The thinnest people in the world: amazing facts. The thinnest in the world. Photo

Today, the world of show business surprises with a variety of facets of the personality of artists who are always trying to stand out from the background of others with something special.

Many stand out with the help of talent, someone impresses with a quality show, and for someone the opportunity to stand out is to show a memorable star project that is incomparable to anything.

Undoubtedly, another way to amaze, surprise and draw attention to your star person is a bright appearance.

Each star shows off their appearance in a different way. Celebrities focus on a perfect figure, big breasts or a pretty face, the ability to dress beautifully, sexuality, etc.

Today we decided to show you those stars who managed to stand out from the background of others not only in the ways listed above, but also with their strong and unhealthy thinness.

When compiling our small top rating “The Worst Stars of Russia and Foreign Show Business”, we took into account not only similar ratings of “Thin Stars”, but also took into account the opinion of many social network users and celebrity fans.

Many thin stars of Russia and thin stars of foreign show business feel great in their weight, consider themselves quite beautiful, and most importantly, they continue to lose weight.

There are also such thin stars who, because of the desire to get the ideal weight, in their opinion, overdid it with diets so much that they did not even notice how they earned anorexia.

Moreover, thin stars suffering from anorexia have been trying for years to get out of this state, but their appearance, as before, remains painful.

However, the featured skinny stars are all the rage right now, and their looks are discussed quite often, both by their fans and the media.

The worst stars of Russia according to their fans

The worst stars of Russian show business: the ex-wife of the British businessman Kristina Sysoeva

The worst stars of Russian show business: Nikita Presnyakov's girlfriend Alena Krasnova

The worst stars of Russian show business: socialite Victoria Bonya

The worst stars of Russian show business: Timati's ex-wife Alena Shishkova

The worst stars of the Russian fashion business: not far from anorexia Alesya Kafelnikova

The thinnest stars of Russian show business: according to many fans of Alexa, she looks very thin

The worst stars of Russian show business: the wife of a football player, Maria Pogrebnyak, is constantly making every effort to become even thinner

The worst stars of Russian show business: singer Maxim, according to many, has recently lost a lot of weight

The thinnest stars of Russia: Polina Gagarina, as you know, lost quite a lot of weight and continues to lose weight further

The worst stars of Russian cinema: many believe that Svetlana Khodchenkova is very thin, although the actress herself feels great

The worst stars of Russian cinema: until recently, the little "Daddy's Daughter", and now an accomplished actress Miroslava Karpovich does not diet, but her appearance is very exhausted

The thinnest stars of Russia: the wife of Evgeni Plushenko and the famous producer Yana Rudkovskaya does not even weigh 50 kg. with a height of 168 cm.

The worst stars of foreign show business

The thinnest Hollywood stars: singer and businesswoman Victoria Beckham

The thinnest Hollywood stars: Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen twins look not just thin, but painfully thin

The worst stars of foreign show business: Brad Pitt's ex-wife Angelina Jolie and now for many the most beautiful woman in the world, although very thin

The worst stars of foreign show business: Donatella Versace's 30-year-old daughter Allegra Versace has been ill with anorexia for a long time. Although she has undergone treatment, she remains thin

The thinnest Hollywood stars: thin American actress Denise Richards is also on our list

The worst stars of foreign show business: the famous model Claudia Schiffer is also in the ranking of the worst

Collection of facts about the "most-most"

Life events sometimes present such surprises that, having studied in detail, evoke thoughts about their own quiet life. In the world famous book

Guinness World Records contains unusual facts and incredible records from people's lives. In the section "The thinnest man in the world" the phenomenon of the champion in weight is recorded. This celebrity was a woman - Lucia Zarate.

Miniature living doll

Lucia lived a short but not poor life. She was born a normal and healthy child in early 1863 in one of the Mexican cities. Some time later, Lucia developed a disease - pituitary dwarfism (dwarfism). At the age of 17, her weight was 2.3 kg with a height of 43 centimeters. Her appearance during immobility and looked like a miniature doll. Arousing resonant interest among the public at an exhibition in the United States in 1875, the girl began to work in the circus. Her acrobatic stunts were priced at $20 an hour. Thanks to good earnings and a special diet, the girl increased her weight to 6 kg (her waist circumference is 15 cm), but her height did not change. Lucia Zarate died of hypothermia in 1890. A train with many passengers stuck in the mountains. Almost all of them died, including the thinnest man in the world.

