Overalls for 1 year knitting needles with a description. Knitting baby overalls with knitting needles: description, original models, photos

There is nothing better than a knitted jumpsuit for a newborn. This unique, very interesting subject wardrobe just born human turns out to be very convenient. So, the baby is provided with complete protection from drafts and other bad weather - the back is reliably protected. Young mothers, giving preference to such clothes, can be calm for the health of the crumbs. Surprisingly, the girls are so enterprising that they use the presented products for newborns in order to further increase them - this is a great idea for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase new insulated things every time. Overalls are easy to knit, and some models can even be expanded. How to make such beauty yourself? Easily! Even beginners can cope with such clothes for newborn babies.

Yarn selection

It is extremely important for a newborn to choose yarn for knitting things with knitting needles in order to exclude the development of allergies and other troubles. Therefore, the range of possible varieties of thread is reduced by 100% of wool, which is not used for independent "production" of clothes for children with allergies. A newborn is a child “not examined”, so young parents cannot take risks.

For independent knitting of such a thing with knitting needles, it is better for children to select acrylic, cotton, bamboo. By the way, the last view is best yarn for children's things, since the thread is not prickly, and the colors delight with the diversity of colors. It is also noted that bamboo keeps its shape perfectly - if knitting needles are used in the work, this factor is fundamental in the choice.

For those who want to dress up their baby warmer, acrylic varieties with a slight addition of wool are suitable. For example, Krokha Troitskaya contains 80% acrylic, only 20% wool - a figure that is insignificant for provoking allergic reaction. Of the most popular, Baby Wool from Alize is distinguished - wool, acrylic, bamboo are included here, so the properties of the yarn are elasticity, warmth and shape. finished product.


The choice of size seems to be the most difficult task, especially if clothes are knitted for a newborn baby - after all, it is impossible to know exactly what height or weight the baby will be born with. On average, newborns weigh from 2.5 to 4 kg - these are sizes from 44 to 62 of the children's ruler. If the child was born of average height - from 49 to 53 cm, then he should knit clothes of size 56. Provided that the clothes for newborns are knitted “blindly”, it is better to embody standard size- 56, since most children are born weighing from 3 to 3.5 kg, height from 50 to 52 cm. When calculating the size, the fact of putting on the finished item on additional clothes - a blouse and panties, so let the size be chosen larger. So the clothes will not hinder the movement of the child, he will become comfortable on a walk.

As for the patterns, when choosing them, they are guided by the convenience of the baby. Imagine that you are lying on bulging arans or other textured pattern. Surely, you will feel uncomfortable due to the characteristic relief. Even a small hair bothers the kids, and the crumb under the back will turn out to be unbearable flour. Therefore, with the independent embodiment of a jumpsuit for a newborn, they are guided by convenience, as a result of which “weak” patterns are preferred.

Hosiery or garter stitches are suitable here, you can decorate the product a little with a pearl pattern or a checkerboard pattern, transverse stripes of front and garter stitch are often used. Braids and openwork are categorically excluded.

Several models of self-implementation

Having chosen the yarn, having picked up the necessary knitting needles, they begin to make a sample. To do this, it is necessary to dial from 20 to 25 loops on the working tool and knit it with a 10 cm pattern used in the future. After the sample is moistened, dried or steamed and allowed to rest. When the sample is ready, carry out the appropriate calculations - you should measure how many loops and rows fit in 1 cm. Based on the results, make a calculation for your size. Start knitting by choosing one of the patterns below.

Bottom way

Knitted overalls for a newborn are knitted in three ways, one of which is recommended for beginners. This method is knitting the fabric from below, so the sleeves will have to be knitted separately.

So, as an example, take simple model with a zipper with no need to make a special placket with buttons. A zipper is not the best fastener for a newborn baby, but young mothers who have never taken on such complex things may deviate from the rules. The following model is given with detailed description:

  1. Cast on 50 stitches, knit 4-5 cm with 1x1 or 2x2 rib. Go to the main pattern, going another 13-14 cm. Tear off the thread, leaving long end.
  2. Start the second leg in the same sequence as the first. On one pair of working tools, you should get two canvases of the lower part of the future thing. When knitting the second half, the thread is not torn off, but continues to work.
  3. Start connecting. To do this, determine the front and back of the future product. Start at the end of the leg. When you reach the end of the row, simply move the second part, continue with the main pattern. The second leg is tied to the end of the row, the work is turned.
  4. Then knit with the main pattern to the armhole - this is about 23-25 ​​cm. It is better to increase the length of the back and front, since this model does not imply adding a certain gap between the legs, and the presence of a diaper in a baby can significantly "eat" upper part, causing the clothes to be small.

