What yarn is good for knitting. How to choose yarn for knitting and not make a mistake

One of the first questions that we have before we start knitting is which one do we need, which one is better to choose? In order to answer this question, you need to figure out what types of yarn are on sale and for knitting what products it is.destined.

  • The first thing you need to pay attention to is the composition of the yarn. The composition of the yarn is always indicated on the label.

wool yarn- great for knitting warm clothes: sweaters, warm socks, hats and scarves. This yarn well passes air and moisture, retains heat well. This yarn has many advantages - it is natural, looks beautiful when knitted, elastic, but, unfortunately, it also has disadvantages - products made from it tend to stretch , as well as fall down and form spools. To avoid this, wool yarn is added synthetic threads, usually acrylic, - such yarn is called mixed. The composition of the yarn, as well as its quality determines appearance related product, as well as how it will behave in a sock.As a rule, sheep wool is used for the manufacture of woolen yarn; yarn from goat, rabbit and even dog wool is also found.

100% wool- if you see such an inscription on the yarn, it means that it is made of pure sheep's wool, without the admixture of threads of another kind. It can be of different thicknesses, both very thin - very elegant, well-draped products can be knitted from such yarn, and very thick, well suited for knitting hats and scarves with a relief pattern. It is good to knit sweaters, jackets, dresses, vests, socks from yarn of medium thickness.

Merino yarn- the softest and most delicate yarn,manufacturedfrom wool of merino sheep, usually costs a little more than ordinary sheep's wool. It is thin, so it is well suited for knitting elegant products. It is also good to knit children's things from this yarn, as it does not irritate delicate skin child.

Shetland yarn - manufactured from sheared sheep wool. This yarn is coarse, but very durable, it produces textured knits in strength. country.

Cashmere- produced from the combed undercoat of the Kashmiri goats. This is one of the finest and most noble types of wool yarn. Products from it are very warm, wear-resistant and elegant. Often found in mixtures with other types of yarn.

Mohair- this yarn manufacturedfrom goat hair. This is a thin and fluffy yarn. Previously, mohair yarn was knitted Orenburg scarves. Mohair, which is quite expensive, is therefore found both in a mixture with sheep's wool and with synthetics, more often with acrylic.

Angora- a thin fluffy yarn obtained from the wool of angora rabbits. Also, as a rule, is found in combination with woolen or synthetic yarn . Angora products are thinner, more elegant and less fluffier than mohair.

Alpaca- this is llama wool, its advantage is that it is very warm, due to the fact that the fibers alpacas hollow inside: they trap air and retain heat. These fibers are long, so alpaca is less prone to pilling.

Acrylic- it is synthetic yarn, it is often called "artificial wool".Characterizedhigh strength and good be dyed in various colors. It is usually added to various types wool yarn to increase itwear resistanceand reduce the cost. But here you have to look attentively if the acrylic content is low: 10-20 percent, then the products, related of such threads will have all the properties of the main yarn. If the acrylic content is more than 50%, then, as a rule, products related to them will have a cheaper look, but most importantly, they will not properly pass air and retain heat, and therefore will not be very comfortable to wear. Can be found on sale acrylic yarn for children's products. But I would still not recommend it for knitting children's things. Despite the fact that it is hypoallergenic, it still has poor breathability, does not absorb moisture well and is very electrified.

Cotton yarn -it is a natural yarn used for knitting light summer products. This yarn is breathable, while giving a feeling of coolness. But this yarn is not elastic, so if you want to knit cotton things with knitting needles, then attentively consider your choice of yarn. If the thread is strongly twisted, then such yarn will not work, it is only good for crocheting. An example of such a yarn is the Iris thread. Yarn for knitting is slightly twisted, the thread should be soft to the touch. As a rule, such yarn is sold in skeins, like wool. Wool or acrylic can be added to cotton thread to increase its elasticity .

linen yarn - also natural yarn, used for knitting summer things. But it is stiffer and less elastic than cotton, better suited for crocheting.

Silk yarn - this yarn obtained from silkworm thread. This one is very expensive manufacturing yarn. The thread is very strong, but at the same time, thin and soft, has a noble sheen. Products knitted from silk yarn practically do not roll. In addition to a very beautiful appearance, silk yarn products have an important quality - they keep a good feeling of coolness on hot days. This one is very expensive making yarn, so it is more commonly found mixed with cotton or viscose. You can also find silk thread with the addition synthetic threads.

