What colors to wear for the New Year. Shoes and handbag

The closer the most cheerful and beloved holiday by many, which marks the end of one year and the beginning of another, the more clearly the breath of something fabulous and magical is felt in the air itself. On New Year's Eve, you can become anyone you want by properly preparing and dressing up. What about a fancy dress - from the New Year you can even start a new life, throwing bad habits and shameful actions into oblivion.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone is overcome with a joyful feeling of anticipation of a real holiday. The entire pre-New Year period is filled with preparations and other chores, one of which is V how to celebrate 2018– takes the pretty heads of fashionistas long before the main date.

And, of course, you need to choose the perfect outfit for the long-awaited winter party, relying on who will take the place of the Fire Rooster and proclaim himself the patron saint of the coming year.

The symbol of 2018 will be the Yellow Dog, whose element is Earth. This is the friendliest sign in the eastern horoscope, so we can say that we are all very lucky and the coming year will bring us the desired peace and tranquility both in our families and interpersonal relationships, and in a more local sense - the Dog will give us complete harmony with ourselves.

It would not be fair to assume that since the Dog comes Yellow, then the New Year’s outfit should be chosen specifically in this color. Not at all. Firstly, there are a great many different shades of yellow in the color palette.

Secondly, the Dog is loyal to all colors and encourages any manifestation of individuality. All the girls at the New Year's party will not flaunt dresses of the same color. We have selected the best types of outfits for. All you have to do is choose the option that you like the most and, dressed in the selected decoration, shine on New Year’s Eve to the delight of those around you.

What colors to celebrate New Year 2018

In order for the holiday to be a success, and for success and good luck to remain in your life throughout the year, you should properly prepare for the meeting of the Yellow Earth Dog.

It’s best not only to dress yourself up according to all the rules, but also to take care of the decoration of the room. After all, the place where the celebration will take place simply must personify the readiness of all those celebrating the New Year to let into their lives those pleasant news and surprises, happy accidents and other positive things that the Dog is rich in.

The ideal solution would be to decorate the room in brown (earth) and yellow tones.

  • Brown– There are a decent number of shades of brown and it’s great that each of them denotes well-being and fertility. The presence of this color in the design of the room for the New Year 2018 will attract success into your life.
  • Yellow– this color represents warmth and joy. Yellow undoubtedly attracts positivity and happiness. Decorate the room where the New Year's party will take place in different shades of yellow and you will be in a good mood throughout the year, and problems will bounce off you like peas from a wall.

Exactly as when decorating a hall for celebrating the New Year 2018, the same rules apply to choosing an outfit for New Year’s Eve. In a word, everything around – the festive table, the decorations on the walls, the boys’ suits and the girls’ dresses – should clearly speak of the Yellow Earth Dog’s entry into its legal rights.

Of course, in addition to the “main” ones, there are others that the hostess of 2018 will like. Using them in your outfits and accessories, you will definitely get the Dog’s attention and favor. So, the “hot” shades of New Year’s Eve:

  • Red is dark red;
  • Chocolate;
  • Gold;
  • Green;
  • Brown;
  • Orange;
  • Mustard;
  • Beige;
  • Blue;
  • Violet;
  • Coral;
  • Pink;
  • Cream;
  • Lilac;
  • Mint.

We should not forget that the Dog is a big entertainer and fidget. It is better not to be quiet on the main winter night, as this will not be to the liking of the active mistress of the year. So that you can easily take part in all the fun and entertainment of the New Year's party, you should choose an outfit in which you will feel free.

The dog loves comfort in all its forms. Of course, this doesn't mean you need to wear casual, comfortable jeans and a long sweater. When choosing clothes for the New Year, opt for a festive, but still comfortable outfit.

So that nothing can interfere with enjoying the fun, it is better not to wear a super-tight mini or a frilly and, at the same time, terribly uncomfortable dress to the holiday. The main criterion is “that the suit fits.” That is, feel free to wear what suits you, making sure that the clothes suit your figure and image.

