How to remove red wine stains from clothes and carpet. How to remove grass stains on clothes: methods for different types of fabrics and universal tips

Washing rules for whites

Before telling you how to wash children's things from stains and how to restore their former freshness to your products, I would like to outline some washing rules. They will help keep white clothes white:

Image Washing rules

Rule 1. Light separately

White linen should be washed separately from other types of clothing. Moreover, it is not enough just to separate snow-white things from colored or dark ones, it is necessary to sort them by type of fabric.

Cotton, silk, synthetics, blends or wool require different temperature conditions and cleaning products.

Even best powder for washing white will not save things if it is wrong to approach their sorting.

Rule 2. Bleach Quantity and Quality

To make linen or cotton linen white, feel free to use chlorine-based bleaches. But for other materials, you should choose a more "sparing" tool.

Rule 3 Regular cleaning washing machine

Faced with a problem when the washing machine does not wash things, moreover, yellowish spots appear on them?

Perhaps the whole thing is a clogged drain in the washing machine, which prevents high-quality rinsing of things. Or scale has accumulated on the heating element, which should be removed.

Rule 4 Using softener

When adding a detergent for washing white things to the washer, do not forget to supplement it with an emollient. After him they appearance will improve significantly.

If you follow these washing tips, your clothes will stay white for a long time.

Washing options for whites

How to wash a white jacket, dress, blouse, underwear and other wardrobe items with folk recipes and ready-made purchased substances? I will point out the means, the effectiveness of which I checked with my own hands - I am sure of each of them.

4 folk recipes

If you are not a fan of modern household chemicals, but if you want to know how to remove stains from children's clothes and linen for sure, then it's time to get acquainted with simple folk recipes. White underwear can become perfectly white even without modern appliances, I assure!

Illustration Recipes and instructions

Recipe 1. Laundry soap

Add about 200 g household shavings. soap in 5 liters of water and you get the perfect solution for boiling things.

The boiling time depends on the type of fabric. Eg, white t-shirt from thin material it is necessary to bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat, but dense flax can be boiled over low heat for up to half an hour.

Laundry soap perfectly washes dirt, it can be safely used for washing children's things.

Recipe 2. Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute 200 ml of hydrogen peroxide in 5 liters of water. It is better to first remove all the dirt on the clothes by normal washing, and use the resulting solution for bleaching.

Soak the product in it for 2-3 hours, then rinse.

Recipe 3. Ammonia

To bleach your favorite things, you can resort to the help of ammonia. Mix it with hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) and soak the product in the solution for half an hour.

Please note that ammonia should not be diluted in warm water, but rather hot (about 50-70 °C).

Recipe 4. Salt and soda

These two components can be found in any kitchen, as their price is more than affordable. Baking soda can be added to the washing machine or combined with salt and laundry soap to soak clothes.

These, it would seem, simple recipes may well cope with quite serious pollution, for example, remove powder or Foundation with white clothes, etc.

3 purchased funds

If you already know how to properly wash white clothes and even tried a few folk recipes, but the result is still far from what you want, you can move on to the “heavy artillery”.

Purchased funds can hardly be called ideal, but nevertheless they can help in the most extreme cases. From the entire range of household chemicals, I would single out the following:

  • White. I want to immediately note that this tool is quite aggressive, and its frequent use can significantly shorten the life of things. But occasionally, you can still add a little “Whiteness” to the washing machine drum - it will remove the yellowness and gray shade on things.

  • Dishwashing liquid. This option well relieves matter from traces of sweat and grease stains. Detergent is best added directly to the detergent compartment.
  • Domestos. It may seem strange to some, but it perfectly helps to restore the original appearance of materials that have lost their whiteness. Just soak things for 10-20 minutes in a weak solution of Domestos, and then wash them in the usual way.


I told you how to wash white things using folk recipes and household chemicals. Now it's up to you - use the tips and return the perfect whiteness to the clothes.

Be sure to share your recipes in the comments, where you can also ask any clarifying question on the topic. And the video in this article will clearly show how to keep things white.

Useful and informative will be tips on how to remove stains from deodorant and sweat to return clothes attractive appearance. There are a huge number folk ways and industrial stain removers that do their job effectively.

How to remove deodorant from clothes?

To get good results in cleaning things, it is recommended to follow a few rules:

  1. Start removing stains as soon as possible, because the fresher they are, the easier it will be to remove them.
  2. When figuring out how to remove traces of deodorant, it is worth pointing out that it is not recommended to use boiling water, which will only strengthen the stains.
  3. To test the reaction, apply a little product in a place that is not visible, leave for a while and evaluate the result.
  4. During processing, it is necessary to move from the edge to the center so as not to increase the area of ​​the spot.

