What a romantic evening to arrange for your husband. A beautiful romantic dinner for a loved one by candlelight - original ideas and delicious easy recipes for a romantic dinner at home

Close your eyes and imagine - how do you figuratively see a romantic dinner for your beloved man? These are burning candles on the table, red wine poured into glasses, gourmet dishes, soft-sounding music, and you and him are hand in hand, talking about love. So right? Standard No. 1. This standard will be discussed in the article in the first place, but other options will also be considered.

Yes, exactly the one where the candles and glasses are. But how to organize it so that the pleasant pastime of the evening flows into a night of violent sex? Everything must be taken into account - lighting, table setting and an impeccable menu. Even music and aromas play an important role. And, of course, how will you look like if you yourself invited your loved one to visit you. By the way, for your own husband, sometimes at home you need to make such evenings with a surprise to refresh your feelings - simple snacks with a “duty” cutlet get bored.

Menu planning

Keep in mind that dinner should not consist of high-calorie dishes so that there is no glut. On a full stomach, there is no desire to make love and just wants to sleep. This also applies to alcohol, if you go overboard.

By the way, if alcoholic drinks are supposed to be served - what to serve:

    White wine pairs well with fish and seafood, and is best when dry.

    Red wine is served with meat dishes (again, "dryer" is the most successful choice).

    Champagne - fruit and chocolate are suitable for the table.

    Cognac - lemon slices sprinkled with instant coffee and sugar, meat, cheese and fish cuts as an appetizer.

    Cocktails are in perfect harmony with fruit salads and canapes.

It is clear that vodka and beer are not suitable for a standard romantic dinner. If alcohol is canceled, then this is also not bad.

It's great if you can cook food at home with your own hands, but in a pinch, you can order complex dishes in a restaurant, and even cut it yourself. It is important that there is not an abundance on the table - a couple of light salads in small salad bowls, cutting, fruit for dessert and the main focus - on an exquisite hot dish, given the tastes of your invited boyfriend.

    Meat dishes should be from lean meat (tenderloin, chicken breast, rabbit). As options: chops, "meat in French", roast in pots.

    Fish and seafood: cod, salmon, hake - fried or baked in the oven, seafood cocktails with rice - for example, shrimp.

    Baked vegetables, if a guy appreciates vegetarianism, such attention will be a surprise for him.

    As a side dish, you can make potatoes in different versions, as well as boiled rice.

    Dessert is light and quite a bit. Not oversaturated with calories, like a cake: you can get carried away with sweets and goodbye figure and buzz from the evening. A good idea is just fruit or, for example, jelly ice cream or sorbet.

Table setting

Even at home, table setting must be impeccably refined, like in a restaurant, if you want to make a real surprise for your man. So, all the nuances:

    The table itself should not be large and wide, as at feasts in the Middle Ages. The tabletop should be small enough to freely accommodate all the dishes and a candlestick. The smaller it is, the more intimate the situation will be when you can sit next to a man and hold hands.

    Tablecloth - preferably plain, without "screaming" and clumsy patterns that steal the beauty of dishes. White, red, blue, green - everything is in the subject. For decoration, you can put napkins in the form of hearts on it or sprinkle with rose petals.

    Candlestick - can be three-horned, or two, separately for thin and long candles. It is advisable not to put candle-tablets on the table: it is a fire hazard. In extreme cases, protect them with special cups and remove them from dishes.

    Plates for dishes are thin and preferably porcelain. Precisely - beautiful: you can spend money on two plates for an evening with a surprise for your beloved man. The knife is placed on the right side, the fork on the left. Crystal is suitable for salad bowls.

    Glasses for drinks. Tall on thin legs. For champagne - a narrow bowl, for white wine - medium, for red - wide. For cognac it is also wide, but the glass itself is on a short leg.

    In addition to paper napkins, it is advisable to put a linen napkin with a special ring on a plate before dinner, or just fold it figuredly.


Of course, candles are the most important. There are many candles that stand not only on the table, but also around it. The most important thing is to arrange them so that the burning flame does not touch any objects standing nearby, and the candles themselves are stable. You can put them near the mirror - thanks to the reflection, the candles will seem larger. By the way, you need to light them right before the arrival of your beloved man to get a real surprise.

