The name of washing powders. Rating of the best washing powders

Powder for washing clothes is a modern household product that is used by housewives to gently clean fabrics of various types and colors. To figure out which powder is better for removing grease and dirt, it is recommended to know the types of products, composition and functionality.

The composition is the key to a favorable wash. The main elements of a powder detergent product are surfactants. There is also the abbreviation SAW.

  1. They have detergent and antistatic functions.
  2. Reduce electrical charge.
  3. Soften water.

Surfactants also have disadvantages. The package shows 5% surfactant in the composition (optimal proportion). The component in large quantities is harmful to the health of the consumer and his pets. The composition of the powder includes salts of phosphoric acid (phosphates), not exceeding the limit of 12% in the norm. The loose powder contains polymers, bleaches and bioadditives.

The detergent should remove stains of any complexity, soften water, rinse out easily and leave no marks or streaks, provided that it is added in sufficient quantity.

How to choose

Before going to a hardware store or supermarket, you need to arm yourself with knowledge about the types of detergents, compositions, components, substances and price segments. Pay attention to the composition, the main indicators of which we have analyzed. Powders are divided into two groups: universal and special.

All-purpose laundry detergent can be used in any occasion, with different fabrics and levels of soiling. Do not pay special attention to the temperature: the detergent will equally cope with stains at any temperature. But sneakers in hot water will stick out, lose their presentable appearance, and the shoes will deteriorate.

Special powder washes delicate fabrics (silk, underwear, woolen, tulle, lace). Such things deteriorate at high temperatures.

For which fabrics can special powder be used:

Review of the best laundry detergents

Having dealt with the types of funds, the important aspects that need to be taken into account, the composition, a person wants to start going to the supermarket for household goods. On the shelves of shops, a lot of products from foreign and domestic manufacturers are sold. Is the one that is well-known, more expensive, or a product in the lower price category with modest recognition and unpopular better? For each type of washing, a certain powder is needed.

For manual cleaning

  1. Myth 2 in 1. This is one of the cheapest products on the market. The price is 10 rubles per 100 grams (180 rubles - 1.8 kg). Low cost doesn't mean terrible quality. Difficult stains are removed with ease, properties are not lost due to temperature. Although the Myth is safe, use rubber gloves when hand washing, the skin may dry out or become irritated.
  2. Persil Expert Scan System. It well cleans different types of fabrics from pollution for its price segment (80 rubles - 450 grams). Clothing retains color and saturation, the thing looks like new. Persil dissolves and rinses out easily.
  3. Pemos Authority. High-quality powder, costing only 40 rubles per 0.3 kilogram. Substances retain their properties during hand washing and washing in activator machines. In cold water and hot. Difficult pollution, spots, divorces - a trifle for a product. There is no pungent smell on clothes.
  4. Tide 2 in 1 Lenore Touch. Hostesses choose "Tide two in one", it stands out for its advantageous use (it is slowly consumed, it lasts for a long time) and for its high-quality effect on pollution. To achieve the desired result, a small pinch of the substance is used, which helps to save a lot of money. Old, absorbed dirt is easily removed. Tide does not spoil the material of clothing, but rehabilitates their condition in a new, fresh form. The cost of a kilogram package is 150 Russian rubles.

In the typewriter

  • Sarma. The product will cope with washing colored, white, black and white, cotton and synthetic types of fabrics. The composition includes enzymes, enzymes that cleanly remove dirt and grease stains from clothes. Sarma also acts as a bleach. The cost varies within hundreds of rubles per 800 grams;
  • Eared nanny. It is often bought for children's things, newborns, but a person of any age can use it. Allergy sufferers will find a particular advantage in it, the substance is hypoallergenic. "Nyan" copes with all types of fabric, except for wool and silk. There is almost no smell left on clothes. Packing a powder weighing 4.5 kilograms costs about 460 rubles;
  • Losk 9 automatic. A universal product suitable for white, black and multi-colored underwear. All fabrics are effectively washed, except for silk and wool. "Gloss" can also be poured into the machine, into a basin of water for hand washing. 9 components included in the composition remove stains of any complexity.

For 450 rubles you can buy almost 5 kilograms of powder.

Ariel Mountain Spring for automatic machines. Ariel has long settled in the Russian market of household products; this is a good choice for caring housewives. There are many competitive products, but Ariel will remain at the top of various ratings for a long time to come. The spring is suitable for washing natural things, cotton bedding, but it is harmful to knitwear, it “sets” them. There are no phosphates in the list of components, but they exaggerate the norm of surfactants (15 percent instead of the established five). Among the advantages stand out whitening clothes made of cotton materials, good rinsing, low price, not exceeding 120 rubles.

There are several more disadvantages of the powder:

  • dark, woolen, multi-colored, knitted, silk things cannot be washed;
  • fast consumption;
  • surfactant output beyond the normalized limit.

How to use for best results

For more effective washing, follow the rules indicated on the packaging of the product.

There is no need to pour the product into the drum compartment of the machine: the remnants of the substance settle on the fabric of the clothes. Add powder and other products to the special departments provided by the developers (usually located in the upper left part of the machine).

Choose the right amount of detergent, otherwise the washing machine will deteriorate faster, burn out or fail. The type of agent (dry powder or liquid gel) does not affect the machine.