How to remove yellow stains from deodorant on white?

On white clothes, stains are very noticeable, and getting rid of them is not so easy. There are proven by more than one hostess folk methods, thanks to which things can be restored to their previous appearance.

  1. You can remove deodorant stains on clothes by mixing a part of ammonia with four parts of water. Saturate problem areas with the resulting solution and leave until they completely disappear. After that, carry out a normal wash.
  2. Effective in cleaning will be "Aspirin", which contains acid and it is able to remove various pollution. Crush a few tablets into powder and add some water to form a slurry. To remove dirt, apply it on stains, leave for 2 hours and wash.

How to remove deodorant stains on black?

Black clothes suffer the most from white streaks and deodorant stains. They are not easy to remove, so information on how to remove a deodorant stain on black will be useful.

  1. Vodka or alcohol, which is applied to dirty areas of clothing with a cotton pad, will help to cope with pollution. It is important that the fibers of the clothing, where there are stains, are thoroughly soaked with alcohol. At the end of the procedure, wash in the traditional way.
  2. An unusual and seemingly strange way at first glance indicates that baking powder for dough can be used for cleaning. If you are interested in how to remove deodorant stains, then first soak the thing, and then pour baking powder on the problem area and wash it with laundry soap. It remains only to rinse the clothes well.

How to remove stains from deodorant on color?

Aggressive products should not be used on colored clothes, since the thing may lose its original appearance and then it will simply have to be thrown away. Eat safe methods how to remove deodorant from underarms on clothes:

  1. Most available method– cleaning with . Apply it on dirt, rub and leave for half an hour. After that, you need to wash and rinse well.
  2. Everyone in the house has salt, which also effectively copes with deodorant stains. Lay out the item and apply salt to the stain and gently rub it in. Moisten lightly with water and leave for 10 hours. After that, send the T-shirt to the washing machine.

How to remove deodorant stains on a T-shirt?

The most popular clothes- a T-shirt, so you can see various pollution on it more often than usual. There are several ways to remove deodorant stains:

  1. First dampen the T-shirt with plenty of warm water and rub the problem areas to make them brown shade. After that, roll up the thing, put it in a bag and tie it up to block the access of oxygen. Leave for 2 hours, and then prepare a solution for rinsing by crushing 1/4 of the piece tar soap and adding hot water. Mix until smooth, let cool slightly and send the T-shirt there. Do a hand wash and then a machine wash.
  2. If the pollution is not fresh, then it is better to use multi-component products. Mix baking soda, dish soap and peroxide to make a thick paste. Rub it into problem areas and leave for a couple of hours. Thanks to this composition, you can not only remove stains, but also remove unpleasant odor making the fabric softer.

How to wash a shirt from deodorant?

This question is more of interest to women, whose men often wear shirts. There are a couple of simple but effective ways how to remove white spots from deodorant:

  1. Let's start with simple method, for which take washing powder and add a little water so that the mixture comes out like thick sour cream. Spread it on the stain and leave until the morning. After that, rinse and wash.
  2. For a more complex technique, you first need to make a pre-soak solution. Pour 2.5 liters of hot water into a basin and dissolve 250 g of salt there. Send a shirt there and leave it for at least half an hour. At this time, make the following composition: 70 g of soda, 10 ml of vinegar and 60 g of salt. Add water there to get a viscous consistency. Remove and unfold the shirt, and then apply the prepared paste on it in a thick layer. Wait 25 min. and perform a rinse. If the stains still remain, then rub them with laundry soap and leave for 30 minutes. Finish by machine washing.

Old stains from deodorant

If the pollution was received a long time ago, then you will need to try to cope with them. In this case, it is important to know how to remove deodorant stains if they have had time to seize:

  1. Lemon has proven itself well in this matter, since the acid contained in it helps dissolve stains. Squeeze the juice directly onto the stain and leave to dry. After that, remove the residue and wash.
  2. Sweat stains on clothes can be removed from deodorant with gasoline. Wet the contaminated place with it, leave it for 2-3 hours, and then treat this place with ammonia. After an hour, wash and rinse in warm water.

Deodorant Stain Remedies

If folk methods did not help, then you can purchase special industrial stain removers. Instructions on how to remove traces of deodorant and other contaminants on clothes are presented on the packaging of a specific product. The most popular stain removers:

  1. Amway. This manufacturer has a spray that effectively fights stains, but at the same time it does not contain phosphates, so it can be called "safe".
  2. Vanish. If you are interested in how to quickly remove deodorant stains, then you can stop at this manufacturer, which offers products in dry and liquid form.
  3. Dr. Beckmann. Under this name, there is a tool that was specifically designed to remove traces of deodorant. Suitable for white, black and colored items.

