What is a good washing powder? Selection of funds: the basics. Ecover ZERO NON BIO Universal

The duties of modern powders include effective removal soiling, preserving the quality and color of the fabric, pleasant smell, fabric conditioning, protecting parts in the washing machine by softening the water.

Laundry products must also meet safety standards. They should not contain phosphates, ammonia, boron, silicates, chlorine-containing substances. The presence of toxic acids is allowed no more than 1%, flavors no more than 0.01%.

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    Types and forms

    The powder is divided into two main types - this is for hand washing and for machine washing. When choosing, this is what you should pay attention to. Special attention, the result can directly depend on this:

    • Means for hand washing. They contain substances that enhance the formation of foam. Foam helps to remove stains when washing by hand and enhances the effect of active ingredients.
    • Means for the washing machine. Powders for automatic machines do not form a lot of foam. A large amount of foam in the unit does not allow the laundry to be completely immersed in water, and this negatively affects the quality of the wash.

    The release form is as follows:

    • Powder.
    • Concentrate or liquid gel.
    • Dissolvable tablets.
    • Granules.

    baby powder

    Now parents are actively using washing powders for children. They are sure that they are hypoallergenic and harmless. They are available for both washing machines and hand washing. But when choosing, you need to pay attention to the following:

    • the presence of baby soap in the composition;
    • lack of fragrances;
    • the most natural composition;
    • absence of strong chemical additives, phosphates, chlorine, bleaches.

    When washing with baby powder, it should dissolve well and rinse out. But the packaging should be marked with permission to use for processing the things of newborns.


    Laundry products can be divided into types:

    • Ordinary . Suitable for laundry medium degree pollution.
    • Auxiliary . They are used for processing and softening fabrics.
    • Products with active ingredients . Used for pre-soaking. Tackle stubborn stains.
    • Special . Such funds can be for woolen things, for black, colored or white. They may have a color fixer.
    • Universal. Used to remove any degree of contamination.


    • Surface-active elements. The removal of pollution and the amount of foam depend on their quantity. The normal amount of these substances is from 2 to 5%. These elements can cause an allergic reaction or skin irritation. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.
    • Bleachers. May be chemical or optical. Contains elements of chlorine and peroxide. Effective for pre-soaking. The chemical components of bleach are rarely included in the composition modern means for washing. There are optical in almost all powder products. They do not fight dirt well and give the linen a blue tint.
    • Antisorbents. Helps to repel dirt from fabrics after washing.
    • Fragrances and fragrances. They remove chemical odors and give things a pleasant aroma. May cause allergic reactions.
    • Fluorides and chlorides. Disinfect and prevent the formation of scale in the washing machine. Can cause skin irritation.
    • sulfates and phosphates. Improve the action of active ingredients and soften water. The normal content of phosphates is considered to be from 5 to 10%. IN European countries these components are prohibited. Thorough rinsing is recommended.
    • Granules for the formation of foam. They are harmless, increase the effectiveness of active ingredients.
    • Dietary Supplements or Enzymes . Used for pre-soaking at low temperatures from 30 to 50 degrees. At high temperatures lose their effectiveness.


    Suitable for colored and white fabrics. The composition includes bleaching components and enzymes that effectively eliminate impurities.

    Eliminates yellowness from white things. It has an antibacterial effect and does not contain chlorine components.

    The disadvantages include the presence of a strong smell.


    It copes well with the removal of dirt, but is not very effective in removing difficult stains. With regular use, it does not allow things to become stagnant (retains its original whiteness). Rinse well.

    It has a large number of active components. Contains zeolites. It is not recommended to use this brand of powder for washing dark fabrics.

    eared babysitter

    In the rating of washing powders eared babysitter occupies a leading position. Despite the fact that the composition does not meet the requirements baby powder he is very popular. When using this detergent, you may experience allergic reactions.

    The pluses include the effectiveness of removing stains. Removes impurities from fruit puree, baby juices, etc. Practically odorless. Little expense.


    Bimax is suitable for washing all types of fabrics, except for silk and wool. Works well on stains. Not recommended for daily use. It is better to wash with this powder at heavy pollution. Refers to economical powders.

    The disadvantages are poor leaching from the tissue, solubility in cold water.


    Ideal for stubborn stains. Economical to use. Suitable for both colored and white clothes. Not suitable for washing silk and wool.

    Contains phosphates. It has strong smell. With a large consumption of powder, white stains are possible.


    The composition includes active ingredients for good stain removal. Has a pleasant smell.

Purity - main characteristic clothes. In the fight against pollution, it is important not to spoil the color, not to damage the structure of the fabric. And, of course, I want things to smell fragrant. These and other requirements are imposed on modern washing powders. It is not easy to choose a quality product from a wide range on the market. The rating of detergents will help you decide.

Choosing a washing powder is not an easy task. good remedy must meet five basic criteria.

  1. Efficiency . Detergent, first of all, should remove stains and neutralize unpleasant odors.
  2. soft impact. The powder should not destroy the structure of the fabric or wash out the pigment from it.
  3. Safety . The composition should not contain a high concentration of components hazardous to human health.
  4. Convenience. The tool must be accompanied detailed instructions. In this case, there should not be any additional manipulations before and after washing.
  5. Availability . The price should match the quality of the detergent.

Dangers in the composition

Over the past few years, more and more attention has been paid to the safety of detergents. But, as practice shows, absolutely natural powders are powerless in the fight against complex spots. Therefore, in the struggle for purity, manufacturers are forced to add all kinds of "chemistry" to the composition. The task of the buyer is to ensure that the amount of aggressive components in the detergent is minimal. It is worth paying attention to four substances.

  1. A-surfactant. Substances dissolve dirt, facilitating its removal from the fibers. But in view of the strong penetrating ability, the particles easily "sneak" into the body through the skin. The accumulation of substances is fraught with allergies, weakened immunity, diseases of internal organs.
  2. Phosphates. Soften water, at times increasing the activity of surfactants. But phosphates cannot be rinsed out of the fabric. Contacting with washed things, the skin may react with itching, redness and allergic rashes.
  3. Perfumes. The basis of the powder has a not very pleasant smell, and the fragrances interrupt it and give the linen the aroma of cleanliness. But often you have to pay for this with allergies, rashes and irritation of the mucous membranes.
  4. Optical brighteners. Reflective particles, creating the illusion of white fabric. These substances, for the most part, are toxic and can accumulate in the body.


Contaminants from external factors- not the only reason why things have to be washed. For a year, a person loses almost two kilograms of keratinized skin particles, a significant part of which settles in the fibers bed linen and clothes. If you do not wash them properly, there is a risk of the formation of bed mites, as well as the appearance of allergic reactions. To cope with the problem, you need to choose the best powder.