As part of the rolling study of Roskachestvo, washing powders for colored laundry of 31 brands popular with Russians were studied in 30 quality and safety parameters. Most of the products are produced on the territory of the Russian Federation (22 trademarks). In addition, powders of three brands from Germany and one brand each from Australia, the Republic of Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, the USA and South Korea were tested. The cost of production ranged from 29.99 to 1593.73 rubles. per unit of goods (the study presented products in packages from 350 g to 4 kg). According to the results of laboratory tests, washing powders of only two brands (Aist and Burti COLOR) met not only the requirements of current quality and safety standards, but also the requirements of the leading Roskachestvo standard. Only domestic goods can apply for the Russian Quality Mark. The powder of other brands studied was found to be of high quality and safe. No items with violations were found.


The standard of the Russian quality system for washing powders for colored fabrics has established increased requirements for the quality of the powder. According to them, washing powders should not foam too much, dust a lot and leave hardness salts on the heating elements of the washing machine. Also, they must flawlessly wash protein (blood) and pigment-oil (fat) contamination. Things washed several times with high quality powder are not supposed to turn gray, turn yellow, and also lose strength; they should not appear spools.


In order to figure out how harmful washing powders are, you need to understand what can be included in their composition.

SURFACE-ACTIVE SUBSTANCES (SAS)- often it is the basis of washing powders and other detergents. These substances break down impurities into tissues and draw them out, dissolving in water.

PHOSPHATES- substances that reduce the hardness of water (things are washed worse in hard water) and enhance the washing ability of the powder. They protect the washing machine from scale and clothes from graying.

ZEOLITES help wash stains and bind water hardness salts. These substances do not dissolve in water, therefore, if there are a lot of them in the powder, the fabric becomes rougher.

ENZYMES- these are bioadditives that speed up the washing process and help remove protein, starch, fat and other contaminants. The most common enzymes help break down proteins, so they are best suited for protein contamination (such as blood). However, the mechanical destruction of the fabric is also due to them: do not use powder with enzymes for washing woolen and silk fabrics. They are of a protein nature - therefore, they will be destroyed by enzymes.

CELLULOSE BASED SUBSTANCES– thanks to them, the dirt does not “stick” back to the fabric.

COLOR STABILIZERS they do not allow things to lose color, and also retain the dye so that the rest of the linen does not stain during washing.

OPTICAL BRIGHTENERS are fluorescent substances. Settling on the fibers, they create the illusion of a whiter color and a special purity of the thing.

Recently, manufacturers have been working hard to create new, environmentally friendly formulas for washing powders. They do not contain surfactants and phosphates, their composition is soap, soda, citric acid, etc. Such washing powders participated in the study (Garden eco and Molecola). However, according to his results, such powders wash dirt worse. More on this below.

Around the substances that make up the powder (especially surfactants and phosphates), there are many "horror stories". Is the listed “chemistry” really as dangerous as they say? Let's look at the results of the study.

All investigated powders:

  • They do not irritate the skin, including do not corrode the skin of the hands, with the mode of application recommended on the package.
  • Do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes when the recommended mode of application.
  • Do not cause allergies.
  • Do not cause intoxication (by inhalation of the smallest particles of the powder or if they enter the stomach).
  • Do not violate the metabolism (if it enters the blood through the skin).

Naturally, this does not mean that washing powder can be eaten, inhaled and washed with it. However, if you follow the instructions for use indicated on the package, the powder will not cause any harm to the human body.


Any powder is sure to dust. Laundry is no exception. It is believed that this dust can get into the eyes, nose and mouth and cause irritation. This has not been experimentally confirmed. However, Roskachestvo experts still set standards for the amount of dust in the powder (it should be no more than 3%). In all the studied products, the percentage of dust turned out to be less than one, which corresponds to the increased requirements of Roskachestvo.


A standard wash in a washing machine includes three rinse cycles. Some experts advise not to stop there and add two more cycles to them in addition. Well, when washing by hand - rinse the laundry at least ten times. For what? The chemical components of laundry detergent may not be 100% washed out of fabrics. And although, as mentioned above, they will not cause allergies and irritations when in contact with the skin, the experts of Roskachestvo decided to “play it safe”. They estimated how much surfactant remains in the water (and therefore on things) after three rinse cycles.

However, in this part of the study, the experts did not draw devastating conclusions. The amount of surfactants that are not washed out of fabrics after washing do not exceed the standards allowed by the Uniform Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements. This means they are not dangerous to humans.


Laundry detergent for colored laundry is designed to remove dirt and preserve the color of laundry. Stain removers are needed to remove more difficult stains.

Roskachestvo experts assessed how well the powders wash protein stains (for example, blood, etc.) and pigment-oil stains (for example, oil, fat, sweat, etc.). It turned out that washing powders, on average, remove pigment-oil pollution worse than protein ones:

  1. 25 powders did an excellent job with protein contaminants, and only 11 with fatty ones.
  2. The worst result for washing protein stains is 56%, and for washing fatty stains - 28%. The latter means that the stain was washed off at best by half.
  • Ideally coped with fat (oil pollution): Stork, Biolan, Capel, Ordinary powder,BioMio, BurtiCOLOR, Ecover, Freetime, Frosch, Reflect And Sarma.
  • Perfectly removed blood (protein contamination): Stork, Biolan, Myth, Ordinary powder, Pemos, Purity recipes, Seagull,Amway, Ariel, BiMax, BioMio, BurtiCOLOR, CjLionBeatDrum,Deni, Dosia, Ecover, Freetime, Frosch, Loskcolor, meineLiebe, Persil, Reflection,Sarma, Sorti And Tide.