Stains are very common on clothes, and many people throw things away because of them. To prevent this from happening, you only need to know how to remove stains of any type from things. Their origin can be very different, and each type requires the use of appropriate means and a certain intervention.

Stain removal features

Regardless of what exactly the item is stained with, you need to know how to remove the stain at home in compliance with the basic rules. Among the basic rules, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • you need to choose a remedy taking into account the characteristics of the fabric, its color and the age of the stain;
  • gradually increase the degree of aggressiveness of the agent;
  • pre-test the effect of the stain remover;
  • treat pollution from the inside out;
  • remove the stain, starting from the edges to the middle.

After the stain removal procedure, you need to rinse things. When using too aggressive stain removers, you should initially wash things by hand, and then only in a washing machine.

How to recognize the origin of stains

Before determining how to remove the stain, you need to correctly recognize its type and what exactly provoked the occurrence. There may be spots such as:

  • fatty;
  • not containing fat;
  • combined;
  • oxidized.

Fat spots have practically no clear contours. Stains from varnishes, oil paints are complexly soluble formations. Easily soluble are considered fatty spots from various kinds vegetable oils, pork fat, butter. Fresh fatty spots are always somewhat darker than the tissue on which they formed, while old ones brighten and penetrate deep into the tissue, and sometimes protrude on the opposite side.

The most common are combined spots. They may or may not contain fat. Their action is also combined, since fat penetrates very deeply into the tissue structure, and all other components remain on its surface. Often such stains are formed from getting on the fabric of sauces, milk, blood, soups.

Oxidized stains can form on clothing as well as secondary formations. Under the influence of temperature, light and oxygen, old stains begin to oxidize. Often in chemical reactions stains from fruits, tea, cosmetics, wine, fruits, coffee enter. These stains are the hardest to remove.

Removal of stains depending on the type of fabric

To know how to remove a stain, you need to decide on the type of fabric on which it formed. To remove from denim, you need to use salt, which will absorb fat. Then treat with dishwashing detergent. You can use special stain removers. If spots form machine oil, then you need to treat the thing with a solvent or gasoline, then wash it.

Leather products can be cleaned with starch and gasoline. You need to mix the ingredients so that you get a slurry. You need to rub the mixture into the stain and wait a bit. The gruel must be cleaned with a brush. If the stain does not disappear, then you can repeat the procedure.

Suede can be easily cleaned of stains with starch, talc or semolina. These substances clean and absorb fat very well. To clean it, you need to sprinkle the stain with the chosen agent and leave it for 1-2 hours, then just shake it off your clothes.

Chiffon items clean well with dishwashing detergent. To do this, treat the stain and leave for a few minutes. Then soak the clothes in warm water with the addition of washing powder. If the stain on chiffon is old, then a solution of ammonia, glycerin and water will help to remove it. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, and then rinse the fabric thoroughly under running water.

Silk fabric is easily washed with laundry soap. Dirty places just need to lather and wrap in cellophane for 12 hours, and then wash. Stains on knitwear can be removed by ironing the item sprinkled with starch through fabric or paper.

Methods for removing stains from outerwear

Many are interested in how to remove a stain from outerwear because these things are very difficult to wash. Stains on a sheepskin coat are cleaned with a special rubber band. You can also take the most ordinary eraser or sandpaper. You need to clean the sheepskin coat in a dry state.

Before removing stains from a coat, put a dry cloth between the coat and the lining so that it does not transfer to the lining. Then you need to moisten a cotton pad in gasoline and lightly wipe the dirt. The treated area must be thoroughly dried.

Stains from a down jacket are removed with brine. The cleaner must be applied to the place of contamination for an hour, and the remnants of the mixture should be removed with a brush.

Removal of fresh grease stains

There are several ways to remove a greasy stain that are very effective. Very a good remedy considered shampoo for oily hair. It is enough to rub it into a contaminated place and after half an hour wash the product manually or with the help of washing machine. Powdered absorbents include:

  • starch;
  • cleaned chalk.

It is necessary to moisten the stain a little, sprinkle it with powder, put a clean cloth on the stain and press it. Wash the product after a few minutes. You can easily remove fresh greasy stains with laundry soap, as it contains in its composition components that dissolve fat very well.

