How to surprise your boyfriend: all the ways. How to give unearthly pleasure to a man, a guy in bed, how to please, without having a lot of experience? How to surprise your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in bed, drive you crazy, make it nice, seduce, conquer, appease

Even the best and most stable relationships can become boring and uninteresting. If you have just such a moment and want to make a difference, then you should take the initiative into your own hands and figure out how to surprise your beloved man with non-standard actions in bed. Experimenting will help rekindle the fire, which will take the relationship to the next level.

What kind of women do men like in bed?

Of course, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Some men like plump girls, while others prefer skinny ladies. It's a matter of taste here. However, if a male representative is going to sleep with you, then he definitely likes you. But no matter how attractive his partner is, not a single man will like a young lady who is notorious and constrained in bed. Therefore, in order to understand how to win a man in bed, you need to be self-confident and liberated.

If we talk about role-playing games, then sexologists say that according to statistics, 80% of men would like to see their chosen one in the form of a nurse, schoolgirl or policeman. This is a good reason to go to the sex shop and buy the right outfit to surprise your lover.

How nice to surprise your beloved man in bed?

As you know, men love novelty and variety in intimate relationships. So that a loved one does not look for new sensations in someone else's bed, a woman needs to understand that this male need needs to be satisfied. In addition, for such efforts, she herself will be pleasantly rewarded.

To figure out how you can surprise your beloved man in bed, you need to approach this issue individually. Before preparing some kind of experiment, you should make sure that the partner will be in to evaluate it. For example, if he returns home tired after 12 hours of physical work, then he is unlikely to be playful, but rather enjoy a delicious dinner. Now, if a man is rested and not hungry, then you can and even need to prepare some kind of surprise.

For example, prepare some gourmet dishes, create a romantic atmosphere, light candles. Dress nicely and don't forget sexy lingerie. Instead of the standard foreplay, you can start petting right in the kitchen. If usually sexual intercourse took place in the bedroom, then such an initiative on your part will definitely please the man.

When you love, you want to constantly please your loved one: make pleasant surprises, say compliments and just beautiful words and do things that bring a smile to your beloved face. This is an indicator of the intensity of feelings and it changes depending on the stage of your relationship. At the beginning of a relationship, the indicator goes off scale, because you want to please each other every minute. Later, the intensity may decrease, and you remember your soul mate only in between work and other worries. But you still remember, which means you still love and still want to please.

How to please a beloved man? This question is asked by women and often tries to answer it from a female point of view. But not every man loves cute teddy bears with touching hearts in their paws or bubble baths with rose petals. Although, as far as baths are concerned, this option is sure to please if you will swim in this bath without being burdened with a lot of clothes.

Let's try to figure out what men like and what makes them happy.

Tasty food. This idea is most likely correct. Even Baba Yaga, before using the good fellow for her own purposes, had to feed him and put him to sleep. Everyone needs to eat, and tasty food is much better than tasteless food. But when preparing a special romantic dinner for a man, you need to consider him first, and not your own tastes. It is quite possible that he will choose not a light salad and a fruit dessert with whipped cream, but a leg of lamb baked in the oven, and some greens and a drink with degrees to go with it.

Romantic evening. The traditional program includes candles, glasses of champagne and you in a beautiful dress and chic shoes. The program is good, especially for the initial stage of a relationship, when you have everything for the first time. In the future, this standard set may become boring and not cause the necessary emotions. Make adjustments: let the candles stay, men usually do not pay much attention to them, and you will feel mysterious in their flicker. Champagne can be replaced with another drink, but it does not matter. Fundamentally different: your outfit. A beautiful dress is good, but he has already seen you a hundred times in different beautiful dresses. But in the costume of Little Red Riding Hood, a nurse or a stewardess - hardly. (If these costumes are not professional for you). Why not try? The result may please both of you. If you don’t want to bother with a suit, you can do without it altogether, leaving only chic shoes.

Massage. A good thing, especially if your man came tired from work or from training. But here you need to either have at least some skills or intuitively feel what exactly tired muscles need. And keep in mind: a real massage is hard physical work, and it’s not for nothing that it pays so well. Although erotic massage does not require special knowledge, only falling in love with the object of massage. You can give your man a long-lasting gift: sign up for courses of some kind of massage and practice on it regularly.

