At what temperature to wash 100 cotton. How to remove heavy dirt. How to wash colored clothes

Cotton clothes are very comfortable and in demand all year round. Natural material has a huge number of advantages, but at the same time, it also has features regarding use and cleaning, therefore it will definitely not be out of place to remind you how to wash cotton so that clothes, tablecloths with curtains and all other items made from cotton fabric can last a long time. did not lose their appearance and properties.

Cotton is a natural material extracted from the amniotic fibers of cotton and is a hollow tube of cellulose, twisted along the axis, which makes it even stronger. The thickness of the cotton fiber is approximately 20 microns, and the length can vary from 5-20 mm (down, lint, down) and up to 20-60 mm (cotton fiber). It is used to create a large range of fabrics and materials.


Given the characteristics of the material, the presence of dyes and the fact that cotton shrinks during washing, if you do not follow simple rules during drying, you must carefully approach the choice of washing mode and the selection of washing powder and other products. Therefore, the division according to the main features comes first. So you can accurately separate those things that can be washed together, observing the optimal mode.

The sort order is as follows:

  • White and unpainted;
  • Color.
  • Durable, thick, homespun cotton fabrics;
  • Thin cotton fabric (tulle, chintz, veil, muslin);
  • Corduroy, flannel and other fabrics with a pile and a complex structure.

Cotton itself is a unique natural material, for which the optimal cleaning mode is at 130 ° C using a variety of detergents, in addition to the most aggressive solvents and oxidizing agents. Unless the use of chlorine-containing powders and bleaches is now not recommended. Instead, it is more efficient to use oxygen bleaches, which were discussed in this article. However, the presence of dyes and the desire to preserve the appearance of things force the use of temperatures much lower. Therefore, sorting and the choice of a specific mode are needed in order to wash cotton without any special consequences.

Thin fabrics are more prone to shrinkage and require a certain approach during drying, so they are also classified as a separate group. Corduroy, flannel, bike require care so as not to spoil the fleece and appearance after washing, as mentioned

Washing white cotton materials

  • Temperature - from 40 to 95 ° C;
  • With pre-soak for especially dirty clothes;
  • Laundry detergents with bleach, oxygen bleaches, chlorine-containing;
  • Full wash cycle;
  • Preferably double rinse;
  • Spin at maximum speed;
  • Automatic drying at temperatures up to 60°C.

White dense cotton fabrics are the least picky about the washing regime, especially when it comes to washing 100 cotton without adding synthetics. For them, you can choose a washing temperature up to 95 ° C with the addition of oxygen bleaches and some chlorine-containing bleaches. Spin can be set to maximum speed up to 1400 rpm. However, the drying mode, if the machine has it, can be applied to those things where it is allowed by the manufacturer. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from doing this, do everything manually.

At the maximum spin, cotton items usually come out of the machine only slightly damp, you can immediately proceed to ironing, from which the fabric will smooth out better and dry completely.

Washing colored items

  • Temperature - from 30 to 65 ° C (according to the manufacturer's requirements);
  • With pre-soaking for heavy pollution;
  • Washing powders for colored things;
  • Full wash cycle;
  • Double rinse;
  • Spin at 600-800 rpm;
  • No automatic dryer.

For colored items, it is advisable to strictly limit at what temperature to wash cotton. Even the most resistant chemical stains cannot withstand temperatures above 65°C. Therefore, it is better to wash them at 40-45 ° C, because it is quite difficult to determine the type of color by eye.

You can pre-check whether the material is painted or not, whether it will shed. To do this, a piece or corner soaked in a hot soapy solution is wiped on a clean white cloth. If a color trace remains, then during washing, the cotton will surely shed if you set the temperature too high. Such materials must first be fixed in color or the first few times a new thing should be washed separately by hand.

Detergents are selected only for colored materials, without bleaches. Spinning is best done at medium speeds, up to 800 rpm. Machine drying is not recommended, it is better to hang them on a clothesline or trempel, where they are completely dry.

