Properties of acrylic yarn, differences from other materials and features of care. Acrylic - what kind of material and how to use it

Modern fabrics are expanding their range every day. Many names we hear all the time, some we encounter infrequently. In our article, the characteristics of acrylic fabric are considered. What fibers it consists of, its description and areas of use - all the necessary information is collected in our article.

Description and characteristics

Is it natural fabric or synthetic? What is it made from? Acrylic is a synthetic fabric made from natural gas compounds. Despite the artificial origin, it is very pleasant to the touch and resembles wool. Acrylic products wear well and are extremely popular all over the world.

Advantages of acrylic fabric:

  • The fabric is soft to the touch and keeps you warm.
  • Does not wrinkle and retains its shape for a long time.
  • Poorly absorbs moisture, so it is suitable for everyday wear.
  • Great for coloring, including for creating drawings.
  • After washing, they dry quickly without stretching.
  • They are chemical resistant so they last a long time.
  • Hypoallergenic makes it safe to use.
  • Moths, mites and other living creatures will not start in acrylic fabrics.

One can only be surprised at the variety of useful qualities of acrylic. The use of these fibers can be found in any field, because even some summer clothes are made from this material. The real success came when using acrylic things for winter time. Despite the artificial origin, it is widely used for children's things, as well as in the creation of home textiles.

Acrylic fabric holds heat well, does not wrinkle and is pleasant to the body.

One of the main advantages of acrylic fabrics is the ability to keep color perfectly.. It can be dyed in almost any way and even create popular things with photo printing. During operation, they will not fade or lose their brightness, so this property is widely used to create fashion collections.

The disadvantages of acrylic fabrics is considered to be a list of minuses characteristic of artificial fibers. First of all, this is insufficient breathability. The problem can be partially solved if you buy large-knit products, but for constant wear in the warm season, it is better to prefer a more natural option.

The second significant drawback is electrification, which cannot be dealt with even when using special antistatic agents. The problem is exacerbated if acrylic items are dried at elevated temperatures, for example, on radiators. Also, when overdrying, things can harden unpleasantly and become stiff. This imposes a number of restrictions on care, and also makes some products unacceptable for children to wear.

Composition and types

Acrylic threads are very strong and continuous. This will allow you to create a surprisingly uniform weave, and also makes it possible to completely imitate the knitting of woolen motifs. This property is widely used when creating warm clothes, because even to the touch such a canvas is difficult to distinguish from a natural counterpart.

Warm knitted things are made from acrylic threads.

The use of mixed fabrics allows you to expand the possibilities of acrylic. Most often it is combined with polyester (increased strength and moisture resistance), wool (quality characteristics), as well as cotton and viscose. The more natural ingredients in the composition, the better acrylic is suitable for daily wear. Read also about woolen suit fabric.

For technical purposes, "coarse" fabrics with the addition of acrylic fibers are used. They make excellent awnings from bad weather, overalls and covers to protect various equipment, vehicles and structures.


A variety of types and weaves provides great opportunities for creating the most incredible things. In addition to clothing, acrylic is used for home textiles. It makes beautiful cozy blankets and bedspreads, as well as all kinds of decorative elements. Read about what fabric to choose for a bedspread on a bed. Acrylic is used for children's products, such as soft toys and hypoallergenic items. Such canvases are also used for furniture upholstery, but in this case it is desirable that the composition also includes “reinforcing” threads that provide increased strength.

A separate industry of use - advertising. Acrylic is inexpensive and very durable, so it is sometimes easier to make all kinds of banners, streamers and visual advertising on such a canvas, rather than using short-lived paper. In this industry, acrylic has found the widest variety of applications, and all thanks to its exceptional decorative effect and resistance to bad weather and atmospheric influences.

Acrylic outdoor banners.

Acrylic threads are used for knitting homemade products, as well as embroidery. They are steadfastly colored and do not fade in the sun, which ensures long-term operation of things.

