What accessories go with a dark green dress. Jewelry for a green dress

Hello dear readers! Have warm feelings for the color green, and even acquired a beautiful emerald dress, or maybe you are just looking at such a bright outfit ?! Be that as it may, you will like today's review, because here we will tell and show what to combine a green dress with in order to attract the admiring glances of others!

To learn how to choose the right accessories and shoes for a green dress, you first need to start from the main shade of the outfit. For example, if the dress is dark green, then it is perfect for burgundy shades, black and gold color as well as exquisite leopard prints. Yellow, blue, white, coral, silver shades will suit a bright green dress. To a muted pale green dress, you can safely pick up beige, pale pink and gray tones.

What to combine with a green dress - ready-made kits: Shoes for a green dress.

An emerald dress in combination with pink or purple will look stylish and romantic at the same time. delicate shades shoes, belt, belt or handbag. The outfit looks more feminine and restrained in combination with red shoes. It should be noted separately the fact that shoes can be matched with a jacket, raincoat or bag, but if you are afraid to miss their shade, then it is better to get classic black shoes or ballet flats. If you decide to wear a green dress in the fall, then fashionable ankle boots are just perfect for it. thin heels, beige, orange or black. IN summer period we recommend that you look at sandals with thin or massive heels, as for their shade, it can be a rich burgundy color, a bright red tone, beige, black, green, gold, silver, orange, and of course the classic white color. Examples suitable shoes you can see the photo below.

The golden color of the handbag and shoes, combined with all sorts of green tones of the dress, is considered timeless classic, do not be afraid to pick up shoes and a handbag in the voiced shade.

Jewelry for a green dress.

A green dress goes well with gold or bronze jewelry, they look prestigious, rich and elegant. If you don’t like flashy accessories and don’t want to attract extra prying eyes to your person, then take a closer look at jewelry made in discreet silver color. Would you like to create a bolder, more feminine and vivid image, rich red jewelry in combination with scarlet shoes and lipstick will help you with this. For lovers bright accessories V in large numbers, you should be careful and attentive when choosing jewelry for a green dress, you can inadvertently overload the image.

Bag for a green dress.

If we talk about evening attire, then of course you should take a compact clutch with you (gold, silver, beige, black or red). If we are talking about an everyday green dress, then you can look at roomy colored or plain bags, color variation must necessarily include green tint, solid color models of bags can be black classic color, as well as gray, beige, orange or red.

Makeup for a green dress.

To make the image look perfect and complete, golden or brown shades are traditionally selected for green shades of dresses. But the relevance of makeup depends not only on the dress itself, but also on where you are going to go in it (dress). If the dress is intended for the evening, then it is better to choose shades of dark coffee color for it, if the dress is casual, then light beige shades will suit it. Black eyeliner, along with black mascara, will help emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. It is better to choose blush for a green dress as close as possible to natural shades, almost imperceptible and calm tones. Pomade bright colors combined with discreet eye shadow, and modest, subtle blush, is win-win for any outfit.

Puffy green dress for prom.

These dresses look so bright and impressive that they do not need any additions at all, last resort, you can buy a modest necklace and discreet earrings, but ideally only a small handbag will be enough.

Long dress Green colour.

If you have to go to some solemn occasion, where it would be appropriate to look at a dress on the floor, we recommend that you look at the pastel green tone or opposite the rich marsh shade, acid shades in this case better to avoid. For such a dress, you need to purchase stilettos, these can be closed shoes beige colour or open sandals - gold, beige, gray or black.

Short green dress.

A short casual emerald dress can be combined with black sandals on massive heels, ballet flats or stilettos. It is better to wear a ceremonial green dress exclusively with high-heeled shoes, and the color of the shoes may vary depending on the accessories that complement the image, handbags, belts, jewelry, but we can definitely say that in some cases, beige and black will look win-win.

Celebrities in green dresses.

Pay attention to how skillfully the stars combine the green shade of the dress with neutral shades shoes and handbags. Bridgit Mendler

Most people green color always associated with spring, young trees, lush grass and youth. This color is very calm and balanced, it is ideal for the human eye and nervous system because it doesn't bother her at all.

