Small box for money with your own hands. How to make a wedding chest for money with your own hands

The money chest has become an almost indispensable attribute of the traditional wedding celebration. It can be purchased at many souvenir shops or bridal salons. However, the most interesting thing is to make this accessory yourself. This will give it a touch of originality and individuality. Let's look at how to make beautiful wedding chest for money with your own hands.

The purpose of the chest

Now it is customary to give money to young people for a wedding. For the convenience of collecting donated financial amounts, use beautiful boxes or special boxes. They are a kind of symbol of the future financial well-being of a young family.

With the collected funds, the newlyweds can independently purchase for themselves what, in their opinion, is necessary for them. family life. Also, such a gift is very convenient because guests do not need to rack their brains over the question of what to present to the young at the wedding celebration.

According to old belief, at the wedding it is forbidden to give money into the hands of the newlyweds. This can cause them financial trouble or bring them some kind of trouble. Therefore, a special chest is useful to collect money.

Where to begin?

To make a chest with your own hands, you will need your own imagination and a certain amount of free time. Such an attribute must be done carefully and with love, as it will become the central element of the celebration and will symbolize the future treasury of the newlyweds. By investing your whole soul and good intentions in its manufacture, you can attract financial well-being to the family.

Before you start making a chest for money, you need to determine:

  • The shape of the future chest for the wedding: square, rectangular, in the form of a barrel, heart, etc.
  • Product color and size.
  • What materials will be required to make this holiday attribute with your own hands.
  • Associated decor.

Choice of color and shape

A wedding chest can have any color scheme ranging from white to black. It all depends on the wishes and preferences of the heroes of the occasion. However, if this accessory is made for a specific purpose, it is necessary to choose the right color for it:

  • If the chest is used to raise money for the future son, this accessory must be made in blue or light blue.
  • If funds are raised for a future daughter, shades of pink should be preferred.
  • If the money box is for fundraising Honeymoon, it should be bright and colorful.
  • If this attribute simply acts as family bank, it is made in white or another neutral color.

For the future son
For future daughter

In addition, depending on the purpose of collecting money, a certain shape of the chest for the wedding is also chosen:

  • For future children - in the form of a stroller or cradle.
  • For travel - in the form of a car, plane or map.
  • For home, car, etc. - in the appropriate form, illustrating the desired object.

Materials used

wedding chest can be made from the following materials:

decorating wedding chests, the following materials are needed:

  • colored paper, thick foil, etc.;
  • gold and silver strong threads;
  • fabric for drapery;
  • beads, pebbles, shells, rhinestones and sequins.

From additional materials will need:

  • scissors;
  • needles with strong thread;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • quality glue;
  • transparent tape;
  • ruler.

In addition, inspiration and a good mood are needed for the whole process.

It should be noted that the quality of the selected materials directly depends appearance and durability of the wedding accessory to collect Money.

For example, high-quality glue will allow you to securely fix the decoration on the box, thereby preserving it not only for the duration of the celebration, but also for a longer period.

After the desired shape of the future wedding box has been selected and all the materials have been prepared, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - the search for a scheme. It can be easily found on the Internet on specialized sites. Here are presented as schemes of standard wedding accessories rectangular shape, and very unexpected and interesting options.

To save time, you can buy a ready-made box of the material you like or just use a regular small shoe box. Having made a slot for banknotes, as well as decorating it with ribbons, flowers and rhinestones, you can get a very attractive family bank for a wedding.

How to make a chest from a regular cardboard box

You can make an ATM out of the box with your own hands as follows:

  1. First you need to give the lid of the cardboard box a bulge. To do this, longitudinal grooves are carefully drawn along its surface with the help of a clerical knife. In this case, care must be taken not to cut through the cover through, otherwise it will no longer be suitable for further use. Longitudinal grooves will allow the cardboard to bend and take on a semicircular shape.

