Why a man appears and disappears: reasons. Does a man fish return to an ex-woman? Psychology of men

Every woman dreams of being strong and long term relationship, but to find the right one and loving partner difficult. Many men do not want to build a serious relationship and prefer to be content with new and stormy novels. If you give up unnecessary feelings and emotions, take a sober look at the situation, then recognize unpromising relationship will be easy. If a man often disappears without explanation, then it will be simply impossible to build a lasting alliance with him based on respect, love and trust.

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    Where did he disappear to?

    If a man appears and disappears, then this indicates his frivolity. No sane person would allow himself to go to long time without explaining anything. If a woman tolerates such an attitude, then everything suits her. After all, such an alliance lasts as long as the chosen one forgives the man.

    While the girl in love is worried, her "disappeared" partner is having a good time. No matter how much a girl loves such a man, he still will not appreciate her. sincere feelings and will be with her only because of physical proximity. He is ready to put on any masks and a short time become a loving and caring guy. But he does not need any serious relationship, he only uses the girl.

    Reasons for the disappearance

    Men go away from problems that can suddenly arise in their lives. Sometimes, for the sake of interest, they start dating a girl who they only need for sex. They do not have feelings for her, do not want to build a relationship, but only use it. Therefore, they silently disappear from the life of a girl in love. But there are several main factors that are the cause of the sudden disappearance of a lover.

    He has another

    Many women, faced with the fact that their loved one periodically disappears, suspect him of treason. It is useless to interrogate a traitor, he does not confess his own sins, but will do everything to prove loyalty.

    The guy might have civil marriage or simply romantic relationship.You can identify the presence of another partner by the following signs:

    • General plans. A man does not show himself with a woman in in public places. Any time general plans can collapse because he has unexpected things to do.
    • Weird requirements. He diligently inspects his home or car after the girl leaves, forbids her to use perfume, loose her hair, put on lipstick, etc. All this can betray a potential cheater.
    • Loneliness. A woman spends all the holidays alone, because her "beloved" is busy at this time.

    It is the presence of anotherwomen is the main reason for the disappearance of men. Therefore, you need to give up your feelings and excessive emotionality and tell your partner about parting, since such a relationship will not lead to anything good.

    frivolity of intentions

    Sometimes guys are just afraid to admit that their feelings are gone. They will consider it necessary to disappear than to say everything directly to their faces. This suggests that a man cannot take responsibility for his actions. In this case, you should not be upset, but it is advisable to quickly forget about the guy.

    A man may initially not want a serious relationship. He just wanted to have a good time in the company beautiful girl. Therefore, its abrupt disappearance would be quite understandable.

    Other reasons

    Men can behave strangely and disappear for an indefinite period of time. different reasons. These include:

    • The man is tired of the woman and he needs time to cool down. This occurs if the partner often calls and writes to him, trying to constantly control his life.
    • The chosen one has serious problems. He needs time to resolve them and calm down.
    • The man does not write or call, as he is waiting for the initiative from the girl. If a woman tries to get closer to a partner in such a situation, then he will reciprocate her.
    • A large work load takes all the attention and time of a man. In the absence of time, he simply forgets about his partner.
    • Man leads double life about which his girlfriend is not worth itknow. Addiction to alcohol or drugs, criminal cases and much more can cause disappearance.

    A man who loves and cherishes his partner will be able to call her and explain his disappearance in almost any situation. If he did not do this, but preferred to “forget” about his act, this indicates a lack of feelings for the girl.

    What to do?

    Every woman is the mistress of her life and chooses the men who will surround her. You need to love and appreciate yourself, do not waste time on men who are incapable of sincere feelings. In this case, do not blame yourself, it is better to cut off all ties with such a person.

    Very often, men who appear and disappear are good manipulators. They know the psychology of women very well and use it. As a result, the partners begin to appreciate them even more and do everything so that the man does not disappear again, but as often as possible bestows his "love" on them.

    If a girl feels great in the role of a victim and hopes for positive changes in the relationship, then this is only her decision. Sometimes it's better to go through a sad breakup than to spend best years lives on the wrong people.

    Features of the signs of the zodiac

    Some of the representatives of the zodiac constellations simply cannot afford to disappear without explanation for a week or a month, and then return.