If the candles are only on the table, then this is not enough. All the same, you need a muffled light - at least from a sconce or "night lamps". But the main thing is no daylight or a switched on chandelier on the ceiling with several horns. All the mystery of a romantic evening will be broken by bright light.

Musical accompaniment

Sitting and talking in absolute silence is somehow sad. Turning on the TV for the background is a distraction, especially for a man. Even if an incomprehensible buzzing is heard from the TV speakers, the flickering on the screen will still involuntarily attract attention.

Music is what saves you. It is necessary to arrange everything so that only you are the main object of attention. It is necessary to choose music not even according to preferences. For example, your loved one loves rock, but in such an environment, it will be inappropriate. Or do you like whiny girlish pop music, and it will enrage a man. So choose neutral music - best of all, "instrumental" without songs, light and romantic, which sounds very quiet.

How to dress for a romantic dinner

Of course - stunning as never before, to make a surprise for your loved one. Impeccable hair and manicure - in the first place. Before the meeting, you need to take a shower with fragrant perfume and a drop of perfume behind your ears - that's enough. By the way, about smells - fragrant candles and incense sticks should not be placed around the room: everywhere you should smell like you. And, of course, delicious food.

Sexy lingerie is what you need, it’s clear how such romantic evenings end. And lace panties and a bra will be another surprise for your lover. A little jewelry, beautiful stilettos and a chic evening dress - and we put an end to this. Just don’t think of changing into a home dressing gown for convenience during an intimate party - you’ll ruin everything.

How to behave during dinner

A romantic dinner for a lover is held not only to feed him deliciously, but also, of course, to relax and seduce. Therefore, you will have to work as a toastmaster for your guest - to entertain with conversations.

It's good if you know each other long enough, and that's how you have no end. Another thing is when you are still shy of each other, and such an evening is incredibly stressful for you. Well, like the first date at Kalugina's house with Novoseltsev in the movie Office Romance.

In any case, there are a number of topics to avoid:

  • about their problems, and with all the ensuing consequences;
  • about politics, work and money difficulties;
  • about health complaints;
  • about something sad and sad.

Romantic dinner out

By the way, really, why can a romantic dinner be arranged only at home? There are other options.

On holiday

You are relaxing with your loved one somewhere on the sea. The program with excursions got bored, wallowing on the beach was also rather tired. He does not expect any surprises from you, and you: both, and set the table in the evening on the balcony of the hotel or somewhere on the beach in the evening, having agreed with the owner of the coastal cafe.

At the restaurant

You yourself invite him to a restaurant. For example, your loved one forgot the anniversary of your acquaintance, but you are not offended, and in this way you surprise him. He will be embarrassed, of course, but the evening is still not spoiled.


Let's say your lover is a fan of fishing. He does not like to take you with him - you do not know what to do while he goes somewhere in the wilds of the lake, you constantly call him to eat sandwiches with tea from a thermos in order to somehow attract his attention. And you ask him for evening fishing with an overnight stay in a tent. And most, instead of a standard snack, you need to cook dishes unusual for a picnic. You will have something to do: while he is away, set a chic table in nature in the evening, and then hold an Open Air party for two with him. Believe me, it's very cool!


If it is you, and not him, who arranges a romantic dinner, then it will be 1:0 in your favor. Without expecting something like this, your loved one will be very surprised at your "trick". And be sure, now he himself will want to thank you with a similar surprise or some kind of gift. And, perhaps, this is the first step towards marriage, if you really want to see your beloved as your spouse.

One day, after spending ordinary family gatherings at the TV, having swallowed an ordinary dinner, you begin to think that it would be nice to diversify life and at least for one evening immerse yourself in the atmosphere of something unusual, wonderful, surrounded. And so that all this routine of family or office fuss does not allow you to forget about the main thing, that you are a woman, you have the idea to arrange a surprise for your loved one - an unforgettable romantic evening for two.

Evening without a reason, just like that - you and he, "and let the whole world wait"! An evening that will allow you to take a fresh look at each other, stir up all the charm of the old relationship and will remain in your memory for many years.
Of course, there are many ideas for, tried and tested and original, unexpected and absolutely crazy. But now our goal is to come up with and organize a rendezvous that would become a real love adventure at home, so to speak, turn life into a fairy tale. The idea was born, we proceed to the implementation. Let's start with thorough preparation.

