Spectacular Halloween carnival costume for girls and girls with their own hands - detailed master classes with photos. DIY Halloween costumes for a girl and a child

In the costume of a nun, you can go to the pre-holiday evening, to new year party or a Halloween party. This costume can be bought or made with my own hands. Since it is not difficult to make a nun costume, we suggest that you make it yourself, and not spend money on buying it. To create an image, we need a little imagination, time and desire. In such a costume, you can surprise everyone who meets you on the way. If you know how to make a nun costume, then it will be easier for you to make it.


Photo of the Nun's costume

How to make a nun costume:

Of course, each of us imagines what the image of a nun looks like. A long black and white outfit, black shoes, and a dark bonnet on her head. Our impromptu nun outfit does not have to be long, let the dress be short, extravagant, because this is an outfit for the holiday.

1. How to make a dress for a nun costume

Buy plain black and white fabric, without any patterns or embellishments. From a dark material, according to a pattern taken from a magazine, sew a dress. The length of the dress depends only on you and your desire. You can put a lace along the bottom of the dress, which will tighten the bottom of the dress, and make it more attractive. If you did deep neckline, then under the dress we advise you to wear a white turtleneck. Any nun's dress has long sleeves and a high collar.

2. How to make a headdress for a nun costume

A nun always has a headdress on her head. Without it, it is not allowed to go out and appear in public. Since we are creating a believable nun costume, albeit a little stylized, we will sew a hood. Making a headdress is easy and simple. Sew from light fabric headband over the head, and from it lower the black fabric over the shoulders. The length of the headdress is below the shoulders. The fabric from which it is sewn should be flowing, soft.

3. How to make boots for a nun costume

Any nun puts dark shoes on her feet. But why do we need dark, unsightly shoes? We are preparing for solemn event, for the holiday, which means we will decorate the costume with at least something. put on beautiful shoes heels or high boots. In addition, you can diversify the outfit with fishnet stockings. The image of a nun, created by us, will be created on contrasts - a modest top, relaxed and sexy bottom. Show everyone Beautiful legs. If you decide to come dressed as a nun to any celebration or carnival, you are guaranteed success. The fact is that not everyone will come up with just such an image. Believe me, there will be much more Cinderellas, snowflakes and red riding hoods at the carnival than nuns. Since you can make a nun costume in a very short time period, we advise you to pay attention to it and choose it for the celebration. A modest but attractive nun will surprise both her beloved husband and unknown men. To complete the image of a nun, pick up a bible or a rosary. The Bible can be made from any book by wrapping it in colored paper with a cross in the middle. A rosary in the hands of a nun will create a more truthful image.

universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Halloween nuns: what are

The classic image of a nun for a girl is modest and prim.

This is a traditional black canopy to the toes, completely hiding the outlines of the figure, shoes without heels, a characteristic headdress, a cross and a prayer book in the hands. Classic - a win-win, but it will not work to surprise someone with it - as we would like.

  • Another thing - modern interpretations nuns' outfits. For example, image vicious and erotic nun in a leather bodysuit high boots, stockings and with a kokoshnik on her head - the only accessory confirming her belonging to the "charitable".
  • An interesting variation on a theme zombie nun. Everything is clear here. A speech to a nun who has risen from the dead with distorted ideas about faith. External changes outfits are typical for the costume of the living dead. This is necessarily a dirty hoodie, torn in places, tangled hair falling out from under the headdress with twigs, leaves and worms stuck in them, earthy color faces with bruises under their eyes, bloody cuffs and a torn prayer book in their hands.

The color of the image will be added by murder weapons in separate parts bodies and lacerated half-decayed wounds on the body, scars. If you chose the image of a zombie nun, do not forget about the characteristic gait with impaired coordination (for naturalness, you can pull up your leg), an empty look with no pupils (white lenses will help).

