What kind of leather is better to drag the steering wheel. Worn steering wheel? Let's make an exclusive constriction on our own! Types of steering braid lacing

Each car owner tries to keep the vehicle clean and tidy, zealously monitoring its condition both inside and out. And if the appearance is easy to put in order with a regular car wash, then the condition of some interior elements requires more drastic measures. These elements include the steering wheel of a car, which, due to constant use, quickly loses its presentability. To breathe new life into it and give it freshness, the steering wheel is upholstered with leather or other material. Let's see how to do this below.

steering wheel disassembly

Due to the demand for the service, there are many different braid options on the market, in any size and color. The choice is so wide that often car owners are lost, not knowing what to choose. If you decide to drag the steering wheel with leather, but don’t know where to start, pay attention to the following information:

  • The steering wheel, for different vehicles, has different sizes. Before making a constriction, determine its exact dimensions. The situation is facilitated by the fact that manufacturers label their products, indicating which category of cars their product will fit;
  • In no case do not use a braid made of eco-leather, or other material, if it is larger than the steering wheel. The braid will not fit tightly on the handlebar, which creates a high risk of slippage when maneuvering. This will end badly for you and for those around you;
  • The choice of material affects not only the appearance and the final price. A leather-wrapped steering wheel will last much longer than leatherette;

Types of braids and covers for the steering wheel of a car

Braids for the steering wheel are:

  1. In the form of a one-piece cover;
  2. With lacing;

Covers are easier to put on, and it is easier to pick them up by size simply by attaching them to the steering wheel. Pros of choosing:

  • Easy to choose the right size;
  • Dress quickly;


  1. You can not buy cases of the wrong size. They will hang on the steering wheel or not fit at all;

Cases with lacing differ from ordinary cases:

  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • Convenient to use;

Cons of lacing:

  1. Lace up for a long time;
  2. Lacing must be done carefully, otherwise it is easy to damage the braid;

The following are used as materials for the steering wheel:

  • Rubber with various inserts;
  • skin;
  • Plush;
  • Leatherette;

Note! The most expensive thing for the driver will be to cover the steering wheel with leather, but it will last much longer than conventional materials. The budget options include leatherette products.

Grinding the steering wheel

Do-it-yourself steering wheel hauling instruction

Do-it-yourself upholstery of an old steering wheel with leather is a painstaking and responsible task, which should not be rushed. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of necessary tools and materials;
  2. Making a pattern for the steering wheel;
  3. Sewing;

Each stage has its own nuances that affect the final result. Let's take a closer look at them.

Materials and tools

The easiest part, the execution of which is the same for most cases. The driver will need to prepare:

  • Knife with a sharp blade;
  • A needle strong enough to stitch the selected material for the steering wheel;
  • Thimbles to protect fingers from damage;
  • Pencil;
  • Strong thread;
  • Scotch masking;
  • Food film;
  • Scissors;
  • Piece of cardboard. Choose medium thickness cardboard so that it can hold its shape firmly;

At this preparatory stage ends and mono move on to the pattern.

Making a pattern for a steering braid

The algorithm of actions for making leather patterns is as follows:

  1. We dismantle the steering wheel;
  2. We remove the old, worn-out braid;
  3. Carefully wrap the steering wheel with cling film. Try to avoid the formation of wrinkles;
  4. Masking tape is wound on top of the cling film on the steering wheel;
  5. With a marker we mark the places where the seam will pass;
  6. Carefully draw a knife along the marks, cutting the adhesive tape with the film;
  7. We remove them and gently smooth;
  8. To prevent the material from curling up, put a heavy object on it and leave it under pressure for 12 to 20 hours;
  9. We take cardboard and apply a mock-up of adhesive tape to it;
  10. Trace the outline with a pencil, then cut it out;
  11. We cut out pieces of leather, the dimensions of which correspond to the details of the cardboard;
  12. The pattern is ready, we proceed to tailoring;

Note! In the end, you should get 4 parts, which, after sewing, will take the form of a steering wheel cover.