Viscose- also called artificial silk". This yarn produced from wood pulp, spruce or pine. Outwardly resembles silk, heavy and smooth, has a slight sheen. This yarn conducts air and absorbs moisture, but still not as good as natural threads. Good for knitting used in the warm season, but on a very hot day in viscose clothes you will not feel very comfortable, it is better to choose cotton or silk yarn for such weather.

Bamboo- Recently, bamboo yarn has appeared on sale. This, like viscose, is a cellulose thread, only from bamboo wood. It is a very strong but soft yarn, with a slight sheen, very light. Very good for knitting summer clothes. I advise you to pay special attention to this yarn if you are planning to knit a product for a child. This yarn has unique qualities - it absorbs moisture 3 times more than cotton, does not cause irritation and has antimicrobial activity, so what contains natural ingredient which stops the development of bacteria.

  • If you have decided with the composition of the yarn, then the second point that you need to pay attention to is the thickness of the yarn and the number of threads that you will be required . If you have chosen a model with a description for knitting, then the instructions always indicate the thicknessrecommended yarn. She determined by thewhat length of thread (in meters) is contained in 100 (or 50) grams of yarn. The shorter the thread, the thicker it is. To ensure that your knitted item is the same size as the model from the magazine, make sure you choose a yarn with a similar thickness. Also, the description usually indicates the required number of threads. If you do not have much experience in knitting, then you need to focus on this amount. If you buy less thread than you need and you don't have enough, you may have trouble getting the same yarn. Often, the label on the skein of yarn also indicates how many threads required for knitting a pullover, as well as what size knitting needles it is better to knit this yarn. If you don't know how many threads required in order to link the desired product, you can find outHere.
  • The third point, which I advise you to pay attention to, is thread uniformity. Attentively inspect the skeins, check that the thread is uniform, without thickening and knots, as well as thin sections. Especially attentively choose skeins of yarn sectional dyeing- choose skeins that start with the same color fragment, and also pay attention to the fact that there are no torn and tied ends of the threads, because otherwise it will be difficult for you to tie the details of the back and front, as well as sleeves with a symmetrical pattern.

I strongly advise you to keep the yarn label until you tie product. Because if you do not have enough threads, then it will be much easier for you to buy the required amount of them. Try to find threads from the same lot, its number is indicated on the label, because threads of the same color, but from different lots, may differ slightly.

Also pay attention to how to care for the associated product. Eat general rules- wash a little warm water with the addition of soft detergent, lay flat to dry gently. But look at the label, it often indicates exactly how to care for this yarn.

Here are the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing which one is well suited for the execution of your intended product. If you have any questions, or want to discuss something, then be sure to leave your comment.

Note! Recently, an article appeared on the site with recommendations for choosing yarn for knitting socks:.

The choice of yarn is a very responsible matter, because in many respects the quality of the yarn determines how the thing behaves during the first wash. A wide variety of yarns are currently being produced. Lovers of knitting use woolen, cotton, silk, synthetic and other threads.

A very strong type of yarn is linen, which is lighter than knitted things made of wool or cotton, absorbs moisture and dries faster. At high temperatures linen yarn does not shrink or shrink. Linen products are much more comfortable in hot weather than cotton ones. This species is difficult to dye or bleach, therefore, in most cases, the color scheme is represented by natural gray-beige shades.

Cotton yarn

According to its composition cotton yarn considered heavy, dense and not elastic. However, cotton dyes well and is practically not subject to fading. The luster of cotton thread is achieved by a special treatment with an alkaline liquid. This type of yarn is best known to the general public as "iris". In terms of strength, cotton yarn is not as strong as silk or linen, but it is superior to wool. Cotton is quite prone to shrinkage, as well as long drying. Cotton clothes are worn at moderate temperatures. Rubber bands and textured patterns do not look good on cotton yarn. It is most often used in mixed yarns with wool or acrylic yarn.

Eco yarn

Eco-friendly yarn, also known as eco-yarn, is made from organic linen and cotton, grown without the use of pesticides, and dyed only with natural dyes. By the way, natural dyes can perfectly dye woolen yarn. Color palette natural dyes includes the whole range of tones of nature, but it is somewhat poorer than the palette of chemical dyes. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for the care of eco-yarn, indicated in without fail on the label.

silk yarn

Heat is well retained silk yarn Moreover, it practically does not form pellets. Silk is very strong, does not deform and dyes well. Silk products absorb moisture well. If we consider rayon, then it also dries quickly, like his natural look but not as durable. This type of yarn is practically not used for knitting in its pure form, but serves as an additive to other types to improve their qualities.