How to have a romantic evening for two

1. Choose a topic;

Candles on the table and a more or less non-everyday dinner will not suit us, will we? Or a beat-up spa party in a rose petal bath? No! We need a holiday concept that can amaze our soul mate, lead to joyful amazement and return to the world of children's fantasies;

2. Choose an entourage that matches the theme;

3. Draw up a dinner menu, on the same terms;

4. Come up with a "highlight" of the evening - an unusual performance.

So, topic.

The theme of the evening depends, first of all, on the preferences of your boyfriend / husband. Who, if not you, knows what interests him, why he "fans", what he dreams about.

Likes to relax in nature? Here's the first topic for you:

Romantic Picnic Party

(Especially true in rainy weather or winter cold).


  • a green soft blanket on the floor, and ideally a rug that imitates a lawn;
  • two camping sun loungers (if it is difficult to sit on the floor);
  • candles with the scent of forest herbs and flowers;
  • indoor plants decorated with garlands of green bulbs or floor lamps with a green filter;
  • sounds of wildlife or thematic video (forest, sea, mountains);
  • picnic basket.


Fill a picnic basket with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't forget dry wine. For hot - grilled meat or fish will be an ideal choice, and if it is possible to place an electric grill or barbecue on the balcony and cook meals in the evening, the imitation of a trip to the forest / to the seashore will be perfect.

What to wear:


  • flying carpet bright carpet or a few colorful rugs;
  • many bright pillows;
  • imitation of a canopy from tulle;
  • oriental candlesticks or lamps;
  • aroma candles with incense;
  • hookah.

Arrange a tent from an oriental fairy tale at home, comfortably scattering pillows and placing dishes and sweets on trays. Turn on intoxicating oriental music. Light candles and incense by dimming the lights. Let your loved one feel like a sultan for a while, like this:


Exotic fruits, oriental sweets (sorbet, Turkish delight, baklava, etc.) You can cook hot pasties or pasties. From drinks - white grape wine or, universal for such evenings, champagne, as well as oriental tea, served in a special service.
The highlight of the evening can be a fruit hookah.

What to wear:

Here you have to try with a suit. Dress up like a Shemakhan queen, do not neglect jewelry and make-up. Dress the man in a silk oriental robe.

How to spend time:

The traditional belly dance that you will learn and perform personally for him will be an unforgettable gift.

In addition to the Eastern, a romantic evening of an ethnic direction can be in the Japanese or Spanish style with all the ensuing attributes.

Is your husband/boyfriend a science fiction fan? How do you like this:

Romantic evening for two "fantastic starship"


  • mirror ball;
  • a spinning projector of the starry sky;
  • silver fabric;
  • foil;
  • various electronic gadgets;
  • garlands of light bulbs.

Create a spaceship cockpit at home by making portholes out of cardboard and decorating them with foil. You can also cut out stars from it to decorate walls and ceilings. Drape the furniture and table with a silver fabric. Choose soundtracks from your favorite science fiction films. Hang out the garlands and disco balls, turn on the projector, and let the lighting in the room be limited to this. Scatter gadgets, simulate a "remote control" using a keyboard, etc.


Prepare a "cosmic" buffet - sandwiches and cookies in the shape of stars, bright unusual packaging. And if you come up with the option of "food from tubes" - the imitation will be perfect. From drinks - cocktails of the most unusual "bubbling" combinations. Molecular cuisine works well, if possible.

What to wear:

An alien costume designed by your imagination (the options are endless - from a T-shirt with fluorescent paint to a spacesuit).

How to spend time:

You can arrange a space photo session using all the scenery, come up with a quiz on the theme of space, arrange a retrospective of your favorite science fiction films. And if you are lucky enough to get a telescope (!) - give him an unforgettable tour of the starry sky from the balcony.

