Learning to be an ideal wife: we embody the ideal image of our husband into reality

It's no secret that a man wants only the most best woman. To be beautiful, and smart, and bring money into the house, and be a fury in bed. And there will be about a hundred qualities that, according to men, an ideal wife must have. But here are the most important ones.

1. Perfect wife knows how to cook. She understands that a hungry man is always angry. Therefore, they are able to cook porridge even from an ax and serve it beautifully. A woman's place, of course, is not at the stove. But she is obliged to provide her husband with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Otherwise, another young lady will do it.

2. The ideal wife does not have a headache. She does not refuse intimacy, unless the reason is really good. The ideal wife does not shy away from sex. She is happy to please her husband, ready to experiment. Sex under the covers is not for her.

3. She does not aspire to become the head of the family. With pleasure he gives this role to his spouse. After all, this is his natural position, laid down from the most ancient times. The ideal wife understands that a man should take responsibility for the whole family. She does not aspire to become a mother who takes care of her husband. smart wife just makes him feel like a real man.

4. The ideal wife does not humiliate her husband in public. At home, she can say whatever she wants to his face. But in public, she will not insult or tease her husband. Take rubbish out of the hut - Bad sign. She is threatening divorce. Or a serious showdown.

5. An ideal wife always has a clean and tidy house. She can work, raise children, and miraculously keep her house perfectly clean. The sink and toilet are always clean and there is no dust on the furniture. And always watered flowers.

6. Caring about appearance does not fade into the background. After the wedding ideal woman does not turn into a mush. She continues to take care of herself, keeps herself in shape. fitness classes, cosmetic procedures and manicures become a traditional ritual. And the perfect wife never meets her husband from work with a stretched dressing gown and with curlers on his head.

7. The ideal wife knows how to handle money. She is not a spender, she knows how to read everything. An ideal wife will not lower her husband's salary by a new handbag or golden ring. She clearly calculates expenses and does not allow waste.

8. She leads her husband in such a way that he does not even notice it. He does not scream, does not beg, and does not stoop to threats. The ideal wife acts wisely. She pushes her husband to the right idea. It seems to him that all ideas come from himself. But in fact, the gray cardinal in a skirt runs everything.

9. The ideal wife knows how to keep secrets. If the husband shared his innermost secret, she does not rush to her girlfriends and does not discuss the trusted secret with them. A smart wife knows that the ability to keep secrets is highly valued in married life. That's why he keeps his mouth shut.

10. She builds relationships with her husband's family and friends. Shows diplomacy, finds compromises and does not complain about bad mother in law. On the contrary, she will be able to improve relations even with the grouchy and dissatisfied mother of her husband. A smart wife knows how to negotiate.

Most men marry for comfort. Both in the house and in the soul. Without a wife, a man seems to be missing something. Of course, he can hire a housekeeper, dine in restaurants and buy love. But this is not all. Every man needs a keeper of the hearth, a dear and beloved woman.

Every woman always wants to be the perfect wife for her beloved husband. And if she wants to become that very unique life partner who will be appreciated, respected and loved by her husband, then she needs to think about what she should do for this.

How to learn how to build harmonious relationship, constantly presenting your chosen one with comprehensive care and tenderness, and at the same time be yourself? How not to cross that erased line, not to cross it, so as not to become intrusive?

At all times men Always demanded to his person elevated attention, however simultaneously with this, they desired to have a greater freedom of action in solving responsible tasks. Is it possible in this case to become an ideal wife, without leaving your principles and without losing your proud "I"? Do not be disingenuous, of course, it is possible and even necessary! Only in this case you will be able to maintain and strengthen the interest of your loved one on long years. After all, in principle, the whole married life is quite long period time to create a decent image of an ideal wife.

Sometimes it is very pitiful and insulting to realize that such a "valuable science" is achieved only with the onset of old age.

Therefore there is it makes sense to arm yourself vital wisdom, which has been accumulated by the majority over many generations, and to understand which women men consider the most ideal, and what an ideal wife she really is. Then you have to think everything over and make a balanced decision about what exactly you need to learn and understand in order to fully meet these criteria.

Ideal wife: male criteria

Most surveys and numerous tests with studies have shown that even the most ideal figure and beautiful appearance In fact Dont Have for the male part of the population of our planet, which determines and crucial how women mistakenly believe and on what basis they create most of their assumptions. The most basic for them will be the presence of inner calm and confidence, not associated with aggressiveness. Independence, understanding, sincerity and femininity- these are the qualities that almost all men appreciate in women. Of course, in order to become an ideal wife, you need to think about how to cultivate such qualities in yourself if you still do not possess them?