Acrylic fabric curtains in addition to strength and decorative characteristics, they also have excellent drapery. They are able to form beautiful folds, giving the window design a finished look. In addition, such products can be used even on the sunny side. In the process of long-term operation, they will not burn out and will not lose their original color. A variety of photos of curtains for the veranda and terrace are presented in this material.

Estimated cost

Compared to natural wool, acrylic products are significantly inferior in price. In addition, tight acrylic fabrics can be purchased in a wide variety of color combinations. A thin acrylic sheet can be purchased on average from 340 rubles per linear meter.

Acrylic fibers have long become a kind of substitute for expensive natural wool, so the areas of use are more than extensive.

The process uses different technologies to produce fabrics with different acrylic content. The main characteristics, composition and application of acrylic fabrics are described in the information of our article. .

Modern fabric production is an extremely developed and profitable industry. What kind of fabrics did not appear in the 20th century! So the beginning of the new century was marked by the invention of new fabrics or updated modifications of old ones, among which acrylic is one of the leaders. This is a synthetic fabric that has its own manufacturing secrets and characteristic features.

For the first time, acrylic canvas was made as economical and convenient way obtaining fabric in 1947. And they made it from ... natural gas! It’s hard to believe it (you can’t help but recall the comic expression “made out of thin air”), but pure and transparent acrylic really appeared in such a magical way, perhaps that’s why it has lightness and at the same time great strength, light resistance and thermoplasticity. Acetylene and hydrocyanic acid are produced from natural gas for the production of this group of fibers and threads. In the world market, they are known under the following names: acrylic, PAN fiber, prelan, nitron, redon, orlon, krilor, etc.

Like any artificial fiber, acrylic is made in the form of a continuous thread. This yarn structure makes the surface of the fabric smooth and the weave pattern clear. Continuous synthetic fibers also cut into small segments of the same size (staples). Fabrics made from such staple yarn resemble wool, for which acrylic was nicknamed " artificial wool».

Acrylic Fabric Specifications

Fashionistas from different countries are very willing to choose new clothes made of acrylic, as they are well aware of its unique properties.

  1. Acrylic does not wrinkle, and this makes clothes made from it indispensable on the road and in all important situations when you need to have a fresh and neat appearance. This fabric is also ideal for evening wear, as you can really relax in them without losing shape.
  2. Acrylic items are very pleasant to the touch. soft and warm.
  3. Perfectly tolerate the influence of acids and solvents, dry cleaning, exposure to adverse weather conditions.
  4. Hard to absorb moisture, and this is important for the safety of outerwear.
  5. acrylic things dry quickly after washing.
  6. They are perfect suitable for coloring, including now fashionable photo printing. The colors are bright, juicy and unfading: dazzling white, deep, “under”, black, all the colors of the rainbow and delicate shades of pastel colors delight. And with the help of flat film and polyamide fibers, plain or multi-colored, a shimmering effect is created in sunlight. So, whatever the color of the season, acrylic will not lag behind fashion.

This is what acrylic threads look like at high magnification.

In this video you will see a presentation of acrylic and its properties. In English. language!

However, acrylic fabrics have their own flaws.

  1. They do not provide sufficient breathability, so they do not absorb moisture and create the effect of stuffiness.
  2. May stretch when washed .
  3. In the process of wearing roll off often.
  4. electrified due to dry air and unpleasantly "sparkle".
  5. Under the influence of light, they turn into more rigid, "dry".
  6. These fabrics easily absorb fats and oil, and are difficult to remove.

That's why acrylic is rarely used on its own . More often - in combination with other fabrics, preferably with natural ones. Acrylic as a percentage in knitting yarn can be from 100% (pure acrylic) to 5% (we are talking about multicomponent threads). The most popular combinations among buyers are: acrylic wool" And " acrylic mohair". As a percentage, this can be expressed in different ways. But even among them, yarn with mohair in the composition is in the lead: 35%, 50%, 60%, and the rest is acrylic. This ratio of threads provides a beautiful appearance., the strength of the shape of the product and the chance to get a fluffy product immediately after fleece, and with prolonged wear, and after washing. Acrylic yarn is convenient and easy to knit on knitting machines - domestic and industrial.

Also in demand is the material Modacryl (Modacryl) - an acrylic modified fiber made of polyacryl (in the composition of min. 85%) and other vinyl components.

Acrylic curtains have great wear resistance and durability. Also, curtains made of acrylic fabrics or fabrics with the addition of a percentage of acrylic are resistant to ultraviolet rays. They can be hung in brightly lit rooms without fear that they will fade and burn out. Acrylic curtains do not sag, do not heat up, their fabric is not subject to the process of decay. Acrylic is well suited for fashion curtains with fixed pleats.

A group of fabrics related to acrylic from polyamide fibers are: nylon, lacquer, nylon, bologna, dederon, perlon, etc.

Products with the addition of acrylic: care rules

For washing acrylic items, you should choose room temperature water in a machine or by hand.

Their cannot be twisted .

Dry preferably in a horizontal position.

Ironing - with a barely warm iron and better - through damp gauze or a special mesh.

Liquid clothing is an invention on the verge of fantasy!

A sensation in 2010 was a media report that British scientists had invented "liquid tissue". You can independently establish the production process if you stock up on a spray can with polymers, solvents and fabric fibers. Applied to the body, the mixture quickly turns into an ordinary fabric and can be used in the usual way, including being washed.

It is noteworthy that this method of manufacturing fabric allows the use of a wide variety of fabric fibers, acrylic is also mentioned among them. Considering the softness and suppleness of this fabric, it is easy to imagine how spectacular and attractive a dress will look, exactly following the contours of a beautiful female body.

However, the process of production of liquid acrylic is not limited to the fashion industry. Dutch scientists proposed their idea of ​​using liquid acrylic in everyday life: they cover the bath to renew the enamel.

So, we see that acrylic is a material that testifies to the limitless possibilities of the human mind. It's the fabric that inspires inventors, but in everyday life it helps us all. This means that it will be in demand for a very long time - until, perhaps, something new is invented, which I will definitely write about!

Reading time: 3 minutes

Acrylic fabric is a synthetic material that has been known to the world for 70 years. It was invented in the laboratories of the famous American chemical company DuPont back in 1944. For 70 years of its existence, these fabrics have convincingly proved that there is a high-quality synthetics.

It is no coincidence that this is still one of the most sought-after materials in America and the countries of the Old World, although it is known under various names: acrylic, orlon, krylor, PAN fiber and others. Let's see, acrylic - what kind of fabric is it, is it harmful or not.

So, what is acrylic or polyacrylonitrile fibers. The composition of acrylic threads is complex. They are made from the petrochemical product acrylonitrile, which is obtained, in turn, from natural gas as a result of complex chemical reactions.

acrylic fabric

Let's count the pros first.

Acrylic materials have a lot of wonderful qualities:

  • Unparalleled durability and uniformity of colors. Here, the coloring is fundamentally different from the usual one, when the finished canvas is simply dipped into the paint. With acrylic, this process occurs during the production of fibers, when they are still in a liquid state. The thread dyed from the inside does not fade in the sun and remains pristinely bright for a long time.
  • Softness and great looks. Acrylic contains fibers similar to wool, which is why it is so pleasant to the touch, it is even called artificial wool. Low thermal conductivity. The fabric perfectly retains heat, it is not afraid of frost down to -30 ° C or 50-degree heat.
  • Form stability. Acrylic does not stretch: included in the composition of knitwear, it perfectly retains their shape, and in fabrics it does not sag or deform. Products do not wrinkle, they are not interchangeable in difficult conditions, when you need to look fresh and neat.
  • Water repellent and fast drying. Water rolls off the surface of the material, it is ideal for outdoor use even in difficult climatic conditions. Elasticity. This quality has found wide application in acrylic in sportswear.
  • resistance to the effects of living organisms. The fibers are not afraid of mold, fungi, they are not eaten by moths.
  • There is no shrinkage and "stall". With proper care, the products retain their size and decent appearance for the entire period of use, do not stretch.
  • Ability to combine with other fabrics. This is due to the special structure of acrylic. The resulting samples are distinguished by brightness, liveliness, special overflows or a flickering effect.
  • Continuous thread. This quality characterizes all artificial fibers. It explains the amazing clarity of the weave pattern and smoothness. Ease of manufacturing. It is comfortable to work with acrylic yarn on knitting machines, as a rule, it is microacrylic.
  • Fire resistance. Synthetic fabric - acrylic - does not burn, but melts.
  • Safety. All fibers have undergone strict sanitary and hygienic control before being put into production. They are recognized as hypoallergenic and safe, not harmful to human health.

And here we find the cons

And yet, no matter how good acrylic is, it also has some drawbacks.

  • Insufficient air permeability. The fabric does not absorb moisture, products create a greenhouse effect, so they are not particularly pleasant to wear.
  • Stretch with improper care.
  • Form pellets with active use.
  • Accumulate static electricity in dry air and "sparkle".
  • Lose elasticity at high temperatures.
  • Extremely susceptible to grease and difficult to clean.

What is produced from acrylic fibers

Bright and durable material, which is not afraid of either heat or cold, has proven itself in the manufacture of various canopies and tents. From it sew running awnings for yachts and boats.

The material is widely used as an additive to natural raw materials in the production of knitwear and underwear. It is most good in combination with wool or mohair, in which natural fibers are assigned from 35 to 60%. Such products, with a magnificent appearance, retain their shape for a long time and acquire greater wear resistance.

Curtains made of acrylic fabric will not lose the brightness of colors and will not lose their luxurious look even when placed on the southern, overly lit windows. Fashionable fixed folds are especially good on products.

Simple rules of care

Acrylic products can be washed and dry-cleaned. True, the following must be taken into account:

  • Acrylic material may lose its shape and softness in hot water. It is recommended to wash at room temperature.
  • Machine washable at low temperature and adding fabric softener when rinsing. Although the manual process is safer for the fabric.
  • Acrylic fabrics must not be machine spun or twisted.
  • Dry products away from heating devices in a straightened state on a horizontal surface. When using a dryer, a low temperature is set, and the products are removed from the chamber immediately after the end of the process.
  • If the product needs to be ironed, this is done with a non-hot iron through moistened gauze or mesh.
  • Not all acrylic fabrics can be dry-cleaned. Don't forget to look at the tag or product label!

So, acrylic, of course, is a synthetic material, but of high quality, and it will not be equal if you find the right use for this fabric.

Now you know what acrylic is. He conquered the market, as evidenced by the reviews of this fabric, due to its high performance characteristics: strength, wear resistance and ease of care.

A material such as acrylic is both light and soft. In parallel, it has several more names - itron, orlon, redon, krilor, but the generally accepted one is PAN (polyacrylonitrile). Modern acrylic is a fiber obtained synthetically.

Applications and benefits

Acrylic fibers can be used in fabrics both in combination with other materials and in their pure form. The first option, as a rule, makes it possible for products made from it to retain their original shape for a long time, even after a long period of operation.

Today, acrylic is such a material, on the basis of which other materials can be produced. For example, it is difficult to do without it in the production of mohair, angora, cotton. Here, the percentage range of acrylic fiber additions can range from 5% to 100%.

Acrylic yarn: what is it?

An excellent quality fiber is created by mixing acrylic with mohair or wool. Things are comfortable and warm, less fall off. In general, acrylic material is a universal synthetic yarn, the base raw material for which is extracted from natural gas. Its main properties are thermoplasticity, light resistance and strength.

Acrylic thread is ideal for tinting, and this makes it possible to obtain products from it in a wide variety of bright and saturated colors. Manufactured items are very comfortable to wear, retain their attractive, outstanding appearance for a long time.

The universal material acrylic is synthetic. In its pure form, it is rarely used for knitting. It is more suitable for use in tandem with other types of fibers. Acrylic thread gives products strength and durability, despite the fact that the yarn from it is soft and pliable. This material perfectly imitates wool, has hypoallergenic characteristics. It can be safely used to create children's things.

