How to remove yellow stains from white clothes. How to remove old yellow stains on white clothes at home

In the article we discuss how to remove yellow spots on the armpits. You will learn what causes such traces, how to remove them on white, colored and black clothes.

How to remove yellow stains from white clothes

Sometimes, due to high sweating under the arms, specific yellow spots appear on clothes - traces that sweat leaves when mixed with bacteria on a person's skin and deodorant. These spots have an unpleasant odor, and getting rid of them is quite difficult. Especially if it is old pollution.

Start washing as soon as possible, fresh stains are easier to remove

The best way to remove yellow spots on the armpits on white, colored and black clothes is their prevention:

  • use aluminum-free deodorants;
  • apply them only on dried clean skin;
  • do not put on clothes until the deodorant is dry.

If it's hot outside, or you find yourself in a stressful situation in which you sweat a lot, wash your clothes in the evening without waiting for the yellow spots to appear.

Fresh stains are difficult to remove with regular laundry detergent.. More often strong stain removers are required. These should not include the following:

  • hot water with a temperature of more than 30 ° C - fixes the stain in the fibers of the fabric;
  • chlorine, chlorine-containing liquids, acetone - lighten the color of clothing;
  • hydrochloric and nitric acids, gasoline - spoil the texture of the fabric.

The most popular remedies for removing yellow sweat stains on white are oxygen stain remover, dishwashing detergent, soda-brine solution, citric acid, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide and home boiling.

Regardless of which method you choose, prepare the garment for processing:

  • Read the product label and washing information. Each fabric has its own recommendations for washing temperature and technology.
  • Wet the clothing stain with warm or cold water. Substitute the cloth under running water or walk several times with a damp sponge.

Stain remover

Buy oxygen bleaches and stain removers to treat yellow spots under the arms. They should not contain chlorine, as it can chemically react with proteins in sweat and darken the stain.

How to remove underarm sweat stains on white clothes with a stain remover:

  • Pour the solution over the contaminated area.
  • Wait 15 minutes.
  • Wash by hand or in the washing machine.

Dishwashing liquid

The easiest way to deal with yellow sweat stains is dishwashing detergent. From it you can prepare a thick paste from fresh dirt or add a special soap solution if the stains have already eaten into the fabric.

How to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes at home:

  • Mix dishwashing detergent with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply to the fabric with the stain, going beyond its borders.
  • Rub the product thoroughly into the fabric with a toothbrush.
  • When it is absorbed, apply the solution again and leave for 30-60 minutes.
  • Wash clothes in the warmest possible water.

If the contamination is strongly ingrained, apply dishwashing detergent to the product in the same way. Then put the clothes in a bowl and fill with warm water. Add a little more product there, stir and soak the product overnight.

Soda saline solution

Fresh yellow spots under the armpits are well removed by a concentrated soda solution. For clothes made of delicate fabrics - silk, chiffon, wool, only baking soda is suitable. Thicker fabrics can be treated with soda ash.

How to wash yellow armpits on white clothes with soda:

  • Dissolve 4 tbsp. soda in ¼ cup water.
  • Apply a thick layer of the mixture on the stain and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • Wash by hand and dry at room temperature.

Soda-salt solution is a homemade bleach that can even get rid of stubborn stains on white clothes. Use fine table salt for washing. Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with liquid soap.

How to whiten a white t-shirt from yellow spots with soda-saline solution:

  • Prepare a paste of 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp soda and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents. Thoroughly mix the ingredients until the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apply the paste to the place with traces of sweat and rub with a brush.
  • Wash clothes in hot water after 30 minutes.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is an equally effective home bleach. It removes not only sweat stains, but also traces of wine and even rust. The most important thing here is not to overdo it with concentration. Even with a slight excess of the dosage, the material of the clothing may become thinner.

How to remove old sweat stains under the armpits on white clothes:

  • Dilute 1 sachet of acid in 1 glass of warm water.
  • Soak a sweat-stained cloth with the lemon solution.
  • Leave clothes in a cool place. Do not expose the product to direct sunlight, otherwise the dirt will be fixed in the fibers of the fabric.
  • After 2 hours, send the item to the washing machine.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to remove sweat stains from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide:

  • Dilute 1 tbsp. funds in 1 liter of not hot water.
  • Dip the product with the stain into the liquid and leave it for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash in the usual way.
  • Rinse thoroughly and dry out of direct sunlight.


Acetylsalicylic acid is not only a drug, but also a popular way to combat yellow sweat spots. It breaks down the fats and proteins that cause the yellow tint of dirt, and literally dissolves all traces of sweat.

How to remove yellow stains on the armpits on a white T-shirt with aspirin:

  • Crush 2 aspirin tablets into powder.
  • Dilute it with 50 ml of warm water to a thick slurry.
  • Apply this gruel to the underarm area and rub it with a toothbrush.
  • Leave for 1 hour and hand wash.