No. 1: Sarma Active

One of the most popular among housewives is Sarma Active washing powder. Can be used for all types of fabric, for any type of washing. Works great on any dirt, but is best suited for bed linen. Well washes sweat marks, skin particles and other biological stains from the fabric. Important feature- moderate foaming, which is good for washing in the machine. Efficiency is due to the composition.

  • Sulphates (30%). Activate the activity of surfactants. They have pronounced washing properties.
  • Carbonates (15-30%). Soften hard water, increase washing activity.
  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Responsible for the formation of foam and stain removal.
  • Breaks down dirt molecules and discolors stains.
  • Silicates (5-15%). Adjust the pH to keep it constant. Bind pollution.
  • Polycarboxylates (5-15%). Adjust the pH value, making the value constant. Bind pollution.
  • Zeolites (less than 5%). Phosphate substitutes that soften water. They do not harm the environment, but are quite dangerous for humans.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Reduce tissue absorption of powder particles.
  • Defoamer (less than 5%). Interferes with excessive formation of soap foam that does powder optimum for a machine wash.
  • Antiresorbents (less than 5%). Prevent dirt particles from re-adhering to the fabric.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Water softeners based on phosphorus.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Determine the activity of the detergent in relation to pollution of organic origin. They also contribute to the preservation of the structure of the fabric, preventing the formation of pellets.
  • A complex of reflective particles deposited on the surface of the fabric. The tool will not return the fabric to its former novelty, but will make it visually lighter.
  • Fragrance d-limonene (less than 5%). Neutralizes odors, giving clothes a pleasant citrus scent.

The table will help to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the tool. Despite the general positive impression, there are disadvantages as well.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Sarma Active powder

After washing with powders containing anionic surfactants (A-surfactants), things must be thoroughly rinsed. Getting on the skin, substances penetrate the body and accumulate in the lungs, liver and other organs. Withdrawal begins only on the fourth day.

No. 2: Ariel "Mountain Spring"

Differs in the good washing properties and pleasant easy aroma. Able to fight pollution at low water temperatures, thanks to good combination components.

  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Form a large amount of foam, actively affect pollution.
  • Oxygen bleach (5-15%). Lightens stains.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Creates a barrier to the re-settling of contaminants on the fabric.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). As a rule, they are added to washing powder without phosphates. They are characterized by good washing abilities. They decompose quickly in nature.
  • Zeolites (less than 5%). Soften hard water, increasing the activity of surfactants.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Dissolve contaminants. Particularly effective against organic stains.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). The effect of whiteness is created due to the presence of reflective particles.
  • Perfume (less than 5%). Removes unwanted odors, giving things a fresh scent.

The powder is not cheap, and therefore the housewives place increased demands on it. The pros and cons of the funds can be found in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Ariel powder " mountain spring»

Back in 1997, anionic surfactants were listed as hazardous detergents that adversely affect reproductive function. Therefore, using powders with this component in the composition, rinse things out several times.

No. 3: Frosch

If you are looking for a hypoallergenic washing powder, you should try the products of the German company Frosch. It is a safe alternative to standard detergents. Concentrated dry powder with herbal extracts is safe for the skin and the body as a whole, but ruthless to stains.

For environmentally conscious citizens, Frosch products - perfect choice. Both the components of the composition and the packaging materials are selected in such a way as to reduce the burden on nature. Resource-saving technologies are used in production. Important - the products are not tested on animals. The powder formula inspires confidence.

  • Zeolites (15-30%). Soften hard water, actively fight pollution.
  • Nonionic surfactants (5-15%). Do not allow detergent particles to settle on the fabric.
  • Soap (5-15%). Safe surfactant on a natural basis.
  • Enzymes (5-15%). They dissolve impurities and "push" them out of the fibers.
  • The fragrance is limonene (5-15%). Gives a subtle orange flavor.

Powders with a natural composition are harmless to family members, but are not always effective in combating stubborn dirt. The table will help to weigh all the pros and cons.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Frosch powder

If you do not like to soak things, use a liquid concentrate for old stains. It is enough to rub the stained area with the product a few minutes before washing.

#4: Losk 9 Total System

Powerful composition designed to remove stubborn stains from any fabrics, excluding silk and wool.

  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Actively fight against pollution, forming resistant foam.
  • Oxygen bleach (5-15%). Lightens spots. It has mild disinfectant properties.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Prevent re-ingression of contaminants on the fabric.
  • Phosphonates (less than 5%). Soften water, enhancing the washing properties of the powder. Prevent stains from reabsorbing into fibres.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). Active detergents, harmless to the environment.
  • Enzymes (less than 5%). Break down pollution molecules.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). Creates the illusion of whiteness and freshness, thanks to reflective microparticles.
  • Perfume (less than 5%). Responsible for the fresh scent.

The powder does its job well. However, specific Strong smell does not allow him to rise to high positions in the ratings. More details about the pros and cons can be found in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Losk 9 Total System powder

No. 5: Nordland ECO

Eco-friendly and efficient. This is a new generation product that does not contain phosphates. It is important that its composition is fully consistent European standards quality. Powder components are 90% biodegradable, so you can be sure that you will not cause damage environment.

  • Zeolites (15-30%). Contribute to the fight against pollution, softening the water.
  • Anionic surfactants (5-15%). Promotes abundant foaming.
  • Nonionic surfactants (less than 5%). Eliminate the possibility of re-entry of contaminants into the fibers.
  • Soap (less than 5%). Harmless surfactant natural origin, which actively removes stains.
  • Polycarboxylates (less than 5%). Eco-friendly detergent.
  • Optical brightener (less than 5%). Reflective particles for a white effect.

It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of components without testing the tool in practice. But this can first be done using a table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of Nordland ECO powder

Powder with natural soap in the composition it is better to load directly into the drum.

If you care about the cleanliness of things and the health of the family, you should be prepared for the fact that finding the perfect detergent will take some time and require practical experiments. Be sure to make a "cheat sheet" of hazardous substances. Try to buy powders with a minimum concentration of such components.


After receiving a salary, everyone has a shopping list, and when a test purchase is planned, washing powder will certainly be included in the leading list along with other purchases for the home.

As you know, there are a lot of laundry detergents and let's see which washing powder is good, and the rating of the top 12 will help you make a choice in favor of quality.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about which washing powder is better, especially without knowing your washing preferences. Therefore, before buying the first powder for a typewriter familiar from advertising, you need to determine its purpose.

So, before choosing a washing powder, select a specific group for yourself, for example:

  • Group "universal". This group necessarily includes a very different powder, one that is suitable for white linen, and for synthetics, and for colored fabrics. Also, such products remove a large amount of contaminants.
  • Group "special". This group of powders for an automatic machine includes those that contain special additives that fight a certain type of pollution, for example, yellowness or grayness of linen.
  • Group "standard". As a rule, the best powder from this group is suitable for frequent washing and for clothes that are not very dirty.

Of course, when choosing which powder will be better for washing, your things must be checked for the quality of its constituent substances and try not to pay attention to the name.