Removal of old grease stains

Knowing how to remove greasy stains, you can eliminate even if they are old. In addition to the unpleasant appearance, they also have a characteristic persistent smell. It is worth remembering what older stain, the more effective the remedy should be. To remove old stains, you can use aggressive solvents such as acetone, gasoline. This tool helps to remove old stain even from coarse fabrics without damaging their structure.

Delete greasy spot with delicate fabrics, you can soak things in water with ammonia and glycerin. Special stain removers remove stains well. With the selected agent, you need to treat the stain several times until it is completely removed, and then the clothes need to be washed.

The use of special stain removers

You can remove stains from clothes at home using special or folk remedies. There are different stain removers, the most popular of which are considered to be such as:

  • "Minute";
  • "Vanish";
  • "Antipyatin";
  • "Amway";
  • "Ecover";
  • Frau Schmidt;
  • "Sarma".

Frau Schmidt stain remover is designed to remove absolutely any stains, including greasy ones. It contains bile soap, which helps dissolve fat. The advantage of this tool is that it is completely safe for hands.

Vanish stain remover contains zeolites in its composition, which break down grease quite effectively. It is added to water during washing or applied directly to the stain, which will disappear very quickly, and things will become brighter. "Ecover" contains exclusively only mineral and vegetable components, therefore it is environmentally friendly. pure means. Grease stains and any other contaminants are very easy to remove without consequences.

Amway is very fast acting. After its application, the stain dissolves and disappears literally before our eyes. The product does not contain harmful components in its composition, therefore it is completely safe for the skin of the hands and is not dangerous when inhaled.

Sarma Active stain remover contains active ingredients capable of dissolving old oil stains and wash things well. "Antipyatin" can be produced in various forms. It is added as an amplifier to washing powder during soaking or washing. Means "Minute" copes well with cleaning old stains on down jackets, jackets. Literally after 15 minutes, all spots disappear. Then you just need to wash and rinse things.

Folk remedies for stain removal

Knowing how to get out difficult spots at home, you can use folk remedies instead of special stain removers. Among the most popular folk remedies are the following:

  • ammonia;
  • glycerol;
  • petrol;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

For breeding difficult spots you need to dissolve salt and ammonia in water, moisten the pollution with the resulting solution and wait until complete drying. After that, wash things.

You can remove stains with glycerin. To do this, put a few drops of glycerin on the contaminated area, leave for 30 minutes, and then carefully wipe the stain with a clean cloth. However, when using glycerin, you need to be very careful, as it can stain things.

To remove dirt, you need to apply a mixture of soda, salt and liquid soap to the stain on both sides.

Sweat stain removal

Most of all, clothes suffer from sweat, therefore, many are interested in how to remove sweat stains, since unpleasant yellowness is not so easy to get rid of. Normal washing does not always solve this problem, and light clothes deteriorates in just one season.

You can try lathering things with laundry soap and hold for some time. It has a whitening effect and will not harm delicate fabrics. If the soap does not help, then you can moisten the contaminated places in a strong saline solution to help remove contaminants.

A vinegar solution is considered a good remedy, but immediately after treatment with this remedy, things should be washed, as prolonged exposure to vinegar can lead to discoloration of the fabric.

Removal of various stains

How to remove a stain from clothes - this question worries a lot of people, because often because of this trouble you have to throw away your favorite things. Fresh stains from red wine are easily removed with boiling water. If the fabric cannot be treated with boiling water, then salt helps to cope with contamination.

Dirt stains can be easily cleaned with a wet brush. After the fabric dries, moisten the contamination with warm soapy water or a strong solution of vinegar. Makeup stains are removed with ammonia. Then this place is washed with water and a detergent intended for washing.

Blood stains are removed cold water and soap. Old blood stains can be removed by soaking the item in ammonia. Fresh stains from fruit, juice and berries can be removed with boiling water. Traces of chocolate can be easily washed off with strongly salted water. If they are old, then you need to initially wipe them with a solution of ammonia.

How to clean grass? In fact, there are only two options: folk remedies or special stain removers. How exactly to apply this or that method, today's article will tell you.

IN summer season This question is asked not only by the hostess. Absolutely everyone can fall into the grass, but not everyone knows what to do with a stubborn green spot. Today we will figure out whether such spots can be removed, and if so, with what? And also, how effective are various home and professional remedies.

Not only your favorite jeans can suffer from herbal juice. If we are talking about kids or young football players, their clothes are literally saturated with grass! Sometimes you have to reanimate jackets, sneakers, shirts, shorts and other items of clothing and footwear.

Before you start frantically washing the grass from your clothes, make sure that the stain is of vegetable origin. After all, under a similar in green paint may be hiding or even sweets and drinks.