How to get yellow stains out of colored clothes

After using any product, wash the item with powder

Yellow stains on colored items are more difficult to remove than on white clothes. Many household bleaches can ruin the color, so only gentle methods are suitable here. Some of these products are laundry soap and vinegar.

Laundry soap

Regular laundry soap with a fat content of 72% removes sweat stains even on a bright wool sweater. It is suitable for both synthetics and natural fabrics. If the clothes are light-colored, treat them with a soap with a bleaching effect.

How to remove underarm sweat stains on colored clothes with soap:

  • Lather heavily on the soiled cloth and soak in warm water.
  • After 1-2 hours, wash and rinse the product.
  • Repeat the procedure until the stain disappears.


If you stain colored synthetic or mixed fabrics, diluted 6% vinegar will help. A more concentrated solution will damage the tissue.

How to remove underarm sweat stains from colored fabric with vinegar:

  • Dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:1.
  • Saturate the stained area with the solution.
  • Wait 15-20 minutes and wash your clothes.

If traces of sweat are not completely removed, try another recipe:

  • Sprinkle the stain with baking soda and pour the vinegar on top.
  • Bubbles will begin to appear on the fabric, which will separate the dirt from the fabric.
  • After 1 hour, wash the product in warm water.

How to remove yellow stains on dark clothes

On black clothes, sweat mixes with deodorant and leaves not yellow, but white stains. As with colored fabric, there are no ways to get yellow sweat stains out of a white underarm shirt. Citric acid, peroxide, aspirin, or oxygen stain remover can leave light streaks.

To save the product from underarm sweat stains, treat them with vodka, ammonia or concentrated saline.


Fine table salt copes well with dirt on dark delicate fabrics - silk, chiffon, viscose, linen, wool, polyester and lycra.

How to remove a white sweat stain on a black silk shirt:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. in 1 glass of warm water.
  • Soak the stained cloth liberally in the solution.
  • Leave the product for 2 hours, then wash.


For processing clothes made from natural fabrics, ammonia will help. Do not confuse it with ammonia. In the first case, it is a 10% ammonium hydroxide solution, that is, an aqueous solution of ammonia, which effectively dissolves sweat stains. In the second case - ammonium chloride powder, which is used as a food additive or fertilizer and which is completely useless in the fight against stains.

How to remove white spots under the arms on black clothes with ammonia:

  • Add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. ammonia.
  • Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe off the dirt. Move from the edges of the spot to its center. Repeat the procedure until the contamination disappears.
  • Wash your clothes as usual.


Pure alcohol solutions are also good at removing deodorant and sweat stains. Enzymes, which are contained in vodka or 96% alcohol, quickly penetrate into the fibers of the fabric and separate the stubborn dirt. Gin, cognac and whiskey are not suitable in this case.

How to remove yellowness under the arms on black fabric with vodka:

  • Dilute vodka with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Apply the solution to the stained area and rub over the entire area.
  • Leave clothes for 1-2 hours and wash.

If 96% alcohol is used instead of vodka, proceed according to the same scheme, only dilute the product with water in a ratio of 1: 2.

For more information on how to remove yellow spots, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Sweat stains on white clothes are usually yellow, but on colored and black clothes they are white.
  2. To remove yellow stains from white clothes, try oxygen bleach, dishwashing liquid, saline, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, or acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. White stains on colored clothes are well cleaned with laundry soap and vinegar.
  4. Black clothes must be washed with salt, vodka or ammonia.

A yellow stain on your favorite piece of clothing is not the best “decoration” that can upset anyone. You should not spend money on dry cleaning services or even remove the product from use and put an end to it! In the arsenal of experienced housewives there will always be one of a hundred ways to deal with stains that can revive a thing.

What to consider in the fight against yellow marks

To successfully cope with yellowness on white, you need to figure out where the yellow traces come from, only then you can count on a positive result. So where do the yellow spots on white clothes come from?

  1. Carelessness when eating or preparing food threatens with marks from fruit juice or fatty foods on a white thing.
  2. Incorrectly selected laundry detergents (powder, bleach, gel), violation of the temperature regime.
  3. Burn marks from the iron, obtained due to ignoring the manufacturer's instructions on the product label.
  4. Improper storage of things, without the necessary air circulation, is a disaster for clothes that have been lying on the shelves for a long time.
  5. Metal fittings on clothing leave rusty marks when exposed to moisture.

Having dealt with the origin of the stains, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the fabric. When choosing funds, you will have to adjust the actions, because cotton, silk or wool are different in structure.

You can even remove the old yellowness, but the task of the hostess is not only to get rid of stains, but also to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the product. Although wise housewives have their secrets in store, how and with what help to bring out very old ones, efficiency is also an important factor in the struggle for cleanliness.

The sooner action is taken, the greater the chance of saving the item.