Skeleton woman

Among women, Rosa Plimons, a native of Great Britain, distinguished herself. At the age of 16, with a height of 1.52 meters, she weighed 12 kg. During this period, in 1894, her figure resembled an X-ray photograph, as the bright light shone through her.

Modern weight anomaly

The modern thinnest people in the world, whose photos many have probably seen, are those with anorexia. But the current owner of abnormal thinness is Lizzie Velasquez. This twenty-four-year-old American girl suffers from an unknown disease (anorexia excluded), which is provoked by progeroid syndrome. In the photo (the thinnest woman of our time), Lizzie looks with bony legs, but with a normal chest and waist. From childhood to the present day, Lizzie has been under the strict supervision of doctors, but so far no abnormalities have been identified in her. Her height is 1.57 m, and her weight is 28 kg. She is a student at the University of Texas. Cheerful and optimistic, Lizzy eats the highest-calorie food every 15 minutes, otherwise she may faint from hunger. But from eight thousand calories a day, her body weight does not increase.

Man is a skeleton

History knows similar facts among men. So, for example, Hopkins Hopkins lived in Great Britain (Wales) in the 18th century and suffered from chondrodystrophy. The thinnest male person in the world suffered from inferiority of cartilaginous tissues.

At the age of seven, his weight was 8.6 kg with a height of less than one meter. Detailed information about him has not been preserved, but it is known that he died at the age of seventeen, in 1754. At that time, he weighed six kilograms.

The reason for thinness is poverty

There is another well-known phenomenon - the thinnest man in the world weighed 16 kg with a height of 1.6 meters. This man is Frenchman Claudius Seuerta. He was born in the spring of 1794 into a poor family. The boy was of normal build and short stature. Unfortunately, the wretchedness of the family allowed him to eat only a slice of rye bread a day and drink a glass of wine. When he reached maturity, he had a distance of 7 centimeters from the sternum to the spine. During bright lighting, one could even observe the beating of his heart.

Surely you have heard more than once about the assignment in absentia to another inhabitant of the Earth of the dubious status of "The Worst Man in the World"? Recently, such "woe-titles" began to sound more and more often:

  • "The Worst Woman in the World"
  • "The Worst Model in the World"
  • "The Worst Man in the World"

And these are not the only "nominations". Sometimes it comes to absolutely terrible discoveries: for example, "The thinnest child in the world" or "The thinnest girl in the world." And quite outrageous: sometimes people also remember our smaller brothers and try to guess who she is - the thinnest dog in the world.

Do not rush to conclusions and reproach these people for malnutrition. Indeed, for some of them, thinness was the result of a serious illness, and not an obsession with weight loss.

But first things first. From the article you will find out who they are - the worst people in the world. Video, we will not offer your viewing. Here is a photo, please. So who is the thinnest in the world?

The thinnest waist in the world

Let's start with the most harmless: we'll talk about a man who has the thinnest waist in the world.

The owner of the thinnest waist is Kati Jang. The lady's waist circumference is 38 cm. It should be noted that Katya achieved such a result “thanks to” the constant wearing of tight corsets.

Photo. The thinnest waist in the world

Worst man in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the thinnest person in the world today is Lisi Velasquez. The weight of the girl is 28 kg.

The cause of Lisey's thinness is an unknown disease, and not diets and debilitating hunger strikes. The girl has an excellent appetite: she eats high-calorie hamburgers, pizza, and so on. Due to metabolic disorders, the girl has to eat every 15-20 minutes. However, even such a nutrition system does not allow her to gain kilograms. That is why Lisey retains the sad title of "The Worst Man in the World."

Photo. Worst man in the world

The thinnest man in the world

The thinnest man in the world - Claudius Ambrosime Seuart. He lived in France in the 18th century. The boy was of normal height and weight at birth. However, later he simply stopped gaining weight. The diet of the thinnest man in the world was very meager: a slice of bread and a glass of wine.

According to well-known historical facts, Claudius Ambrosimus Seuart at that time was the thinnest in the world. Photo, for obvious reasons, is missing.

The thinnest woman in the world

Who is the thinnest in the world? There is no single answer to this question. In modern realities, the desire of women to be slim, or stress and depression can lead to exhaustion. Therefore, unfortunately, there are several contenders for the dubious title of “The Worst Woman in the World”.

Valeria Levitin. Valeria's weight is 40 kg. The reason for this depletion was the desire to lose weight to the "model size".

