The best washing powder. Powders can be environmentally friendly. Ariel "Mountain spring" machine

Russia annually produces 1 million tons of washing powder. More than 80% of the powders are detergents for washing in automatic machines. Are modern washing powders safe for consumer health? Which powder does the job better than others?

Roskontrol.rf portal experts conducted laboratory tests of powders for automatic washing machines. Brands of various price categories participated in the examination: “Tide white clouds”, “Ariel mountain spring”, “Myth 3 in 1 frosty freshness”, “Persil Expert”, “Pemos oxygen crystals” and “Dosia Alpine freshness”.

Warning - toxic!

The most dangerous components of washing powder are phosphates and anionic surfactants (A-surfactants). Anionic surfactants can cause allergies and immune disorders, adversely affect skin cells, and in high concentrations can affect the liver, kidneys, lungs, and nervous system. The worst thing is that surfactants can accumulate in our body.

The presence of phosphates in the powder is primarily dangerous for the environment, where sooner or later sewage from the washing machine will get - they irreversibly destroy the ecosystems of water bodies. Therefore, the whole world is striving for their ban in the composition of laundry detergents. It is also believed that phosphate additives can enhance the adverse effects of anionic surfactants. Phosphates contribute to the accumulation of these substances in the fibers of the fabric from which clothing is made, enhance the penetration of surfactants through the skin and, according to some reports, even lead to a violation of the properties of blood. Wool and cotton fabrics hold A-surfactants best of all. And even after 10-fold rinsing in warm water chemicals remain in the fibers of the fabric.

To find out how dangerous each powder is to health, experts determined the toxicity index. To do this, the powder is diluted in water in a certain way and live cells - bovine spermatozoa - are placed in the resulting solution. The faster the cells die, the more toxic, that is, in fact, poisonous, the powder is.

The worst indicators of toxicity are in Pemos and Ariel powders, which means that they contain the most substances hazardous to health.

Slightly better toxicity indicators for powders "Tide white clouds" and "Myth 3 in 1". The manufacturers of these products indicated on the label that the powders are suitable, among other things, for baby clothes. The examination showed: they are too toxic, and in no case should they be used for washing children's clothes!

What matters is how much harmful substances remain in the laundry after washing. Experts have determined the residual amount of anionic and nonionic surfactants in the water after washing and the third rinse. It turned out that most anionic surfactants remain in water (and hence in linen) after washing with Ariel powder.

Least of all A-surfactants remained in the water after washing with Dosia powder.

Irina Konokhova, expert of the portal Roskontrol.rf, doctor: « Washing powder is never 100% washed out of the fabric, and its components remain on linen and clothes. Children are more sensitive to the influence of harmful components of the powder. If these substances have a local irritating or sensitizing effect, then in contact with a fabric washed with such a powder, irritation, redness, itching, peeling, an allergic reaction may appear on the child's skin, and the penetration of toxic substances through the skin can lead to dysfunction of internal organs. The same reactions can occur in adults.».

What to do?

To reduce the negative impact of the harmful components of washing powder, experts recommend repeated rinsing of laundry. It is very important to take precautions: do not touch the powder with your hands, keep containers with detergents out of the reach of children, tightly close the opened package and do not inhale washing powder when you put it in the machine. Inhalation of powder dust leads to the destruction of the surfactant - the film lining the pulmonary alveoli, which can cause the most various diseases lungs.

Isn't there a lot of foam?

Foaming is one of the indirect indicators of the safety of washing powders. The amount of foam is directly related to the amount of A-surfactants - the more surfactants, the more foam the powder will form. And if there is too much foam, during washing it can come out through the holes in the drum, and even after several rinses, the foam will remain on the laundry. That is why defoamers are added to powders for automatic machines.

The experts tested the powders in real conditions. The manufacturer's instructions were strictly followed - they poured as much powder as indicated on the box. When washing with Ariel powder, so much foam was formed that it came out through the powder loading tray! Fortunately, a short circuit in the laboratory was avoided, but imagine what will happen to you at home if, after washing, the washing machine and the floor in the bathroom are foamy?

Pemos powder forms the least foam, the rest have average values. The only powder that did not completely dissolve even in warm water is the Myth 3 in 1. There is nothing good in this either: if the powder does not dissolve well, its particles may remain on the laundry. Ideally, the powder should dissolve quickly and completely, and there should be just enough foam to wash the laundry well.

Which one cleans best?

Manufacturers of each powder promise on the labels that it is their product that guarantees impeccable cleanliness and perfectly removes the most complex spots. On the box of Ariel powder, the inscription is “Deluxe purity”, the manufacturer of the Dosia product writes that it uses a specially developed Anti-Stain Active Max formula, and Pemos promises “crystal purity”.

Liquid washing powders have a gel structure, often these products are presented in a concentrated form, so that their consumption is economical. Liquid type products are suitable for washing almost any thing, including in a delicate mode.

Benefits of Using Liquid Powder

Unlike conventional washing powders liquid products they don't foam as much. They are also less likely to cause allergies, which is important when washing children's things. Liquid laundry detergents do not remain in the tray during use, while dry powder often does not wash out completely.

You can buy liquid laundry detergent in bottles or in capsules, there are phosphate-free products.

Liquid powders can be used without additional fabric softener. These products give clothes a gentle, but unobtrusive smell. Unlike dry powders, such household chemicals do not leave white marks in the form of spots and stripes on washed clothes.

Today on the shelves you can find liquid laundry detergents from different manufacturers, so each customer can give preference to a certain one. The cost of household chemicals also varies, as does the volume of the bottle, the type of fragrance, etc.

Features of the use of liquid powders

Washing powder liquid type can also be used for hand wash. In this case, you do not need to wait for the agent to dissolve. Gel substances are perfectly soluble in slightly warm and cold water, do not leave streaks on dark things. You can use them without fear of irritation on the skin of the hands.