Lacing pattern

Do-it-yourself braiding

It is worth taking on independent tailoring of the steering wheel braid only if you have experience in doing such things. For beginners who have never been engaged in tailoring, it is strongly recommended to contact specialists. Otherwise, there is a high probability of screwing up the prepared pattern. In the case when you still decide on independent tailoring for the first time, follow these tips:

  • Take your time;
  • In addition to the main joints, sew the cover along the edge, stepping back 0.5 centimeters from the edge;
  • The stronger the thread used during sewing, the better;

The finished leather cover should be put on the steering wheel with little effort. In the case when the cover dangles freely on the steering wheel, something went wrong. Here are some tips to help make the installation process easier:

  1. Place the leather case in water and soak it there for 15 minutes. Thus, the elasticity of the material will increase, which will facilitate constriction;
  2. Choose a strong, but at the same time thin needle;
  3. Start lacing from the bottom of the steering wheel, and move up clockwise;

lacing process

Ways to install on the steering wheel with and without spokes

If the leather cover was made without taking into account the knitting of the spokes, it is not necessary to remove the steering wheel. Otherwise, before hauling, you will have to dismantle it. Otherwise, it will not work properly to fix the cover. The algorithm for dismantling the steering wheel for your car is easy to find on the Internet. Follow the instructions and you shouldn't have any problems.

Types of steering braid lacing

There are the following types of leather steering wheel lacing:

  • Regular stitch;
  • Zigzag;
  • Pentagonal stitch;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • Hex stitch;

These are the most common lacing methods.

How to wrap your steering wheel in leather

If some steps in the process of wrapping the steering wheel with leather with your own hands are not given to you or are not clear, watch the video, which explains in detail all the stages of repairing a leather steering wheel. Following his instructions, even a beginner will master the leather steering wheel quickly and without problems.

You can make your car look attractive on your own. All you need is imagination and, of course, desire. You can change or update interior elements or some parts under the hood. In this article I will tell you how to sheathe an old steering wheel. Do-it-yourself leather steering wheel wrapping is the first step to updating and improving the interior of a car. Do not think that only specialists can do it. Do-it-yourself steering wheel hauling is not only instructive, but also quite an interesting process.

Considering the fact that the steering wheel is a part of the car, the contact of a person with which is made along the entire route, therefore, it is necessary to choose only high-quality material for the waist and it is desirable that it should be genuine leather. Since any other fabric will deteriorate from constant rubbing of hands on the steering wheel after a month of using the car. The intended skin should not be very thick, but it should not be thin either. If it is too thick, then you will not pierce it with a needle, and if its thickness is small, then the new steering wheel cover can deteriorate very quickly. The optimal thickness of the material for the tight steering wheel is 1.3 mm. Such an ability as extensibility should be with an average. This is a very important criterion that must be considered before buying. Its elasticity should allow the material to lie tightly on the steering wheel, otherwise, you should not even think about quality.

You can consider the option with the presence of perforation. This is a rather unusual and attractive look, and working with him is also a pleasure. But, having such positive qualities, I can also highlight its negative side - wear and tear. The only optimal solution for you is natural smooth leather.

Before buying, make sure that the material offered to you really has the necessary qualities, and you are not slipped a substitute. You also need to pay special attention to the additional materials that will be used in this case. The thread should be as strong as possible, because it will tighten the edges, so it should not break easily. Choose a strong needle, check that it does not bend. My advice is to buy several.

What will be needed?

For the waist, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Skin (it must meet all the necessary criteria);
  • Stitching needle (the needle must be strong). If possible, use Soviet-made needles, as they are really high quality;
  • Strong thread (kapron is used);
  • Two thimbles (it is almost impossible to work without them). They will keep your fingers from being punctured.
  • Masking tape, drawing paper sheets (it is better to use thick cardboard);
  • Pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Film;
  • Knife (better to use stationery).

After preparing all the material, you can do the rest of the processes: cutting and hauling.

We make a pattern

In order to properly drag the steering wheel, and so that the result of your work has a spectacular look, you need to make a pattern. To do this, you need to make a preliminary layout (template).

It is made of adhesive tape and film, which need to be wrapped around the steering wheel. But, before that, you need to remove the steering wheel, as this will facilitate the work.
The first step is to remove the cover from the signal and unscrew the fixing nut that holds the steering wheel to the shaft. After that, with loosening movements in different directions, remove the steering wheel from the slots. Now that the steering wheel has been dismantled, we can start with the preliminary layout. To create it, you need to wrap a film on the steering wheel, and apply masking tape on top of it. Do not spare the material, wind it in several layers.