wool yarn

Woolen yarn is lighter in its characteristics than vegetable yarn, and also more elastic. It retains heat better, does not immediately get wet in a humid environment compared to cotton, but is less durable. Disadvantages of woolen yarn: its felting, and the formation of pellets. Defects are more pronounced if the wool yarn is loosely twisted. To get rid of them, in most cases, acrylic or other artificial or vegetable fiber is added to it, in which case other positive characteristics appear. When washing woolen products, you should take into account the fact that they can stretch.

mohair yarn

I often call any fluffy yarn mohair, however, this is not at all the case. Mohair may consist of synthetic threads. And real mohair is presented in Orenburg downy shawls. Mohair wool is quite expensive and is often spun with artificial or woolen thread. Mohair is easily cleaned of dirt and is well dyed. In order not to lose the "fluffiness" of the fiber, it should be washed very carefully.

angora yarn

Angora wool is obtained from rabbits belonging to the Angora breed. It is practically not used in its pure form. Firstly, because of its high cost, and, secondly, because of the lack of elasticity. However, in the composition of wool, merino wool or acrylic, angora can just fit perfectly. The coat from the Angora rabbit is very fluffy, soft and warm. Usually the composition of the yarn is indicated on the label of the skein.

fancy yarn

For knitting wide braids, and fancy yarn is ideal for smooth patterns. Products from it, as well as things from 100% wool, experts recommend hand washing and drying only when unfolded.

Viscose yarn

Viscose fiber is made from plant and wood pulp, which is pressed using a die. Viscose yarn is soft and pleasant to the touch, has high moisture absorption and excellent color intensity. Viscose has a composition close to natural cotton fiber. Moreover, in the heat it gives a feeling of coolness. Viscose yarn is heavy and smooth, so products from it are stretched and straightened under their own weight, retain their shape well and look great.

Bamboo fiber is a type of viscose, only it is made from bamboo wood, not pine wood. In terms of usefulness in wear and pleasantness to the touch, bamboo is close to flax. Three times more than pure cotton absorbs moisture knitted product made of bamboo yarn, gives a gentle feeling to the skin, does not lose its original color and does not change its size when washed. Bamboo in the hot summer also contributes to the feeling of coolness and comfort. Its yarn, from which skeins and fabrics are obtained, is very durable. The fabric made from this type of fiber has natural antimicrobial properties and does not cause irritation, it contains a component that prevents the growth of bacteria. According to the test results, more than 70% of the bacteria that were placed on the bamboo fiber were naturally destroyed. Its manufacturing process is based on steaming and boiling technology, which does not environment tangible harm. Bamboo threads have a slight sheen, so they look chic than cotton threads, the fiber itself is softer and similar in quality to silk. Bamboo yarn has a very porous structure, so moisture is almost instantly absorbed by the fabric and also evaporates quickly.

acrylic yarn

The group of polyacrylonitrile fibers includes acrylic yarn. In the textile market, acrylic can also be called "PAN fiber", "nitron", "orlon", "prelana". Raw materials from natural gas are mined to produce acrylic. Its main properties include strength, light resistance, thermoplasticity. For knitting on knitting machines, blended yarns with an acrylic content of 30% or more are ideal. It is often called "artificial wool", since acrylic is close to natural wool in its qualities, moreover, it has a number of other unique properties. Acrylic fibers are very well dyed, which contributes to the production of yarn of bright and saturated colors; things made of yarn with acrylic roll much less, they are comfortable to wear, warm and comfortable. Most often, acrylic is used in a mixture with wool or mohair in knitting yarn; with the help of the last mixture, fluffy products are obtained, but at the same time retaining their shape. The disadvantages of acrylic products include low hygroscopicity, which deprives the hygienic qualities of things made of acrylic.

When buying, you should pay attention to twisting, elasticity and evenness of the thread, as well as color fastness. Threads that are tightly twisted are more likely to be crocheted. If you decide to knit a product with knitting needles from a highly twisted thread, then it can turn out to be stiff and even warp. This defect cannot be corrected, including with an iron. Usually the label indicates how to knit this yarn: crochet or knitting. The number of knitting needles or hook is also indicated. This is also worth paying attention to. When examining the thread, look for thin spots or thick spots on it, as the choice of patterns is limited for uneven yarn.

It is difficult for beginner knitters to understand the variety of materials for needlework. About what they are made of and how they are labeled on the packaging, we will discuss in this material.