Fishing. If your loved one loves this event so much that you sometimes doubt which of the two of you is dearer to him, it may be worth making him happy with your participation in this matter. But, before deciding on such a serious step, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. What if he doesn't want you to go with him? Suddenly, fishing is the place where he rests from you and from the intensity of the passions of your relationship? To then return to you rested and bored. If, nevertheless, you are sure that he will be glad to share his favorite hobby with you, go. And if we're going, be patient. Do not squeal at the sight of nasty red worms, they need to be put on a hook, spitting on them, either for fidelity, or for some witchcraft reasons. Do not run away from a freshly caught fluttering fish, it has no legs, and it will not catch up with you. If you are told to sit still, sit still. Then ask what it was gurgling in the water, why it was necessary to pull out the fishing rod all the time and cast it again, and what words he said when the fishing line got tangled in the snag. Have fun with all your might and show it openly. Also, do something useful that no one else would do: cook and serve a delicious meal, light a mosquito coil when you are allowed to talk, loudly and sincerely admire the catch and personality of the fisherman.

Present. You need to give something that matches your tastes, interests and hobbies. If you do not understand something in his hobbies, sort it out. Start a conversation on topics that interest him. Women usually avoid asking men about things they don't understand. And don't avoid it. Let him tell you how to rebuild a carburetor and change spark plugs, how to hook when an opponent tries to hit you with a left bottom, how to pass the fifth level in Warcraft, or how to hold a sail to catch a gentle south wind. Having figured out the issue, you can make an unexpected and therefore very valuable thematic gift: a rare car part ordered from a catalog and brought from the manufacturer’s factory, a new version of your favorite computer game with keys, or, for example, a rope for a yacht.

Emotions. Do not forget about the need for emotional shocks. Make surprises. Of course, pleasant. For example, plan a trip to his favorite destination, but don't warn him ahead of time. Invite his old friends over without him knowing. Arrange a day of joint doing nothing or, conversely, frenzied activity. The principle is this: from time to time you need to do something that you usually do not do. Perhaps even something that does not occur to you to do. Turn on your fantasy. Learn the internet. Contact the agency for organizing non-standard holidays, surprises and draws. And do not forget that when you are going to please your beloved man, you need to take into account his tastes and preferences.

Football, hockey and other strange pastimes. You probably don’t understand why a couple of dozen attractive men in long shorts run after one ball, while millions of other men sit near TV screens and actively worry, calming themselves with beer. But, since men, our intellectual, material and physical support, are doing this, it means that it is really important and interesting. Try to understand how and why they do it. Ask your loved one about the rules - he will most likely be pleased to talk about his favorite sport with an attentive, albeit naive listener. When you understand everything, you too may become interested. You will also worry about why this dunce stands when you have to run after the ball, and the goalkeeper is sleeping and not catching the ball. And then you and your man will have one more joint activity, another topic for conversation and the possibility of an interesting pastime. If you can’t fall in love with football or hockey, it’s okay. Most importantly, do not interfere with their love for your man. And on occasion, please him with tickets for a rare match, a T-shirt or scarf with the symbols of his favorite team, or a recording of a broadcast that he did not have time to watch.

If you and your beloved soulmate have been in a relationship for quite a long time, and it seems as if you have been together all your life, then it's time to surprise each other! Even if your man does not make any romantic gestures, do not be discouraged - you have a great chance to start first and please your loved one not even with the expectation of a reciprocal act, but simply because you love him. After all, do lovers really need reasons to do something unexpected for their life partner? Surely you know each other very well and it seems to you that it will not work to surprise your boyfriend. This is absolutely not true. There are many more ways to surprise your loved one!

What do you need to know to surprise a guy?

The most important thing is to carefully observe the man, his preferences, reactions to your words. He can casually mention something desirable even in a simple everyday conversation. And if you casually talk to him about this topic, you can learn more about his dreams. In this case, you will already have one option more in stock. You can also talk with his close friends or relatives and even find out what he dreamed of at a time when you were not yet acquainted. Be sure to remember this important information, and it’s even better to write it down - only so that your chosen one does not see these secret records, otherwise the whole surprise will come to naught, as it will be revealed at the initial stage of preparation.

If your boyfriend is a secretive person and does not share his interests and tastes with anyone, you can only draw conclusions from his behavior. After all, you probably know something about his interests if you see how he likes to spend his free time or rest. Use the knowledge that you have and acquire new ones - it will not be difficult if you live together. Just try to be a little more observant - and you will definitely notice something that you did not notice before among the interests of your loved one.

With the knowledge of what your chosen one may like, you can safely get down to business. There are many ways to surprise your loved one. For example, pay attention to his hobby (this option will be especially relevant if you weren’t particularly interested in his activities before), if it’s football, go to a match together or watch a workout. If his hobby is rare books or unusual coins, find out which copy is missing from his collection. Try to find it, because although the task is not easy, but the effect is worth it. Just imagine how delighted your loved one will be if you get for him an unusual and rare thing that he has been dreaming about for a long time.

