so if you tell a story on this topic, give advice, or simply express your opinion, you can generate a significant reader response.

Love and romance

Who can be loved and who cannot? What is romance? Rose petals on a pillowcase or something else? What is the relationship in marriage and before marriage? How to find a girl of your dreams or how to find a young man of your dreams? What about gifts? How to show your loved one that he is infinitely dear to you?

Divorce and division of property

How to survive a divorce? What about parenting responsibilities? Who will get a plastic bath, and who will get a tea strainer? And what to do with children? Personal stories elicit “thank you for sharing” comments and stories about your situation. Advice, especially categorical advice, often causes controversy.


On the topic of homosexuality, transvestites, etc. You can also argue to the point of hoarseness. This question does not bother someone at all, but infuriates someone. And those who are tolerant of people of non-traditional orientation can be brought to white heat by injustice towards gays.


Interpretation of history

Someone remembers the USSR with nostalgia, and someone thinks that “under the Scoop” everything was terrible: if it weren’t for the bloody gebnya and Comrade Stalin, we would live like in Finland.

Feminism and gender equality

Someone is of the opinion that men and women should be given equal rights, and someone believes that a woman should stay at home, and a man should earn money.

Believers vs. atheists

We discuss whether there is a God or not. This also includes disputes over various churches and denominations.



There are unequivocal things: sick children should be helped! But there are questions that cause fierce debate among the people. For example, it seems to some that it is pointless to spend energy and money on disabled people with severe mental retardation, while talented children from poor families cannot receive a normal education.

And then there are the problems of homeless people, drug addicts with a deep and irreversible deformation of their personality, and the problem of criminals who need to somehow adapt to life in society. For example, is it worth it or not to do charity work for rapists? There is clearly something to argue about!

Behavior in society

What is acceptable and what is unacceptable? Can only good things be said about the dead, or is the truth more important? Is it possible to criticize the Motherland, especially "in a difficult hour for the Motherland"? What to do with someone else's child if he offends his younger brother in front of your eyes, but mother doesn't care? Social norms are constantly changing and what was in the order of things yesterday, today already looks like barbarism - and here one can argue ad infinitum.


Alcohol and smoking

On the Internet you can find any opinion on this topic. Someone passionately supports the culture of winemaking, someone believes that any alcohol is poison. Someone cannot stand tobacco smoke, someone smokes like a locomotive, and is indignant when non-smokers impose their lifestyle on him.


Which exercises are good and which are bad? This topic causes fierce debate, because. a huge number of half-educated and outright charlatans have bred on the Web, who clearly do not have a special education. At the same time, amateurs often determine who is who and who is right and who is wrong.

Plastic surgery

“Girls, where did you get such a cool Botox? Your face looks like a doll!” Firstly, one can argue on the topic “Should or not we need to fight the natural course of time”, secondly, various means can be discussed, thirdly, one can ask questions and exchange recommendations, etc. And still it is possible to discuss results - at itself, and at stars.


We discuss and apply the methods of treatment that our grandfathers used.

Alternative medicine

We discuss and apply treatments like homeopathy and acupuncture.


Is the fetus already a person or not yet? Does humanity need to multiply if there are already 7 billion of us? Does the state have the right to decide whether a woman has a child or not?


The topic of nutrition is not just an exchange of recipes, but also heated debates about the benefits of products, the correctness and incorrectness of cutting dill, the secret of the “true Olivier”, etc.

Healthy lifestyle

We discuss what is bad and what is good. If you give reliable, scientifically based information, then honor and praise be to you. If you specialize in pseudoscientific information - well, also an option, why not? ... Some people are attracted and happy about this.

However, this situation is not so dire. Pauses in conversation are natural, and it is helpful to get used to the pressure of a silent conversation. However, if the silence comes too often, if it starts to last a little longer than it should, it's always good to keep a few guidelines in mind. Here are five great talking points. And below are five topics that might be best avoided.