How to deal with thin cotton fabrics

  • Temperature - 40-65 ° C;
  • With pre-soaking;
  • Laundry detergents with or without bleach, depending on the presence of color;
  • Delicate washing mode without reducing the time;
  • Simple rinse;
  • Spin at 600 rpm;
  • No automatic dryer.

Thin fabrics are washed, regardless of whether they are white or not, at a temperature not exceeding 65 ° C, otherwise the cotton shrinks after washing. Also, do not use a tumble dryer. For thin fabrics, it is necessary to apply some tricks for drying so that the appearance and texture do not deteriorate, especially for lace materials.

It is best for lace items to limit yourself to hand washing. Pre-soaking in hot water with the addition of laundry detergent for 5-6 hours will help get rid of dirt. Lace and handkerchiefs can be soaked separately in cold salt water. At the same time, lace will retain its shape, and scarves will be easier to wash. After that, it is enough to lightly wash with washing powder or in a simple soapy solution, without much zeal, and rinse thoroughly so that no detergent remains. Instead of wringing, it is better, by slightly squeezing the thing, to select the main water.

Corduroy, flannel and other fabrics with a pile and complex structure

  • Hand wash only, unless stated otherwise by the manufacturer;
  • Temperature - 40-65оС;
  • Soap solution, washing powders, cotton conditioners;
  • No wrinkling, no twisting;
  • Drying flattened.

A huge number of fabrics are made of cotton with a pile or with a long pile, thick, but at the same time soft. They are very pleasant to the touch and are ideal for sewing clothes or upholstery for upholstered furniture. However, they require a special approach to washing. Velveteen cannot be machine washed at all, otherwise it will lose its shape and its appearance will deteriorate.

Suitable only for gentle hand washing of cotton using detergent or soap flakes. It is contraindicated to wring out or wash things from velvet, it is enough to rinse in the solution with light movements and then wring it out slightly, avoiding strong kinks and folds. The last rinse of the flannel is best done with a few tablespoons of vinegar.

Drying and ironing cotton

You should first read the label on the clothes, which indicates the modes for cleaning. There are also instructions for drying. If there is a square with a circle inside and three dots in it, then this is an ordinary dense cotton fabric that can be dried in machines with the appropriate function at temperatures up to 80 ° C. They can be hung on a clothesline and hangers with coat hangers and dried on the balcony and outside.

First rule how to dry cotton. Do not dry it in direct sunlight. Under the influence of sunlight, cotton loses its strength, white things turn yellow, and colors fade. For information, 800-900 hours in direct sunlight will cut fiber strength in half.

More delicate items and all colored ones, it is better not to dry in a machine at a high temperature. This is due to the presence of dyes and, as such, the chemical processing of cotton. After automatic drying, it is quite difficult to steam and smooth out the wrinkles.

Second rule. It is better to dry not completely, but to a state of slightly damp. After that, you can go directly to ironing. While drying on the ropes, you should straighten the thing so that it hangs as evenly as possible without wrinkles.

Drying fine cotton fabrics, lace items

Lace can be severely deformed, lose shape, stretch, or, on the contrary, sit down if not dried properly. Especially delicate tablecloths, clothes and scarves are best straightened on a flat soft surface and fixed with pins. When they become only slightly damp, you can start ironing. The pins are removed as needed for ironing and then returned to their place.

How to bleach worn white things

There are a huge number of different bleaches on sale, and oxygen bleaching products are coming to replace chlorine-containing ones. At the same time, active oxygen does an excellent job even with persistent pollution. Therefore, in most cases there is no need to remember about folk remedies.

And yet, soaking for a day in a solution with a half dose of washing powder for the required volume and turpentine at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons for every 10 liters of water can help restore the washed-out thing to its former whiteness and softness.