More options on how to surprise a guy means more surprises.

Want something faster? No problem! In this case, you also have many opportunities to make a small, but impressive surprise. Let's start with the banal - why not make a non-standard dinner, or, conversely, breakfast? Even better if you can bring it to bed for your boyfriend. Surely he will be delighted with a non-standard dish after a hard day or before it. In addition, he will definitely remember this as a touching moment of showing your concern. It is not necessary to prepare a culinary masterpiece - even a simple coffee with toast will do. The main thing is not what you serve, but how you do it.

You can go to nature, not limited to the framework of the four walls. Trips out of town bring people very close, even if it seems to you that there is nowhere closer. This is primarily an opportunity to get to know each other better. And with such a surprise, you can pamper your health. The hustle and bustle of the city often robs people of time for themselves. Allocate a few days of good rest, rent a country house or go to the country. Turn off your phones and allow yourself this time to be just the two of you, without being distracted by annoying calls from relatives or colleagues. Don't forget to take a day off from work first. It will be nice if you ask your boyfriend the same, otherwise your paradise for two can end very quickly.

Try to surprise a man not only on some special days, but also in everyday life, every day. Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised by your calm and understanding reaction to his going to a bar with friends or a new pair of trendy shirts waiting for him in a closet or other non-obvious place.

We surprise the guy - attention to yourself!

No matter what you come up with to surprise your boyfriend, always remember that the main gift for him is you. A man always feels better and more confident if his chosen one is in good condition, in a calm environment and may well feel happy. After all, you are the keeper of a fragile family light, which is sometimes so difficult to ignite. And well-being in relationships and in the home begins with you! Try to make time for yourself - go shopping, which usually does not have enough time to buy a dress you have liked for a long time. Purchase some aromatic oils and have a relaxing evening in the bath. In general, there are many ways to take care of yourself - and you yourself know the best of them, because every woman is very individual. Your boyfriend will be very surprised to notice that you have begun to devote more time to your hobby, changed your style, or just updated your wardrobe. Your pleasant state will surely be transferred to him. And what could be better than a couple in which both partners feel as comfortable as possible next to each other?

In general, to surprise yourself is a very good scenario. Plan in advance what you want to change or add to your look so that your man is really surprised. It can be some kind of non-standard clothes, new makeup, or even a sharp change in taste preferences. Imagine the reaction of a man if, for example, you drink a cup of tea in the morning instead of coffee, which you cannot stand. He will definitely take an interest in such drastic changes in your tastes. A good reason to turn everything into a joke!

The main thing is not to stop generating ideas that will help you pleasantly surprise your loved one. And do not be afraid of extravagant solutions! Only in this case your surprises will be spectacular and unforgettable!

It's nice to make surprises for your beloved man. It is even more pleasant when this surprise is pleasant to the one to whom it is presented.

If he is far away

It's easy to surprise your loved one when he's next to you. But what if there are insurmountable distances between you?

Naturally, your arrival would be the biggest surprise for him. Without parting, such a gift cannot be made.

Don't be discouraged if this is not possible. You can also give gifts from a distance. Send it by mail, order something interesting for your loved one in the Internet store with delivery to his address.

After work

If your loved one has a difficult physical job or just had a hard day at work, do not drag him to the skating rink or disco. Let your surprise be stationary and calm.

Keep in mind that he wants to relax and enjoy your company at the same time. The best gift for a working person would be a good hearty and tasty dinner. Believe me, he will appreciate it.

If you know how (even if you don’t know how, but really want to), give your hard worker a massage.

Upon arrival from a business trip

Surprises are different, especially with the unexpected return of a loved one. But it has nothing to do with you. You love him truly and always wait.

Your man once mentioned that he would love more if you were a redhead. Here! Give him a stunning surprise. Change drastically. Cut your hair, dye your hair, change your image and play a beautiful stranger.

You can re-paste the wallpaper or buy a navigator in the car, hang a declaration of love on paper over the bed. And the biggest surprise will be the test with two stripes.

To Army

What kind of surprise can you make to your beloved soldier? If your boyfriend was drafted into the army, and you still didn’t have time to tell him about your love, take the opportunity to make his difficult military everyday life a little more joyful. He will be happy if you come to him, for example, on the Day of taking the Oath and tell him how much you love him.