The advantage of liquid powders is their ease of storage. The bottle with the product can be put on the shelf or put on the washing machine itself, it does not take up much space. Also, liquid household chemicals are comfortable when washing heavily soiled items. On Russian market you can also find imported household chemicals, for example, Japanese or Chinese. If you are unsure if a laundry detergent is right for you, try washing colored thing manually and evaluate the result.

Liquid powders can be poured directly into the tank or added to the dispenser tray.

Washing gel will give an effect if you use it for dirty things along with stain removers. However, despite all its advantages, such a powder is quite expensive. It should be noted that the temperature range from 30 to 60 degrees is ideal for washing with liquid powder, so this household chemicals may not cope with complex stains the first time.

Washing machine- an indispensable assistant in every family. She frees the hostess from exhausting hand washing, rinsing and spinning, performing all these operations in accordance with a program that can be set for any type of laundry. However, in order for the machine to serve for a long time and provide invariably good results washing, you need to choose the right washing powder.


The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a powder for an automatic washing machine is the presence of the “Automat” mark on the package. Do not take hand wash products and activator type machines: they form a lot of foam, which worsens the result, requires more rinses and can remain in the fibers of the fabric, and further lead to equipment breakdown.

Study the composition: if you need a product to remove stains of animal and protein origin (from chocolate, milk, berries, blood, etc.), give preference to a powder containing enzymes that break down stains. But keep in mind that it should not be used to wash things from natural materials- wool and silk. For the latter, choose a special detergent without bioadditives.

Most laundry detergents contain phosphates, which are harmful to the environment. But if you come across a new generation detergent that contains zeolites, do not hesitate and choose it. True, at a cost it will be more expensive, but you will be sure of its safety for you, your family and the environment.

The next point to consider when choosing a washing powder is the color of the laundry. If you plan to buy a product for white things, choose one that includes active oxygen. Chlorine-containing powders are traditionally used for bleaching, but they destroy fabric fibers and reduce the life of the item. For colored laundry, purchase a detergent marked "Color".

Pay attention to the packaging: make sure it has instructions in Russian and the date of manufacture. Consider it carefully: sloppy seams, washed out colors and a lack of necessary information indicates that you have a counterfeit product (fake).

It doesn’t really matter what kind of packaging the powder is in - plastic or cardboard - it’s a matter of your taste and convenience. However, when buying a product in a regular paper pack, pay attention to the weight: it may differ from the standard in a smaller direction. Also, do not forget that it is more profitable to buy powders in large plastic bags (6, 9 or more kg).

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  • powders for washing machines

Fabric softener makes clothes soft, gives them a pleasant aroma, greatly facilitates the ironing process, prevents the occurrence of electrostatic voltage, and also significantly extends the life of things. But for this, among the huge assortment, it is important to choose a really good and effective product.

What is a good fabric softener

One of the most important criteria for choosing a fabric softener is its price. Expensive products most often have a directional effect and are intended for washing. certain type underwear, for example, only for children, colored, white or silk. These conditioners do not contain synthetic fragrances, which means they are ideal for owners sensitive skin, young children, as well as people prone to the occurrence of all kinds allergic reactions.

Cheap fabric softeners do a good job with basic functions, but most often such products have a sharp and rather persistent smell of chemicals, as well as a decent amount of unwanted chemical compounds in their composition.

A good fabric softener does not contain such substances harmful to the human body. chemical substances and compounds like ethanol, benzyl alcohol, pentane, limonel, chloroform and linalool.

The composition of any fabric softener contains surfactants that are responsible for the softness of things after washing. Another important function of surfactants is to impart dirt resistance to clothing, achieved by the formation of a special protective film on the surface of the fibers of the fabric, which prevents the rapid absorption of dust and dirt.

To facilitate the process of ironing and significantly increase the wear resistance of things, the silicone contained in many fabric softeners allows. Thanks to this component, the fibers of the fabric become more durable, they retain their color and shape even with frequent washing and contribute to the long-term maintenance of linen in its original attractive form.

Given that most laundry detergents give laundry a lingering fragrance, try to opt for fabric softeners with total absence odor or a faint, barely perceptible odor.

In order to avoid acquiring a fake, buy fabric softener only in specialized stores and departments of household chemicals. At the same time, give preference to well-known proven brands such as Lenore, Vernel, Dosia, E, Snow Soft, Help, Frottee and Era.

When you don't need fabric softener

Despite the obvious benefits of fabric softener, it is highly recommended not to use this product when washing some things.

Thus, the use of air conditioner when washing tights and corrective underwear can significantly reduce their elasticity and adversely affect the slimming properties. Do not add conditioner when washing natural silk products. This is fraught with the appearance of all sorts of stains on things.

Using fabric softener when washing outerwear and sportswear with a special water-repellent impregnation can significantly reduce the water repellency of these things.

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Liquid washing powders perfectly wash any kind of dirt, making them convenient and indispensable in everyday life. Only their cost bites a lot. For those who do not want to spend money on expensive imported powders, there is a way to make liquid powder yourself at home.

You will need

  • - soap;
  • - grater;
  • - water;
  • - pot;
  • - 20-liter bucket;
  • - sodium tetraborate (borax);
  • - soda ash;
  • - essential oil to your taste.


Take a grater and grate the soap.

Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and add grated soap to it.

Stirring the mixture occasionally, boil the soap over medium heat. As soon as the soap is completely dissolved, you can remove from heat.

Fill a 20-liter bucket halfway with boiling water. Add half a glass of borax, a glass of soda ash and soap dissolved in water to boiling water.

Mix all the ingredients until completely dissolved and then add the remaining 10 liters of boiling water.