In addition to bleaches, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia can cope with yellowing. In hot water 60-70 ° C per 8 liters, 2 tablespoons of peroxide and one tablespoon of ammonia are used.


A popular method for bleaching and cleaning white cotton items is boiling. Large enameled or aluminum utensils are used. A solution of cleaning agent and bleach is prepared according to the instructions at the rate of 10 liters for each kilogram of things.

It should be heated slowly so that at least 35 minutes pass from the moment the stove is turned on until it boils. You can boil for half an hour. After that, things should be rinsed, only in this case hot water is used first and then the temperature drops during repeated rinses.

Restoring and fixing color

If white things are stained after washing with colored ones, but not much, then soda can correct the situation. It is worth soaking them in hot water with soda for 12 hours and then rinse thoroughly and wash again.

Cotton items with embroidery, if they are easily dyed, it is better to wash in a saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water), and then in a soapy solution. Instead of twisting, the item is wrapped in a towel and then hung out to dry.

Why cotton things shrink

Cotton fabrics mostly shrink from heat during drying. Therefore, to avoid this, especially for thin fabrics, drying is best done at room temperature, in the shade. Do not tumble dry unless otherwise stated on the manufacturer's label. By following these simple rules on how to wash cotton, you can keep things looking great and durable for a long time.

How to wash cotton so that it does not shrink and shed

Cotton clothing is considered the highest quality. However, cotton is a rather capricious material. Many housewives are concerned about the question - how to wash cotton properly so as not to damage the fabric.

Consider the basic nuances of washing cotton products. Washing features can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Washing white cotton products;
  • Washing of colored fabrics.

Features of washing white cotton products

To wash heavily soiled fabrics, you must first soak them for 1 day in a solution of washing powder, water and turpentine.

Many people are worried at what temperature to wash cotton. It is worth remembering that this material requires a special attitude towards itself. So, when washing in an automatic machine, you should select the mode: “delicate work”. The optimum temperature is no more than 35-40 degrees. In some cases, you can increase the temperature to 90 degrees - products made of thick material.

If you wash items in hard water, they may turn yellow over time. To get rid of yellowness, it is necessary to soak the product in the following solution:

  • hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons)
  • ammonia (1 tablespoon)
  • hot water (9-10 l)

In the resulting mixture, it is necessary to soak the yellowed things for half an hour, then rinse well until the smell is eliminated.

Washing fabric that is prone to fading

Colored cotton how to wash? Colored cottons should be checked for fading before washing.

Stages of work:

  • Moisten an inconspicuous small area of ​​colored fabric with water.
  • Take a white cloth and rub the wetted area of ​​cloth on its surface.
  • If there are no streaks on the white surface, then the cotton fabric is not subject to fading.

Consider how to wash 100% cotton that is prone to fading:

  • To clean the product, hand washing is recommended;
  • Washing powder should not contain active detergent components. Ideal option - for children's underwear;
  • Do not use whitening products;
  • To prevent fading, add a salt solution to the water. (in 1 liter of water at room temperature, dilute 1 tablespoon of salt)
  • The rinse mode must be carried out in cool water;
  • It is not recommended to use the spin mode;
  • To remove excess moisture, lay the washed product on a flat horizontal surface and cover it with a towel. Gently press the towel against the cotton fabric. The towel will absorb any excess moisture.

Washing colored cottons

Before washing, carefully read the information on the label and label of the product. Usually, manufacturers apply schematic images there that characterize certain features of clothing care.

  • The optimum water temperature when washing colored items is no more than 40 degrees;
  • When choosing a powder, give preference to products that do not contain chlorine and are designed to clean delicate items;
  • If you are washing the fabric for the first time, never use a washing machine. The product may lose its shape. For this type of product, hand washing is recommended. Water temperature - room;
  • Do not mix and wash cotton and synthetic fabrics at the same time. They can damage cotton fabric. This will lead to a loss of softness of the product;
  • We recommend ironing cotton garments when damp. The best option is ironing from the wrong side of the product.