  5. When you reach the armhole, use the standard shaping method. Here it is necessary to knit 23 loops, close the next 4 loops, go through 46 backs, close the next 4, finish the row with the last 23 loops. In the future, the shelves and back are knitted separately.
  6. First, you should knit a shelf that remains with the thread. To do this, unfold the work and go through 20 loops, knit the last two together, make the last hem - go through it on the wrong side. Expand the work, tie the intermediate row, make one more decrease to form the armhole. In conclusion, you should get 21 loops along with two extreme edge loops. Reach the neck, making similar reductions from the side of the future lightning.
  7. The second shelf and back are symmetrically formed. And in shoulder seams threads break off.
  8. They proceed to the manufacture of sleeves - for this, 50 loops are also typed, first tie 4-5 cm with a 1x1 canvas, then 12-14 cm with the main pattern. There is no need to use the set-in type - it is enough to make the same decreases that were applied to reduce the armhole, knit another 2-3 rows, finish the sleeves by closing the edge of the product.
  9. Upon completion, all parts are ironed or soaked and dried. They proceed to stitching the details, which can be done with a needle or crochet. To form the neck, loops are drawn on circular knitting needles from the edge of the parts, finished with an elastic band 3-4 cm.
  10. At the end of all actions, a zipper is sewn.

The presented model turns out to be a certain pattern of overalls for newborns, where each woman can show her imagination, add some individual feature. In the same sequence, you can make a jumpsuit with a hood, which is desirable not to knit separately and sew on (this can lead to chafing of the neck with the resulting seam), but to knit whole canvas in the same technique as tying the neck. Just pick up the loops and then knit the hood using a model or pattern.

You can not sew the legs, but make the edge with an elastic band, making holes for the buttons in it - thus, you get a model with the ability to change the diaper without removing it.

Top way

Rompers for a newborn can be knitted from above using raglan. This method can be mastered by both neat craftswomen and attentive beginners, since the method involves the implementation of a certain calculation. Knitting begins at the top of the neckline and continues further, separating the formation of the sleeves by dropping loops on auxiliary knitting needles. Pants are knitted in a similar way - the main fabric is divided into two parts strictly in half, after which the halves are knitted separately.

So that the work does not cause difficulties, proceed to knitting the product with a zipper. An example of such a model is presented in next sequence(quantity should be calculated in accordance with the chosen yarn and the size required for the child):

At the end of the work, sew the zipper so that it does not interfere with the baby in inguinal region and did not rub the ends of the chin.

For growth

If there is a desire or need to knit a jumpsuit for growth, a slightly different model should be preferred - the product should be knitted only from separate parts and stitched using a knitted (mattress) seam. You can also use a needle and a simple thread - here the stitching technique is suggested in the picture below. As the crumbs grow, the products are embroidered and tied with any convenient way. Some craftswomen prefer to crochet over all edges of the part, which are then sewn together again knitted seam.

An example of the technique for making such clothes is presented in the following sequence:

In the future, if it is necessary to increase the size of the overalls, it will be necessary not only to embroider the product into parts, but also to dissolve the neck strap, which in the future will have to be re-tied to the updated size. For convenience, the presented model is made with the possibility of a convenient diaper change - buttons are sewn to the running seam on the pants of the overalls. To do this, from the edge of one leg to the edge of the other, they are pulled from the edge of the loop onto the knitting needle and knitted with an elastic band with the preliminary formation of holes for buttons. With an increase, you will also need to dissolve this elastic band and tie a new one to the new size. After a corresponding increase in size, there is no need to change the zipper, since on the shelves you can tie an elastic band as a tying. Sew on buttons and the newborn's clothes will not only be enlarged, but also updated.

Knitting jumpsuits with knitting needles is not difficult even for beginners, because if you follow the description and patterns presented, you can create something original, suitable in a few evenings. individual characteristics young mother and newborn baby. For girls, women are advised to use more warm colors- pink, lilac, white. For boys, you can buy soft blue or light green shade yarn, which will give the product not only originality, but also sunny joy.

Good time to all experienced and novice craftswomen! At your request, I will try to make a description of overalls for a newborn baby. In the photo, the doll is 63-65cm tall.

