Learning to be an ideal spouse: how to behave as a husband and wife. How to behave with your husband: practical advice and recommendations from psychologists

1. Behave like a woman, i.e. be gentle
2. Dress nice and interesting. If you are a housewife, do not walk all day in pajamas or a nightie
3. Smell good
4. Do not dump all your problems on your husband when he first came in. Let him relax a little
5. Don't ask your husband "what are you thinking about right now?" because unlike women, men's thoughts are random and random, like Google search results. Women's thoughts are organized like numbered office files.
6. Stop whining before Allah has really given you something to complain about.
7. Absolutely do not tell anyone about your marital problems, even under the guise of seeking help, even if you are a victim. If you think you want to solve the problem correctly, then seek advice from the right person.
8. Be kind to your mother-in-law if you want your husband to treat your mother the same way.
9. Learn all the rights and obligations of each other in Islam
10. Open the door when he came home, as if you were waiting for him. Smile and hug.
11. Keep your house clean, at least to the level it likes.
12. Compliment him on things you know he's not sure about (how he looks, how smart, etc.) This will boost his self-esteem.
13. Tell him that he is the best husband
14. Call his family often
15. Give him simple tasks around the house and then thank him when he is done. This will spur him on to more.
16. When he talks about something that you are not interested in, listen and nod your head. Ask questions to make it look like you're interested
17. Encourage him to do good deeds
18. If he has Bad mood, leave it. He will appreciate it InshaAllah
19. Thank him sincerely for food and shelter. This is a big deal.
20. If he is angry at you and yells, let him shout while maintaining silence. You will see your fight end much faster. And then, when he calms down, you can tell him your side of the story and how you want to change something.
21. When you're angry with him, don't say "you piss me off (or infuriate me)", but say "it upset me." Direct your anger at the circumstances, not at him.
22. Remember that your husband has feelings, take them into account.
23. Let him relax with his friends without feeling guilty, especially if they good guys. Encourage him to get out so he doesn't feel like he's locked in the house.
24. If your husband is annoyed about the little things you do (and you can control it) stop doing it.
25. Directly tell him what you are waiting for, without him guessing. Learn to feel each other
26. Don't get angry over the little things. It's not worth it
27. Be kidding. If you are not funny, look for jokes on the Internet
28. Tell him that you are the best wife and praise yourself for what you do well.
29. Learn to cook his favorite dish
30. Never speak ill of him to his friends or family.
31. Use your time wisely to get things done. If you are a housewife, take online classes and be active in your community. It will not only make you happy but also impress your husband
32. Do all of the above (i.e. try to please your husband) for the sake of Allah, and you will see the blessing of Allah in everything you do.
33. Spouses wear each other, hide his mistakes (shortcomings) and help him get rid of them
34. Say that you love him many many times
35. Compete with husbands and let him win, even if you are stronger than him))
36. Stay healthy and take care of your health, you will be a strong mother, wife, cook and housekeeper
37. Be educated. Not too loud whether you are laughing, talking or walking.
38. Do not leave the house without his permission and without his knowledge.
39. Make sure all his clothes are clean and ironed so that they always look fresh.
40. Ask Allah to strengthen and keep the love between you, every day in every prayer. Truly, the most favorite thing for Satan is to quarrel a couple and bring them to a divorce. Seek protection from Allah from Satan.
41. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and this is true.
42. Make sure you always have something for dinner.
43. Brush every day
44. Don't forget to wash
45. Surprise him with a gift. Even something essential can be a gift, like a new pair of shoes.
46. ​​Listen to him when he speaks. Don't interrupt him to talk about your problems.
47. Try (as actively as possible) to show interest in his hobby (bowling?). Try not to go shopping too often and don't spend all his money.
48. Look attractive, it's just good to be seductive for him
49. Learn the tricks and methods that he likes in intimacy
50. Prepare special evenings with him (romantic) with a special dinner and without children
51. Take care of your skin, especially on the face, which is the center of attention
52. If you are not satisfied with intimacy, talk to him and help him. Don't wait until it becomes a problem
53. Never discuss important or contentious issues when he is tired and wants to sleep. Find more right time for discussion
54. Make compromises
55. Keep doing everything for your husband and don't take him for granted
56. Respect his rights (he is your road to heaven)
57. Make tea for him or another hot drink that he likes - it will soften sharp corners his character

How to behave with a husband: the secrets of cunning wives.

A man loves to be treated gently and affectionately. He does not care at all that today, maybe you are not feeling well, and that you are not able to cook a chic dinner. Such is their nature - to be subservient, to depend on the wife and need her guardianship.