Cover the bucket with a lid and leave overnight.

Every self-respecting manufacturer of detergents has released its own brand of washing gel. Therefore, on the shelves you can find this product in different variations and price categories. This abundance pleases, but, at the same time, confuses, so it is important to study the advantages of this product before buying.


1. Economical use. This is due to the high concentration of substances needed for washing. The gel is consumed in small doses and the packaging will last a long time.

2. Does not settle on clothes. Many powders remain in the fabric fibers even after rinsing. The gel in this regard is more reliable and rinses out much better.

3. Safe for health. Powders often cause allergies and irritation of the mucous membranes. Liquid products are much less likely to cause allergic reactions and discomfort when used.

4. Convenient packaging. An opened package of washing powder may crumble or become damp. The bottle of gel closes tightly, and also has a measuring cap for the correct dosage when washing.

5. Gentle wash. Powders usually have a rather aggressive composition and not only remove stains, but also destroy the structure of the fabric. Laundry gels retain appearance things, acting delicately.

6. Composition. In most cases, the gel has a noticeably more gentle composition compared to the powder. Also, fabric softener and plant extracts are often added to the washing gel, which is a nice bonus.

7. Optimal for washing children's clothes. Mild gels are much safer for children's clothing than powder.

8. Does not require high temperatures. Washing powder is effective in hot water(from 70 degrees). Gels do not need this, they only need water heated to 30-40 degrees, which significantly saves electricity.


1. Price. The cost of packaging the gel is much more expensive than a pack of washing powder. This may turn off buyers. But, it is worth noting that a more economical consumption of a liquid agent will soon pay off the high price.

2. Efficiency. Against heavy pollution And old stains the gel is practically powerless, the powder will cope with this much better.

3. Not intended for hand washing. Liquid detergents are usually oriented only for machine washing, while powder can be used in any situation.

Like any product, washing gel has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, every housewife should test it and understand whether this tool is right for her. One way or another, you should not completely refuse washing powder, because it is indispensable for washing and removing difficult stains.

The right choice of washing powder for an automatic machine has great importance. Not only the quality of washing depends on this, but also the likelihood of allergic reactions, the presence of powder residues on linen after rinsing, the service life of the machine itself. We have selected the ten best washing powders for all these criteria and bring the resulting review to your attention.


"Sarma-Automatic" is used mainly for washing white and light-colored linen, it is suitable for both cotton and synthetic fabrics. The powder contains a whole system of bleaches, which allows Sarma to effectively remove even stubborn stains, cope with yellowness, restore radiant whiteness to things or restore their color.

"Sarma-Avtomat" has an antibacterial effect despite the fact that the powder does not contain chlorine. This is a unique feature of this powder, it not only washes clothes, but also kills bacteria. The powder can be used, among other things, for washing in cold water, it is well rinsed out, does not leave marks on the linen. "Sarma-Avtomat" has high quality and at the same time has an affordable price.

The cost is about 100 rubles. for 800

"Eared Nanny"

« eared babysitter" is a washing powder intended primarily for washing children's clothes. This is due to two of its main properties. On the one hand, it perfectly removes even “difficult” stains, and on the other hand, it is safe, hypoallergenic. "Eared Nanny" is suitable for washing natural and synthetic fabrics, as well as fabrics made from mixed fibers. The composition of the powder additionally contains additives that soften water and provide anti-corrosion protection for the elements of the washing machine.

"Eared Nanny" takes care of the fabric, does not damage its fibers. The powder does not contain soap and thanks to this it is quickly rinsed out of the laundry. "Eared nannies" is recommended not only for washing children's things - it can be used by those who suffer from allergic reactions to the components of ordinary washing powders. This is quality and available remedy which will help keep clothes in perfect condition for a long time.

The cost of packing 4.5 kg is about 470 rubles.

"Gloss 9 Automatic"

"Gloss 9 Automatic" is a universal washing powder that is suitable for colored laundry. It can be used to wash natural and synthetic fabrics, with the exception of silk and wool. You can also wash "Gloss 9 Automatic", including by hand, but it is important to rinse the laundry well.

As part of "Losk 9 Avtomat" there are 9 components that provide effective removal spots of various origins. The powder has a pleasant smell, is easily rinsed out, leaves no traces or smell on the fabric. The formula "Gloss 9 Automatic" is such that the powder delicately washes the fabric without damaging its fibers and helping to maintain great view things for a long time.

The cost of packing 4.5 kg is about 450 rubles.

Ariel "Mountain Spring"

Ariel washing powders are among the most popular: the manufacturer produces many types of them, offering separate lines for white, black, and colored linen. Ariel "Mountain Spring" can be used to wash light and colored clothes, it salient feature- pleasant, fresh smell. The powder contains a whole group of special polymers that provide quality removal spots.

Ariel can be used on both natural and synthetic fabrics, but it is especially recommended for cotton - it smoothes the cotton fibers, restoring the flawless appearance of linen. This washing powder can also be used when washing in cold water, as it contains special enzymes that retain their effectiveness even when low temperatures. Finally, Ariel "Mountain Spring" also contains components that help protect the metal elements of the washing machine from corrosion.

Cost - 400 rubles. for a package weighing 3 kg.

Frosch Color Aloe Vera

This washing powder from Frosch is concentrated and can be used for washing colored laundry in water at temperatures from 30 to 60C. Frosch is not recommended for washing woolen and silk items. The powder contains a formula with Aloe Vera extract, which not only provides deep cleansing of natural and synthetic fabric fibers, but also protects their color. Thanks to this, when washing with Frosch, it is possible to maintain the perfect appearance of the laundry.