    Distinctive features of the zodiac signs:

    Zodiac sign Description
    AriesMen of this sign are impatient, they want to get everything at once. They will do anything to get what they want, though true feelings however, they may or may not have. They will try to win over all the women they like. In case of refusal, Aries do not become depressed, but go in search of new girl. When building a serious relationship, they are distinguished by honesty and loyalty, they tell the truth in person
    TaurusLoving Tauruses look after their chosen one in classical traditions, and sweets and flowers are required attribute their worries. The more money the men of this sign spend on a girl, the more significant she is for them. Taurus are indecisive, and in case of fading passion and loss of interest, they can disappear without explanation.
    TwinsThese are windy men who love to leave and change partners. They are resourceful in courtship and adore flirting. Gemini tend to idealize the chosen ones, but as soon as they are disappointed in their partner, they will immediately go looking for a new one.
    CancerThese men are distinguished by special secrecy, do not tolerate criticism and insults. They are afraid to end relationships and it is difficult to experience breakups. They may not notify the girl of their desire to leave and will even help her and take care of her, but without any feelings
    a lionThey need constant admiration and recognition, they react painfully to criticism. They know how to take care of girls and are very popular with them. They tend to have love relationships with several partners and prove their bright feelings to each of them. They can disappear and then reappear if they are not appreciated by the new chosen one.
    VirgoIt takes a long time to choose a girl for a relationship. Only after they learn enough information about the girl do they start an affair with her. If Virgos are seriously passionate, then marriage proposals will not have to wait long. These men know how to appreciate, love, trust and very rarely lie.
    ScalesSlow and changeable men who hate conflicts and quarrels. They easily start new novels and know how to charm women, but they are afraid of obligations and responsibilities. They can disappear from the life of a beloved at the most unexpected this moment because they are afraid of the bonds of marriage
    ScorpionMany women will not resist their pressure. They say beautiful words and give outrageous compliments. If they want to part, they will not waste time, but will tell their partner directly about their thoughts
    SagittariusThese are independent and loving men who like to walk on their own. They demonstrate their affection through financial investments in a partner. They can start several novels at once, quickly find a replacement. May lie and not speak of their true intentions
    CapricornThese men fall in love extremely hard and are distinguished by excessive incredulity, they need time. In the event of separation former partners do not return
    AquariusDemonstrate their feelings with words. Often start a relationship with best friends. When parting, they prefer not to meet a woman in person, but to write her a long SMS or email
    FishPisces men need constant proof of true feelings for them. The companion should be able to subtly feel their mood and, if necessary, provide support. They prefer to simply abruptly cut off all ties with the chosen one.

    Men who experience bright love feelings for a woman will never disappear without explanation, and then reappear. After all, this points to complete absence respect for your partner.

Dreamy, indecisive and emotional Pisces can exhaust their chosen one with attention, and then suddenly wave their fins and disappear into the abyss of days. The Pisces man will react incorrectly to jealousy on the part of the woman, and no matter how hard she tries, she will not be able to keep Pisces' attention only with her person.

Pisces men are very attentive to their friends, and since they have a lot of friends, a woman should be patient and understanding. Not only she needs his participation, compassion and emotions.

If the chosen one of Pisces lacks his participation, then this is a temporary period. The absent-minded and inattentive Pisces man could well have forgotten that he should call. Do not be upset and in any case do not reprimand your friend for such behavior. He terribly dislikes criticism and tediousness. In addition, it may not be his fault that he did not call.

If the Pisces man does not call, and there is no stability, certainty in the relationship, and everything is shrouded in mystery, then it may not be too late to untie this knot and get rid of delusions? After all, there are many different men, why hold on to a cold slippery fish?

Already very difficult Pisces in terms of love relationship. Their opinion can change every five minutes: now he is together, now he is apart. And it’s impossible to say a word across to him, since the Pisces man is very sensitive, touchy and vulnerable.

Men of this fickle sign can be very obsessive and jealous. Their frequent phone calls and SMS messages can tire even the most patient woman. And if the companions of some signs of the zodiac complain about the silence of partners, then Pisces' friend is perplexed by the opposite attitude. That's how different they are.

And yet there is positive sides at Pisces. It is worth the companion to believe in their abilities and talent, to help realize them, and Pisces will carry faith and gratitude to their girlfriend through the whole life path.

Why did the man stop calling? Many women are very upset and worried about the silence of Pisces. Only representatives of the water sign can love so reverently and tenderly.

It is difficult for Pisces to take the first step, because they are filled with fear and doubt. Therefore, if you still want to be close to Pisces, you should not wait long, but you can call or write yourself. Pisces are very fond of initiative. In addition, this method will help them, in case of retreat, to retain the right to choose for themselves.

Before asking why he does not call, you should think and find out the reasons for this behavior. If this is difficult, then it is worth giving some of the most common ones, and perhaps it will be possible to find the true reason among them.