It is no coincidence that with certain type women men can feel harmonious, calm and confident. And with another category of the fair sex, they feel as if they are on a hot frying pan, that is, in constant anxiety and causeless tension.

How do husbands want to see their chosen ones? Statistical studies are ambiguous. Men often with their inherent inconsistency can demonstrate the most various options their preferences, V Once again, proving that there are no identical people in the world, because each person has his own certain beliefs.

An ideal wife is like a collection of good aged wine, the taste of which many dream of tasting, but, unfortunately, it is available only to a few.

On high quality such a drink (we mean: women) is influenced by: the pedigree of producers, the grape itself (received upbringing and education). Also storage and care (character traits), good taste, and besides, the taste of a noble drink only gets better over the years.

Having taken a woman as his wife, a man fixes in his subconscious the fact that she is the most beloved and she is complete perfection for him. However, as you know, perfection has no limits. How, then, can perfection be made completely absolute? Turns out secret of the perfect wife enough simple, it is expressed in just one phrase: whatever you call a yacht, so it will float! This means that no matter what difficulties arise on a long journey of life, woman Always must be sure in, that her husband is the most the best and most reliable man in the world and he will always accept the most correct solution. The key to the well-being of the family will be the woman's confidence in this and she will never allow herself to say a bad word about her husband. A man in turn will become all the forces strive for this ideal. After all, men are not stupid people and, of course, they understand that they are not perfect in everything and can often make mistakes. But in the case when his chosen one highly appreciates him and gives him the opportunity to make mistakes sometimes, he will never won't let her down and all joint married life will devote to somehow thanking you for such an attitude towards him.

It must be firmly remembered that men do not fall in love with a woman, but with the state that he is able to experience while being next to her.

There are some principles, giving self-confidence, they will reveal all your abilities to the fullest. Thus, it is possible to sum up certain results of what kind of an ideal wife she is.

The main "signs" of an ideal wife

  1. The ideal wife always looks amazing, so all the men around her in their dreams want to have just such a woman next to them.
  2. The ideal wife is friendly with everyone, but is able to do everything so that her husband always feels that he is the best husband in the world, the most beloved and desired man.
  3. An ideal wife respects and does not violate the personal space of a man and knows the limit before which it is necessary to stop so as not to offend or offend his feelings.
  4. An ideal wife will never pester her husband with stupid and ridiculous questions, since she is always able to understand a man without this in order to make a competent decision on her own.
  5. The ideal wife is a very smart, erudite woman, with whom she will not be ashamed to appear in any society, without fear of her inappropriate stupid behavior.
  6. The ideal wife has a good sense of humor, she is always able to determine the line where the game ends and the reality of being begins.
  7. The ideal woman always keeps her parents, children and girlfriends at a proper distance from him, as she understands what a certain proportion of communication with them a man needs.

The Ideal Wife: What She Shouldn't Do

At first glance, everything is very simple, but it should be noted that many men have difficult requirements for their wife. In addition to the question: “What exactly should an ideal wife be?”, Most men answer by starting to list a certain a number of qualities that are especially annoying them in women. For example, not at all jealous men hate when their spouses start flirting with their friends and colleagues. If any shades light flirting with strangers men can be unnoticed, then flirting with his close friends very annoying to men and makes them very angry. Another important fact is that, according to men, it is very difficult to stop this, and it is difficult to put a friend in his place. And even more so, making some remarks to your own wife is a guaranteed path to a scandal.

Also, men don't like it when wives do them some remarks. If, remaining alone, they still endure such manifestations, then in someone's presence such reproaches and hurtful comments can lead them into a furious and aggressive state. This is understandable, since they are called into question masculine qualities and that humiliates their dignity. Men usually do not understand why, having made a mistake once, women can repeat the same one more than once. At the same time, they do not pay any attention to valuable advice and recommendations that men often impose on them. And women, by virtue of their elevated emotional feelings cannot always adequately assess the current situation.

Therefore, you should at least sometimes create the appearance that you completely agree with the opinion of your husband.

Also men can't stand the unsightly appearance of their wife when they go to bed. They experience especially repulsive feelings when they see the face of their wife, shiny from the inflicted fat cream. Curlers sticking out all over their heads will also not cause them obvious delight. It is quite clear that a woman should take care of her appearance, but such cosmetic procedures should be performed in morning time or, at a time when a man will not be able to witness all of your magical beauty treatments.