And another interesting topic dedicated to detective fans:

Romantic evening for two in the style of spies


  • spy tools - a magnifying glass, master keys/keys, a miniature camera, a cipher, black glasses, dossiers, false documents, etc.;
  • spy movie posters;
  • fireplace or fireplace video screensaver

Draw a mysterious, mysterious atmosphere in the room, such as shadows on the walls, using a flashlight or spotlight. A good addition would be a fireplace with fire or its imitation video screensaver. Come up with a quest in the style of "12 notes",

Create a special cipher stencil (Cardano lattice) and encrypt the main message-invitation to dinner with it. Then hide the cipher, and indicate the path to it with hint notes, each of which leads to the next one, and so on until the cipher stencil

using a magnifying glass (small print), master keys (a box with a lock), negatives, and the like. Use music from spy pictures as background music.
When your "detective" finally finds and deciphers the message, you can start the "spy dinner".


Dishes can be anything, and let tsimus be in the name - Mission Impossible salad, Motley Ribbon roast, Main Evidence dessert, etc. Drinks also need to be beaten thematically.

What to wear:

An evening dress in the style of "Bond girls", as an option, and a tuxedo for the husband. However, the choice is yours.

How to spend time:

Play another quest, this time with erotic overtones, for example - we are adults and we perfectly understand what kind of ending awaits a couple after this kind of evenings.

Treasure the romance of relationships, treat yourself to joint themed dinners, romantic evenings for two, where there will be no limit to fantasy and love. Conduct them in an original and inventive way, using respect for the interests of your chosen one, do not hesitate to experiment with the implementation of ideas.

The relationship of two lovers is always full of romance. And where, if not during a romantic evening, is it best to express your feelings, confess your love, and even, maybe, make a marriage proposal!

Today I will share with you tips on how to make a romantic evening unique and unforgettable. First of all, they are intended for men who are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl.

Do you need a reason?

Imagine that you really want to surprise and please your chosen one or chosen one, and you even know how to do it, but you can’t think of a reason. It often happens that way!

In fact, lovers do not have to wait for some date or reason - a romantic evening is already a holiday in itself!

Romantic Friday

First, decide what you would like to arrange: a romantic evening or a nightly dinner? Or maybe the time for lunch or breakfast is exactly what you need?

Traditionally, lovers choose dinner, because the evening atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, measuredness and romance.

Think how good Friday or Saturday evenings are - no need to rush anywhere tomorrow and you can sleep peacefully later!

Suite, roof and grandma's attic

Where can you arrange a romantic evening and how to make it unforgettable?

  • You might think about having dinner at a nice restaurant.
    Only it is better to go there for reconnaissance in advance in order to avoid embarrassment with the menu, pricing policy of the establishment and musical accompaniment.
  • I also propose to consider the option of a date in the country, where nature itself will be your ally.
  • A deluxe hotel room can also give the evening a new touch.
    After all, everything is familiar at home: from the atmosphere to the smells!
  • Thrill-seekers, perhaps, will be happy to meet on the roof of a city high-rise building or in the attic of a grandmother's village house.
  • And nature lovers will remember for a long time a forest clearing with a self-assembled tablecloth.

But if you are an adherent of a traditional romantic evening for two at home, then there are options for a romantic retreat:

  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Bath

The main thing here is that the place of a romantic meeting is cozy and conducive to love and tenderness.

When preparing for a date, it is necessary to think through the atmosphere, lighting, musical accompaniment and, in fact, the dinner itself to the smallest detail.

What helps create a romantic mood?

Light, color and flowers

Let the lighting be calm and slightly muffled. After all, soft twilight always creates the right mood.

Only don't say candles are banal! A lot of candles - this is, for sure, bad taste.

But there is another way to play with light and shadows - choose red and blue light bulbs. I'm sure it will work out well!

Dishes and tablecloths choose a calm solid color.

Avoid bright, flashy colors even if you really like them. You will find a worthy use and reason for them later.

Of course, every young man or man in love will think about flowers.

Only do not give a huge bouquet this evening - it will be disharmonious with the tenderness of the situation. It is better to choose a small but original composition.

Such flowers will surely please and be remembered!

You can include a fresh bouquet in the design of the table.


Music is perhaps the main element of a romantic date.

Light, quiet compositions will not distract from a pleasant conversation, but will create the right atmosphere for the evening.

I advise you to prepare two different playlists:

  • Some melodies will accompany your couple during the meal. And such music should be exclusively background.
  • Others will bring the couple together in a dance. Here, rely on your taste.