No matter how strange it may sound, but in order to determine the origin of the stain, it should be smelled. What is it for? Everything is simple. Various stains it will be possible to remove it correctly and effectively if you know what to deal with. The smell of grass smells like freshly cut greens, paint smells of chemistry, sweets, respectively, are sweet.

How to quickly remove the grass with improvised means?

How to quickly remove the grass with improvised means? The leader in the rapid removal of green spots is considered ammonia, but not everyone has the opportunity to use it, so we have given the maximum number of recipes. In addition, much depends on the fabric and age of the herbal trace. It is difficult to remove an old stain, so we will offer the maximum number of ways that can help in resolving this problem. It’s easy to remove a fresh stain from jeans or sneakers, but here you need to use a proven method.

Many skeptics on the forums say that the grass is not displayed and you can forget about your favorite things. But if you start washing as early as possible, then clothes can be easily saved.

When choosing a detergent, it should be borne in mind that even the most expensive powder is sometimes not able to cope with green or dry grass. Therefore, it will be useful to resort to folk methods, pharmacy components and conventional products. Washing productivity will be higher if the penetration of the coloring pigment into the fibers has time to be prevented.

Accordingly, for a successful result, you may have to resort to soaking, and to process things with improvised means more suitable handwash.

First aid

First aid is necessary for all things so that the juice does not have time to soak into the fibers and the work is crowned with quick success. Once you have determined the origin of the stain, it is best to start cleaning immediately. After a few days, grass marks will be very difficult to remove.

Before washing or soaking, the contaminated area should be treated from dust and remnants of grass, earth and other things. If you can’t just shake it off, you can use a brush, just clean it superficially so as not to press the dirt even more.

If you noticed a stain from green grass while still in nature, then you can immediately try to remove it with your own hands using ordinary wet wipes. These cleaning devices are firmly established in our lives, so it will not be difficult for anyone to find them.

How to treat grass on clothes? Easier than ever, a wardrobe item may not even have to be removed!

  1. Remove one tissue paper from the package.
  2. Start blotting the trail, moving from the edge to the center, as if collecting dirt.
  3. Try not to press on fresh grass stains.
  4. Frequently change soiled wipes for new ones.
  5. Throw used items in the trash.
  6. Let the wet spot dry.

When you get home, wash the stain using the following methods, because removing the stain with wet wipes does not guarantee complete removal of the stain.

If outdoor recreation is accompanied by strong drinks, that is, specifically, vodka, you can wipe off a fresh trace with this liquid. To do this, you need to take a napkin and, in the same way as in the case of a wet napkin, walk over the soiled area.

At home, first aid should also be given to things, because the efficiency of work will depend on this. To soak green spots on a jacket, T-shirt or shirt, you need to follow these steps:

  • collect warm water in a bowl;
  • put a piece of clothing or a whole thing into the water;
  • generously rub traces of grass with laundry soap;
  • in this position, leave the clothes in the water for 90-120 minutes;
  • after that, get the thing and, if the structure of the fabric allows, then rub it with a brush or the hard side of a kitchen sponge;
  • a stain that has not been washed off should be soaked in warm water and soap again;
  • after a couple of hours, try again to wash the contaminated area with your hands or a brush.

If prolonged soaking did not bring desired results, then you can try the intensive washing technique with a washing machine. Or resort to the methods that we have described below, the corresponding certain type fabrics.

Jeans cleaning

Cleaning jeans is the most frequent work of moms, and sometimes housewives already have a homemade cleaning agent based on baking soda and powder prepared on their own. Jeans are often a hiking and walking option, so this type of clothing needs to be washed more often than others.

Denim is a rather dense and coarse fabric; pants, jackets, windbreakers, shirts and even shoes are made from it. But it is not always possible to apply strict cleansing measures in relation to jeans, therefore, before using any remedy, you should first try it on an inconspicuous place to make sure that you will not do more harm.

The methods given in the table were also used by grandmothers. And although in their time, most likely, there were no denim shorts, there were other clothes similar in structure, which they successfully washed.



Baking soda

Such a product is well suited for light-colored denim pants or jackets, since the abrasive product is able to slightly lighten the fabric. At home, you need to prepare a liquid slurry from soda and a small amount of water. Apply this mixture to an old grass stain and brush lightly with a toothbrush. After that, leave the jeans for 60 minutes so that the sodium corrodes the contamination. After the allotted time, clothes can be washed with your own hands with laundry or other soap.