Frosch does not contain bleach, but at the same time there are components that provide protection against staining of things during washing. Frosch Color Aloe Vera is a completely safe laundry detergent. Thus, studies confirm that it does not contain irritating or allergenic components.

Cost - from 500 rubles. for 1.35 kg.

Tide Color Automatic

Tide Color is a laundry detergent designed for washing colored items and can be used in washing machines any type. This washing powder washes well even difficult stains, while at the same time maintaining the brightness of the color of the fabric. The composition of the powder does not contain bleach, so that it retains the structure of the fibers of the fabric. The only drawback is that if the recommended dosage is exceeded, Tide Color may not rinse well (you need to run an additional rinse). In general, Tide Color is a quality laundry detergent at an affordable price.

The cost is about 300 rubles. per pack of 4 kg.

Weasel "Shine of color"

Liquid washing powder "Laska" is intended for delicate fabrics and can also be used for washing silk and woolen items. "Weasel" has a specially developed formula that allows you to delicately wash things without damaging the structure of the fabric and protecting their color. Including, "Weasel" is suitable for things with a pattern or pattern. An additional color restoration effect helps to protect things from fading, preserve the original texture of the fabric, and return things to their perfect appearance.

Washing powder "Laska" can be used with water of any hardness, but when washing it is important to choose a delicate wash program, as well as carefully follow the recommendations regarding the washing mode on the labels of clothes.

The cost is about 300 rubles. for 2 liters of liquid powder.

BOS Plus Max

"BOS Plus Max" is not even a washing powder, but a bleach with the properties of an amplifier of an ordinary washing powder. It can be used on all kinds of fabrics, providing bleaching and disinfection even at low temperatures. BOS Plus Max contains active oxygen, thanks to which the powder effectively removes stains and delicately bleaches any fabrics, including wool and silk.

The cost is about 75 rubles. for 600


Reflect concentrated washing powder contains biological additives, as well as active substances and enzymes, which ensure the effective removal of any, including complex or old stains. Reflect can be used to wash natural and synthetic fabrics at any temperature. Reflect is a concentrate that should be applied in the amount of? from the dosage of the usual powder. To make it convenient to measure the powder, it is sold together with a measuring spoon.

Reflect washes clothes well, rinses out easily, leaves no marks on the fabric. It provides gentle washing and helps to extend the life of the internal elements of the washing machine.

Cost - 170 rubles. for 650

Ariel Active Gel

Ariel Active Gel are liquid laundry detergent capsules. One capsule is designed for 1 wash. It is loaded inside the drum with linen. Ariel Active Gel provides effective removal of even the most stubborn stains already after the first wash. The gel has a pleasant smell that remains on the linen after rinsing. The gel itself is completely rinsed out of the fabric.

Ariel Active Gel is designed for washing colored laundry made from natural and synthetic fabrics. The shell of the capsules is made of a special substance that is completely soluble in water.

The cost is about 470 rubles. for a pack of 16 capsules.

After receiving a salary, everyone has a shopping list and that's when it is planned test purchase washing powder is certainly included in the leading list along with other purchases for the home.

As you know, there are a lot of laundry detergents and let's see which washing powder is good, and the rating of the top 12 will help you make a choice in favor of quality.

Naturally, it is difficult to talk about which washing powder is better, especially without knowing your washing preferences. Therefore, before buying the first powder for a typewriter familiar from advertising, you need to determine its purpose.

So, before choosing a washing powder, select a specific group for yourself, for example:

  • Group "universal". This group necessarily includes a very different powder, one that is suitable for white linen, and for synthetics, and for colored fabrics. Also, such products remove a large amount of contaminants.
  • Group "special". This group of powders for an automatic machine includes those that contain special additives that fight a certain type of pollution, for example, yellowness or grayness of linen.
  • Group "standard". Usually, best powder from this group is suitable for frequent washing and for lightly soiled items.

Of course, when choosing which powder will be better for washing, your things must be checked for the quality of its constituent substances and try not to pay attention to the name.

It is known that safe powder, in which few active substances weakly wash stubborn dirt. The same thing happens and vice versa good powder, which removes persistent pollution is not happy with the quality and price.

Among other things, the best washing powder should not cause allergies. It is quite possible to find one on the shelves. If you are really looking quality product, then you need to rely on your needs, or rather on what types of pollution you most often take, as well as what types of fabrics prevail in your wardrobe.

Best Inexpensive Laundry Detergents

While with many products there is a rule that price directly reflects quality, this is not always the case with powder. Of course, no one will deny that the rating of the best washing powders will certainly include famous brands manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble, Neva cosmetics, Persil, etc.

But the winner is not the most recognizable product, but the one that has been tested, necessarily harmless and of high quality. But to find cheap products that meet environmental standards and are able to remove dirt with 100% probability is almost impossible.

But despite this, not hyped Ariel or Tide entered the cheap rating of washing powders. Even if the name of the product does not evoke any associations in memory, this does not prevent it from getting into the TOP of 2016 and 2017, which passed the test of washing powders among consumers and perfectly cope with the task assigned to them.

So, which powder will answer you better, our small TOP, which contains the most affordable laundry detergents.

Sarma-Automatic Mountain freshness

If you have a lot of white laundry and you wash it often, then you will probably need a lot of powder in order to satisfy the need for frequent washing. Naturally, every housewife wants to save money, especially when it comes to expensive detergents.

One of the laundry detergents is Sarma powder, which is also used for colored laundry. This powder perfectly shows its qualities in the form of whitening, thanks to the enzymes included in the composition.

eared babysitter

For those parents who constantly struggle with stains from juices, paints and grass, great suitable remedy"Eared nanny". Of course, the advertisement in the photo, which demonstrates its hypoallergenicity with inscriptions, has nothing to do with this, since children are still sensitive to the substances that make up the composition, namely phosphates.