Things made of 100% cotton are very popular, pleasant to wear and practical to use. However, they need special care, as they easily wrinkle, get dirty and lose their original appearance. How to prepare them for water procedures, at what temperature should cotton fabrics be washed so that they do not shrink and lose color? How to wash cotton by hand and in a washing machine? Let's figure it out.

Preparatory stage

Before washing cotton, it must be properly prepared. Read the product care information carefully. It is listed on the manufacturer's label. Then sort things carefully: do not wash cotton and synthetics, as well as colored and white fabrics at the same time. In the first case, pellets may form on the surface of cotton textiles, and in the second case, colored clothes may shed. Also separate items that need a light wash from those that require an extra soak.

The next step is to turn the cotton inside out. This will protect it from mechanical damage (for example, friction against the drum) and preserve the appearance of the front side. Remove all items from pockets, fasten zippers, snaps and buttons. Shake off dust from bed linen.

If you are using a machine, put the dirty clothes in a special bag or in a regular pillowcase. This will prevent it from slipping into a tight knot, improve the quality of washing and prevent damage to the appliance due to uneven load.

Purchase a special detergent for washing 100% cotton. It is desirable that it includes bioadditives (enzymes).

Preliminary processing

If cotton items are very dirty, then they must first be soaked. To do this, prepare a solution: dilute in 10 liters of water 4 tbsp. l. turpentine and the same amount of detergent. Soak the laundry in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.

If there are local stains on cotton, try to remove them before washing. The most effective are bleaches containing chlorine compounds. However, they are only suitable for white cotton and not for frequent use. Chlorine quickly wears out the fabric, making it fragile. For non-ferrous materials, the use of such compositions is prohibited.

If there are local stains on textiles, try to remove them before washing.

Oxygen-based bleaches are more reliable - they do not spoil the structure of cotton. Need a cheaper option? Use 72% laundry soap. Wet the dirt with warm water and rub with this product. Rinse the item after 2-3 hours.

If you are washing cotton with an automatic machine, select the pre-soak or wash programme. It works in the same way as the manual method. You simply place the cottons in the drum, pour the powder into the two compartments and turn on the function. Remember that when machine washing, it is forbidden to use chlorine-containing compounds. They will damage the internal coating of the device. The best alternative would be oxygen bleaches and natural based stain removers.

Machine wash

100% cotton products can be washed at different temperatures. More modern washing machines provide automatic temperature selection. This is possible thanks to the programs of the same name "Cotton", "Heavily soiled cotton", "Colored cotton", etc.

However, sometimes you have to set the temperature manually. It all depends on the characteristics of the fabric. For example, colored things are strictly contraindicated in hot water. Otherwise, the dyes that are used to apply the pattern may shed. It is advisable to wash them separately, choosing a temperature of no more than 50 ° C. White textiles are not in danger of losing color, so set the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200b- 90 ° C.

Pay attention to the density of the fabric. Durable cotton materials can be washed in water of any temperature, but for thin ones, choose no higher than 40 ° C. Compliance with this condition will help to avoid shrinkage of the fibers.

Also, the temperature for washing cotton depends on the degree of soiling. The hotter the water, the better things will wash. Accordingly, if you just need to freshen up your clothes, select the quick wash program and a temperature of 35-40 ° C. True, it is not recommended to reduce the rinse: if particles of powder remain in the fibers, they will turn yellow under the action of ultraviolet rays.


Washing cotton by hand is more troublesome. It is used for especially thin materials, embroidered things, cotton lace. In this case, it is desirable to do without soaking. As detergents, choose only gentle ones, without chlorine and other aggressive substances.

During washing, avoid intense exposure to the product. Rub the fabric gently so as not to damage. Twisting is also contraindicated - just wring out the thing slightly. You need to rinse in water at room temperature, until the soap suds disappear.