But when choosing, be sure to consider the tastes and preferences of a loved one. Imagine how excited the girl will react when she hears familiar melodies!

If you do not have enough time to prepare a personal playlist, use the Internet: it is not difficult to find a station that transmits romantic music online.

romantic table


Think carefully about your table decor.

If the romantic party is themed, then the tablecloth and dishes should also match the moment.

But do not forget the rule: during the meal nothing on the table should prevent you from seeing each other and communicate freely.

Treat or feed?

My next piece of advice applies, rather, to the beautiful half. Many people love and know how to cook delicious food. And this is good!

But when preparing for a romantic dinner, try to keep the golden mean: calculate your strengths and capabilities so that you don’t look tired and tortured by the evening.

Now let's move on to the dishes.

Remember that food for a romantic meeting should be:

  • light,
  • low fat
  • and contain less flour.

Because after an overly satisfying meal, you no longer want intimate conversations, and even more so dancing. You will most likely be drawn to the sofa to watch TV and just sleep.

Our task is different - only to treat, and not to feed the guest or guest to satiety. Well, if you are arranging an evening for your wife or husband to refresh your relationship, then it will be all the more unreasonable to reduce everything to a banal meal.

Menu ideas for a romantic evening

  • Prepare simple but original salads with squid, shrimps, meat, greens.
    Let them be in edible tartlets - convenient, beautiful and tasty.
  • Meat and more meat!
    A man is a man for that, in order to rejoice in a childish way with stuffed chicken or fried pork. But, don't forget that we are planning only a light evening snack.

So let there be meat! Only in the form of juliennes, gravies or thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bplates for sandwiches with herbs.

Although you can get out of the situation in another way: I suggest baking a good piece of pork or beef in the oven, and then do whatever you want with it: pieces, rolls with the same convenient skewers, etc.

The most comfortable food for a romantic table - canapés on skewers or mini-sandwiches. Decorate them in the form of hearts or boats - that's romance for you.

There are a great many canapes: with meat, cheese, herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Buffet dishes are suitable for a light romantic menu. We are offering to you .

  • Sweet table for a sweet relationship - fruits, chocolate, sweets and champagne.
  • A light dessert - fruit jelly and strawberries with whipped cream - perfect for a romantic evening.
  • If you are planning to keep the meeting going for as long as possible, then aphrodisiacs will help with this: coconut, dates, avocados, vanilla, bananas, strawberries, shrimp, etc.


Choose light drinks: champagne, delicate liquor or weak wine, low-alcohol cocktails.

Strong drinks are strong enough to spoil the charm of a romantic meeting.

Don't forget to find out in advance your partner's preferences in both food and drinks.

A few additional tips for a man who decides to have a romantic evening:

  • If you don’t know how to cook, order light snacks in a restaurant.
  • A bouquet is perhaps the most essential attribute of the evening.
  • Do you want to surprise? Flower petals on the table and in the room - this will touch the female soul.

But for this it is not necessary to buy armfuls of roses or tulips. Many flower shops sell petals from beginning to fade roses. It is quite inexpensive, but the effect will be sure!

And one more time about flowers.

What is the best way to invite a girl on a romantic date? You can just call...

But I advise you to do this: buy a small, but very original bouquet or a bouquet-basket, and then send flowers by messenger to your beloved.

Don't forget to include an invitation note!

I heard that some young people, inviting them to a romantic evening, meet their chosen one at the entrance, then blindfold them and only in the apartment surprise with an unusual entourage.

Option? I think yes. Only not everyone is able to appreciate such an extreme!

So experiment very carefully.

If the couple is already several years old

Even if you've been together long enough, romantic evenings shouldn't be a thing of the past at all.

After all, it is they who will give here a spark of love and romance, which absolutely everyone needs.

You can remember some memorable day of your relationship and organize a small thematic holiday for yourself: the day of acquaintance, the day of the first kiss ...

At the forefront is mutual joy!

Each couple will choose the most suitable option for a romantic evening.

During the day, a light dinner and watching an exciting movie will suffice, others will enjoy a bath for two with relaxing music.

There will be those who will come up with something new: remember about your grandmother's attic and roof?

No matter where and what you come up with for a romantic evening. The main thing is that the evening turned out to be festive, and you have the most pleasant sensations from it.

