Do-it-yourself money box (chest) for a wedding: types, shapes and useful tips for making. DIY wedding chest for money

A wedding is the brightest, solemn and beautiful event in life. Preparations for this ceremony are long and thorough. It is necessary to think over every detail down to the small decorations that adorn the holiday. Important moments of the wedding event are the traditions that accompany the celebration throughout the entire time of the event. Often, entertainment and items involved in them are prepared by relatives, close friends, girlfriends. It can be balls, coins, photo collages, crackers, various costumes. An equally important accessory is a do-it-yourself wedding money box. Consider several options for collecting a chest, as well as decorating it.

Box options

During the wedding, it is customary to collect money for the newlyweds to jointly purchase the first necessary thing. Previously, large trays were often used to collect gifts. Nowadays, caskets have become popular, in which invitees put envelopes with money. Basically, a wedding chest is made of cardboard. To create it, use boxes of various sizes. You can take containers from shoes or glasses. Traditional chests used at celebrations are made in the form of a casket. But the rectangular shape of the product is not excluded.

Chests with a model of a cake, a stroller, a car, a house, a heart look original. A do-it-yourself wedding money box can be decorated with any material. Caskets are covered with various satin or velvet fabrics, decorated with lace, rhinestones, beads, silk ribbons, braid.

Traditional form

Let's take a look at one of the ways a wedding money box can be made. It is not difficult to create a casket with your own hands. Prepare cardboard, glue, masking tape, scissors. Next, you need to cut a rectangular blank from the base. Raise two opposite edges, creating a box with a bottom and two sides. The details must be of such a height that it is possible to form the lid of the casket. In order for the upper parts to bend smoothly, it is necessary to apply horizontal recesses at an equal distance from each other. Then, having removed the parameters of the future box, cut out the corresponding side parts with a rounded top from cardboard. Using adhesive tape, fasten all the elements, giving the box the shape of a chest. Cut a hole in the lid into which guests will drop envelopes.

Chest decoration

Once the box is set, it's time to think about how to decorate the wedding money box. Performing the main background, they often use satin, wallpaper or beautiful paper. It is wise to start pasting from the sides of the box so that, working from the front and back sides, carefully cover the allowances. Inside the wedding chest, also decorate with fabric or decorative paper. You can cover the bottom of the box with red material to “attract” large bills. From the outside, decorate the casket with ribbon flowers, various beads, rhinestones, and beads. You can create an imitation of rings from cardboard or any suitable material and attach it to the lid of the money house.

Wedding money box: master class

The next proposed box looks like a wedding cake with two tiers. To create the casket in question, you need to find a round box, for example, from a tea set or chocolates. If you don’t find the right shape, then make a round layout out of cardboard. Cut a hole in the lid of the lower tier, moving away from the edge of 3-4 cm so that the cake inside is hollow. At the top with a smaller diameter, make a slot for money. Combine both elements, forming the shape of the cake. Then cover the box with decorative paper or wallpaper. Mask the joints with lace. Do the same for the top hole. Add beads, rhinestones, small accessories to the decor. Flowers from satin ribbons made using the kanzashi technique look original.

Piggy bank for young people

Getting to the next version of the box, we note that we need a high box. A house for money for a wedding, like any dwelling, must have a roof. We will make it from two cardboard rectangles glued together at an angle of 90 degrees. We cut off the top of the box in such a way that the roof easily lies on the tops formed. Next, stir the glue by adding the same amount of water. Then we soak the decorative napkins with a solution and, slightly crushing, paste over the surface of the house. Thanks to this manipulation, a very beautiful plaster effect is created. Leave the box to dry. Decorate the house with frames in the form of windows and place a photo of the newlyweds. Decorate the box with hearts and flowers.

small wedding gift box

Nowadays, more and more often classic postal envelopes are replaced by a gift box for money for a wedding. It is not difficult to make such packaging with your own hands. Cut out a piece of cardboard with dimensions of 18x20 cm. In the middle along the rectangle, make two grooves, leaving 2 cm between them - this is how a book spine is formed. Next, you need to collect a box for money. Before this, it is necessary to cut out a part with a bottom size corresponding to the parameters of the bill with small allowances. In addition, 4 cm are added from the short sides, and 2 cm from the long sides. Then you need to make cuts on the sides along a 4 cm long rectangle. Bend the long sides, glue the pieces to the sides and cover them with a 2 cm allowance. a rectangle corresponding to the cover and glue both parts, laying ribbon ties between them.