Features of acrylic yarn products

Wash woolen products with the addition of acrylic should be very careful. The water temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. The disadvantages of acrylic fiber include such a property as the accumulation of static electricity. But things made of acrylic are warm. This material is fluffy, easily passes air through itself, does not fit snugly to the body.

Acrylic yarn has many advantages. What it is, what are the positive features of this material, can only be understood by testing it in the process of wearing.

If necessary, the fiber can be reused. Before knitting, the product must be unraveled, and the thread must be rewound into skeins so that it straightens out. The yarn is pre-washed and dried with a load suspended on it. Even after all the manipulations, it will remain soft and fluffy.

Acrylic thread looks great when embroidering pillows, tapestries, rugs and other decorative items. It gives the drawings volume, enriches the color scheme of the subject. But it is better not to use it for decorating paintings, otherwise they will turn out a little rough.

Washing fiber

After the acrylic yarn has been dissolved, it is immersed for a day in a soapy solution, to which ammonia (3 tablespoons) is also added. After that, it should be rinsed in water with vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

Properties of acrylic yarn

Is acrylic synthetic or not? The answer to this question will be in the affirmative. Like any synthetic fabric, it is non-hygroscopic, yet it has excellent form-stable properties. Products from this fiber are well stained, do not fall off. Acrylic is soft to the touch and feels like regular wool. It is used in the production of underwear and outerwear as an additive to natural fiber.

Acrylic is the material of the 21st century

Acrylic has been actively used since 1979. Since this material was immediately classified as synthetic, it was used for production in which there was a natural thread. Recently, its use has become more and more popular and widespread.

What is the most acceptable ratio of acrylic and natural material? It is unlikely that the body will be pleased to be in a 100% acrylic sweater. Ideally, if the product contains 30% of this fiber.

Often people wonder if acrylic is harmful? The fabric is synthetic, it passes all the necessary sanitary and hygienic tests before it is launched into mass production, and therefore there is no need to worry. Of course, a completely natural material will be more pleasant to wear, but blended fabrics with a certain percentage of acrylic or other similar synthetic material are more suitable today for the modern rhythm of life, as they are more durable. Over the past decades, such fabrics have become very popular in Europe, Asia and the USA.

How to care?

People often ask if acrylic is synthetic or not, as it is very similar in appearance to wool and sometimes the two materials are even confused. But acrylic things are not only soft and warm, but also protected from moths. Products do not lose their shape. Acrylic fibers keep their color for a long time, are hygroscopic, they do not form pellets. It is easy to care for clothes made from such yarn, it can be washed both by hand and in a typewriter.

Not only yarn

In everyday life, construction and in various areas of industrial production, liquid acrylic is widely used. That this is a very popular material, it is not necessary to say once again. This wear-resistant and impact-resistant enamel of French and German brands is especially popular. Also among its advantages include environmental friendliness - it is absolutely safe for the environment.

Possessing high operational and strength characteristics, as well as noise-absorbing properties. Over time, it does not wear out, if scratches appear on its surface, they are easy to eliminate.

Plexiglas is a synthetic product and it is created on the basis of acrylic resins. Its unique properties include the following.

    Light weight. Compared to traditional glass, the load on the structure used is 2.5 times less and this is with the same thickness of the material.

    High light transmission. Plexiglas is more transparent and transmits up to 93% of the sun's rays falling on it.

    Fire resistance. The ignition of the material is possible when the temperature reaches 460 °C. In the process of combustion, harmful toxic substances are practically not released.

    Impact resistance and unique strength. The impact resistance of plexiglass is five times higher than that of ordinary glass.

    The working temperature range of liquid glass varies from -40 °С to +80 °С. The maximum allowable temperature for the operation and operation of this material is 80 °C, its formation is carried out at a temperature equal to 150-155 °C.

    Acrylic plastic does not conduct electricity and therefore is not used in electrical engineering.

    High resistance to high moisture and low temperatures.

    Loyal price.

If there is a need to create a particularly durable translucent structure, experts recommend using monolithic polycarbonate. This material is characterized by high wear resistance.

Creation and repair of an acrylic bath

Modern extruded acrylic is, in fact, from acrylic resins, in which there is a certain percentage of various additives. Thanks to them, this synthetic material acquires its specific properties.