  • Zombie nun variant - vampire. This outfit is practically no different from the previous one, with the exception of inserted bloody fangs and to enhance the impression of an aspen cross “stuck” in the heart, or a lead bullet in the temple. If everything is correctly beaten, it turns out that in one image of a nun it was possible to fit two more: a vampire and a zombie. There will be few such heroes at the holiday, believe me.
  • Crazy nun- another version of the outfit for the holiday. The suit is assembled general principle from traditional attributes, but not in this perfect order. A crazy nun’s headdress can “twist”, her dress can be torn in some places, and she will hold her prayer book upside down. But main feature madness - mystical wild makeup with white or red eyes (insert lenses) and a cross, like a murder weapon in the blood.
  • nun- a favorite image for young coquettes. Want to stay cute, desirable and sexy for the holidays? No need for blood, fangs and bruises under the eyes. Just dress up as a respectable nun who has just accepted the parish. Clean look, snow-white cuffs and neckline, narrow black dress to the floor and thin fingers fingering the rosary. For persuasiveness, it is better to whiten the skin on the face and focus on the eyes.
  • Gothic style nunfashionable image, which modern Goths often choose for themselves, without waiting for a reason. As well as traditional outfit, this one is built on a black and white contrasting combination. That's just a shapeless hoodie here replaces a cute Short dress by figure. They suit him long stockings with cross patches above the knee. Long flared sleeves are beautifully combined with a hair band, which replaced the standard saint headdress. The image is completed by a beautiful massive cross around the neck, shoes on high heels or platform. You can wear gloves above the elbow.
  • The image of a white nun especially creepy and scary. Unlike the classic "holy man", he is relatively fresh and extravagant. It is created in the same way as the classic one, except for the choice of colors. The nun's costume is completely white. Makeup to match: a whitened face, eyes with dark smudges, black or white lips.

How to sew a nun costume with your own hands: an easy option

So, the basis of the costume is a long and moderately wide black canopy with black flat shoes barely visible under it and the same black bonnet as a headdress. I suggest not to get hung up on the shapelessness of the outfit and sew a dress that will well emphasize femininity. It can be a tight black dress to the floor, middle length or even mini. Most importantly, it must be color scheme nun's vestments and in harmony with the headdress.

  • Start by choosing black and white fabric. Old things will do, if you can’t find it, buy a small cut in the store. It is desirable that the fabrics are clean without prints and sparkles. Use finished pattern matching dress from any sewing magazine. Sew the product on it. It is even easier to remake a finished black dress. It is easy to improve the model if you skip the lace along the bottom. Even a simple black dress of medium length, which lived out its life on the mezzanine in the closet, will take on a new life thanks to this detail.
  • The shirt front on the dress is most easily done with a turtleneck. achieve desired effect it will turn out if you cut the neckline of the desired depth from the dress and pry a turtleneck under it. Complete with a white collar, snow-white cuffs on long sleeves will look great.
  • An important detail of the nun is the bonnet. It is he who makes the image complete and complete. It is easy to sew it with your own hands from the remnants of black and white fabric. Start by preparing the rim according to the diameter of the head. It should be of light fabric. Sew a black fabric of such length to it that it at least covers the shoulders, at most falls to the same level as the canopy.

There is another version of the hood. It will take a little more time, but the result is worth it. Cut out a square from white or black fabric. Fold it in half to make a rectangle. Sew the short sides of the workpiece on a typewriter or by hand. Cut off the corners to make the edges smoother. Turn out the resulting part.

And now the most interesting. Insert one corner into the other, inside out to inside out. You should get a double-sided cap consisting of squares. Sew the bottom and fold upper part, it will turn out to be an incredible beauty.

One trick will give the maximum resemblance to the natural headdress of a medieval nun - starch the fabric.

  • Nun's shoes important accessory, although almost invisible. If the dress is long, wear dark boots without a heel. Under the short fit platform shoes or ankle boots. Shoes must be dark in color.
  • And the last - the attributes of the image. A nun should have a rosary, a prayer book or a cross in her hands. However, all these elements of the image can be combined together, do not overdo it. Decorate the neckline with a cross, hold the prayer book and the rosary in your hands. Please note that depending on the chosen image, accessories may have to be processed: stained with fake blood, dirt, “aged” with paints.

Finishing touches: the right makeup for a nun

Just like the details of the costume, the make-up will depend on the chosen image. If you decide to stick to the classic plot in creating a nun's outfit, choose nude makeup, that is, a minimum of cosmetics. The best optionpale skin, gentle blush and long fluffy eyelashes.

The image of a sexy nun implies a bright " war paint". A simple solution is a stylish evening make-up with the brightest colors, sparkles and false eyelashes with rhinestones. Both eyes and lips should be expressive. Only in this case carnival seductive image will be holistic.

Another thing is a zombie nun. There are several options here. The first is pale skin with gray circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks and white lenses. Dark shadows will make hollow cheekbones, they can also highlight the temporal part of the forehead and the wings at the nose.

blue and purple shadows circle the eyes, underline the lower eyelid with a red pencil to create the effect of inflamed eyes. Make up eyelashes and eyebrows, apply lipstick in the center of the lips and blend thoroughly. If the shirt-front does not cover the neck, apply a layer on it foundation and draw traces of a stranglehold red-blue color. Drawn or glued wounds, a little artificial blood will enhance the impression.