Endless requirements wives be gentle and affectionate, regularly declaration of love, especially at a time when the husband is busy reading newspapers or watching a football match, can bring men to a state of complete insanity. At such moments, a woman can receive in response a lot of unpleasant statements that are difficult to digest and offensive. So pick for affectionate displays of tenderness certain time from this your family happiness will only win.

Never don't start general cleaning in the presence of your spouse, so you can very quickly spoil your mood and your day off. IN this case it is reasonable to consider two options: clean up when the husband is not at home, or agree with him in advance and also involve him in the process of putting things in order in your apartment. Otherwise, scattered things in all the rooms of your apartment and the impossibility of free movement will immediately cause your husband to feel the near end of the world.

  1. First of all, always love and accept your husband the way he is.

Albeit with minor flaws in character and minor mistakes. Don't try to change it character traits, since such actions of yours will not lead to anything good, except for exacerbations family relations. If he does not quite understand what hints and what you are doing to him, then try to explain everything to him exactly, without even transparent hints and long annoying conversations. It is not given to men by nature to understand all the long monologues from their wives with requests to carry out any assignments or deeds, therefore explain everything simply and clearly. For example, you can say that you now need to go to the grocery store, and let him stay with the child. Or don't hint that you are very scared to even go into the bathroom, and just say husband that it is very dark there and it is necessary to change a burnt out light bulb. By doing so, you will be a winner in every situation. Be able to compromise and don't be too cunning.

This can lower your credibility in the eyes of your spouse. Never don't forget to say thank you. Whatever work your husband does, you should always respond with gratitude. If he nailed a shelf in the bathroom or in the kitchen, repaired the outlet, did homework with your child, then do not be too lazy to say Magic word, gently hug and kiss him. At the same time, especially note that he is your most hardworking and strong man the real master of the house.

  1. Don't deprive your husband of his.

He has the right to engage in hobbies that are interesting to him, meet his friends, go hunting and fishing, repair a car, go to football matches. And you can also arrange a meeting with your friends at this time and spend your own time with them. free time. And also it's better if you have common interests and mutual friends.

  1. You should always be aware of all the problems of your husband all his interests.

Ask your favorite husband about work, his failures and successes, his relationships with colleagues. Wherein listen carefully to him because it is very milestone your family relationships. Your husband will gratefully answer you for your attention, he should know that his wife is always interested in his plans and current affairs that he faces daily.

  1. And last the most important moment on the way to creating ideal relationship in the family is your person, Do not forget constantly take care of yourself.

Create your unique style clothes, makeup and hair. Keep fit, visit GYM's, beauty salons keep diets. Remember that you are obliged to please not only your husband, but also yourself.

What is the ideal wife like? Not only men, but also women want to know the answer to this question. However, men are somewhat easier. I drew in my head the image of an ideal life partner, and went hunting first to look for, and later to seduce a suitable candidate. It is more difficult for women when getting married, each of them strives to become ideal wife for her lover, but over time, it becomes more and more difficult for us women to figure out all the vicissitudes. In addition, the eyes of the fair sex often open quite quickly, and they begin to understand that the man into whose hands they handed their freedom, alas, is far from ideal. So why break your character, habits and lifestyle in order to become perfect for him?

There is a funny saying about perfect man, so, regarding a woman, we can offer our own similar definition. The ideal wife is the one who never nags, refuses and ... does not exist. On the other hand, one more definition can be derived, the first part of which will surely please men, and the second will please women.

The ideal wife is a person with a highly developed intuition, thanks to which she manages to guess the desires of her man from a half-word and fulfill them. At the same time, a perfect woman from her youth is endowed with a mythical for most ladies. worldly wisdom and endurance, which allow her to ignore the shortcomings of a man, as well as an unprecedented intelligence and cunning, thanks to which she turns the faithful as she wants, while maintaining the illusion that he is the head of the family.

You should always strive for the ideal through self-improvement and rethinking some of your actions. To become ideal, it is not at all necessary to break your character, it is enough to deploy negative and positive traits in the right direction. Aggression and discontent should be channeled into work and creativity. If the husband got it, give it your all at work, and don’t touch the damned one, let him watch TV with his belly up. Be sure that this approach will help you not only cope with the irritation that sometimes overcomes any woman at the sight of a spouse, but also achieve certain career heights.

Do you think that such an idea of ​​​​transforming into an ideal wife is difficult to implement? Then just imagine that you are already perfection in the eyes of your spouse, and act as if an ideal wife would act in every sense. Try to play this difficult role, and, perhaps, very soon you will be able to transform into your character. Most likely, at first you will feel how things have changed in better side the attitude of the spouse towards you, how the family climate has improved. And such accomplishments are expensive, so why not try?

What do we have to do?

Not only to love a man, but also to show it to him in every possible way. Prepare delicious dinners, remove dust particles from his coat, hug at night and, of course, say how dear he is to you. Men are like children and dogs - that the first, that the latter very subtly feel the attitude towards themselves and give the appropriate return.

- An ideal wife should respect each other's hobbies, friends and relatives. They do not have to be loved and understood, but respected, or at least pretended to be, you simply must.

- The ideal wife is beautiful. Try not to roll into a housewife in an old worn dressing gown and with a mop in your hands. Such women are more likely to cause pity, while the calling of an ideal wife is to excite a man.

- Mind and good personal qualities. A faceless, emotionless, agreeing woman in everything is also not interesting for a man, like an inveterate housewife. You must be able to interest your spouse not only with your body, but also with your intellect. By the way, among the disputes worth entering into with husbands, there are disputes over ideological and intellectual issues. But be prepared to step back in time and swallow your arguments. Since no man will allow a woman to be smarter than him. Remember, from any dispute, he must come out the winner with the opportunity to proudly and publicly declare: “I'm handsome!”. And don't forget about emotions. They should also be in moderation. Leave hysteria for girlfriends, and roll up scandals to your husband only when you notice that he was very bored without them.

- Food and sex. What is the ideal wife like? The one that is able to satisfy all the needs of her husband at the lowest, physiological level. Perhaps this item should have been taken to the top. Can you cook and love sex? That's fine. You are already 40% perfect. The main thing is not to be lazy and set yourself up for the fact that from the beginning of marriage and until the end of your life you have two main debts to your husband: to give in time - tasty dish on the table and an unsurpassed dessert in bed.

Note that almost any woman can become an ideal wife. The main thing is to win the war with your own ego and partly with common sense, claiming that in the first place you and your desires are still in the first place, and not he - the husband. And finally, remember, the ideal wife is a strict mother, an obedient slave and a spoiled courtesan all rolled into one. Can you play three roles at the same time? Well, your husband is very lucky.

What should a wife be like?

Many men, when they get married, already have some idea about family life. They dream about what their wife should be like not only in bed, but also in everyday life. Each nationality, and even religion, has its own requirements for a wife.

Below we will look at Christian wives and wives of Islam. These are two world religions that have little in common and many differences. In these cultures, a woman is perceived in completely different ways. But for a husband, the wife should always be the best.

The ideal wife will not be passive in bed. She is well aware that sex is one of the important components of family life, and it must be taken seriously. This is not a boring duty or duty when she satisfies the physiological needs of her husband. It is a pleasure that was created by God.

And to experience the most better feelings, you need to not only rely on a partner, but also try yourself, take the initiative. Rest assured, many husbands get excited when their lovers come up with new ideas and ways to diversify their sex life.

The man should always be the head of the family. By nature, he has the instincts of a hunter, conqueror, master, and his beloved wife should always be there to support, caress and help. Loving spouse will not reproach you that you earn little, will not focus only on your shortcomings. She will love you just the way you are.

This is the real sacrificial love. The opinion of some men is so selfish that they think that the role of a helping wife is tantamount to the role of a servant. But this is a misconception: loving wife will please, respect you, but voluntarily, out of love, and not forced out of fear.

Future family life always drawn in the most best paints. But be prepared to face and endure challenges together. Many girls dream of being the wives of an oligarch. They are sure that full financial security can make them truly happy. But it's not. Men who make huge capitals, as a rule, are not strongly attached to the family hearth. Their values ​​are slightly different, sometimes the spouses of millionaires have a hard time, because almost all the time they are left to their own devices.

What should be a wife in Islam

In Islam, much attention is paid to the family. Women have a special demeanor, not only at home, but also in in public places. The man definitely plays the most important role V family union, but a woman is also very important and is perceived as an honorary ally.

In this culture, it is clearly written by what principle married couples should live. The Messenger of Allah left to his heirs a list of the qualities that a pious wife should have. For example, that husband is happy, whom the wife takes care of all the time when he is not there, she also protects him when he looks at her - he is happy and pleased if he asks for something or orders - she easily obeys.

It is piety, wisdom, morality, intelligence that are the key characteristics of any Muslim wife. Girls with such qualities will easily marry, will give pleasure to their lovers.

  1. Muslim wives are required to obey their husbands in absolutely everything. They honor their loved ones, observe the necessary fasts and prayers. In Islam, obedience to Allah is placed higher than obedience to a husband.
  2. The wife is responsible for the cleanliness of the house, the safety of property. She can never, under any circumstances, talk about the shortcomings of her man, especially with regard to bed. Also, girls do not have the right to spend money, make purchases without first consulting with their beloved.
  3. Leaving the house for any reason, they always ask their husbands for permission. The same goes for inviting guests, even if they are parents, brothers, sisters.
  4. Muslim women abstain from sex only during menstruation or in cases of illness. And so they must fulfill their marital duty.
  5. Respect for parents, proper upbringing of children, restraint, the ability to hide one's anger - all this is about Islamic beauties.
  6. The wife tries to always look perfect in front of her lover, smiles, dresses up and decorates herself according to culture.

What should be an Orthodox wife

The Christian wife is a co-heir of the grace of life, for that is how she is characterized in Holy Scripture. She must honor her husband, obey him. In Christian families, everything is built on love, harmony, and mutual respect. The husband is the head of the house, and God is the head of the husband.

A wife should be kind, meek, humble, loving. Real Christian girls are brought up in purity, holiness, modesty. They know that they must keep themselves chaste until marriage, not lose their innocence.

A Christian woman respects her husband, puts his interests above her own, tries to support him and help him in everything. And he thanks her for such behavior. Divorce should not occur in Christianity, but the present age, unfortunately, does not always observe this rule. Here, from childhood, they are taught that marriage must be approached with all seriousness, this is a sacred union that is concluded once and for all life.

In the Bible (Proverbs) a lot is written about what a virtuous wife should be, and that her price is higher than pearls. Men who possess such a treasure must be the happiest in the world. Christian wives are taught that they should always fulfill their marital duty, not shy away from their husband, not make excuses (headache, too tired, and so on).

Everything should be in harmony and love, without violence and oppression. If you decide to abstain from sex for a while, then this is only a joint decision. Christian wives should be patient, compassionate, merciful, loving and caring for others.

All these qualities can be achieved only by hard work on yourself. But you will get such a happy family life that you could not even dream of.

In Protestant churches, all this is told to young people during the wedding, when they stand in front of the altar, God, people and take oaths. marital fidelity. The task of every Christian family is to cope with all the difficulties that life throws at us. A pious wife is the husband's crown and reward, of which he is justly proud.

What other qualities should a wife have?

A real ideal wife should have a set of qualities. Of course, being the keeper of the hearth, equipping the house, maintaining order is standard set feminine virtues.

Wives become helpers and closest friends, they have the ability to comfort both the child and the upset spouse. But what do men value most in their loved ones.

So, 10 qualities of a good wife can be as follows:

  1. Reliable. For men, it is very important that their spouse is reliable, able to listen, support. The main thing is that she can be trusted.
  2. Permanent support. Men often hesitate if they want to start a new business or change their field of activity. It is important that the beloved is always on his side, then he will definitely cope.
  3. Purposeful. Desperate Housewives who spend their free time in front of the TV or gossip with girlfriends do not cause male delight.
  4. Sexuality. You should always strive for variety in bed. Such wives, who love to try everything new, are sure to be admired by men. After all, they are looking for their own sex goddess.
  5. Understanding. Women and men are arranged completely differently, they think differently. But the ability to understand and read each other's thoughts is highly valued.
  6. The ability to share the values ​​and preferences of the spouse. You need to learn how to find a compromise in all your disputes and misunderstandings.
  7. The ability to constantly surprise your lover. Everyone loves pleasant surprises.
  8. The ability to speak with her husband in the same language.
  9. Constant interest in the life of her husband.
  10. Wisdom, without which family life will never be complete.

What should be the wife of an officer

Being the wife of a military man is a real feat, which not every woman is capable of. The wife of an officer must be not only beautiful and well-groomed, but also devoted, faithful, modest, accurate, and correspond to her husband in mental development.

Her behavior in society should always correspond to the rank her husband occupies, she is always head and shoulders above the rest of the fair sex.

Oh, now a bunch of rotten tomatoes will fly at me ... ;)

So the question is: Are you a good wife?

Take your time with the answer, first read to the end, and then ask yourself if this is about you. In order not to be subjective, I asked GOOGLE a question: "the duties of a good wife" - and Google answered me.

The first answer comes to us from the wisdom of the ancients:

"The Qualities of a True Wife

What are the qualities faithful wife? The Vedas list them:

That true wife who skillfully performs all household chores.