Spin and dry

Overdrying cotton products is undesirable. They work best when wet. Hang things on hangers, carefully straightening from folds and creases. Then place in a place protected from light. White cotton may turn yellow when exposed to the sun, and colored cotton may fade.

When machine washing, try not to leave wrung out items in the drum for a long time. Otherwise, they will become caked and then difficult to iron. It is also better not to use the machine dry function - cotton can shrink at high temperatures. Do not dry cotton products near heating appliances.

Shrinkage and discoloration of cotton garments can be avoided by proper laundering. In the article, we will share the secrets: what to do if cotton shrinks after washing, how to wash cotton items in CMA and by hand.

There are a few simple rules for preparing cotton laundry for washing:

  1. Cotton clothing should be turned inside out.
  2. Fasten all zippers and buttons.
  3. Soak clothes overnight for heavy stains.

Remove stains and remove yellowness

After frequent washing of cotton items, you may encounter the fact that the clothes are gray or stained with yellowness. It is not recommended to use substances with bleach to solve this problem, so as not to damage the fabric even more. There are many folk recipes that will help get rid of such spots:

  1. Combine peroxide, ammonia and water in the following proportions: 30ml - 15ml - 10 liters.
  2. Heat water to 60 degrees, pour in the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Stir. Place things in a container of water for about half an hour.
  4. Rinse well.
  5. Arrange for drying in a well-ventilated area.

With this washing method, it is easy to achieve a snow-white color and remove even old stains. If you want to wash cotton so it doesn't shrink, remember this method as it is 100% effective. After planting a “difficult” stain - coffee, chocolate, wine or berry juice, use soap or dish detergent. Then boil with bleach. Wait for the water to boil, then lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

Not sure how to wash cotton by hand? Consider all the nuances of such washing. Most often, thin, lace and embroidered clothes are washed by hand. Soaking in such cases is not required. When hand washing, use gentle detergents that do not contain chlorine and other aggressive substances. When washing, you need to rub the fabric very carefully, without applying a lot of force, so as not to damage the fabric. It is forbidden to twist clothes - wring out lightly so that as much water as possible is glass. Rinsing is recommended in water with a temperature of 37-40 degrees. Rinse until the soap scum is washed off.

Removing tough stains

If you don't know how to wash heavily soiled cotton, it's simple. This will require pre-soaking. Fill a basin with warm water, add washing powder or gel, soak clothes for a couple of hours before sending them to the washer drum. There is another way to easily remove stains and dirt. Moisten the item in water, and rub the stains with 72% laundry soap. Rub gently and thoroughly. After removing the stains, you can start the normal wash. If your washing machine has a prewash or prewash function, use it for the same purpose.

Important! Avoid vinegar. Do not soak items in questionable solutions so that the clothes do not lose their color and shape.

When you need to remove stains from white cotton clothes, use products with bleach or a non-chlorine stain remover.

How to choose a mode

If your machine has the "Cotton" function, it's simple:

  • Turn on the machine.
  • Put things in the drum.
  • Pour washing powder and conditioner into the cuvette if necessary.
  • Close the hatch.
  • Set the program selector dial to Cotton mode.
  • Press the wash start button.

Undecided at what temperature to wash cotton? Then we will tell you the details. Colored items are prone to staining when in contact with water, and the higher the temperature, the greater the likelihood of discoloration. Therefore, when washing a cotton colored dress, the optimum washing temperature is 40 degrees. When washing white clothes, a temperature regime of 90 degrees is suitable - this will not hurt the color. But remember that frequent washing in almost boiling water will thin the fibers of the fabric.

Recommendation! Select the temperature for white cotton items based on the degree of soiling. To refresh the laundry, 40 degrees is enough. To remove the stain, you will need a higher temperature regime.

When choosing the automatic mode, pay attention to the fact that modern models of washing machines include the “Cotton” program, which is suitable for washing cotton items.