Worst of all removed fat Econel And meineLiebe(only 28% dirt removed) Beam machine And gardeneco(removed only 34% of pollution) and Recipes for Purity(powder removed fat by 37%).

Despite the fact that powders are not designed to remove stains, Roskachestvo experts tested how detergents remove red wine, ink and rust. It turns out that a stain remover is not always needed.

  • Red wine excellent wash meineLiebe And Sarma.
  • WITH ink powders are the best Meine Liebe And Sarma, BioMio And CjLion Beat Drum, Amway And BurtiCOLOR.
  • WITH rust do better than other powders Persil And Burti COLOR.


Curious facts were given by a study of the effect of the powder on the fabric of the washed thing. We note right away that all of the listed shortcomings are not violations. Products with these shortcomings are simply deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

After 25 washes at a water temperature of 40 ° C, in four cases the clothes turned gray, in nine they turned yellow, in seven they lost strength in width, in length, or in both. More details in the product cards .

Moreover, if most of the powders from the list above reduce the strength of washed items by 23-27%, then Persil- by 45%, that is, after 25 washes, the thing will become less durable by almost half.

Tests on the effect of powder on the loss of color of things were carried out on samples of blue, since red and blue dyes are considered the most unstable. Bottom line: after 15 washes, all things lost color. The question is, how much did they lose: by three percent or by fifteen?

But the pellets on the washed things practically did not arise even after 15 washes at 40 ° C. That is, none of the studied washing powder contributes to the formation of spools. You can safely wash even knitwear, because knitwear is more prone to pilling than other materials.

Brand name powders have the least impact on the material. regular powder, Deni, Loskcolor And Tide. Things washed with these powders did not turn gray, did not turn yellow, retained their strength and color (color loss was no more than 5%).


What is good for hand washing or, for example, for washing the hands themselves is very bad and even contraindicated for washing in an automatic washing machine. It's about the abundance of foam. Its excess degrades the quality of washing. In addition, foam can whip up so much that it will flow out of the washing machine drum. And from such a "foam party" and a short circuit is not far. That is why the composition of powders for machine washing most often includes defoamers. By the way, the dirty linen itself is also a defoamer. So, the dirtier the laundry, the less foam there will be.

The Roskachestvo standard establishes that no more than 180 millimeters of foam should be released (for products with normalized foaming for front-loading washing machines).

Powders that form too much foam (more than 180 mm):

  • Zifa– 220 mm
  • Recipes for Purity– 202 mm
  • Sarma– 202 mm
  • Dosia– 200 mm
  • Reflect– 200 mm
  • Myth- 196 mm
  • free time– 195 mm
  • Ariel– 190 mm
  • regular powder- 187 mm
  • Sorti- 187 mm
  • Econel- 181 mm

This is not a violation, however, these products are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

It is curious that on the packaging of the powder Zifa a washing machine is drawn: this indicates its purpose for automatic machines. However, on the side, the marking says: "Powder with abnormal foaming." And this indicates, rather, its purpose for hand washing. Judging by the test results, this powder forms as much foam as it needs for hand washing. Such ambiguity of labeling can mislead the consumer.

In turn, almost no foam or form very little foam powders Molecola(3 mm), gardeneco(4 mm) and Frosch(45 mm). And if the first two powders are environmentally friendly and do not contain surfactants, then Frosch contains surfactants.

  1. Do not use hand wash detergents for machine washing - they produce too much foam! See that the packaging shows a front-loading machine or only a hatch.
  2. Do not exceed the detergent dosage recommended on the packaging.

Read how to protect your washing machine from other possible breakdowns. And also see the top 5 powders that won't break the washing machine.

Do you wash five times a day, or once a week, it doesn't matter. What matters is what requirements you place on the detergent and what you expect. But expectations are not always met. Advertising talks about miraculous granules and powder particles that will bring out everything that is possible. But in fact - the pollution as they were, and remain on the clothes after washing. The following will be a rating of the most popular powders among the population and the powders that caused the most positive reviews.

Best Inexpensive Laundry Detergents

The following 3 brands stand out here:

  1. Persil automat "Frosty Arctic"
  2. Ariel automat "Mountain Spring"
  3. Sarma active "Lily of the Valley"

The third place belongs to Sarma active powder. Produced at the Nevskaya Kosmetika factory. Sarma is used to remove stains from colored and white laundry. It works great with both synthetics and cotton. The product contains enzymes that perfectly remove dirt and stains from the fabric, and the whitening component perfectly whitens. According to the manufacturer, the product has an antibacterial effect, therefore, it not only perfectly cleans, but also removes bacteria and microbes. As part of "Sarma" there is no chlorine, as stated on the package. But at the same time, phosphates, sulfates, silicates and optical brighteners can be found in its composition, the content of anionic surfactants is exceeded (up to 5-15%). Thus, from the advantages can be distinguished:

  • applies to all types of fabrics;
  • contains no chlorine;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • copes with complex pollution;
  • relatively low price.