Photo. The thinnest woman in the world. Valeria Levitina

Maria and Katie Campbell. The twins embarked on the path of joint weight loss as a child. It was a “conscious” choice: if such a thing could have been done at the age of eleven ... The sisters weigh about 38 kg each. So in this case, not one of the thinnest women in the world appeared before us, but two.

Photo. The thinnest girls in the world. Maria and Katie Campbell

Worst model in the world

Isabelle Caro. The thinnest female model in the world. She suffered from anorexia since the age of 13. The cause of the disease was the psychological problems of the girl's mother, who isolated her from the outside world and fresh air with only one goal: so that the girl would not grow up and leave her mother in the future. Subsequently, the future thinnest girl in the world deliberately began to refuse food in order to please her mother.

It should be noted that with age, Isabelle realized the seriousness of her disease. And even participated in actions to combat anorexia as a fashion model. Unfortunately, in 2010, the girl died, she was 28 years old, she weighed 28 kg.

Photo. Worst model in the world. Isabelle Caro

Loana Spangerberg. The weight of the girl is 40 kg. Loana is not sick and has not been on a diet. It's just that she has such a complexion from Nature. Loana eats everything, even chocolate. True, the size of the stomach does not allow her to eat large portions. Because she eats little, but often. To date, Loana is the thinnest model in the world.

Photo. The thinnest female model in the world. Loana Spangerberg

These are the worst people in the world. Photos clearly demonstrate all the "dignities" of their figures. It is a pity that visual perception does not allow us to fully realize the gravity of the situation of the worst in the world. After all, everyone talks about the physique of these people, but no one thinks about what health problems they have.

Be careful in your pursuit of your ideal weight.

People constantly set records in various areas of life, thus declaring themselves publicly. The annually updated Guinness Book of Records is a direct confirmation of this. In addition, humanity seeks to identify the most non-standard people and physiology: by weight, height, overall dimensions.

Of course, no one aspires to receive such a “title”, since this does not apply to a person’s achievements, but is just a given, because of which a person experiences extreme inconvenience and risks not living a long and fulfilling life. Such titles include, for example, "The Worst Man in the World." To understand that not a single person aspires to this, just look at their photos. The worst people on the planet will be discussed below.

The worst people on the planet in history

As of 2017, 28-year-old Lizzy Velasquez is considered the thinnest person in the world. She was born and lives in Texas (USA). After graduating from university, where, by the way, she attended couples with the rest of the students, Lizzy became a popular blogger, writer and motivational speaker. And the only difference that distinguishes the girl from the rest is weight. With a height of 152 cm, she weighs only 28 kg.

It is noteworthy that none of Lizzy's family suffers from insufficient weight - neither brother, nor sister, nor parents. But she was already born with a pathological weight, which at the time of birth did not exceed one kilogram. Already at that time, the doctors warned the parents that the child would not live long, but the doctors were unable to make a diagnosis in 1989. Today it is known that Elizabeth is the carrier of the rarest disease, the Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome.

Being a carrier of a rare syndrome, Lizzie undergoes regular medical examinations, which have already borne fruit. Scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center say that her illness is highly likely to be a form of progeroid syndrome of the newborn.

Despite the terrible diagnosis, Lizzy feels relatively well and leads the usual way of life for most people. The only thing that gives the strongest inconvenience to the girl is the obligatory consumption of food every 15 minutes, but in small portions. This is due to the zero fat layer, which does not increase in any way. Accordingly, Lizzie has to regularly eat very high-calorie foods, such as hamburgers, pizzas, and cakes. If you calculate the number of calories entering her body daily, then this figure reaches 5000. But, despite this, Lizzy Velasquez does not even gain 1 kilogram.

In this state of affairs, the girl does not lose heart, she is always cheerful and cheerful, leads an active lifestyle, communicates with her peers. Not so long ago, Lizzy even wrote a book based on events from her own life.

No matter how optimistic the girl's relatives set themselves up, the doctors' fears about the constant threat to her life do not disappear. This is not surprising, because all those who had this “title” before Lizzy died at the age of 28-30. At the same time, the causes were such diseases or ailments that any doctor today can easily cure. For example, death occurred as a result of a cold or flu.

Of course, Lizzy Velasquez is not the only girl who has attracted public attention with such a critically small weight.

The girl was born in 1864 in San Carlos (Mexico). Lucia Zarate suffered from midget, in the language of science, this diagnosis sounds like pituitary dwarfism.

Having reached a height of 43 cm, she began to grow extremely slowly, while her weight was 2.3 kilograms. When the girl sat and did not move, she was even mistaken for a doll. This factor prompted Lucy to start making money on her uniqueness. A 12-year-old child was brought from Mexico to the United States for an exhibition, after which they were invited to a circus troupe. At that time, her height reached 51 cm.