It is known that safe powder, in which few active substances weakly wash stubborn dirt. The same thing happens and vice versa, the best powder that removes stubborn dirt does not please with quality and price.

Among other things, the best washing powder should not cause allergies. It is quite possible to find one on the shelves. If you are looking for a really high-quality product, then you need to rely on your needs, or rather on what types of pollution you most often take, as well as what types of fabrics prevail in your wardrobe.

Best Inexpensive Laundry Detergents

While with many products there is a rule that price directly reflects quality, this is not always the case with powder. Of course, no one will deny that the rating of the best washing powders will certainly include famous brands manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble, Neva cosmetics, Persil, etc.

But the winner is not the most recognizable product, but the one that has been tested, necessarily harmless and of high quality. But to find cheap products that meet environmental standards and are able to remove dirt with 100% probability is almost impossible.

But despite this, not hyped Ariel or Tide entered the cheap rating of washing powders. Even if the name of the product does not evoke any associations in memory, this does not prevent it from getting into the TOP of 2016 and 2017, which passed the test of washing powders among consumers and perfectly cope with the task assigned to them.

So, which powder will answer you better, our small TOP, which contains the most affordable laundry detergents.

Sarma-Automatic Mountain freshness

If you have a lot of white laundry and you wash it often, then you will probably need a lot of powder in order to satisfy the need for frequent washing. Naturally, every housewife wants to save money, especially when it comes to expensive detergents.

One of the laundry detergents is Sarma powder, which is also used for colored laundry. This powder perfectly shows its qualities in the form of whitening, thanks to the enzymes included in the composition.

eared babysitter

For those parents who constantly struggle with stains from juices, paints and grass, great suitable remedy"Eared nanny". Of course, the advertisement in the photo, which demonstrates its hypoallergenicity with inscriptions, has nothing to do with this, since children are still sensitive to the substances that make up the composition, namely phosphates.

But if these substances were not contained there, then it would not cope so well with various kinds of pollution, which ordinary powders rarely or incompletely wash.

Bimax 100 spots

No less effective in terms of fighting for cleanliness from all kinds of stains is Bimax powder, which is used for almost any type of linen (with the exception of delicate fabrics).

Many celebrate it high efficiency in the fight against difficult stains. But this powder has not very high-quality solubility at low temperatures, as well as poor washing when washing "Mini".

Losk 9 Total system automatic Mountain lake

The hostess, accustomed to the practicality and versatility of detergents, is perfect powder from Losk. This product is used as a cleaning powder. various surfaces, as well as use it for its intended purpose for any type of fabric.

The only drawback that he is accused of is the strong aroma that can cause allergic reactions.

Persil Expert Color automatic

For washing colored clothes, it is quite difficult to choose a product, especially when it is subject to frequent pollution. Many powders, containing bleaches, affect the colors and give them whiteness, but Persil helps to preserve the color.

After the washing powder refreshes clothes with new colors. Also, the components included in the composition perfectly fulfill their purpose for removing stains.

The best washing powders: price - quality

Of course, the name that every best washing powder has is not sold for a penny. Therefore, the washing powder corresponds in quality to its price and vice versa, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes manufacturers completely forget about the quality of raw materials, as well as its safety for the body. As a result, not only the reputation of the manufacturer suffers, but also human health. Also, cases of fakes, especially popular brands, are not excluded.

In any case, if you are sure that the laundry detergent that you buy in the store is original, then by all means pay attention to its composition. After all, as mentioned above, the price and quality are different.

Ariel Mountain spring machine

As always, Ariel is considered one of the best detergents, this powder is not only able to remove dirt at temperatures below 20-30 degrees, but also has a subtle unobtrusive aroma.

Many note that the consumption of this product is quite economical, but the cost and attitude to some delicate fabrics leaves much to be desired.

Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

But it should be understood that optical brighteners are included in the composition, which means that when washing white linen, you will see the illusion of whiteness, and not actually bleached fabric. Also, the existing fragrance often becomes a problem for people prone to allergies.

Ecover ZERO NON BIO Universal

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly product to wash your clothes, then the Belgian Ecover ZERO will not disappoint you. This powder is intended for those people who care about their health and their loved ones.

There is nothing in the composition that could cause the body to react to its substances, since only BIO-surfactants are found here. Also, this product is odorless, which certainly puts it in the ranking of the best and most harmless.

Tide white clouds

If you do not suffer from allergies, and frequent feasts force you to remove all kinds of stains from the tablecloth, then Tide is one of the few able to clean everything that satisfied and well-fed guests left behind.

This tool copes not only with traces of coffee or wine, it is also able to remove lipstick stains. It also has the advantage of being economical.

Top House Super Effect

For those housewives who are used to spending a lot of powder in one wash, it's time to change the product. This great economical helper is Top House Powder Concentrate.

for washing, this tool enough for for a long time, since its strong concentration suggests the use of a small amount of it at a time. Washes colored and white linen with equal efficiency. But the disadvantage is the high price.

Which powder is best for white laundry

Of course, if you want to find a good washing powder specifically for white laundry, then you need to choose a composition that includes safe bleaches. As a rule, safe washing powders contain either optical or oxygen bleaches.

This version of the composition is most preferable, since chlorine-containing substances are poorly washed out and can significantly affect human health, especially children, and always not for the better.

Therefore, if you are looking for a safe laundry detergent that whitens, and not just gives the illusion of whiteness, then choose an oxygenated formula. But do not forget, when choosing a washing powder, you should rely on what things you will use it for.

If you do not suffer from allergies, then any laundry detergents are suitable for you, and bleach (in powder or liquid form) is used separately.

But if the bleaching powder is bought in order to give whiteness to baby diapers and undershirts, then it is better to abandon aggressive compounds in order to avoid skin rashes.

Which powder is the most harmless

Naturally, a good powder will be gentle and not contain surfactants or have a safe amount of them. Young mothers and housewives will be especially concerned about finding the best laundry detergent.

After all, the most safe option powder does not mean that it will be useful for washing at all. All safety lies in the fact that soap chips are usually included in the composition, but surfactants are practically not mentioned, the same applies to phosphates.

Of course, such gentle substances are not only harmless to the skin, since they are easily washed out from the fibers of the fabric, but they are also harmless to the washing machine, since they do not settle on the hoses and are easily washed off the surface.

But choosing a safe product does not always do the job, especially when it comes to children's pollution left from playing on the grass, juices and other contaminants. Therefore, choose a product that washes and does not harm health.

Ecover Concentrate

As you know, in order for the powder to manifest itself as it should, it needs surfactants that do an excellent job of cleaning fabrics. Naturally, the more surfactants, the better the effect after washing.