How to celebrate the Year of the Dog according to your Zodiac sign

Aries will look great in a silk outfit. A dress, light blouse or suit made from this fabric will highlight your inherent romance. It is better for representatives of the sign to stick to the color red in their clothes.

Taurus people need to pay attention to their accessories - look for voluminous earrings made of gold or gilding in advance. Amber jewelry is also welcome.

Geminis will look amazing in paired jewelry. Wear two identical bracelets or rings. To please the mistress of the coming year and get out of a difficult situation, you can wear earrings, because these are also paired jewelry.

Cancers need to worry about finding a carnival mask. An elegant piece trimmed with feathers, rhinestones or flowers, if necessary, will help hide unexpected emotions. The stars say that a romantic meeting awaits you on New Year's Eve.

Leos definitely cannot do without a crown or diadem. A chic accessory will once again emphasize the royal image of the bearers of their sign. In addition, a sophisticated decoration will add charm to your hairstyle.

Virgos should find a truly romantic dress. A flowing, light beige outfit will be able to emphasize the femininity characteristic of representatives of this sign.

Libras can take advantage of the charm of furs. Don't despair if the room is too hot for such clothes - you can look charming even if you limit yourself to fur accessories.

Sagittarius will wear a hat on New Year's Eve. You can look for an elegant headdress with a veil or a pillbox hat. The hairstyle should be considered very carefully, and it would not be a bad idea to add red color to your clothes.

Capricorns will certainly please the patroness of the year if they wear an outfit with a floral print. You can choose a dress or suit with large flowers, or opt for a robe with small motifs.

The color of the New Year 2018 is yellow, in honor of the Earth Dog, which according to the Chinese horoscope symbolizes this year. A calm, modest creature strives for soft, natural shades. The yellow colors of the New Year 2018 do not dazzle with their brightness, but attract with their spice, sweetness, and their complex nature. They will also be joined by gold, beige, flesh-orange, and ivory tones, which originate on the catwalks in honor of the new fall-winter 2017-2018 season.

As part of the fashion trends and traditions of the Chinese calendar, in addition to the yellow-beige palette, natural gray, gray-blue, sea blue, blue-green, cherry, and black tones will be good shades for a New Year's Eve party or a banquet in honor of the holiday. Consider the works of fashion designers and available cuts of these shades, selection of accessories. Perhaps this will inspire you to create a unique look that will help make this New Year unforgettable.

Yellow (Lemon Curry) – color of the new year 2018

Lemon Curry is a golden, autumnal tone, warm, but at the same time modest, looks chic in an evening wardrobe. Loose, flowing cuts, fashionable this season, give it lightness, naturalness, and depth. This yellow is close to gold and is perfectly compatible with any shiny accessories, creating a languid, luxurious look.

A successful combination in an evening wardrobe would be gray-blue, dark brown, terracotta, gold, and silver shades.

Gold is the color of the new year 2018

The fashionable shade of gold repeats Lemon Curry, giving this color the property of reflecting light and shimmering. The main trend will be velvet, which in this coloring has such attractive golden properties.
In addition to velvet, flapper elements are in fashion; however, a “flying wing” made of thin strips of fabric or fringe, in contrast to the crazy 1920s, is used on the floor of a long silhouette.
Combine this color with black, dark burgundy, deep blue-green, green, brown, pearl.

Beige is the color of the new year 2018

A subtle, flesh-colored beige shade with a pink base embroidered with patterns - exquisite elegance, softness, freshness, innocence. This shade is suitable for a cold, non-contrasting color type and will enhance their intricate beauty of appearance. This beige will refresh the face, add romance, but retain the divine inaccessibility of the owner of the outfit.

To combine this color, choose cobalt, magenta, chocolate, beige, red-violet.