If you want to buy a practical and at the same time not pretentious outfit, the best choice there will be a green dress. It will be appropriate in any situation, be it a party, an office corporate party, just a walk with friends, a first date, etc. However, a quite reasonable question arises: what makeup, accessories and shoes are needed to make the image seem harmonious and complete?

A dark green dress will look great with black dress shoes with no frills. Green is a noble color, so it does not allow any deviations from the classics. Also a very popular combination dark green dress with gold pumps, but the main thing here is to choose an elegant pair of shoes, otherwise you risk spoiling the image with excessive pretentiousness.

A handbag, or rather a small clutch, can be either black or gold and pearl color. choose original models with interesting details: fasteners, embroidery, sequins. Such a clutch will be the best accessory and will help you avoid problems with the choice of jewelry, as it will be such in itself.

But if you are nature, risk-loving- play with color. Purple, gray, yellow, pink and red go well with green. But the main condition is a sense of taste. If you're unsure, it's best not to risk it or you risk spoiling the outfit with overly flashy colors.

What accessories are suitable for a green dress? Classic is the combination of a green dress with silver accessories, white gold or platinum. However, if you chose gold shoes, then it is better to stick to the same shade in accessories, otherwise you will violate the fundamental rule: you cannot mix gold with silver.

By the way, a few words about the shade of the dress. It is worth picking it up to the color of the hair. If you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman with rich color hair, choose more bright hues, but if you are a blonde, then feel free to get a dark green or bright green dress. Thus, hair and dress will set off and complement each other.

But in terms of makeup, the green dress is rather capricious. If you have chosen an evening dress of this color, make-up should be very clear and bright, otherwise you risk getting painful, even earthy color faces.

Green dress - choice of stars

At the 2011 Golden Globe Awards, many celebrities appeared on the red carpet in green dresses. Angelina chose a rather modest dress from Versace, decorated with numerous sequins, which emphasized her Perfect eyes. The dress looked so luxurious that Angelina was able to do without additional accessories. The only piece of jewelry she wore that evening were small emerald earrings.

But the young actress Mila Kunis wore an emerald dress from designer Vera Wang. It incredibly favorably emphasized all the advantages of the diva, despite the fact that her slender legs were completely hidden. long skirt. To open her shoulders, the girl lifted her hair up, very successfully complementing her hair with a flower from the same fabric.

Catherine Zeta-Jones shone in a marsh-colored dress from Monique Lulier. She looked incredible in a bridal cut dress, wearing earrings, a ring, and a bracelet made of silver, as well as her gorgeous aristocratic smile.

It should be noted that even royalty do not ignore this beautiful color. So, on one of the days of her charity tour of the United States and Canada, the Duchess of Cambridge appeared in a beautiful green dress from designer Diane von Furstenberg. As usual, the dress became a hit, and its budget versions sold out in Kate's homeland in a few days.

Green color is always relevant. Many women opt for a cocktail or evening dress executed in this color. In the dress of this color, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity looks even more perfect, and especially if you choose the right accessories for such a dress. But what jewelry goes best with a green dress?

What accessories go with a green dress?

Products of their silver - The best decision for a dress made in grass color. Ideally, such products should be combined with genuine leather. Such decoration looks unusually sophisticated. For example, you can wear under the green decoration silver earrings and a leather belt. Silver allows you to create an elegant and noble image. Keep in mind that extra accessories for a green dress can overload it too much, and this outfit should be light and unobtrusive.

Perfectly combined with a grassy dress and jewelry made of other metals, and especially gold. Even an outfit with a regular cut will look very festive with gold jewelry. And copper will help to add exotic grassy vestments.

In the case of a grassy dress, the jewelry should be subtle, not huge. You can wear a ring, earrings and bracelets or one bracelet. It is not recommended to use a lot of jewelry at once. No need to throw yourself at everything that glitters. Keep in mind that the grass outfit itself looks so dignified that it does not need significant additions. Choosing jewelry for such a dress, the choice should be made in favor of quality products.