And here's an hour of romantic music, which is enough for the whole dinner.

You can always find a reason for a romantic evening. Anniversary of acquaintance, first kiss, sex or wedding.

Valentine's Day, the warmest evening in October, or just a desire to pleasantly surprise your loved one.

Men, although they seem harsh and strict, also love romance and will be happy if their beloved organizes a joint evening of love.

We will show you how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy, and why this is important for every couple!

Source: IStock

It is so important that romance does not fade away in a couple's relationship.

Time for romance

First dates, lush bouquets of scarlet roses and goosebumps from a light touch ...

The longer the couple is together on the wave of everyday problems and routine, the more distant those days seem when endophrines seethed in the blood.

This is not a reason to fall into despair - it's just time to revive the relationship, adding piquancy and passion to them.

A romantic evening for two is a great way. Here are ten ideas on how to make it unforgettable.

Romantic for a guy at home

1. Dinner with continuation

The most simple but win-win idea. You can try to cook something special, but the main point is not in dishes, but in emotions.

Imagine: Baked vegetables with meat, wine, romantic music, subdued lights ...

The beloved woman is not in a dressing gown and slippers, but in a sexy dress and stockings.

He does not scold why he did not wash the dishes, but praises and asks how the day went. There are fragrant dishes on the table, a clean bed in the bedroom.

2. Movie show

Wrap yourself in a cozy checkered blanket, open a bottle of wine “for a special occasion”, light candles and whisper in your beloved’s ear: “Darling, today I’m ready to watch any movie with you!”.

For a special evening, it is better to choose a special film. Romantic films with elements of eroticism and closeness of the main characters will perfectly fit into the atmosphere. Here are some options:

  • "Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona" (2008);
  • "Boyfriend from the Future" (2013);
  • "The Age of Adaline" (2015);
  • Time Traveler's Wife (2008);
  • "Professor Marston and his Wonder Women" (2017);
  • "Last Love on Earth" (2010).

Source: IStock

Such "home" dates will become a wonderful tradition.

3. Massage

Any person enjoys a sensual massage. Especially from the other half.

Many sensations are born here at the same time: intimacy with a partner, relaxation of the body and excitement.

Use a massage cream or oil, scratch and bite your loved one, run your hair, kiss in unexpected places, whisper an erotic compliment!

Do not massage on a special evening for "wellness" purposes, but do not make too superficial movements.

Source: IStock

Make sure that the man is pleased, and the body is really relaxed. Then move on to the more intimate parts of the body...

4. Costume party

Have a costume party! Add role-playing games to this as well.

A nurse, a flight attendant, a strict teacher or a modest student… A white coat, cat ears, angel wings…

Under the suit, be sure to wear seductive underwear so that the man will be doubly pleased to undress you.

Play your part to the end!

Source: GIPHY

5. Sex with closed eyes

Sex before going to bed in the missionary position gets boring after the third time! It's time to try something new.

And it's not about sex toys, intricate poses from the "Kama Sutra" and watching porn.

To add sensuality, blindfold both yourself and your partner. So you will not see notifications on your phone, you will not be distracted by external imperfections.

Surrender to the wave of passion that runs between you! Sex in this state is always bright and lively!

Source: GIPHY

Romantic dinner for a loved one outside the home

6. Restaurant

Banal idea from romantic films. But many couples have not brought it to life!

An evening dress and an elegant clutch for a woman, a formal suit and a bouquet of roses for a man…

Favorite dishes, without peeping at the price and comparing with the monthly budget. Helpful waiter, slightly tipsy look at the end of the meal ...

Such relaxation will help you feel like on a first date again, and at home arrange an unforgettable night of love.

7. Dinner on the roof

On a warm evening on a cloudless night, you can climb onto the roof of your house, take a bottle of dry red, Dor Blue, a couple of candles and a warm blanket.

To be alone without people, phones and city noise. Talk about everything in the world, laugh and get drunk.

Source: IStock

You can arrange a romantic photo session against the backdrop of the lights of the night city

8. Dance master class

How long have you been dancing with a partner? On the first date? At a friend's wedding?

A couple of years ago at a New Year's party? .. If you can't remember, it's time to fix the situation.