How to remove yellow stains from sweat on clothes

Actively working sebaceous glands in combination with deodorants leave stable marks on the fabric. Often, numerous washes in an automatic machine, newfangled detergents are powerless in front of such marks, and tedious washing by hand leads to damage to the fabric structure.

Knowing how to get old clothes out of clothes can save you money on dry cleaning, as well as time and effort. Without delay, it is worth trying:

  1. Liquid dishwashing detergent to be applied in a thick layer on dirt. The effect of the gel-like agent will be enhanced by rubbing with an old toothbrush along the contour of the stain. The product is soaked for an hour, and then washed according to the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.
  2. Laundry soap, which is thoroughly lathered with problem areas, and then soaked for a couple of hours.
  3. "Vanish", "Antipyatnin" for adherents of household chemicals. Stain removers will help to cope with yellow stains, but only if the manufacturer's recommendations on the label are fully followed.

If a white thing has been repeatedly washed, but it was not possible to get rid of the yellow marks, the product is placed in a solution with bleach, but not chlorine, so as not to aggravate the situation. The bleaching time should not exceed 60 minutes.

Use of drugs

Not many people know that a home first aid kit will help in the fight for the purity of things. Tips on how to remove yellow spots on white fabric products will come in handy for those who do not have a stain remover on hand. Worth taking on board:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is a tool that acts quickly and effectively. The drug is applied to the product pre-soaked for 15-20 minutes in a soapy solution. The problematic area of ​​​​the fabric is treated with hydrogen peroxide, after a few seconds the thing is thoroughly rinsed and washed in the recommended mode. Hissing after applying the product will be a signal that the correct effect is being exerted on the stubborn pollution.
  2. Aspirin is an excellent remedy to remove the headache of the hostess, puzzled by the appearance of yellow spots on clothes. You can use it not only inside, but also apply crushed tablets to the stain, previously soaked in water. The drug is distributed over the problem area. The gruel is rubbed into a moistened cloth and left for 3 hours, after which the product is washed.
  3. Formidron or urotropin do not give instant results, as in the case of hydrogen peroxide, but are highly effective. 1 tablespoon of the drug is added to the container to the washing powder.
  4. Composition of 1 tbsp. soda, 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp. Dishwashing detergent is a versatile blend suitable for all types of fabric. The composition is applied to the yellow spot for 2 hours, after which the product is rinsed and washed.

Medicines from the first-aid kit will be worthy helpers in eliminating yellow spots. As an alternative to aspirin, dry fuel can be used.

Removing yellow stains from white cotton clothes

Cuffs or collars of shirts, underwear, cotton T-shirts will help to get rid of yellowness with the tools available to the housewives in the kitchen and first aid kit. A competent combination of preparations can give the original whiteness to products.

Boiling in soapy water is a popular method for used items. After all, caring mothers, having discovered a yellow stain on children's clothes, before removing it, must take care of the safety of the chosen product, because delicate children's skin does not tolerate aggressive exposure.

Soap shavings are dissolved in water, boiled until completely dissolved, after which a cotton fabric product is immersed in the composition and boiled for 20 minutes. With established stains, the boiling time increases to 2 hours. For the impatient, the boiling mode in the washing machine is suitable.

A solution (1:1) of ethyl alcohol and ammonia will cope with complex stains. The composition is applied with rubbing movements, and then the thing is washed in cold water.

Seeking how, baking soda with water will help. The resulting paste is rubbed into yellowness, leaving for an hour, after which it is washed with laundry soap.

The bend of the cuffs and collars with yellowness is treated with a mixture of ammonia, salt and water (1: 1: 4). After 2 hours, the product is washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly. For pollution on a larger scale, a composition from a glass of water and taken 1 tbsp. salt and ammonia, in which pollution is placed for several hours.

How to effectively remove old yellow stains from silk

Delicate material "does not tolerate" high temperature when removing dirt. How to remove unsightly yellow spots from silk? Experts recommend:

  1. Thiosulfate, the ampoule of which is diluted in 200 ml of water. Before washing, the problem area is immersed in the solution. The fabric acquires a noble sheen and whiteness.
  2. The composition of vodka and water in equal parts is applied to the yellowed areas before washing.
  3. Silk wardrobe items with yellowness can be updated using white laundry soap. The item is soaked for half an hour or an hour before washing, which guarantees a radiant whiteness.
  4. A bluing will help to freshen up the curtains, a cap of which is added to the rinse water.
  5. Yellowness on white curtains made of silk will go away with the help of brilliant green with salt. Curtains are soaked in water with washing powder and a handful of table salt, and when rinsing, a few drops of brilliant green are added. The fabric after such manipulations will gain not only whiteness, but also strength.

The above tips on how to remove yellow spots on delicate fabrics will restore freshness and help keep products in perfect condition for many years.