The aquamarine belt is perfect for the vestment, executed in a soft green hue. Products white color can be worn with dark green backgammon. For example, you can take white bag, wear a white bracelet and a hat of the same color. For a more practical look, all white accessories can be replaced with black ones. Suitable for green along and products of blue, yellow and coral color. They will create a more playful and festive look.

How to choose jewelry?

Accessories for a green dress, the photos of which can be seen below, should be selected taking into account certain rules. Only in this case you will be able to create a truly harmonious image.

Here are the rules:

  • If the vestment is made of matte fabric, then the accessories should shine and vice versa.
  • Pay attention to the finish of the outfit. If it decorative elements made, for example, using a silver thread, then golden jewelry will no longer fit here.
  • Consider your skin tone. For pale skin, accessories made in silver and silver products are more suitable. For owners dark skin the choice should be made in favor of gold products and accessories golden color.
  • The green dress looks self-sufficient, therefore, choosing accessories for it, it is important to take into account your wishes. So if you are interested in maximum comfort, then use glasses, neckerchief and a light bag.
  • Products of the color of the sea wave are in harmony with the decoration of a soft herbal shade. The ensemble should include small shoes, a small handbag and a belt that will emphasize the waist. In this case, the strap can be made in silver or gold.
  • bright green knitted outfit it is better to complement it with a dark handbag and matching shoes. To fix the hair, you can use a hairpin in green or golden hue.
  • Chains are suitable for decorating a grassy dress with small openwork patterns.

Pair your green outfit with good accessories and you look good!

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Every girl dreams of having many outfits, among which there will be. A dress with such a shade gives the face freshness and adorns any figure. Green is primarily associated with nature. See for yourself: light colors are the awakening of nature, and bright colors- this is a riot of colors in the summer.

A large selection of styles and shades from dark green to light green will allow each girl to choose her own model, taking into account all the nuances that will help hide flaws and emphasize advantages, and jewelry for a green dress to complete the image. In addition, the green color is relevant at any time of the year and for any event. What to wear with a green dress and how to choose the right accessories for it, find out below.

Pictured is a girl in a green dress

Where to buy a green dress? Who is the green dress for?

Many shades of green will help you choose the right and beautiful dress. Beautiful dresses pistachio, light green, emerald and olive shades will help create a unique and chic image both for celebrations and Everyday life. Your skin will appear fresh, and your face will be radiant and healthy.

Green is always in style as it is a natural shade, unlike lemon, fuchsia or neon blue that come and go every season. Therefore, you will never lose, whether your green dress is in trend or not.

A dress of this color can be chosen not only for every girl, but also for every holiday, whether it's a party or a prom, a business meeting or wedding celebration where the bride will look a little unusual, but beautiful. The bride can pick up a white veil for her dress, which will look original. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Have you ever wondered why girls often wear green dresses at parties and special events?

Such a dress, firstly, looks very impressive, and secondly, it is very elegant and restrained. It can be short, long, lacy and made of light fabrics, such as chiffon, open and with a collar, and in any case, the girl will win.

A green dress can also be used for business meetings. The main thing is that it should not be too bright and open, as well as a yellow-green hue. Better choose white and green dress from silk, chiffon, knitwear and have small decorative details in the form of inserts or a small neckline. For informal but business meetings such the dress will fit perfect.

A prom dress can be perfect different models: long with lush, but light skirts from chiffon, satin or organza, or tight and emphasizing the figure of the owner of this outfit. Another one interesting model offered by designers turquoise green dress mermaid, fitting at the top to the hip line and fluffy skirts, flared to the bottom. For owners of beautiful and long legs you can choose beautiful Short dress where the skirt can be both fluffy and tight.

Green dress dark tones perfect fit fat girls, as it will slim and hide flaws, the main thing is to choose the right style.

How to choose a green dress?

Much is important when choosing dresses in green pay attention to your hair type. After all, one shade green will do blondes and the other brunettes! So what do designers and makeup artists advise.

For blondes, light shades of green in cold tones are suitable, which can be diluted with delicate warm details or, for example, it can be gentle. pink green dress. Shades such as mint, jade or sea wave are perfect for blondes. But, for example, a shade of pea suitable for girls co blonde hair And fair skin.

emerald bright colors perfect for brunettes and brown-haired women, and if the skin is also tanned, then you definitely won’t go wrong with such an outfit.