Hydrogen peroxide

The medical preparation can be found in any home first aid kit, but it, like soda, has a whitening effect. Therefore, it would be wiser to use peroxide exclusively on white jeans or sneakers. The liquid is poured over the grass and left for 1 minute, after which it is washed off under a strong stream of water. The procedure can be repeated.

Citric acid food

Another common product that can be found in any kitchen. To bring out green, brown or yellow spot, you need to make a concentrated solution of citric acid and water. Or just pour "lemon" on denim, and sprinkle white crystals on top with water. After half an hour, the pants can be washed in the usual way for you.

In order to remove grass stains from clothes, it is necessary to use only special refined gasoline, which will not leave marks, unlike the version from the gas station. Gently dab green grass on jeans with this product so as not to stretch the stain even more. After that, the gasoline itself can be washed off with dish detergent, powder, lemon juice or mustard powder.

Vinegar or wine

You can wash your pants from the grass with vinegar. Treat stains with undiluted liquid and wait 15 to 30 minutes. Remove vinegar will help manual or automatic method washing. You can use such products on colored and white fabrics, only in the case of multi-colored clothes, the vinegar needs to be slightly diluted with water.

Alcohol ammonia

Undiluted ammonia will remove old stains from white things, and diluted alcohol from colored clothes. Cotton pad you need to moisten in alcohol liquid and gently treat the stain on the fabric. Wash immediately afterwards. color denim requires dilute fluid. For this, 1 tsp. ammonia should be diluted in 1 tbsp. cold water, soak the item of clothing in the solution and wait 15 minutes, then rub these places with laundry soap and send to automatic machine. The procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

When using boiling water, be extremely careful not to get seriously burned by the steam. The fabric must be stretched with your hands over a container or sink so that there is a spot of green grass in the center. It is better to pour boiling water in a small stream (for example, from a kettle) so that the water gets exactly to the right area and as little hot steam is released as possible. It takes several minutes to water the trail, breaking away for minor breaks.

Can you wash grass on jeans? With these proven methods, definitely, yes! The stain problem can be solved by watching a video that will clearly show all the subtleties of cleaning with ammonia. But the better to remove traces of grass, you determine, because it is allowed to alternately use all methods. But, if for some reason the desired is not achieved, you should resort to stain removers and bleaches. Most effective means will be listed below in the article.

Remove stains from cotton fabric

It is necessary to remove grass stains from cotton fabric with the following recipes as quickly as possible, because the fiber structure is almost the same as denim, and the coloring juice is absorbed very quickly. But dried grass is very difficult to remove, especially if the material of the T-shirt or pants is very thin and delicate.

Traces of grass can be removed from white trousers with toothpaste or tooth powder. Only for these purposes, products without color additives should be selected, otherwise crayons may remain on the white multi-colored blotches. The paste works quickly on a fresh stain, it just needs to be applied to the stain with a finger if the fabric is rather delicate, or rubbed into coarse fibers with a brush. To consolidate the result, you need to wait until the paste dries, and only then wash it.

For removing fresh and even old green marks from sweatpants you should also start with soaking. If simply soaking the stain did not help, then the proven method with salt, ordinary table salt, will help here. To wash natural fabric, you will need 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt, diluted in 400 ml of warm water. In this solution, clothes should be kept for about 2 hours, after which they should be washed by hand or in a typewriter. Positive reviews they say that fresh spot disappears once and for all.

Laundry soap mixed with ammonia can remove greens from grass from a white T-shirt. For such a mixture, soap is rubbed on the coarse side of the grater, and ammonia is added to it. The mass is kneaded until it becomes jelly-like. Ready composition should be applied to clothes and wait 15 minutes, and then washed off with your own hands or with the help of an automatic assistant.

Is it possible to get rid of traces of greenery on silk and wool?

Is it possible to get rid of traces of greenery on wool or silk? This can be done using the delicate and viscous consistency of glycerin. Such natural fabrics very delicate and may not be able to bear high temperatures or aggressive homemade stain removers. To wash the fresh grass off the white wool sweater or save a chiffon t-shirt, it is better to use glycerin.

To prepare a cleanser, you need to mix in a 1: 1 ratio egg white and pharmacy glycerin. Gently apply the mixture on the spots and wait until the substance is completely absorbed (this is about 1 hour). After a while, the product must be washed with soap and then dried. Here it is very important to dry the fabric on outdoors(preferably outdoors) to prevent the stain from appearing.

We wash synthetics

We wash synthetics at home with chalk and soap. Synthetic white or colored items are much easier to clean than other items. Even with trousers or a white shirt, you can remove the juice of the grass.