How to remove yellow marks on woolen fabric

If you find unsightly marks on a white dress made of fine wool, a knitted sweater or a stylish jacket, you have to look for remedies that will not aggravate the problem.

From the variety of store products on store shelves, when looking for the wiser to remove yellow stains from woolen white clothes, you should opt for ordinary laundry soap.

The shavings are diluted in water for washing so that a saturated soap mixture is obtained, in which the product is placed for several hours, then washed. Preferably hand wash or gentle cycle for woollens in the machine without spinning.

An oily stain on a white wool product is removed with the help of Ferry, distributing the gel with rubbing movements, gently washing the problem area. It is important to know how from wool, because manipulations with a product made of natural material, with improper care, can irrevocably deform the thing.

Removing rust and iodine on white clothes

The category of difficult-to-remove contaminants on fabrics includes traces of iodine and metal oxidation. How to remove such marks on clothes? Dealing with them is difficult, but possible!

  1. Iodine can be eliminated with a mixture of 6 or 9% acetic acid and soda. The surface of the contamination is generously sprinkled with soda, on which vinegar is poured. As a result of the reaction, the darkening disappears, after which the product is soaked for 5 hours and washed in a machine.
  2. You can fight rust on clothes by boiling in a solution of acetic acid. For 250 ml of water you need 1 tbsp. vinegar. This option is suitable for fabrics that "tolerate" boiling.

These tips are a chance that will extend the life of clothes.

Today, the question of how to remove yellow stains from clothes does not lose its relevance for the owners of white things. From the many proposed methods, you can easily choose the best one. But a good housewife seeks not only to get rid of pollution, but also to extend the life of the product. To do this, follow the following tips:

  1. Refuse chlorine bleaches, which destroy the fibers and give the product a grayish tint.
  2. In delicate fabrics, avoid rough rubbing of the detergent composition, because this leads to material deformation.
  3. When looking for how to remove yellow spots from silk products, you need to abandon acetone or vinegar.
  4. When deciding how to remove yellowness from wool, abandon alkaline preparations.

It is forbidden to use hot water when washing, which will fix the dirt in the fibers of the fabric.

5. Cotton fabrics are contraindicated in preparations containing aggressive acids.

6. It is better to apply the stain remover from the wrong side.

7. Using hydrogen peroxide, clothes are rinsed well.

Knowing how you can remove yellow stains from white clothes without dry cleaning services, you don’t have to get rid of your favorite things. The means at hand will get rid of the contamination of fabrics with any structure.

The question of how to remove yellow spots from white clothes is always relevant. They can appear from sweat at any time of the year, may appear after washing or long-term storage. Often no branded bleaches and stain removers can cope with them. However, you should not despair. Proper care and patience will help save your favorite things.


Grouped, there are only three reasons why yellow spots appear on clothes and underwear:

  • improper care: washing in hard or too hot water, incorrectly selected washing powder, less often gel, insufficient rinsing after bleach, inappropriate ironing temperature;
  • pollution: sweat, vegetable fats;
  • long-term storage with a violation of the microclimate.

On the shelves of stores you can find many different special tools that help get rid of yellow spots, but, unfortunately, not all of them are particularly effective and do not always guarantee a 100% result.

An alternative to buying special, often expensive products is to use hand-made solutions, which will be discussed later.

What to do: a few time-tested remedies

You can get rid of yellow spots on white clothes without the use of special tools and preparations, but this only applies to fresh traces. To do this, it is enough to soak the item in a solution of laundry soap for 2-3 hours, then wash in the usual way and rinse thoroughly. If more than 24 hours have passed since the formation of the stains, then, unfortunately, it will no longer be possible to easily remove the unsolicited dye.

If it was not possible to get rid of yellow spots on clothes, then you can use the following pharmacy products:

  1. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Aspirin.
  3. Dry fuel.

Hydrogen peroxide

To start cleaning clothes with hydrogen peroxide, you must first soak the item in soapy water, and then apply peroxide to places where there are yellow spots. If, after applying hydrogen peroxide, you hear a characteristic hiss, know that this is a sure sign, and the peroxide has already reacted with the fabric. For better cleaning, it is recommended to leave the item for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and wash in the washing machine.


First you need to soak the item in soapy water. Take a glass, throw 2 aspirin tablets and pour a minimum amount of water. After the aspirin dissolves in water, apply the solution to the yellow areas on the clothes. Leave the item for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly and wash in the machine.

You can buy it in almost every pharmacy. The method of cleaning with dry fuel is completely similar to cleaning with aspirin.

For absolutely all types of fabric, baking soda (1 tablespoon), dish detergent (half a tablespoon) are perfect. The products must be mixed, rubbed into the stain with a brush, then wait a few hours and rinse the item thoroughly and wash it.

Yellow stains from storage - how to remove

If, after washing, things were not rinsed well (regardless of whether the powder was used, gel, soda or soap) or stored in moisture, long-term storage may leave yellow spots. Such marks are not fresh, and proven and reliable stain removers often do not help to remove them.