Decorate the bottom of the box with the same paper, and also glue it to the main element. Decorate the outside of the cover with a napkin, placing it in the middle of the spine. Then pick up the lace, lay out the curls from the half-beads and decorate the box.

Make your own wedding money box, decor for glasses and candles.

Previously, at a wedding, when young people were given money, they threw banknotes into a glass jar. Currently, a decorated box or chest is used. It is in such a box that cash gifts are thrown - banknotes, envelopes with money.

  • Stylish and graceful boxes can be decorated with satin ribbons, lace or flowers made of delicate pink or white fabric.
  • To make such an accessory for a wedding yourself is very simple. You just need to prepare the materials and stock up on imagination.
  • The basis of such a chest is an ordinary cardboard box. It needs to be decorated with decor elements and scrapbooking paper.

To decorate the box, you will need some materials (lace, braid, rhinestones, pictures). Prepare a box with a lid. If necessary, glue it in the corners with tape or paper with glue. Make a slot in the lid for the envelope, cover the surface of the future chest with acrylic primer and varnish. Now you can decorate.

If you have a box from a service or a large cake, it can make such an interesting chest. The base is an ordinary white fabric with guipure, the decoration is lilac satin ribbons.

So, we decorate a wedding box for money with our own hands - photo:

White satin box with lace and pearl beads. Delicate and stylish accessory.

Original chest for money in white color with roses. Gold and silver trim.

Lilac satin - the basis. The dark-colored ribbon adds rigor and says that this is really a “young bank”.

White and red is an interesting combination. Lace and patterned guipure add tenderness and originality.

The delicate beige color of this box speaks of a unique style. This chest is suitable for a themed wedding in the style of the 19th century.

Bright and unique! Red satin ribbon and white braid - nothing complicated, but very beautiful.

Again a pink chest with bows and lace. Make it easy, you can add your own decor.

Contrasting colors look interesting in this combination. White is the color of the bride, blue is the color of the groom. Everything is in its place.

This box looks like a piece of wedding cake. Cream-colored paper and braid add sophistication. The main accent is a butterfly and flowers.

Decorate the wedding box - delicate colors

How to decorate a bottle of wedding champagne with your own hands

Wedding champagne glasses can be the first heirloom in a nascent family. Such an accessory can be decorated independently. A little fantasy, lace, satin ribbon and glue - an excellent decor option is ready.

How to decorate wedding glasses and wine glasses with your own hands with ribbons? Here are some options:

A thin and wide milky-colored satin ribbon will give the glasses tenderness and solemnity at the same time. Add beads or rhinestones for a very stylish look.

Contrasting colors of lace and satin ribbons on the glasses are combined perfectly.

Stick ready-made plastic flowers on a glass, make a painting in stems and leaves, stick beads. Uncomplicated, but beautiful.

Champagne bottles and glasses in the same style. These accessories will look original on the wedding table.

The simplest, but very attractive decor. Flowers can be bought ready-made.

One for the bride and one for the groom. A thin satin ribbon intertwined along the contour of the glass gives the impression of a real dress or suit.

Ready-made flowers, beads and a green satin ribbon are real bouquets in the hands of the young.

White guipure, red and green braid, flowers. So simple, but so stylish and interesting.

Finished accessories (flowers, beads and rhinestones) only need to be glued correctly. Start attaching items from the bottom. At the end, a ribbon is tied - from the bottom up.

If you know how to stick rhinestones correctly, you can create a real masterpiece. Do not attach beads randomly, it will turn out sloppy. First, draw the image with a pencil, and then glue the rhinestones along the resulting lines.

How to decorate wedding glasses with rhinestones with your own hands? Here are some options:

Rhinestones seem to repeat the movement of bubbles in champagne, creating a unique elegance.

The severity of the line of rhinestones is diluted with light green bows. Candles can be decorated in the same style.

The combination of rhinestones, white and black painting and satin bows is beautiful and stylish.

Again painting, but already gold. Rhinestones add luxury and chic to wedding accessories.

A real work of art. A chain of rhinestones and beads helps to create a delicate wedding style.

Plastic suede - foamiran - does not absorb water and does not wrinkle. Therefore, they make decor from it for various products, including wedding glasses. Roses, of course, cannot be made, but delicate flowers of 6 or seven petals will turn out very beautifully.

How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands with foamiran flowers? Several variants:

If your wedding takes place in the spring, then this decor will come in handy. Flowers resemble lilacs.