Since any woman should be able to behave with her husband, it is necessary to know what is meant by this behavior. No one says that a man is a king, and that all laurels should be laid at his feet.

But hardly any woman wants to live every day in tension, quarrel with her husband over trifles and wait for the next reconciliation. A woman is naturally endowed with wisdom, and it is necessary to use it every day. You know, it's not in vain that they say that a man is a second child. You just look at your husband, and everything will immediately become clear.

Below are some tips on how to behave with your husband. They will help maintain peace and understanding in your family.

Be the hostess

If you have created a family, then there is nowhere to go. You will have to do everything that is the responsibility of a wife: cook food, keep the house clean, wash, iron, etc. A man loves to come to a cozy apartment, where it smells like a delicious dinner, and from his beloved wife he breathes warmth and understanding.

As a hostess, you must ensure that your husband is always neat and well fed. Many wives believe that men can do many household chores. It is, of course, true, but it is unlikely that you will be able to instill this in your husband.

Rather, all your requests will end in another scandal. Better option is to do everything silently by myself, without unnecessary strain and words like “you would have done it better than me” or “why should I, fulfill your immediate duties”.

Be a loving and understanding wife

You are a woman. You are the personification of love, affection and tenderness. Don't forget about it. For your husband, every day you must remain a loved one, to whom you want to run home while working, give flowers and just carry it in your arms.

Even if your husband is deprived of such a fantasy, do not be offended. Just accept the whole situation as it is. Love your husband like this, because nothing will change him.

Know how to find Right words to express your thoughts. Know how to listen and somewhere to keep your point of view to yourself. How to behave with your husband? Do not touch your husband at the moment when he is in a bad mood and be there when he is sick or has lost the meaning of life.

Do not blame or criticize

Your husband brought this month less money than in the past. Do not blame him for this, because happiness is not in money. Don't ask him to buy you something he won't let you do. financial condition. Your husband has grown big belly- do without criticism.

After all, you still love him, and it doesn’t matter what his weight or style of clothing is. Do not blame that you do not live as richly as yours best friend. Happiness is in something else: in love, mutual understanding and respect.

To know how to behave with your husband, take a closer look at him: after all, you yourself once chose him, so now do not try to change him - you are unlikely to succeed.

1) You should always have dinner ready. It doesn't matter what you work. This needs to be carefully planned, for example, the previous evening. Dishes should always be tasty and varied whenever possible. If a husband eats borscht every day, then he is unlikely to run to you from work, it is easier to have dinner at a restaurant.

2) Well-groomed children and attractive wife also promise a long happy life without quarrels. It’s good if you teach your husband to help you, but not everyone is amenable to education and the care of the house, children, husband falls on the shoulders of a fragile woman, and you also need to have time to go to work.

3) At a meeting, it is important not only appearance and a beautifully set table, but also your mood. Believe me, if every day your husband watches your face dissatisfied with something, very soon he will stop running home from work. The wife should always be smiling and cheerful. No wonder our grandmothers say that a wife is, first of all, an actress. Even if you are not in the mood or have a headache, you should always smile.

4) All rooms in the house must be cleaned. All toys, magazines, books and things should always be in their places.

5) Children are his treasure. Make sure that the children are cleanly dressed, washed and combed. When you arrive, warn them that dad is tired and that they shouldn't make noise.

6) Turn off all sources of noise: vacuum cleaner, washing machine And Dishwasher. All this creates noise that has an unpleasant effect on a tired human brain.

7) How to behave with your husband? Be sure to listen to your husband if he wants to tell you something. But if he is diligently silent, he should not be bothered. He will have dinner, take a shower and tell everything himself.

8) Do not complain to him if he is late for dinner. You never know what's at work. In the end, not always, when a husband is late, it means treason.

10) A hot bath will only relax him and calm him down before going to bed. Make sure that your husband gets a comprehensive rest every day after work.

We perceive close and dear people as they are. We put up with all the shortcomings and disadvantages of native people. This, for example, as children and parents. First of all, you need to understand that when choosing your companion, you do not choose a designer who, as you wanted, remade, but a person with whom you want to live your whole life. And who will become as close to you as your parents.

Don't try to change your spouse. Yes, it is possible that relationships at the household level somehow influenced your present. But think, if you try to remake your husband, will it later be the person you fell in love with? Probably no.