A colored item can be saved by re-soaking with gentle stain removers (for example, Vanish, Prox, etc.): apply a gel or gruel (a product with a small amount of water) on the stain, hold for as long as recommended on the package, then rinse, repeat the procedure 5-6 times, finally wash with the addition of the stain remover as usual.

A white thing can be saved by strong household chemicals, for example, "Ace - gentle bleaching." Hydrogen peroxide may also be helpful. It (2 teaspoons) must be mixed with dish detergent (the same amount) and two tablespoons of soda. A mushy mixture is applied to the mark, then the dirt needs to be rubbed a little, left for 20 minutes, rubbed well again, then washed on a regular basis with the addition of a stain remover.

Rinse clothing thoroughly after any bleaching. Always use "Extra Rinse" in your washing machine. This will prevent the reappearance of yellow marks on clothing.


  • Each fabric and thing requires a special (individual) approach. For example, you can remove yellow stains from a white item made of cotton with ammonia and kitchen salt. To make a solution, you need to take 1 glass of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and ammonia. Next, put the thing in the solution and leave for several hours. After that, the item must be thoroughly rinsed and washed in a washing machine.

  • Spots that appear on the collar and cuffs can be removed using a highly concentrated composition. To prepare it, it is enough to apply half a teaspoon of ammonia on the yellow mark, the same amount of salt and rub the solution well into the yellow spot, then leave the thing for several hours. This is necessary so that the cleaning composition is well absorbed into the fabric, and then completely rid it of yellow spots.

  • If a white thing has had a yellow drip for a long time, then you can remove the yellowness in the old proven way, namely, by boiling in a soapy solution. To do this, just take a saucepan, pour some water, dissolve shavings of laundry soap in it (if necessary, you can add washing powder), place the stained wardrobe item there and boil for 20-30 minutes, and the old thing will have to be “cooked” longer, 1- 2 hours. The method does not spare the structure of the fibers, and the fabric becomes thinner, so boiling, like chlorine bleach, is an extreme remedy.

Do not forget that when boiling, it is necessary to stir the water and the thing in it from time to time.

  • There was a need to clean a very old thing from yellow spots? Then do not do without cleaning with ammonia and ethyl alcohol (solution ratio 1 to 1). To do this, pour half or a whole tablespoon of ammonia and ethyl alcohol on places with yellow spots, leave the solution for 1-2 hours, then wash the item in cold water.
  • You can clean white things from yellow stains with detergents (for dishes). To do this, it is enough to apply the gel on streaks, leave for 1-2 hours, then wash in a washing machine, preferably in water whose temperature is above 30 degrees.
  • Also, in the absence of special tools at home, you can use ordinary powder and a washing machine, but before that you must turn on the “Boiling” mode (washing at a temperature of 90-100 degrees).


Silk is a very delicate fabric, the cleaning of which must be approached carefully, otherwise you can ruin the whole thing.

  • To clean white silk clothes, you can use a very common stain remover in the field of photo printing called "Thiosulfate". To do this, it is enough to dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in a glass of water, apply to the place with a yellow spot, and then wash it well with your hands or in the washing machine on the delicate fabrics mode and without spinning.
  • It helps to clean yellow stubborn stains and white soap with washing powder. To prepare the desired solution, it is enough to apply 1 teaspoon of powder to the stain, then wash the stain with ordinary soap. Next, leave the item for 20-30 minutes and wash in the washing machine.
  • To clean long-formed yellow spots at home, you can use vodka and water (proportion - 1 to 1). Apply a little solution on yellow spots, leave for 1-2 hours, then wash in a washing machine.


Woolen things are very whimsical, and old stains must be cleaned very delicately. To remove yellow traces from woolen clothes, it is necessary to make a solution based on laundry soap. To do this, grind the bar on a grater and dissolve in a small amount of water. Then place the item in this solution and leave for 3-4 hours. After the thing is well infused, it must be washed in the washing machine, rinsing well.

It may seem to many people that removing yellow stains from white clothes made from absolutely all types of fabric is easy, but, unfortunately, this is not the case. To successfully remove yellow sweat stains from clothes, you need not only to know how to prepare cleaning solutions, but also tips that will help you not to ruin a white thing. Miss Purity magazine recommends paying attention to the nuances:

  1. To clean a white thing, it is highly undesirable to use solutions containing chlorine.
  2. Solutions with acetone and acetic acid are in no way suitable for cleaning silk things.
  3. Before you start cleaning things from yellow spots, you need to conduct an experiment. Just apply the prepared solution to any unnecessary thing of the same fabric and see if the thing loses its qualities.
  4. The recommended temperature for washing whites with yellow spots is 20-30 degrees. Boiling, as already mentioned, spoils the structure, thins the canvas.