We study the label

When purchasing threads for crocheting, knitting or on a typewriter, pay attention to the “cover” of the yarn. What is written there will tell a lot:

  1. Compound. This paragraph indicates what the yarn is made of. Each type has its own label.
  2. Weight and length. This data will help you calculate how many skeins of yarn you need. For example, on regular sweater it takes 10 balls weighing 50 g with a thread length of 160 meters. Less thick and heavy fibers will be required, and more light ones.
  3. Color and serial number. This data will help if you miscalculate the amount of yarn. It is better to buy additional skeins of the same series, otherwise the shades of the threads will differ. And this will spoil the appearance of the product.
  4. Crochet and knitting needles. Manufacturers often indicate the size of the knitting tool.

In some cases, the label provides yarn care instructions, as well as the preferred knitting density.

Bobbins or skeins?

Knitting threads are sold in different variations. And each type has its own advantages. Yarn in bobbins is convenient in that products are created from it without additional knots. And needlewomen know how difficult it is to “hide” them. Such threads are treated with special compounds that prevent the fabric from rolling. They are recommended to choose for machine knitting.

But yarn in bobbins has a significant drawback. It is sold in large quantities, it is not advisable to buy it to create one sweater or cardigan. In addition, before work, you will have to rewind the threads into balls. After all, it is inconvenient to knit from a bobbin. Therefore, if you do not plan to create several products from one thread, then buy hanks.

What do animals give

The wool of domestic and wild animals has long been used to make threads from which clothes are sewn or knitted. Moreover, such fibers are expensive. In terms of "warmth" little can be compared with them. Types of threads for knitting of animal origin:

  1. Wool (WO, Lana).
  2. Merino wool (WV, Extrafine).
  3. Mohair (WM, Mohair).
  4. Camel wool (WK, Cammello, Camel).
  5. Alpaca (WP, Alpaca).
  6. Cashmere (WS, Kashmir).
  7. Angora. (WA, Angora, Karin).

Yarn markings are in parentheses. Each of these types of threads deserves special attention.


This natural material is made from sheep wool. Such fibers perfectly retain heat, allow air to pass through and retain moisture. Wool is pleasant to the touch, although some find it "prickly". Sweaters are made from fiber warm dresses, scarves and hats.

Merino wool

This delicate yarn is extracted from the withers of a Merino sheep. The fibers are valued for their unusual softness. Wool retains heat very well. Due to the elasticity of the fiber, tight-fitting things are created from it. In addition, merino wool products can be machine washed without fear, of course, with a special mode. However, they do not lose their shape. The only downside good thread for knitting - high price.


Yarn is obtained from goat hair. The fibers are warm, fluffy, but short-lived. In addition, their thickness is not uniform. Therefore, 100% mohair is rarely found on sale, more often it is “diluted” with natural and synthetic fibers. These threads are suitable for knitting with thin needles. Mohair is ideal for creating openwork shawls and stoles.


Yarn is obtained from the wool of a special variety of llamas. These threads are suitable for knitting and crocheting. Valued for their lightness, softness and silky shine which is not lost after numerous washes. Alpaca products are warm and durable. They don't wrinkle or wrinkle. In addition, they never have spools. Another advantage is that alpaca does not cause allergies. Outerwear is mainly knitted from wool - insulated cardigans, coats, wide scarves.


The material is created from the undercoat of a goat. These are beautiful and warm threads for knitting by hand and on a typewriter. It is not surprising that they are the most expensive and they are called "royal yarn". Soft to the touch fibers are suitable for knitting jumpers, scarves and snoods. Disadvantages - high cost and demanding care. Cashmere items are not recommended to be washed, only dry cleaning is allowed.


The material is extracted from the wool of Angora rabbits. In its pure form, angora is practically not used, because the threads are inelastic. Therefore, ordinary wool or acrylic is added to them. Threads are suitable for knitting, crocheting is difficult to work with. The yarn is valued for its lightness, tenderness and characteristic “lush” pile.

Angora has a drawback - over time, products wear out. They have "spots" on them. In addition, they cannot be washed, only allowed mechanical cleaning. But at proper care things from this undercoat of rabbits will last for more than one year.

Camel's wool

Camel down threads are 100% natural and environmentally friendly. They are not processed and almost never stained. This is not necessary, because wool has a beautiful Brown color. And there are both light, beige tones, and dark, almost black shades.

The down of young camels is soft and delicate to the touch. If you come across a hard "prickly" yarn, then it was made from the wool of old animals. The material has many advantages. Products are extremely warm and durable. They don't roll or lose their shape. In addition, fluff has medicinal properties. There is only one drawback - the high cost of camel hair. But the price is not surprising, because it is created exclusively by hand.