This is what the glasses look like from below. They look like a real bouquet of lilacs.

Polymer clay roses and other suede flowers are beautiful and stylish.

Delicate mini-bouquets on glasses and candles look great.

Candles are an essential accessory for a wedding. They add romance and unique luxury. Do not put simple white candles on the table - it will look trite. Decorate them in the same style with glasses or a bottle of champagne. How to decorate candles for a wedding with your own hands, several options:

White and soft lilac color are beautifully combined with each other.

Another original design of candles.

Bright and unique. Not always the wedding is done in gentle colors. You can use yellow lilies.

How to decorate wedding candles with your own hands? Bright and stylish

If you are planning an outdoor ceremony, then such an accessory as a wedding basket will be simply indispensable. It is filled with rose petals, sweets and other sweets. When the bride and groom walk along the path, they are sprinkled with rose petals, and sweets are handed out to children.

It is easy to decorate a wedding basket with your own hands. Check out decor options:

Delicate decor.

Under the white dress of the bride, the basket will fit perfectly, and complement the overall style of the ceremony.

A red basket can be made if the bride's dress is in that color. But also this accessory can be a separate element of decor.

Another version of the decor in white.

How to decorate a wedding arch with your own hands with flowers: photo

The arch symbolizes the altar, the connection of hearts in heaven and the high feelings of the young. Therefore, the design of this type of decor is approached with all responsibility.

How to decorate a wedding arch with your own hands

When a wedding approaches, it is always a touching moment. Prepare for the ceremony, make decor for accessories with your own hands - beautiful, stylish and original.

Video: DIY wedding glasses. How to decorate wedding glasses in 10 minutes Master class.

If you are a professional craftsman, then you can give them to your loved ones or relatives for the holidays. Now I will show how to make a box for storing money and I will demonstrate a detailed diagram. We have already created, but this one will be more universal. The master class is long and you will spend a lot of work, a lot of material, as well as time. This craft is for people who have at least an average level of skills. Be sure to do everything step by step as I will tell and do not miss anything. In the future, when you learn, you can add something from yourself.

In this box you can store small things, money, jewelry, photos and so on. I advise you to buy only high-quality material, since the gift should look very rich.
All the materials that we will need will be presented during the manufacture of crafts. Most importantly, you need cardboard, paper, scissors and glue. The thickness of the cardboard is 1.73 mm.

How to make a money storage box:

Here is a diagram to start, such details need to be cut out of cardboard. First, let's do the markup.

Then we cut out these parts from cardboard.

First you need to glue all the existing parts of the cardboard. We apply glue on the edge and assemble the boxes.

First, glue the elongated walls. Glue I took PVA.

Short walls should clearly enter, if they do not fit, then we undermine them a little. And apply glue on three sides.

Now we need to cut out such details from plain paper or craft paper. With the help of them, we will glue each edge and it will be denser.

Using a brush, smear the glue on the strips.

Now we glue the joints from the inside of the frame that we made.

Now you can trim the joints of the cardboard a little, take a large female nail file and wield it.

Now we smear the outer side with glue to glue the boxes with a leather substitute.

To do this, prepare a strip of substitute leather measuring 610x75 millimeters. It is necessary to glue one that would leave a small but equal distance on the right and left.

When we pass the corner, the fabric needs to be slightly stretched.

This is how we end, there must be an extra piece left.

We cut off the extra piece so that both joints lie beautifully at the top, and at the bottom it doesn’t matter at all.

Now let's work on the corners, they need to be cut. To do this, turn the boxes over.

Lubricate the protrusions with glue and bend.

We bend each separately.

Now the bent parts need to be pressed a little so that the gluing is better.

Here we have such a bottom, it is ready.

Turn the box over and cut off the corners at the top. You need to cut off just a little bit.

We bend the protrusions again one at a time, having previously lubricated them with PVA glue.

The joints of the corners should also lie close to each other.

The joint in the middle also fits neatly.

And again cut out of cardboard such details as shown below.

Now we cut off a piece of leatherette which has dimensions of 375x200 millimeters. Gently spread glue over the entire surface with a brush and put cardboard there. Definitely in the order in which they were cut.

Now we cut the unnecessary corners like this, so that when they are bent, they also lie joint to joint.

Then apply a thin layer of glue to the edges of the leather substitute.

And we bend the edges, gluing them to the cardboard.

Be sure to go around the entire perimeter and seal the bonding.