But if these substances were not contained there, then it would not cope so well with various kinds of pollution, which conventional powders wash rarely or not completely.

Bimax 100 spots

No less effective in terms of fighting for cleanliness from all kinds of stains is Bimax powder, which is used for almost any type of linen (with the exception of delicate fabrics).

Many note its high efficiency in the fight against complex stains. But this powder has not very high-quality solubility at low temperatures, as well as poor washing when washing "Mini".

Losk 9 Total system automatic Mountain lake

The hostess, accustomed to the practicality and versatility of detergents, is perfect powder from Losk. This product is used as a cleaning powder. various surfaces, as well as use it for its intended purpose for any type of fabric.

The only drawback that he is accused of is the strong aroma that can cause allergic reactions.

Persil Expert Color automatic

For washing colored clothes, it is quite difficult to choose a product, especially when it is subject to frequent pollution. Many powders, containing bleaches, affect the colors and give them whiteness, but Persil helps to preserve the color.

After the washing powder refreshes clothes with new colors. Also, the components included in the composition perfectly fulfill their purpose for removing stains.

The best washing powders: price - quality

Of course, the name that every best washing powder has is not sold for a penny. Therefore, the washing powder corresponds in quality to its price and vice versa, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes manufacturers completely forget about the quality of raw materials, as well as its safety for the body. As a result, not only the reputation of the manufacturer suffers, but also human health. Also, cases of fakes, especially popular brands, are not excluded.

In any case, if you are sure that the laundry detergent that you buy in the store is original, then by all means pay attention to its composition. After all, as mentioned above, the price and quality are different.

Ariel Mountain spring machine

As always, Ariel is considered one of the best detergents, this powder is not only able to remove dirt at temperatures below 20-30 degrees, but also has a subtle unobtrusive aroma.

Many note that the consumption of this tool is quite economical, but the cost and attitude to some delicate fabrics leaves much to be desired.

Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

But it should be understood that optical brighteners are included in the composition, which means that when washing white linen, you will see the illusion of whiteness, and not actually bleached fabric. Also, the existing fragrance often becomes a problem for people prone to allergies.

Ecover ZERO NON BIO Universal

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly pure product to wash your clothes, then the Belgian Ecover ZERO will not disappoint you. This powder is intended for those people who care about their health and their loved ones.

There is nothing in the composition that could cause the body to react to its substances, since only BIO-surfactants are found here. Also, this product is odorless, which certainly puts it in the ranking of the best and most harmless.

Tide white clouds

If you do not suffer from allergies, and frequent feasts force you to remove all kinds of stains from the tablecloth, then Tide is one of the few able to clean everything that satisfied and well-fed guests left behind.

This tool copes not only with traces of coffee or wine, it is also able to remove lipstick stains. It also has the advantage of being economical.

Top House Super Effect

For those housewives who are used to spending a lot of powder in one wash, it's time to change the product. This great economical helper is Top House Powder Concentrate.

For washing, this product is enough for for a long time, since its strong concentration suggests the use of a small amount of it at a time. Washes colored and white linen with equal efficiency. But the disadvantage is the high price.

Which powder is best for white laundry

Of course, if you want to find a good laundry detergent specifically for laundry white color, then it is necessary to choose a composition that includes safe bleaches. As a rule, safe washing powders contain either optical or oxygen bleaches.

This version of the composition is most preferable, since chlorine-containing substances are poorly washed out and can significantly affect human health, especially children, and always not for the better.

Therefore, if you are looking for a safe laundry detergent that whitens, and not just gives the illusion of whiteness, then choose an oxygenated formula. But do not forget, when choosing a washing powder, you should rely on what things you will use it for.

If you do not suffer from allergies, then any laundry detergents are suitable for you, and bleach (in powder or liquid form) is used separately.

But if the bleaching powder is bought in order to give whiteness to baby diapers and undershirts, then it is better to abandon aggressive compounds in order to avoid skin rashes.

Which powder is the most harmless

Naturally, a good powder will be gentle and not contain surfactants or have a safe amount of them. Young mothers and housewives will be especially concerned about finding the best laundry detergent.

After all, the safest version of the powder does not mean that it will be useful for washing at all. All safety lies in the fact that soap chips are usually included in the composition, but surfactants are practically not mentioned, the same applies to phosphates.

Of course, such gentle substances are not only harmless to the skin, since they are easily washed out from the fibers of the fabric, but they are also harmless to the washing machine, since they do not settle on the hoses and are easily washed off the surface.

But choosing a safe product does not always do the job, especially when it comes to children's pollution left from playing on the grass, juices and other contaminants. Therefore, choose a product that washes and does not harm health.

Ecover Concentrate

As you know, in order for the powder to manifest itself as it should, it needs surfactants that do an excellent job of cleaning fabrics. Naturally, the more surfactants, the better the effect after washing.

But a concentration above 5% indicates that anionic surfactants can adversely affect human health. The concentrate from Ecover contains from 5-30% of these very anionic surfactants, so it should be used with caution when washing children's clothes.

baby speci

We have already said above that children's laundry detergents must be the most gentle, but looking at the packaging, you should not trust written advertising headlines. Before choosing, take a look at the composition.

Baby Speci powder, which is intended for children's things, is full of all kinds of surfactants (from 5% and above), as well as optical brighteners that are difficult to wash out of the fabric.

The best washing gels

Just like the best laundry detergent, liquid laundry detergent doesn't come cheap. The thing is that the cost is directly related to the consistency of the substance, and at the same time, the laundry gel is much more effective and easier to use compared to powder granules.

These substances are easily washed out of the fibers of the fabric and at the same time better cope with pollution and are intended for delicate items made from natural threads (silk or wool).