Like all other types of fabric, synthetics are best washed in warm water. For high-quality cleaning, a concentrated composition based on grated laundry soap and white chalk in equal proportions should be prepared. The garment is placed in the liquid and soaked for 20-30 minutes.

It is important to remember that even light-colored things should be soaked and washed separately from each other!

After 30 minutes, the fabrics are washed and washed thoroughly. After washing, it is necessary to inspect the affected areas for stains, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.


Shoes always get the most, even with infrequent falls into the grass, so it would be prudent to keep a tube of toothpaste or other raw materials exclusively for a light pair. After all, it is on white or colored light shoes that this is most noticeable. Green marks are firmly eaten not only into the fabric, but also into the sole itself, but with ordinary detergents these contaminants are not always washed away.

Can deal with fresh herbal traces regular powder for washing, from which you need to make a gruel and process the contaminated parts. After such cleaning, the shoes should be rinsed and inspected for the presence of greenery. If the appearance is still not pleasing, proceed to other measures.

Traces of grass can be removed from sneakers or any other footwear using the same methods as from clothes. When processing a pair, as in the case of a fabric, you should first test the product on an invisible area.

Traces of grass on the side of the sole are also not uncommon. To remove these formations, you can use:

  • nail polish remover. Moisten a cotton pad in the solution and rub the problem part with it;
  • medical or technical alcohol. This liquid should also be applied to the sponge and treated on the sides;
  • vaseline. This product must be handled with extreme care so as not to leave greasy traces on the shoes themselves, if they are rag. It is necessary to lubricate the sole with this mass and leave for 10 minutes, then remove the greasy layer with dry wipes;
  • tooth powder or paste. To do this, you need a hard toothbrush or other brush. With the help of a paste and a brush, you can remove almost any dirt.

These methods are suitable for rubber, fabric, leatherette or other shoes. But any of these methods should not be used more than 3 times in a row, otherwise you can aggravate the situation. If you can’t wash the grass juice yourself, you can always contact a dry cleaner.

You can remove the grass from white fabric sneakers with a gruel of peroxide, soda and water. To obtain such a substance, you need to mix the ingredients with your own hands and get to work.

  1. Remove pieces of grass and earth from sneakers or sneakers, rinse the sole. Unlace products.
  2. Mix in plastic or glass container 1 st. l. baking soda, 0.5 tbsp. l. water and 0.5 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. If there are a lot of grass stains, then the proportions can be increased.
  3. The resulting thick paste applied to toothbrush, the surface of the shoe should be treated. Force is not required.
  4. Apply another, now a thick layer of white mass.
  5. Lubricated shoes must be exposed to direct sunlight, this is very important.
  6. Sneakers or Converse shoes should be dried in the heat for about 3-5 hours, by which time the mixture will be so dry that it will begin to crack.
  7. A dry pair of shoes should be beaten well against each other in order to crush the dry powder. Dry thoroughly with a brush to clean the remnants of soda and shake out the sneakers again.

Now your shoes have said goodbye not only to traces of grass, but also to other contaminants. You can lace up sneakers or slippers and enjoy the snow-white look of shoes.

Removing stains with stain removers

Removal of contaminants with stain removers can be started if traditional methods have not helped. And you can immediately use these shop means"Vanish" and others, as most modern housewives do.

Such cleaners are presented in a wide range. They differ in price, country of origin, composition and consistency. Various stains, including traces of grass, stain removers wash off white and colored clothes. Therefore, when choosing a purchased product, one should take into account the shades of linen, as well as the belonging of the fabric.

So, based on the reviews, you can make a certain rating of top products. Stain removers for children's things:

  • "Eared nanny". Powdered detergent is considered the best-selling among other children's laundry detergents because it is almost universal. hypoallergenic powder Russian production can be used in manual and automatic washing with cold and hot water. Perfectly removes not only grass from white and colored fabrics. The price of products is quite democratic;
  • Cotico baby. This Russian cleaner is convenient because it is designed in the form of a spray. In addition, it is suitable for any things, as well as toys and shoes;
  • "Our mother". The stain remover from Russia has a liquid formula. Also suitable for any type of thing and does not cause allergies.

With such highly effective preparations at hand, you can not bother with cooking various mixtures from the products, but simply and quickly wash the grass with one of the compositions.

For adults, the following products are suitable:

  • Vanish Oxy Action. The liquid product is produced in Russia according to the recipe and with the consent of the UK. The tool can be both universal and separately for white or colored products;
  • Amway SA8. The American firm is famous for its many effective products, including stain-removing spray;
  • Faberlic universal. Anti-stain spray from Russia is based on a safe formula, so it can be used on clothes and underwear;
  • Udalix Ultra. Another aerosol product of Russian origin. According to many buyers, not only fresh, but also dry grass;
  • Ase Oxi Magic. Italian powder to remove various traces can be used both independently and as part of other products.

