A message to a beloved man. Romantic sms for your loved one at night. SMS about love to your beloved guy. Pleasant words to your beloved guy: what to write for him? Pleasant SMS for a guy at night

Do you think that only the female half of humanity loves with ears? Wrong! This quality is endowed and men. Say nice words to your beloved guy every day and in a month you will notice that your relationship has become brighter, stronger and happier! The opposite sex flies with happiness when they hear a beautiful speech addressed to them.

nice words for husband

Sometimes it is necessary to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are some phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the best husband, being your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be separated;
  • I am a happy woman. Will you ask why? Because I got the best husband!;
  • You are my own kitten (bunny). I need your love so much
  • For so many years you and I have been united by the bonds of marriage, and you still deprive me of my mind.

Send your husband a message when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see, he will come home in an excellent mood.

Nice words for a guy at night

Psychologists and cosmetologists say: if you want to wake up cheerful, fresh and full of energy, then fall asleep in a good mood. What can please more than a text message from a beloved woman before going to bed? Please your chosen one with a couple of beautiful phrases. If you have problems with fantasy, then use a little hint.

  1. Night. Winter. How cold I am! But it gets warmer when I remember our last meeting with you. Thoughts of you warm my heart. Thank you for these moments of happiness that are still stored in my memory;
  2. My dear, may you have clear and bright dreams this night. I love you. With great impatience I look forward to the next meeting with you;
  3. Good night. Good luck to you tomorrow. You will succeed, I believe in it!
  4. Sweet dreams my kitty. You sleep, and I will think of you and remember our sweet kiss;
  5. Every person involuntarily closes his eyes at night because he wants to sleep. And I do this only to see you again, at least in a dream.

Romantic people are not in fashion now. Someone considers them banal or strange. But still, it will be pleasant for any person to read before going to bed a few beautiful phrases dedicated to only to him.

Pleasant SMS to your beloved in your own words

Young people like compliments and pleasant phrases. But hardly anyone will like a banal verse copied from the Internet. Do you want to melt the heart of your chosen one? Write him a sincere message about everything that is going on in your soul. Below are some examples of such messages.

  • Today I caught myself thinking that I can predict your actions. I realized we really became close. I can safely answer the question about your dreams, about your favorite drinks and idols. I am glad that our thoughts converge in many ways. You are a part of me;
  • It's been a long time since our first date. And I still remember this moment to the smallest detail: what you did, how you were dressed, your facial expression. You know, I realized that with the advent of you in my life, the world has changed. He became kinder, I myself want to give everyone my care and warmth;
  • We had many moments with you, pleasant and not so. But the strength of our feelings resisted all obstacles. I believe our love is so strong that it can overcome any difficulties.

To please your man, it is not necessary to fantasize and look for patterns on the sites. Just open your soul to him and tell him everything that you feel.

How to affectionately call your chosen one?

Your man is worthy of beautiful phrases and pleasant speeches. He has a name that his parents, friends and colleagues call him. Come up with your own affectionate word that belonged only to the two of you. There are a huge number of romantic nicknames for couples in love. All of them can be divided into several classes.

  1. subclass of animals. The simplest and most common. An affectionate word can be any name of an animal, with the addition of a diminutive suffix. For example, a bunny, a teddy bear, a cat, and so on. Strong men are called lions or tigers. Such affectionate words are the most popular, correspondingly banal;
  2. Do not surprise a man if you call him such nouns as an angel or a sun;
  3. Men like to feel that someone needs them. Therefore, add a preposition before the spoken word. For example: “You are my happiness, you are my life, you are my joy”;
  4. You can call your chosen one with an adjective. He will be happy if you call him affectionate, sexy, unique, desirable, beloved, unique or loved. It is not recommended to use comparative adjectives: the cutest, the best, there are no more like you. The young man may feel that he is being compared to other men;
  5. The least commonly used phrases are macho, male, superman, honey, charm. If you want to surprise your boyfriend, then use these phrases.

An affectionate word should reflect the inner world of your soulmate. Carefully monitor the reaction of your partner, if he does not like compliments, then do not impose them on him.

Nice words for a guy in the morning

Awakening is the main part of the day. With what mood a person wakes up, so he will spend the rest of the day. Write a message to the guy about your feelings, such a pleasant surprise will give him happiness, a feeling of cheerfulness and joy. Don't know how beautiful it is to wish him good morning? Use templates:

  • Hello. Congratulations on the start of a new day. I hope he will give you a lot of pleasant moments;
  • Good morning, Dear. I dreamed of you. I woke up and you weren't there. How do you want the dream to become a reality;
  • Hope your day is good today. A surprise awaits you in the evening! Have a good mood;
  • Good morning darling. How nice it is to wake up knowing that I have you. I count the seconds until our meeting;
  • Today I had a dream that you came to visit me, and I prepared a delicious dinner for you from your favorite dishes. Let's work together to make this dream come true.