I’ll say right away that I myself knitted the first overalls quite recently - I knitted by trial and error, because there was no description and I had to borrow something from other craftsmen, think of something myself ... I was inspired by this post I want to immediately thank those whose I used the work in creating my overalls - without your help, the work would not have been so successful.

So let's get started...
For work, I used threads made in China. I don’t know the name, composition, or footage - here appearance and labels. In my opinion, this is acrylic with wool (the footage is about the same as on Alize Lana Gold)

There are two ways to start knitting a jumpsuit - here already choose whichever is more convenient for you.

The first way is to start with the hood.
We collect 88 loops on the knitting needles and knit with any elastic band 2-3 cm, then without additions we go to the main pattern (I have this alternation of 5 facial rows and 1 purl row). We knit with a straight fabric of about 10 cm (I count the side hem ones, there should be 25 loops - this is the depth of the hood), then we divide the loops into 3 parts - 30-28-30 and then we knit according to the principle of the toe heel, i.e. we knit only the middle loops. We knit the 28th loop together with the next one together, turn the knitting and again knit only the middle loops, we knit the 28th together with the next purl together (on the inside!) only the middle loops remain. Then from the edge loops from each side we raise 25 loops. In total, you have 78 loops on the knitting needles (25 from the sides and 28 in the middle). Next, we knit several rows double rubber band and move on to knitting the jumpsuit itself.

We knit the jumpsuit with raglan from above without seams. We have 78 stitches on the needles. We divide them in this way - 1 edge - 10p shelf - 4p raglan line - 9p sleeve - 4p raglan line - 22p back - 4p raglan line - 9p sleeve - 4p raglan line - 10p shelf - 1 edge.

I knit a raglan line like this - from the first loop I knit 3 loops (front, yarn over, front), then 2 front loops and from the 4th loop I also knit 3 loops. I knit the purl row according to the pattern, knit the loops of the raglan line with purl loops. Attention! We knit the next row without increments. facial loops! Further knitting is repeated. Of course, you can knit additions in raglan in the way you are used to.

We knit until the width of the back reaches approximately 58-60 loops, the sleeves, respectively - 45-47 loops. Next, we leave the loops of the sleeves on the auxiliary knitting needles, and we connect the loops of the shelves and the back and knit together until the end of the shelf. At this point, I add 10 loops and connect the knitting in a circle. Next, I knit circular needles round. I use the principle of knitting panties that is shown in this MK. Since everything is described in some detail there, I will not dwell on this. I will only note that before knitting an elastic band, I make a decrease - I have an elastic band of 40 loops.
I knit the sleeves on 5 toe knitting needles (I don’t use circular needles, because there are not many loops and it’s more convenient for me). I evenly decrease the loops until 36 loops remain on the knitting needles and knit the cuffs.

It remains to tie the bar for loops and buttons. We raise the loops from the edge loops in this way - from one loop 2, from the second loop 2, from the third 1 loop, etc. It is by raising the loops in this way that I get a bar that does not fold and does not pull. I got a plank of 75 loops on each side. On one side, do not forget to make holes for the buttons. We sew the strips at the bottom.


Now I will explain a little the principle of knitting in the second way.

The second way is knitting from the neck.

We knit the overalls as written in the first method, only starting from the neck loops. And we tie the hood to the finished overalls. MK for knitting a hood, I used this one

Well, perhaps that's all. I added diagrams that I drew for myself. I hope this description will be useful to someone. If you have any questions along the way, please ask. If you find errors (I do not exclude this, because I write almost from memory) - write.

Well, a photo of the overalls


The optimal knitted jumpsuit for a baby is with a fastener in front, so that you can easily put it on the unbuttoned clothes of a sleeping or awake baby, fasten and unfasten the buttons. In addition, the fittings will not disturb the lying child. The model is recommended, starting from the legs, with yarn in one or two additions. A simple jumpsuit is performed stockinette stitch, you can alternate two colors (blue - white, pink - white).

First, make straight and reverse rows of elastic - the bottom of one leg. To do this, dial 40 loops on the knitting needles and knit, alternating 1 front and 1 wrong side, 10 rows. Estimate the height and width of the part, if necessary, adjust the number of initial loops. It all depends on the thickness of the yarn and the density of your knitting.

When the cuff fabric is completed, go to the front surface and from the first row, carry out uniform increases in eight loops. Having tied a trouser leg desired length, closer to the end of the canvas, repeat the addition of loops at the same intervals of the row so that in last row there were 56 loops on the needles (for overalls with a total length of 63-64 cm). Knit the second part according to the finished pattern.