Flesh orange is the color of the new year 2018

2018 will pass under the sign of the Earth, so the Dog - the symbol of the year - received the name Zemlyanoy. The trend will be yellow and brown colors, but despite the popularity of a warm palette, it is worth thinking about cool natural tones. They especially well emphasize the beauty of the skin of those with summer and winter color types.

Now let’s figure out what colors of clothing will be relevant in the New Year 2018:

  • Earth color. In the year of the Earth Dog, one cannot do without shades of khaki, chocolate, and earthy gray. The trend is sandy yellow, brown or dark green;
  • natural shades. Girls need to take a closer look at such flowers of nature as ripe fruits, grass, moss, tree bark, wheat grains, etc. All these tones will allow fashionistas to be on trend. Fawn shades, bright lemon, light coffee and the like are considered fashionable;
  • pastel shades. Delicate colors look harmonious and stylish, which will refresh the New Year's outfit and appease the four-legged patron of the year. So the color of powder, peach, creamy ice cream, vanilla, mint, light coral, cappuccino should be added to the asset. Sky blue, soft pink, pale lilac colors are perfect;
  • shining shades. The metallic shade of the outfit will transform any look. When choosing a gold or silver dress, you should focus on your own color type and figure parameters. The most important thing is to choose an outfit that will visually improve the proportions. Not the entire outfit may be metallized, but only its finishing, for example, lace, decorative embroidery, fabric inserts;
  • wine tones. They always look noble and look great in an evening look. Fashionistas should bet on cognac-colored velvet and chiffon dresses, the silky shine of a burgundy-colored outfit or muted marsala variations;
  • monochrome gamma. Every woman's wardrobe has classic pieces that can be worn for any occasion. The black and white set is suitable for a New Year's party in a work environment. A little black dress, a white outfit with gold trim - all this can also diversify the New Year's outfit.

According to Feng Shui, on New Year's Eve 2018 you should definitely wear something in yellow or brown. It will attract joy and warmth to the house, ensure well-being and fertility. As for material success, if you are short of money, you should think about a gold outfit or jewelry made of yellow gold. In order to start actively moving up the career ladder and get the desired position in the near future, you should pay attention to clothes in black and blue colors. Do you want dramatic changes? Then wear white clothes for the New Year 2018, which will allow you to start the first of January with a clean slate.

What accessories to choose for clothes

Once the color of the clothing is decided, all that remains is to think about shoes and accessories. Wooden decorations can refresh your New Year's look. This material is characterized by natural warmth and a wide range of brown-golden variations.

When choosing details for an outfit, you should not resort to a variety of decorations; let there be one bright accessory that will become the accent of the image and emphasize its style. So, a shiny belt or lace gloves, a decorative clutch with a rich print, or high-heeled shoes with a golden butterfly can accentuate attention. The Earth Dog likes brown or nude pairs of shoes with stable heels or wedges. Suede or patent leather is what you need for a party. Metallic sandals in gold tones can also complement the ensemble.

Gold and amber jewelry will add grace to the look. In this case, make-up should be maintained in sandy tones, using powder and bronzer.

Let’s not forget that dogs are in an eternal struggle with cats, which means that the ensemble should not have a cat theme. The patron of the year does not tolerate jewelry that resembles a collar, be it large chains, leather necklaces or chokers. A pendant or pendant with a large stone may well appear in the image. Better yet, wear a bracelet with a dog figurine or choose a pendant in the shape of a tasty bone. Such an accessory will definitely not go unnoticed and will delight the patron of the year.