If you notice that yellow spots have formed on your favorite white thing, do not be upset and throw it away. Perhaps the tips and tricks described above will help you put things in order.

Helpful Hints

It is believed that white clothes are cooler in hot weather than dark-colored clothes.

However, such clothes are not very practical and often get dirty. It is quite difficult to maintain a pure white color, and sometimes even bleaches and numerous washes do not always help.

In this article, we will try to figure out how to clean white clothes so that they do not leave stains.

First steps

To start, you should stock up on the following: baking soda, hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), vinegar, salt, dishwashing detergent, oxygen bleach, and a few lemons.

1. Don't put off doing laundry.

The sooner you start cleaning your clothes from a fresh stain, the better you will remove it. This is especially important for white clothes. You can first wash in the usual way (stain remover will also help with washing).

* You can use laundry soap. To do this, treat the stain with a small bar and then wipe it with a brush (if the type of fabric allows).

2. Do not use chlorinated bleach.

White is also a color and using chlorinated bleach on white clothes will remove the white from the fabric. It is best to use a peroxide-based bleach.

3. Don't soak the stain.

This will only help the stain to eat into the fabric even more.

It is better to keep dirty clothes in a dry place, away from sunlight. Also, do not dry clothes with a hair dryer, as the remaining stains will eat into the fabric even more.

Do not iron clothes that have stains.

5. Dishwashing liquid is great for pre-cleaning stains.

6. You can mix peroxide with dish soap and apply the mixture to the stain.

In severe cases, you can leave the mixture for a while and wash it off later.

In which case only dry cleaning can help clothes

Sometimes the only way to clean clothes is to take them to the dry cleaners. Here's when to do it:

1. Immediately after the appearance of a stain from fatty foods (cheese, butter).

2. Immediately after contamination of delicate fabrics that cannot be machine washed (silk, wool, cashmere).

3. There is an old stain on the clothes.

Yellow stains on white clothes

Why do they appear:

Yellow spots are the result of bodily fluid such as sweat or grease combined with chemicals we use, such as deodorant.

Also, yellow spots may appear after washing at the wrong temperature. For example, when using too hot water, unpleasant yellowish stains can remain on white clothes. Moreover, the fabric starts to look worn.

Stains can also appear from detergent. For example, the powder was incorrectly selected.

Yellow spots appear from vegetable oil.

What to do to prevent stains:

Watch your choice of detergents.

Choose the right temperature when washing.

Keep track of how often you change your underwear.

How to get rid of sweat stains on white clothes

Vinegar helps with stains on white clothes

Sweat leaves yellow stains on white clothes, which are not very easy to wash off. Here's what to do to get rid of these stains:

1. Mix warm water and vinegar in a bowl at a ratio of 3-4 tablespoons of essence to 1 cup of water. The solution should be warmed up a little.

2. Dip white clothes into the bowl, but be careful, as in its pure form this acid can damage the skin.

3. Make a paste of peroxide, salt, baking soda and vinegar.

4. Apply the paste to the stain and wait 15-20 minutes for the paste to penetrate the fabric.

5. Throw the item in the washing machine and wash it as usual.

Use salt and vinegar to remove yellow stains from white clothes

1. Add enough salt to the vinegar to get a thick consistency.

2. Apply the resulting composition to the stain and leave for half an hour.

3. Wash clothes after 30 minutes.

Peroxide cleans yellow stains on white clothes from sweat

1. Dip a cotton swab into the peroxide and rub it over the stain.

2. After a couple of minutes, repeat the procedure.

3. Now the thing needs to be rinsed.

* In case you want to clean delicate fabrics, you can dilute the peroxide with warm water.

Baking soda can help remove stains from white clothes

1. Prepare a weak soda solution - 120-130 g of soda per 1 liter of water.

2. Apply the resulting composition to the contaminated area and leave for 20 minutes.

We fight white spots on clothes under the arms


If you did not have time to apply salt immediately after contamination, then you can later lay the fabric in a saline solution.

* This solution is suitable for both soaking and normal washing.

* The item can be washed by hand or use the washing machine on a suitable setting.

Stain remover or oxygen bleach.

1. Pour the solution on the stain and leave for 15 minutes.

2. Wash clothes.

Dishwashing liquid

Apply it to the contaminated area. You can also make a solution of washing powder and detergent and soak the item in it overnight. The next day, the thing can be washed in the appropriate mode.

rust contamination

After such pollution, many people think about throwing the thing away, because a rust stain can rarely be somehow cleaned. Here are the ingredients that will help get rid of rust contamination: lemon, citric acid, vinegar essence, vinegar, salt.

1. Lemon or lime

You will need:

A small piece of lemon


* Place the soiled fabric on the ironing board.

* Put a piece of lemon on the stain, and cover the cheesecloth on top in 3-4 layers.

* Under the thing itself, you need to put napkins that will absorb rust from the fabric.