Back and front

Thread the legs on knitting needles with fishing line and continue to knit the jumpsuit with the front stitch, combining the parts into one canvas. After 4-5 cm, begin to form the clasp. To do this, from one edge of knitting, dial 8 loops for the strap, at equal intervals close a pair of thread arches (button holes). In subsequent rows, over the resulting holes, perform a couple of crochets. In total, it is enough to make 5-6 holes.

Knit the strap of the overalls with a height of 14-15 cm, then proceed to the formation of armholes for the subsequent sewing in of the sleeves. Divide the canvas into 3 segments: a shelf with a bar (in this example 36 loops); shelf without strap (28); back (56). At 12 cm in height, perform each part separately, then at the top of the main part of the overalls, evenly make a few decreases and complete knitting.

Sleeves, hood and important details

You have almost succeeded in knitting a jumpsuit. Fold its main part and evaluate whether the size is correct, whether the armholes are high enough. Perform each sleeve in the following sequence:

Dial three dozen loops;

With a 1x1 elastic band, tie a dozen rows;

Perform 6 increments evenly;

Knit the sleeves of the jumpsuit with the front stitch;

Gradually add loops until you have 44 loops at the end of the pieces on the needles;

Having made 22 cm of the front surface, close the loops.

Gather the pieces of clothing for the baby together and complete connecting seams. In fact, in front of you - knitted jumpsuit for, if desired, it can be supplemented with a convenient one. To do this, start a set of 88 thread bows, choosing a double hollow elastic band to create the drawstring. After 12 rows (6 on each side), make 26 rows in stockinette stitch, making even decreases up to 75 loops.

Now divide the hood into 4 identical segments and start knitting the center, grabbing the edge thread arches of the adjacent parts of the fabric. When the loops run out on the right and left sides of the knitting, that is, the “heel” hood is formed, all that remains is to sew it to the knitted jumpsuit. The final touches are to insert a tie into the drawstring and sew on the buttons for the fastener.

To keep the baby warm and comfortable, he needs good clothes, for example, connected according to qualitative schemes by mother or grandmother. You can knit almost anything on a baby, the most important thing is to make him feel comfortable. Overalls for a child - universal view clothes, especially for walking - nothing comes out anywhere, does not blow anywhere, the child is warm and comfortable. How to knit a jumpsuit for a newborn? Simple enough.

How to knit a jumpsuit for a newborn - choose a model

In baby overalls, the most important thing is that it is comfortable to wear, so a longitudinal fastener and / or a fastener along the crotch, for changing a diaper, is a must. Therefore, having decided to dress the child in a knitted jumpsuit on your own, you should opt for models with the correct fasteners. Yarn is also important. Now the choice of threads for knitting is huge, there are whole series of children's yarn for knitting different models. It is on this yarn that you should stop your choice.

For example, for a warm jumpsuit made of wool yarn required:

  • threads for knitting - natural wool (195m/50gr);
  • knitting needles No. 2, 5;
  • 11 buttons right size and colors.

How to knit a jumpsuit for a newborn - a basic model

The proposed knitting pattern is the basic model. It is easy to change, use color patterns. If you want to decorate the overalls with braids, then they should either be small so as not to take away a lot of the width of the panel, or the knitting pattern will have to be calculated taking into account the change in volume due to the braids. And so, if the pattern is knitted with satin stitch, basic circuit designed for raw materials and the age of the baby 4-6 months.

Knitting starts from the bottom of the pants. First we knit one leg.

  • Cast on 40 sts on needles and knit rib 1 to 1-3 cm.
  • Then evenly add 26 loops.
  • Next, knit in stockinette stitch according to the pattern, if any, not forgetting to add in each 3 rows 20 times, one loop on each side.
  • When the length of the knitted part reaches 23 centimeters, and there are 106 loops on the knitting needles, you need to start decreasing to knit the crotch. To do this, on both sides in each second row, subtract as follows: 1 time 4 loops, 1 time 3 loops, 1 time 2 loops and 1 time 1 loop.
  • There will be 86 stitches left. Remove them on a special pin and tie the second leg in the same way.
  • Collect all the loops on one knitting needle, you get 172 loops, and knit with the front surface, and, having knitted the first two common rows, reduce 5 loops along the edges - under the fastener bar. Now you can knit an even fabric (not round!) On 162 loops before the beginning of the armholes - about 12-15 centimeters.
  • Then divide the work into 3 parts: 40 loops - the left shelf, 82 loops - the back and the remaining 40 loops - the right shelf. All parts are knitted with front stitch, on the right and left shelves at a height of 4 centimeters from the armhole, close for the neck in every second row 1 time 6 loops, 1 time 2 loops, 3 times 1 loop. On the remaining loops, knit 8 more rows.
  • Close the back loops in one row at shoulder height.