If you decided to take such a serious step as marriage, then you should have understood that new problems of a domestic nature will appear, but they should not affect your relationship in any way. In any case, if something does not suit you or you do not like something, you should speak about it in a soft, correct form.

Joint life should be built on trust. To behave properly with your husband means not to play spies and check the phone and email husband, you can’t behave like that with your husband, by doing this you will only make more more problems. Men are interested in many things, so if your husband went fishing or football, you should not think that he immediately went to other women.

You must search common interests. If they are not there, then no amount of love will keep you together. A man should perceive you not only as a sexual object, but also as a worthy interlocutor who can talk with him on almost any topic.

If you do not like that your husband spends a lot of time with friends, then you could become worthy replacement for him. How to behave with your husband? You should be interested in what he is interested in. And your spouse must understand that you are the person with whom he can discuss absolutely everything.

Try to keep your feelings sharp. To do this, change your life and change yourself. Be unpredictable. Change your image, your style - this will help you stay in love for as long as possible. Arriving home, your man should not know what awaits him, in good sense this word.

You will see, after you try to implement at least one of the above points, the question “how to get along with your husband” will disappear by itself.

It is possible that some of your husband's actions make you lose your temper. When this happens, remember the love you felt for him when you agreed to accept his proposal. Did you realize then that in front of you is a real man.

With many flaws, and not "a cloud in your pants," as the poet said? Think about which of his shortcomings you agree to put up with, and which, from your point of view, are absolutely unacceptable. Talk about them with your husband and try to come to a common decision.

It is very important to express everything that you do not like in time, otherwise the discontent accumulated inside you can lead you to neurosis. However, when expressing your complaints, try not to be nervous and, of course, speak in a calm tone, without raising your voice. If you really want to decide how to behave with your husband, and not make a banal scandal from scratch.

· Remember that a man, entering into marriage, hopes to preserve his own living space, which will belong only to him. Therefore, meetings with friends and Sunday trips with them for fishing or a ritual visit to the bath are still very important for him.

Look at it the other way - he's not trying to restrict you from hanging out with your girlfriends or going to the gym, is he? So why did you decide that he must certainly spend everything with you free time and weekends?

· At the same time, and you try to pay more attention to your husband, take care of him and ask his opinion on various minor issues. Even if you are very tired after a working day, this is not a reason to derail the irritation at home.

All external problems should be left outside your family nest. Do you want to know how to behave with your husband? Kiss your husband as you walk him to work and greet him with a smile when he comes home, and you yourself will soon feel how the weather in your house will change.

Cries of "Bitter!" have not cooled down in your memory yet, and everyday and emotional difficulties are already on their heels? You can be congratulated, real family life is coming - without rose-colored glasses and adoration in your eyes. Flowers, bouquets and moonlight walks have gone somewhere, washing dishes is increasingly replacing a joint trip to the cinema, and quarrels over trifles, parties of a spouse with friends and suspicious SMS from “girlfriends of friends” are increasingly inclined to depression. Are you not the perfect wife? Or was he not what you thought he was? Let's see what happens in families after the wedding and how to build a relationship with her husband.

Psychology of relations between husband and wife

Relationship problems with your husband are not surprising today. AND the main thing the reason is the broken illusions that a woman has about her chosen one. At the beginning of a relationship, even flaws seem like virtues. But time is running, and gradually the veil of charm subsides, and we see the true "face" of our spouse. Socks scattered everywhere, beds in front of the TV with beer and trips to friends are not the worst reasons for constant quarrels. On the other hand, your husband may not have imagined that either. ideal wife. And mutual reproaches begin, who is right and who is wrong. In fact, everyone is wrong in their own way. Few people realize that the family is not only a stamp in the passport. Relationships are constant hard work. Moreover, both partners should be interested in this work. Every word, step and deed is an investment in the future, and how much work you spend on maintaining the family hearth depends on how long your union will last. But if time is a little lost and quarrels are already taking place? How to change the relationship with her husband in this case? There are rules to follow for this.

Psychology of relations with her husband

The most big mistake women - the confidence that after the wedding everything will change, the husband will not go anywhere and she will be able to change him. Let this not be a disappointment for you, but men do not change, and a stamp in the passport will never stop the one who decided to say goodbye to you. Therefore, there is no need to rush into marriage. First of all, try to see a person with all his shortcomings before you officially connect your life with him. But if you are already married and your relationship does not suit you at all, some tips on how to behave with your husband will help you:

And finally. Before you love your man with all his flaws, learn to love yourself. Close to self-sufficient and confident woman, any chosen one can bloom like an overseas flower. A man begins to believe in himself if there is a woman next to him who believes in him. Keep this in mind and work to prevent quarrels and misunderstandings in your family. And then the question of how to behave with your husband will not occur to you.