"Plant" yarn

Plant-derived yarn is less expensive. At the same time, it is quite durable, wear-resistant and pleasant to the touch. Types of threads for knitting of vegetable origin:

  1. Cotton (Co, Cotone, Cotton).
  2. Hemp fiber (CA, Canapa, Hemp).
  3. Linen yarn (Li, Lino, Linen).
  4. Silk (SE, Seta, Silk).
  5. Nettle fiber.
  6. Bamboo fiber (Bamboo rayon).

Let's look at each of these types in more detail.


Knitting threads are obtained from the air mass that grows near cotton seeds. This is the most common and popular material. A typical representative of this “iris” fiber is knitting threads, on which beginner needlewomen learn.

Yarn has many benefits. The fibers are hygroscopic, perfectly breathable and retain moisture. They are durable, wash well, products made from them will last for decades. But fiber also has disadvantages. It wears out, wrinkles and loses color in the light. Mercerization of yarn helps to fix this. This process is expensive, after which the material increases in price.

"Iris" - threads for knitting more crochet than knitting needles. They are suitable for making lungs summer dresses, tops, baby clothes and even swimwear. In addition, they are used for knitting household items, bags and covers.

hemp fiber

This inexpensive knitting yarn is not very popular, although it is 100% environmentally friendly. pure product. After all, when growing hemp, pesticides are not used, which are used to process cotton fields. But the threads from the plant are tough, although they soften a little over time. The advantages of the material are strength, durability, wear resistance. Therefore, hemp yarn is ideal for making shopping bags and napkins.


This natural material lies neatly in the canvas, does not shed, keeps its shape and is worn for a long time. The fiber is soft, smooth and pleasant to the touch. Do not know what threads are needed for knitting summer things? The answer is obvious - linen.

The fiber perfectly retains moisture and lets air through. In addition, the material delays ultraviolet radiation by 95%, while other threads cope with the task by 30-50%. Flax looks spectacular in fantasy patterns. But also garter or hosiery knitting from it turns out to be neat and attractive.


The material is extracted from the cocoon of the silkworm caterpillar. Silk is a very expensive yarn, because the process of its manufacture is laborious and delicate. Products from the material are truly exclusive. used for knitting wedding and evening dresses. But they have a significant drawback - the high price. To reduce the cost of the product, other natural fibers are often added to this material.

bamboo fiber

This material is valued for 100% ecological purity and hypoallergenicity. Unlike other fibers, bamboo filaments have natural antimicrobial properties. Therefore, they do not need additional chemical treatment. In addition, the fiber is softer and more delicate than cotton. And the tactile sensations resembles cashmere or silk. These threads are used for crocheting. They create airy, light shawls and capes.

nettle threads

The production of this material is laborious and expensive. And to create 20-30 g of threads, you need 4.5 kg of nettle. Therefore, the material is not used on its own, but is spun into other natural fibers. As a result, the canvas is light, hygroscopic and durable.

mixed yarn

Each for knitting has its drawbacks. Therefore, very often manufacturers mix types of yarn with each other. The result is softer, more elastic or cheaper fibers. Blended yarn types:

  1. Wool and cotton. This material is also called semi-wool. Thanks to the combination of fibers, the canvas is smooth, breathable and warm. In addition, cotton removes excessive "pricklyness" of wool, so products made of thread are suitable for people with sensitive skin and small children. Wool mixture does not stretch when washed, retains its shape for a long time. It rarely forms spools. The disadvantage of the material is that wool and cotton absorb the dye differently. As a result, the canvas may have a non-uniform color.
  2. A mixture of artificial and similar threads acquire the strength and elasticity of synthetic fibers, while maintaining the breathability, warmth and hygroscopicity of natural materials. The cloth does not sit down and is not deformed after washing. The paint does not wash out and does not fade from the sun. Products made of mixed yarn retain their original appearance for a long time. In addition, the material has an affordable price.
  3. Synthetic mix. A mixture of artificial fabrics is used to create threads different textures. This inexpensive knitting yarn looks attractive. But such material is not able to retain heat. Therefore, it is used to create light or demi-season items.

Synthetic yarn

Modern technologies allow you to create yarn from various materials. Such fibers are cheaper, while their beauty and quality are not inferior to natural yarn. Synthetic species thread for knitting:

  1. Microfiber (Micro Fiber). The material is used in the creation of woven and yarn pleasant to the touch, soft and velvety. Often it is added to natural fibers to increase the elasticity and strength of the threads.
  2. Acrylic (PA, Acrylic). This material is extracted from ethylene. It has a lot of advantages. Acrylic threads for knitting are cheap, while they are strong and durable. In addition, the yarn is easily dyed in incredible shades that are difficult to achieve from natural materials. Therefore, it is used to create children's toys or products with drawings. The disadvantage of acrylic knitting threads is their ability to store electricity.
  3. Metallic (Me, Metall). Shiny threads (Lurex) are not yarn as such. But these fibers are added to other materials to give them a festive sheen.
  4. Nylon (NY, Naylon, Polyamide). It's durable and the same time is easy fiber is often used to reinforce other materials. The yarn is very elastic, so it is knitted knitwear.
  5. Polypropylene. Use these threads to knit washcloths, beach bags, accessories. The material is durable, holds its shape well, and is cheap.