According to the zodiac sign, the year of the Earth Dog should be opened as follows:

  • for fiery Aries Luxurious red outfits and combinations of red and white are perfect. A revealing outfit should be softened with a shawl or stole;
  • Taurus You should strengthen your relationship with dogs with the help of gold accessories and amber jewelry;
  • Twins on New Year's Eve 2018 they have every chance of finding their soulmate. In your outfits, you should stick to the classics and wear matching accessories, for example, two identical rings or hairpins;
  • Lions do not conflict with the dog, and therefore they are allowed to emphasize their majesty with a tiara or patent leather stilettos;
  • Virgo on New Year's Eve they should give preference to beige tones and clothes of a non-standard cut;
  • Scorpios can afford a provocative outfit that will arouse admiration among others;
  • Sagittarius you should choose elegant things in pastel colors;
  • Capricorn Elegant clothes with a floral print will help out;
  • Aquarius will be able to emphasize their individuality with the help of an asymmetrical outfit with provocative details. You need to choose calm shades that will smooth out the pretentiousness of the ensemble;
  • Fish They can wear a sea green dress on New Year’s Eve, and the “mermaid” style will perfectly emphasize the grace of a woman’s silhouette.

The New Year 2018 should be bright and memorable, since dogs do not like quiet gatherings at home. Let it be a fun party that will set the tone for the entire New Year 2018: we have already found out what to wear to celebrate this holiday in order to appease the Earth Dog. All that remains is to think through the image and choose an ensemble that suits your figure.

The question of what to wear to 2018 makes many women storm stores and the Internet in search of the right outfit. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a dress for New Year's Eve, it is worth finding out what requirements are put forward by the Earth Dog - the symbol of the coming year.

Features of the New Year's image

2018 will be held under the yellow banner. This is the color that the sacred animal prefers. But this does not mean that you will have to give up a rich palette when choosing clothes. Colors and shades for the New Year 2018 will delight you with variety. The Earth Dog likes all the colors of nature: green, symbolizing grass and trees; golden – the color of the sun; brown, beige and gray are earth tones. The dog doesn't like blue too much, but if you dilute it with green or yellow, you get a good color for a New Year's outfit. Turquoise, sea green or moray eels - these options will not repel the Earth Dog.

Jewelry made from natural stones can complement your New Year's outfit. The Dog is not as picky about decorations as the Rooster or the Dragon. She will be satisfied with gems and semi-precious stones if they look beautiful and match the dress. Accessories made of wood, copper or bronze can complement the New Year's ensemble. But you will have to give up jewelry in the form of chains. Necklaces and chokers are prohibited, although a pendant on a long strap may come in handy. But it is better to abandon neck jewelry in favor of bracelets, tiaras, earrings and rings. The Dog has nothing against them.

New Year's outfit according to zodiac signs

We have decided what the color of the New Year 2018 will be, all that remains is to think about the festive outfit. It will be special for each zodiac sign, and therefore it is worth talking in more detail about the representatives of the zodiac circle.


For Aries, clothes for the New Year will be contradictory. The outfit should combine deliberate modesty and provocation. This can be achieved by choosing a maxi dress combined with revealing details: bare shoulders, high slits, and a deep neckline.

Aries are shown outfits with a rich palette. It is worth paying attention to shades such as wine, emerald, chocolate or practical black. In this case, jewelry and spectacular makeup can refresh your evening outfit.


Astrologers are sure that Taurus are simply obliged to shine on New Year's Eve. This can be achieved if you choose a golden-colored outfit. An all-gold dress may seem too pretentious, especially if it is a floor-length model. An outfit for the New Year of the Dog can be laconic and discreet, and decorative embroidery with gold threads will add solemnity to the ensemble.

If we are talking about a New Year's outfit for a corporate party, then you should choose a sheath dress or a retro model with a detachable skirt. A dress for a party with friends can be less formal. Short cocktail dresses with gold sequins or knitted sweater dresses with lurex would be appropriate here. Off-the-shoulder or spaghetti straps are ideal for disco. Wedge shoes or sandals with stable heels can complement the ensemble.


What outfit should Gemini wear to celebrate New Year 2018? Representatives of this sign will face some difficulties. On the one hand, astrologers recommend that they dress in a modest outfit that will please the Dog. On the other hand, a plain dress of a simple style seems too boring for the New Year. But this problem can be solved by combining simple and laconic things with bright and extravagant accessories. Such an ensemble will highlight the duality of Gemini.