* Iron the spot several times with an iron.

* Wash the fabric.

2. Citric acid

* Prepare a mixture of 15 g of acid and 100 g of water.

* Heat it up, but do not bring it to a boil.

* Dip the contaminated part of the clothing in the resulting composition and leave for 8-10 minutes. The acid will dissolve the rust.

3. Salt

* Make a strong saline solution.

* Immerse the item in the solution for 4-5 hours.

* Rinse and wash your item in the washing machine.

White stains on clothes from deodorant

It is advisable to wash the item in cold water, and then hang it to dry in the open air. This method is only suitable for clothes made from natural fabrics.

Washing in hot water

Pretty risky to wash in hot water, but it will help to achieve white color. However, check the label on your clothes carefully before washing.

If the fabric can withstand some hot water and is very dirty, you can start washing, but be careful - use only white clothes when washing.

Fabrics like cotton can handle hot water, but check the tag anyway.

A mixture of washing powder, baking soda and salt

Method 1

To wash a shirt or T-shirt in the machine, you can choose a temperature of 60 C, the appropriate program, 1.5 doses of washing powder, a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of baking soda.

* However, if you decide to wash delicate fabrics, this method will not work.

Method 2

* Make a paste of baking soda and water (4 tablespoons to 1/4 cup of water).

* With a brush, apply the paste on the stain and leave for 1 hour.

* Wash the item and dry it at room temperature.

*Repeat if necessary.

Sweat stains are one of the most unfavorable and difficult to wash stains on clothes. Whatever the stain, get rid of it quickly and effectively.

Otherwise, your favorite things will lose their attractive appearance, and you will have to say goodbye to them very soon. To avoid this, you need to consider a few important cleaning tips and rules.
Below are some of them.

Stain is usually caused by the reaction of sweat with aluminum, which is found in most deodorants and antiperspirants. Protein, which is part of the sweat, in combination with aluminum form a yellow spot. Since the stain contains protein, immediate contact with hot water will eat the stain into the fabric.

Hot water is best for stain removal. After wetting the garment with cold water and applying the necessary product, it is recommended to wash the garment in hot water to wash away any remaining contamination.

Laundry soap cleaning

The best product for cleaning sweat stains is, first of all, soap "Antipyatin". Rub the stain with “anti-stain”, leave for 15 minutes, wash the problem area and stains as if nothing had happened.
Also suitable for washing regular laundry soap. Despite the pungent smell and not quite presentable appearance, it copes very well with even the most difficult stains.

Today in stores there is a large selection of a wide variety of stain removers and bleaches. Of course, you can use them if the stain is still fresh. But with the old ones, such a tool will no longer be able to cope. And here drastic measures are needed.


Our grandmothers still used this method. But digestion is only suitable for 100% cotton fabrics!

Pour water into an enameled bowl and add laundry soap or, better, whiteness, planed through a grater. Dip things in there, put on fire to boil. Boil should be at least 2-3 hours.
Then wash thoroughly, preferably using fabric softener.

There are several ways to get rid of yellow spots. Yellowed clothes can be washed with simple improvised means.
When choosing an option, you can proceed both from the reviews of friends or on the network, and the availability of the necessary funds in your closet:

  • Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vodka
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • white vinegar
  • crushed aspirin

Preparatory stage

✔ Mix water and detergent in a separate container. It doesn't matter which of the above products you decide to use, as the cleaner must be mixed with warm water to activate it. Proportions and mixing conditions for all products are described below.

  • Vodka, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and dishwashing detergent should be mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  • Mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 3 to 1.
  • Aspirin tablets must first be crushed. Take 3-4 tablets and mix them in a bowl of warm water.

✔ Mix until the product is completely dissolved in water in the form of a liquid or paste. The solution will take its final form only after the complete dissolution of the product.

  • The baking soda will turn into a paste.
  • The vodka, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar and aspirin will dissolve into the liquid. You will need to saturate the item or stained area with the mixture, so make sure you have enough of the cleaner.
  • Dishwashing detergent should be diluted in water at a ratio of 1 to 1. You can also make a paste using detergent at a ratio of 3 to 1.
    Some prefer to use a paste because they think it works better on stubborn stains.

✔ Pre-moisten the stain with cold or warm water. Moisten the stain thoroughly - pour water on the cloth or use a damp sponge.

Removing stains with paste

For this method of removing sweat stains, we need: liquid soap, baking soda and salt(it is better to use the "Extra" crayon). Mix all ingredients until smooth.

No less good effect you can achieve ordinary baking soda. To do this, take soda and add some water. Stir. The mixture should turn out to be thick, I will apply it in consistency like sour cream.

The same operation can be done with aspirin tablets instead of soda. In both cases, the result will certainly please you.
Acetylsalicylic acid is considered not only a wonderful remedy for headaches. The active ingredients that make up aspirin will help get rid of the hated stains on colored clothes that have arisen due to sweating.