  2. Both ends of the semicircular lid are fixed to the sides of the box with adhesive tape and additional cardboard. As a result, the box should take the form of a chest.
  3. Next, you need to close the side gaps of the box, formed after bending the lid in the form of an arc. To do this, the necessary figures are cut out of thick cardboard, the dimensions of which coincide with the dimensions of the gaps obtained. The cut out cardboard is attached to the sides of the chest for money with the help of transparent tape. The result is a composition that has the shape of an arch. In addition to adhesive tape, you can use a stapler with paper clips to securely fasten the cardboard.
  4. The next step is the easiest, but at the same time
    the most responsible. In the middle of the concave cover, it is necessary to make a cut 5–7 mm wide. It is intended for cash, so its length should be sufficient for the bill to easily fall inside the box. It is best to calculate the cut in such a way that an envelope can pass through it freely.
  5. Now you can move on to the most pleasant and creative stage - lining and decorating the wedding accessory.
  6. First you need to measure all the parameters of the box and the curved lid. Then, using the data obtained, it is necessary to cut out the desired piece of fabric separately for the lid and separately for the bottom of the box.
  7. The lid is carefully sheathed with a cloth, and then they move on to the rest of the cardboard chest. After that, it is necessary to cut the fabric at the location of the lumen for funds. You should not rush at this stage, since the appearance of the chest for the wedding will depend on the accuracy of the execution.
  8. Next check
    cover cut. To do this, you need to take an envelope and
    try to put it inside. If this action is difficult, it is necessary to increase the incision.
  9. After a clearance for money has been made, the edges of the fabric are processed with a lit match so that the threads do not unravel and arrows do not appear. In this case, you should be careful not to inadvertently burn the entire cardboard structure.
  10. The last step in making a chest for a wedding with your own hands is decorating it. Here you can fully express your imagination and creativity.
  11. To decorate a box for a wedding, you will need various materials: shiny threads, shells, ribbons, lace ruffles, rhinestones, small mirrors, sequins, etc. You can also use artificial precious and semiprecious stones. However, when performing this stage, you should be careful not to overdo it and not turn the box into a tasteless accessory, decorated with decorative elements that are incompatible with each other. Therefore, to decorate the chest with your own hands, it is advisable to choose no more than three elements, for example, lace braid, satin ribbons and decorative pebbles of matching colors.

Wedding chest from a cardboard box - video

chest decoration

A handmade wedding box can be plain or combine several colors that look harmonious with each other. Among the most popular design options: the bottom of the product is made plain, and the top is bright, with various decorative elements.

Start pasting the box should be from its side parts, smoothly moving to the lid. To do this, you need to take high-quality glue that can securely attach fabric, metal and plastic to a cardboard or fabric surface. Do not neglect the quality of the glue, as an unreliably attached part of the chest can fall off at the most inopportune moment.

When decorating a chest, you can use the following tips:

  • It is recommended to decorate the sides and docking points on the chest with satin ribbons, the color of which is combined with the shade of the lining fabric.
  • To decorate the chest, you can already use ready-made options who offer wedding salons and craft shops.
  • The lid of the jewelry box should not be too heavy, otherwise it will begin to sag inward.
  • A win-win would be to use contrasting colors and shades, such as white fabric for lining the product and red ribbons for decoration.
  • The sides of the box can be decorated with photos of happy newlyweds.
  • For decoration, you can use original jewelry: small branches of trees, dried grass, flowers, leaves and berries. Thus, you will receive not only interesting composition, but you will also be able to surprise guests with your skillful handicraft.

You can make a beautiful and original chest for money for a wedding with your own hands. To save your time and protect yourself from possible failure, you can make a wedding accessory out of a cardboard shoe box and decorate it with blanks purchased at a specialized store. It will take no more than two days to manufacture and decorate such an attribute.

In this master class, I will create and show step by step in the photo how to make a do-it-yourself wedding chest for money from an ordinary glass box, into which guests throw envelopes, postcards and banknotes at the wedding. It seems that such an accessory is optional, but on such a day everything should be perfect to the smallest detail.

So, to create and decorate a wedding chest for money, we need:

PVA glue;
decorative paper;
corrugated paper;
satin ribbon;
glue gun;
regular and masking tape;

First, let's get the internal partitions out of the box. Let's start forming the lid of the chest.

Next, draw a part of the circle (arc) on the side. On both sides we make indents of about 5 cm and draw a straight line. We do the same on the second side and connect all the lines on the front wall. It is important that all lines are parallel to the base of the box.

Cut out with scissors upper part.

It is necessary to make sure that the lid of the chest can bend freely. Otherwise, it will simply break and deform. Therefore, we make biga (fold) lines with an interval of about 1.5 cm. It is necessary to push the lines under the ruler with the back of the scissors on the inside of the lid.

We cut the traced lines on the front and side walls. On back wall inside we draw a biga (fold) line.

We fasten the upper part with the side walls using ordinary adhesive tape. It holds firmly, but it’s better to stick masking tape on top of it, since then we will paste over the box with paper, and this is unlikely to be done on ordinary tape.

We also cut off excess cardboard to get even joints. Only we do not throw away the cut off strip - it will be useful to us in the future.