Cast acrylic is based on liquid methyl methacrylate monomer. At the first stage of manufacturing, various components are added to it to color the sheets or give them the desired properties. It can be hardeners or other components. Next, the cooled dissolved acrylic mass is poured between two pre-prepared special ones and placed in a frame where it is heat-treated with water and then with air. Further, after such manipulations, the resulting solid acrylic sheet is cut to a standard size.

To create an acrylic bathtub, a sheet of material is placed and clamped between two molds, resulting in a defined curve that is less than the wall thickness of the product itself. Here it becomes clear that the curves are the subtle and weak points of bathtubs. Also, these extruded acrylic items are flammable and are prone to damage such as scratches, microcracks. Bathtubs made of ABS plastic can become their alternative, but not only are they not durable, but they are also harmful to health, since they contain toxic styrene. So it is better to stop your choice on the first option.

Acrylic bathtubs are easy to repair. To eliminate the scratches that have appeared, it is necessary to use liquid acrylic of the right color. It is applied to the damaged area, and after drying, polished. As a result, the bath takes on its original immaculate appearance.

Acrylic is a fabric of synthetic origin. It has many names: orlon, polyacrylonitrile, PAN fiber, nitron, krylor, prelan.

The material appeared in the 40s of the last century in America. It was created in the chemical development division of DuPont.

For over 70 years, acrylic has been popular in the textile industry around the world for its versatility.

Acrylic production

The material is created from the petrochemical product acrylonitrile, obtained from natural gas through complex chemical reactions. This artificial fabric is produced in the form of a continuously running thread.

The structure of acrylic yarn resembles wool yarn. The main difference: synthetic fabrics are smoother and have a clearer pattern. For the similarity with the natural "analogue" the material is called "artificial wool".

Application area

Acrylic can be used alone or in combination with other fabrics. Its scope is wide.

Made from acrylic:

For the production of clothing, more often than not 100% acrylic is used, but a combination of it with natural or synthetic fabrics.

The material goes well with:

  • wool;
  • mohair;
  • cotton;
  • viscose;
  • polyester.

Advantages of acrylic

The advantages of the material are as follows:

  • The ability to maintain shape (acrylic does not wrinkle, does not deform with proper care).
  • Elasticity (many natural fabrics are deprived of this property).
  • Softness (things made of this synthetic material are pleasant to the touch, do not cause skin irritation).
  • Resistance to chemical compounds.
  • Weak moisture absorption (things dry very quickly after washing).
  • Unattractiveness to mold and "living creatures" (lice, fleas, moths).
  • Inability to ignite (a synthetic item does not burn, but melts).
  • Good compatibility with other fabrics.
  • Brightness of color (coloring is carried out in the process of fiber production, that is, from the inside, and not from the outside, as with fading natural fabrics).
  • Safety (acrylic does not harm human health, it is hypoallergenic).

Cons of acrylic

  • High electrification (fabrics of this material often accumulate static electricity, which can be unpleasant when worn).
  • Low air permeability (in hot weather, the skin does not breathe in clothes made of acrylic).
  • With frequent use, things are covered with spools.
  • Weak elasticity with improper care (clothing stretches and loses its shape).
  • Susceptibility to fatty and oily contaminants that are difficult to remove.
  • Shrinkage and stiffness from strong light exposure.

How to take care of acrylic

  • Chemical cleaning is allowed.
  • Frequent washing is not recommended. Recommended: no more than once every two weeks.
  • Acrylic should not be washed in hot water: clothes quickly deform and shrink. The temperature should be room temperature.
  • The manual method is preferred.
  • Machine washable at low temperature using fabric softener.
  • It is impossible to wring out and unscrew things from this material.
  • It is better to dry in a horizontal position, avoiding heating devices. High temperatures are harmful to the material.
  • Acrylic items should not be overdried.
  • The material cannot be ironed. If necessary, it is permissible to do this through a wet mesh or gauze with a warm iron.

Before using acrylic items, you need to read the instructions for use on the product label.