In order to get rid of sweat stains, it is necessary to crush 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder.
It is desirable that the resulting substance does not have lumpy pieces, otherwise the agent may not work to its full potential. Next, you need to take half a glass (50 ml) of warm water and stir the resulting aspirin powder mixture.

Stir thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved in water.
Important! Do not mix crushed aspirin with cold water. It will not dissolve in water, and therefore the product will not work.

Apply a thick layer of paste to the stain. Be sure to cover the entire area of ​​the stain with the paste.

✔ Thoroughly rub the paste into clothing with a toothbrush or nail brush. You can apply more paste as it is absorbed by the tissue. The stain will begin to disappear right before your eyes.

  • Baking soda works well on its own, but you can also try pouring vinegar on the stain. The vinegar will immediately begin to bubble, so be careful.
  • Baking soda is the base and white vinegar is the acid, so the combination results in bubble-like flare-ups.
    The abrasive properties of this reaction help to remove residual dirt, and the bubbles separate contaminants from the fabric.

✔ Leave the paste composition on things for one hour. This will allow it to soak into the fabric and separate the chemicals that cause the discoloration.

  • If heavily soiled, leave the composition overnight.

✔ Repeat steps if necessary. Strongly stubborn stains may not disappear after the first time. Apply the paste again on the stain, leave for an hour and wash until the stain is completely removed.

If you're using paste from dishwashing detergent, try also applying them to the stain in liquid form. In this form, they fight the stain even better.
Follow the advice in the next section.

Removing a stain with a liquid solution

For very stubborn stains, use a paste formulation in combination with a liquid solution.

  • Mix baking soda or dish soap or crushed aspirin with water to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stain with a toothbrush or nail brush as described above.
    Leave for an hour.

Pour the liquid solution into a bucket or any container large enough to hold the entire item. Of course, it is necessary to soak only the area with a stain, but you can completely soak the whole thing.

  • If the stain is small, then soaking the item is not necessary. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to the stained area of ​​the fabric. Be generous with the solution and let it soak into the fabric before washing.
  • If you have sensitive skin, it is best to use rubber gloves for the following steps, as cleaning products contain caustic chemicals.
  • Do not use bleach as it oxidizes the dye and may cause the garment to fade.

Leave the clothing to soak in the solution. Impregnation time usually depends on the color of the stain. For light spots, 15-30 minutes will suffice, while for dark spots, it will take several hours or even all night.

  • Watch your clothes. If the stain starts to go away quickly, then take the thing out of the bowl. If almost nothing has changed in an hour, then leave the clothes in the solution all night.
  • If the stain appeared on the clothes for a long time, then it will be more difficult to remove it. Try to remove such stains on clothes as soon as they appear.

Wash the item in the warmest possible water, the temperature of which is acceptable for this fabric.

  • Some materials react poorly to heat, causing clothing to shrink or discolor. Always read the washing instructions on the tags.

Proven way to remove sweat stains

Hydrogen peroxide is a great helper in dealing with sweat stains. It will help you get rid of both fresh and old stains on your clothes.
Pour peroxide into a spray bottle. Spray it on yellowed areas of clothing. After holding for 15 minutes, you can dull to wash.

I have been rescued more than once by the method of removing yellow sweat stains from white clothes, presented in the video. The method is effective, proven in practice. Mix, rub and be surprised by the effect :)

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp liquid dishwashing detergent
  • 4 tbsp hydrogen peroxide,
  • 2 tbsp baking soda.

You can do it like in the video. But for old stains, it is better to apply the mixture on the stain, rub vigorously with a clothes brush, leave for a couple of hours, then wash as usual.

How to remove yellow spots on collars and armpits

Stain Prevention

Use deodorants and antiperspirants that do not contain aluminum.

  • Stain is usually caused by the reaction of sweat with the aluminum found in most deodorants and antiperspirants. Protein, which is part of the sweat, in combination with aluminum form a yellow spot.
  • Before buying a deodorant, always pay attention to the composition.

Use less deodorant or antiperspirant. Too much deodorant on your clothes only makes things worse, so use it wisely.

Take preventive measures. Turn the garment inside out before putting it on after washing. Sprinkle your underarms generously with baby powder and iron. This method is best suited for cotton fabrics.

Wear inexpensive undershirts. To prevent stains from appearing on your formal wear, you can wear undershirts that act as a kind of barrier between sweat and outerwear.

Remove yellow stains before every wash. Wash clothes with yellow stains immediately after wearing them and soak them in a special solution to remove such stains.

  • New stains are much easier to remove than old ones. Treat stains with the solution regularly to keep your clothes clean and prevent the stain from penetrating into the fabric.

If yellow sweat stains appear on your white clothes, spoiling the look and quality of clothes, do not rush to get rid of it. Use these tips, and your favorite clothes will please you for a long time.