Heliotrope - a stone with multi-colored inclusions: all properties. Heliotrope stone: its magical properties and to whom it suits Heliotrope stone magical properties

Heliotrope stone is famous for its glassy luster and ability to reflect the sun's rays when submerged in water. With his intricate patterns, he attracts attention to himself, and therefore to the decorations of which he is a part. Heliotrope jewelry will look spectacular in combination with any outfit.

Heliotrope was often mentioned in the religious texts of various cultures. According to Christian legend, its red blotches are explained by the fact that the heliotrope lay on Golgotha ​​during the crucifixion of Christ, and blood from his wounds dripped onto these stones. Do not confuse the heliotrope stone with the flower of the same name.

In this article, we have collected a large amount of information about heliotrope for you so that you can find answers to all your questions. Be careful when choosing jewelry with this stone, as fakes are not excluded.

Stone properties

  • Color: from bright green to black tones with brown and red patches and, in rare cases, stripes.
  • Hardness: 6.5-7.0
  • Feature: white
  • Luster: glassy, ​​waxy
  • Kink: uneven

Heliotrope deposits

The first deposits of amazing samples of the mineral were discovered in India near Calcutta and in Egypt along the banks of the sacred Nile River. In the 20th century, stone was mined in Australia, the USA, and China. In Russia, wonderful samples of the gem are found in the Urals.

Application of heliotrope

Heliotrope - a stone that is used in the jewelry industry

In the book "Precious Stones" Russian writer and teacher of the nineteenth century. M. I. Pylyaev gives a detailed description, information about the location and reviews of the mysterious and mysterious gem sunflower. He talks about the great popularity and fashion for heliotrope in 1853.

The carvers loved to work with the mineral, using the magnificent properties of the stone, and the representatives of the stronger sex were happy to wear large signet rings with a flat heliotrope, on which the family coat of arms or monogram was carved.

Such valuable extraordinary jewelry became relics and passed from ancestors to descendants. Unique seals with heliotrope matrices are kept in museums and are highly valued by private collectors.

The gem is used to craft:

magical properties

If you look closely at the photo of heliotrope, the red spots on the mineral look like drops of blood. There is a belief that this is nothing but the blood of the crucified Christ. Magicians and sorcerers attach great importance to the miraculous properties of the heliotrope and believe in its magical, magical power.

  1. Damigeron - an ancient Greek philosopher and magician - argued that with the help of a stone you can cause rain, flood, hurricane.
  2. Pliny the Elder - a Roman writer - assured that if a stone is worn with a flower of the same name and cast special spells, one can become invisible.
  3. The Egyptians used talismans, amulets made from heliotrope. They were sure that the owner of a wonderful stone was able to knock on any door, and it would open.
  4. In India, where the gem is very popular, it is believed that whoever wears heliotrope jewelry has courage, is able to comprehend hidden truths, and quickly learns to make amazing discoveries in science and knowledge of the Universe.

An active, hard-working person who is constantly improving and gaining new knowledge, impressions, and emotions should own the heliotrope. For a passive person, heliotrope jewelry can bring disappointment and loss.


Physical healing energy of heliotrope.

Heliotrope is used to boost the immune system, cleanse the blood, spleen, liver, kidneys, bladder and intestines. Having a beneficial effect on the body, it neutralizes the action of toxins and eliminates their decay products. The crystal is useful for organs saturated with blood, regulates and stimulates blood flow and helps its circulation in the body. Heliotrope is responsible for the health of the bone marrow and can be used in the treatment of circulatory disorders such as anemia, leukemia, tumors, acute infections.

  • Associated with the process of childbearing, heliotrope is the biggest ally for women who have been trying for a long time to conceive.
  • It stimulates nutrient-rich blood and helps correct hormonal imbalances.
  • The stone is able to facilitate the birth process, gives strength while waiting for a contraction, thereby helping the child to easily pass through the birth canal.
  • It is also believed that heliotrope relieves the symptoms of PMS, fights menstrual irregularities, and stabilizes hormones during menopause.

A heliotrope crystal was dipped in cold water and applied to the wounded area, such a manipulation helped to stop bleeding, especially effective for nosebleeds. It is very important to keep the stone moist, so from time to time it had to be lowered into the water again. Such water, charged with the healing properties of heliotrope, relieves venous varicose veins and hemorrhoids. The crystal was also believed to soothe lower back pain and reduce room stings.

Emotional healing energy.

Heliotrope is able to instill great power in the body and mind, increases the ability to control and manage one's own power, teaches one to use strength and courage correctly. He provides emotional support during times of emergency and helps those who have been bullied or abandoned.

Heliotrope returns to such people the connection with the Divine, revealing to them the truth that loneliness and isolation are just a simple illusion. The crystal teaches that chaos often precedes transformation, tells you when it is appropriate to use a strategy and get away from a conflict situation.

Heliotrope leads to flexibility and making the right decisions that will put us on the right path. The crystal calms the emotional body, dispels clutter, and speeds up decision making by supporting feelings of worth, self-confidence, and self-reliance.

Possessing the ability to ease the collision of the facts of physical mortality and death, the heliotrope is an excellent talisman for incurable and seriously ill people. His abilities give strength and courage to look death in the eye, to fight an incurable disease in all possible ways.

Chakras, the healing and balancing energy of the stone.

Heliotrope is an intense healing stone and has long cleansed and rebuilt the low heart chakras. Harmonizing the body, he helped to overcome the misfortunes and anxieties that arose during the restructuring of these energies. Heliotrope has a special effect on the Main and Heart Chakras.

The Base or Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and governs the energies of movement and kinesthetic senses. It is the basis of physical and spiritual energy for the body. With signs of physical imbalance, such as lethargy, reduced levels of physical activity and enthusiasm, there is a need for constant stimulation.

In the absence of harmony in spiritual energies, a person feels fickle, divorced from reality. The red crystalline energy of heliotrope is used to clear blockages and restore balance to the Core Chakra. In balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, the spiritual energy is safe and in a sense of its own power. This often leads to independence and immediate leadership.

  • The Heart Chakra, located near the center of the sternum, governs our interaction with the outside world and governs what we embrace and resist.
  • This gives us the opportunity to be in harmony and balance with ourselves within the environment.
  • When the Heart Chakra is out of balance, we may feel led in relationships, lose control and control, and criticize the little flaws and flaws of others.

We begin to react very sharply and emotionally to external everyday stimuli. The green crystalline energy of heliotrope is used to release blockages and rebalance the Heart Chakra, helping us to see our own needs and emotions clearly. With a quick change in emotional behavior, the stone will help you understand its cyclicality and calmly accept the changes.

Heliotrope: spiritual energy.

Heliotrope is a stone of courage and wisdom, noble sacrifice and altruistic character. It stimulates the Christ consciousness urge within oneself and helps to bring true spirituality into daily life. As a mystical stone, heliotrope provides awareness of truth and spiritual intuition.

The heliotrope crystal grounds and protects the soul on many levels: enhancing intuition, dispelling clutter in the mind, warding off negativity and unwanted energies. Because its color can change depending on the light, heliotrope is called a shape-shifting stone.

He directs to move invisibly between the worlds, teaches to communicate in various matters. Among all its properties is the ability to use the crystal in order to gain access to the spiritual matters of the ancestors to heal the hereditary line. Dispelling negative images, heliotrope allows you to live in the present, where the past does not present any obstacles.

Color energy.

Heliotrope carries mainly green energy. He is a "crystal of growth" - a powerful pipeline of the life force of the earth, carrying the development, creation and constant renewal of the force of nature. This crystal provides powerful nurturing and nurturing to young, fledgling relationships as well as a new business project or venture.

Heliotrope helps to maintain the correct course of the enterprise, keeps the project on schedule, controls the course of life.

  • It is a talisman of physical growth and strength, and it also provides safety on the journey.
  • Large central areas of red energy in heliotrope bring self-confidence based on fearlessness, call to action and excitement.
  • It raises enthusiasm and speeds up the metabolism. Red reflects the color of passion, energy and life.
  • It motivates. It is a very strong color - the color of fire and blood.

Dark red crystals embody strong, deep feelings, lasting energy and soothe passion. This is a masculine color, especially useful for increasing devotion and understanding the seriousness of life.

Meditation with heliotrope.

Heliotrope is a wonderful aid for contemplation, prayer and meditation, and provides a calm, harmonious energy conducive to concentration and persuasion. The stone organizes a personal connection with the Divine, conveys to the owner the meaning of the statement "to be here and now." It brings the knowledge that turmoil precedes perfection and provides practical guidance on how to achieve the signs of harmony, adaptability and strength.

Heliotrope and predictions.

Known as the "harbinger of rain," jasper has been revered since ancient times as a weather-foretelling stone that magically influences rain and wind. It was believed that the stone warned of drought and severe storms, called for economical use of the harvest during this period. Heliotrope, green and brown jasper have all these properties. Jasper was also used by the Indians to detect the presence of underground waters, and red jasper aroused in the owner a sensitivity to search in the bowels of the earth.

Heliotrope has also been used to predict the future as an "audible oracle", using the sounds of wind, rain, or thunder to answer questions or warn of danger.

The meaning of heliotrope in divination: You can get what you want when you persistently and politely repeat the request until you are heard.

In the old days, it was believed that a dream with a heliotrope crystal promises a long life and sad news.


Origin of heliotrope: legends

About the heliotrope are known legends associated with the death of Christ.

People believed that the blood of Jesus fell to the ground and this formed the heliotrope. A slightly modified legend speaks of drops of blood that fell on jasper, which gave rise to the formation of heliotrope. Because of this, it was used as an ornamental material in the manufacture of bowls and other church attributes.

But the Greek version of the name of the heliotrope means "stone of the sun", this indicates its more ancient history. It was believed that he personifies the course of the sun across the sky. Ancient people believed that it could change the color and direction of the sun's rays if placed in water.

How to wear and care for heliotrope?

Now everyone is used to setting any stones in precious metals: gold, platinum, silver. But there are minerals that should be framed in a metal that is not quite usual for decoration. These include heliotrope. It shows its properties most clearly if it is sent to:

  1. brass;
  2. iron;
  3. nickel-plated steel.

They will help the stone enhance its effect, because metal is a conductor of the energy of stones, and metal alien to stone can destroy magical properties.

If the heliotrope is in the ring, then it should be worn on the index or ring finger. The brooch with this mineral should be in the very middle of the chest. If it is in a pendant, pendant or long beads, then they should go down to the level of the solar plexus.

The heliotrope can be made stronger by wearing it in the form of bracelets. But they must be on both hands. The heliotrope needs to be discharged and charged, no matter how strange it may sound. Once a month, it is worth putting it under a stream of cool water, where it will be discharged and get rid of negative energy. After that, the heliotrope is placed to charge in direct sunlight. You can further enhance its power by being next to rock crystal.

Being a fairly hard stone, heliotrope should still be carefully protected from scratches. He does not like sudden changes in temperature. The stone should be washed with warm water and a mild soap solution, but without the use of aggressive household chemicals. Wipe the heliotrope with a soft cloth with gentle blotting movements. When doing household chores, physical exercises, jewelry with a stone must be removed so as not to damage it.

Who Shouldn't Wear Heliotrope?

Emotional people who do not have firm confidence in their goals and actions should not wear this stone. The heliotrope itself, bringing trouble and inconvenience, will accompany the fact that such a person will try to get rid of it.

  • It is definitely worth wearing a heliotrope for those who are distinguished by increased efficiency, are stubborn in achieving goals, are clearly sure of what they want, and go to this in all ways available to them.
  • With the help of this mineral, such a person will be able to bypass all obstacles in his path, any task will be up to him. But heliotrope should be feared by fanatics who act thoughtlessly and ahead.
  • If a person is engaged in activities in the field of science, studying languages, then the heliotrope will be the best assistant to him, because he brings knowledge. He will be the best talisman for all strong-willed people: he will give help in carrying out his plan, take away deceivers and will not allow anyone who has planned something wrong to approach.
  • Heliotrope gives courage and strength to those who can make friends with him. The most severe ruler will soften and go towards the one who wears this stone.

But those who are inclined to live a quiet life, enjoying comfort and blissful idleness, lovers who seek to find peace in each other's arms, heliotrope will force them to leave their comfort zone. Therefore, they should not purchase jewelry with this stone.


Heliotrope is not the stone that will accompany love and peace. On the contrary, he, rather, denies happiness in love nests, and it will not be possible to win victories on the love front with him. He, as it were, “drives away” love so that it does not interfere with love for work.

Magicians, astrologers often use heliotrope in their activities. It allows them to learn the laws of karma, the secrets of the cosmos and the universe. He helps all thinking people reach a high intellectual level. He especially favors those who saw themselves in the field of jurisprudence and medicine.

A stone with the "blood of Jesus" can help control the biorhythms of the body, meditation with it opens your eyes to the treatment of any disease. It is even believed that it contains the secrets of alchemical formulas. Thus, if a person is open to the world, active, purposeful and has a broad outlook, then the heliotrope will become his best friend and helper.

Heliotrope and magic

Back in the Middle Ages, magicians and sorcerers, armed with bracelets and rings with heliotrope, performed their rituals. It is generally accepted that this stone greatly enhances the effect of the word spoken in the spell. But it is worth noting that it is applicable only in light magic, in dark matters it will be a poor helper.

Even if a person wearing a heliotrope says a few unkind words after his enemy, the power of the stone can provoke the evil eye. You can unknowingly turn the power of the heliotrope on yourself, but then all the negativity will fall on the one who uttered unkind words.

  • Lions, Cancers and Taurus will be able to use the power of this mineral for their own benefit.
  • Sagittarius, Aries and Scorpio, on the contrary, should not have this stone with them.

But the opinions of astrologers often differ, so it’s still worth focusing more on personal qualities, and not on the date of birth.

Believing that bloody jasper contains particles of the blood of Christ, people in ancient times made amulets and amulets with this stone. Heliotrope has quite strong magical properties. Hindus believe that he is able to create a strong protective field around his owner.

The effect of the heliotrope is interesting in that it makes the person who wears it an altruist. Encouraging a person to selfless actions, self-sacrifice, protection from arrogance - these are the qualities that people so often lack. And it is them that this stone awakens in its owner.

The healing properties of heliotrope

Treatment with heliotrope is carried out in all body systems.

It has a special effect on the circulatory system. The ability of this mineral to stop the blood is well known. Famous writers of the Middle Ages also described cases of famous people wearing heliotrope amulets to stop nose and other bleeding.

History knows a fact told by a Spanish missionary. According to him, he cured the plague-stricken Indians. When they began to bleed, he gave them a piece of heliotrope to hold in their hands. People were miraculously healed after that.

Stopping hemorrhages, cleansing the blood, increasing the level of hemoglobin - this is what this mineral is capable of. These actions are a consequence of improving the work of the body and brain, mental activity. This stone is also a real enemy of cholesterol.

The heliotrope stone also has a significant effect on the stomach. Pain in it, any infectious diseases will go away faster if, along with traditional treatment, the patient carries a mineral with him, which will enhance the regenerative functions of the body. Peptic ulcers, gastritis, heartburn - relief for those who wear heliotrope bracelets is guaranteed.

Help with vision problems

Eye diseases are recommended to be treated by looking at heliotrope stones. Bites of poisonous snakes should be neutralized with stone powder mixed with honey. The same recipe is suitable for various tumors. For a day, the mineral is able to heal from purulent abscesses.

And yet, having a stone as a talisman and psychological support, you should not fully rely on its magical properties, ignoring traditional medicine. The magic of any object consists in believing in it, and this has a very good effect on the healing process, and why not choose the heliotrope as an amulet for this.


It is believed that the owner of heliotrope gem jewelry normalizes the hemoglobin content in the blood, stabilizes blood pressure and improves heart function.

In the Middle Ages, heliotrope bracelets were worn (preferably on both hands) to stop bleeding. The stone is able to help restore both the physical strength of a person after surgery, and calm the nervous system, revitalize the brain.

Physical properties

According to its structure, the stone has a cryptocrystalline disordered lattice. What color is the heliotrope? This mineral has a dark green color, as well as red spots or streaks of iron oxide. The surface is shiny, the fracture is uneven, and the hardness is 6.5-7. The stone does not have transparency, magnetism, iridescence, does not react with hydrochloric acid, and still does not have plasticity or malleability.

The history of the stone and its discovery

Previously, the stone was called bloody oriental jasper or bloody. Due to this, it is believed that he has magical and mystical abilities.

  • The heliotrope was known in ancient Egypt, its properties are described in papyri found by archaeologists.
  • In the Middle Ages, in the 12th century, it was believed that properties could change good weather, and also cause rains.
  • It was also believed that the spots are the blood of Christ, which was petrified in green jasper.

Often there are drops of yellow color, and then the stone is called plasma. It was this beautiful mineral that the priests fell in love with, who widely use it in decorating ritual clothing, as well as accessories.

Deposits and features of formation

The largest deposits where heliotrope is mined is Russia (Urals), it is mined in Australia, Brazil, China, as well as Central Asia and Egypt.

Quartz is mostly of volcanic origin and heliotrope is no exception.

Its formation occurs in lava flows, and in order for the heliotrope to acquire its properties, a low temperature and the presence of water are necessary.

The magma that erupts from the crater of the volcano has a huge temperature, but when it flows down and comes into contact with water, it cools down. The heliotrope appears in the voids that form at this moment.

A heliotrope can form not only in volcanic lava flows. To make it appear, geothermal springs are also suitable, which are easy to find in areas of volcanic activity.

Opinion of lithotherapists

According to experts, the stone is able to influence the blood, heliotrope is able to stop bleeding, prevent hemorrhage, improve its flow, relieve pain during the menstrual cycle, cleanse toxins and pus.

Heliotrope is also able to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, but in order for the properties to manifest as much as possible, it is necessary to wear a bracelet on each hand.

stone and magic

Natural stones have their own special properties and are widely used as magical attributes. Among the class of magicians, heliotrope has won its appreciation, and also enhances the magical effects of spells. The one who wears the stone is more determined, proactive, energetic.

  1. Its properties are most manifested in people obsessed with their profession, especially philosophers and scientists.
  2. The stone is also capable of acting as a conductor between man and outer space.
  3. With it, you can control your biorhythms, broaden your horizons and discover hidden abilities to comprehend complex sciences such as medicine, philosophy and psychology.

The writer Dante described the green heliotrope as an amulet that would protect against the effects of poison and also help its owner become invisible. But he will help only those who constantly work, repel luck in love, because, according to the writer, it interferes with hard work. Persons who are not able to complete what they started and start a new business will receive failure or trouble in return.


This stone is most suitable for Sagittarius and Cancer, heliotrope brings good luck to them, and also helps in life, makes them happy. People born under the signs of Leo and Taurus can count on the properties of heliotrope.

  • This mineral is contraindicated for Scorpios, for other signs it is nothing more than just a decoration.
  • A talisman from this mineral manifests its properties in the form of concentration of attention, the development of logic, and also concentration.
  • For philosophers or scientists born under these four signs of the zodiac, heliotrope helps develop an intellect that reaches its highest heights.

The stone helps those who seek to learn new languages, is able to influence other people, as well as nature (including inanimate). Heliotrope has nothing to do with black magic, so you should not be afraid to wear jewelry from it.


Characteristics of the mineral.

Dark green opaque chalcedony with orange-red specks or stripes. This is a variety of jasper - a green stone, on which, if you look closely, barely noticeable or well-defined red spots appear and their magic number is always determined.
Hediotrope is also called green jasper with streaks of red oxidized hematite. According to Christian tradition, the red spots and stripes symbolize the "blood of Christ." Therefore, the heliotrope is widely used in Western cult objects (for example, panagia). The heliotrope used to be called the stone of St. Stephen or Stephan stone. Known as the "bloody stone".
According to medieval beliefs, the red spots represent "drops of the blood of Christ", which was shed at the foot of the cross, so magical power was attributed to the heliotrope. In legends about gems, much attention is paid to this stone. The name "heliotrope" (from the Greek "sun" and "turn") indicates to us the property of reflecting the rays of the sun when the stone is immersed in water. The green color of the heliotrope is associated with celadonite inclusions, characteristic bloody red spots (large and small) - with hematite inclusions. Jewelry, men's rings, seals, etc. are made from heliotropes. Beautiful bright heliotropes are rare.

Magic properties of stones.

It was successfully used in ancient times by astrologers, soothsayers, priests, magicians. He helped in revealing and comprehending the secrets of the influence of the cosmos, the path of man on Earth, and the knowledge of the laws of karma. The talisman of people with a clear goal, but never fans. Heliotrope is a stone of practicing magicians and alchemists, priests and missionaries. The talisman gives the owner the opportunity to fulfill all his plans, removing obstacles: the owner of such a stone cannot be deceived or forced to commit actions that are harmful to him.

  • This is a talisman of very strong-willed people. But he softens the temper of the rulers, makes them accessible, exposes pests. The owner of the heliotrope gives invincible strength and courage, which makes him a talisman of warriors of any rank.
  • The stone will apply its amazing capabilities to action for the person who finds a common language with it, then the heliotrope will open all the doors and clear the way to the goal. The wearer of the stone must be a winner in his soul, and in real life he will certainly become one.
  • Heliotrope is completely useless to fruitless dreamers and will try to get rid of such a person. It is not suitable for lovers who are striving for a quiet and peaceful life together: the stone will definitely set them to work and lead them out of a closed state.

The stone was known in Ancient Egypt and is glorified in such terms in one of the papyri. There is no greater thing in the world, if someone has it with him, then he will receive everything he asks; he softens the anger of rulers and lords and makes you believe everything that the owner of the stone says. Anyone who wears this stone, if he pronounces the name carved on it, will find all the doors open, and the stones of the walls will crack and fall apart.


supernatural influence

Since ancient times, the heliotrope has been considered one of the most important stones in magic and alchemy. Medieval sorcerers wore rings and bracelets with heliotrope when performing spells and in magical rites, as it was believed that it enhances the effect of the magic word and ritual. Alchemists, using this stone, tried to penetrate the secrets of the Universe, using it as a conductor between man and the Cosmos.

Other miraculous qualities were also attributed to him. Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy writes that the heliotrope makes a person invisible and protects against the effects of poison. The owner of this stone has the ability to study foreign languages, philosophy, psychology, medicine.

However, it should be remembered that this mineral “honestly serves” only those people who have firmly chosen the direction of their professional activity, as well as those who are obsessed with their work and are trying to do everything to acquire and improve their professional skills. For people who cannot focus on any one thing, this stone is contraindicated to wear. Heliotrope does not tolerate the throwing of the owner and will harm him, attracting failures and even troubles.

The stone helps diligent workers to achieve success in work, makes them happy, but it drives away love luck (because it distracts a person from love for work).

Astrologers say that the heliotrope is simultaneously associated with Saturn, the Moon and Venus, so it gives its owner the ability to influence other people, animate and inanimate nature. It should be worn by Leo, Taurus and Cancer. In no case should you have Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries. For the rest of the signs of the zodiac, this stone will be a common decoration, since they are not interested in them.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman, heliotrope brings happiness to the military, lawyers and representatives of the law - it contributes to their concentration, concentration, and develops tactical data. This stone helps scientists and philosophers to reach the highest intellectual level.

  • As an ornamental stone, the heliotrope was especially valued in cases where bright spots on a dark background could participate in the image, and was used for carving and decorating church utensils and priests' clothes.
  • The stone was known in ancient Egypt and is glorified in one of the papyri in such terms: there is no greater thing in the world, if someone has it with him, then he will receive everything he asks; he softens the anger of rulers and lords and makes you believe everything that the owner of the stone says.
  • Each wearer of the heliotrope, if he utters the name carved on it, will find all the doors open, and the stones of the walls will crack and fall apart.

According to the beliefs of the XII century, the heliotrope is able to change the good weather and cause rain. In addition, it was believed that the stone stops bleeding, provides the owner with long life and health, gives him the gift of prophecy and the ability to guess future events, glorifies those to whom he was presented, suppresses the rush of blood and neutralizes poisons.

Invisible protection

One of these properties is mentioned by Dante in the Divine Comedy, saying that the heliotrope protects against poison and makes the wearer invisible.

Giorgio Vasari, a biographer of Italian Renaissance artists, said that one day he began to have a severe nosebleed, which the artist Luca Signorelli stopped by stroking a heliotrope amulet between Vasari's shoulder blades, and then hanging this amulet around his neck.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the Indians used a heliotrope amulet in the shape of a heart to stop bleeding. The greatest effect was observed when the stone was immersed in cold water and then held in the right hand. The Spanish missionary to America, Bernardino de Sahagún, wrote that in 1574 he healed many Indians who were close to death from blood loss from plague by giving them a piece of heliotrope in their hand.

The famous Robert Boyle, in his Essays on the Origin and Properties of Gems (1672), not at all believing in the mysterious properties of gems, nevertheless says that one of his acquaintances suffered from nosebleeds, but got rid of them by wearing a heliotrope around his neck, Boyle assumed that the whole point was in the self-hypnosis of the patient, that the stone would help him.


Deposits and history of stone

The highest quality and richest natural deposits of this mineral are located in Egypt and not far from Indian Calcutta. It is also actively mined in Australia, Brazil and the United States (in Wyoming and California). The Chinese and Central Asian deposits have not completely exhausted themselves, but in Russia the Ural Mountains are the most significant place for the production of heliotrope.

This amazingly beautiful stone has been known to mankind since the time of the Ancient Roman Empire and Ancient Hellas, where, in fact, it received its “official name”, indicating how much it was revered by the locals.

The heliotrope was considered a talisman worthy of emperors and pharaohs, therefore gems from the heliotrope that belonged to representatives of the royal family were often found in excavations, a number of which are still kept in the Hermitage collection.

The magical properties of heliotrope

It is difficult to find a semi-precious stone with as many mysteries and myths associated with it as with heliotrope, perhaps because it occupied a special place in the treatises of alchemists and magical practices. As a rule, it was used together with the flower of the same name to enhance the effect of secret rites and spells.

  1. So, for example, it is well known that the ancient priests, witches and sorcerers wore jewelry with heliotrope. They believed that such a talisman would strengthen their abilities several times and strengthen their energy.
  2. This stone was also “loved” by women, who, with the help of a special spell and a stone worn on the neck or arm, blinded men, remaining invisible to them.
  3. But the gem in the form of a bat, engraved on a stone, was designed to protect its owner from any demons, giving him the strength to fight their attacks and spells.
  4. Alchemists used it as a kind of conductor between the Universe and the Earth to learn the secrets of the Cosmos.

Christian ministers did not bypass the stone, thus recognizing its power and strength. They believed that the heliotrope was in the place where Jesus was crucified, and the brown blotches on the surface of the mineral were nothing but the blood of the Savior who suffered for the faith. That is why the stone was actively used and is used to decorate the decorations of the clergy and accessories for various ceremonies and rituals.

Help for health

Many ancient medical treatises over the centuries have repeatedly recorded evidence praising the ability of the mineral to literally instantly stop any kind of bleeding. The properties of the coagulant provide the mineral with the presence of iron in it, more precisely, its oxide, by the way, the first written data testifying to the ability of the heliotrope to cleanse the blood and kidneys of toxins and toxins were registered by Mesopotamian physicians around the 3rd century BC. BC.

  • Then, this fact was confirmed in the XVI century. Monardes, who talked about how the Spaniards and the natives of New Spain cut the stone in the form of a heart to use it as a powerful cure for bleeding and open wounds.
  • The strongest effect was achieved when the stone was moistened with cold water and allowed to be held by the patient with the right hand, from time to time lowering it into cold water.
  • But the healers of Medieval Europe and the Middle East added crushed heliotrope to honey or egg white. This mixture was applied to tumors, hemorrhages and snake bites, and, according to Alfonso Granilny, such a drug cleared the abscess from putrefactive processes in just a day.

This is due to the fact that the powdered form of the mineral has extreme dryness and high temperature, and this quickly dries out all the secretions on the wounds, incl. and pus. He also wrote that even looking at a stone could help correct eye diseases.


Modern scientists, experts in the field of lithotherapy, attribute a wider range of properties to the heliotrope. They believe that the mineral really has powerful energy, affecting the cardiovascular tissues, accelerating their metabolic processes and saturating them with useful substances, and in patients with metabolic disorders and atherosclerosis, the application of heliotrope enhances the supply of nutrients to all organs.

  • Heliotrope has a strong positive effect on the immune system, stimulating its work, especially in the presence of any infectious diseases, helps in the treatment of genitourinary problems, anesthetizes the course of the menstrual cycle, cleanses the bladder and kidneys of toxins and toxins, and also stimulates the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • It is recommended to use it for intestinal poisoning and, as before, to cleanse the circulatory system and treat hematopoietic processes, increase the amount of hemoglobin.

Very often, the mineral is used in the treatment of psychological problems, for example, the so-called psychological infertility, as well as in severe depressive states, stress and overexertion of the body. It is often referred to as the "mother's stone" because heliotrope helps build bond between a mother and her child.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers also endow this mineral with quite strong properties, associating it with three celestial planets at once - Venus, Saturn and the Moon (which, oddly enough, runs counter to its name "solar"). Heliotrope helps to develop tolerance, calmness and tolerance in people, helping them achieve their goals and objectives, but at the same time, the stone is quite capable of making a real fanatic out of a person, moreover, in any field.

The mineral is ideal for Cancer and Sagittarius, helping them to “correctly” build their careers and develop professionally and personally, but at the same time, its strong energy, acting only in this direction, can harm these signs in love relationships.

  1. In Aries, the heliotrope develops creativity, stimulating the generation of new thoughts, allowing you to become pioneers and inventors in many areas and undertakings.
  2. Signs such as Leo and Taurus are not recommended to wear heliotrope - their vitality is enough to do without the help of this mineral.
  3. Scorpions can wear a talisman with a heliotrope, but at the same time remember that a stone can calm down an aggressive beginning, which will be very useful in communicating with family members, but at the same time it can be very harmful in a career, therefore, you need to choose the “golden mean”.

A stone that influences animate and inanimate nature is recommended for people born under the sign of the elements of fire (Lions), earth (Taurus) and water (Cancers). It is not advised to buy it for Aries, Sagittarius and Scorpios.

If you are a representative of a different zodiac sign, then you can safely wear jewelry with these amazing stones that combine the natural beauty of the mineral and the man-made jeweler.

Heliotrope in the art of feng shui

The stone actively uses the energy of the development of a new beginning, growth, health, which allows you to increase the vitality of people, keep them in the necessary tone. That is why green heliotrope pebbles are best used in the nursery, in the dining room and in the office in the southeastern and eastern areas of the premises, which are responsible for family well-being and prosperity.

The use of stone in modern life

The mineral belongs to the category of semi-precious stones that have been actively used and are being used in the jewelry industry. It is used to create spectacular pendants, luxurious amulets, chic beads, earrings and other women's and men's jewelry, combined with silver, with which this stone begins to "play" with new facets.

Decorative household items are made from it - gift ashtrays, small vases, key rings, rosaries, figurines. The real art is the ability to use the natural pattern of the stone to the maximum.

Summing up, it can be noted that the heliotrope is a truly unique stone, carrying a “train” of myths and legends. Use its properties for its intended purpose, and you will see that your life will change for the better.


Heliotrope is a mineral of the quartz group, painted in dark green color. Various impurities form red, yellow-brown spots on the surface. The origin of the name is connected with the Greek words meaning "sun", "turn". In English - Heliotrope. In the people, the stone is also called bloody, Stefan, oriental jasper, bloody jasper, red agate.

Based on the nature of the impurities, the stone has inclusions of different colors. Most often, the composition contains quartz, chalcedony, agate, iron oxide.

Plasma is considered the only subspecies of heliotrope - a type of chalcedony with a fibrous structure and no hematite admixture.

Chemical composition

The composition of the mineral is silicon oxide.

Chemical formula: SiO 2.

Syngony: cryptocrystalline.

Physical properties

  • Gloss: matte, waxy. After polishing becomes glassy.
  • Color: most often, dark green interspersed with yellow, orange, red, brown shades. The color of each sample is not uniform: dark and light spots may be present on it.
  • Fracture: uneven.
  • Group: quartz.
  • Class: semi-precious.
  • Mohs hardness: 7.
  • Specific gravity: 2.5 – 2.6 g/cm³
  • Structure: opaque.
  • There are no magnetic properties.
  • Resistant to hydrochloric acid.
  • Sensitive to mechanical influences such as shocks, scratches.
  • Refraction: up to 1.5 units.
  • Melting point: up to 1700°С


Heliotrope is a rock of volcanic origin. It arises in the voids of lava, the hot stream of which flows down the slopes of the mountain and cools down when it comes into contact with water. Geologists discover mineral deposits near active volcanoes or in their ancient locations.

Until the 17th century, heliotrope was imported to the Russian state exclusively from the East and was considered as a variety of jasper. Therefore, it was called eastern, bloody jasper; bloody. Prior to this, the last name belonged to hematite - red-brown, similar in color to gore, iron ore.

The main modern mineral deposits are located in Calcutta, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, California, Wyoming, Central Asia, and China. In Russia, the mining of the mineral takes place in the Ural Mountains.

The last discovered field is on the Scottish island of Rum.

History, mythology

Several legends are associated with the origin of the bloodstone.

According to one of them, he appeared from the drops of Christ's blood that fell to the ground at Golgotha.

In another version, it was not the blood of Jesus that was imprinted on simple cobblestones, but the preacher of Christianity, Stephen, whom unbelievers stoned in Jerusalem shortly after the crucifixion of Christ.

The mention of the mineral is found in the annals of Mesopotamia. Ancient scientists were convinced that he was able to control the natural elements, and called him "Babylonian".

Occult teachings suggested boiling the heliotrope so that the vapors released by it could hide the sun.

Areas of use

The main area of ​​​​application of the mineral is jewelry and handicrafts. Jewelry, interior items, church paraphernalia are made from it. A distinctive feature of the products is their low cost.

Zodiac sign

Astrologically, the heliotrope is associated with several planets at once: the Moon, Venus and Saturn. Hence its duality: as it contributes to the state of balance in its owner, it can do harm; helps to achieve the goal, but it acts exactly the opposite if the owner's aspirations reach fanaticism.

  • Virgo, Sagittarius and Cancer, heliotrope helps to move up the career ladder and grow as a person, but it can interfere with personal happiness.
  • In Aries, wearing this stone as an amulet stimulates the birth of new ideas.
  • Scorpios need to use the talisman with caution: it will reduce their natural aggressiveness, but it can interfere with career and sports success.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists have always considered the heliotrope a special healing stone, associating it with blood and its effect on its properties. Thus, the famous 17th-century scientist Robert Boyle, in his Essay on the Origin and Power of Precious Stones, mentions a gentleman who was worried about constant nosebleeds. The scientist sent him a heliotrope, advising him to wear it as a pendant; and while the patient was doing this, the affliction receded. But when he took it off, there was a relapse. At the same time, there was a case with a lady who lost consciousness from blood loss and came to her senses only thanks to the heliotrope. Boyle concluded that in these cases the bleeding stopped due to the cold surface of the mineral.

Modern lithotherapists note the positive effect of blood jasper energy on the entire body. It is used for:

  • treatment of the cardiovascular system;
  • saturation of tissues with useful elements;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • maintaining immunity in viral diseases;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • relieving menstrual pain;
  • cleansing the liver, intestines, bladder;
  • improvement of the condition in diseases of the urinary tract, gynecological diseases, intoxication of the body;
  • treatment of psychological infertility, depression and nervous tension;
  • stop bleeding, increase hemoglobin levels;
  • restoration of lost strength, consciousness. For this, the mineral is respected by athletes, whom it helps to maintain strength, maintain composure and concentration.

Heliotrope has a calming effect on the owner: it eliminates fears, anxiety, and regulates sleep.

Considering the mineral is useful for eye diseases. Its green color has a positive effect on vision, relieves fatigue.

With snake bites, the venom can be neutralized with blood jasper powder mixed with honey. The same recipe is effective for tumors, purulent abscesses.

magical properties

From time immemorial, heliotrope has been valued as a special stone of alchemists and magicians, who attributed to him the gift of making the sun blood-red, causing natural disasters. An old treatise by Damigeron notes that it can be used to predict the weather.

In the papyri of Ancient Egypt there is information about the greatest talisman - the heliotrope, the owner of which can have everything he wants. The Egyptians endowed him with the ability to open all doors and tear down walls.

Ancient Greek and Roman emperors revered it as a strong amulet and were in awe of it. There was a belief that if a dove was carved on a heliotrope, such a talisman would make a sick person - healthy, cruel - soft, unhappy - happy.

Medieval magicians tried to enhance their energy by constantly wearing rings and bracelets with bloody jasper. Alchemists believed that with its help they would know the Universe, considering the mineral to be a conductor of energy between the Earth and the Cosmos.

In Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy" it is mentioned that the stone can protect against poisoning and grant its owner invisibility.

The Christian Church considered the mineral as a material for decorating and creating church paraphernalia: bowls, vessels, candlesticks, crosses. The favor of the clergy to the stone was explained by the identification of red spots on it with the blood of Christ.

Wearing bloody jasper, according to magicians, makes a person more active, energetic, helps to concentrate on overcoming obstacles, solving complex problems; develops abilities for psychology and philosophy, foreign languages, medical sciences.

Those who, with the help of a talisman, decide to gain power and satisfaction of their ambitions, risk losing their minds and losing their property.

Heliotrope is not suitable as an amulet for lazy and indecisive people. He promises them only resentment and disappointment.

It is also interesting that the mineral will help only in light magic, good undertakings. If its owner says evil words to the enemy, sends a curse, then it can turn against him. Out of ignorance, a person can jinx himself. This is the other side of the heliotrope.


Jewelers use this semi-precious stone not only to make jewelry, but also to create various items - bowls, boxes, ashtrays, etc. There are several Faberge eggs made from this material. One of the copies with a carved silhouette of the cruiser "Memory of Azov" is stored in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

The faceted mineral is found in rings, earrings, brooches, and pendants. It looks especially impressive in a frame made of:

  • silver;
  • brass;
  • gland;
  • nickel-plated steel.

These metals help enhance its action.

Products made of bloody jasper are very massive and rude, for an amateur. But they always look amazing.

Among men in the 17th - 19th centuries, large signet rings with a heliotrope insert with a family coat of arms carved on its surface were popular. Such jewelry was carefully kept as a family treasure and passed down from generation to generation. The most interesting specimens are in large private collections.

Such jewelry is notable for its low cost, with the exception of stones formed in ancient times.

The price of an ancient mineral increases several times: taking into account the jewelry work and the brand, a set of necklace and bracelet can cost about $2,000.

Every month, the stone needs to be “discharged” and “charged” with energy at least once. To do this, he is kept under a stream of cool water, getting rid of the accumulated negative energy. Then they leave it in direct sunlight, thereby charging with the energy of the sun.

domestic use

By itself, the heliotrope is not used for domestic purposes. Products from it are popular. Beautiful and unusual boxes, bowls, vases, ashtrays, figurines look great in the interior. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this mineral synthesizes the positive energy of growth, vitality. Therefore, it is recommended to keep products from it in the nursery, study and living room in the southeastern and eastern zones, which are responsible for success and family well-being.

stone and name

There is no exact data on the correspondence to the names. According to one version, the bloodstone is most suitable for people with names: Vadim, Peter, Sergey, Irina, Daria, Ekaterina.

Compatibility with other stones

Experts talk about enhancing the properties of heliotrope next to rock crystal, turquoise, lapis lazuli, pearls, blue sapphire, blue agate.

Unfavorable is the compatibility of the stone with beryl, aquamarine, opal, moonstone, coral.

Differences from a fake

Heliotrope is not often faked, it is not very popular with a wide range of people. You can prove its naturalness by hardness: a fake will be easily scratched. Another way is to heat the needle and try to pierce the mineral: the natural one will not be affected.

Often, not a real heliotrope is offered for purchase: there are many varieties of quartz in nature, and if you do not know its features, you can easily confuse it with another mineral of the same group.

stone care

Masters use heliotrope for ornamental purposes. Faceted, it looks spectacular in women's and men's rings, beads, earrings, bracelets. Despite sufficient hardness, it is better to handle it with care: do not drop it, do not scratch it.

Clean the stone and products with it with a weak solution of cool water and soap. Then rinse under a thin stream and blot with a napkin or delicate cloth.

Jewelers do not recommend polishing with chemical agents: this can spoil the surface of the stone and deprive it of its shine. It is also not recommended to wear it with sudden changes in temperature.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/geliotrop-1.jpg" alt="heliotrope stone" width="300" height="283">!} Heliotrope is a stone of unusual beauty and mystical power. The natural coloring of the stone, combining contrasting shades, has been impressive since the time of Ancient Hellas. Despite the relative cheapness of the mineral, the heliotrope talisman has always been worn by powerful people. We will tell you more about the secrets, properties and healing abilities of the stone.

History and description of the gem

The Romans and Greeks of the ancient era revered the heliotrope stone, correlated it with the sun god. The name of the gem confirms this fact. A thorough translation of the term from Greek is “turn of the sun”. The Greeks believed that the magical power of the stone controls the position of the luminary in the sky and affects the weather.

In historical documents, the heliotrope is found under the name "eastern jasper", in Western European medieval descriptions - "Stefan's stone" (associated with the biblical character Stephen the First Martyr). Sometimes in various sources related to the jewelry trade, the stone is called "blood jasper". He received a sonorous name for his unusual color: bright red blotches on a black and green background. However, the base of the mineral can also be blue-green, and the spots and stripes can be cherry, orange.

A peculiar natural "design" secured the name and glory of the "bloody stone" for the gem. Often data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/g3.jpg" alt=" processed heliotrope stone" width="210" height="210">!} uninitiated people confuse it with the name "bloody", which actually belongs to red iron ore - hematite. Nevertheless, there are many legends explaining the nature of heliotrope spots. The most famous of them is connected with the torture of Christ. It is believed that this mineral, originally monochromatic, lay in abundance at the place where the terrible crucifixion took place. And the brown inclusions that later appeared on the green stones are splashes of the blood of Jesus. No wonder the stone is used in the decoration of the decorations of the ministers of the church and temple utensils.

But the science of mineralogy does not believe in myths and otherwise explains the mysterious spots of stone. Heliotrope itself is an opaque variety of cryptocrystalline silica, most often a chalcedonic subspecies of dense quartz. Impurities that create a unique pattern are chalcedony inclusions, iron oxides and hydroxides of other minerals.

Heliotrope and deposit properties

The chemical and physical properties of the gem are similar to those of chrysoprase. It is quite hard, but subject to deformation, fragility is high. The color is not stable in the light. Such factors as pleochroism, magnetism, iridescence, malleability are not inherent in it. Heliotrope is insoluble in hydrochloric acid. The natural shape before processing is an oval or an octagon with jagged edges. Valued as a collector's item.

The gem has a unique variety - plasma. Its chemical composition is slightly different - there is no admixture of hematite. Outwardly, it differs from other samples in that it does not have a “bloody” pattern, but yellow blotches. Their combinations with a dark blue-green base look no less impressive.

Heliotrope jewelry has a rich history. Traditionally, these are gems and cameos, later rings spread, especially for men. It is cut either cabochon or table cut. Many items were found during excavations. A significant part of such samples is stored in St. Petersburg, in the Hermitage Museum.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The highest quality and valuable stones for jewelers and collectors are mined in India and in Australian deposits. Also suppliers of heliotrope to the world market are Russia (Urals), Brazil, China, Central Asia (Bukhara), USA (California).

Heliotrope in magical interpretations

The power of the magical properties of heliotrope has been used since antiquity. In the time of the pharaohs in Egypt, the stone was credited with the ability to open any lock, open any door. And also to tame the rage of the despot and make believe everything that the bearer of the stone says. Modern people use this knowledge in the following way: a talisman in the form of jewelry with a heliotrope helps to solve important matters, often depending on officials, bosses, etc.

Since ancient times, the heliotrope also refers to minerals that awaken in the owner the gift of foresight, prediction. Heliotrope is the best assistant to novice magicians, it enhances the power of love spells and spells. The gem also helps interpreters of dreams, fortunetellers on the Tarot, as it subtly affects the intuition of its owner.

Necromancers especially respected the stone in magic. In this magical direction, the heliotrope is called the precious Babylonian gem. They boiled it in water, being sure that the vapors of the potion darkened the daylight and the Sun, and contributed to the acceleration of contact with the world of the dead. In the future, such experiments passed into the practice of medieval alchemists, among whom were very eminent people.

One of the remarkable evidence that the heliotrope was held in high esteem by the nobility, in respect by sorcerers, has come down to our times in the form of the seal of King Rudolf II. He was fond of alchemy and quite often resorted to the use of a gem. His heliotrope seal ring with coat of arms and family regalia is not the only artifact that has been preserved for posterity. There are other examples that serve as a role model for modern jewelers and craftsmen.

Heliotrope in lithotherapy

Treatment with oriental jasper was a fairly common practice in the old days. All ailments related to blood circulation were tried to be cured with this stone. Healers tried to stop bleeding with the help of a gem. Modern lithotherapists recommend using heliotrope in the following situations:

  1. if you want to increase hemoglobin;
  2. to normalize pressure;
  3. to activate the brain;
  4. if you need stimulation of the immune system;
  5. in case of poisoning and removal of toxins from the body.

In addition to these processes, heliotrope can help in the treatment of atherosclerosis, gynecological pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system. It is believed that heliotrope relieves women of the syndrome of "false infertility". .jpg" alt=" heliotrope in jewelry" width="150" height="150">!}

Separately, it should be noted the beneficial effect of blood jasper on the psychogenic state of a person. The gem helps with neurotic disorders, relieves stress, expels psychological trauma, acts as a powerful energy purifier.

A gem in astrology: the zodiacal properties of the heliotrope and who suits the stone

In astrological teachings, the mineral is endowed with powerful cosmic power, which is associated with the planets Venus and Saturn. But from the celestial bodies, despite the “solar” root of the name and the mythological connection with the Sun, the Moon still patronizes the heliotrope. At least that's what modern astrologers insist on.

Jpg" alt="Cancer" width="50" height="38"> Рак – знак зодиака, которому восточная яшма подходит по магическим свойствам идеально. Особенно для профессионального развития и стремительного подъема в карьере.!}

Jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="50" height="50"> Стрелец. Представителям этого созвездия гелиотроп поможет в личностном самовоспитании. Для них есть некоторая опасность слишком зациклиться на себе под воздействием талисмана и утратить любовную составляющую жизни.!}

Jpg" alt="Aries" width="50" height="50"> Овен. Их зодиакальный прогноз в отношении самоцвета – творческая стимуляция, рождение новых идей. С талисманом из восточной яшмы несложно стать первооткрывателем, изобретателем, большим художником.!}

Jpg" alt="Scorpio" width="50" height="50"> Скорпион. Гелиотроп укрощает агрессивные корни характера этих сложных натур. На общение с близким кругом это повлияет прекрасно, а вот карьере может и помешать. Возможно, следует подобрать другой самоцвет.!}

For Taurus and Leo, the mineral is not recommended as an amulet.

In order for bloody jasper to reveal its good magical properties more strongly, there are a number of rules on how to wear this whimsical stone:

  • A ring with a heliotrope insert should show off on the ring or index finger of any hand.
  • The brooch should be pinned closer to the center of the chest.
  • Thread-beads and pendants should be of maximum length.
  • Bracelets can be worn on any wrist and alternated in the sock.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/g5-150x150.jpg" alt="heliotrope jewelry" width="150" height="150"> Поскольку за самоцветом отмечено энергетическое начало роста, жизнестойкости, то будут полезными советы расположить камни гелиотропа в детских комнатах, местах семейной трапезы и в рабочих кабинетах. В учении фен-шуй кровавую яшму следует держать в зонах комнат восточного и юго-восточного направлений. Считается, что правильная расстановка камней дает семье благополучие и надёжный фундамент.!}

This applies not only to individual "piece" gems in their raw form, but also to decorative household items, which are often presented as gifts. Ashtrays, vases, mini figurines can also play the role of heliotrope amulets for the home, become a lightning rod for misfortunes and family troubles.

stone care

The characteristic of heliotrope reminds us not only of its high hardness, but also of its brittleness. Therefore, a natural gem requires care and maintenance. By the way, about authenticity: not all sellers of chalcedony products are clean, and, alas, they also fake heliotrope. Before buying, you should carefully study the description of the mineral, find out how it really looks. You can check the hardness by scratching, but after the acquisition - it is unlikely that in the salon or even on the market they will spoil the appearance of the jewelry.

Caring for jewelry and items made of heliotrope is simple: wash with a mild soapy solution and dry with dry, soft cloths. Since the gem is often combined with silver, this care option is the most optimal.

When choosing a bloody jasper as a talisman, it should be remembered that this stone is specific, ancient, with a large train of various legends. This is a single gem, it does not carry love. Therefore, its qualities must be used for a specific purpose, and having achieved your goal, remove the amulet. Then the heliotrope will be truly useful and will change the life of its owner for the better.

Heliotrope(from the Greek words "helios" - the sun, "trope" - turn). In English-speaking countries, the heliotrope is often called "bloody stone" (from the English "bloodstone"). Not to be confused with a bloody!

Origin and chemical composition

Heliotrope is an opaque variety with bright red stripes and spots. The red inclusions are flakes of oxidized hematite. Their size can vary from only 0.2 to 3 mm. The heliotrope shines through only in very thin chips. The stone is colored green by the mineral celadonite, the inclusions of which are evenly distributed throughout the mass of the heliotrope.

heliotrope price

Heliotrope is used mainly as an ornamental stone and is notable for its low cost.

Physico-chemical properties of heliotrope

  • The chemical formula is SiO2.
  • Color - dark green with bright red spots.
  • The syngony is a cryptocrystalline aggregate.
  • Hardness - 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 2.5-2.6 g per cm3.
  • The break is uneven.
  • Gloss - matte.

Varieties of heliotrope

Plasma is a type of mineral. Like heliotrope, it is composed of chalcedony, which has a fibrous structure. Plasma differs from heliotrope only by the absence of hematite inclusions.

Processing and use

Since ancient times, heliotrope has been used as an ornamental stone in the manufacture of jewelry for church utensils and priests' clothes. Many ecclesiastical objects made of mineral are today stored in the Kremlin Armory and the Hermitage.

Nowadays, heliotrope is used for the manufacture of small art products, amulets and talismans. Bottles, caskets or various inserts into decorative objects are made from it.

Heliotrope deposits

The main heliotrope deposits are located in Russia (Urals), Australia, Brazil, the US states of Wyoming and California, as well as in Central Asia and China. In addition, good quality stones have long been supplied to the world market from the vicinity of the city of Calcutta in India.

The magical properties of heliotrope

Since ancient times, heliotrope has been credited with magical abilities. Medieval sorcerers used it in spells and rituals. It was believed that the owner of this stone acquired amazing abilities to study philosophy, psychology and medicine. At the same time, the mineral was endowed with another peculiar property - the ability to change and reflect the light of the sun's rays, if it is immersed in a vessel with water. When the stone was taken out of the water, it announced a solar eclipse, showing the approaching moon. In the XII century. believed that heliotrope could cause rain.

Medicinal properties

Heliotropes are believed to have strong medicinal properties. They have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, increasing the amount of hemoglobin, and help stop hemorrhages. This stone helps the most when it is worn in the form of bracelets on both hands. Heliotrope helps to restore the normal functioning of the whole organism and increase mental activity. The stone improves the nutrition of internal organs in atherosclerosis and metabolic diseases associated with reduced vascular permeability. Heliotrope is also considered to be an immune system stimulant in the fight against infections or poisoning. The mineral helps cleanse the bone marrow, liver, spleen, intestines, kidneys and bladder. In addition, it helps to resist stress and relieves nervous tension.


It is recommended to wear it to Sagittarius and Cancer. It is very contraindicated - Scorpio, Taurus and Leo.


The ancient Greeks believed that a stone called heliotrope could influence the position of the sun in the sky. A mineral with this name is already mentioned in the writings of the philosopher Pliny the Elder, dated to the 1st century BC. BC e. In Christian culture, the characteristic spots on the surface of the heliotrope were identified with the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, such stones were called bloody. Another name that appeared in the Middle Ages is "Stefan's stone", in honor of St. Stephen. He was considered the best amulet.

In ancient India, the heliotrope was a symbol of courage and wisdom. In Indian yoga, he was considered as a stone with a strong energy field that can protect against negative influences. It was believed that heliotrope jewelry helped to soften the wrath of rulers and lords. In ancient Egypt, the stone was also endowed with special magical properties - all doors would be open to its owner. Another name for the heliotrope, fixed in history, is oriental jasper.

The Indians used heart-shaped mineral amulets to stop bleeding. The Spanish missionary Bernardino de Sahagun noted that in 1574 he healed many Indians who were close to death from blood loss from the plague. All thanks to the fact that he gave them a piece of heliotrope to hold in their hand.