A simple cut dress will be balanced by eye-catching jewelry of an unusual design. A string of pearls or a pendant in a spectacular frame is what Gemini, who cannot tolerate platitudes, needs. And the color of the outfit should be rich, for example, grass green, dazzling yellow or coral.

Astrologers recommend that Cancer women choose an outfit that will help preserve their mystery. Achieving this is not easy, but advice from experienced stylists can help. Let's remember the fashion for retro dresses, which suit Cancers extremely well. A hat with a veil will make your look extraordinarily feminine, mysterious and noble.

If such an outfit seems too pretentious for a New Year's party, then oriental-style dresses will help out. Gauze fabrics, shine of gold trim, embroidery and gloss - all this can also transform a Cancer woman on New Year's Eve.

Fate itself tells representatives of this sign to choose luxurious things with rich decor. Those who think that the Dog does not get along with Leo are deeply mistaken - it is difficult to contradict the king of animals. What should Leos wear to celebrate the New Year 2018 to appease the Dog? It is worth paying attention to clothes of fiery color: orange, gold, yellow, red. Representatives of this sign will wear outfits in pink, terracotta and wine tones.

Leos can afford tiaras with shimmering crystals, gold bracelets, and hairpins with large gems. The dress should emphasize royal grace, and therefore Leo women can choose mermaid-style outfits and lush cocktail dresses made of tulle.

It's not just the dress that can be shiny. Shoes with rhinestones or sandals decorated with glass beads will complement the look on New Year's Eve. The main thing is that there are not too many flickering elements, otherwise the sparkling Lioness will be confused with a New Year tree.


Virgos are famous for their ability to dress with taste. They prefer elegant things with a laconic design. But what outfit should you choose to show your refined taste and not get lost at the New Year's party? Representatives of this sign are shown deep colors and smooth fabrics. A silk or satin dress will transform the Virgo on New Year's Eve.

Velvet outfits look no less interesting. Fleecy fabric is good because it changes shade depending on the lighting. The texture of the dress and rich color will do their job - even a modest outfit will seem luxurious on the graceful and feminine figure of the Virgo.

The ensemble will be completed with patent leather pumps, a rigid clutch and a large ring. There should not be a lot of jewelry in the image of the Virgo. It is advisable to limit yourself to one piece of jewelry, for example, earrings or a bracelet.


Astrologers suggest Libra to try on an outfit with a restrained palette. You can compensate for the modesty of the dress through finishing. Stylists are paying attention to dresses with fur trim, which are fashionable this season. Today, many fashion houses stand up for animal rights, and therefore produce clothes made from eco-fur. It is good not only because it saves animals from death, but it has a more variable design.

You can replace fur with feathers or boas. It is important to understand that fur and feathers should not be the basis of the ensemble, it is just decoration. It is good if the trim is present on the collar of the dress, on the cuffs or along the edge of the outfit. A hairpin with a colored feather or a bag with fluffy pom-poms will also work. In the image of a femme fatale, there is no place for funny bristling feathers, but an elegant boa will come in handy.


Representatives of this sign are considered the most extravagant when choosing clothes. And when it comes to dressing for an occasion, all prohibitions and conventions go aside. What color outfit Scorpios should wear will be determined by their personal instincts. Scorpios do not know how to dress according to someone else's advice, and therefore rely solely on their own feelings.

Representatives of this sign have natural sexuality. If you skillfully emphasize it with the help of clothes, you can create the image of a femme fatale. Pretentious and provocative things are undesirable in a Scorpio’s wardrobe, even on New Year’s Eve. Scorpio women should pay attention to sheath dresses, sets: pencil skirt and blouse in retro style, fashionable wrap dresses.

Clothes with animal print will help to emphasize the sensuality of the image. But active patterns should be dosed. Either the outfit itself should be as restrained as possible, or animal coloring should not prevail.