Sleeves for baby overalls fit like this:

  • Cast on 34 stitches, knit 3 cm with 1x1 rib.
  • Then from each purl loop knit 2 loops and knit with front stitch, adding in each 6 rows one loop on each side. At a height of 22 centimeters, close the loops.
  • Sew the sleeves neatly, fitting the canvas. On the crotch on the legs, dial a sufficient number of loops and knit with an elastic band 1 to 1, forgetting to knit holes for buttons - 3 on the right leg and 3 on the left.
  • Sew a step seam at the back (on the pope), and in front, cast on a sufficient number of loops along the edge and knit the strap with a 1x1 elastic band, forgetting to make buttonholes on one side at an equal distance from each other, there are 5 buttons in total on the front strap.
  • The neck is also knitted with an elastic band 1 to 1.

Overalls are considered the most practical clothes for a baby. It will look cute, and will also be a good protection against drafts and cold weather. This type of clothing can be worn instead of outerwear, and under it, while it absolutely does not hinder the movement of the baby.

In this article, you can look at the photo, what are ready-made overalls especially for newborns. Knitting a stylish and warm jumpsuit that is suitable for a newborn will not take you much time, especially if you know how to knit!

We knit overalls on knitting needles for newborn babies from 0 to 3 months

To knit the jumpsuit shown in the figure below, you will need one hundred and twenty grams fine yarn, consisting of 80 percent wool and 20 percent acrylic. Yarn Pink colour. Pick up five buttons and knitting needles number two.

This knitted jumpsuit for a newborn is accompanied by a diagram and a description of knitting in stages. The diagram can be viewed below:

The back of the jumpsuit is knitted in this way: dial twenty-nine loops for each leg and tie two centimeters with a 1x1 elastic band. With a pattern according to the scheme, continue knitting, while adding in every second row, along the inner edge, five times one loop. To unite the loops of both legs, you need to retreat to a height of five centimeters. Add six more loops between the loops, so that you get a total of 74 loops.

For armholes, decrease on both sides in every fifth row ten times two loops, doing this at a height of twenty centimeters from the beginning of the step bevel. At a final height of 34 centimeters, knit 34 loops for the neck. For the right front, tie the leg in the same way as the back. To make a fastener placket with right side, you need to dial five loops at a height of five centimeters. These five loops knit pearl pattern, and continue straight, performing the remaining loops in the same pattern.

As on the back piece, tie the armhole along the side seam. The height for this should be 25 centimeters. For the neck, dial nineteen loops at a total height of the product, which, as was written earlier, is 34 centimeters. The left front part of the overalls must be knitted symmetrically to the right front part. In order to tie the sleeves, you need to dial forty-five loops and tie two centimeters with an elastic band 1x1. On the last row, add four more stitches for a total of forty-nine. Continue knitting with a pattern according to the pattern.

From the beginning of knitting, sleeves 14 centimeters high, decrease on both sides in every second row ten times two loops, and close all the remaining nine loops. This is necessary to roll back the sleeve. The total length of the entire sleeve is about 21 centimeters. To assemble the entire product, you need to complete all side seams and all sleeve seams. Then sew the sleeves into the armholes. To complete the neckline, you need to raise a loop along its edge, tie one and a half centimeters with a 1x1 elastic band. Work the first and last five loops with a pearl pattern, and close the loops according to the above pattern.

Imposing bottom edge right fastener strap to the left, perform a step step. On the right bar, make five holes for buttons, which are overcast with one loop. Make the first hole about one centimeter from top edge, the last is two centimeters from the bottom. Well, the rest can be distributed evenly. And boldly sew on buttons. The finished knitted jumpsuit for a newborn needs to be slightly moistened and allowed to dry completely.

Stylish and warm clothes for babies from 0 to 10 months

It is possible to knit a jumpsuit on different age baby. According to the above description and knitting pattern for a jumpsuit, you can similarly, by increasing the size, knit a jumpsuit for a child older than three months.

Video tutorials for beginners

In this article, you can view some video collections on learning to knit overalls for newborns. In addition, today, future mothers can find quite a lot of video lessons. on the Internet to dress up your baby beautifully.