If it is not possible to visit the defender of the Fatherland, there are other ways to please him:

  • send a souvenir gift saying "I love you";
  • a phone joke in which President Putin congratulates your loved one on having you;
  • sign up for the army yourself and ask for a part of it (yes, girls also serve at will).

On the street

There is nothing easier than to surprise your loved one on the street. Just let's decide what exactly you want: an unexpected gift or a raffle?

If the former, then any trifle donated can be a surprise, even a bottle of his favorite beer in your purse or football tickets.

The draw must be good. The simplest "childish" is when you sneak up from behind and cover his eyes with your palms: "Guess who?".

You can come up with something more intricate by asking mutual friends to participate. It is necessary to prepare for such an event in advance, write a script, purchase props, and sometimes even rehearse future events.

These simple things diversify relationships and promise a boring future life.

In contact with

It is almost impossible to come up with something unexpected in VKontakte. Everything has already been invented, done by everyone and several times.

Postcards, emoticons, hand-drawn gifts are no longer considered surprises, they can be given without money to anyone just like that. Although this did not stop them from pleasing those who receive them.

The road is not a gift - attention is expensive. How to surprise your loved one in VKontakte ?! You can register under a different name, enter Contact with him and then admit that it is you. However, not every guy will believe that you did not want to test him, but simply played a prank.

This site has a lot of "online" games that you can play with two people. Invite him to fight on desire, for example.

Unforgettable surprise for your beloved husband

Remember the words of the drunken Hippolyte in The Irony of Fate? “How boring we live! We stopped climbing through the windows to the women we love, we stopped doing little pleasant stupid things ... ".

Well, climbing through windows is not a woman's business, but making life interesting depends largely on a woman. And if courtship, first dates, premarital relationships are always full of something new, then life in marriage after a while acquires some routine, calm monotony.

So that you and your husband don't feel like looking for creative adventures each on your own side, try to occasionally arrange them for each other.

Erotic gift

Do not forget that everyday holiday ceases to be a holiday and turns into weekdays. Therefore, arrange surprises no more than once a week. And an erotic intimate gift is not more than once a month.

In most cases, this is the most pleasant surprise for a man. Choose for him an evening when the beloved man will be able to accept him, and will not fall asleep, only being in bed. Check to see if football is being broadcast on TV, if he is planning to have an emergency at work, etc.

Prepare, carefully consider music, candles, your clothes, fragrance, etc. In eastern harems, a woman is prepared for 3 hours to meet her husband, bathed in aromatic baths, rubbed with incense, and put on makeup. You are not in a harem, so you have to do everything yourself.

By the way, many men adore the smell of a clean female body without any chemical flavors. So that the surprise is not spoiled at the most beautiful moment, do not forget to turn off all phones in advance!

On a rest

On vacation, on weekends, or just a few days free from the daily routine - this is the time when your imagination is simply obliged to gush with new ideas.

Resting on Turkish, Crimean and other beaches, you can not strain it, because every 10-15 minutes you will be approached by lively tanned boys and girls, offering their ideas for visiting a shopping center, a desert island, a water park or just take a picture on a camel.

There you can go all out without thinking about a gift to your loved one. Personally, there will be no place for your surprises. Unless, to pour cold sea water on him sleeping under the scorching sun on a trestle bed!

But, resting in the country or with a tent on the banks of a forest stream, you can turn around. Do you think a naked mermaid in a wreath of white lilies coming out of the river on an early foggy morning will impress him? Or an inscription on the chest with chokeberry juice “death to mosquitoes!”.

You can do thousands of such mischievous acts while on vacation.

At home

There is nothing easier than making a surprise at home:

Top - 20 little surprises for your loved one just like that

The surprises listed here will be able to pleasantly surprise, cheer and please your man only on the condition that you have never done this before (or rarely did).

Agree that the birth of the fifth son or daily walks from the checkpoint can hardly be called a surprise. Everything that you do every day constantly or regularly will never be a pleasant surprise for your loved one.

Therefore, in order to always be interesting for him, you must either constantly gush with new ideas, or not reveal all your talents and virtues at once. Extend this pleasure for the rest of your life.

Video: Romantic surprise: WHERE and HOW to arrange

Anything can surprise you! But will a guy or a man like such a surprise? See and choose! Just don't make mistakes!

Here is the cheat sheet:

  • Behavior!

Try for a while to behave in a way that would be atypical for your behavior. For example, you drink coffee and hate tea. And you take and drink a cup of tea with your loved one.

  • Gift!

Give him something that he has long dreamed of, but regretted spending money on making his dream come true. By buying him a dream, you "acquire" a ticket to love, which gratitude will never leave.