These are the gaps that must be there.

Again, I repeat, pay more attention to the corner joints.

They must be careful.

The lid for the box is ready, let it rest and dry.

Now you need to embed the magnets in the box. On the inside, we cut out a place for them, just remove a small layer of cardboard.

We do this on both sides, the magnets will not be visible from the front side.

Drop some superglue for the magnets.

We insert the magnets and wait a couple of minutes until the glue dries.

Now we put the opposite magnets on the outside, this is easy to do.
This is done in order to measure where the opposite magnets will be located from the side of the cover.

Draw magnets with a marker.

We put the lid on the box and finally close it, the marker will be printed on the lid and you will see where these magnets need to be attached.

Don't forget to set the polarity of the magnets correctly, you need them to pull together, not repel. On the lid, we also remove one layer of cardboard and glue the magnets there.

Here are the details that are used for gluing the walls.

But this scheme in order to save paper correctly. From a sheet of 30x30 centimeters, you can cut out all the details economically.

Now we take each to make paper for the insides.

We try on, and then glue it.

Lubricate each piece carefully with glue.

If you store photos in a box, you can stick a tape on the side, with its help this can be done without any problems.

But on the lid it is necessary to glue, from the same, a small loop. It will be easier for you to open the box for storing personal items.

Next, glue the beautiful bottom into the boxes.

The lid can be printed for decoration.

Now we put beautiful paper on the lid with which we paste over the insides. Marks joints, as well as corners.

Here is the paper.

Then we apply glue and connect the two parts, paper and cover.

Here's what we should get.

In the end, we pour glue on the bottom of the box and on the lid and connect these two parts. Be sure to leave a small indent.

Then we apply glue to the back side wall and glue these parts just as well.

Here is a box for storing money and other personal items. At the top, you can make a decoration in the form of rhinestones or beautiful stones.

This is what the box looks like when opened.

Be sure to try creating this craft or others, for example, or.

A wedding is a special day for every girl. A day when everything has to be perfect. What makes a perfect day? It is made up of little things, of memorable moments. One of the important moments at the wedding is the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds. In order for this process not to be usual, so that the money in envelopes does not scatter around the tray and, moreover, is not lost, the bride will need a box for money (chest) for the wedding with her own hands.

Types and shapes of boxes (chests) for money

There are several of the most popular types and shapes of money boxes that can be used in their manufacture:

  • regular box
  • casket
  • box
  • heart
  • house

Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

regular box

This is the simplest shape that can easily be made from a shoe box. There is nothing unusual here, no complex elements. Examples are shown in the photo.

Here is a small master class on how to quickly make such a do-it-yourself money box.

We will need:

  1. shoe box
  2. PVA glue
  3. Scissors
  4. Lace
  5. Pearl-like beads for decoration
  6. Satin ribbon
  7. Colored wrapping paper
  8. glue gun

Step one

We make a slot for envelopes in the top of the box with scissors.

step two

We glue the box with colored wrapping paper (preferably ivory or with an unobtrusive small pattern, or choose a color that will be a priority at your wedding) and let it dry. The main thing is to do everything carefully so that the paper does not gather anywhere and bubbles do not form.

Step Three

After we glued the box with paper and it dried, we can begin to decorate the box. We glue it with a satin ribbon around the perimeter, glue lace on top of the satin ribbon and decorate everything with beads. To do this, it is better to use a glue gun so that the jewelry holds better. You can always make the design of the box to your taste: it can be satin bows, lace, beads, crystals, beads. That's all, in three simple steps you have a box of money for your wedding ready.


This form implies that it should open, most often it is done with ties or with a lock. This is very convenient for storing envelopes, nothing will be lost during transportation.

How to make a box can be seen in the video:


The name here speaks for itself. It can be either with a hole for the envelope, or open like a box. It looks very impressive and looks very nice at the wedding table.

However, making it yourself is not so easy, to make a chest you will need to be patient and watch the video tutorial:


This money box is made in the shape of a cake. Usually make two or three tiers. The main thing here is not to confuse it with a real cake.

A master class for making a box for money in the form of a cake is presented in the video:


The heart as a symbol of eternal love is a very appropriate shape for a money box at a wedding. Such a box will very succinctly fit into any wedding interior.

Let's see how to make a heart-shaped box:

small house

The box in the form of a house is a symbol of the hearth created by a new family. Looks very cozy and unusual.