1. Your interlocutor

For many, their favorite topic of conversation is themselves. Show interest in people and their hobbies. As Dale Carnegie said:

“You will make more friends in two months by being interested in other people than you would make in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

Find out what your interlocutor does outside of work. What he truly loves, what passions he has that inspire him. Ask open-ended questions so he can't just answer in monosyllables. If you get only slurs and vague responses to open-ended questions, try asking leading questions. And try to really listen, and not just wait for your turn to speak. To spice up the conversation, focus on your conversation partner, not yourself.

Talk about what your interlocutor really likes.

As a rule, when you hear and see a person from a more enthusiastic and passionate side, the conversation becomes livelier and more pleasant than when you both talk only about the weather or work. And don't be afraid to get stuck in listener mode. Most people will gladly respond and show interest in you.

2. Your environment

It's easy to get stuck on one thing in a conversation. Take a look around. There will always be something interesting in your environment to start a conversation about. For example, at a party or dinner at someone's house, it could be an aquarium with fish, a collection of CDs, books and movies on the shelves, someone's interesting piece of clothing, and so on.

3. News and gossip

Look through the newspapers, they almost always have something interesting that you can bring up in a conversation. Exciting or funny themes will always work. But death, misfortune and controversial issues are not always a good topic for conversation. In addition to the news, you can always discuss gossip. Light conversation often ensues around them. Examples of such topics are the latest series of “Lost” or “Escape”, some important and hot news, interesting blockbusters of the summer, or a new, vibrant band.

It can be helpful to take a quick look at social bookmarking sites like Digg and Reddit to find any news that everyone that is interesting and trendy is talking about right now.

4. Like/dislike

This is a classic. People always like to discuss what they like and dislike. Some examples:

Favorite songs/albums.
Favorite movies/TV shows.
The most disgusting sweet/food you've ever tasted.
Best/worst organizer program.
The best/worst vacation of your life.
Best/worst boss/job/colleague in your life.

5. Corresponding emotions and impressions

Such a topic may seem a bit obscure. In a way, this is another way to look at the topics above. However, it seems to me that this is a useful perspective and should be kept in mind.

I mean, what you're sharing in a conversation is not facts. In fact, you share impressions and emotions. Excitement and emotions that we all experience, regardless of our activities.

For example, you find out that your interlocutor likes to travel, and you ask: what do you like about traveling so much? He may respond that it is the excitement of discovering something new, something that has never been seen before. Maybe travel makes you feel the same way. So you can say something like: yes, I understand, it's great when you experience something fresh, completely new.

But you don't have to be an avid traveler to answer that. Maybe you love books or movies. And then you can say that every time you discover a new author or a good movie, it's like traveling into a whole new and exciting world where you never know what you'll find.

So you can share similar emotions and impressions, even if you are different people. You may seem completely different to each other, live different lives, but often you can find something in common between you.

There are several strong motives and needs behind conversation and communication. One of them is to raise your self-esteem. This can be done, for example, using the first theme. Another need is to establish contact and share information and emotions. It can be satisfied with the help of the last theme.

Five Potentially Terrible Conversation Topics

So what topics should be avoided? Actually none. But some topics are only suitable for certain conversations. For example with close friends or family. Some topics may be too long. You may need to limit the time you give them in a conversation. When people start to look distracted, when their eyes start to wander around the room, and they stop listening, it's time to change the subject.

Don't suck the fun and positive energy out of the conversation. Think before you speak when the following topics come to mind.

Diseases. No one wants to hear too much about illness and health problems. It's depressing. And people generally don't want to think too much about things like, "hmm, I wonder when I get sick, and what it will be like." This can lead anyone into a sad and negative emotional state.

Your disgusting boss, work, etc. It is completely uninteresting to listen to someone nagging and nagging about what an unfair boss he has or what a stupid job he has. Complaints get boring pretty quickly. Try to limit your complaints, and if you can, stop them altogether.

Your boring job. If your work is exciting, then talking about it can be interesting. If you are enthusiastic about your work and really love it, then the conversation can turn out to be exciting. If you don't like your work or get bored with it, try to limit the time you talk about it. If you like it, but people don't seem to be interested, either leave it or talk about it in a different way. No one wants to listen to a conversation for too long on a topic that is not interesting to them.

Few people have interesting hobbies and other similar topics. In general, do not get into the jungle and do not talk too much about the essence of passion instead of telling what you like about it. Try to avoid professional jargon, abbreviations and details that only you and other fans can understand. Try to keep it simple and clear. Try to apply the fifth theme - correlated emotions and experiences. Try to convey what you like so much about your favorite cynology or ecology, instead of getting into a jungle of facts and details.

Serial killers and other repulsive topics. With this, everything is clear. As with illness, talking about Jack the Ripper, maniacs, and the like can make people very uncomfortable.

Topics for conversation with a girl on 5+

Topics for conversation with a girl they are very diverse and there are a lot of them ... Everything comes with experience, you can talk with girls on any topic, but at the same time you can’t talk about how her girlfriend can otherwise send her to the DOD or put a tick in front of your last name - a nice guy, but this is not included in pickup plans! What to talk about with a girl or with a woman, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it should be the most natural and spontaneous.

Whole list


Do you often go to the cinema?
- What films do you like the most?
- What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that she
like. Find out which films
- Do you often go alone or with friends?
- Have you ever gone to a night session? And on the night "non-stop"? (this is when you pay once, and
watch 3-4 movies all night)
- Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the surrounding
You perceive the world differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this? (If it was
then ask after what movie and how?)
Have you ever had a strong feeling after watching a movie? Which?

If you run out of topics to communicate with a girl- then this is something serious, or it's nerves and you need to understand that girls are the same creatures and even more insidious, or you just don't have contact - she just cuts off any opportunity you have to hook her. And in the latter case, it may also be her joint, she is simply insane or inadequate for you, but she may be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just remain friends or go off ecologically.

Many themes here are not suitable for many girls, so choose your own taste and just have fun)

ATTENTION: when talking with a girl, do not talk about too primitive things, some especially smart thugs want to see the intellectual abilities of a young guy. Yes, and some mokroschelki also read these posts and fire).

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often go to discos? where is the last time and why?
- Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
- Do you like sweets? ... For pleasure or to the detriment of the diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook something yourself from what you tried in a cafe?
- You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
- Have you ever dynamite a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great fellow you are!
:)") Tell..

There are many questions here, but if you constantly ask them, she will feel like she is being interrogated, of course, you can also make a kind of frame out of them, but unfortunately this is not a leader frame. Questions must be asked so you can direct conversation with a girl in the direction you need, but you should not replay:

Parks, street, places of rest

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
- Where do you like to walk the most?
- Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Do you often hang out with your friends?
- Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- Have you been to the zoo for a long time?
- Which place do you remember the most? Why?
- Do you like swimming? Do you bathe often? Where?

By the way, a girl and a guy can also talk about these topics and they are interested in this no less than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? And what is the most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
Have you ever had an all night date?
What do you think is the toughest competition? Male or female? Why?
- Did you have competitors? Were they alive? :)
What do you like more, compliments or receiving them?
- And what do you consider worthy of a compliment in yourself? Well, except for a beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone may notice that there are many serious topics for conversation with women, maybe so, that is, you also need to apply intuition. If you choose a serious girl, then she will willingly talk to you not only on these topics, but if you have a woman who is too frivolous, then the man will use tricks and games that are rarely associated with seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
- Do you have any collection. Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
- Have you been to the sea? What are the feelings, what did you like the most?
- What kind of music do you like the most? Do you listen often?
- What was your brightest moment in your life?
- Can you cook? And what works best?
- Can you play anything? (for a long time? what do you like the most?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like sunbathing? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? Kindergarten or elementary school? / think about whether you can ask this? the answer is of course not!
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
- What is your favourite season of year? And what do you like the most about it?


Save topics for a conversation with a girl, they will definitely come in handy. All topics for conversation have ended, are you shy or don't know what to talk about with a pretty girl? There are topics for conversation that will help not only not to get bored, but also bring you closer. 110 boring topics for a conversation with a girl.

Silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls do not like. What can you talk about with a girl to get closer and not get bored? There are many questions and ideas for conversation. Themes are suitable for a walk, a conversation in a cafe, alone or for any other place. These topics will show you as an extraordinary and interesting interlocutor. In any conversation, listening is more important than talking. Then the girl will be crazy about you.

1. What is the sexiest part of your body?
2. Describe yourself in three words?
3. Do you trust your head more or your heart?
4. What was your childhood like?
5. What cheers you up?
6. What are you proud of?
7. What makes you laugh the most?

8. What are you most interested in and what causes interest?
9. What are you talented at?
10. What sport attracts?
11. Which place or country do you want to go to?
12. What things would you take with you to a desert island?
13. What's the scariest thing you've ever done?
14. Who is your best friend or girlfriend?
15. What is your favorite movie?
16. The best and most memorable trip?

17. Who is closest in the family?
18. Favorite alcoholic drink? And was she drunk as hell?
19. What are you most afraid of?
20. What do you remember most from childhood or the past?
21. What is your favorite smell and fragrance?
22. Where would you like to live the most?
23. What qualities are you looking for in your second half?
24. What stupid things have you done in your life?

25. What is your strongest character trait?
26. Who is grateful to in life?
27. Which of the five senses would you agree to lose?
28. What is the biggest decision you have ever made in your life?
29. How did you spend the last 24 hours on earth?
30. What do people not know about you?
31. What do you like to do on weekends?
32. Do you like the sea, mountains or forests more?
33. What does the perfect date look like?

34. Are you a conflict person?
35. How do you see yourself in 5 years?
36. What do you want to change in yourself?
37. When do you feel vulnerable and what makes you feel vulnerable?
38. What time and under what civilization would you like to live?
39. Favorite memory?

40. Do you have a mentor and main adviser in life?
41. What is your favorite book, quote, joke, movie or song?
42. What is your zodiac sign?
43. What do you want to do before you die and what are your plans?
44. Biggest regret?
45. Would you be able to survive in prison and how would it be?
46. ​​How long do you dream of having children?
47. What do you want to fix in life?
48. What is your relationship with God?
49. Do you like to dance?
50. Favorite pet?
51. What do you like about men physically and psychologically?
52. How do you understand love?

53. When was the last time you cried?
54. What do you think your family will look like?
55. What do you do on a bad day and in a bad mood?
56. Do you believe and trust people?
57. Have you kissed like an adult with your girlfriends?
58. Favorite genre of books?
59. Do you believe in miracles or fate?
60. Where do you feel at home?
61. What are your goals and plans for life?
62. If you were a man for one day, what would you do?
63. What do people need to know before meeting you?
64. What did you dream of being when you were young?
65. What object from childhood is still with you?
66. What do you dislike the most in life?
67. What popular star would you marry?
68. What causes a smile and a good mood?
69. Do you like compliments, beauty?

70. Were there any problems with the law and what did the criminal do?
71. What are you still ashamed of?
72. What super power do you want to have?

73. Are you a lark or an owl?
74. How do you feel about politics and what is happening in the world?
75. What is the most important life lesson?
76. What have you never done, but really want to?
77. Favorite food, dish, drink, fruit, vegetable and sweet?
78. What lesson did you learn from past relationships?

79. Do you consider yourself smart?
80. Are you a member of any organizations or movements?
81. What name would you like to have?
82. The worst and best character trait?
83. What does a dream vacation look like if money is not taken into account?
84. How do your friends represent you?
85. Do you believe in love at first sight?
86. What profession would you choose if you returned to the past?
87. Who are your parents and how did you raise you?
88. Are you a follower or do you like to lead?
89. Does friendship exist between opposite sexes?
90. What style of clothing do you oppose?
91. What scares you in the future?
92. Favorite artists, writers, musicians?
93. Do you follow passions and emotions?

94. Favorite fictional character?
95. What is the most embarrassing thing in life and was there such a moment?
96. Biggest fear?
97. What animal can you compare yourself to?
98. What is the best life advice you have received from others?
99. Who do you most admire?
100. What do you think about death?
101. What do you pay attention to first of all when meeting?
102. Can you cook and what is best for you?
103. Do you consider yourself a strange person?
104. What turns you on and excites you?

105. Do you love yourself?
106. How would you spend a million dollars?
107. What is missing in your life?
108. What does your dream look like?
109. What makes you happy?
110. Will you kiss me now?

Save topics for a conversation with a girl, they will definitely come in handy.