We fasten all sides with adhesive tape.

Putting the lid on inside up and cut a hole for the envelopes in the center. The thickness is 1-1.5 cm, and the length is already at your discretion.

It is necessary to cut a few millimeters of cardboard along the bottom of the lid so that after gluing the chest can be closed.

WITH reverse side we make an incision in the hole so that we get allowances and glue them inside.

We wrap some beautiful decorative paper completely the entire chest in the same way as pasted over with whatman paper. We just glue it not on PVA glue, but just glue the edges with a glue gun.

You can wrap the chest in organza or some similar material for more effect. We take an organza of such a size that it completely envelops the box. We wrap completely in full length, placing the chest in the middle of the material. We glue the allowances inside.

On the sides we make a drapery and glue it to the inside of the chest with a glue gun.

We take the cut off strip from the lid and paste over it with decorative paper. Glue to the inside of the front wall. This tab will allow the lid to stay in place.

It remains to decorate the chest inside and out. Outside will voluminous flowers from the material that we used in the process of all work. We cut strips different lengths and width.

Fold the strip in half.

We bend the corner at the very beginning.

We begin to twist to the end of the tape, holding the fingers at the base.

In a chaotic manner, we glue the flowers on hot glue.

We will make strings for the chest by gluing ribbons to the bottom and the lid under the flowers.

Decorate the inside. Before pasting the entire surface, it is necessary to secure the cover with a ribbon. We glue one end to the lid, and the other to the side.

Pasting over corrugated paper the entire interior of the chest.

This is how the chest turns out, in which the newlyweds will collect their first family budget.

Giving gifts to newlyweds is a long tradition. But alas, it is not always possible to guess what exactly the newly-made spouses need, and there is a risk of presenting something useless. Therefore, it is preferable to donate money with which happy couple manage according to your needs. Today we will tell you how to make a chest for money for a wedding with your own hands.

There is one problem in cash gift: the transfer of banknotes without packaging is considered bad omen and bad tone. A wedding chest will come to the rescue, acting as a kind of family bank, into which guests can easily drop envelopes with banknotes without violating the rules of decency.

You can build an original wedding money chest with your own hands or buy a ready-made one, but the first option is preferable, because you can create a truly original accessory.

And to do this is quite simple, the main thing is to connect your imagination and spend a little time.

wedding chest design

wedding money boxes Lately very popular. Usually they look original, attract the attention of guests. Throughout the ceremony, money is lowered into them, designed to serve as the main general family budget.

The design of the money box should be bright, memorable, creative, consistent with the uniform style of the event.

Wedding money box

The most popular forms of such boxes:

  • Box.
  • Heart.
  • Casket.
  • Cake, etc.

Most often they are made of cardboard, taken as a basis for a ready-made box or cut out and glued according to a template. To ensure the safety of the contents, a beautiful lock is hung on the money chest, matching the style of the accessory itself. In this case, bills and envelopes are lowered through a thin slot made in advance.

The color scheme is also worth considering. If the wedding is decorated in some specific colors, then they should be repeated on the box. The same goes for style. Universal decor - in white, using silk and traditional wedding symbols - wedding rings, flowers, figurines of the bride and groom, hearts, etc.

Particularly creative newlyweds can make a whole bank or an ATM with their own hands, a mailbox, a house out of a large box. This is already a matter of taste.

Often wedding chests are decorated funny inscriptions: "Treasury", "Bank", etc. It can be a plate, letter applications, embroidery, a sticker.

Decided to make a chest for money with your own hands? There is nothing easier, especially if there are old crockery boxes at hand, a small household appliances, shoes, sweets:

  1. Boxes with a separate lid can simply be pasted over properly by cutting a narrow hole in the lid for the envelopes.
  2. For a box with a one-piece lid, the side faces can be cut in the shape of a semicircle or triangle, and the lid is slightly kneaded to make it easier to give it a similar curve. In this case, you need to ensure that when closing it there are no creases, cracks, dents, etc.

Taking advantage ready-made templates, you can cut out the base for a box of almost any shape from thick cardboard, then glue it, make a slot for money and proceed to close-fitting and decorating.

Elegant money box

Rectangular boxes, even spectacularly decorated, look much less elegant than caskets resembling chests. Making such a “family bank” for a wedding with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first. For this you will need:

  • A box with a hinged lid or a sheet of thick cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Glue, scissors, masking tape.