The ghost of a nun is being made up in White color. Paint covers the entire face, including eyebrows and lips. Eyes are pointed with a black pencil, eyelashes are indicated. Fake blood here is suitable for the image of flowing tears from the eyes. Red or white lenses will enhance the effect.

Nun costume for a girl

A girl can wear only one version of a nun's costume - the classic one. The image of the young lady is pure and immaculate. No hints of eroticism. The dress for the little nun must be black and long. Bib in white lace or any other suitable fabric.

The headdress is an ordinary starched scarf with a white edging according to the pattern as for an apron. Complete the outfit with a modest cross on the chest and a small prayer book. It does not hurt to whiten the face a little to give it even more meekness and innocence.

Now you know how easy it is to transform into a meek, sexy, dead and even crazy nun. Inspired by ideas and already thinking about the image? Share useful tips and pictures of ready-made costumes with friends on social networks, most likely they will be so impressed by what they see that they want to take part in the carnival! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Halloween is approaching, when all the fabulous evil spirits come to life. These entertainments are not Slavic traditions. But young people have long picked up the idea to revive the gray atmosphere of a slushy autumn - and now theme parties suit not only clubs, but also friends are invited to "dress up" and have fun.

One of the most interesting images for girls - a nun. This is such a sought-after character that many costume options have been invented. On the night of November 1, you can try on the image:

How to make the easiest costume with your own hands?

To create a nun costume, a wide hoodie will serve as the basis, which will completely hide the figure.. Any girl can sew it, even without sewing machine. For sewing we need the following materials and fixtures:

Before starting work, you need to purchase fabric. To calculate the required amount, we measure the estimated length from the highest point of the shoulder to the floor, multiply the resulting figure by two and add the length of the headgear, which can be from half a meter to the heels.

We sew a hoodie

A little white material will be required, only for a bandage, at least 20 cm wide - the volume of the head plus 3-5 cm for seam allowances and error. If there is more fabric required amount, the bandage is folded in several layers. It will become denser, and the headdress will look better due to it. If desired, you can do the cuffs and shirtfront or collar. Having the material, let's start sewing the costume:

Important! Under the hoodie, put on a white turtleneck, it will help to create a clean and immaculate image of a medieval nun.

Getting ready for the holiday headdress

Necessary additions - shoes, stockings, a cross, a prayer book. What they will be depends on the desired image. The main thing is that shoes should be black. For some images, it will be appropriate to apply ready-made scars and wounds.

Adding the “right” makeup

Makeup in creating an image is half the success. The face is usually whitened to varying degrees, depending on the desired result.

How to make a nun outfit for a girl?

For a child, there are no other options than to create the image of an ordinary nun.. Erotica, zombies, vampires - all this is not for children's outfits. A long black loose dress, a starched headdress, snow-white cuffs, a modest cross - this is what is appropriate for a children's carnival costume.

Makeup is a must. Whiten your face a little, highlight your eyes with mascara, apply a light blush. The image should be meek and innocent.

Preparing for All Saints Day is troublesome, but fun activity. What not to be done on the eve of the holiday - a Halloween costume for a girl and a girl or a guy, masks, accessories for such original clothes etc. Of course, in the markets and shops you can buy ready-made carnival outfits Witches, Catwomen, Brides, Nurses, Nuns, Zombies or other scary characters associated with October 31st. However, they cost a lot, and they look like twins. It is much better to make such a costume at home, with your own hands. Yes, for this it will take time, but the result will be just wonderful. Learn how to prepare a quirky "outfit" for a party and wow your guests with your eccentric look.

How to create a Halloween costume 2017 at home with your own hands - Making an outfit for a girl 10-12 years old with a photo

Start preparing for Halloween 2017 by choosing a costume. For a girl of 10-12 years old, the outfits of the Princess, Mermaid, Ghost are suitable. For older girls and women - images of the Dead Brides, Queen of Spades, Zombies, Witches. You can make them with your own hands, without spending two hours working at home. Just look in your chests and cupboards, find there old clothes and start sewing an outfit for All Saints Day. Pay attention to our selection of photos of ready-made images for October 31 - this will help you choose one of them.

How to make a Ghost costume for Halloween 2017 with your own hands - A master class on making an outfit at home with a photo

The easiest version of the Halloween 2017 outfit is the Ghost costume. It is suitable for both girls 10-12 years old and older teenagers. Such clothes will completely cover the face, and the person who puts it on will become unrecognizable.