Once in a circus show, Lucia constantly rehearsed acrobatic tricks. The result was not long in coming, and soon the girl began to earn $ 20 per hour - this was unheard of wealth at that time. Having become rich, the girl began to eat more, and her weight increased to 5.9 kg. Thanks to her physical handicaps, Lucia secured a financially sustainable future for herself, and the fortune would have continued to grow if not for the terrible tragedy. The train with the circus troupe got stuck in the mountains, and among the people who died of hypothermia was this miniature girl.

Valeria Levitina

This girl was born in Moscow in 1974, from where she moved to the United States with her parents in 1989, having received a new citizenship. At that time, Valeria's weight was 63 kilograms.

Being very attractive in appearance, the girl decided to participate in a beauty contest, but for this she had to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. It all started with proper nutrition, the rejection of certain foods and light diets. The result was not long in coming, which delighted Valeria. She became a participant in the Miss Chicago pageant and won first place there. However, it seemed to her that she still needed to lose weight.

From the age of 20, Valeria began to suffer from anorexia, which developed rapidly and turned a pretty girl into a "walking corpse." By the age of 40, she weighed 25 kilograms with an increase of 170 sentiments, and desperate attempts to gain weight did not lead to results. Any use of food caused terrible pain in a woman. In December 2013, Valeria Levitina passed away.

Jeremy Gillitzer

Although men are much less likely to suffer from anorexia, such cases still occur. A striking example is the model Jeremy Glitzer, who, out of 38 years of his life, struggled with anorexia and bulimia for 22 years.

Since childhood, Jeremy has been involved in the modeling business. Already at 13, he became ill with anorexia due to the use of laxatives for targeted weight loss. However, by the age of 21, he managed to overcome this disease, and Jeremy began to gain weight, go to the gym and put his body in order. In two years, he achieved the desired results and gained a pumped-up body, and external data helped him become a fashion model.

Since then, everything has improved for Jeremy, but exactly until the “black streak” began in his life: first, his mother became seriously ill, then he got into a series of traffic accidents, and at the end he was abandoned by the guy with whom he they were in a serious relationship. Stress made itself felt, and on a nervous basis, the disease returned. Jeremy began to steadily lose weight, and attempts to gain it were in vain. At the time of his death, the man weighed only 30 kilograms with a height of 180 centimeters. He passed away in 2010.

These twins were born in 1981 in the UK. At the age of twelve, they heard the innocuous remark from their father that "they are growing up, and the first sexual signs are already beginning to appear." These words hurt the young girls, because they were extremely reluctant to grow up. And an agreement was concluded between them, according to which they will do everything not to get fat.

From that moment on, Katie and Marie completely denied themselves food: they hid full plates of food, fed it to dogs and always considered the energy value of foods. Soon, the parents realized this and sent the girls for treatment to special clinics, while separating them so that the twins would not negatively affect each other. But Cathy and Marie continued to refuse food, deceiving the orderlies. After leaving the hospital, they decided to live separately from their parents and left.

Today, both sisters curse the day that this pact was made that ruined their lives. The once cute girls now appear before people in the form of skeletons covered in leather.

They are only 36 years old, but life has already been completely broken: both have serious health problems, progressive anorexia. The sisters realize that they will no longer have a family and a happy marriage. Marie and Cathy are medically trained and are aware of the complexity of their situation, but they cannot cope with the disease. Although doctors say that there is still hope for salvation.

  • 45% of those who lose weight are already underweight
  • There are only 5% of women whose figures are able to match magazine samples without compromising health.
  • Women are 10 times more likely than men to be dissatisfied with their own bodies. This discontent affects 90% of women; 89% would like to lose weight; 80% are already on a diet by the age of 18.
  • Anorexia affects more white and Hispanic women, as opposed to Asians and black women.
  • Anorexia affects 2% of women and 0.4% of men on the planet, but with proper treatment, started on time, 40-50% recover.

Excess weight is truly a disaster of our time. Excess weight causes severe harm to human health. However, the reverse trend is also known: in pursuit of a beautiful figure, people exhaust themselves with diets and physical exercises to an extremely terrible state, and the achieved low weight even becomes a threat to life.

For some people, the desire to lose weight turns into an obsession that haunts them for the rest of their lives. This desire turns into a mental disorder, which doctors call anorexia nervosa or mental anorexia. In this case, the desire to lose weight turns into a pathological fear of becoming overweight.