But the best detergents, called gels, have some disadvantages, such as price, low efficiency and leaving residues on the tubes of the machine (if their quantity is abused).

The most popular liquid products are the gels of the following brands:

  • Persil Expert Gel;
  • synergetic;
  • Gel Wellery DELICATE Color.

Much is charged with the duties of modern powder. It must effectively remove dirt, smell good, condition clothes, preserve the color and quality of fabrics, soften hard water, protect washing machine parts, while being safe for humans and the environment. Some manufacturers continue to adhere to outdated standards that allow many things to be added that are not recommended or even prohibited. That is why buyers should be on the lookout: the ability to independently determine effective and safe household chemicals will help protect your family members from many health problems.

What should be a safe washing powder, what requirements should it meet? Modern hygiene science has determined that the best means for washing do not contain phosphates, chlorine-containing substances, sulfates, ammonia, silicates and boron. As for surface-active substances (surfactants), their amount in detergents should be strictly limited: no more than 2% of anionic surfactants, no more than 2% of cationic surfactants and no more than 3% of non-ionic surfactants are allowed. The amount of salts of toxic acids (not more than 1%) and flavors (not more than 0.01%) should also be limited. Only this amount of active substances is reliably rinsed out of the laundry, does not cause significant harm to human health and the environment.

The rating of the best washing powders includes detergent formulations different consistency for cleaning by hand or with the help of a typewriter of adult and children's things. When compiling it, we focused, among other things, on the opinions of real buyers. We hope our top will help you make the right choice.

The best inexpensive powders for hand and machine washing

Contrary to the well-known opinion that cheap means poor quality, leading brands prove the opposite. The compositions of goods that are in consumer demand are quite optimal, they are washed depending on the degree of soiling of clothes declared on the packaging, they are intended for materials of different colors and textures.

5 BioMio Bio-Color

Effective biodegradable product
Country Russia
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Splat-Cosmetics company has been producing products under this brand for only 5 years, but it has already received recognition from both experts (the Life Leaf certificate) and consumers, based on their feedback. Behind the bright packaging lies an environmentally friendly content that does not cause allergic skin reactions. It contains an extract natural cotton, enzymes, which increases the ability to clean the most contaminated surfaces without compromising their structure and appearance.

The 5% surfactant index is the most relevant argument in favor of a product that is reliable in use both for a washing machine and in manual mode. If we add the absence of phosphates and fragrances to all the benefits, then the benefits are obvious. BioMio Bio-Color is suitable for colored and dark fabrics of any origin. They easily put in order not only adult, but also children's clothes.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • the composition is certified;
  • the presence of natural ingredients;
  • for a wide range of colors;
  • no environmental pollution.


  • not detected.

4 Attack Bio EX

Beneficial concentrated powder
Country: Japan
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This product has been recognized for its versatility thanks to a balanced set of useful components. It can be used to remove dirt from white, light and colored fabrics. And it is not only about simple stains but also of organic origin. Oils, traces of cosmetics, tea, coffee disappear, like an unpleasant dream, with the help of enzymes that penetrate deep into the entire structure of the material. The advantage of the product is its economical consumption, which is controlled by the measuring spoon included in the kit.

The composition includes a bleaching component, therefore it is most effective when washing pastel shades of cotton, synthetic fabrics. A big plus is the absence of chlorine and phosphates, which are often found in competitors' analogues. The manufacturer offers a convenient box-type packaging with a spare block, which allows you to save on packaging.


  • deep degree of purification;
  • compatibility with fabrics of different composition;
  • no harmful components;
  • high concentration;
  • thoughtful packaging.


  • not suitable for dark materials.

3 SARMA Active "Lily of the valley"

The cheapest product
Country Russia
Average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Washing powder from the Nevskaya Cosmetics factory costs 2 times less than the promoted brands, and its effectiveness is comparable to both Persil and Ariel. However, it contains phosphates, sulfates, silicates and optical brighteners, the content of anionic surfactants is exceeded (up to 5-15%). It is very difficult to remove these substances, because the same phosphates are washed out of the fabric only after 10-12 rinse cycles in an automatic machine. In this regard, buyers do not recommend using this powder for washing children's clothes, as well as underwear and bed linen.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • well washes difficult pollution;
  • has a low price;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • bleaches light fabrics.


  • contains a large amount of anionic surfactants;
  • phosphates, sulfates and silicates are included;
  • There is an optical brightener.

2 Ariel "Mountain spring" automatic

Proprietary formula
A country: USA (produced in Russia)
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

After a long appearance on the Russian market, the product was noticed by consumers, because the housewives no longer needed to boil the laundry - the powder bleached it and eliminated dirt during normal washing. Today it has many competitors, but does not escape the attention of buyers. This is confirmed by their feedback. "Mountain Spring" is ideal for washing clothes, towels and cotton bedding, but is not recommended for knitwear. According to users, cotton knitwear “shrinks” during washing.

As for the composition, everything is not so optimistic. The composition of Ariel is worse than that of Persil: there are no phosphates, but there are zeolites, and the content of anionic surfactants is increased to 5-15% (should be less than 5%). Zeolites, by the way, make linen coarse and hard, and in terms of harmfulness they are only slightly better than phosphates, since they are substances of organic origin.


  • retains the original whiteness of things with regular use;
  • bleaches cotton fabrics;
  • rinses out well.


  • contains optical brightener;
  • not recommended for dark and colored fabrics;
  • knitted things lose their shape and dimension;
  • quickly consumed;
  • not suitable for woolen and silk fabrics;
  • contains zeolites;

World science classifies detergents as the most dangerous substances of those with which a person continuously comes into contact in everyday life. Moreover, in the book “Hygiene in the Use of Synthetic Detergents”, published for a limited circle of physicians back in 1977, it is said that anionic surfactants have a tremendous detrimental effect on a person’s fertility, the effect of which is “... similar to ionizing radiation.”