To make a costume, prepare:

  • An old white sheet;
  • Scissors;
  • Black marker or felt-tip pen;
  • Pencil;
  • Red paint.

So let's start...

Do-it-yourself Halloween costume for a girl at home - Master class with photo

You can make an original Halloween costume unlike other outfits at home, with your own hands. It is enough just to know what kind of outfit you want to see on yourself or your daughter on October 31 and prepare all the materials and tools for its manufacture. For young girls and girls, images of the Witch, a cute fantastic animal, a Cat, the wife of Count Dracula, etc., are suitable.

Do-it-yourself costume for a girl "Web" - Workshop on sewing a Halloween outfit with a photo

This cobweb cape can become part of a Witch costume or become an independent Halloween outfit. For its manufacture you will need:

  • Fleece fabric - from 1 to 2.5 m (depending on the height of the girl or girl);
  • School chalk;
  • Tape (about a meter);
  • Scissors;
  • Measuring tape ("centimeter").

Get to work.

Nurse Halloween Carnival Costume

As you prepare for Halloween, think about what the image is suitable for you more than others. Perhaps on October 31 you want to be in the role Bloody Nurses from horror movies? Make it like this carnival costume not difficult; costs will be minimal. It will be easiest to find a short one in a second-hand store. White dress with a collar and sleeves resembling a sister's dressing gown, buy large syringes at the pharmacy, fill them with red paint and thoroughly stain the almost finished outfit with “blood”.

Halloween Nurse Costume Ideas

If you can’t find a white coat on sale, use a long white men's shirt With short sleeves. It's perfect for making a Nurse Halloween costume. For creating creepy image ruthless sister, stain the outfit with red paint and tear it in several places.

Halloween Party Nun Costume

The Nun's outfit is one of the simplest yet scary Halloween party costumes. The idea to create a similar image for All Saints Day arose among many after watching the horror movie The Nun. According to its plot, the abbess torments her pupils in every possible way during her lifetime, and when she dies, she continues to haunt the girls like a ghost.

Halloween Nun Costume Ideas

The main thing you need to create a Nun costume is a lot of black fabric. Stock up on it at least a few days before Halloween - then you will have time to make one of these options for a creepy outfit for an evil and cruel abbess in a boarding school for girls.

How to Make a Witch Costume for Halloween 2017

Witches are the most popular Halloween costume for women. Making a witch costume is easy - you can use the old long dress. The difficulty here lies elsewhere - finding or making accessories suitable for the image. This is a pointed black hat, and a long broom, and fake hooked claws. How to do all this for All Saints Day 2017? Our tips will help you.

Halloween Witch Costume Ideas 2017

On Halloween, you can turn into a good or evil Witch by choosing the appropriate make-up and costume for the chosen image. Mandatory accessories here are a broom and a hat. However, for a little girl, a broom and a witch's hairstyle are suitable - a big bouffant and disheveled hair. A broom can be made by tying to long handle from a wooden mop or to a branch stick, tying them with a rope. The witch's headdress is easy to make yourself by attaching a cone of black thick fabric to the old crown men's hats. Do not be afraid to fantasize - this is the main thing in creating a costume for October 31!

Do-it-yourself Halloween cat costume for women

Cat - great option Halloween costume - her outfit is instantly recognizable, despite many interpretations of the image. The most popular of these is Catwoman, known for Michelle Pfeiffer's excellent performance in Tim Burton's Batman Returns. Try and you make such a costume with your own hands.

How to Make a DIY Catwoman Costume for Halloween ― Master class with photos and instructions

The easiest option to create a Catwoman costume is to pick up tight-fitting black leggings and sports t-shirt With long sleeves the same color. If such clothes are not available, a turtleneck and black skinny jeans.

Now start decorating the costume.

Having made a Halloween costume for a girl and a girl with your own hands, in ordinary home conditions, you will look amazing at the party on October 31st! Choose the images of the Nurse, the Nun, the Witch or the Catwoman, but how to make the outfit itself, you will be prompted by our photos and videos with explanations.

On the last October night, when the gradually leaving moderate autumn coolness is replaced by almost winter cold, Halloween comes - ancient holiday associated with many superstitions. On the evening before All Saints Day, children and young people dressed in creepy costumes of witches, skeletons, monsters, vampire brides, nurses and nuns from horror films, catwoman, Count Dracula, go from house to house and collect money, candy, treats. On the eve of the holiday, visit us to learn how to make your own hands scary costume on Halloween for girls and girls and note fun party October 31, 2017. Watch a video of master classes on making such unusual outfits at home. Remember step by step instructions- they will help you make wonderful carnival clothes for girls 10-12 years old and older.