Of the shortcomings:

  • too "aggressive composition";
  • on a short wash cycle is poorly washed out of the fabric.

The second place in the rating is occupied by Ariel automat "Mountain Spring". It's a fairly well-known brand. This powder has gained the love and trust of housewives due to its wonderful ability to cope with difficult dirt in a normal wash cycle and even in cold water. This was made possible with the help of enzymes in the composition of the product. Numerous surveys have shown that washing knitwear in this powder is not worth it, but it is best suited for washing cotton, towels and bed linen. "Ariel" "Mountain Spring" has a pleasant aroma that remains on the linen for a long time after washing. With regards to the composition, it is worth noting that the powder does not contain phosphates, but it contains zeolites - substances of organic origin. Also in the composition there are elements that prevent breakage of parts of the washing machine during washing.


  • keeps the whiteness of things with regular washing;
  • effectively washes stubborn dirt in cold water;
  • has a pleasant and persistent aroma.


  • rather "aggressive" composition;
  • "sits" knitwear.

The first place is occupied by Persil "Frosty Arctic". Due to the presence of a liquid stain remover in the composition of the capsules, it is able to remove even dried stains. Great for washing colored, dark and white items from absolutely any type of fabric. Phosphates are also absent in its composition, but the content of both anionic and non-anionic surfactants is exceeded. Perfumes are not rinsed out and remain on things.


  • applies to any type of fabric;
  • perfectly removes stubborn stains;
  • economical consumption;
  • contains no phosphates.


  • aggressive fragrance;
  • high content of anionic surfactants.

The best washing powders in the category: price - quality

The composition of Ecover Zero powder is close to ideal. It does not include refined petroleum products. It is free of fragrances, optical brighteners, dyes, enzymes and phosphates. It contains only bio-surfactants. These substances are obtained by processing agricultural waste, such as straw, hay, bran, and so on. This means that they are absolutely safe, they can be used by pregnant women and for washing children's clothes. This product does not cause allergic reactions. According to a number of expert institutions, this powder is the safest in its group.

Among the advantages are

  • lack of smell;
  • all types of fabrics can be washed;
  • eliminates stains of any complexity;
  • does not damage the fabric;
  • easy to rinse;
  • safe for humans and the environment;
  • hypoallergenic.

The only downside is the high cost.

Frosch Color with Aloe Vera is a concentrated washing powder that can remove dirt at a temperature of 30 degrees. This product should not be used when washing silk or woolen items. According to the manufacturer, this powder preserves and restores the original intensity of bright colors. As indicated on the packaging, cleaning is done using natural natural ingredients. Undoubtedly, the powder does not contain phosphates, silicates, optical brighteners and chlorine. But the content of zeolites and surfactants is increased in it. The aloe vera extract present in the composition gives the linen a delicate aroma and makes it softer. Frosch is excellent for both hand and machine washing of all types of fabrics.


  • retains color;
  • does not damage the fabric;
  • used for any type of fabric;
  • it is perfectly washed out;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • it contains zeolites;
  • high content of surfactants;
  • rather high price.

The best baby laundry detergents

The third category of the rating is baby powders. When choosing baby care products, the requirements are always high, especially the requirement for safety. In this regard, it is very unpleasant that not a single domestic manufacturer of children's powders was included in the rating. This category includes Sodasan Comfort Sensitive, Meine Liebe, BabyLine and Burti.

Burti baby powder consists of natural surfactants and practically harmless zeolites, does not contain phosphates. But its composition still contains enzymes and fragrances. Natural soap base makes baby's underwear soft, providing gentle care for baby's skin. A consumer survey showed that the powder perfectly removes stubborn stains even in cold water. But, unfortunately, it does not eliminate stains of protein nature.


  • ideal for washing clothes for newborns;
  • perfectly eliminates almost all types of stains;
  • colors remain bright;
  • leaves no odor after rinsing.


  • does not eliminate protein contamination.

The main component of BabyLine powder is natural soap. In addition, it contains anionic and non-anionic surfactants and phosphates. The powder also contains safe oxygen bleach and components that prevent damage to washing machine parts. The powder is effective not only for machine washing in cold water, but also for hand washing. Consumer reviews have shown that the powder is economically consumed.


  • does not cause allergies in newborns;
  • completely rinsed out, leaving no smell;
  • effective when washing at low temperatures.


  • the presence of anionic surfactants;
  • phosphates are present;
  • not always effective with old stains.

Meine Liebe baby powder is promoted as safe for pregnant women and newborns. The tool is developed on the basis of raw materials of European quality. It does not contain phosphates, chlorine, other toxic ingredients or dyes. The product qualitatively removes stubborn dirt, has a wide range of water temperatures, from 30 to 90 degrees. But, according to women, the powder is most effective at temperatures not lower than 60 degrees. The powder comes with a special measuring spoon. The powder has a delicate aroma, but is completely washed out when rinsing.


  • does not cause allergies;
  • completely rinsed out;
  • without smell;
  • contains no phosphates, chlorine;
  • economical consumption.


  • ineffective at low temperatures;
  • contains surfactants.

The silicates, polyaspartates and citrates that are part of the Sodasan Comfort powder, together with soda ash, qualitatively eliminate stains of any complexity without harming the baby's health. Being a concentrate, the powder is spent quite sparingly. Does not provoke allergic reactions, does not make the skin dry. The powder copes with many types of organic pollution. But ineffective the first time with stains from fruit juices.