The steps for making such a house are shown in detail in the video tutorial:

When making your money chest, pay attention to the following:

  • Choose thick cardboard so that it does not wrinkle when accidentally pressed.
  • For gluing the decor, it is better to use a gun with good glue, otherwise something may fall off.
  • You don’t need to sculpt everything and more, try to make it not only beautiful, but also tasteful. It is best if you have one large piece of jewelry, and around it a scattering of smaller beads, crystals.
  • Choose a color suitable for your celebration or a neutral color (for example, white or ivory).
  • Depending on the number of guests, choose the size for your casket so that all the envelopes fit.

So, the money box is the perfect solution for collecting envelopes with money that guests will give to the newlyweds. It is very important that she be beautiful and fit the style of the wedding. Making it with your own hands is not so difficult, on the Internet there are many videos of master classes on making such crafts with your own hands. With a lack of time, you can, of course, order or buy a ready-made casket, but will it be as beautiful as if it were made by the bride herself? And then, for finished products, the price is not even small, exceeding the cost of the product several times. Why overpay, if you can do it yourself the way you need it, saving at the same time not a small amount?

Giving gifts to newlyweds is a long tradition. But alas, it is not always possible to guess what exactly the newly-made spouses need, and there is a risk of presenting something useless. Therefore, it is most preferable to give money, which the happy couple will dispose of in accordance with their needs. Today we will tell you how to make a chest for money for a wedding with your own hands.

There is one problem with a cash gift: handing over banknotes without wrapping is considered bad luck and bad form. A wedding chest will come to the rescue, acting as a kind of family bank, into which guests can easily drop envelopes with banknotes without violating the rules of decency.

You can build an original wedding money chest with your own hands or buy a ready-made one, but the first option is preferable, because you can create a truly original accessory.

And to do this is quite simple, the main thing is to connect your imagination and spend a little time.

wedding chest design

Wedding money boxes have been very popular lately. Usually they look original, attract the attention of guests. Throughout the ceremony, money is lowered into them, designed to serve as the main family budget.

The design of the money box should be bright, memorable, creative, consistent with the uniform style of the event.

Wedding money box

The most popular forms of such boxes:

  • Box.
  • Heart.
  • Casket.
  • Cake, etc.

Most often they are made of cardboard, taken as a basis for a ready-made box or cut out and glued according to a template. To ensure the safety of the contents, a beautiful lock is hung on the money chest, matching the style of the accessory itself. In this case, bills and envelopes are lowered through a thin slot made in advance.

The color scheme is also worth considering. If the wedding is decorated in some specific colors, then they should be repeated on the box. The same goes for style. Universal decor - in white, using silk and traditional wedding symbols - wedding rings, flowers, figurines of the bride and groom, hearts, etc.

Particularly creative newlyweds can make a whole bank or an ATM with their own hands, a mailbox, a house out of a large box. This is already a matter of taste.

Often, wedding chests are decorated with funny inscriptions: “Treasury”, “Bank”, etc. This can be a plate, letter applications, embroidery, stickers.

Have you decided to make a chest for money with your own hands? There is nothing easier, especially if you have old boxes of dishes, small household appliances, shoes, sweets at hand:

  1. Boxes with a separate lid can simply be pasted over properly by cutting a narrow hole in the lid for the envelopes.
  2. For a box with a one-piece lid, the side faces can be cut in the shape of a semicircle or triangle, and the lid is slightly kneaded to make it easier to give it a similar curve. In this case, you need to ensure that when closing it there are no creases, cracks, dents, etc.

Using ready-made templates, you can cut out a base for a box of almost any shape from thick cardboard, then glue it, make a slot for money and start covering and decorating.

Elegant money box

Rectangular boxes, even spectacularly decorated, look much less elegant than caskets resembling chests. Making such a “family bank” for a wedding with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first. For this you will need:

  • A box with a hinged lid or a sheet of thick cardboard.
  • Paper.
  • Glue, scissors, masking tape.

If there is no finished box, use the template to cut out the blank from cardboard, then glue it and proceed to further work:

  1. With a pencil, mark a semicircular outline on the side faces and cut off the excess.
  2. Cut off the front edge flush with the bottom point of the round part.
  3. Using a ruler, wash the lid every centimeter so that it acquires a semicircular shape. In length, it should be such that it slightly overlaps the top of the front face. If the length is not enough, then it can be "increased" with the help of cardboard and glue.
  4. On the sides of the lid, use masking tape to glue the elements cut out of cardboard, semicircular on one side and straight on the other.
  5. Glue all the edges of the chest with masking tape.
  6. In the lid, make a hole for money about 5-7 mm wide, no more than 15 cm long.