Girls with red hair will look great in green dresses, where there is a shade of brown and red-brown. A dress of a grassy green shade looks beautiful, if the eyes are also green.

Green dress accessories

Bought a green dress? Then let's pick up the accessories! You understand accessoriesto the green dress help complete the look. After all, every little thing will play its role, and it can either embellish the girl or ruin the image.

It won't be hard to pick and green dress shoes, as presented big choice in shoe stores and online store. Shoes under a green dress you can choose the same shade or one that goes well with green. It can be golden and purple shoes or brown sandals. If you want to wear White shoes or black sandals, then make sure that these colors are present in the decoration of the dress. If there are none, then with the help of white or black accessories you can achieve completeness of the image.

An outfit with sneakers will look ridiculous, and everyone understands this, but not everyone can, for example, pick up, proper makeup. Makeup artists do not recommend applying shadows of the same green hue. Makeup with neutral colors will look best. light shades: beige, milky or light brown and golden. Makeup can also be contrasting with the dress. If you have, for example, light floor length green dress, then shades of shadows, such as yellow or plum, will do. It is better to choose black mascara and eyeliner so that congestion in the image does not turn out. Blush of delicate red color is suitable for girls with fair skin, and hot pink for girls with swarthy skin.

Jewelry for a green dress

Jewelry for a green dress you can choose different ones. Gold jewelry will look great, depending on what event you are going to. Under lace green dress You can pick up beautiful gold earrings and rings or a bracelet. Do not overload the outfit with massive jewelry, as the image will look "heavy". In addition to gold jewelry under a dress of dark green shade is suitable large bright jewelry and leopard print jewelry.

For example, do you have in your wardrobe light dress from chintz with a pattern in the form of small flowers. You can pick up a wicker bag for it, a jumper if it's cool, and all this will look very cute and girlish. A short green dress cotton will go well with patent leather shoes and a small elegant handbag. This outfit is perfect for a cocktail party.

Green goes well with many colors, and if your outfit doesn't red and green dress, then you can safely pick up accessories of red or pink shade. It can be a scarf, a hat or a clutch.

Dresses are not only summer, but wool for autumn and winter. Perfect for a warm woolen dress. patent leather shoes and a bag, and a cape coat will look good on top, which will help create the image of a real lady.

Be bold and don't be afraid to experiment. Choose according to your appearance correct shade green, paying attention to where you are going to go in it!

The choice of accessories for a green dress depends primarily on the shade itself, as well as on the style and cut of the dress.

What accessories to choose for a green-yellow dress

For a dress in pale green or green-yellow, choose accessories in rich colors, such as aquamarine. An elegant belt will emphasize the figure very beautifully: a neat belt will make the silhouette feminine and sophisticated. A small handbag and classic pumps complete the look. With dresses of such shades, gold or silver will look good. jewelry. However, jewelry should not be too massive or "heavy".

bright green saturated colors Pairs well with gold colored accessories. Shoes for a green dress can be chosen in just such a shade. A handbag or clutch should be designed in dark green tones. You can add a hairstyle with a golden or green rim, hairpin or hairpin. Jewelry and jewelry need to be selected in small sizes - wide bracelets or large rings will only “weight” the image. Can be worn around the neck with a pendant natural stone Green colour. Dairy or coral accessories will look great with bright green dresses. Freshness of the image will give jewelry lemon or yellow shades.

If you find it difficult to match the dress with a handbag or clutch, use the old trick - a combination of green and black. These two colors are excellent "friends" with each other, so a lacquered black clutch paired with shoes of the same color will make the look sophisticated and, at the same time, concise. A black patent leather strap completes the ensemble.

One thing to remember important rule: Black tights should not be worn with green dresses. Skin-colored or light tan tights work best.

You can deviate a little from the classics and experiment. Bright contrasting shades will create a unique and unusual set. Try sprucing up your green outfit with raspberry, white, or bright blue accessories. With them, your dress will look luxurious and advantageous.