She is still waiting for a long-awaited message from her beloved, but the guy does not call or write? Perhaps even calls him, but he does not pick up the phone and does not call back, or even completely rejects her calls? Why is this happening and will he return to her again? You don't need to waste time calling from other phones, calling your mutual friends, or driving to his house to figure out what's going on. It is enough just to remember what happened during last meeting with him and think about what really happened. This article will describe the 10 most common causes for which a man does not write or call a woman.

He went to another city or abroad, where the connection is too expensive. If a man leads an active lifestyle, often travels on business trips and is generally busy with business, then it is possible that at the moment he is away and therefore does not pick up the phone and does not call. Therefore, you need to check email, perhaps he wrote a message to the woman about himself. But if that doesn't happen, there's nothing to worry about. As soon as he reappears in the city, he will call. The only question is why he did not inform the woman in advance of his departure. This may indicate that he may have a family in another city or that he is simultaneously courting another woman. In any case, a woman should not lose vigilance when dealing with him. But more often than not, he just spun around and forgot to call the woman. And when she began to call back, he was already in another city or country.

Drunk sex. A man accidentally slept with a woman at a party, drunkenly telling her his phone number, and maybe even his home address. It is possible that he himself does not remember how he confessed his love to her, how he said that better women have not yet met, and maybe even promised to marry. In the morning, having sobered up, he realized his mistake, and she, inspired by declarations of love, took it seriously and began to call him and write. And he decided to just ignore the problem and pretend that nothing happened. And in such cases, you should not impose yourself and call him, because, perhaps, this is not the first situation when he was drunk sleeping with unfamiliar or unfamiliar women, promising them castles in the air, and you should not regret it.

He's too busy. This situation can happen when a man and a woman have just started dating and he is still only looking at her, without devoting her to his affairs. And also when his passion for a woman is not serious or if he has something to hide.

Then he begins to deal with his affairs, ignoring the woman, all her calls and letters, since the situation is uncertain. He cannot promise to meet the lady. And such a situation, I must say, is not pleasant, and it occurs quite often.

It is possible that the woman herself is to blame for this, annoying him with her calls and an impatient desire to meet. In this case, you should not write to him or call him for several days and try to find out what he is hiding. It is possible that the solution of this mystery will clarify the relationship and will be the first step towards closer and trust relationship or destroy them completely. And then no one will suffer from uncertainty.

He has achieved sex and the woman is no longer interested in him. This behavior is often characteristic of adolescents and young men who are not yet ready for serious relationship or just learn sex in practice. Usually they immediately confess to a woman in love, give beautiful gifts, bribe with attention and care, but do not introduce her to her parents or relatives, which in adolescence can be assessed as a manifestation of independence and assertion of one's right to personal life. Having received theirs, such men immediately evaporate without explaining the reason. And the reason was in sex without consequences for him and obligations.

The woman began to apply for Cohabitation or marriage. While the man has not yet made a choice or is not yet ready to marry. It's pretty common mistake in a relationship that can destroy the relationship with him. After all, men painfully perceive submission to a woman and perceive such haste as an invasion of a woman into their personal territory. To achieve this goal, a woman needs to gently and unobtrusively prepare a man for this step and not rush things.

She said she was expecting a child from him. This can put an end to relationships in general.

His parents told him that a woman was cheating on him or marrying another. Especially if they live in different cities or he is in the military. And he decided not to do anything and leave everything as it is, without bothering with his calls and letters.

He has another and he wants to leave gently, without resentment, scandals and tears. Therefore, he does not call or write to a woman, trying to avoid unnecessary insults, tears, scandals and showdowns.

Jealousy. He was jealous of a woman for another (even if thoroughly) and wants to go into the shadows in order to give her the opportunity to decide on men herself, and maybe even draw attention to herself.

Evil rumors and gossip. If he is not confident in a woman, then gossip and rumors could destroy the relationship. Having learned something very bad about a woman, he can simply end the relationship with her without explaining the reasons because of his own pride.

Unfortunately, the lovers themselves are far from always the culprits of the fact that the relationship is ending. Perhaps the guy loves, but does not call because it is beneficial to someone. There are selfish people who pursue their goals, unfortunately, not always positive.

I would like to hope that the above reasons why a man does not call will help to avoid conflict situations which often lead to the breakup of relationships. It remains to wish fewer quarrels and more pleasant moments in a relationship.

Men born under the Pisces zodiac sign have their own characteristics that any woman needs to know in order to capture the heart of her lover. These are not clear guidelines, but only Interesting Facts which will help to learn something new about nature and inner world your beloved man.

Pisces is a very sophisticated zodiac sign that requires attention. These people are very creative, so they think outside the box. They are very difficult to understand, but we will try to help you with this.