It is not necessary to perform “pas” correctly, do complex acrobatic stunts and hone the technique of movements for months.

Source: IStock

Sign up for a master class for beginners: passionate tango, live salsa or slow waltz ...

The main thing is the feelings and the spark between the partners that arise during the dances. One evening dress and heels are worth it!

9. Sex hotel

If at home it is not always possible to tune in to romance, then in sex hotels, specially designed to indulge in passion, such problems will not arise.

You can rent a room for the night or for a few hours. You can also choose the theme based on your preferences: BDSM, pink tones, jacuzzi, ultraviolet lighting, mirrors on the ceiling, aphrodisiacs…

There are a lot of options, and the most valuable experience is the opportunity to immerse yourself in each other, make love and nothing more.

It is very important to treat a man with love and learn to understand him - this is the key to the happiness of a couple:

Review of the participant of the course "Woman's Way"

10. Striptease

Have you ever gone to a strip club with your husband? Or do you think that this is an exclusively male pastime?

But if you look at sexy girls, erotic dances and embarrassing movements together, it's impossible not to get turned on.

After all, next to you is sitting the one with whom you want to lock yourself in a black room and realize all intimate fantasies!

Moreover, you can take a few ideas and movements into service for yourself.

What did the man look at with burning eyes, at what moments did he lick his lips? It probably turns him on.

On cold winter evenings, to spend unusual time with your loved one, it is not necessary to leave the house. With a little imagination, you can turn your ordinary apartment into the most romantic place on earth, and a dull evening after work into an unforgettable date.

I offer 10 ideas for a romantic date at home.

1. Home theater

This should not be your usual night in front of the TV in pajamas and with a bag of chips. Approach this process more romantically. Choose a suitable movie in advance: a comedy or something erotic, but no series or tearful dramas. Buy popcorn or make berries with whipped cream. And of course, do not forget to pick up sexy lingerie. A relaxing, unobtrusive romantic evening in an embrace with your loved one is guaranteed.

2. Champagne bath

Buy a bottle of champagne or wine of your choice. Prepare a light fruit dessert, strawberries with chocolate or cream. Fill the tub with scented water and foam, turn off the lights, and place small candles throughout the bathroom. You can make a selection of your favorite slow songs. Such an evening will perfectly relax after a hard day and, of course, will continue.

3. Defile

On a night like this, don't be shy. Remember what your loved one likes: heels and lingerie, police uniform, Lara Croft costume, whatever. Prepare something unusual for dinner, turn on the dimmed lights and meet your soulmate in an unusual way. End the evening with a daring strip show.

4. Tasting

Buy several different bottles of wine, cheese, fruits, recreating the atmosphere of a real tasting. Turn on calm neutral music, dim the lights. Alcohol will undoubtedly relax, give courage and fantasy to complete such a romantic date.

5. Chocolate fondue

You don't have to follow the recipe intricately to make a real fondue. Just melt a chocolate bar, cut fruit, turn on the music. The main thing in this evening is to playfully feed each other and lick the falling drops of chocolate...

6. Games

Strip cards, Twister, chess...
Any game takes on an erotic color if only a man and a woman play it. And if you turn on your imagination, you can not only romantically, but also have fun with your loved one.

7. Shared cooking

Cook together an interesting and unusual dish that you have not tried before. Team play, throwing flour at each other, a whirlwind of appetite... All this brings us together and liberates.

8. Dancing

You can spend the evening like this only if you are both very romantic and close. Make a selection of your favorite songs, dim the lights and just dance. You can fool around a little or dance to slow tracks. The continuation of the evening depends only on your imagination.

9. Reading

This is not about declaring Blok's poems, but about erotic literature. Take 50 Shades of Grey, for example. It should be noted that the piquancy in literature sometimes exceeds the eroticism on the screen. Let the book captivate you, try the images of the characters on yourself or read the dialogues together ... You can invent or embody the ending yourself.

10. Conversation

During dinner, just talk. About anything. About plans for the future, about aspirations and dreams, about the world, about music... Such a date implies spiritual rapprochement, since in the modern world couples talk little to each other. In this way, you will show your ability to listen to your loved one, respect for his opinion, as well as the fact that you see him as an interesting person. And the continuation of the evening depends only on your imagination.

Romantic dates to you!