Artificial inexpensive knitting threads will be the best choice for a beginner needlewoman. They are durable, wear-resistant, keep their shape and do not lose color after numerous washes.

Unusual types of threads for knitting

Fibers with different textures give products a unique and completely exclusive view. This yarn is suitable for experienced needlewomen and beginner knitters who want to create original products.


The yarn is made from a mixture of cotton and acrylic. Products from the material are voluminous, velvety to the touch and with a velvet texture. Threads are suitable for knitting with a simple stocking pattern. Lace or braids cannot be made from chenille, because the details are hard to see due to the texture of the yarn. Fiber products do not pill, but should not be worn under outerwear. Otherwise, the yarn will wear out, and “bald spots” will appear over time. Due to the unusual softness, threads are suitable for knitting children's things and toys.

pile yarn

The material is obtained by twisting different types of yarn. Often, fibers with a long pile are added to the composition of the thread, which makes the fabric similar to faux fur and fluff. Such threads are used for knitting scarves, hats, decorating separate parts products.

Twisted yarn

Such a fiber consists of several twisted threads, and of various colors. Number of strands: from 2 to 6. The threads are crumbled into different shades alternately. As a result, the canvas turns out to be colorful, with characteristic “waves”. Because of this combination, the material is also called "plaid" yarn. It is good for knitting a regular stocking pattern, as well as fancy lace, braids. Products made of threads are strong, durable, and wash very well.

Knitted tape

The yarn is created in the form of a flat thin cord. The manufacturing process of this material is complicated, and therefore the cost of the fiber is quite high. But the costs are worth it, because things are original and attractive. for knitting fit in loops at different angles. Because of this, the products acquire an uneven sheen. In addition, if the thread is knitted into the fabric “sideways”, then the surface will turn out with bumps.

Bouquet yarn

The threads are created in a special way, due to which small balls are formed on them. They are located at different or equal distances from each other. When knitting, "boucles" come forward. As a result, the canvas acquires an interesting texture and deceptive density. Boucles will be an excellent choice for beginner needlewomen, as they look spectacular even in the simplest hosiery. But intricate patterns cannot be made from threads, because due to the texture of the canvas, details will not be visible. Depending on the thickness of the thread, it is suitable for knitting summer or warm clothes.

tweed yarn

This is a monophonic fiber in which there are multi-colored blotches. The composition of the material includes natural wool, but sometimes cotton or even synthetic threads are added to it. Usually dyed in natural colors: white, gray or black. But there are skeins with a variety of shades. And the brighter unusual color material, the more artificial fibers it contains.

The advantages of the thread are strength, hygroscopicity and the ability to retain heat. They make amazingly beautiful sweaters, skirts, scarves, cardigans and coats. The lack of material is a slight "pricklyness". But this feature is typical for woolen fabrics.

bulk thread

This synthetic fiber is usually made in one addition. The canvas from it turns out to be light, airy and voluminous. At the same time, the products are well crushed and quickly return to their original shape. The material is used for knitting on thick knitting needles or a hook.

Until recently, coats and scarves made of bulk threads. Now the demand for them has decreased. But home accessories made from this type of textile remained relevant. It looks spectacular in multi-component patterns of plaits and braids, interspersed with lace.

Blended yarn

The composition of the material includes several types of natural fibers and one synthetic thread. Thanks to this combination, the canvas is hygroscopic, warm and breathable. Artificial fiber gives it strength and elasticity.

Products from a mixed linen sit well on the figure, look elegant and neat. Synthetic thread is inside natural fibers. Therefore, blended yarn products retain all positive properties natural, expensive materials. At the same time, they look better, keep their shape longer and are cheaper.

original ideas

Do you want to break the traditional view of knitting clothes, accessories and household items? Use unusual materials. Indeed, in the hands of an experienced needlewoman, even used bags turn into original threads. What can be knitted from:

  • Stripes of fabrics. Such "threads" are traditionally used for knitting rugs. But you can think of another use for the material: create a sofa or a pot stand. The main thing is to connect the fantasy. To make a "fabric thread", cut old clothes or textile products into strips and sew them together. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
  • Wire thread. This material is used for knitting jewelry or home decor with beads. The stores sell metallic threads of any thickness and with a wide range of colors. Therefore, you can easily knit an original necklace or bracelet to your taste.
  • Rubber thread. This material is known as "yarn-jelly". Used for knitting accessories, belts and home decorations. Working with a "thread" is not easy. After all, it sticks to metal and plastic knitting needles. Therefore, when knitting, it is recommended to lubricate the tools with oil.

