Postcards congratulations on the 80th anniversary of mom grandmother. Mom is kind and gentle

Eighty years is no joke.
Life, not just a moment
There was pain and sorrow along the way
To live life is not a field to cross!

How much did you suffer, mommy,
How many nights have you been sleep deprived
I drank joy in a teaspoon,
Happiness was waiting at the window.

May the Lord give health, strength,
So that you win a century.
Respect, love to you, attention,
Great-grandchildren and grandchildren of adoration!

How quickly the years have flown by
Let's celebrate a new anniversary.
Good, mommy, weather,
You are younger every year.

I wish you good and happiness
Do not lose heart so that your soul
So that all bad weather bypasses your house,
So as not to be afraid of bitterness and trouble.

You, mother, to smile more often,
She loved life and believed in dreams.

And you never give up
And all the bad things to be left behind.

I also wish you good health.
You are the dearest to me
Live you, mommy, measuredly, calmly,
Happy eightieth birthday to you!

Not a joke - 80 years old,
But you are not more beautiful
I wish you the best life
To you, beloved mother!

To be content and not to get sick,
You only get younger with age.
Love, kindness and understanding!
May all wishes come true!

80 years is no joke. Life, not just a moment, There were pain and grief on the way, Life to live is not a field to cross! How much you, mommy, suffered, How many nights you didn’t sleep, Joy drank a teaspoonful, Happiness waited at the window. May the Lord give health, strength, so that you win a century. Respect, love to you, attention, Great-grandchildren and grandchildren of adoration!

Oh, mother, how the years are running ... So you are 80 years old, But for me you are young, Important and the road in fate. Mom, you've been with me all my life, My most beloved person And now in your eyes I read Wisdom, the one that has no time limit. Happy anniversary! Let me wish you good health and happiness, From me - an unquenchable fire of love, From my grandchildren - affection, good power!

You are my dearest person
Happy Anniversary
Mom let the century not end -
That's all we're all about.

You are eight decades old.
This date is very significant.
Heart filled with tenderness
Live long, unfamiliar with trouble.

Today you are eighty
Your anniversary is wonderful
You are so beautiful so far
Your mind is pure and clear

We wish this woman
Health, more strength,
well-being in the family,
Live longer on earth!

My mother is good
Happy 80th Anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you,
And I hasten to wish you soon

To never be sad again
Drive away troubles and sorrows from home!
May your fate be happy
So that success, luck illuminate the path!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are eighty years old today!

Protecting everything that is dear to you!

Warm hands, clear eyes
The heart is kind and beautiful.
The best in the world, dear to people,
Both funny and beautiful!
At 80, mommy, you
I wish you happiness in a joyful fate,
May your hopes come true
The days are filled with warmth of the soul!

Eighty dear mother -
This is a significant date.
Let beautiful, joyful, with soul
There will be a day full of smiles.

Beautiful words in your honor
Let them sound - sound, and inspire!
Let your head spin
Only from the happiness that we wish now!

Mom, you are with me all my life,
My most favorite person
And now I read in your eyes
Wisdom, the one that has no time limit,
Congratulations, my dear,
On the anniversary. Let life be simple
I wish you good health
And live to at least a hundred.

Hello dear mother,
this day everything is for you
I will bring to your feet,
You are my dove.

So that you are young in soul,
Was cheerful, fresh,
Like a fragrant mimosa
Or like an early dawn.

I love your stories
The warmth of your gentle hands
And I thank God
That you are my mother. ©

We congratulate you, mother,
On your golden and clear day!
Spring, ringing and stubbornly,
Come, with her your anniversary!

We love wind and freedom
But also tenderness and warmth.
We remember childhood and care
And mothers are the right wing!

We congratulate you, mom!
Oh, how much you can wish for!
We wish you to be happy yourself
Health, joy, warmth! ©

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are 80 years old today!
Let the dream find you
And wisdom will give health and advice,

To always be happy as well
Protecting everything that is dear to you!
Doubts so as not to touch you,
And let joy burst into life beautifully!

I look at you tenderly
Every year you are closer and more expensive,
And in 80 you are not more beautiful,
There are so many good things about you!

Dear, how can I tell you
I am grateful for every moment.
You modestly brush me off
A tear will slip from your eyelashes for a moment.

I will give my heart and soul for you
Just don't get sick, don't be upset
You are the most beautiful mother
She gave me everything - both life and happiness.

Eighty you, mom
My dear man.
Congratulations on your anniversary
May your age be long.

On your holiday I will say thank you
For love and kindness
For patience and strength
Wisdom, light and beauty.

I wish dear
Strength, health and patience,
Let life give every day
You are the joy of the moment.

You are eighty years old today
I love you, dear mommy!
Live always without bitterness and troubles,
I wish you good and joy!

Smile more often, let your dreams
Come true easily and effortlessly!
I wish you to be happy
My dear mother, always!

Happy Anniversary, dear mother.
You are our perfection, and you are the only one.
We wish you health and joyful years
And live another eternity, not knowing the troubles.

We want you to always be by our side.
Beautiful, happy and young.
And let the ninth decade go
Mom will outlive us all!

Year added to ten -
It's not a problem at all.
Days go by without looking back
And merge into years.
It is important to always be healthy
There is nothing more important!
Be gentle and loved
And live to be a hundred years old!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 80 years to mom from her daughter

So much warmth for the kids.
Warmed by your support
We are learning to take a hit.
You, mommy, "many years",
Our love and tenderness as a gift!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are eighty years old today!

Protecting everything that is dear to you!

Years flew by like in a fairy tale
Yours today, mom, is the 80th anniversary.
There is so much affection in your eyes
So much warmth for the kids.
Warmed by your support
We're learning to take a hit...
You, mommy, "many years",
Our love and tenderness as a gift!

Congratulations on the anniversary
my beloved grandmother
Wishes without regret
I give all my joy.

Not easy at 80
Look so energetic.
The best medicine in life
Don't grow old at all.

Dear mother, you are our pride,
You're a birthday girl, mom, today!
Eight tens is not a lot.
You, as before, are waiting for us at the threshold!

You always meet us, smiling,
Well, today we congratulate you!
Be happy and still beautiful.
Well, for us you are like the sun on a clear day!

Today my mommy
Celebrates his anniversary!
I wish you health
Good luck and happy days!

So that you do not count the year,
And to have a long life -
Let trouble not touch
And all things work out!

Let everything be so in fate
How you wanted day after day!
Good health to you!
Let's start celebrating today!

I have gray hair on my temples,
And my mom knows it.
I drink for you today to the bottom,
And I wish you health.

It's been eight decades

I want happiness to come
To keep you calm!

Mom, you are with me all my life,
My most favorite person
And now I read in your eyes
Wisdom, the one that has no time limit,
Congratulations, my dear,
On the anniversary. Let life be simple
I wish you good health
And live to at least a hundred.

On the anniversary day I wish
To my dear, beloved mother
Good health, good luck,
Relative attention in addition,

Pass on your experience to your grandchildren
Be their best friend
And at eighty years old
All also give me advice!

Another round date
How many there were - and do not count,
Gathered and adults, and children,
To sit at our mother's table.
Eighty is a joke, not everyone at all
Can overcome this limit.
We wish you to celebrate once
A holiday more solid than this one - a hundred years!
Stay healthy, it's more important
Appreciate happiness and grandchildren babble,
Hear someone shouting "Happy Anniversary!"
It's you angels from heaven shout!

Congratulations to mom on her 80th birthday from her daughter

There is no greater joy for a child
Than native mother's laughter and health,
Eighty is - live twice as long,
Mommy, we feed on love.
Think only good things about life
The past is darkness, you can't bring it back anymore
Your children make mistakes
But you know, not by choice.
For you and your wise years
Let's settle down and sit down respectfully,
Be you mommy every morning
Warm, cloudless, clear, spring!

My dear mother,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Eighty is wisdom and strength
And today you are especially beautiful!

I wish you health, of course,
Joy is great, endless.
My first and most important friend,
And an example for me is my mother!

Happy Anniversary, my mommy,
You are 80 years old today!
Let the dream find you
And wisdom will give health and advice,

To always be happy as well
Protecting everything that is dear to you!
Doubts so as not to touch you,
And let joy burst into life beautifully!

I have gray hair on my temples,
And my mom knows it.
I drink for you today to the bottom,
And I wish you health.

It's been eight decades
How do you live easily and with dignity,
I want happiness to come
To keep you calm!

Congratulations from heart to heart
Beloved mother flies.
May joy, happiness, pleasure
Your anniversary promises you.

Let eighty years be many
I want to live everything.
Do you remember that I am with you, mom,
And most importantly, be healthy.

I'm sitting next to my mom
Under the wing of an angel
After all, mommy today
80 did.
How I want to return
With my mother in childhood,
Where the earth blooms during the day,
The moon caresses the night,
Where mother's eyes
I see, falling asleep,
Where is the spring storm
Melted in sweet dreams.
On your birthday cherish
Mom will be careful
Wear it in your arms
In the current turmoil
For me to sit for a long time
Talk to mom
Hold mother's hand
And bestow warmth.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Years go by, eras go by
Replaces winter, summer waltz,
Well, your love, as before,
Melt in the heart, in a moment of sadness.
And happy birthday to congratulate
I want you, I am at this hour,
And wish you good health
All eighty of your times.

Purchased and owned by the site.

How quickly the years have flown by
Summer and winter changed
And we've grown up a long time ago
And everyone dispersed in all directions.
But on your birthday, mommy,
We are together again, as always,
And on my eightieth birthday
We want to congratulate you.

Mom at 80
Purchased and owned by the site.

I'm in a hurry for your birthday,
To congratulate, and loving,
Kiss, hug, cherish,
Oh my mother, my mother.
And you can't tell right away
That eighty years have passed
I love you, I love you dear
Please live without trouble.

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy eightieth birthday, dear,
Favorite mommy! You
We heartily congratulate you today
And we bow to the ground, loving!
Let gray hair silver you -
For us you will be forever young,
The same as at 20 - glorious, sweet,
The most beautiful, the most expensive!
Do not be upset that the face is wrinkled -
There is no more beautiful woman in the whole wide world!
Know that the path will never grow
To your house, rich in warmth and bread!

Purchased and owned by the site.

eightieth birthday
You celebrate, mom, yours,
The years passed like a blink of an eye.
But you are like the sun in spring:
You still shine brightly for people,
So young, wise, kind look!
With a mountain of pies on a platter
You meet grandchildren again!
Ah, mother! Be constantly
Always the same as now
Mobile, dexterous, tireless,
To teach that to all of us!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Like it was yesterday, oh my God
You were only forty years old!
Today twice as much, and yet
I don't see a shadow of sadness - no!

I'm glad, dear, that you are an optimist,
And your heart rejoices
Like life doesn't go by so fast
Like you don't care!

May God save you, dear mother,
From grief, illness, despondency, evil...
And on the day of the eightieth birthday I know
You will, as before, be cheerful with me!

Mom at 80
Purchased and owned by the site.

Your youth is gone
Quite so quickly
And mature years
They've come a long time ago
But you, as before,
Came out beautiful
To the guests this evening,
What came to you!

And everything is in front of you
They stand in amazement:
How can such
beautiful to be
In your eightieth
Now the birthday
And everyone is very tasty,
How to feed first?

I'm proud of you mom
And to God in prayer
Here I am again,
To give a lot more
He is the life of you,
To please us
You could!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Happy Anniversary Mommy
Congratulations to the entire family.
Let love and warmth surround
May joy be with you.

Let by eight tens of these
It will only increase vigor and strength.
So that only summer shines in the soul
And every moment brought joy.

Happy birthday, dear mother!
You are 80 years old today!
I congratulate you on your anniversary
I send you gentle and warm greetings.

I kiss your tired, kind hands
And I always bow before you.
My dearest and dearest man,
You are my whole world and peace!

I wish you only happiness
Many glorious, good days.
And health, only beautiful,
Respect for grandchildren, care for children!

Happy 80th birthday, dear mother. I wish you, my dear, not to grieve and not grieve, but to meet every day with a smile on your face, filling the hearts of loved ones with inspiration, kindness and hope. Mom, you have always been generous, cheerful, talented, smart, a good person, and with age, all these qualities have only asserted themselves. Mamul, I wish you health and good mood, inner harmony and great strength for everything that you have conceived, which you have not yet had time to do.

Mom is eighty today
And I wish you, dear,
So that every day was warmed by care,
And experiences were on the side.

To kindness and tender warmth
For all the years your eyes shone
You always stayed young
And all your dreams come true!

Health will become strong like a diamond,
And only joy will be in the mood,
Mommy, congratulations at this hour
Happy birthday to you!

Dear mother, you are our pride,
You're a birthday girl, mom, today!
Eight tens is not a lot.
You, as before, are waiting for us at the threshold!