How to make a Halloween costume 2017 with your own hands - Making an outfit for a girl 10-12 years old at home with a photo

Throughout October, parents think about how to make unusual outfit for your child on Halloween. The most unusual materials- starting from golden or silvery fabric and ending with tow, thread, bast, bags and beads. Pay attention to our photos of Halloween clothes - they were made at home by people who were previously unfamiliar with cutting and sewing. Girls 10-12 years old and older can sew similar costumes on October 31, 2017 by themselves or with the help of their mother.

DIY Snow Queen costume for Halloween 2017 for a girl 10-12 years old - Master class on making an outfit at home

Your girl will remember Halloween 2017 as the most fantastic holiday at school if you make her an unusual costume with your own hands. The Snow Queen outfit will look amazing on her! The work will take at least 2-3 hours, but you will not waste your time - your daughter will be delighted!

Materials for the Snow Queen costume

To sew the Snow Queen costume you will need:

  • Scissors;
  • Threads;
  • New Year decoration;
  • Tinsel;
  • Glue;
  • Old white or silver dress;
  • White nylon;
  • Beads;
  • Feathers are white.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Snow Queen costume for a girl 10-12 years old

Video with a master class on sewing another outfit snow queen tell you how to attach decorations to ready suit and make unusual holiday clothes.

Do-it-yourself Halloween costume - Outfits for a girl at home with a photo

Halloween sale starts original costumes to All Saints Day. They cost a lot, therefore, using our ideas for sewing dresses for a girl at home, you will save a lot. Take a close look at the photos on this page and get to work.

DIY Halloween Costume Ideas with Photos and Videos

The easiest way to make a creepy Halloween costume for a girl is to use the outfit as the basis regular dress(better light colors) and stain it with "blood" - red gouache or watercolors.

Don't forget about scary make-up and, of course, "accessories" - items associated with popular horror films and creepy comics.

Fantasy, using old T-shirts, paints, scissors and threads, you can easily become a pirate, a catwoman, a skeleton witch and even a fantastic animal.

You can just take an old sheet and make slits on it for the eyes and mouth - the girl will "turn" into a ghost.

Halloween Nurse Costume - Dress Up Tutorial

One of the most popular female images for Halloween - a nurse. To make a costume, you need to find an old medical gown and a white scarf. Having drawn a red cross on a scarf and stained the whole outfit with red paint ("blood"), you can safely go to celebrate the party.

Halloween nurse costume tutorial

To create the image of a nurse, you only need white bathrobe, red and brown paint, bandages and just a little bit of patience.

How to Make a Halloween Nurse Costume Step by Step

Halloween nun costume for party

If you are going to a Halloween party on October 31, "turn" for a while into a mysterious nun from " American history horrors." To do this, buy in advance or find at home black and white fabric, fishnet stockings and a large cross.

Master class on sewing a nun costume - Instructions for making an outfit

This outfit is very simple, but always looks very impressive. By choosing it, you will definitely become a star festive evening on Halloween. All you need is black and white fabric or already finished dark dress. All you have to do is make a deep cut on it - and the costume is ready! Follow our instructions step by step:

How to make a witch costume for a girl for Halloween 2017

Witch is the most popular Halloween costume 2017. It can be made within one to two hours. Prepare everything in advance necessary materials and get to work.

You will need:

  • Black T-shirt with long sleeves;
  • Black felt;
  • Black tulle;
  • Wide black elastic band;
  • Black tape;
  • Centimeter;
  • Ruler;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Tree branches;
  • Rope.

Workshop on sewing a witch costume for Halloween - Step by step instructions

The witch costume is ready!

DIY cat costume for Halloween

The black cat is the most mystical animal. Well, what kind of Halloween would do without a costume of such a cute murka? The easiest and cheapest way is to make a similar outfit with your own hands.

How to make a cat costume for Halloween with your own hands - Master class with step by step instructions

You can make a cat outfit for All Saints Day in less than 2 hours. If you already have a black shirt, black tights, and shoes, you're halfway through this costume. All you need is tulle and cosmetics for makeup.

Use at work:

  • Sewing machine or needle and thread;
  • wide elastic band;
  • Tulle;
  • headband;
  • Scissors.

Draw a cat's nose and whiskers on the girl's face, put on her a suit and a headband with ears.