Wife is bread, but sometimes you want a bun. Here good wife should think. It's no secret that this statement is true. Which of the men will say that this is not true, he is simply with his wife, next to him. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, he will think differently. How to behave with your wife in order to keep your mutual love for many decades? The question is not easy, but there are answers to it. And with the former, and with the pregnant, and with the young, and with the elderly wife, first of all, you need to behave like a gentleman.
What should a man do before doing the cherished deed - marriage? First, you need to look at your future mother-in-law. Then find a place where he and his wife will live for the next few years. It is advisable to choose so as to live separately.

Husband's duties include so that your soulmate breaks off all relations with close friends who are not married before the birth of the child, and after the birth, limit communication with her mother. Because female friendship it doesn’t happen, seeing her happiness, unmarried friends will advise you as much as possible that you don’t like it, and in the end, you will get divorced. What do you need close friend wives.

But to forbid his wife to meet with not married girlfriends, is by no means possible. You are a person, you have the cards in your hands, you need to do it imperceptibly, then they themselves will be offended by her.

  • Try to help her in everything after the birth of the child. For the first six months, she will not be able to give you worthy attention.
  • The more you help your wife, the less help your mother will need.

If a mother-in-law comes to you to help with a child, she will, willy-nilly or not, will try to direct her wife on the right path. That is, she will tell her how to properly behave with you. Of course, your life was disturbed by another little man that you will need to take care of, so also the mother-in-law will add fuel to the fire. Many men can not stand it and break down.
And mother-in-law:
“I told you he was a scoundrel.
The fact that the child was left without a father does not bother her. The main thing is that she taught her daughter how to behave with a man.

A woman should always be busy

Before the birth of the child, she has enough energy to constantly communicate with her friends and tell you about herself. It is necessary to send her to work and the more she will be at work, the less time he will devote to his girlfriends. In the evenings, do not sit alone in the house, go to the park for a walk, to the cinema, theater, to exhibitions. If you go to her unmarried friend, go together and never leave her alone with her. Do not pass this rule on to married women. You can leave her with married friends, well, at least in order to take a break from her.

  • During conflicts, and they usually happen for the first year (grinding in characters), never get personal, and do not call her names. When she screams the most effective way is to be silent. Just be quiet and look at her. Then when she screams, tell her that it will still be as I said. Try not to overdo it.
  • You decided to go to football and warned her in advance, and she, forgetting about your conversation, promised to go to her mother. In no case do not change your decision, because you warned her in advance. She may be offended, indignant, screaming that you do not love her, but subconsciously she will rely only on you, because you are not a rag.
  • Try to make your wife pleasant surprises even if you've been married ten years. Never interfere in a showdown between a wife and a girlfriend. Try to recuse yourself, if you have a situation that there is no way to recuse yourself, choose the side of your wife, even if you do not share her thoughts. In no case should you go to sort things out with another woman with whom she had a conflict. They will reconcile themselves tomorrow, but you may have more serious problems.

This is how you should behave with your wife and I am sure that many men will agree with me. The man is the head of the family. Since you are the head, in addition to owning a wife and child, you also need to take care of them. You have a big responsibility. Take care of your women, because without them the world cannot exist.

Did you see a terrible message on your spouse’s phone with content like “I love you, miss you, my cat, I look forward to meeting you”? Do not lose consciousness, no one is immune from betrayal! But what needs to be done, we will tell in this article. You will learn how to behave, what to do if you suspect betrayal, whether it is worth telling your husband about it, how to say what the first reaction should be. In addition, we will discuss sensitive topics: what is the best thing to do if the husband is cheating and there is a child, is it worth leaving or is it more correct to stay, how to cut off all the ends.

You need to get together, pull yourself together and not show that the woman knows something. Become friendly and polite, lull the man's vigilance. While he is relaxed, if his conscience allows, read his SMS, correspondence by mail, Skype and social networks. There you can find a lot of interesting things.

It is better to leave the espionage option in reserve, and first try to observe the behavior of your loved one. If he does not pay attention to his wife, disappears from home for a long time, then there is reason to think. ABOUT next steps we wrote in a separate article. It details in detail. You will be able to correctly analyze his behavior and develop an algorithm of your own.

It is interesting to hear the opinion of the representative Orthodox Church. The archpriest inclines to parting, which in religion is considered blasphemy:

Is it worth it to say that you know everything

If you did not learn about the betrayal first hand, then do not rush to react sharply, throw a tantrum and scandal. You need to take yourself 2-3 days off and go somewhere to relax in order to be alone. At this time, psychologists advise to carefully consider and weigh everything, answer the following questions:

  • "Why could this happen?" this article can help, in which the reasons for the betrayal of husbands are sorted by bones.
  • Are you ready to forgive your husband? If yes, then sincerely and frankly talk to him about a sore subject. It is not necessary to confess, to admit that they combed his entire phone or social media. You can start by feeling his distance, worrying if he fell in love with another. normal man Definitely start talking about this.
  • "Do you want to save your family?" If yes, then think about why and what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of happiness.
  • “Are you able or not to establish a relationship with a man after a showdown?” For those who are not confident in their own strengths and mental stability, it is best to keep silent and try to correct the situation, remaining, as it were, in the dark.

You need to act very carefully when the husband is irritated with his wife and takes out his anger on her. Any wrong word and “collision” can aggravate the situation and push him to break off relations with an official partner.

If in life together already once there were precedents with flirting on the side or betrayal, then you should not be silent about anything. It is necessary to have a peaceful conversation with your soulmate and find out:

  • what does not suit a man;
  • what is the root of the problem;
  • what should be changed in both of them in order to correct the situation;
  • does he want a divorce;
  • does he love another lady or is it pure physical connection, and there is no talk of any spiritual unity.

You should proceed to the next stage only after clarifying the relationship.

What should be the first reaction

If you yourself dug up evidence of trips to the left, then at first with a high degree of probability there will be a desire to make a scandal, collect your things, call your mistress the worst words in the world and blame your chosen one for everything. But do not cut off the shoulder, because this is exactly what the competitor is waiting for. WITH cold head evaluate the situation, he has not left you yet - perhaps there is still love. Therefore, do not scribble to your mistress with threats to deprive her of her hair or arrange a dark one. Your goal is to talk to your husband.

If the man honestly confessed his betrayal, do not attack him with fists, do not beg not to leave you, do not shout: “what did I do wrong”. You must act as if it did not hook you at all, show your indifference to what is happening. For credibility, you can offer to leave for a few days and think about the situation.

A well-known psychologist and TV presenter talk about the main signs of infidelity and how to respond to it correctly:

What to say to your husband after cheating

If a woman found out about adultery on her own and wants to understand what the matter is, you can resort to the following phrases:

  • "Dear, in Lately I noticed that you moved away from me, we spend less time together. I thought for a long time what was the prerequisite for this, and came to the conclusion that perhaps I was doing something wrong. Then I had the idea that by doing this I could push you away and contribute to the appearance of another girl in your life. Please do not worry and do not be nervous, I know everything, no matter how and what exactly, the main thing is that I want to understand your desires.
  • "I need to talk to you about a very important points. Today I found out that you have an affair with another girl. I want to immediately clarify the situation, if you are unhappy with me, then you do not need to spoil each other's lives. I suggest we talk about this."
  • “I thought that we would always be together, that I am for you the only one with whom you want to live your whole life. Tell me honestly, is this true, because I have reason to believe that you are in a relationship with another woman.

If a person is adequate, he will not deny the fact of betrayal. The first thing it will do loving husband who just stumbled, so it will bring its own sincerely excuse and repent of what he did.

When the spouse himself admits that he has sinned and asks for an apology, you can answer as follows:

  • “I felt that something was wrong, but I didn’t want to distract you with my suspicions once again. What are you thinking of doing now?"
  • “I think that in what happened, my share of the blame is also great. Let's cool down and discuss everything soberly.
  • “I was very impressed that you yourself told about everything. I can’t immediately say if I can forgive the betrayal, but I promise not to make sudden decisions.

There is no need to say: I did not expect this from you, how could you do this to me, why is this all for me! It is a mistake to brazenly arouse a feeling of guilt in him, put pressure on pity, such a state can quickly bother him and he will simply close himself in himself or even slam the door. It will be very disappointing if the betrayal was just an episode in his life and the story with his mistress is just an affair, nothing more.

What to do if the husband is cheating: leave or stay

After you have learned the whole truth, list on paper all the pros and cons of parting with your loved one. this article will help. It tells what can happen after that and how to “let go” of sins correctly.

We recommend reading free book Alexey Chernozem "What to do with male infidelity". You will learn why men cheat and go to their mistresses, how to respond to cheating in order to save relationships and prevent a recurrence in the future, and also how to survive all this.