To prevent shrinking clothes, there are several ways to prevent this. So the first option:

  1. Put the clothes in a bowl of warm water for half an hour.
  2. After: delicate mode and 30-degree temperature - what you need.
  3. Take out and gently stretch the clothes with your hands to the desired shape.
  4. Spreading clothes from time to time, wait until completely dry.

Option #2:

  1. Cover the product with wet gauze and iron it, slightly stretching the edges.
  2. Use the iron until the item is completely dry.

"Shrinkage" of products

Sometimes shrinkage of things is also required. If you already know how to make cotton clothes not shrink, then “planting”, that is, reducing it, is much easier. If you have lost weight or linen has stretched, wash at 60 degrees. If the clothes are colored, in order not to lose the brightness of the color, use a color-preserving powder. Spinning and machine drying will only contribute to shrinkage.

There are hundreds of useful tips on washing cotton products on the housewife forums. We have selected the most useful of them:

Olga, Tyumen

I wash cotton items on the "Wool" mode at 30 degrees. In this mode, both washing and rinsing are carried out at the same temperatures, so nothing shrinks.

Svetlana, Orel

I use only liquid powders for cotton - they practically do not shrink.

Alice, Moscow

I set everything manually: temperature 30 and spin at 400. Liquid detergents, for colored and black fabrics separately. I dry it exclusively on a coat hanger - then no ironing is needed.

Irina, Pushkino

I do not buy 100% cotton clothes, I choose at least with a minimum percentage of synthetics. If not laziness - I wash it with my hands, and in a typewriter - at 30-40 degrees.

Now you know how to wash cotton in the washing machine and by hand. Although cotton fabric is finicky in care, you can find an approach to it. Knowing which temperature and mode to choose, you will remove dirt and yellowness, keeping your favorite blouse. Happy and efficient washing!

We all know that cotton clothes are especially pleasant for the body. Our customers could see this when they purchased . However, few are interested how to take care of this fabric so that our favorite things last a long time.

"TKT Import" shares with its customers ground rules washing, drying and ironing cotton clothes. Remember them, or rather write them down, and yours, or any other cotton items from our catalog, will always be like new.

A bit of cotton history

This fabric, imagine, is more than 7000 years old! Today, cotton fabric is woven from 30 kinds of different plants. Cellulose fibers give the material a special strength. In addition, it perfectly absorbs moisture, so cotton towels are very popular with housewives.

But the most important quality for which we all appreciate cotton is that it is extremely pleasant to the body. In such clothes it is good both in winter and in summer. Cotton is especially good for children - it is a hypoallergenic material, so pants, undershirts, T-shirts and shorts for babies are made mainly from 100% cotton.

Cotton fabric base

Cotton fabrics are satin, bike, cambric, denim, coarse calico. Surely your wardrobe is full of things made from these materials.

Clothes made of cotton perfectly tolerate washing and ironing, but there are nuances. 100% cotton fabric often shrinks when washed, with the exception of - our t-shirts go through a heat shrink process which means they won't shrink after washing.

Cotton clothes take a long time to dry and wrinkle quickly. To avoid these troubles, manufacturers add to cotton threads polyester. You can find out the percentage of polyester by looking at the label of your T-shirt or shirt.

How to wash cotton clothes?

Necessarily wash whites and colored cottons separately. At the same time, colored ones - at a temperature not higher than 60 ° C, and preferably not higher than 40 ° C, especially if the clothes are made of thin fabric.

Necessarily check if the clothes are shedding. To do this, take a white or light-colored rag, wet any part of the thing, wrap it with a white dry rag and wring it out.

If traces remain on white, do not try to wash this wardrobe item with others.

Wash potentially shedding fabrics by hand in cool water only. White cotton items can be safely washed at a temperature 80- 90°C.

How to dry cotton clothes?

Do not dry cotton products in the scorching sun. Pants are best hung from the belt. remember, that cotton wrinkle easily and there are obvious traces of clothespins on it. Keep this in mind when hanging things on a clothesline.