  • in the composition there are no dyes, surfactants, phosphates;
  • effective for cutting any fabrics;
  • removes most dirt in one wash;
  • does not provoke allergies and irritations;
  • spent economically.


  • not always effective the first time with stains from fruit juices;
  • high price.

In order for the washing machine to serve you as long as possible, while bringing as few problems as possible, it is not enough just to follow the recommended rules for using the appliance (although this is certainly one of the most important factors). Equally important is the correct choice of detergents, especially washing powder.

Usually housewives give preference to any one brand, changing it no more than once every few years. At the same time, they can be guided by a variety of considerations - a favorable price, a pleasant aroma, brand awareness, etc. But when choosing a washing powder, we rarely think about how our choice affects the condition of the washing machine.

In this article, we will tell you about how low-quality laundry detergent can damage the washer mechanism and what criteria a high-quality laundry detergent must meet. We will also try to give you some recommendations on choosing a washing powder, which, we hope, will help you navigate the huge variety of products on store shelves.


When choosing a washing powder, we have to solve several problems at once, because the purchased product should not only wash things well, be safe for households, but also carefully “treat” the internal parts of the washing machine.

A good laundry detergent should meet the following basic requirements:

  • cope with different types of pollution;
  • wash clothes well, giving it freshness;
  • dissolve well and wash off with water;
  • do not contain hazardous components;
  • do not cause allergies and irritation on the skin;
  • do not settle on the internal elements of the washing machine;
  • do not clog filters.


The quality of washing powder is largely determined by its chemical composition. In addition to the main active ingredient, most washing powders contain various additives that provide a pleasant aroma, conditioning effect, scale prevention, etc.

Powders that have passed the appropriate certification should not contain aggressive chemicals; All components of such products must be safe for human life and health. Among experts, there is an opinion that phosphates, which are added to washing powder to reduce water hardness, can be harmful, so phosphate-free household chemicals are now being actively produced and sold.

How to conduct a quality test

Testing laundry detergent at home is quite difficult because the quality of washing is only one of the criteria by which this product is evaluated. How the use of a certain washing powder affects the condition of the washing machine can only be determined through special, long-term tests.

Of course, there are organizations that conduct research on the quality of washing powders, comparing products from different manufacturers on several key parameters. Such research requires a lot of time and money, since for them it is necessary to purchase not only household chemicals, but also washing machines.

Overview of popular brands

In recent years, many studies have been carried out, the purpose of which is to analyze the quality of products in the household chemicals market and choose the best laundry detergents. We have displayed the results of these studies in the form of a table for convenience.




average price

OAO Nevskaya Kosmetika

  • suitable for all types of washing;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • does not contain chlorine

79 rub. per pack 500 g

"Eared Nanny"

OAO Nevskaya Kosmetika

  • designed for washing baby clothes;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not contain soap

316 rub. per package 2.4 kg

  • has a pleasant citrus aroma;
  • well removes difficult pollution, thanks to the formula "Stain Detector"

290 rub. per package 3 kg

"Color Aloe Vera"

  • is a concentrate powder;
  • keeps the color of things well;
  • recommended for washing at temperatures from 30 to 60 degrees

500 rub. per pack 1.35 kg

Procter & Gamble

  • does not contain bleaching components;
  • well washes different types of stains;

450 rub. for 3 kg

"Weasel Radiance of Color"

  • liquid detergent;
  • delicately handles fabric fibers;
  • restores color saturation

400 rub. per bottle 2 l

"Bos Plus" Maximum

JSC "Aist"

  • bleaching agent with the functions of washing powder;
  • active substance - active oxygen;
  • has a disinfecting effect

49 rub. per pack 300 g

Neon Corporation Australia

  • washing powder concentrate;
  • suitable for washing at any temperature;
  • has a caring effect

350 rub. per pack 650 g

Ariel Active Gel Capsules

Procter & Gamble

  • gel-like laundry detergent in capsules;
  • loaded directly into the drum

500 rub. per package 805 g (23 capsules)

  • Only appropriately labeled powders are suitable for use in automatic washing machines. The “automatic” mark on the package means that the washing powder does not produce abundant foam, which is harmful to washing machines, as it can damage the unit.
  • Pay attention to labels that indicate that the product has passed all the necessary tests, received the appropriate certification and is safe for health. If the package says that the powder is non-toxic or environmentally friendly, this gives it advantages.
  • The chemical composition of the washing powder should at least be skimmed through with your eyes. For most of us, this information will not say much, but you need to be wary if the product contains more than 5% surfactants (surfactants) and more than 12% phosphates.
  • You can extend the life of things if you use a different type of washing powder for each type of fabric. Of course, this is not at all economical, but for the most beloved woolen or silk items, it is still worth buying a special laundry detergent.

Where is the best place to load laundry detergent?

The washing machine has a special dispenser with a dispenser for washing powder and conditioner. Where it is located, everyone who has used a washing machine at least once in their life knows. However, some prefer to pour laundry detergent not into a special container, but directly into the drum. Is it correct?

Experts say that only washing gel or capsules should be loaded directly into the drum. In all other cases, you need to use the feeder. But housewives also often have difficulties with it, because in most models of washing machines the dispenser consists of several compartments.