The book is free. To download, click here on this link, leave your e-mail and an email will be sent to the mail with a link to the pdf-file.

If the betrayal was only once, then it can be attributed to male weakness or quarrels in the family. But when the situation repeats itself from time to time, then what is the point of rehabilitating the relationship? The best solution would be to go away for a while, live separately and see how everything goes on. If the husband is not going to take conciliatory steps, then have the pride not to stir up the past and let him go. Wants to return.

Before finally saying goodbye to family life, try . Here are all the details: who is not tempted by short skirts, what kind of woman can keep the most greedy male near her, which should be worked on.

Are you interested in who cheats more, men or women? Here you can find the maximum. They were obtained as a result of a large-scale opinion poll and allow us to understand exactly when adultery is committed and what contributes to it.

If - do not lose face in the dirt will help information in another article. You will be surprised what comes to the mind of women when the truth is revealed, you will find out whether it is worth taking revenge at all and what not to do.

Do's and Don'ts after Revealing the Truth

Here's what to forget:

  • Suffering. It is not necessary to make yourself a victim and keep silent about what everyone knows about cheating. If you have a weak psyche, you will torment yourself in this way, which in the end can turn into prolonged depression and health problems.
  • Willingness to complain to friends and family. These "well-wishers" can advise stupid things, for example, to get divorced without a showdown. It is also important that they will always be on your side, and therefore they will not be able to look at the situation objectively.
  • The desire to take revenge on his mistress. You need to concentrate on the relationship with your husband, find the “holes” and patch them up. Do not think about her at all and do not compare yourself with a competitor. And don't even think about dating her, it will give her some advantages!
  • Hysterics. This is destructive behavior, which over time will certainly lead to a break. No matter how painful it is, talk to him calmly, do not give ultimatums.
  • Self pity. This is the most terrible thing that can be. You are a self-sufficient woman who can do everything. Men love just such, not whiny ladies. Therefore, away from the tears!

If you want to win the fight for your husband's heart, manipulate him, but not overtly. He goes to work - wish Have a good day, kiss goodbye, say that you will miss him, that you are waiting for him. At the end of the working day, call your mobile and ask if it will be soon, because dinner is cooling down. Believe me, this works much better than endless raids and impudent interrogations: where and with whom you were, what you did, when you are at home, come immediately, etc.

A man will certainly appreciate the attentive and reverent attitude towards his person. As a result, he will even be a little embarrassed when he gets ready to meet his mistress, and thoughts will spin in his head, but a caring and faithful wife is waiting for me at home!

What if there is a child

Never sort things out with a child, he should not see scandals and hear screams in the house. In order not to injure his subtle psyche, do not drag the child into a conflict. We should not tell how bad dad is, that he is a traitor, that he does not love us. Imagine your husband using the same tools! Also, you do not need to blackmail your spouse, they say, you will cheat, I will divorce you, and you will never see your son or daughter. It will only turn him against you.

You can use the child but only for good. Try to spend more time together, play together, walk, do homework, go to the movies. Let the kid say more often that he misses his father. These methods definitely work, but they only make sense when the man still loves his wife.

How to live with a traitor and keep your mouth shut

If you decide to keep the family for the sake of the child or for some reason of your own and not talk about the sore, be prepared to share your husband with another. You can't afford jealousy, suspicion, or stupid questions: when will you come home, what, business trip again, where did our deposit in the bank go? You will have to step over yourself and your pride in many ways. This is a very difficult test, are you sure that you can live like this, with such a stone in your heart?

You will need to forget about the role of a spy, stop reading his SMS and browsing social networks. If you are caught doing this heinous activity - write wasted, and it exhausts you a lot, why do you need extra stress?

It is better to pay attention to a man together with total surveillance, compliment him, ask for advice and help, load him with household chores. Perhaps this will rally you and he will refuse his mistress.

How to cut all ends

We decided that life with a traitor is not for you - do not delay leaving. If you got a tyrant, use . You will learn how to escape from it, what should be done for this, where and when to make legs. Also, in the near future we will prepare an article on how to leave your husband and start new life. In the meantime, peacefully divide the jointly acquired property with your spouse (he does not agree - sue). Then, agree with whom the child will stay (if any). Remove from the house all things reminiscent of the traitor, and finally take care of yourself.

This video will help you start living normally after a betrayal:

Trying to make up detailed diagram of their behavior with a husband who cheated, women allow many fatal errors. I want to believe that this article will help prevent them. good luck and family well-being To you!