That true wife who gives birth to good children.

That true wife who values ​​her husband more than her own life.

That true wife who does not break the oath given to her husband.

A faithful wife is half of her husband.

Faithful wife - best friend husband.

A faithful wife brings peace, goodness and prosperity to the house.

A faithful wife takes care of her husband until her last breath.

Husbands who have good wives experience great happiness.

Husbands who have good wives know how to run a household.

Husbands who have good wives are favored by God.

Husbands who have good wives live beautiful, happy and rich lives.

Wives who speak lovingly and affectionately to their husbands are their good friends alone.

Faithful wives even take the place of fathers for their husbands when it comes time for their religious duties, and take the place of tender loving mothers for their husbands when they are in bitter anguish.

The one who has good wife is definitely trustworthy. It must be concluded that one who does not have a good wife may not always be trustworthy. »

Well, but maybe the ancient wisdom is no longer relevant to the modern standards of society? Let's turn to another source. (The article was written by a woman!!!):

« 1. Do household chores

The wife is the keeper of the hearth. Most men, entering into marriage (first love or twenty-fifth, it doesn’t matter), want to relieve themselves of household chores.

2. Take care of children

Control the number of children (sad when it happens unwanted pregnancy), educate them, help them get an education. To educate is not to live the life of children.

3. Strive for self-improvement

A wife should take care of herself, be attractive and desirable for her husband. sexual relations- one of the most important threads in marriage, if they are not there, then it is anything, but not a marital relationship.

We need to constantly develop our inner world- read literature, attend seminars, trainings, courses, participate in competitions, conferences, etc., so that your husband always has a topic for conversation and a source of pride. Grow up with your husband.

4. Be a wise woman

Conflicts are inevitable, since all people are different, brought up in different families, with different traditions and foundations. In the process of developing common family principles disagreements are possible. There is no need to get rid of conflicts by any means. It is important with the help of communication (not insults, threats, manipulation) - to speak out the problem that has arisen, to discuss it at the time of occurrence, not allowing problems to accumulate.

You know your husband, his strengths and weaknesses. Every time you need to praise him for the manifestation strengths and should not be blamed for weakness.

Manage your business within family budget. Support your husband difficult situations, be patient. Allow the husband to feel like a "breadwinner in the family", "master in the house."

Keep harmony and peace in the family resolving disagreements through negotiations. If it is impossible to make a joint decision with the husband, agree with the husband's point of view. Let him be a husband.

5. Be human!

Forgive people for their shortcomings. Take scattered socks, uncleaned dishes as traces of the presence of your loved ones and relatives in your life.

The husband's parents are worthy of respect, if only because they raised your husband (no need to take out on them the grievances that were formed through the fault of the husband). Parents are not chosen - they are accepted as they are. They try to find mutual language and live in the world.

If your husband once helped carry heavy bags to a neighbor, this is not a reason for jealousy. This is a reason to be proud of a caring husband who is trying to bring good to the world, setting an excellent example for children.

If you helped to remove your Christmas tree ex-wife- this is not a reason to immediately think about awakened feelings (although ex-wife can present information in a way that is more beneficial to her). Ask your husband why he did this before jumping to unreasonable conclusions. It may turn out that he simply feels sorry for his child, who lives in a house where the tree stands in February. You are human too and can share the feeling of pity for your ex-wife.”

You can say that this is an isolated case of inflammation of the brain, to dissuade you, here's another female quote about the duties of a wife:

". The wife is obliged to recognize the merits of her husband. This is embedded in male nature. So if your husband is doing you a favor, a simple "Thank you" is not enough. Tell him "Thank you", hug him and let him feel how much you appreciate him.
. The last word stays with her husband. If a wife competes with her husband, trying to show who is the boss in the house, then the man in this case, as a rule, behaves aggressively. This behavior of a man is justified, because maintaining authority in the family is his duty. No authority, no respect. No respect - no responsibility for the family.
. How to support and raise children. The birth of good or bad kids largely depends on the woman, on her character and right upbringing. If she has good qualities wife: kindness, sensitivity to others, compassion and modesty, then such a woman can only raise good and gifted children.
. If you want your marriage to be happy, accept your husband the way he is, because he won't change anyway. Don't make him feel like a failure just because he doesn't live up to your expectations."

Yes, by the way, all the illustrations were obtained by the same request. ;)

And, YES! My opinion may not coincide with the opinion expressed in the quotes. ;)

And a few more pictures on the topic. ;)