Dealing with this is quite easy, you just need to fill in the legend. A flower, star, or snowflake icon indicates that this compartment is for fabric softener or rinse aid. Roman numerals or letters of the Latin alphabet indicate the washing steps. So, in compartments I and A, you need to fill in the powder for pre-soaking, and in compartments II and B - for the main washing stage.

How much powder to put in?

The recommended dosage of laundry detergent is usually listed on the product packaging, but this information cannot always be trusted. The fact is that manufacturers strive to increase sales of their products (and this is absolutely normal). In order for customers to buy washing powder more often, they need to spend it faster, and without increasing the frequency of washing, this can be done only by increasing the consumption of funds. Therefore, the packaging often indicates the maximum dosage, which can be safely halved. The standard dosage of washing powder is approximately 1 tbsp. funds for 1 kg of things.

Which washing powder is best

For washing to be successful, you should purchase an effective powder. Today I will tell you how to choose the best quality option.

Phosphate-free washing powders

All detergent components are always listed on the packaging. Basis - surfactants, synthetic erasing agents. If you are looking for a product for washing white clothes, optical or chemical (chlorine, peroxide) bleaches will not interfere. Allergy sufferers are better off staying on oxygen-containing products. These substances should not be included in the composition of children's powders.

I advise you to refrain from phosphate-containing samples, instead of them the following components will work perfectly:

  • enzymes- biologically active substances that break down proteins, biological pollution. Enzymes lose their effectiveness when washing above 50 degrees. If the cycle is carried out at a higher temperature, the product will be useless;
  • polymers- keep dirt in the water, binding it, preventing it from re-settling on the fabric;
  • flavors– give a pleasant smell to linen (scented Persil);
  • softeners– do not allow deformation of delicate fabrics. Lanolin shows good results. With it, you can safely wash knitwear, cambric, lace, microfiber, mixed fiber fabrics;
  • defoamers- an actual thing for automatic washing machines. Excessive foam formation is categorically contraindicated, as it worsens the result of washing and often leads to a short circuit in the electrics of the machine. There may be special Matic markings on the packaging. Keep in mind that an incorrect dosage of detergents leads to increased foaming;
  • baby powders- if the packaging says " baby washing powder» the manufacturer must guarantee that it does not contain zeolites, enzymes, bleaches. The best products are presented in liquid form and contain natural soap (Eared Nyan, BabyLine). The composition may include flavors and fragrances, but they only work during washing and do not give a subsequent effect;
  • for colored linen- there is a COLOR mark on the package. Polymers work here that do not allow the dye to be washed out. They are called differently, for example, color protection system, paint stabilizer, etc. Detergents under the brand demonstrate high efficiency Ariel.

Perfect solution for washing machine phosphate-free is available in Tide powder lines. The choice should be based on the degree of soiling and the type of fabric. The main characteristic is the washing action of the powder. Expensive products contain several types of enzymes, each of which works to remove a specific stain. For those who prefer handmade, a product for hand washing should be chosen.

Which washing powder is the best in consistency

Liquid laundry detergent exhibits maximum efficiency at temperatures up to 60 degrees. If you plan to wash in cold water, you should reduce the dosage. The fact is that the product will not completely dissolve and part of it will be wasted. The conditioner can be safely diluted with water, as it is thick in consistency and the machine takes it completely.

  • Tide The brand has become famous all over the world. It belongs to the large Procter & Gamble concern. The powder has been produced since 1946 and is still popular with consumers. Today, the manufacturer's line includes washing powders for white and colored items and liquid laundry detergents;
  • Attack Multi Action is a Japanese product that is distinguished by practicality and high quality. All powders from this brand successfully cope with the task of washing dirty laundry. The composition includes an effective oxygen bleach and conditioner;
  • "Eared Nian"- the trademark belongs to the concern "Nevskaya cosmetics". The manufacturer specializes in the production of care products for children's things. The main focus of the company is on the safe composition and hypoallergenicity of products;
  • baby line is one of the brands of the German family concern Nolken Hygiene Products GmbH. All over the world, the manufacturer is known as a company that produces high-quality products for children's hygiene. In the manufacturing process, all powders undergo a thorough check and the strictest quality control;
  • Kao is a Japanese company specializing in the production of household chemicals and cosmetics. The brand produces concentrated washing powders that successfully wash out all the stubborn dirt. Optimal price-quality ratio;
  • PERSIL- German brand owned by Henkel. Today, under it, innovative detergents are produced that provide excellent results;
  • Ariel- the trademark is the flagship of Procter & Gamble. It appeared in Russia in 1993. Today these are powders with high detergent properties. With such products, the fibers of the fabric are protected from wear, there is no need for soaking, bleaching and washing.

Good washing powders for automatic machines

Powder for washing machine Tide Color without phosphates

The product is designed for high-quality washing and long-term preservation of the brightness of things. As you know, stains are less noticeable on colored fabrics, but with such a powder, you can count on the clothes to be really clean. The manufacturer offers two varieties: Tide Color and Tide Color with Lenor flavor. The product should be kept out of the reach of children and kept away from food.

To get the expected result, you must follow the recommended dosage. One wash requires 207 ml or 150 grams of powder. In addition, it is this amount of the product that will help protect the internal components of the washing machine from limescale and scale.