If a hand-made chest will be used after the wedding, for example, for storing family photos or memorabilia, then it should be done with a lock. To do this, in the part of the lid that overlaps, also cut a hole, and in the same place on the front edge, attach a metal or cardboard loop with a slot for a lock. If the chest is disposable, then the lid can simply be glued, in which case the box does not need to be decorated from the inside.


No matter how beautiful the base is, in its original form it is not suitable for a wedding, so the box needs to be covered. This can be done using various materials:

Volume upholstery

A chest for money will look great, the upholstery of which is made with a volume effect. With your own hands, you can do this as follows:

Instead of buttons, you can use beads, in which case you just need to sew them to the base through all layers of fabric, placing them crosswise, as for a quilted ornament.

It is best to glue the skin-tight on transparent glue or PVA; for light materials (paper, thin fabric), ordinary stationery glue is suitable.


After the base is ready, you can do absolutely any decor with your own hands using:

  • Lace, satin ribbons, decorative cord.
  • Beads, rhinestones, sequins and other small accessories.
  • Finished beads of different sizes (under pearls, glass, etc.).
  • Artificial flowers, including textile.
  • Bantov.
  • Decoupage.

Options for decorating a chest for money

The simpler the base, the more effective the decor should be. For example, if the chest is sheathed with plain fabric or colored cardboard, then it should be decorated around the edges with spectacular lace, ribbons, and voluminous floral appliqués.

All decorative elements that decorate hand-made wedding chests are best planted on colorless silicone or superglue, some details can be sewn on or fastened with a stapler, buttons.

When decorating a money box for a wedding with your own hands, remember that the design should be as close as possible to the overall style of the event, the outfits of the bride and groom, and the latter's bouquet.

Option 1

Hearts of different sizes lined with rhinestones, as well as sparkles, look beautiful. The latter can be used to apply openwork patterns:

  1. Using transparent glue, draw a suitable ornament.
  2. Sprinkle the area liberally with glitter.
  3. Wait until dry, shake off excess glitter.

Option 2

Bead applications look original: with the help of pearls, you can lay out one large or several smaller hearts, the edges of the slot for money, a thematic inscription.

Option 3

The fabric covering can be supplemented with lace frills or ruffles from the same textile, hanging threads of finished beads, and fixing a small flower arrangement from one edge.

Wedding chest in vintage style

If the base was painted with white paint, then you can use the decoupage technique for decoration:

  • Print pictures of the wedding theme, carefully cut them along the contour.
  • Coat with PVA glue the areas on the chest where the pictures should be located, attach the image there and gently smooth it with a brush.

In this way, you can paste over the entire box or its individual sections. In the latter case, additional decor would be appropriate. For example, you can make spectacular decoupage in vintage style:

  1. Print a joint photo of the future spouses or two separate ones with each of them. The photo is best pre-stylized antique.
  2. Cut out the photo in the shape of an oval.
  3. Glue on the front face or side.
  4. Make a frame of white pearls or transparent crystals around the photo.
  5. Attach a neat bow from below or above.
  6. On empty sections of the box, you can stick clippings from old newspapers, notes or books with romantic poems, quotes.
  7. As an additional decor, you can use lace, satin ribbons in pastel shades, finished beads, feathers.
  8. With the help of silver or gold glitters (contour paints), depending on the design style, make a thematic inscription: the names or initials of the newlyweds, the date of the wedding, or something symbolic.

The lock for such a chest should be decorated in the same style, the simplest thing is to simply paint it with silver or gold paint, stick a few beads or crystals on its front side.

By the way, the clasp at the chest for the wedding can be made magnetic, and on the outside this place can be designated with a beautiful bow, brooch, flower, etc.

Making a slot for money

Even the most beautiful handmade chest for a wedding will look unfinished if the slot for money is not made.
It is very simple to do this: just lay beads, rhinestones, beads along the contour, putting them on glue. You can wrap the edges with satin ribbon or lace. If the contours do not look aesthetically pleasing enough, you can make an edging from a decorative cord or sequins, small flowers.

A handmade wedding money chest is a spectacular and unusual festive accessory that will attract the attention of all guests and become a piggy bank for the family budget. And after the holiday, it will take its rightful place on the shelf, keeping valuable memories of the happiest day in the life of the spouses.

DIY wedding chest - video