If finished box no, use the template to cut out the blank from cardboard, then glue it and proceed to further work:

  1. With a pencil, mark a semicircular outline on the side faces and cut off the excess.
  2. Cut off the front edge flush with the bottom point of the round part.
  3. Using a ruler, wash the lid every centimeter so that it acquires a semicircular shape. In length, it should be such that it slightly overlaps the top of the front face. If the length is not enough, then it can be "increased" with the help of cardboard and glue.
  4. On the sides of the lid, use masking tape to glue the elements cut out of cardboard, semicircular on one side and straight on the other.
  5. Glue all the edges of the chest with masking tape.
  6. In the lid, make a hole for money about 5-7 mm wide, no more than 15 cm long.

If a handmade chest will be used after the wedding, for example, for storage family photos or memorabilia, then it should be done on the lock. To do this, in the part of the lid that overlaps, also cut a hole, and in the same place on the front edge, attach a metal or cardboard loop with a slot for a lock. If the chest is disposable, then the lid can simply be glued, in which case the box does not need to be decorated from the inside.


No matter how beautiful the foundation, in its original form it is not suitable for a wedding, so the box needs to be covered. This can be done using various materials:

Volume upholstery

A chest for money will look great, the upholstery of which is made with a volume effect. With your own hands, you can do this as follows:

Instead of buttons, you can use beads, in which case you just need to sew them to the base through all layers of fabric, placing them crosswise, as for a quilted ornament.

It is best to glue the skin-tight on transparent glue or PVA, for light materials (paper, fine fabric) normal stationery glue will do.


After the base is ready, you can do absolutely any decor with your own hands using:

  • Lace, satin ribbons, decorative cord.
  • Beads, rhinestones, sequins and other small accessories.
  • Finished beads different sizes(under pearls, glass, etc.).
  • Artificial flowers, including textile.
  • Bantov.
  • Decoupage.

Options for decorating a chest for money

How easier base, the more effective the decor should be. For example, if the chest is sheathed with plain fabric or colored cardboard, then it should be decorated around the edges with spectacular lace, ribbons, and voluminous floral appliqués.

All decorative elements, decorating hand-made wedding chests, it is best to plant on colorless silicone or superglue, some details can be sewn on or fastened with a stapler, buttons.

When decorating a money box for a wedding with your own hands, remember that the design should be as close as possible to the overall style of the event, the outfits of the bride and groom, and the latter's bouquet.

Option 1

Hearts of different sizes lined with rhinestones, as well as sparkles, look beautiful. The latter can be used to apply openwork patterns:

  1. Using transparent glue, draw a suitable ornament.
  2. Sprinkle the area liberally with glitter.
  3. Wait until dry, shake off excess glitter.

Option 2

Bead applications look original: with the help of pearls, you can lay out one large or several smaller hearts, the edges of the slot for money, a thematic inscription.

Option 3

The fabric covering can be supplemented with lace frills or ruffles from the same textile, hanging threads of finished beads, and fixing a small flower arrangement from one edge.

Wedding chest in vintage style

If the base was painted with white paint, then you can use the decoupage technique for decoration:

  • Print pictures of the wedding theme, carefully cut them along the contour.
  • Coat with PVA glue the areas on the chest where the pictures should be located, attach the image there and gently smooth it with a brush.

In this way, you can paste over the entire box or its individual sections. In the latter case, additional decor would be appropriate. For example, you can make spectacular decoupage in vintage style:

  1. Print joint photo future spouses or two separate with each of them. The photo is best pre-stylized antique.
  2. Cut out the photo in the shape of an oval.
  3. Glue on the front face or side.
  4. Make a frame of white pearls or transparent crystals around the photo.
  5. Attach a neat bow from below or above.
  6. On empty sections of the box, you can stick clippings from old newspapers, notes or books with romantic poems, quotes.
  7. As additional decor you can use lace, satin ribbons pastel shades, finished beads, feathers.
  8. With the help of silver or gold glitters (contour paints), depending on the design style, make a thematic inscription: the names or initials of the newlyweds, the date of the wedding, or something symbolic.

The lock for such a chest should be decorated in the same style, the simplest thing is to simply paint it with silver or gold paint, stick a few beads or crystals on its front side.

By the way, the clasp at the chest for the wedding can be made magnetic, and on the outside this place can be marked beautiful bow, brooch, flower, etc.

Making a slot for money

Even the most beautiful handmade chest for a wedding will look unfinished if the slot for money is not made.
It is very simple to do this: just lay beads, rhinestones, beads along the contour, putting them on glue. Can wrap the edges satin ribbon or lace. If the contours do not look aesthetically pleasing enough, you can make an edging from a decorative cord or sequins, small flowers.

A handmade wedding money chest is a spectacular and unusual festive accessory that will attract the attention of all guests and become a piggy bank for the family budget. And after the holiday, it will take its rightful place on the shelf, keeping valuable memories of the happy day in the lives of spouses.

DIY wedding chest - video

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of suitable wedding accessories - it is quite possible to make them yourself. For example, a standard money tray can be replaced with a charming wedding chest. A do-it-yourself money box will decorate the celebration in a worthy way. Original handmade will only emphasize the impeccable taste of the bride and groom. More about this in our step by step master class with photos and videos.

Step-by-step instructions for making your own wedding money box

Necessary materials:

  1. We cut the lid of the box, as in the photo. We use a clerical knife and scissors.

    We strengthen the resulting high "walls" with the corresponding pieces of thick cardboard, gluing them on double-sided tape.

  2. We cut out the details for wide walls and also glue them to the base. Make sure all cuts are even.
  3. With the help of masking or ordinary tape we fasten the corners of the structure.
  4. When the corners are securely fixed, we form the "lid" of the chest. To do this, we measure the upper cut of the wide wall and cut out the part from a sheet of cardboard. Then, exactly in the center, we mark the hole for money, making it slightly larger than the width of a standard envelope.

    Note! For this part, it is important to use exactly thick cardboard because it lends itself well to molding. Multilayer corrugated material is not suitable for the upper part, but it is perfect for creating the walls of the structure.

  5. Carefully cut a hole by placing the cardboard on the tape ring - as in the video. Irregularities are corrected with scissors.
  6. We give the details a semicircular shape.

  7. Cut off two thin strips of double-sided tape and glue each to top cut wide wall structure. Glue the top part to these strips.

  8. We cut out suitable semicircular parts, adjust and adjust them, bringing them into full compliance with the shape of the upper part. We start them a little under the upper part (literally half a millimeter) and fix the corners with tape. In order for the adhesive tape to repeat the semicircular shape and securely fix the joints, it is necessary, after gluing one half of the piece, to cut the free end in half. Then, fixing one half, stick the second one a little obliquely - this way you get something like a tuck. The adhesive tape pasted in this way will not bubble, deforming the edge, and the work will turn out to be quite accurate.

  9. Let's prepare the fabric and lace for work.

    They need to be carefully ironed.

  10. Having measured the chest, cut out a piece of the appropriate size.
  11. Glue double-sided adhesive tape around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure and stretch the fabric well. Leave the side parts in a free position.
  12. Carefully cut a hole, as in the photo.

  13. Flip the structure upside down. Lubricate the inside of the slot (cardboard part) generously with glue stick.
  14. Gently fold the fabric allowances inward while gluing them. Wait until dry.
  15. Cut out two strips of lace and glue each with a heat gun so that their edges protrude 1-1.5 mm above the cuts.

  16. We decorate the side parts with a beautiful drapery, fixing each fold with a thermal gun. Glue the end to the bottom of the structure.

  17. The box for money is almost ready - the final stage of the design of the composition remains. So, we cut off three more strips of lace (the length of the third corresponds to the perimeter of the lower part plus the hem allowance). We glue the first two strips so as to close the edges of the segments on the money hole. For fixing, use double-sided tape or hot glue.

  18. It remains to attach a bouquet or flower arrangement. Paste lower part boxes.

It is customary for a newlywed couple to give wedding gifts This tradition is rooted in ancient times. A certain amount of money is considered a popular present, so that the newly-made family decides for itself what they need to purchase. However, donated banknotes must be carefully folded so as not to lose anything. For such purposes, beautiful wedding chests with a cut hole were invented, into which it is easy to put envelopes with money. It is not at all necessary to purchase such a chest if you have minimal creative abilities.

What you need to make a chest

Many couples at the wedding use ordinary trays on which guests leave envelopes with money, but this option is considered unsafe and not original, because money can easily fall out and get lost. And hide banknotes in a pocket it is completely uncomfortable - then the groom or the witness look unpresentable, since the pockets are protruding, and the overall gloss is broken. Therefore, the chest self madeThe best decision for a wedding celebration.

The chest is a rectangular box or a suitcase in the form of a casket. It is beautifully decorated with all kinds of decorative materials, the color scheme is chosen to match the color of the thematic celebration or classic white, black, brown. To add a touch of originality, you should decorate the chest in a more non-standard form and with your own hands, adding symbolism to this attribute of the wedding.

Even more complex and unusual shapes do not require the work of craftsmen, everything can be done at home, with your own hands. For example, original and unusual solution will become the manufacture wedding box for money in the form birthday cake, boxes or houses, which will symbolize the family hearth. To complete this task, you will definitely need:

  • High-quality glue (PVA, clerical, glue gun is better).
  • Cardboard box (medium size).
  • Stationery knife.
  • Scotch.
  • All kinds of decorative elements: beads, ribbons, pictures, pebbles, shells.
  • Colored paper for exterior and interior decoration.

Tools and materials

In order to make a really high-quality and visually beautiful chest for money with your own hands, you need to use the right materials and get necessary tools. All materials can be easily found at home - in the pantry or in the parent's garage, and decorative details can be found in needlework stores. Of the tools you will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Stationery knife.
  • A figure hole puncher that can make a variety of colored figures to decorate the chest.
  • Good glue.
  • Gun for gluing small parts.
  • Scotch tape (double-sided is best).
  • Ruler.

The quality of the glue will determine how tightly the decorative elements, decoration paper will hold, and whether the box will stick by the end of the celebration. To make the chest neat with no visible seams, you should use double-sided tape, as well as a glue gun, which will carefully distribute the adhesive on all the small parts. If speak about necessary materials, then for the manufacture and decoration of this attribute are ideal:

  • Box right size or thick A4 cardboard.
  • Drapery fabric. It can be silk, satin, velvet and others.
  • Ribbons, laces.
  • Openwork lace fabrics.
  • Beads, stones, crystals, beads, shells, leather, carvings, photographs.

After all the materials and tools are collected, you should proceed to the next step in the manufacture of an attribute for money. You should look for diagrams, drawings and patterns on the Internet, but there is another way: buy several magazines that describe all the moments of preparing a wedding. If you are not sure that you can make everything yourself, you should use the services of craftsmen or involve your mother or grandmother in the work.

Scheme or pattern

In order to start making a chest, you need to prepare the ground, or rather, make patterns or diagrams. The pattern can be made using a large cardboard box.

  • The back of the chest needs to be made higher than the front.
  • The length in this situation should be equal to the sum of the height of the front and the width of the box.
  • The top cover can be made by hand, more curly, as shown in the diagram.

If you plan to make a chest with your own hands not from a standard box, but use A4 cardboard sheets, then the task becomes somewhat more complicated. Don't worry, our goal is achievable, but we will have to make a little more effort to achieve it:

  • The lower protrusion should be about seventy millimeters with a slot on top of the entire pattern so that the bottom does not fall out.
  • The desired slot for money envelopes should be made directly on the pattern, because after the chest is ready to cut the hole will become a little problematic. This pattern is shown below.

A chest for money for a wedding from a shoe box master class with a photo

To easily make a beautiful wedding chest, you need to use the help: see detailed wizard a class that describes all the points in detail, step by step. The easiest way to make such a product is using the usual cardboard box from under the shoes. To do this, you will need accessories, decor, fabrics, glue, scissors, adhesive tape and, of course, the cardboard shoe box itself.

  1. First, cut out the lid of the shoe box as shown in the picture.

  1. After the first step is done, it is imperative to make a dome, which is made from the lid of a shoe box. To do this, we can glue the cardboard to the box that we cut out earlier. The whole composition should look like an arch, you need to add a piece of cardboard on the side and secure it with thick tape. If you think that one adhesive tape will not be enough, then you should also use paper clips and a stapler.

  1. The third step is lining the chest. From the very beginning, you should measure the parameters of the lid and the box itself. After that, it is necessary to cut off the part of the fabric we need for the upper part. Then we begin to carefully sheathe. Next, we sheathe the box itself in the same way. Everything should be done carefully, slowly, then you get an impeccable and beautiful result.

  1. The fourth step is considered one of the easiest, but at the same time, crucial steps. We cut the hole we need for the money, or better for the whole envelope, and then we check whether the bills will fit in there. So that there are no arrows, lines on the fabric and it does not roll up, be sure to draw a burning match in that area. Be careful not to burn the entire finished box.

  1. The last and most interesting step in making a do-it-yourself wedding money box is an original and colorful decoration. Here you can show all your imagination. Outlines and side panels can be embellished with beautiful satin or lace ribbons. Do not feel sorry for beads, rhinestones and beautiful bows as decorations, they are successfully emphasized holiday look boxes. The side panels can be decorated with stylish photos of the newlyweds.