The product is intended only for automatic washing machines. Maximum efficiency is achieved on synthetic and cotton fabrics. Active components - enzymes, nonionic surfactants, surfactants (less than 5%). A significant plus is the absence of phosphates that cause allergic reactions. The package size can be different: 450 g, 1.5 kg, 3 kg, 4.5 kg. The cost starts from 201 rubles.


  • effective stain removal;
  • retains the original color of the fabric;
  • suitable for all types of fabric;
  • does not cause allergies.


  • the powder successfully copes with fresh stains. Old ones will require additional processing;
  • not suitable for children's clothes.

Laundry detergent machine Attack Multi-Action

This powder has already managed to become legendary in its own way. The product is packed in a dense square box with a volume of 900 g. The price starts from 396 rubles. The Japanese offer a concentrated laundry detergent with an improved innovative formula. It works to fix several problems.

First, it removes stains with an active oxygen stain remover. Eliminates unpleasant odors, gives an antibacterial effect. Colored things become brighter, white things remain white. Due to the content of the conditioner, clothes become softer. At the same time, the composition is devoid of harmful phosphates and chlorine, but contains powerful enzymes, 15% surfactants.

The powder can wash things even in cold water, which is suitable for automatic and manual washing of delicate fabrics. I can note economical consumption. For a standard wash of 4.5 kg of laundry, just one measuring spoon is enough. The product is suitable for colored, white linen, treats any type of fabric with care, including cotton, synthetics.


  • eco-friendly;
  • erases in manual and automatic mode;
  • concentrate with economical consumption;
  • works on colored and white clothes;
  • suitable for any type of fabric (cotton, linen, synthetics, knitwear);
  • the manufacturer produces an economical spare unit;
  • works well in cold water.


  • high price.

The best washing powders for children

Safe baby laundry detergent without phosphates "Eared Nyan"

The product from Nevskaya Cosmetics was developed for washing children's clothes, including clothes for newborns. He is represented in different packaging: 400/800 g, 2.4/4.5/6/9 kg. Price - from 245 rubles. Enzymes work as active components - these enzymes are able to remove stains and pollution of various origins. Whiteness is added by a mild optical brightener with a low pH value.

The product begins to work already in the soaking process and is effective in cold water.. The composition is able to remove oils, soot, blood, cocoa, chocolate, grass, that is, everything that children get dirty with. You can wash cotton and mixed fiber fabrics. Things retain their original appearance even after repeated washes. There is no soap in the powder, so it is completely washed out of the laundry. There is a gentle fragrance.


  • suitable for children prone to allergies;
  • Washes both cotton and synthetics;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • bleaches light things;
  • safe composition.

There are no cons.

BabyLine phosphate and surfactant-free baby laundry detergent based on natural soap

Laundry detergent is optimally suited for washing children's clothes, starting from the first days of a child's life. The Germans have developed a special formula based on soap. The product has undergone rigorous testing, it will not cause irritation and allergies of sensitive baby skin. It does not contain phosphates and other harmful substances. At the same time, the product demonstrates high efficiency, washes various contaminants, leaving an unobtrusive, light aroma.

The tool is suitable for any type of fabric, for colored and white linen. It is used for automatic and manual washing. This is a concentrate, so you can count on economical consumption. A bonus is the protection of the washing machine from scale. The powder is packed in a cardboard box with a plastic handle, weighing 2.25 kg. The cost is from 1229 rubles.


  • can be used from the first days of a child's life;
  • one package is enough for 20 washes even when the drum is fully loaded;
  • excellent composition based on natural soap, does not contain phosphates, enzymes and chlorine;
  • treats things delicately;
  • retains color;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • removes a wide variety of stains.


  • high price;
  • so that the soap leaves the fabric completely, it is better to run an additional rinse.

Liquid washing powders

Liquid washing powder Kao Attack Bio EX gel

Attack Bio EX is a concentrated washing gel suitable for washing clothes for the whole family.. It can be used on dark, white and colored fabrics and works well even in cold water. In practice, the composition contributes to the removal of the most difficult contaminants, even with repeated washings it blocks damage to the fiber.

Stubborn dirt, stains, unpleasant odors are removed due to the active bio-enzymes that make up the composition. The product does not contain chlorine and phosphates, the effectiveness is due to non-ionic surfactants, anionic surfactants, soap, enzymes, acrylic copolymers, optical brighteners. The gel is designed for machine or hand washing of synthetics, linen and cotton fabrics.. But, it cannot be called completely universal, it is not used on silk and woolen things.

The product is economical, one cap is enough for one washing cycle. The amount of gel should be accurately measured; if the dose is exceeded, the material can be damaged. Packaging - a convenient plastic bottle with a handle, weight - 900 g. One package of gel is enough for 20 washes. The cost is from 313 rubles.


  • completely biodegradable;
  • economical;
  • suitable for adults and children's things;
  • completely rinsed out;
  • without phosphates and chlorine;
  • removes stains effectively.


  • not suitable for delicate fabrics (silk, wool).

Liquid washing powder Tide "Alpine freshness"

This is Tide's innovative liquid laundry detergent. It is definitely worth a try at home. The product has a unique formula and gives 100% purity. You can achieve excellent results on white and colored items already in the first wash. Plus, you get all the benefits of a liquid cleanser. There will be no traces of washing powder left on clothes. The composition includes active enzymes, nonionic surfactants up to 5%, surfactants up to 15%, optical brighteners, fragrances.