A man will wake up in the morning, want to look at his watch and see a beautiful message from the woman he loves. His day went well!

Why do men need beautiful words?

No matter how selfish it may sound, beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him.

Did he nail a shelf in your bathtub? Be sure to remind him of strong hands and good wit. Got an award? Tell me how proud you are of his determination. Did you do housework? Boast with him to your girlfriends, what a wonderful man you have. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have the desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom.

In this video, Anna will tell and give some tips on how to please her boyfriend with pleasant words for him:

The real happiness of a person consists of small daily joys. It is doubly important if these joys are given to him by the most beloved person. You don’t need any golden mountains, and you don’t have to get out of your skin. Just a drop of attention and a little imagination - even in pleasant SMS. It's not so difficult, and a charge of vivacity will appear in the morning. Yes, and a light, unobtrusive “break-up” during the day in the form of messages on a mobile phone will also be nice surprises. How to do this for a beloved man?

First, let's learn how to write SMS messages correctly. No, it is clear, of course, that everyone can press buttons, but sometimes even these innocent SMSs for the subscriber turn reading time into a living hell. Therefore, we are guided by several rules:

    SMS cannot convey intonation, exactly the one that is clear to the writer. Therefore, emoticons at the end of a sentence will definitely help express all feelings: are you smiling now, or are you sad.

    It is advisable not to use the "auto-correct" function. Sometimes there are well-known curiosities when, through inattention, you send out such nonsense, because of which the reader comes to a stupor. If you use "autocorrect", then be sure to double-check the text.

    Be friendly with spelling and punctuation. And this is not because your man is picky about literacy, but because texts written in a blunder are difficult to read. And, frankly, illiteracy does not paint a girl.

    Again, long messages cause difficulty in reading. SMSs are needed more for a dialogue than for an epistolary monologue. Even if your boyfriend did not immediately answer some of your questions, wait a while - he may be busy.

    Do not mix pleasant messages with a showdown in correspondence. If you really want to bring joy to your man, and not ruin your relationship with him, then it’s better to hold back at some point if something goes wrong.

    Small surprises, in the form of text messages, should be light as a kiss, short as a gunshot, and often unanswerable. When sending a text message, just think about how your lover will now just smile after reading it.

    Double-check the written text addressed to a man, in any case, and imagine if you yourself would like to receive such a love message.

    Never try to make a “surprise” if a man warned you that he would be very busy at some time (meeting or driving), and you, so mysterious, still wanted to provoke him with SMS of a sexual nature. This will be off topic, and will rather piss off your young (or not so) person.

In the modern world, it has become difficult to be in a secret love relationship. Gossip grandmothers on a bench at the entrance no longer “have weight”: cameras and hidden “eyes” are everywhere, and only SMS, calls to a mobile phone and correspondence on social networks are generally time bombs.

If your man is married to another woman, and you really don’t want to “shine”, then be more careful with communication on all these means of communication - only at the time appointed by your lover. Yes, and you, most likely, are recorded on his phone not with your name, but with some “Ivan Ivanovich” from work.

Now imagine if in the morning you decided to pamper your not free man with SMS, and suddenly his wife accidentally stumbles upon the phone. And SMS like this:

Kitty, good morning! Love and kisses!

Here are three options for her guesses:

  • This is 100% love!
  • My husband is a closeted homosexual!
  • A certain Ivan Ivanovich is clearly from a hangover, and mixed up the phone number!

So don't even think about writing something like that. I am convinced that your married man is outside the family zone - you can purr a few words to him in SMS - that you love, that you miss, that you are waiting for a date. But it's better not to get carried away. And, the golden rule: I drank too much with my friends - turn off or hide the phone away, otherwise you’ll do such things that you don’t even wake up in the morning.

Messages to my own husband

SMS messages to a loved one should “smell with the aromas of the day” (in a figurative sense, of course). Morning SMS should “smell” with cheerfulness, freshness and positive, daytime SMS with support and optimism, evening SMS with mystery and eroticism. It is with all this that messages should be “charged” throughout the day.

The husband is almost your "blood". And if you have been married for a long time, and your relationship has “settled down”, the former passion for each other has passed, then it is short messages that can stir up cooled feelings. Let's distribute SMS a little by daily parts and imagine an approximate family regimen.


You left for work first. The husband stayed to sleep until his time. You know how sleepy he is, and you usually call him on your cell phone with the usual demand to get up. He's used to it and doesn't expect anything else from you. And then suddenly: "deelin" - the sound of SMS. And there the text: “Wake up, sun! Good morning!” Well, a couple more control times. Wouldn't he be pleased to wake up to such kind words?


Work bustle for everyone. Your head is full of thoughts about business, you completely forget that you even have a family. But here's a break, you drink a lunch cup of coffee and get distracted from work. And you think - well, how is he, my main man, maybe he is also tired, twirled, nervous. Make sure he smiles. Write at least one word: "I love you!" It won’t take much time, but what a balm for the soul this word will be for your spouse!


Tired time, when everyone just wants to stretch out on the couch, so that no one touches. But your darling, on the way home, is predetermined out of habit severely: now something will be wrong from the threshold, nit-picking, questions. And you take it here and send him a text message from you: “Darling, I miss you so much! I cooked a delicious dinner, I can’t wait!” Set up another one right now!

Almost night

You are still spinning in the kitchen, and he has already gone to bed. Somehow there was no sex for a long time, but I really want to. Well, why don't you throw a message through the wall to him: “Kitten! Want you! I'm in the shower and soon to you in bed! He, of course, can pretend to be asleep, but most likely it will excite him out of surprise. Little tricks, but what an effect they have!

Messages for the groom

Your man is your future spouse. Then you need to especially try with imagination and literacy, because he still decides to take a serious step in his life, connecting it with you. More affection in words, without obsession and edification - just be a good boy.

Let for the world you are just someone, but for someone you are the whole world!

First date, kisses, tenderness and romance... How wonderful it is! Love inspires, makes people so happy and beautiful. In order to keep these magical feelings throughout life, one must " add oil to the lamp so that it does not go out". There are many ways and they are the most diverse, one of the simplest - romantic sms for boyfriend(from gentle, sublime to intimate with a train of mystery).

Here your man is sitting at monotonous work in the office and suddenly ... he receives SMS from you:

Sunny, I can’t forget last night, I felt so good… Just don’t get tired at work today, I bought… such seductive red underwear and you will see in the evening how I will… slowly… take it off…

With a similar SMS you will deliver pleasant moments to your loved one, he will think about you and wait, wait (!!!) to meet you. I love to compose text messages for my man myself, because only two people know what exactly will affect a person dearly, what will cheer him up and make him remember the magic of last night of love, dream up what awaits him tonight ...

If it’s difficult to come up with something unusual yourself, you can use ready-made texts romantic sms for your loved one, but it seems to me that even in this case it should add something of your own


A heart escaped from my chest, I ran after it, and it ran for the porch. If someone suddenly knocks on your door. This is my heart! You let him in, okay?

You warm my soul

You light up my life

I'm with you, as in a happy dream,

You are a miracle! I love you!

My sweet, gentle, dear,

My best and favorite!

My affectionate, so dear

And so necessary in life!

I've been missing you for a long time

I want to say but I can't

Now I reveal the secret

that I love you very much

The light was turned off in my heart.

And there is no comfort in the soul,

What happened with me? I answer…

I miss you greatly!

Your appearance is mysterious, and your eyes are hazy,

You are unique, brilliant, sexy!

All this is true, but do not be arrogant,

Keep loving and smiling.

I love you, my (name of the beloved)! I live with you! My love is inexplicable, But I love you, I LOVE!!! You are all the sweetest in the world! You are alone in my soul! I give you a kiss! Come back soon!


Oh, it's just a win-win option to make your loved one think about you! Write SMS to a loved one with erotic overtones, and he will look forward to the end of the working day with such impatience! You will excite his thoughts and kindle a fire in his heart ... And do not forget to prepare for a special evening - new beautiful underwear, or maybe an erotic costume - a loved one should remember the magic of intimacy.

I want to love you.

To touch your lips with your lips,

I want to drink you to the bottom

And never part!

Darling, first I kiss you on the lips, then the tummy, and then ...

I'm in the bath... and thinking about you...

If you are next to me under a love starfall,

I will justify all hopes if you are without clothes!

Caress my body, sliding your lips ...

Kiss me boldly - I'm only yours ...

And in a fantasy world we'll be alone

During ecstasy you take me ...

When I was little, they told me that there is nothing sweeter than honey in the world, but now I know that yours are sweeter than honey ... kisses

Come soon, beloved - there will be unique sex ...


Honey, do you have a conscience? Then do me a favor, get out of my mind...

I wanted to send you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun,

but I don't fit on the screen...

I am a small text message.

I'm cold and hungry.

Ran on air rails

And finally, it has arrived.

I was sent by someone who loves me.

Now I'm kind of for her.

You warm me up and

She is also warm at the same time.

If you come to me in a dream, I will be frightened, but if you come in the daytime, I will scream. Come on…

I'm joking, I'm kidding - you know - I love you so much!

One goddess created two angels. Ani were so beautiful that she envied their beauty and threw them to the ground. I didn't get hurt! And you???

20% of the population now drink coffee, 60% make love, 19% watch TV and only one dunce reads this SMS.

I don’t have breakfast in the morning, because thinking of you.

I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you.

I don't have dinner in the evening - I think about you.

I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT! :-)

Romantic sms for a loved one at night

If you are separated from your loved one...

I kiss you from nose to heels!

And again, good night, I write for you!

I can't sleep now!

I want to look into your eyes!

I want to return to you for a moment,

Touch your lips with your lips!

The night has come and the moon is shining brightly,

sleep sweet kitten

and what would you have beautiful dreams,

I gently kiss your lips!

Good night honey!

Let sleep on soft paws enter your door, and longing will subside, and sadness will fall asleep. I miss you, I pray for you... Be patient, my love, I'll be back soon.

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...

Let when you close your eyes, you will have a sweet wonderful dream, and when you wake up in the morning, it will actually come true!

Fantasize and send romantic SMS to your beloved man! May your love be as long as your life!

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Let for the world you are just someone, but for someone you are the whole world!

First date, kisses, tenderness and romance... How wonderful it is! Love inspires, makes people so happy and beautiful. In order to keep these magical feelings throughout life, one must " add oil to the lamp so that it does not go out". There are many ways and they are the most diverse, one of the simplest is romantic sms for boyfriend(from gentle, sublime to intimate with a train of mystery).

Here your man is sitting at monotonous work in the office and suddenly ... he receives SMS from you:

Sunny, I can’t forget last night, I felt so good… Just don’t get tired at work today, I bought… such seductive red underwear and you will see in the evening how I will… slowly… take it off…

With a similar SMS you will deliver pleasant moments to your loved one, he will think about you and wait, wait (!!!) to meet you. I love to compose text messages for my man myself, because only two people know what exactly will affect a person dearly, what will cheer him up and make him remember the magic of last night of love, dream up what awaits him tonight ...

If it’s difficult to come up with something unusual yourself, you can use ready-made texts romantic sms for your loved one, but it seems to me that even in this case it should add something of your own


A heart escaped from my chest, I ran after it, and it ran for the porch. If someone suddenly knocks on your door. This is my heart! You let him in, okay?

You warm my soul

You light up my life

I'm with you, as in a happy dream,

You are a miracle! I love you!

My sweet, gentle, dear,

My best and favorite!

My affectionate, so dear

And so necessary in life!

I've been missing you for a long time

I want to say but I can't

Now I reveal the secret

that I love you very much

The light was turned off in my heart.

And there is no comfort in the soul,

What happened with me? I answer…

I miss you greatly!

Your appearance is mysterious, and your eyes are hazy,

You are unique, brilliant, sexy!

All this is true, but do not be arrogant,

Keep loving and smiling.

I love you, my (name of the beloved)! I live with you! My love is inexplicable, But I love you, I LOVE!!! You are all the sweetest in the world! You are alone in my soul! I give you a kiss! Come back soon!


Oh, it's just a win-win option to make your loved one think about you! Write SMS to a loved one with erotic overtones, and he will look forward to the end of the working day with such impatience! You will excite his thoughts and kindle a fire in his heart ... And do not forget to prepare for a special evening - new beautiful underwear, or maybe an erotic costume - a loved one should remember the magic of intimacy.

I want to love you.

To touch your lips with your lips,

I want to drink you to the bottom

And never part!

Darling, first I kiss you on the lips, then the tummy, and then ...

I'm in the bath... and thinking about you...

If you are next to me under a love starfall,

I will justify all hopes if you are without clothes!

Caress my body, sliding your lips ...

Kiss me boldly - I'm only yours ...

And in a fantasy world we'll be alone

During ecstasy you take me ...

When I was little, they told me that there is nothing sweeter than honey in the world, but now I know that yours are sweeter than honey ... kisses

Come soon, beloved - there will be sex unique ...


Honey, do you have a conscience? Then do me a favor, get out of my mind...

I wanted to send you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and fun,

but I don't fit on the screen...

I am a small text message.

I'm cold and hungry.

Ran on air rails

And finally, it has arrived.

I was sent by someone who loves me.

Now I'm kind of for her.

You warm me up and

She is also warm at the same time.

If you come to me in a dream, I will be frightened, and if you come in the daytime, I will scream. Come on…

I'm joking, I'm kidding - you know - I love you so much!

One goddess created two angels. Ani were so beautiful that she envied their beauty and threw them to the ground. I didn't get hurt! And you???

20% of the population now drink coffee, 60% make love, 19% watch TV and only one dunce reads this SMS.

I don’t have breakfast in the morning, because thinking of you.

I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you.

I don’t have dinner in the evening - I think about you.

I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT! :-)

Romantic sms for a loved one at night

If you are separated from your loved one...

I kiss you from nose to heels!

And again, good night, I write for you!

I can't sleep now!

I want to look into your eyes!

I want to return to you for a moment,

Touch your lips with your lips!

The night has come and the moon is shining brightly,

sleep sweet kitten

and what would you have beautiful dreams,

I gently kiss your lips!

Good night honey!

Let sleep on soft paws enter your door, and longing will subside, and sadness will fall asleep. I miss you, I pray for you... Be patient, my love, I'll be back soon.

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...

Let when you close your eyes, you will have a sweet wonderful dream, and when you wake up in the morning, it will actually come true!

Fantasize and send romantic SMS to your beloved man! May your love be as long as your life!

I asked God for leaves, he gave me money, I asked God for a drop of water, he gave me an ocean, I asked God for an angel, he gave me you!

There is one world in which my soul feels at home ... this is the world of your beautiful eyes.

If you would only touch my heart with your lips, you would feel not only the taste of my body, but also the love and tenderness with which I treat you!

When you, sweet man, are in a bad mood, I want to be your guardian angel to give you a set of smiles at that moment!

I know that I will miss you tomorrow more... than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

From love to you, I have grown wings, and now I am your personal angel! Only earthly.

You settled in my heart without even asking permission! So now don't be surprised that I bombard you with love messages!

You are like a breath of fresh air to me. Come soon, because I won't be able to live without oxygen for a long time! I'm waiting for you, my love!

Hello darling! You have just received an official invitation: I am waiting for you at night in my dream. And no delay please!

You are like the sun, only better. You're closer, you're mine! Give me a warm ray
Call my dear!

With you I feel like a queen! Darling, you are the best thing that could happen to me!

Do you feel how hot it got in the room when you opened this message? It's because I sent you my hottest and most passionate thoughts...

Darling! Thanks to you, I learned about how beautiful this world is, because it has you ...

You gave me more than love! You gave me the meaning of life!

I want to become a raindrop on your shoulders, I want to be a ray of sunshine to give you warmth and tenderness, I want to be a dream from your dreams and a smile on your lips.

It's good to know that you exist. It doesn't matter how long or how long, it's so good to just open your eyes and know that you are!

Every day I wait for the dawn, your greeting, your image, your golden hair, your eyes, your shoulders... Sun, I will love you forever.

Do you know what the difference is between blood and you? Blood enters and exits the heart, but you enter the heart and stay there forever...

This is a message from the network operator: If you do not send SMS to your beloved, we will disconnect you!

If I could meet God, I would thank him for giving me you.

I always share with you both chuckles and sadness! I just love you, we're just two halves!

I would like to send you all my love, but the postman said it was too big!

I always ask myself: “Where do the angels dwell? In the sky, in the air, or on the ground? But one thing I know for sure is that one angel is now reading this SMS and smiling gently!

You were born to be the only one.

And I live to love you.

If you were my tear, I would never cry, and you know why? To never lose you!

The most tender kisses, the warmest words, the most precious thing that I found in my life, found you ...

When people look at the stars, and they are far from each other, then at that moment they are in the same place. Let's meet today at midnight near the Big Dipper...

I'm not a magician, I'm still just learning, and the trick "do not miss you" is still not working for me ...

If you suddenly start to feel sad, dial the number (YOUR NUMBER) on the other end of the phone, a person who misses you madly will answer you!

Honey, if you print out all the compliments you deserve, then the country will be left without a forest ...

I love this life,

Because you are in it

And you, because you are in my life!

I love you, I love you

And I miss you a lot

I only miss you...

I kiss you loving!!!

I don't need anything in this life

Just to be next to you

Hold your hand, look into your eyes...

You mean a lot to me...

It's so nice to wake up in your arms

Plunge into your sleepy eyes,

And whisper to you GOOD MORNING!!!

I look into your eyes and smile

Give a smile - I'm not afraid

Kiss, hug - I'm shy.

Any thought of you

It lifts my spirits.

And with this mood

I wish you a good day!

Good morning! With this SMS I send you half of my heart! Keep it, and it will warm you in the most terrible frost.

Imagine for a moment that all of a sudden

From the night sky

A cloud flew into your window.