1 Persil submachine gun "Frosty Arctic"

The best powder for colored fabrics
A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The product contains liquid stain remover capsules that effectively remove even dried stains. Versatile: suitable for colored, dark and white garments in all fabrics. The content of anionic surfactants (5-15%) and non-anionic surfactants (less than 5%) is exceeded in the composition of the product, but there are no phosphates. The fragrances added to the powder are not washed out, the smell remains on the linen.


  • suitable for any fabrics;
  • removes difficult dirt;
  • does not contain phosphates;
  • economically spent.


  • contains aggressive fragrances;
  • poorly rinsed;
  • there are optical brighteners;
  • a large number of anionic surfactants.

The best premium powders for hand and machine washing

In order to enhance the washing qualities of washing powder, manufacturers add a variety of enzymes to it, each of which is responsible for removing a specific type of contaminant, as well as antisorbents that prevent subsequent contamination of clothes, anti-corrosion components, bleaches and foaming agents. Not only washing efficiency, but also the cost of the product depends on these components. And this, in turn, determines the demand for the product and the credibility of the manufacturer. Powders from Russia, Asia and Europe were included in the rating of elite current market offers.

3 Klar Basis Compact Color

Balance of natural and chemical components
Country: Germany
Average price: 1250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The main feature of the product is a large amount of ingredients of plant origin. Sugar surfactants, rice starch, soda, soap based vegetable oils, salt from shellfish and coral - all these elements of washing powder are able to gently clean clothes, but old or difficult stains do not lend themselves to them. Detergent can be used not only for washing adult clothes, but also for children. This is due to the hypoallergenic composition, where there are no phosphates, fragrances.

It is significant that after hand or machine washing things smell naturally, without pronounced aromatization effects. The product is mainly focused on cleaning colored items that do not immediately fade after numerous washes.


  • many herbal ingredients;
  • you can wash baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic formula.


  • in the composition of zeolites, palm oil;
  • discrepancy between small volume (1.375 kg) and high cost;
  • useful information on the box in german.

2 wire color

Good composition for the presence of surfactants
Country: Poland
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The product is most effective in a manual wash mode, since the components included in its composition are quickly washed out, the absence of phosphates reduces the risk of fiber destruction. The presence of 5% surfactants and nonionic surfactants indicates good safety detergent. The formula was created taking into account the cleansing of colored clothes of both natural and artificial origin.

Another positive moment- the inclusion of enzymes, due to which even protein, greasy stains are easier to remove, and the effect of the bleach is enhanced. As a result, the fabric does not lose its softness, retains the intensity of the color, does not roll. Soft but moisture-proof packaging with contents is conveniently stored in a drawer for household chemicals.


  • optimal composition;
  • qualitatively washes colored linen;
  • for materials of any origin;
  • lack of phosphates;
  • temperature regime 30 - 90 degrees;
  • packing 3 kg.


  • be careful when washing woolen and silk items.

1 "Aist-Profi Color" machine

The best traditions and technologies
Country Russia
Average price: 1900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A company with more than 150 years of history offers time-tested quality, which is confirmed by positive customer reviews. Careful control of raw materials, finished detergent, the presence of our own laboratory, which Dmitry Mendeleev once visited for consultations, as well as the continuous search for new modern formulas that improve the properties of the powder, made the product noteworthy On the market.

Enhanced stain removal and color retention properties allow the product to be used for heavily soiled laundry. And lasting effect occurs when washing both white or colored things, and dark, black. To achieve the desired goal, any washing machine is suitable, however, a temperature regime in the range of 30 - 60 degrees is recommended.


  • universal approach;
  • good stain removal performance;
  • the presence of enzymes;
  • contains bleach;
  • big package.


  • packaging design leaves much to be desired;
  • not suitable for wool and silk.

The best baby laundry detergents

For children's products, both manufacturers and parents of babies usually have increased requirements. It's connected with low level the resistance of the child's body to infections, allergens and other adverse environmental influences. In 2018, Roskachestvo tested 31 domestic and foreign brands of washing powder for adults and children. Despite the fact that no violations of safety standards were identified, not a single product turned out to be 100% perfect in terms of the quality of stain removal. Therefore, it remains to choose only the best of the proposed.

3 Burti Compact Baby

Optimum combination of composition and functionality
Country: Germany
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Soap base Burti Compact Baby consists of natural surfactants (nonionic and anionic tensides), as well as relatively harmless zeolites. The composition also includes enzymes and fragrances. In general, the formula for this children's goods satisfies consumers. According to customer reviews, the powder does not cope well with protein contaminants, but it is very good with everyone else, even in cold water.


  • does not contain phosphates;
  • removes specific children's pollution better than others;
  • preserves the colors of fabrics;
  • leaves no odor after rinsing.


  • does not cope with old protein contaminants;
  • often faked.

2 BabyLine based on natural soap

Better performance in cold water
Country: Germany
Average price: 830 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Although natural soap in this tool it occupies the first line, anionic and non-anionic surfactants are also present here. What's more, BabyLine contains phosphates. The advantage of the product is that it can effectively wash clothes even in cold water and in manual mode. In addition, the powder is well washed out, practically odorless and very economically consumed (only 45 grams of the product is required for 1 wash).


  • leaves no odor after rinsing;
  • does not cause allergies in young children;
  • effective in cold water.


  • contains phosphates;
  • does not cope with old pollution;
  • contains surfactants in large quantities.

1 "Cleantown" for children

Volume for long-term operation
Country Russia
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Those who are accustomed to using only high-quality products will certainly appreciate the development of a young domestic manufacturer. The combination of components is selected based on the results of scientific and test studies, which guarantees a pleasant wash by hand or in the "machine". Soda, lemon acid and powdered soap of a fine fraction, combined in the optimal proportion for improved results, do not cause allergies, do not destroy the chemical fibers of the material and are quickly washed out.

The manufacturer confirms the absence of surfactants, chlorine, zeolites, phosphates in the composition of the washing powder, due to which not only the baby’s health will not suffer, but also the machine protected in this way from scale. The absence of artificial flavors makes the scent delicate, refined, not repulsive. In addition, it is completely neutralized during rinsing. To achieve the result in the washing process, you should follow the instructions for choosing the temperature regime.


  • packaging of 1.5 kg is designed to serve 120 kg of linen;
  • biodegradable mass;
  • in the composition of more than 30% natural soap;
  • the absence of surfactants and other substances hazardous to the health of the child;
  • for daily washing by hand or in a washing machine of any type;
  • cleans white and colored things well;
  • useful for linen, viscose, cotton, synthetic fabrics.


  • does not wash clothes made of wool and silk.

The best gels, liquid products for hand and machine washing

An alternative to traditional washing powders are concentrated gels and other liquid detergents. They have their advantages and disadvantages, but they never go unnoticed by consumers. The latter are attracted by the opportunity to obtain a product that is economically consumed, quickly cleans contaminated surfaces, is perfectly washed out and belongs to the budget category. The main disadvantage is, as a rule, an increased content of surfactants in the composition of the product. Let's see what brands and compositions our customers prefer.

4 Salton Sport

Panacea for down products
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The manufacturer positions the product as a shampoo that is able to gently but reliably clean down jackets, sleeping bags, blankets and other products from dirt while maintaining the natural advantageous properties of the filler. These primarily include thermal conductivity, breathability, elasticity. Added bonus - elimination unpleasant odors without the use of strong fragrances.

In the reviews, the owners of the detergent note its low consumption, so a compact 250 ml plastic container is enough for a long time. If in doubt how much liquid to pour, you can use the table placed on the label. Salton Sport does not destroy the fibers of things with climatic membranes, and therefore is used for frequent washing of heavily soiled items. A high result, according to consumers, is achieved when cleaning hard-to-reach places (cuffs, pockets, side seams), especially after they are pre-soaked in this composition.


  • perfectly washes the surfaces of materials of complex structure;
  • for hand and machine washing;
  • economical consumption;
  • the cap additionally performs the function of a measuring cup;
  • useful instructions on the right bottle;
  • fluff does not lose volume after washing, does not cake;
  • optimal combination of volume and price.


  • strong smell of liquid, not for allergy sufferers;
  • a lot of foam when used in the washing machine, you need to rinse well.

3 Ecover Essential

New in 2018 with natural flavor
Country: Belgium
Average price: 970 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The plastic container contains a concentrate, which is considered universal, since it can be used to wash both adult and children's clothes of any color. This is due to its completely organic formula. Ecological cleanliness, safety for health and the environment are confirmed by a special Ecocert certificate. The lavender oil which is a part gives to linen gentle aroma.

Despite the vegetable base of the detergent, it is quite productive even in cold water. However, anionic and nonionic surfactants are still present in the composition in an acceptable proportion, performing a penetrating function. On sale there are two types of packaging by volume. The price is for a 1 liter container.


  • good result when washing white and colored clothes;
  • color is retained for a long time;
  • easy to rinse;
  • 100% Provence lavender oil;
  • hypoallergenic agent;
  • does not contain enzymes, optical brighteners, phosphates, synthetic fragrances;
  • indicated for vegans.


  • as part of anionic, nonionic surfactants, fragrances;
  • uneconomical consumption (one and a half caps per 5 liters of water).

2 Gel Cotico for sportswear

High degree of fabric protection
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Detergent can safely be awarded the Audience Choice Award. In the reviews, consumers repeatedly point out the excellent effect on membrane tissues. What is important, the fibers of the material at a deep level are cleaned of sweat, grease, dirt, but at the same time they do not collapse, do not worsen their heat-shielding qualities. In addition, the fabric itself does not lose its natural softness.

The gel is also gentle on the contact surfaces of the washing machine, protecting them from scale formation. With the help of this specialized tool, it is easy to put in order not only sportswear, but also shoes, down jackets, tourist tents, sleeping bags, air mattresses, thermal underwear, neoprene, lycra equipment for diving and surfing.


  • light plastic container with handle, dispenser;
  • convenient trough-shaped dispenser, equipped with a cap that can be used as a measuring cup;
  • 1 liter is enough for 20 washes;
  • contains no phosphates;
  • in the production of the gel, water from our own artesian wells is used;
  • excellent cleaning of difficult materials;
  • protection of membrane tissues;
  • biodegradability is over 95%.


  • in the composition indicated on the container, the components under the group "functional additives" are not specified.

1 CJ Lion Beat Drum

Original soft pack with handle
Country: South Korea
Average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Liquid agent for automatic and manual machines is available in bottle or bag packaging. Moreover, the packages cause only pleasant emotions, as they are convenient to hold in the hand due to the presence of a special handle. You can be sure that such packaging will not slip out of wet hands when pouring the product into a special compartment of the washing machine. In addition, a plastic dispenser is prudently installed in the upper corner of the package, which allows you to better control the direction and angle of the jet.

The leader of the rating incorporates foaming vegetable additives, so clothes do not require mandatory thorough rinsing. There are no white marks, as happens when washing with loose powders. Another plus is that the liquid does not lose its positive qualities in cold water.


  • effectively washes clothes;
  • powerful rinsing properties;
  • retains its original color;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • 2 types of bleaches - oxygen and fluorescent;
  • delicate aroma.


  • not for wool and silk;
  • as part of palm tree extract, zeolites, flavorings.