  • Perfect order!

Your fondness for "creative turmoil" is known to him. And you make it so that his eyes see something else: the most ideal order, which he probably already dreams of.

  • Clothes!

Put on what he, on your body, has not yet had time to see. He will be pleased. He will understand that you are trying for him alone, even if you remember yourself.

  • New dish!

Oh, what men are "admirers" to eat. You know that's exactly what they are. Your loved one is no exception. So come on, pretty girl, try to cook something interesting.

  • Initiative!

Here, take it, and invite him somewhere. And then I got used to him inviting you. And he's used to it. So surprise him. You can't imagine how happy he will be.

  • Ideas!
  • Passion!

Show him what he does not expect from you. Follow his mood. The fact that surprise will wake up in him is a fact. The fact that desire will wake up is fact number two.

  • Surprise!

So as to conquer him completely. Surprise is what would be a real surprise for him. You managed to study it, so it will not be difficult for you to make something original.

  • New purchase!

Imagine…. A loved one comes home from work and then suddenly, in addition to your beauty, novelty catches his eye. He will be happy with the changes that cause surprise.

  • A poem dedicated to him!

Compose on your own just a few lines that will rhyme with each other. A man will be so pleased that he will stop doubting the feelings that you have for him.

  • Letter!

Here, take it, and write him a letter in which there will be many words about your love. "Throw out" the letter to his email box. And wait for him to read it.

  • By sea from SMS!

He will be stunned when you fill his entire mobile phone with messages. Write in the messages everything that you think, what you dream about, and so on.

  • Image change!

You can change your hairstyle, and style of clothing, and gait, and accessories. What to change - choose yourself. He, your favorite, will appreciate everything - in any case.

  • Conversation!

You, suddenly, frankly express to him directly everything that you thought and think about him. Surprise on his part will be very soon. Surprise will be powerful!

  • Compromise!

Make concessions to him in a situation where he will not expect you to compromise. He will even doubt that you are you. But be yourself.

  • Call!

If he calls you more often, get ahead of him. He will be happy if you dial his number. Men are not "testers of stereotypicity." One call to your beloved is a trump card in your hands.

  • A show of concern!

I know that you care about him so much. But show at least once care, so to speak, to the fullest. Be sure, dear: your beloved, the degree of care, will notice and appreciate.

  • Super romantic dinner!

Unbanal, not vulgar, but beautiful, gentle and bright. One that you will remember too. There should be no banality between you.

  • Win!

You would buy, out of habit at the kiosk, a lottery ticket. He turned out to be a winner. And your young man constantly argued about the fact that this is all a “divorce”.

  • An invitation to a cafe (restaurant)!

You, quite by chance, remember that you have a holiday: the date of your acquaintance with him. So you are leading, in honor of such a day, beloved to a restaurant.

  • Buying beer and cigarettes!

You were always out of sorts when he was drinking beer or getting high. And here, even unexpectedly for yourself, you buy him both cigarettes and beer. What's more, his favorites.

  • A book about him!

Write a novel that tells about your love. Paint everything in colors, hide nothing. Your book may consist of one volume or several.

  • Failed to surprise - come up with your own "surprises"!

Fantasy is without limits. Something is sure to come up with. And this “something” will, perhaps, become a symbol of your relationship and the subject of pleasant memories.

Banalities with which you can surprise your beloved guy, man

  1. Write his name on the wall, on the pavement, on the door, on the steps.
  2. Shoot a video stealthily, with his participation.
  3. Process in programs, your photos.
  4. Write a thousand messages, send them sparingly.
  5. Sing his favorite song for him, under karaoke.
  6. Dance erotically - striptease.
  7. Say frankly what you don’t like in a relationship with him, and what you like.
  8. Give a toy gun, or a toy car.
  9. Order some yummy in the online store.
  10. Give a new SIM card for a mobile phone.

Don't stop surprising him!

The options to surprise you will never end. There is always something unknown, little known, little used, original, interesting, dangerous, beautiful, humorous.

How to surprise - you will always find. If you are not too lazy to look, of course. You are not lazy. We live in you. Move them quickly into reality before they lose their relevance.

Your favorite is in many ways difficult. But you, as you know, are not such a simpleton. You deserve each other. He will be proud that you shine with his ingenuity. And be proud! Let him know that you are the best of women! He, as you think, is also excellent. But men, as a rule, act in relation to surprises, stereotypically. Women are different. No offense to men: they are wiser in ideology. Statistics say so, not gossip.

How to surprise your beloved man, guy? -

I want to surprise and conquer him!

Maybe you should check?