You always meet us, smiling,
Well, today we congratulate you!
Be happy and still beautiful.
Well, for us you are like the sun on a clear day!

Silver hair at the temples,
Wrinkles lay down in a thin network,
Birthday is knocking at the door
To enter and stay forever.

You already meet eight dozen
You smile, dear mother,
And warm us all with love.
Be the happiest person in the world!

Mommy has a big birthday today.
What to give you on this day?
You need to become a little wiser for a moment,
To put the main thing in the lines.

So that simple words can be found easily,
Let the melody wake up in the house:
Behind your window somewhere far away,
Somewhere here in a dusty album.

We wish you never grow old
Run regardless of time.
Let any trouble melt at the windows,
Like some March snow.

May spring surround you everywhere
Provides pleasant warmth.
We dedicate these lines to you lovingly.
Never regret anything.

Dear Mom,
There is no dearer than you
Let's celebrate today
Your 80 years!

Congratulations on your anniversary
We wish you longevity
Joy in the soul always
Regardless of the year!

Mommy, you are my dear
80 years to you, dear!
I want you to be healthy
From great-great-grandchildren you heard an affectionate word!

So that nothing offends you
For life to flow, not run,
So that your soul sings with happiness
So that you don’t get old at all!

Dear, dear, dear,
We congratulate you on your anniversary.
We wish you health, happiness,
To never get sick!

So many years behind
And you are still radiant.
We wish you many more years
To be our light, we are grateful to you for everything!

In these eighty years
Everything will come true, what you dream about!
Mammy, radiate that light
Which you always radiate!

You are the light of kindness, love, warmth,
You are the most precious thing in this world!
I wish that life was
Yours is full of light!

Be healthy and full of strength
Meet every day with a smile
Bloom like eternal spring
And enjoy!

Don't hide your age on your face
The soul is still young
And away without regret, just
The old years are gone.

Your hand is firm and your eyes are clear
You're in love just like before
In children and grandchildren, how wonderful,
That mother is given to us by fate.

And on this quiet good evening
Let's raise a toast to the one of us
That took our cross on our shoulders,
Who loves and keeps you all.

At eighty, not a girl,
But far from old
Laughter crystal and ringing
You make your granddaughter's ears happy.

As you flutter around the apartment,
Wash, wash, cook
Grief, you do not know the disease -
Catching sun bunnies.

Grandchildren love you
Children are proud of you
Here we go for a walk
It will be a hundred years old!

I'll give you a few lines
The most tender, caring, sweet,
This is a small thing that could
Write the one that life has given.

Ask - for you I'm all!
After all, you do not regret for me,
Let only joy bring you
The year of your fate is eighty-first.

Be healthy, triple love,
Do not judge your offspring strictly,
You, as before, pray for me,
And I ask God for you.

Eighty years old mother -
That's the date, I'll tell you!
We cheated time
So I'll take it and report

That mommy is only forty -
She looks at them
Young, slim without a dispute,
Give out eyes alone.

What are you sad about, my dear?
Drink, sing in spite of fate!
Your daughter doesn't want you
Worse than yourself.

After that ten
Know, according to the account, the eighth,
You become greedy for joy,
You will appreciate life in a new way.

What, mommy, let's drink whiskey,
Al let's go to the casino?
For nothing, retirement is not close -
You win anyway.

Don't put your finger in her mouth
Mom is the only one in the whole world,
Know, not without reason we gathered -
Pour and drink to the bottom.

White whiskey became noticeable
Hands trembled slightly
Life tightened the old vise -
Eighty ran.

Mom, don't cry, it's all grace
You lived your life in vain
God grant you only the ailment not to know
Don't call yourself old.

Hurry to babysit grandchildren and great-grandchildren,
We raised them for you
We will meet your age in blessed silence,
So that we can all live like this.

Anniversary knocked on our doors -
The most joyful, the most honorable,
Mom, we don’t believe in such happiness -
Wishes lost count.

Stay healthy is more important
And wealth and happiness will roll,
We need you more than the sun and wind,
We're making this feast for you.

Pour yourself, mom, to the brim,
Show us the original enthusiasm
We teachers no longer know
We can't survive without you, that's for sure.

No eighty
Mom doesn't get old
Let whiskey and gray hair
You're still on a roll.

You are the soul of the company
Wise, holy
Our wishes
No end, no edge.

Happiness, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy,
ocean of health
This sweet age
Greetings with love!