But a concentration above 5% indicates that anionic surfactants can adversely affect human health. The concentrate from Ecover contains from 5-30% of these very anionic surfactants, so it should be used with caution when washing children's clothes.

baby speci

We have already said above that children's laundry detergents must be the most gentle, but looking at the packaging, you should not trust written advertising headlines. Before choosing, take a look at the composition.

Baby Speci powder, which is intended for children's things, is full of all kinds of surfactants (from 5% and above), as well as optical brighteners that are difficult to wash out of the fabric.

The best washing gels

Just like the best laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent doesn't come cheap. The thing is that the cost is directly related to the consistency of the substance, and at the same time, the laundry gel is much more effective and easier to use compared to powder granules.

These substances are easily washed out of the fibers of the fabric and at the same time better cope with pollution and are intended for delicate items made from natural threads (silk or wool).

But the best laundry detergents, called gels, also have some drawbacks, such as price, low efficiency, and leaving residues on the pipes of the machine (if they are abused in quantity).

The most popular liquid products are the gels of the following brands:

  • Persil Expert Gel;
  • synergetic;
  • Gel Wellery DELICATE Color.

When buying washing powder, buyers most often focus on different parameters: how well it copes with stains of various origins, whether it harms the quality and color of the fabric, whether it can soften hard water and protect internal parts and the drum from scale and rust, as well as on its safety for humans and the environment.

Unfortunately, Russian standards and GOSTs for household chemicals are far from ideal. Many requirements and restrictions are outdated, so most products on the market add ingredients that have long been banned around the world. Therefore, most experts strongly advise all buyers to "keep an eye out", as the task of choosing the highest quality product is not easy, but very important. Safe laundry detergent can keep family members safe from serious problems with health.

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing cleaning products and which washing powder is best? First of all, a good product should not contain sulfates, phosphates, chlorine and chlorine-containing substances, surfactants, silicates and boron. A small content of surfactants (surfactants) is allowed, but its mass fraction should not exceed 2%. Also, ideally, laundry detergents should contain as little salts of toxic acids and flavors as possible. These restrictions are due to security. In small quantities, they are washed out without problems during rinsing, and do not harm health.

We have included only those products that have proven their quality in practice and in laboratory conditions. For the convenience of distinguishing, all representatives will be divided into appropriate subcategories, and you can easily find the rating of the best inexpensive washing powders, washing powders for children, in terms of price / quality ratio.

Rating of washing powders from the mass market

First, it is worth sorting out the most popular category - inexpensive washing powders. They are the most on the market, and they are in great demand. There are several reasons for this - they are aimed at the mass market (that is, the largest segment of consumption), plus they are the most affordable, both in price and in assortment, because they can be found in absolutely any market.

Many are interested in what causes the price difference between expensive and democratic washing powders. The main part of the cost is formed as follows: the cost of production and delivery, advertising and promotion. But the price increase in expensive products also has serious reasons. Premium brands use more expensive consumables (respectively, they will be of better quality). It's the same story with bleaches and fragrances - they pass more tests, are considered safe, and are often bought from abroad in small quantities.

The form of release of the product also affects:

  • Cleaning agents in the form of tablets are placed directly into the drum. Accordingly, there is no problem with choosing the right amount for effective washing.
  • The granulated dry powder also wins in terms of cost savings. The granules do not form dust and do not "pour" like ordinary powders.
  • Soluble gel laundry products win on all counts. They are easy to measure and fill, they are highly concentrated, so they wash stains well, and they are also easy to wash out, do not leave white marks and quickly dissolve on contact with water.


This is one of the cheapest laundry detergents, but in terms of quality, it can be compared with well-known brands like Ariel and Persil. This brand is manufactured at the domestic plant Nevskaya Cosmetics, which often pleases customers with good quality products.

But this powder has several drawbacks, which is why housewives often bypass it. It's about about not the most “pleasant” composition - phosphates, sulfates, cheap bleaches, surfactants - SARMA ACTIVE LILY OF THE VALLY sins with all this.

  • Effective with any fabric.
  • Removes all types of dirt.
  • Democratic price.
  • There are antibacterial components.
  • Bleaches white fabrics.
  • Composition: optical brighteners, anionic surfactants, silicates, phosphates and more.


The fame of the Ariel brand in Russia appeared in 1991. Due to the poverty of the assortment of past years, many housewives had to cope with washing with improvised means. But Ariel revolutionized the household.

From that time to this day, the manufacturer has kept the bar high for its products. Was no exception and ARIEL MOUNTAIN SPRING AUTOMATIC. This ideal remedy for washing clothes, bedding and bath accessories, and, perhaps, the best washing powder for automatic machines, the purchase of which will not hit your pocket. However, he did not perform well in knitwear.

  • With regular use, it keeps the snow-white color of things.
  • Dissolves and rinses well.
  • Bleaches cotton.
  • Contains zeolites.
  • Uneconomical expense.
  • The composition contains anionic surfactants, optical brighteners.
  • Spoils knitted items, and "washes" the color from clothes of a bright color.

The best washing powder from the cheap segment - PERSIL AUTOMATIC "FROSTY ARCTIC"

It is available in the form of a powder with the addition of special granules containing a liquid stain remover that perfectly copes with even the most “heavy” stains. It is universal and suitable for machine washing of any fabrics of different colors.

  • Versatility.
  • The absence of phosphates in the composition.
  • Great for removing stains.
  • Economically spent.
  • Contains harmful fragrances.
  • Doesn't fully rinse out.
  • Large mass fraction of surfactants and bleaches.

In terms of price / quality ratio

To enhance certain properties of funds, additional ingredients are added to them. For example, enzymes that are aimed at combating certain types of stains, antisorbents that protect the fabric from subsequent contamination, anti-corrosion agents, as well as special bleaches and foaming components.


The Korean industry is famous not only for revolutionary cosmetics, but also for excellent means to keep the house clean. It contains extracts from green tea, pine needles and natural lemon tree extract. It has strong antibacterial properties, along with being effective even in cold and hard water. Due to the high concentration, the product is economically consumed. All this allowed him to enter the rating as one of the best automatic washing powders.

  • Slow consumption.
  • Safe whitening ingredients.
  • Antibacterial.
  • The composition contains a serious proportion of surfactants and zeolites.


The composition of this powder can be called the best not only in the ranking, but in general on the laundry detergent market. Its price is 5 times higher than the average in the mass market, but this is more than paid off by its safety, efficiency and economical consumption.

A distinctive feature of the Belgian manufacturer is the replacement of harmful chemical surfactants with organic ones. They are made from various waste products of the agricultural industry - hay, straw and other things. Therefore they are considered ideal option for pregnant women, children and allergy sufferers.

  • The absence of odors, and therefore, aggressive flavorings.
  • Versatility.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Washes out easily.
  • Great for removing stains.
  • Harmless to fabrics.
  • None.