The tool is universal and intended for washing both white and colored clothes, for any type of fabric. The drug is very easy to dose. Only one cap is required for one washing cycle. It can be used both in manual mode and in an automatic machine, including the activator type.

The gel is packaged in a convenient plastic bottle-canister with a handle and a dosing cap. A transparent strip is applied to the packaging to control the consumption of the product. Volume - 2.47 l, which is equivalent to 5.7 kg of dry powder. This amount is enough for 38 washes. The cost is from 417 rubles.


  • gives perfect purity;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • perfect whiteness for white;
  • care for colored clothes;
  • easy dosing;
  • leaves a fresh pleasant aroma;
  • economy.


  • to completely remove the detergent residue from the fabric, you will have to run an additional rinse.

Popular Persil brand powders

Laundry detergent PERSIL "Freshness from Vernel"

This powder compares favorably with its innovative formula, the main active substance of which are stain remover capsules. At the very beginning of washing, they quickly dissolve in water, act on stains and even the most difficult dirt. In addition, Vernel's fresh fragrance capsules are included with a soft, unobtrusive fragrance. All other components are typical: Anionic surfactants, non-ionic surfactants, oxygen bleach, enzymes, phosphonates.

It is very important to provide for the correct dosing of the product, which depends on the hardness of the water and the degree of contamination. Washing very dirty clothes in hard water will require 371 g of powder. The product is suitable for hand and machine washing, works on cotton and synthetic fabrics, suitable for light-colored clothes. The minimum packing is a cardboard box of 450 g. The cost starts from 105 rubles. A bag of 6 kg will cost 1039 rubles.


  • effective fight against stains;
  • freshness with a light aroma;
  • careful attitude to fabrics;
  • Washes well even in cold water.


  • big expense.

Washing powder Persil "Cold Zyme Lavender" with enzymes

This powder is specially designed for washing colored laundry and works on active stain remover capsules. They dissolve very quickly even in cold water and remove dirt already at the very beginning of washing. The powder is able to cope with even the most difficult pollution. I note that the composition includes special components that protect the original color. In addition, there are the familiar pearls of the fragrance from Vernel. They are able to be fixed on the fabric and give it their pleasant smell. After washing, things will not smell like powder.

The composition of the powder is represented by anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, phosphonates, polycarboxylates, enzymes, soap, perfume. The manufacturer recommends strict adherence to the norms for dosing the product. In practice, the product effectively copes with fresh dirt and any stains, but it cannot handle old problems, it will require the involvement of a special stain remover. It is permissible to use the product for machine and hand washing of cotton and synthetics, colored and white linen. For a package weighing 3 kg, the brand asks for 617 rubles. This amount is enough for an average of 20 washes.


  • successfully removes any fresh stains and dirt;
  • eco-friendly;
  • pleasant fragrance;
  • does not destroy the structure of tissues;
  • retains color.


  • high consumption with heavy pollution and hard water.

The best washing powder brand Ariel

Laundry detergent Ariel Color for colored and dark laundry

The powder works great in practice and gives the linen an excellent appearance and a pleasant aroma. There is no doubt about the effectiveness of the tool, - it can remove stubborn stains, does not allow dirt to eat even deeper and extracts everything superfluous from the very structure of the fibers. The product brilliantly copes with its task even in cold water, retains the brightness of colors even after repeated washings.

The dosage depends on the degree of hardness of the water and the actual soiling. For soft water and small stains, 140 ml is sufficient, for hard water and a large number of stains, 320 ml. The powder is designed for hand and machine washing, can clean synthetics and cotton, dark and colored linen. The effectiveness is visible after the first application - this is how enzymes and surfactants work. For a package weighing 3 kg, the brand asks for 269 rubles.


  • does not allow dirt to eat deep into the fabric;
  • removes even old dirt;
  • works in cold water;
  • dissolves quickly;
  • leaves no residue, is washed out at 100%;
  • does not contain phosphates.


  • high consumption with heavy pollution.

Laundry detergent Ariel "Mountain spring" for light linen

The composition of the detergent includes anionic surfactants, oxygen bleach, nonionic surfactants, polycarboxylates, enzymes, zeolites, phosphonates. This is guaranteed to give excellent washing of various kinds of dirt and stains, even without pre-soaking and in cold water. You can count on the rapid removal of difficult stains - the powder literally draws dirt from the fibers of the fabric. The product gives out a soft, unobtrusive aroma, which is practically not felt on clean, dry linen. In general, an excellent solution even for the most adverse washing conditions.

The minimum dosage is calculated for 140 ml per wash, the maximum - for 320 ml. Packing - a package weighing 3 kg. The result can be assessed after the first application. The product is completely soluble in water and does not leave marks on clothes. Thanks to bleaches, white things acquire their original whiteness. The manufacturer recommends using a conditioner to make clothes extra soft. Price - from 260 rubles. The stated amount is enough for 20 washes.


  • starts working immediately, moreover, without soaking;
  • does not leave marks after washing;
  • gives flawless whiteness;
  • effective in cold water;
  • removes even old stains;
  • prevents the accumulation of dirt in the fibers of the fabric.


  • zeolites in the composition - it is better to spend a couple of extra rinses.

An overview of washing powders and their properties is presented in the video: