Congratulations to your beloved girl on the new year. Poems for your girlfriend for the new year. Gentle New Year's greetings to your girlfriend

My beloved, I wish a fairy tale
Accompanied you in the New Year,
Let your eyes shine with happiness
May everything that you dreamed about come true!

I wish that this New Year
We have become even closer and dearer!
Let love live in our hearts
And every day it gets stronger!

Happy New Year, love and good luck,
You mean a lot in my heart!
Be cheerful, content, happy,
Young, successful, beautiful!

Let the time pass with a smile
Yes, fewer mistakes in life
Stay healthy, never get sick
Let your eyes shine with happiness!

Happy New Year, my dear!
How beautiful you are, dear!
I sincerely congratulate you
To madness I love and adore.

This New Year is your dream
Let everything be done as soon as possible.
You are an example of the most delicate beauty,
You are the best in the world and sweeter.

Affectionate girl
My tender flower
I love your warm look
And blush cheeks.

I wish you a New Year
For you to stay
So kind, mischievous,
smiled more often

To be you, as now,
playful kitty,
And so that life every hour
Was happy for us.

Happy New Year, my love. I wish the old year to take all the failures and insults with it, I wish you to be a real queen of beauty and magnificence in the New Year. Dear, may our love story develop successfully, may all your dreams come true, may sharp turns towards happiness await you and me.

My dear, my love,
Happy New Year to you!
I love you very much dear
I only wish you happiness.

Let your eyes smile
May our dreams come true
May miracles always come true
After all, you deserve it!

May this sweet New Year
Give everything you dreamed of
Brings great happiness
So that you shine with joy!

Let the fairy tale come true easily
Good Santa Claus today
Love, care, tenderness, affection
He brought you a gift!

Beloved, Happy New Year! You are my personal, most charming and wonderful Snow Maiden! I wish your smile and beautiful eyes shine with happiness brighter than any Christmas tree garland! Be happy and have fun!

My angel, Happy New Year, my love,
My girl, you are the best.
Very soft, very beautiful
That looking at you is a big sin.

You be healthy and happy
The kindest on earth.
May your destiny be beautiful
I only wish you light.

I love you my dear
I can't even take my eyes off it.
Happy New Year, dear, beloved -
What more can I wish for you.

The mysterious night has come
Here comes the New Year
Let him, dear,
It will bring great happiness.

I wish you great joy
For love to grow and grow
So that we understand each other
With you, dear, without words.

We are sure that New Year's greetings to your beloved wife should be at least filled with love, at the maximum - with tenderness and sincerity. It is best to focus on juicy phrases, bright promises and big words. It is this style that perfectly characterizes the bird, with which you will have to go hand in hand all year. So, we choose: prose or poetry?

How to congratulate a girl on the New Year in verse

Sweet girl, you are the only one!
Joy, fun, I wish you
Let all the happiness of the world fall at your feet,
You deserve it, precious!

You are my joy, in happiness and in trouble
I walk side by side with you through life,
You protect me like a talisman
Priceless, desirable, my girl!

Happy New Year today, I'm glad to congratulate you,
I wish you everything and I want to say:
Walk with me through life, regardless of the days,
I will make you happy all the way.

Today you make a wish
I know for sure: it will come true,
In short, our partings will be,
After all, we are destined to be together!

Beloved, I wish you a Happy New Year
So as not to be sad without me,
I really, really miss you
And so I want to hug you now.

Happy New Year, love!
Adorable and unique
Beautiful, tender, slim,
Only worthy of a prince!

And this prince wishes you
Health and great love!
I dream of being with you
What a pity that I'm away now.

May New Year's dreams, desires
Come true, but the way you want
Life will show all the charm
Spring flowers will bloom!

May you dream of your beloved
The one that immediately for life,
So that you are kept by fate,
You cannot do without love.
The heart is always open for love
Let the magic happen
All bad things will be forgotten
On this night before the New Year!

Nature gave me
A girl like you
Unpredictable, beautiful
Like a dream come true.

I wish you happiness
And never be discouraged!
Happy New Year
And I'll be there, you know!

I fall in love with you again and again
Like the first time, my love!
And in the New Year, a beautiful holiday,
I want different experiences!

May every day and every evening
We will be happy to meet each other.
So that everything comes true, what was dreamed of,
And our love never ends!

What do you wish a girl on New Year's Eve?
To increase income every month,
So that everything you want, feel free to buy.
To be loved by one who could fulfill dreams.

He even presented the stars from the sky,
But he didn't have a red nose.
Also, so that he does not look like a deer,
But he always ran to you, just call.

But seriously, I'll say this in the New Year:
Every day you let in something, but you are lucky.
A sea of ​​happiness, joy ... well, plus a star
I want to wish you a new year.

For your beloved New Year's wishes -
Everything is from the heart, simple and sincere.
May expectations come true
And your love will be true.

Magic spells
The blizzard will swirl and sweep,
Life will be kind to you,
And all the bad things will fade away.

I want to congratulate the one next to me -
We will meet the New Year in the forest;
I'll surprise her with an outfit -
I'll bring a sable coat.

We will celebrate this holiday magnificently,
After all, this is the joy of our days;
And I'm in love - barely, barely audible -
I confess to my girlfriend.

I want you well and happiness
Not only to wish on a holiday;
Let fate show participation
And there will always be laughter.

The most beautiful girl in the world!
You are slim, beautiful! And you know it!
How sometimes eyes sparkle with joy,
Today I wish you Happy New Year.

I wish you passion, joy, kindness,
Golden guy, tenderness, warmth,
Find your meaning in life and follow it,
May you not meet obstacles on the way.

And I also wish you fun and love,
And don't forget about women's pride
Let the tenderness of the word caress you
Happy New Year, my dear, I congratulate you!

New Year's greetings to a girl in your own words

Beloved, the New Year is often considered the beginning of something new: a new life, a new stage, a new time. And I want this year to be, to some extent, the end. A fairy tale with a beautiful ending! So that everything does not start, but ends, and exactly the way you want it. I will always be there, protecting you from adversity and failure. Our feelings will make this New Year unforgettable!

It is believed that a miracle can happen on New Year's Eve. Before, to be honest, I did not believe in it. I don't believe even now. Because the main miracle has already happened to me, and it was not on the night of the New Year. And in general, I myself have nothing more to wish for: the most important thing has already happened. By the way, I was thinking about you last year. So let's raise our glasses so that our wishes come true with the same jewelry precision!

Only now I began to understand why the New Year is usually called a family holiday. For the first time in my life, I meet him not with my beloved, not with a girl, not with my mother and not with my sister, but with my wife! With the one that will go with me through life. I really hope that next year there will be three of us, and this will be the main New Year's gift. Happy New Year, love!

Champagne is poured into glasses, all the balls are already on the Christmas tree, the garlands are lit, your suits and dresses are matched perfectly ... Everything seems to be the same as always. But there is one global change: dear friends, this New Year, to my great happiness, I am not celebrating alone. All the days of the coming year I have to go hand in hand with a stunning girl who conquered me not only with her beauty, but also with the warmth that can only appear as a result of great love. I want her to never forget for a second how much I need her. With coming!

Honey, this New Year has definitely not been easy for us. Everything happened: quarrels, insults, hardships, misunderstandings. We have not passed all these trials courageously, not all of them have been able to overcome them. But they definitely managed to preserve the main thing - our feelings for each other. True love cannot be killed by tears of resentment. But still, I really want, no matter what the year has done, we will definitely find our happiness and learn to love without offending each other. Happy New Year!

Beloved, I really want to believe that your happiness is limitless! But if something is still missing for you, then let it come. Love will become stronger, friendships will become stronger, and careers will only go uphill. And I beg you, don't stop dreaming. This New Year, let's work together to make our dreams come true!

New Year's greetings to a girl when you are far away

New Year's fireworks flash, glasses knock loudly, toasts sound loudly, the lights on the Christmas trees light up. You are not around now, but I feel you in my heart. Do not be sad that we are not around on such an important day! After all, the main thing is not even this, but the fact that mentally we hug and kiss each other. Happy holiday, dear! Let this be the last parting of this year.

Yes, you are far away now, but I feel your warmth, and this is the main thing. This year I want to wish you, perhaps, childish naivety, oddly enough. I will try to solve all adult problems for you, protecting you from adversity and everyday problems. And let the clouds of joy, dreams, lightness remain for you. So that you always feel protected, protected from any negativity. Even when I physically can't be there. Happy New Year, my love!

Funny New Year's greetings to your girlfriend in verse (in prose)

May you for the New Year
A guest from a good fairy tale
On the Ferrari Santa Claus
Bring gifts.
Slim, young and handsome
Stylish, flawless
Knock on your life
And ask for a meeting.
Under the honey glare of a candle
New Year's Eve
May all dreams come true
Affectionate, loving.
closest to you
Will become overnight
And give forever
Laughter, love and happiness!

Darling, you never cease to amaze me! She looks so fragile, yet so incredibly strong. You always succeed. Any hero will envy your health and endurance. Any strategist will envy your mind and ingenuity. Your daily work activity is impressive. And your willpower is simply amazing! How can so many masculine qualities be combined in such a fragile body? Thank you for being so unique. But know that I see your femininity and appreciate it infinitely. Leave as much of your daily worries as possible on me: I'm not as strong as you, but I will do my best so that you have more time to rest. Happy New Year!

Photo: according to Google requests

In this endless world
Be cheerful and carefree
Amazing and cute
Interesting and happy.

Like the Snow Maiden - funny,
Like a snowflake - fragile, glorious.
You are who you are, I know.
Happy New Year!

Such a lovely girl
I want to wish:
May everything come true in the New Year!
Seriously, I'm not kidding.

Your eyes are beautiful
Let them shine with happiness
And your cheeks are cute
They are burning with joy.

Let Santa Claus give gifts
Will bring more
Under the Christmas tree
You for the New Year.

Happy New Year, my joy! I wish you the whole year to be as beautiful, charming, irresistible and delightful. May any of your desires come true, may any of your ideas lead to success, may any of your days be bright and happy!

Let the New Year happen
Everything you've always dreamed of.
May you be lucky all year long
Good luck not to change.

So that life is full of love
And just girlish happiness,
And the stars helped
And it all happened overnight.

And you will remember this year
Like the best year of your life
Moving on to next year
It will be completely flawless.

You be healthy and rich
And happy and very happy.
And be, as before, so always
Smart, pretty and cute!

I want to be happy forever.
Love, endless luck,
beautiful life magic
And in the New Year, and forever!

I want to wish the sweetest girl
To be the happiest this year,
So that you spend your whole life, like in a fairy tale, in love,
And so that your dreams always come true quickly!

May you be happy for 12 months
I wish that joy goes with you,
May your friends always surround you
Let the aura of warmth shine in your house!

I want many gifts
And days of cheerful, bright, bright!
May the New Year fulfill your dreams
And fill your heart with joy.

Live without trouble and do not be sad
Let the soul sing with happiness.
Let the year bring luck
Love, hope, inspiration!

A short

New Year is so close
Smile, my baby!
Take it with you on New Year's Eve
Sea of ​​happiness and love.

To a beautiful girl like you
I wish you a good fairy tale in the New Year,
Miracles, charm, beauty,
Huge love, tenderness and affection!

Flickering toys, lights
Let them quietly open the door in happiness,
Freed from everyday shackles
And let it be warm, gratifying to the heart!

May it be a beautiful year like you
Effective, joyful, happy.
Let it be generous, bright,
Rich in friends, gifts.
I want you to be inspired
Find a handsome man, fall in love
So that the heart sang, chirped,
And the body flew merrily.
You are young, smart, charming,
May this year be wonderful!

Happy new year, dear,
From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you!
Let it be in a gift that is under the tree,
You will find not a brooch, not a hairpin,
And the three most cherished dreams,
Let them become real.
Kindness, warmth, love and affection!
Let life be like a fairy tale!

New Year's Eve is not only food, concerts on TV and favorite films. New Year is also dances, songs, festivities until the morning. You need to celebrate the New Year in such a way that you can spend the whole year in the same mood. Wish your beloved all the most beautiful, which the symbol of the next year will definitely appreciate. But do not forget about humor, because in the New Year you can not be serious. It is on our entertainment page that you will find the funniest, most hilarious and playful New Year greetings for your girlfriend. Such an approach on your part will definitely please your beloved, who will remember your funny phrases for a long time to come. And she will not even notice that they were not composed by you. But it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that your beloved is happy, and we will help you achieve this. So welcome to our site!

Happy New Year beloved
Meet me with congratulations at the doorstep.
I brought you gifts and happiness
Let's become part of the celebration.
I wish you good health
And the way of life is easy, not astringent.
Be successful and beautiful
Faithful, kind and strong.

Beloved, I wish you all the best.
Surprise me more often, live fun, cool,
May everything turn out well in your life.
Rejoice, have fun, give everyone smiles,
Forget about grief and mistakes.
Leave the past and move on to the better
Bright, bright future.

Happy New Year to you
On this day, I give my all to you.
Hugs and kisses hard
I love you and miss you always.
May you have enough health this year
May life fulfill all your dreams.
Be strong and always beautiful,
Gentle, affectionate and not whiny.

Happy New Year, I congratulate my beloved,
The most desirable and beautiful.
Smile more often and give joy,
May this year be sweet for you.
Pay more attention to care
To be always successful at work.
May success never leave you
And let the cold in the soul melt instantly.

I wish you, dear
So that on this holiday you are
The most beautiful in the world
And not to drink too much.
So as not to add makeup
Our color "Olivier"
And on this night I still wish
Love for sobriety to you!
So that your fur coat is not
Wrapped up herring
And so that the spirits do not replace
You have a bottle of vodka.
I congratulate you on the New Year
You, my dear!
And I sincerely wish
So that you don't wake up alone.

I want My Love - congratulations!
And wish to be happy
Leave all sorrows in the past
Forget past grievances!
Let bad weather go away in the New Year
All sorrows will pass like a dream
You are my girl forever!
You are the one I'm so in love with!

Happy New Year beloved
Be faithful, in front of friends, family.
Stay true and pure
Bright, beautiful and radiant.
I wish you health and strength
To carry success on wings.
Good to you, warmth and good luck,
Be independent, look brighter.

Happy New Year to my beloved and I want
Hold on tight to her shoulder.
Kiss and confess your love
To brighten the grief in her eyes lights.
Be always healthy and beautiful,
Gentle, affectionate and sweet.
Be charming everywhere and always
Don't let the years age you.

Happy New Year to my beloved,
I wish you happiness and love.
Health to you, love and good luck,
Live happily, love hotter.
Keep warmth and comfort in your heart,
Let the birds sing songs to you all the time.
I won't regret anything for you
I will always cover, hug and warm.

Happy New Year dear,
The softest and most beautiful.
I wish you all the best,
Good luck to you in the world of fun to come.
Don't get sick and stay healthy
Don't be afraid of new life.
Always strive for success
And always be full of laughter.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you
I wish you happiness and love.
Be successful in everything
Blaze with joy with a bright and warm fire.
Let fireworks be in your soul
Let everything in life develop as best as possible.
Give joy and a smile all the time
Be happy and a little drunk with love.

My tender love, Happy New Year,
May dreams come true, I wish you
I want to spend bright moments with you
May the New Year be filled with joy!
Let my love intoxicate you
Like sparkling champagne in a glass
So that we are with you on this magical night,
Happy New Year met in a new way!

May happiness overtake us in the New Year,
Sorrow and bad weather will bypass us,
Gives affection, good luck, joy, warmth,
With new happiness! Our time has come!
So that our fire of love in the soul does not die out,
Our union did not know quarrels and insults,
May the New Year open the door to happiness for us,
After all, our love is worth it!

May all your wishes come true
Happy New Year sweet moments will come
May joy and inspiration not fade and end,
Star fireworks sparkle for us with tender feelings!
May we always be with you,
Let me be your only man
May we be the bride and groom with you,
I just want to be loved by you!

Here comes the magical New Year,
And I congratulate you now, my dear, I'm in a hurry,
May you have enough for a whole year
Tonight I will fall in love with you again!
Let everything turn out the way you wanted,
Let sadness and fatigue not torment you in life,
Let everything be even better and more beautiful
After all, the New Year does not come in vain!

May the New Year be successful with you,
May there be many days of love
I want you to be happy for sure
You catch congratulations from me at this moment!
With you I learned what it means to be loved,
With you I learned what it means to love,
You have become for me, my unique,
I can't live a day without you!

Happy New Year, my love
And my dear!
To see cute eyes
Rushing through the years, the sea.
I see your beauty
In a thousand future days...
Always be closer to me
All happy, folks!
All our dreams will come true
Sadness, sadness will go away;
It's easier to love in new days
Let us, my love!

Let the old year go away
It takes all sorrows with it.
I wish that this night
There was a ball with champagne and candles
Cascade of lights and white snow
Men's enthusiastic looks
And there was a loved one
On a night like this next to you!

Let the glasses be filled
And the chimes will strike 12
May wishes be fulfilled
And there will be fireworks in the sky!
Happy New Year
And I wish you lots of love!
Let the snowflakes melt in the palms
Like me in your arms!
Let Fartuna smile at you
And the dream will become a reality!
May you never be sad
I will always be by your side!

For the two of us, these candles shine.
Snowflakes dance together.
I will hug you tightly.
This New Year will come for us.
So that on any winding road
The car drove confidently.
To wait for luck beyond the threshold,
And so that you walk happily through life.
Let winter and snowy nights
Your beauty star shines.
Your worries and sorrows will pass
And happiness will never leave.
The glasses are filled to the brim with champagne.
Let's drink to the bottom, and you blow out the candle,
So that we spin with you in a dance,
And the kiss lasted for a long, long time.

Beautiful hair and healthy nails,
Cheerful girlfriends and guys dare,
Big sales of exclusive things,
Emotions are mostly positive,
Romanov, resorts, cool car
And meet a cool handsome man
Kindness, warmth, so that all the bad weather is gone!
In general - simple female happiness ...

My beloved, my angel,
I love you very, very much
And in this time of magic
I wish the dream come true!

So that the year brings good luck
Bag of happiness and kindness
Also, of course, luck
And sadness took away, so that forever.

So that you do not know troubles and grief,
To rejoice in the little things
To forget all the bad
So that we divide life in half!

So that you do not know bitterness, sadness,
I will be able to protect from all adversity,
I congratulate you on the New Year
I always dream to be with you!

My sun, you are my joy.
Happy New Year, dear you!
May there be sweetness in every day.
And I will be there, sincerely loving.

May the New Year be special.
And bring joy every day.
Let your smile drive away
All doubts and worries unnecessary shadow!

Your smile is the most beautiful
You are a beauty queen
Happy New Year to you
You're the girl of my dream,
I wish you health
Do not lose your enthusiasm,
Be brave, kind, carefree,
And always trust me!

You are my Snow Maiden
You are not more beautiful.
New Years, my love
I wish you happiness.

Let the smile shine
On your lips
And the road of life
It will be all in flowers.

And let the desire
Incarnate at midnight
Your wonderful eyes
Sparkle with love!

My dear girl
The holiday is coming. Exactly
Glasses will clink loudly
And the new year will come!

I hasten to send you
Lines full of love.
Let me congratulate you
Accept wishes!

Be always so beautiful
And cheerful, as now,
I want you happy
Do every day and hour!

May you shine from heaven
Guiding star,
Happy new year, dear!
Let's be together forever!

In the night of lights and magic
I kiss you
I will send you congratulations
I will hug you tenderly.

Santa Claus please
May he fulfill his dream
I will give you joy
I love you very much.

Girl, my soul
I wish you happiness
New Year's is on its way
Let him into the house as soon as possible!

Will bring you good
And all will be well,
There will be joy and success
You will be the happiest of all!

My love, you are the one
With which I am the happiest of all!
May your dream in the New Year
Implemented without interference!

To you, my unearthly angel,
I wish you all the best!
Always be happy with me
I wish us hot feelings!

Favorite girl is a godsend
So happy that I could meet you
Happy New Year to you, dear, I wish
Offenses and sorrows, do not know different troubles,
Let close people be with you
And I will be there, I will help in everything,
With you, only great joy awaits us,
For happiness, I will do everything I can!

May this wonderful New Year
Give bright moments
He will bring a lot of happiness
Dreams cherished fulfillment!

May this holiday, dear,
Gives only joy and success!
With all my heart I wish you
Achieve your goals without interference!

I love you dear
And with all my heart I wish
To this New Year
Was good, no problems.

So that life is like a fairy tale
Interesting and wonderful
So that the eyes always shine
From luck everywhere.

Diamonds sparkle
May the events be happy
Never run out
For you, my beautiful.

Magic descended on the city
On this night, I congratulate you
You have become my miracle for a long time,
Glad you are my dear.

You are a dream that has become a reality
I love you very much,
And I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
I want to wish you good days!

May your year be the best, magical,
I will do everything for this
Happy New Year my dear
I love you very much!