In general, there are many varieties and types of threads for knitting. And each needlewoman will pick up yarn to taste. The main thing is to pay attention to the quality of the material. After all, the beauty and durability of the product largely depends on it.

To choose the right yarn, you need to know the type of product, wearing conditions, manufacturing method, pattern and color.

On initial stage determine the type of yarn according to the season of the year. In hot weather, it is better to wear things made from natural fibers. For summer tops, dresses, sundresses, cotton yarn is suitable, as well as linen and silk.

Wool and semi-wool great option for the cold season. 100% acrylic, like any synthetic material, is characterized by low hydro-hygroscopicity. It does not conduct air well, preventing the skin from "breathing", and does not warm at all. Its advantage is wear resistance. From acrylic, you can knit jumpers, skirts, cardigans, scarves for the off-season. This a good choice for bags, swimwear and interior items. Decorative pillows, bedspreads, covers, mats made of artificial fiber will last a long time. They do not shed or deform when washed at 30º without spinning in a centrifuge.

A few words about yarn for dresses, skirts and trousers. Bottom part the body is the most mobile. We are constantly walking, sitting down, bending over. That's why knitwear should keep the shape. For crocheting, you can use threads of any composition. The fabric knitted on the needles is less dense. And requires careful choice of yarn. Definitely need to give up 100% natural material. A skirt, dress made of wool or cotton will quickly lose its appearance, stretch, gather in folds. As a result, the desired thing, on which time and effort was spent, will turn out to be useless. It is better to use mixed yarn. It consists of natural and artificial fibers. Their ratio and combinations can be different: 50% wool + 50% acrylic, 50% wool + 25% acrylic + 25% viscose, 50% cotton + 50% viscose, 90% linen + 10% viscose.

If you intend to use several colors for the product, then the yarn must be selected in the same thickness. This rule is equally important for knitting and crocheting.

The same pattern may look different, depending on the characteristics of the material. For example, a braid-pigtail is more expressive obtained from dense yarn. From a thin thread, it is small and not embossed.

Color plays an important role in the choice of yarn. Black "eats" small elements. It won't fit for pearl pattern or another, based on the alternation of facial and purl loops.

Openwork is the most common crochet pattern. It is important to remember here that the thicker the thread, the larger the elements and gaps will be.

When you go shopping for yarn, you can take a pattern with you. Having knitted a small sample, the result will become clear. Such a careful approach to the choice of material will save you from unnecessary costs.

04 Mar

Quiet tapping of knitting needles, calm knitting of loops, measured breathing... Knitting is a real meditation, ideal for a leisurely winter life.

Deciding to meditate in the winter, I audited my stocks of yarn and found the remains of the Soviet wool mixture in indistinct shades. Realizing that I couldn’t create a masterpiece out of them, I went to the nearest yarn store to buy “something warm” for a future cozy sweater. The assortment struck me on the spot: 20 years ago, when I held knitting needles in my hands for the last time, there was no such choice of yarn.

After examining the contents of the shelves, I settled on alpaca: soft to the touch, this wool promised me a comfortable thing at the exit. At home, I immediately started knitting the conceived model - and after 15-20 rows I was disappointed to note that this yarn “eats” all my rich “braids” and “knobs” fashionable this season. Tried on alpaca different patterns, I came to the conclusion: this wool does not need any decorations - it is good in the simplest facial surface. But for the classic stitch, I could buy yarn easier and cheaper! ..

Before I go back to the store, I studied the properties of different types of winter yarn - and made many interesting discoveries, which I am happy to share with you, so that you can understand what yarn to choose for a hat and many other things.

Winter yarn is divided into three main groups: synthetic, blended and wool.

Synthetic yarn consists of fibers obtained in the process of chemical synthesis. The main types of synthetic yarn are acrylic, polyamide, polyester, polyester, lurex, microfiber. It is cheaper than natural yarn, wear-resistant, unpretentious in care, and is not eaten by moths. Synthetic fibers are easily dyed in different colors. The choice of shades in their case is very rich.

However, synthetic yarns are often non-hygroscopic and stiffer and colder than wool.

Blended yarn- a combined thread of cotton or linen with viscose, as well as of all types of wool with the addition of acrylic, polyamide, lurex, silk, etc. Blended yarn is popular with needlewomen due to its affordable price and an optimal combination of the best qualities of natural and synthetic fibers.

Wool- a collective concept for yarn from the wool of different animals. Depending on the breed of the animal and the season in which the haircut was made, the wool is hard, prickly - and soft, pleasant to wear. Woolen products perfectly retain heat, are distinguished by a beautiful fit, elasticity and hygroscopicity. Among the shortcomings, a tendency to stall and the formation of pellets can be noted. Almost everything is knitted from sheep's wool - from coats and cardigans to hats and socks - and almost any pattern.


The most spectacular are warm clothes knitted from elite varieties of wool: alpaca, cashmere, mohair, merino.


Alpaca is a unique coat of a domestic artiodactyl camel family native to South America. So that when working with wool you do not have to dissolve the product several times, be sure to knit samples! Its fibers are seven times warmer and three times stronger than sheep's. Due total absence Organic alpaca fat is resistant to dirt and hypoallergenic, and therefore ideal for making children's things. Also, this yarn is great for knitting a winter hat.

Products made of alpaca do not roll in the sock and do not deform after washing, they have good thermoregulating properties. Natural alpaca has 22 natural shades - from white and beige to brown and black.

Yarn characteristics. Soft, smooth, silky, with a pleasant natural sheen; comfortable at work.

What to knit. Alpaca doesn't hold up well three-dimensional drawings, so it is better to choose models made with satin stitch. Usually, blankets, cardigans, jackets, sweaters, stoles, shawls, hats are knitted from it.


Angora is a very soft, fluffy yarn made from the wool of the angora rabbit. In its pure form, not many people choose it for knitting due to the high price and poor twisting into a thread. For the production of yarn, it is combined with sheep's wool, silk or synthetics. Angora products are light (for a size 44 pullover, only 250 g is needed) and warm. Especially beautiful hats are obtained from this yarn.

Among the shortcomings, one can note the “capriciousness” in wearing and care: things quickly begin to “climb” and fall off if they are not washed and dried properly.

Yarn characteristics. Thin, light, soft, fluffy; can "climb" in the process of knitting.

What to knit. Due to the pronounced fluffiness on the angora, braids, arans, plaits are poorly “read”, but for smoothness and openwork it is quite suitable.

Popular angora products- pullovers, sweaters, shawls, hats, mittens, socks.


Cashmere is a yarn made from the down of a mountain goat that lives in Tibet. It was first produced in the Indian region of Kashmir - hence the name. Raw materials for cashmere are plucked or combed by hand, because this yarn is one of the most expensive in the world. Very warm, light, soft and durable things are obtained from it. In its pure form, cashmere stretches a lot, so it is usually added to wool or silk.

Yarn characteristics. Soft, elastic, pleasant to the touch; lays down evenly in the process of knitting.

What to knit. From this "precious" yarn, it is advised to knit basic things that will be worn. for a long time and thereby pay back their cost: classic sweaters, pullovers, cardigans. The simpler the pattern, the better the structure and quality of the thread itself will be read.


Mohair is a yarn made from the wool of the Angora goat, grown in Turkey, South Africa and Texas (USA). Due to its natural snow-white shade, mohair is easily dyed in any color. Premium mohair is the one obtained from the first shearing of kids (kid mohair). The yarn is twice as warm, lighter and stronger than sheep's wool. Mohair consumption is economical, which levels it high cost. Mohair is great as a yarn for hats of all kinds.

Yarn characteristics. Fluffy, light, airy; working with thin mohair due to its weightlessness requires a certain skill.

What to knit. Mohair is beautiful in smoothness and openwork - relief patterns he won't support. Mohair pullovers, cardigans, stoles, hats look spectacular.

Merino yarn

Merino yarn is made from wool sheared from the withers of fine-fleeced Merino sheep. More than others, the Australian merino is valued. Thanks to the natural curl, merino wool perfectly holds its shape and volume. Very warm and non-irritating to the skin, it is ideal for creating children's clothing and items for people with sensitive skin.

Yarn characteristics. Dense, soft, elastic; working with her is not difficult.

What to knit. Embossed patterns are clearly visible on merino - feel free to choose it for plaits, arans, braids, various convex elements. Merino wool knit warm sweaters, pullovers, jackets, cardigans, scarves, snoods, hats, voluminous blankets and bedspreads.

Categories: ,// dated 04/03/2018