German manufacturers also often delight customers with excellent detergents. For example, FROSCH COLOR ALOE VERA, which is based on zeolites and surfactants. Despite this, it does not contain phosphates, chlorine and harmful bleaches. A nice bonus will be the component - aloe vera, which softens linen and prevents the development of allergic reactions. As practice shows, with regular use, the structure and color of fabrics are preserved, stains are perfectly washed out the first time, and the powder after rinsing does not leave white streaks.

  • Preservation of the quality and color of washed clothes.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Versatility.
  • Does not stay on fabric.
  • High price.
  • The recipe is based on surfactants and zeolites.

Rating of children's washing powders

A few years ago, a large-scale experiment was conducted, during which 6 of the most popular washing powders for children were tested. Unfortunately, the results were not the best. Laboratory research showed that EVERY sample contained a critical amount of surfactants, which are highly toxic and harmful to children's health.

You can protect yourself and your children by using the following washing powders from the list.


The foaming and soap base of these powders is based on safe biological surfactants, and the best zeolites that do not harm the growing organism. Overall, this is the best baby laundry detergent for newborn clothes and bedding. According to consumer reviews, the product perfectly copes with stains of protein origin, even in cold water.

  • Completely safe even for babies.
  • Contains no phosphates.
  • Leaves no odor.
  • Washes out great.
  • Works well on fresh stains.
  • Doesn't remove old stains well.
  • There is a big risk of running into a fake.


Often the determining factor in the choice of baby powder is its hypoallergenicity. However, this tool has its drawbacks, and their name is a huge content of phosphates and surfactants. In practice, the product has proven itself in washing - it removes stains in cold water, rinses well and does not leave a strong odor behind.

  • Lack of smell.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Efficiency in cold water.
  • Does not remove old stains.
  • Unsafe composition.


The Danish brand MEINE LIEBE produces high-quality household chemicals for children and their parents. Each product of this brand is a guarantor of the safety of babies and pregnant women. Washing powder MEINE LIEBE FOR WHITE CLOTHES OXI EFFECT is effective for washing light fabrics. It is versatile and can be used for both hand washing and machine washing. The manufacturer always adheres to the high requirements of the European market, so the composition is completely free of chlorine, silicates, phosphates and formaldehyde. Objectively, the mass fraction of surfactants significantly exceeds the European norm. Another disadvantage in the piggy bank of this product will be its effectiveness exclusively in hot water(above 60 degrees). But, despite this, he deserves the title of the best washing powder for babies and newborns.

  • Does not yellow white fabric.
  • It washes out completely and leaves no white marks.
  • Formulated without phosphates, chlorine and formaldehyde.
  • Leaves no lingering odor.
  • Economic consumption.
  • Does not remove stains in cold water.
  • High content of surfactants.

All positions in this rating are for informational purposes only, and do not encourage the purchase of a particular product. Each tool was selected taking into account a number of characteristics: indicators in practice and in laboratory conditions. Choice of maximum suitable means depends on individual requirements and characteristics.

Tests of household appliances are carried out in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of its use in everyday life.

The test program is formed by the Customer

The test results (expert assessment) characterize only those specific samples that are presented in the tests (examination), and do not apply to similar products of these manufacturing enterprises (brands)


Washing powders and their TV images

In the age of advertising, it is not products that are sold, but their images. Better than others - TV images. Of course, there are few sane people who, when shaping their consumer preferences, would consciously be guided by the advice of characters from commercials. Moreover, the intrusiveness of TV advertising only annoys many, and so much so that at the first hint of it, they rush to switch to another channel. Others assured themselves that they had learned not to see ads point-blank and therefore not to react. Sociologists, however, state that we make up to 90% of purchases, often without even realizing it, under the influence of advertising. And in fact, if advertising were not so effective, would a business really invest SUCH money in it?
One of the most aggressively advertised products is washing powders. This is understandable: their offer is huge, and in order to be sold, manufacturers have to pretty much push their elbows in the advertising field. FOR SALE IMAGES!
What is a good washing powder?

First of all, the detergent must be safe. After all, this is "chemistry", and if the manufacturer does not fulfill mandatory requirements for security detergents can harm the health of the consumer not only when using them during the washing process, but also when wearing the items washed with them.
The fact that the washing powder does not pose a danger to the health of the consumer is evidenced by the Conformity Mark on its packaging (confirmation of the conformity of washing powders is mandatory and is carried out in the form of a declaration). However, on counterfeit products, which are dangerous, as they say, by definition, it is applied, of course, without a twinge of conscience and any reason for that.
It is easier to run into a fake when buying powder in a plastic bag: you will not install a line for packaging in boxes in every basement. There are cases when even ... marble chips were passed off as washing powder. In a word, when purchasing washing powder, one should not forget about the increased potential danger of detergents.

Safe does not mean quality

Checking quality indicators (for example, washes well or not?) is not included in the format of safety compliance confirmation. So the information “Product is certified”, often used in advertising, only means that it has passed the mandatory safety confirmation procedures. No more. As a confirmation of high quality, this information should not be taken.
Quality- market category. It is assumed that each consumer must choose for himself a product that is optimal in terms of functionality and price. The only problem is that advertising is almost the only source of information about quality for the consumer.
Advertising is - it is advertising. The industry of images that we are beginning to take for a commodity. Tests leave no doubt that the aggressively advertised detergents are far from always superior in efficiency to cheaper and unfamiliar in advertising and therefore we do not notice. And there is no sensation in this, because, from a chemical point of view, all washing powders, no matter how much they cost, consist of the same components.

We look at the composition and draw conclusions

The main components of the washing powder are indicated on its packaging.
  • Surfactants (surfactants). This is a kind of synthetic "soap". Water-soluble surfactants, as washing agents, are the main component of synthetic detergents and are contained in them in a predominant amount.
  • Bleachers
Washing white linen necessarily implies the presence of a chemical or optical brightener in the powder. Chemical bleaching is usually achieved by the introduction of chlorine-containing substances or peroxides, which destroy colored stains, mainly of plant origin (wine, tea, coffee, grass, etc.). Chlorine bleach is quite aggressive. It is wiser for allergy sufferers to use more gentle oxygen-containing agents to remove stains of plant origin and disinfect linen. Avoiding the word "bleach" that alerts consumers, their presence is often masked by the term "Active oxygen" or "Oxygen power". Optical brighteners are fluorescent substances (the so-called white dyes), which particles settle on linen, give it brightness and whiteness, create the illusion of special purity. Bleaches can be included in the powder for washing colored fabrics. The composition of children's powders should not be included.


Increase the effectiveness of surfactants. For what? By softening the water. The softer the water, the less the formation of lime foam and scale, the more effective the washing power of the washing powder, the higher the washing quality, the less funds consumed.
How to deal with water hardness? For many decades (since the 1920s), phosphates have played the role of softeners, binding calcium and magnesium ions and thereby softening the water in which clothes are washed.
Until the early 1970s, phosphates were considered the optimal component of synthetic detergents and did not cause much concern. But since then, phosphates are irretrievably a thing of the past! What didn't they like? Load on the environment!
The environmental consequences of the influence of various aspects of human economic activity on natural reservoirs acutely excited Europeans when the Rhine "suddenly" turned into, as they said then, "the sewer of Europe."
When the "fried rooster" pecked, under suspicion, and justifiably, were phosphate-containing detergents. Getting into the reservoirs with the spent soap solution, phosphates "fertilize" them, contributing to the accelerated growth of plants, and, as a result, lead to their overgrowth and waterlogging.

Of course, phosphate-containing detergents are by no means the main anthropogenic source of phosphates entering our environment. Where can washing powders compete in terms of environmental consequences, for example, with the use of phosphates in agricultural production?! But be that as it may, they certainly make their contribution. First of all, the negative impact of phosphate detergents on the environment has become apparent in Europe - due to its "crowding" and a record high proportion of the use of synthetic detergents per capita.
The debate about whether to regulate (prohibit, limit) the content of phosphates in synthetic detergents has been going on at the pan-European level for many years, but even in Europe, uniform requirements have not yet been developed and regulated. So for now, the countries of Europe and the world community as a whole decide for themselves what to do. Germany, Italy, Sweden, USA, Canada and Japan are the furthest advanced with national or industry standards for phosphate. In some states, legislative prohibitions or restrictions have been introduced, in others - democratically, but persistently promoted and stimulated voluntary refusal from their use.


As a result of the implementation of environmental policy in a number of the most environmentally advanced Western countries, a transition was made to the second generation of components that bind calcium and magnesium ions. Phosphates for water softening have been replaced by environmentally friendly phosphate-free insoluble zeolites. But systems based on phosphate-free insoluble zeolites did not become a panacea, and their age was not long.
The fact is that the key word here is “insoluble”. And this “medal”, like all others, has two sides. Without dissolving, zeolites do not merge with soapy water into reservoirs, but, which is also not healthy, they are not washed out of the tissue structure, and, accumulating, make them rough. How critical this is for adults is up to adults to decide, but for washing baby clothes powders with zeolites are not suitable.
Their other drawback is that zeolite particles settle in sewer pipes, which inevitably leads to poor drainage. In Russia, systems based on phosphate-free insoluble zeolites have not yet appeared. In the 1990s, we obviously had no time for this - much more topical problems were on the agenda! But now there are optimistic signs that we are given the opportunity not to lag behind all of Europe, but to immediately jump into the next “car”, following the path of development of environmentally friendly detergents.

We will discuss below what components phosphates are replaced by in the 21st century.

  • Enzymes
This is how enzymes are usually labeled on the packaging. These biologically active substances, which, by promoting the breakdown of proteins, effectively remove biological contaminants such as stains from eggs, blood, cocoa, milk, wine, proteins included in food products (sauces, ice cream, etc.). Enzymes do not withstand temperatures above 50 ° C, therefore, when washing with boiling, it is pointless to use such a powder.
  • Polymers
Polymers are agents that keep the washed dirt in the powder solution and thereby prevent it from re-depositing on the fabric.
  • Flavors
They give a pleasant smell to the powder and washed linen.
  • Softeners
Lanolin and other softeners, as well as additives that prevent the deformation of products and retain their shape, are introduced into the composition of products for delicate fabrics (lace fabrics, batiste, knitwear, microfiber, fabrics made from mixed synthetic fibers, etc.).
  • Defoamers
Abundant foam, contrary to popular belief, is not always a sign of the quality of the detergent. For automatic washing machines, it is categorically contraindicated, since it not only worsens the result of washing, but can also lead to a short circuit in the electrical circuit of the machine and its failure. Therefore, to prevent excess foam, defoamers are introduced into the composition of powders intended for washing in automatic washing machines.
  • Baby powders
The information "Baby powders" on the packaging is to ensure that these detergents do not contain any enzymes, zeolites or any bleaches. For neutralization unpleasant odors fragrances and fragrances may be present, but they work only at the washing stage and do not have a subsequent effect. The best remedy considered liquid.
  • Powders for colored laundry
May be labeled "Color". The composition includes polymers designed to prevent the removal of the dye and, if it does happen, keep it in solution to prevent staining of other things. These can be components such as "Paint Stabilizer", "Color Protection System", "Dye Transfer Inhibitor" and others.

How to choose washing powder

Choose detergents according to the type of fabric and type of soiling.
Their main characteristic is washing action- depends, in essence, on the careful selection and mixing of the above components and their chemical purity. This is where the scope for know-how (know-how) begins.
Expensive powders contain several types of enzymes, each of which specializes in removing a particular, “own” type of stain. Therefore, according to the washing ability of various contaminants, powders can differ significantly, depending on their chemical formula.
For the consumer, the main thing is to be sure that the washing powder meets the purpose, efficiency and economy that the manufacturer promises in the information on the packaging. And only independent tests can guarantee the reliability and completeness of the information provided by the manufacturer to consumers.

Tests are not laundry

Functional testing of washing powders is a rather complicated procedure that not all organizations from among those that declare themselves competent in this area can afford.
But it may seem that there is nothing easier than to find out which powder does the laundry better: do not believe, they say, Aunt Asya - wash and compare yourself. But laundry is not a test.
To compare the effectiveness of washing powders objectively - not in sensations, but in numbers! - it is necessary to establish the actual, numerical values ​​​​of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof their washing ability.

Detergency, that is, the ability to wash away dirt, is the main functional characteristic of detergents. It can be measured with extreme precision by comparing the optical properties (reflection) of a tissue sample.
However, the effectiveness of washing is determined not only by the quality of the powder itself. The result ensures the action (and interaction!) of a number of factors. This - chemical exposure on laundry (provided by the washing powder itself), mechanical impact (provided by the washing machine), water and temperature. So it turns out that with the same powder, laundry can be washed both better and worse, depending on the action of each of the washing factors separately and their interaction.
The purpose of the tests is to identify the effectiveness of the action on the washing result of one or another specific factor (depending on the task), as they say, “in its pure form”. But in order for the tests to be recognized as correct and their results to be comparable (comparable), it is necessary to provide technological conditions that distinguish qualified tests from the usual “laundry”.
Let's start with the fact that the samples of the "experimental" tissue must be of the same type, composition, size and, most importantly, absolutely equally contaminated. That is, samples of standard pollution are needed. In Russia, strips (the so-called standard impurities for determining the detergency of laundry detergents), which would be recognized in the world, are not yet produced. This is a product of high technology, almost surpassing in complexity those used in the most high-end painting. There are few firms in the world that have mastered the production of standard pollution. Rostest-Moscow uses standard pollution produced by the EMPA Institute (Switzerland) and the WPC Institute (Germany).

Further. If comparative tests of two detergents are carried out, two parallel machines are needed. And they must work, as they say, "nostril to nostril", "in the same breath", so as not to provide any of the tested powders and the slightest odds with the advantages of their effectiveness.
At the heart of the Rostest-Moscow test bench are extremely stable washing machines Miele. Keeping abreast of the testing process allows the equipment for recording temperature, water consumption and other parameters, which is additionally equipped with washing machines. Recording equipment and turns washing machines into a test bench.
The detergent is poured in strict accordance with the type, weight of the items to be washed and weighed to the nearest hundredth of a gram. If one powder turns out to be at least a gram more, then its activity will be higher, and therefore, the result will be predetermined not by quality, but by quantity.
An important parameter is the temperature of the water: a difference of even a few degrees, seemingly insignificant from the point of view of household washing, certainly leads to an increase in the effect of the individual components of the washing powder, a reduction in the time of chemical reactions and, as a result, distortion of the results.

Maintaining the parameters of the strictly regulated physical and chemical composition of water in both machines is ensured by the water treatment plant. And the washing time is synchronized to the second.
Even the stacking of the load on the machines is carried out “one to one”: if in one of them the test sample of the fabric is placed with a fold to the hatch, then in the other it must be laid only in this way and nothing else.
At the finish, to determine the degree of washability, a measuring complex is used, which includes a spectrophotometer - an optical device that determines by the reflection coefficient how much lighter the fabric has become after washing, as well as a computer with the corresponding software. The technique fixes, making "visible", those numerous color transitions that are not visible to the human eye.
The use of the apparatus of mathematical statistics helps to eliminate the influence of random factors to the maximum extent: data processing in accordance with the Fisher test accepted in world practice leaves no doubt about the reliability and objectivity of assessing the washability of a particular contamination.
Only the fulfillment of these conditions ensures the comparability of the test results and turns the “laundry” into qualified tests.



  • ensures the interaction of linen, washing powder and water


  • reduces the surface tension of water
  • serves as a binding agent for hardness components in water softening
  • is a solvent for contaminants
  • has a bleaching effect on the fabric


  • enhances the effect of the individual components of the washing powder
  • reduces the time of chemical reactions


  • moisturizes the fabric
  • dissolves laundry detergent
  • blurs and removes dirt
  • conducts heat

Not everything is new - just refurbished old

In order not to lose in competition, commodity producers are faced with the need to throw into the market as often as possible New Product. It is in the “News” segment that the front line of the struggle for the consumer lies, to whom you always serve something fresh.
Technological progress, however, has not kept up with the unbridled desire of the manufacturer to constantly impress its consumer with something new. You can’t stock up on such a quantity of novelties, and manipulations with “reface” are used: products that are by no means newly created are presented as such by deftly giving them a new face, image. And it passes! Deception, in general, is not great, but - deception! So, a product that has been on the market for a long time, but ... with a slightly changed name, in a new package, and, of course, at a new price, is passed off as a "revolutionary new" without a twinge of conscience!
This, of course, is not only about washing powders. This technique - "Everything is new - just turned old!" - versatile in marketing. The cosmetic “rejuvenation” of the products that made the teeth sore on their lips is presented as a change in the lineup with a corresponding price increase. But in fact, it turns out that the usual and cheaper product of 2-3 years ago is no worse than such a “super novelty”.
Washing powders belong to the category of products in which it is especially difficult to surprise with something fundamentally new, since they all consist of a set of the same components. Nothing fundamentally different has yet been invented. And there is a need for continuous quality improvement.

Manufacturers of detergents, by constantly improving their quality, thereby respond to the improvement of the quality of those products, the use of which leads to the contamination of clothes and other items. The better, more permanent paints for painting, hair dyes and other potential contaminants of our clothes become, the greater the washing power of washing powders should be. Such a dialectic! When children drew with slate pencils, there was no need for detergents, which are now indispensable - with the advent of felt-tip pens, markers, etc.
An increasing problem is products in which strong dyes have been used. Other drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) today you can paint fences!
An increase in washing ability is achieved by creating a more successful composition with the introduction additional types enzymes, ensuring increased chemical purity of the components and special thoroughness of their mixing. This becomes possible as a result of scientific research and the introduction of high technologies.

Let's talk about tests that confirm high quality detergents, on the example of cooperation in this direction with the Henkel company, which produces the world famous Persil (PERSIL).

Persil vs. Persil. Comparative tests

The Henkel company, not in words, but in deeds demonstrating respect for its consumer, was one of the first to begin an advertising campaign of its new products with their tests in Rostest-Moscow, which should confirm the reliability of the declared properties and qualities.
The startup began testing synthetic detergent Persil "POWER PERSIL" AUTOMAT produced by a new (at that time) formula in comparison with its own product of the previous generation. The challenge was to get documentary evidence that the new product actually has a more effective cleaning power.
Coffee and tea, wine and juice, grass, chocolate, dirt, fat from hamburgers, cosmetics, carrots, tomatoes, butter... According to statistics, it is this kind of pollution that we most often annoyingly stain our things with. It is clear that the leading manufacturers of synthetic detergents compete primarily and mainly in the removal of precisely this kind of stains.
The program of comparative tests of the new product and the prototype included 20 test cycles for 15 contaminations in two temperature regimes - "Cotton 40°" and "Cotton 60°".
The processing of the obtained data according to the Fisher test stated that the new Persil "POWER PERSIL" AUTOMAT synthetic detergent is characterized by a higher washing ability: the novelty showed the result "higher" in six contaminations in comparison with the synthetic detergent produced earlier, and in nine - even " much higher"
  • coffee (significantly higher)
  • tea (significantly higher)
  • red wine young (above)
  • grass (significantly higher)
  • chocolate (significantly higher)
  • tomato puree (above)
  • blood (above)
  • grass and dirt (significantly higher)
  • red wine (significantly higher)
  • pigment + oil (above)
  • cosmetics (significantly higher)
  • painted olive oil(higher)

For those who prefer manual work

For those who prefer washing by hand (as they say, "in a basin"), we present the results of comparative tests of the synthetic detergent of the new formula for hand washing SMS "Persil for hand wash (hand wash)" with the previously produced product. For six pollution, the novelty showed the result “higher”, and for five - “significantly higher”:
  • coffee (above)
  • tea (significantly higher)
  • black currant (significantly higher)
  • blueberry juice (significantly higher)
  • grass (above)
  • chocolate (significantly higher)
  • tomato puree (above)
  • blood (significantly higher)
  • carrots + mashed potatoes (above)
  • cosmetics (above)
  • hamburger fat (above)
So if one of the above spots appeared on your things, this is not a reason to be seriously upset: in order to restore the purity that was lost, you don’t even need to mess with the washing machine. In this case, it is enough to have a basin and SMS “Persil for hand washing (hand wash)” on hand.


At the next stage, the task was set more sharply: the experts were asked, as they say, to compare PERSIL GOLD, which had just appeared then, with the best analogue available on the Russian market.
Self-assessment of products based on their comparison with analogues is provided for by most quality assessment models, but enterprises are extremely reluctant to do so. Competitors often prefer not to notice each other point-blank, preferring to compare their products in advertising campaigns without risk with some abstract, hypothetical (there is even such a definition!) analogue, called slyly “ordinary”. Perhaps this is the first time that a manufacturer has offered to conduct an independent examination of the quality of its products in comparison with a really real and strongest analogue on the market.

The goal was by no means to “lower” a competitor and build your own PR on such anti-advertising - this would be contrary to the ethics of this kind of comparative tests. Therefore, what kind of powder was taken for comparison was not made public. But experts guaranteed that it was not some hypothetical analogue convenient for comparison, but a very real competitor of the same class, “weight category” and price range.
The CMC Persil Gold test, in comparison with the analogue test, when washing in automatic drum-type washing machines on the “cotton 60 ° C” program, after processing the results according to the Fisher test, showed a significantly better washing ability for the following contaminants:
Textile base "Cotton":

  • red paint for drawing.
Textile base "Mixed composition (polyester 65% and cotton 35%)":
  • rust
  • markers (orange, pink)
  • hair dye (chestnut N3, medium blond N6, silver blond C10, black N1)
  • paint for drawing (red, green).
Textile base "Polyester":
  • rust,
  • markers (orange, pink, green)
  • hair dye (fiery red R15, dark chestnut N2, chestnut N3, medium blond N6, pearl blonde A10, silver blonde C10, black N1)
  • paint for drawing (yellow, red, green),
  • coffee (CFT BC-2),
  • tea (CFT BC-3),
  • black currant (CFT CS-12),
  • blueberry juice (СFT CS-15),
  • red wine (CFT CS-103),
  • chocolate drink (СFT CS-44).

What is the hallmark of gold PERSIL

Among the "experimental" detergents was PERSIL powder GOLD Plus. Its fundamental feature is that it is environmentally friendly - it does not contain phosphates in its composition, which are replaced by a special modified system of components that effectively work against hardness salts and, at the same time, dissolve in water without any problems.
Before launching a new environmentally friendly product on the market, the manufacturer decided to answer, as they say, the question that arises in itself among consumers: will it turn out to be worse in terms of washing ability than its predecessor, albeit less friendly to the environment? The question is, frankly, a burning one. In theory and in words, we are all sincerely for the environment! True, on one condition: if it costs nothing to us personally! If you need to take an extra step to the urn, the piece of paper ends up on the sidewalk. And if the most environmentally friendly powder turns out to be not so "washing" and less economical than non-environmentally friendly, then it will simply become uncompetitive. Such, alas, is the logic of the market. In short, consumers should be sure that by switching to an environmentally friendly detergent, they will not lose in the quality of washing.

In order not to be unfounded in promising statements, Henkel offered Rostest-Moscow to conduct an examination of the general washing ability of the powder of the PERSIL GOLD PLUS ecological formulation and, based on its results, confirm or refute the manufacturer’s statement that it is functionally not inferior to phosphate-containing products.
Tests have shown: PERSIL GOLD PLUS of a phosphate-free formulation does not lose either to its predecessor or to the most powerful analogues (its name is not reported, as required by professional ethics).

Test 1

Persil Gold Plus, compared to its predecessor Persil Gold, when washed on the "cotton 30 ° C" program, showed a significantly better washing ability in relation to the following soiling applied to 100% cotton textiles:
  • chocolate drink (CFT CS-44).
  • cherry juice (B&J)
  • chocolate ice cream 1 (Asda)
  • raspberry juice (Del Monte)
  • chocolate milkshake (Frij)
  • raspberry ice cream (Tesco)

Test 2

Persil Gold Plus in comparison with Persil Gold when washed on the "cotton 60 ° C" program showed a significantly better washing ability in relation to the following soiling applied to 100% cotton textiles:
  • cherry juice (B&J)
  • chocolate ice cream 1 (Asda)
  • chocolate ice cream 2 (Carte D'or)
  • chocolate ice cream 3 (Vienetta)
  • raspberry juice (Del Monte)
  • chocolate milkshake (Frijj)

Test 3

Persil Gold Plus in comparison with the best competing analogue when washing on the "cotton 60 ° C" program showed a significantly better washing ability in relation to the following soiling applied to 100% cotton textiles:
  • tea (CFT BC-3)
  • chocolate drink (CFT CS-44)

Test 4

Persil Gold Plus compared to the best competing analogue when washed on the "cotton 30 ° C" program showed a significantly better washing ability in relation to the following soiling applied to 100% polyester textiles:
  • ink (Librolino)

Test 5

Persil Gold Plus compared to the best competing analogue when washed on the "cotton 60 ° C" program showed significantly better washing power in relation to the following soiling applied to 100% polyester textiles:
  • sunflower oil (Golden Seed)

Test 6

Persil Gold Plus in comparison with a combination of competing analogues when washing on the "cotton 60 ° C" program showed a significantly better washing ability in relation to the following contaminants:
  • raspberry ice cream (Tesco) (textile - 100% cotton)
  • ink (Librolino) (textile - both 100% cotton and 100% polyester)
  • sunflower oil ("Golden Seed") (textile - 100% cotton)

Test 7

Persil Gold Plus in comparison with a combination of competing analogues when washing on the "cotton 60 ° C" program showed equal washing power in relation to the following contaminants:
  • blueberry juice (CFT CS-15 standard)
  • grass (CFT CS-8)
  • coffee (CFT BC-2)
  • As we have already said, automatic washing machines are designed to use detergents with reduced foaming. Therefore, when washing “automatically”, do not use detergents intended for hand washing, which are specially made with increased foaming. Look for powders that show either a front-loading machine or a loading hatch on the packaging. The word "matic" can be used to designate powders with reduced foaming.
  • Keep in mind that increased foaming with all the ensuing backfire also leads to an excess of the manufacturer's recommended dosage of even special, "correct" washing powders. So when using the powder for the first time, even if it says that it is intended for washing machines, but no dosage recommendations are given, we advise you to make sure that the level of foam during washing is not higher than the top edge of the hatch (in front-loading machines). Otherwise, it is wiser to refuse to use it in the future.
  • If the machine is not fully loaded, reduce the amount of detergent accordingly.
  • Liquid detergents are used for washing at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. Their use excludes the use of a prewash cycle, so the amount of detergent recommended on the packaging refers directly to the main wash cycle.
  • When washing in cold water, reduce the amount of detergent: since it dissolves worse than in hot water, some of it will be wasted.
  • Particular attention should be paid to children's washing powder: often the instructions for use recommend pouring children's washing powder directly into the drum directly onto the laundry, and not into a cuvette, like ordinary powders.
  • It is better to dilute the conditioner with water, as it is usually thick and the washing machine does not take it completely.