Representatives of this sign will wear light and delicate outfits made of flowing fabric. Dropped shoulders, drapery, layering and ruffles will help emphasize the beauty of a woman’s figure. Dresses made of taffeta or tulle will help out.

Pastel-colored outfits are especially good for Sagittarius. A nude ensemble will make your look playful and romantic. Those with pale skin should consider a dress in a contrasting color. An outfit in beige and brown tones or a grassy green shade will refresh your New Year's look, and gold accessories will add elegance.


What to wear for New Year 2018 for Capricorns? Plain dresses may appear in the New Year's wardrobe, but then you can't do without colorful decorations. It is worth considering bracelets with stones or pearl earrings. But even this may not seem enough to Capricorns.

A maxi dress with a floral print will please the representative of this sign. Stylists recommend paying attention specifically to the floral print, although other floral patterns, as well as abstract designs, can refresh the New Year's ensemble.

When choosing an evening dress, you need to take into account the style of the event. For a party with friends, you can choose a short outfit with a small floral pattern, and for going out, you should choose a spectacular floor-length dress with single flowers.


Aquarius women are allowed to try on the image of a film star. A Hollywood style dress will make your look memorable. An outfit with an open back can highlight the grace of your silhouette. If the scale of the event allows, you can choose a dress with a train.

The main features of the Hollywood look are high-heeled shoes or sandals, a plain dress in a rich color and makeup with red lipstick.


All that remains is to find out what to wear for the New Year 2018 for Pisces. Turquoise, lace, sequins that resemble fish scales - all this can appear in the image of a representative of a water sign. Those with a slender figure should consider a form-fitting bandeau dress.

A lace cape or bolero will be able to smooth out the provocativeness of the image. For a special event, you are allowed to wear a full-length mermaid dress.

Ekaterina Frolova

The past two years have been fiery, and we chose appropriate outfits for their celebration. For example, when celebrating the Year of the Rooster, we dressed in red. Now it's time to rest. The year of the Yellow Earth Dog is coming, and when choosing what color to wear for the New Year 2018, you need to give preference yellow And brown.

Main range and companion colors

Generally speaking, New Year's outfits should be in natural colors, because we are talking about the earth. By the way, the main colors of the next year mean prosperity and prosperity. Shades associated with earth:

  • grey,
  • beige,
  • cream,
  • lactic,
  • traditional black and white will work too.

But if these shades seem unfestive to you or you simply don’t like them, keep in mind that a palette of dark red shades will also be relevant, for example:

  • burgundy,
  • crimson,
  • pink.

Remember that brown and yellow colors are related:

  • gold,
  • orange,
  • amber,
  • ocher,
  • khaki.

By the way, yellow is the color of gold and amber, so jewelry made from these materials would be appropriate as accessories for a New Year’s outfit.

Imagine what colors the surrounding landscape is filled with during a summer walk with your dog in nature - these are the colors you should wear. To the listed colors will immediately be added silver - the color of the clouds, pale blue - the color of the sky, green - the color of fresh grass.

Characteristics of flowers

Now let’s talk in more detail about the main colors, which are especially relevant in the Year of the Dog.

A very energetic active color, it is chosen by adventurers. It is bright as the sun, and due to this it immediately catches the eye. But remember that the Dog does not accept acidic shades, and light yellow makes you look fat.

If you feel out of place in groups, wear a brown outfit, it will make you more confident. Shades that will be especially fashionable: coffee with milk. Milky-colored accessories are perfect here. The outfit can be diluted with black, olive, beige, orange details. Brown also includes terracotta.

This color is the personification of passion, energy, power, luxury. A red dress, for example, always looks catchy; even the simplest straight dress looks special - festive, demonstrating the mystery and sexuality of its owner. It is unlikely to be suitable as a main one, but as an additional one it is quite suitable.