A star is wrapped in this cloud.

Now open your eyes and I'll be it!

And I will whisper so many tender words to you:

“Kiss, hug, sweet dreams…”

Good night my bunny

I want to tell you

How I love you with all my heart

And I don't want to lose you!

good night I wish!

know about you I remember!

you often dream of me

colorful and sweet dreams to you!

I wish you good night!

let the angels dream!

and the best of the best dreams,

be ready to see at night!

Night is a world of sweet dreams

A world without sorrow and without tears

A world where no extra words are needed.

I wish you sweet, tender dreams.

Quiet in the room, dark, only the moon looks out the window.

I'll ask the moonlight to say hello to you!

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone ...

Good night, my piece of happiness,

So desired, like the sun in bad weather.

Lie down, relax and sleep

Perhaps you will see me there.

Beeline informs:

A sweet magical dream has been sent to you!

You can pick up the parcel in the bed of your loved one!

Good night!


You know, I just thought that it must be very cold and lonely for you to sleep alone ...

Suddenly another terrible dream will come...

So I decided to wake you up, just in case..

Your sleep is gently guarding, the night is coming to you big. The stars mutter affectionately, sleep darling, good night!

SMS messages to your beloved is a modern way to please your other half, give a romantic recognition and express tender feelings to someone who is so close and dear. A few kind words will surely resonate in the soul of the recipient, and he will answer you in the same way.
You can send SMS to your loved one if for some reason you are not together, if writing is much easier than saying, or when you want to surprise your beloved.
The text messages presented in the section are created in different genres and can be used in absolutely different life situations. Someone is looking for a lyrical text, and someone needs a cool one, one wants to congratulate her beloved on the holiday, and the other wants to wish him good night.
Who said that the epistolary genre is dead? Not at all, it just transformed into sms messages, adapted to technological progress to make our life more romantic, and generous with kind words.

I want to cuddle up to you and not let go, slide my hands along your back, gently kiss your neck. And feel your hot kiss on my body ... And that's it - we are alone, we are just the two of us.

SMS favorite sex

How sweet is the taste of your kiss and the touch of your hands: you caress your chest and thighs, and then .... Then dizzy, I'm flying away, I want you ...

SMS at night to beloved husband

Although not next to you now, know that all thoughts are about you ... So the night has come, I want to dream about you in it. Sweet dreams my kitty.

SMS beloved boyfriend free download

That day became fate, we met with you. And my angel knew that you were my beloved. I realized a little later, but better late than never - I love you very much !!!

SMS to your loved one

You are not next to me, but only with you is my soul. I'm looking forward to and love you!

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Although you are not completely mine, but I love you as my own. I feel very good with you, and I do not want another!

Cool erotic sms to your beloved

I'll kiss you on the ear, lick your neck with my tongue. I will caress your chest, I will lower the handle below. Then your horse will rise, I will sit on top and gallop, through the valleys and along the hills for happiness and good luck!

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I will hug you at a meeting, let it be day or evening ... I will kiss you and lay you on the bed. I'll show you how much I love you!

SMS about love to your beloved guy

Native hands and beloved eyes, how good it is to be next to you, how good it is to just love you!

SMS beloved boyfriend funny

I kiss you on the nose, cheek, ear, shoulder and abdomen, eye and leg .... Oh, I drooled a little.

good night sms for loved one

The night has come, and you are far away. It's sad how. That is OK! Today in a dream we will meet again, and I will give you my love.

SMS good morning to your beloved for free

Good morning, my beloved, very nice and sweet. Let the ray illuminate your smile, and I will kiss her when we meet!

New SMS for your loved one

You know how nice it is to be close to your loved one, with a person who understands and loves you. With a man who is the whole world for me. And it's you, I love you!

The most tender SMS to your beloved

I give you all my tenderness. I love you, you are the dearest on earth!

SMS beloved husband miss you

I'm dying without you, you know that? I don't live, I just exist. I can't wait to hug and kiss you!

Download love sms to your beloved

I live love for you, I breathe it. You are the most beloved person on earth, I cannot live without you.

Love you
Millions of kisses In a text message I send you, I hug you tightly, Know that I love you!

To my king
You are my prince from a children's fairy tale, You are the hero of my life. There will be life in love and affection. You are not a prince, you are my king!

Good morning!
Good morning dear! Open your eyes as soon as possible, Get ready quickly, Go to work.

I'm lying in bed, falling asleep, I'm dreaming about you now. There is no way to sleep without you. Come get a taxi!

call home
Love blows my mind, Even if I just hear your voice on the phone. Call home soon!

I want to be yours
I'm not afraid to admit How many feelings in my soul. And I have nothing to be ashamed of, I want to be yours all night long!