5 Secrets to a Successful Relationship with a Pisces

Secret one: with Pisces you need to be as careful as possible - they are extremely fragile in terms of internal organization. With a fairly small probability, you can find yourself a Pisces man who will move mountains. These are not brutal males, but rather incredibly beautiful personalities - inside and out. That is why you should not expect strong actions from them - let them decide for themselves what needs to be done. In no case do not criticize them for no reason or too much - this will also negatively affect your relationship.

Secret two: Pisces are waiting for a man who will share their interests, their hobbies and their outlook on life, so be careful - if your man feels a lack of connection and intimacy, he may find himself another woman. Pisces do not have a goal to go "left", but they can come to this if they look for what they do not get in an established relationship.

Secret three: these are secretive personalities, so the Pisces man must be taught not to lie. There is only one way to do this - to make him trust you one hundred percent. Just be honest with him yourself - he will see that you are sincere, so he will make any attempts to match you. If you catch him in a lie, try not to dramatize - a man will not understand this, since this is a character trait that is difficult to eradicate in Pisces.

Secret Four: Pisces - extremely romantic nature that can fill your life with tenderness and beauty. They are often incredibly erudite, intelligent and well-rounded. These are the most amazing people on Earth, therefore, in addition to fears, there are such positive aspects that 99 percent of women dream of.

Secret Five: Pisces men are incredibly jealous, but ... they will never show it. Never. Of course, there may be exceptions, but it's better not to risk teasing Pisces. Pisces will never throw a tantrum in public, they will never reproach you. You will just hurt them, and they will start looking for a new partner and life partner. Appreciate their feelings, their attitude towards you.

Pisces is a storehouse of emotions and feelings. Every woman dreams of this romantic man like Pisces. These men do not look like the hackneyed image of the perfect macho or brutal male. These people will transform your life into beautiful picture with many colors, bringing love and good luck. Love and be loved and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.01.2016 01:00

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about the Zodiac Sign of your man, you ...

With any Signs of the Zodiac, it can be difficult to achieve harmony in family life. But if your man...

What to expect from him

It is impossible to seduce a Pisces. It is he who decides who he meets and who not. If he doesn't like you, he'll get through, while managing not to offend anyone. He is attracted to girls who are intelligent, independent, beautiful, nothing if they are married. Particularly attracted to other girls. In general, the more success a girl enjoys with men, the more he needs her. No one has ever been able to resist him. Because, firstly, he is charming, and, secondly, he is not interested in absolutely impregnable girls.

When he courts, he knows how to adjust everything so that others think that he is doing you a favor, and at the same time you feel like the most beautiful in the world. Even sex in a club toilet 5 minutes after meeting you will be able to offer so that you feel flattered.

Punctuality is no different. Half an hour late is the norm. Trying to re-educate is useless. Pisces is the most scattered and unassembled man in the world. However, he will not forget your birthday, because his own DR is exclusively for him. an important event. And you better remember that.

Likes big crowds, parties and gossip. The same program will be offered to you.

Gives gifts. But inexpensive and impractical. For the most part, completely idiotic. Plush mutant hares, vulgar postcards and flowers will be inundated. And in a big way, he can only lie. If you have an excess of money, Pisces will gladly help you spend it quickly and in good style.

As soon as he feels that he has charmed you to the utmost, the romantic fervor will subside. Can start to get bored, stubborn and capricious.

You can’t be completely sincere with him (although this is exactly what he is trying to achieve), you have to play with him, pretend, then bring him closer, then move him away (but not too much). If an opponent looms on the horizon, the Fish will disappear. Tends to avoid action. Because, firstly, a lazy person, and, secondly, a fatalist.

If he is really in love (which no one knows for sure, even he himself), then he will try to manipulate you and test your strength in every possible way. He will experience deep relief if you stop these attempts in the bud. It is more comfortable for him to be led.

In normal mode, he is not at all jealous. If he suddenly began to be jealous, it means that he has the most serious intentions. Jealousy, like all your feelings, will be carefully hidden. Change will not be forgiven. Because it's a betrayal for him. And that's what he fears the most.

Do not count on fanatical loyalty and devotion. He loves women in general, as a species. Sometimes he experiences pangs of conscience, but this only makes him conspire better and lie more sophisticatedly.

He doesn't know how to end a relationship. He is always surrounded ex-wives and girlfriends with whom he is either friends, or not completely parted. He can leave, then change his mind and return, then leave again. A fish that can disappear on your wedding day. Because, you see, it seemed to him that he was in a hurry.

In my intimate life does not dedicate even the best friends. He is absolutely sure of his male solvency, therefore he does not boast of victories. Rybakcollectioner at heart. But he loves his collection.