Despite the fact that in the palette it is located close to red, it represents a completely different side - tenderness, airiness, innocence. In order not to look like a Barbie doll, choose delicate pastel shades; if you are still inclined to fuchsia, dilute the outfit with other colors, such as gray, black, olive, brown, blue.

The color of fire and holiday, oranges and tangerines - indispensable attributes of the New Year. Embodied in an outfit, he looks extraordinary. All shades of orange are popular, and there are many of them, so it suits everyone.

Blue and cyan

Light blue and blue are also earthly colors. Do you remember what color our planet is seen from space? Yes, exactly blue. This color is suitable for gentle and sophisticated natures.

Fabric textures

Brown-colored outfits look good if they are made of silk, satin, knitwear; beige or chocolate-colored lace looks luxurious.

An outfit does not have to have only one color; you can use combinations, as well as all kinds of prints. But under no circumstances wear clothes with cat prints, do not provoke the Dog. Eliminate any reminder of this animal. It is better to give preference to a small floral or geometric pattern.

The dog welcomes individuality. She is also partial to fur details. So an accessory to the dress can be a handbag with fur elements, a boa or a fur stole.

Current styles of New Year's outfits

It is important not only what color clothes to wear, but also what style it will be. Unlike the Rooster, the Dog is an animal that does not have hypertrophied conceit, therefore outfits should be more modest. But don't go to the extreme and don't wear a boring dress. Just avoid lengths that are too short, too much shine, or too much embellishment.

Remember that dogs don't like to sit still. He prefers to have fun and run. If you put on a tight yellow long dress and sit at the table all evening, the Dog will not be happy about it. It is not necessary to choose dresses of a very simple cut, even if it is a long evening or cocktail dress, but you should be comfortable in it.

Decorations: metals and stones

As for jewelry, any type of jewelry made of yellow and silver metal, with gilding or yellow stones, i.e. from gold, silver, platinum. The precious metals will be accompanied by ordinary wood. The Dog will especially like amber beads, earrings or brooches.

The hit of this New Year's Eve is a choker that resembles a collar.

How to create an image based on your zodiac sign


Choose a bold outfit. The best material is silk. This New Year's Eve, you can rebel against the rules by wearing an iridescent dress with a neckline and a full skirt. But be sure to cover everything with a stole or shawl. By the way, according to your sign, it is better for you to wear red.


Accessories with amber are very suitable for Taurus. Your sign is earthy, so all earthy colors are just your element. Don’t wear chains on New Year’s Eve, otherwise you will be shackled by circumstances all next year.


Paired jewelry, such as hair clips, will bring good luck. Two-tone outfits should be worn. By supporting the energy of your sign on New Year's Eve in this way, you significantly increase your chances of finding a soul mate next year or strengthening your marriage.

Your clothes should reflect your inner mood. Elegance with a contrasting element is welcomed: gloves, necklace, mask. The stars promise Cancers a pleasant romantic acquaintance - dress accordingly.

Lionesses should tower above everyone, so wear hairpins and decorate your hair with a tiara. Today you will be a royal person. Yellow and orange colors will suit you.

Your outfit should have romantic notes. And you can choose both rich and pastel shades, for example, pink, beige, blue, brown. Extravagant details and flowing fabrics are welcome.

Attract attention with the originality of your outfit. Focus on unusual details. The dress should be chosen with a tropical pattern.

And the stars advise you to choose from elegant pastel shades: pink, blue, beige. The hat will become an accessory that will add special chic to your outfit.

Printed outfits are your element. It is worth sticking to fabrics of primary colors with floral, geometric patterns.

Play with opposites. Choose an outfit that is closed in the front but with an open back, black and white, or made from fabric of different textures.

On this New Year's Eve you need to choose from two colors: blue - the color of water or yellow - the color of sand. You can wear an outfit with sequins, but only certain parts of the outfit should be embroidered with them.

Shades 2018: photo