For the best man
I will write an SMS to my beloved man. After all, words of love do not need a reason. I want to tell you, you are the best on the planet, There is nothing stronger than my love in the world. ...

I'm in love
I'm in love and I'm flying away from love, I seem to melt from your tender glances. I thank the whole world for you. I give you my love and life.

You sit in a boring office, you look at the monitor all day. Quickly get distracted by SMS, Did you read it? Now smile!

Sad without you
I write SMS to my beloved man, I want to tell you that now I am sad. When you are not around, there is no mood. When do you come? I'm waiting for your answer.

I will warm you with love
Come home soon, Climb under the covers with me. I will warm you with all my soul And will not let you freeze.

I will feed you
I'm ready to live with you for hundreds of years, Cook you both dinner and lunch, And bring breakfast to bed. There would be enough strength for all this!

I love you!
My dear, I love you so much! And I will always love you so much. About only God and I pray, Forever give me you.

thoughts of you
I sit in a boring office, I look at the gray ceiling, And love is in my souls, And my cheeks are burning again.

Dear, I miss you very much, Come home soon. I promise you a delicious dinner and I'll be yours all night long.
Come back home
You are so far away and I am here. Is there any justice in this? Come back home soon And all night you will be only mine!

From such happiness I do not find a place, Was your friend, And now the bride!

Without you
You are so far away now. It's not easy for me without you. Buy a ticket soon, there are no better options!

To my king
Everyone got just men, And I - a real king! And there is more than one reason for happiness, I guessed the password from the heart.

When we are together
When we are together, the sun shines brightly, When we are together, my soul sings. And I'm the happiest of all on the planet, And that's why my life is good!

I give my heart
He gave me his love And asked nothing in return. I give my heart forever, I have no strength to tear myself away from you.

A gift of fate
Fate itself brought you and me together, It gave us so much joy. Only with you I found love And with you I soared into heaven.

Together forever
Let's go through life together! Let's give happiness to each other. You are my fiance and I am your bride, My destiny is to be with you.

Walk with you
And let's roam the streets with you And hug everyone in sight, And squint from the bright sun, And kiss on every corner.

Bloomed with love
I want you, dear, I confess, Only with you I found happiness. I want to stay with you forever, After all, from your love I blossomed.

SMS to a beloved man is part of a romantic and loving relationship, which will leave a pleasant feeling of love and care in a man's heart. In the modern world, there is less and less room for romance. And if at the beginning of relationships in most couples romance comes first, then over time, household chores and household chores come first. And if men perceived such a development of events if it is calm, then for girls the loss of romance in a relationship is one of the signs of a cooling of feelings in a young man or spouse. You can wake up romance in a partner in many ways: arrange a romantic dinner, devote an evening to massage, and many other options. But there is an easier way - send SMS to your loved one. This may be a declaration of love or a description of those feelings that wake up in the soul when remembering a loved one. In the message, you can wish good morning or good night, thank you for a pleasant time, or just hint at your desires. It is difficult to imagine a man who, having received such a message, will remain silent in response.

Words of love and tenderness in SMS

A mobile phone is perceived by men as a means of communication and a tool for work, but the opportunity to receive a message from a girlfriend is a nice bonus that he will certainly appreciate. Sending a message to a loved one does not take much time, but it can be the very catalyst for a romantic act on the part of a man. A message from a loved one will bring a little variety to his workdays and, of course, will cheer him up. And the excellent mood of the beloved man is already worth it to spend a few minutes writing and sending a message.
SMS to a beloved man is a great way to demonstrate to a man that at the moment the girl's thoughts are occupied only by him, and this will certainly flatter any man. Every girl would like her young man to be the first to take the initiative, including doing pleasant things without hints and showing various signs of attention. So maybe it’s worth demonstrating by your own example that it’s very easy to show signs of attention? Sending such short messages to your loved one every day is not worth it. Of course, the attention of a girl is valuable for any man, but if there are too many messages, then you can get the opposite effect. Being constantly distracted from work by reading messages, a man loses concentration, which can cause his irritability. Therefore, when sending SMS to your beloved man, you need to consider that it is not their number that is important, but their content.


(Letter, message, wish, congratulation, poem)

An example of a love letter:

"My dear, hello! You left and I can't sleep. I can not sleep without you, as if without a soft toy in childhood! I fall asleep only when you hug me tenderly. I fall asleep to the lullaby of your rhythmic and gentle breath ....