Which of the stain removers to give preference to, of course, you decide. The best one will only be found through our own trials. All of them, without exception, perfectly cope with fresh traces herbs.

Important recommendations and some points, such as, for example, the interest in marks on the tag when washing, will help to avoid damage delicate fabric or others negative aspects. Grass greens are considered very stubborn stains, so it's important to get the right kind of fabric right.

So that your favorite clothes always have well-groomed appearance you need to follow the following tips.

  1. Play it safe with particularly delicate fabrics such as suede, velor, viscose or the finest wool. If you are not sure about good result, it is better to give clothes or shoes to dry cleaning. Experts certainly know how to clean the grass!
  2. Before removing green spots, pay attention to the tag. It provides information on how to handle this item.
  3. Take your time. You can’t rush in this delicate matter, so don’t rub the stain, but rather leave it to “sour” a little longer.
  4. Try to always have wet wipes, and better special - to remove stains.
  5. Use for a hike in nature or to participate in sports games special clothes or those that you don’t mind getting dirty. The same goes for shoes.

Finally, in order to consolidate knowledge on how to wash grass stains, you can watch the video instruction. None of us is immune from falling into the grass, so do not be too upset, because with such proven methods, you can give things a second life!

How many times has it happened to you that, taking out the laundry from the washer, you immediately wanted to load it back? How to wash soiled things so that whites shine clean and clothes look like new?

Certainly, modern hostess can't forget about chemistry while doing household chores. Chemicals make housework much easier. If the question of the naturalness and safety of washing and washing products is not so acute for you, then you can try washing things at home in such products:

The secret weapon of experienced housewives

But what about washed and too dirty things, especially for children, if you don’t want to use aggressive chemicals? Such things are perfectly washed with improvised means that can be found in every home. These products are not as expensive as household chemicals, and completely safe.


A great way to wash washed items is to treat them with a regular potato starch. Few people know about this method, but meanwhile it has been used for centuries.

Starch is an excellent tool if you need to wash off the yellowness and gray tint. It can be poured directly into the drum of the washing machine, or it can be used when rinsing white laundry. Approximate consumption 2 tbsp. l. starch in 5 liters of water.

Boric acid

Boric acid is sold in pharmacies, and this product is very cheap, but it washes perfectly. By using boric acid you can noticeably enhance the effect of snow-white things.

Dilute acid at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 3 liters of water. Water should be taken warm, but in no case hot. Rinse the laundry in the solution for 10 minutes. Then the last rinse of things is done in cold, clean water. You will be surprised how clean your underwear will be.

ammonium chloride

If you need to wash bedding or other home textiles, then the first assistant is ammonia. In hot water, you need to soak the material using detergents. We breed ammonia, add powder or salt, soda or peroxide and wash the bed linen.

Potassium permanganate

Ordinary potassium permanganate is one of the most the best means whitening. Hot water is collected in a bucket, a little powder is added and quite a bit of potassium permanganate - the water should turn pinkish. Washed things are dipped in a bucket, left for 4 hours, and then rinsed. As a rule, already after the first procedure, washed things become noticeably whiter.


This method was used by our grandmothers, who knew nothing about oxygen bleaches.

In order for gray things to become whiter, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp in 2 liters of water. facilities. Linen is lowered into the solution and left for half an hour. In order for things to bleach evenly, they need to be turned over.
If you will bleach wool or cotton, then 3 tbsp. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, 1 tbsp. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. powder. Linen is soaked in the solution for half an hour, and then rinsed thoroughly.


This substance is most often used for soft bleaching of babies' clothes. You can add soda to the main wash. It is enough to fill the tank with 2 tbsp. l. soda and turn on the program. Can be dissolved in 10 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and soak clothes in the solution for a couple of hours. Children's yellowed and grayed clothes will again acquire fresh look.


You can bleach clothes with hydroperite, which contains peroxide. There is no need to even wash hard. It is enough to dissolve a couple of tablets in 5 liters of hot water and dip the clothes in the solution for 30 minutes.


You can bleach matter with vinegar, at the same time refresh the brightness of colors. Vinegar usually removes yellowness from sweat in the armpits on clothes. A couple of tablespoons of vinegar are dissolved in a glass of water, and then the affected areas on the fabric are soaked with a solution.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to return a fresh look to clothes. Choose a product that you have on hand, or try something from household chemicals - and your things will become snow-white again.