Remember that excessively low weight poses a serious danger to human health and life. A beautiful person is, first of all, a healthy person with a good appetite and normal functioning of the body.

The news of recent days has amazed the community - the fattest woman, an Egyptian, weighing 500 kilograms, asked for help and she was taken by special transport to India to have her stomach sutured. But she is not the only one - there are enough huge, as well as very thin people on the planet. Let's talk about them...

Iman is only 36 years old and weighs 500 kg.
The heaviest woman in the world, Egyptian Iman Ahmad Abdulati, who weighs as much as 500 kilograms, is traveling to India for treatment. In the city of Mumbai, she will undergo bariatric surgery - that is, they will cut off part of her stomach.

The woman had already had a stroke; she can't move on her own. the patient will be flown to Mumbai in a cargo plane that has been modified specifically for her transportation. From the airport, she will go straight to the hospital.

The treatment will take several months. During this time, she will do all the necessary research, carry out several operations. And volunteers will pay for such complex medical care.

John Minnoch's weight was officially recorded in 1979 - 635 kg, his height was 185 cm. At least 13 people could even turn him over in bed, and up to 400 kg of fluid accumulated in the body. Died at age 42

Jeremy Gillitzer, who died in 2010 at the age of 38 after a 25-year battle with the terrible disease - anorexia. Before his death, he weighed 30 kg.

Mexican Manuel Uribe - 590 kg (lost 187 kilograms and died at the age of 48)

Carol Ann Yager - 544 kg (the fattest woman in the history of medicine, died in 1994)
According to unofficial data, its maximum weight reached 727 kilograms.

Valeria Levitina - 25 kilograms
Valeria Levitina is 39 years old, she lives in Monaco and she is the thinnest woman in the world. Valeria weighs only 25 kg, which is equal to the weight of four stones. Levitina has been suffering from severe anorexia since the age of 20 after she went on strict diets in an attempt to lose weight.

Maira Lizbet Rosales - 500 kg (before losing weight)
32-year-old Maira Lizbeth Rosales became famous all over the world in March 2008, but not as the biggest woman in the world, but as a criminal. Then she decided to take the guilt of her sister for the deceased two-year-old nephew, who allegedly accidentally turned up under her folds of fat and she crushed the child with her weight. The police were satisfied with this version, but the negligent sister, who did not keep track of the child, was imprisoned for 15 years.
Today the woman lost 400 kilograms. In this she was helped by sports, willpower and 11 operations.

Paul Mason - 445 kilograms. Lost 305 kilos
Now Paul weighs 157 kilograms, after losing weight, 21 kilograms of skin was removed from him.

Mexican Isabel Caro is also one of the thinnest people in the world. The girl was born in September 1982. Her weight was 28 kg with a height of 163 cm due to severe anorexia nervosa. Passed away in 2010

Keith Martin - 440 kg (sadly passed away)
The famous X-ray, which instantly spread on the Internet, belonged to Keith Martin, whose weight at that time was 440 kilograms.

23-year-old Paralympian Tony Staniford - 33 kg
There is no fat in Tony's body, the doctors struggled with this mystery for a long time and finally realized that he had a rare genetic disease leading to such weight loss

Michael Hebranco - 430 kg
The amazing story of this man - he lost weight from 430 to 90 kilograms, traveled the world with stories about how he was able to pull himself together, but today he has gained again and weighs more than 500 kg.

Joselina da Silva - 406 kilograms, died in 1996

Joana Spangenberg - 38 kg
It has long been dubbed by the European media "a living hourglass." And all thanks to non-standard body proportions, the girl's waist is 50 cm, and her weight is 38 kg. What led her to such parameters - no one knows for sure, and the girl tirelessly insists that she suffers from anorexia.

Polina Potter - 318 kilograms
Polina Potter, a resident of one of the American cities of Sacramento. According to Polina, her husband made her get fat, he believed that she was the “goddess of sex”, and every day she herself strived to gain a lot of weight. Every day she consumed incredibly large portions, the composition of which was turkey and fried potatoes. At the moment, Polina Potter is 47 years old and she is striving to lose weight.

Suzanne Eman - 225 kilograms The girl eats specially to become the fattest woman in the world
Susanne Eman's main goal is to become the fattest woman on the planet. Suzanne Eman is not particularly complex because of her appearance, moreover, she herself says that she simply wants to fit her body to the size of her extraordinary personality. Today she weighs 225 kilograms