Come to me! This is where the snow fell. Let's make snowmen... By the way, I saw one picture on the Internet .... There, rather, the photograph is even real, and not an ordinary picture. There is a family there. Apparently very friendly. The members of the whole family are lined up in order of height. A snowman "fits" between each person. They most likely made them themselves. Looks awesome! We have not had a good winter for so long that I am very happy about this winter.

Come, just dress warmly. It's minus twenty-five outside! Can you imagine how cold it is? I went outside to go to the bank….. I came back, touched the intercom buttons with my fingers, and felt how my fingers “stick” literally to the buttons! Take care of yourself. Don't forget the gloves. And don't forget to wear a hat.

Love you. And I can't help but take care of you. Sorry, but this is just the beginning! You will be surrounded by my care from head to toe. And also…. I will tell you about love often - often, really! And I will write to you very often. I know how you love to receive my letters. You reread them hundreds of times! You yourself admitted this to me. And I'm glad, and you .... Thank you for having me! Gently kiss you and look forward to. I love….".

An example of congratulations - wishes for a happy birthday:

Darling! I congratulate you on your wonderful birthday! I will not wish you happiness, because your happiness is me. Love for you is also stored in me. Let me wish you the brightest and most beautiful future! You deserve it more than anyone else. Because your birthday is the best birthday ever! Thanks to your parents for you, my gentle ....

Examples of messages for a loved one to please him:

  1. My love, I'm waiting for you! Come! Ready to turn all the hands of the clock so that our meeting will take place soon! It's getting harder and harder without you. I miss you more and more every minute...
  2. You are the best person in the whole - in the whole universe! The best, because I love you very, very much. And I promise to love you always, all my life!
  3. Knock Knock! Can you come? I thought for a long time what to write to you, and came up with .... I will write that I love you very brightly! Your every look and breath, I love your voice and all your words spoken by this voice .... And I also madly love your eyelashes, in which my loving look is often confused ....
  4. I love you! I love you! These words I can repeat to you forever. Longer if you want. My love will last for thousands of lives. But only if these lives concern you….
  5. I love repeating your name. I love looking at your photo hundreds of times. I like to “scroll” in my memory everything that happened to us. I fall in love with you more and more .... And I am so pleased to write you these pleasant words that you will hear from me later. I know that you love me no less than I love you .... More importantly, the love between us is not artificial, but the most - real love!
  6. Hello! I love you very much ...., very much. Thank you for meeting me at the right time. But I've been looking for you all my life. And I'm glad I found you. You decorate my life, really ....

Pleasant poems for a loved one:

Love you! Thank you, darling,

For loving me too.

I lent you a job...

This is just my mistake!

I love you, believe me, I miss you very much.

Otherwise, I can't!

I love you day and night.

Our reciprocity is a sign of life!

Darling, I ask: stay!

I really, really need you...

And do not blame fate for anything ....

Give all grievances to the moon.

I want to be with you forever.

And even longer... Yes Yes Yes!

I want to be with you forever!

Everything else is nonsense!

Ready to wait for you like a miracle.

I'll wait as long as necessary!

Love you! I love and will...

You appreciate my dream ....

What else to write to a guy to make him very pleased?

Write him many different confessions. Call it something special, original, unforgettable.

Write him messages with humor (jokes, jokes, jokes) if he is a fan of all this.

You can quote poets and writers if you somehow noticed that he often does this. It really will be a pleasant surprise for the guy! And, therefore, he will appreciate it for sure.

What doesn't need to be written? What can make a guy angry?

There are reasonable thoughts on this:

- Repeated (recurring) letters and messages. Each letter (message) must be unique. Uniqueness is always interesting. And what is repeated, the interest "blunts".

Something that is beautiful, but you don't like it. Your dislike, reflected in the text (although not addressed to the guy), he will notice and will ask you a lot of questions. Do not write insincere, so that it does not give rise to any doubts in him!

Something that you have the slightest doubt about. There should be no doubt that you are writing to a dear person!

What do you write to your guys to make them happy?

  1. Hello! I write him confessions in verse every day. I take some poems on the Internet, and some (when there is inspiration) I write myself (from Olya).
  2. Hello! I write compliments to my boyfriend. I also have a list somewhere. From it I cross out what I have already written, so as not to repeat myself inadvertently. And he keeps wondering where I got such a fantasy from. Love him! So my fantasy does not stop its cooperation with me (from Oksana).
  3. I write poems to him in a notebook. Completed completely one - gave. And so - all the time. This pleasant habit makes him all the happier. And I become happier looking at him (from Yana).
  4. What to write to make a guy happy? - I send him emails. Messages are not so cool. They never contain as much information as I want to contain. And I write everything I can think of. I like to write pleasant things so that my beloved is pleased (from Marina).

Nice continuation. . .