After the entire rim is covered, you need to use a marker to make marks in the place where the seam will pass (the junction of the parts). This is done for the reason that it is very difficult to make a one-piece case, so it will be made of four parts. And those places where the parts will be connected to each other are marked with a marker. We also draw a marker along the inside of the steering wheel. It is desirable to draw all lines as evenly as possible. This will allow you to make more even original parts when cutting. After all the lines are drawn, the layout must be cut with a clerical knife along these lines.

After cutting, you should get four separate elements. Now they need to be leveled and attached to the cardboard to create patterns for the pattern.
After the patterns are ready, they need to be applied to the base material in order to make the final version of the cover. But, it is important to remember that you do not need to cut exactly to size, but give some allowances for each edge of the part and then bend it. This is necessary in order to qualitatively sew them together, and so that the thread does not tear the skin during tightening.

That is, the seam will turn out to be strong enough and the skin will not tear when stitched together. In addition, the folds give the new steering wheel a more aesthetic appearance. Allowances can be given immediately, while you are circling the pattern. You can also circle first, and then use a ruler to add one centimeter to each edge. This way you will maintain an even retreat on each side.

After that, you can check how correctly the cutting of the elements is done. It is necessary to attach each of the patterns to the intended place and see how they are located: their edges should be joined to each other. If the left margin is too large, then you can trim the edges. If everything is fine, nothing bothers you, you can proceed to the final process - stitching the parts together.

Step-by-step instructions for tightening

So, everything is ready, you can start. At this stage, it is important to follow the order of the work so as not to confuse anything.

  • The first step is to overcast all the edges that will be sewn together. The fact is that each edge will be bent (we left indents specifically for this), and since the thickness will double at the bend, it will not look beautiful and it is very difficult to pierce such a thickness with a needle. That's why the wrapping is necessary. It will allow you to maintain the required thickness of the skin at the edges and thereby make the edges strong.
  • We spread our (4) details of the future steering wheel cover on some surface. You need to lay them out exactly in the order in which they will be located on the steering wheel.
  • We prepare a needle (we draw a thread into it).
  • Now you need to sew sequentially all the individual elements together.
    As a result, you should get a hoop.
  • Now you need to pull it on the steering wheel. Position it so that the seams match the cuts.
  • Next, you can fix the cover on the steering wheel with glue or epoxy. Everyone makes this decision personally, you can not stick it.
  • Now try to stretch the skin (flatten) to determine how much you need to fold the edges before the final step.

The last stage is the most difficult, since here it is important to maintain uniform skin tension on the entire steering wheel. It is not only difficult, but also difficult. It is much better if you ask someone to help you (one tightens and the other stitches).

So, the first step is to decide where to start. In principle, it depends only on convenience. It is necessary to stretch the skin to make a joint, if the joint does not converge - it's not scary, thanks to elasticity, the joint will be pulled together with a thread. Thus, the entire cover is sewn together.

In those places where the cover can go under the signal cover, you need to do without a thread, but use glue. After completion, you need to straighten a brand new cover on the steering wheel, if there are any folds - it's not scary. After a few days, they will smooth out and the surface will be absolutely smooth. Now you can install the steering wheel in its original place, securing it with a fixing nut and cover the cover on the signal.

Leather upholstery of the steering wheel will significantly change the appearance of not only this element, but also emphasize the general appearance of the car interior. In addition, by doing it yourself, you not only saved your money, but also gained good experience in hauling, and also became more familiar with the steering device of your car.

Video " Steering wheel trim”

A video about the work of the master of the company "Rusty Brothers" on the leather upholstery of the steering wheel rim in the style of "BMW M". After watching the recording, you will learn what tools you need to prepare and how to cover the steering wheel with leather yourself.

To make driving comfortable, many drivers buy special steering wheel covers. This refinement creates convenience, hands get tired less. Plus, the interior of the cabin is changing for the better. There are many different offers on the market today. However, you can drag the steering wheel yourself. The most practical and convenient material for steering wheel tuning is genuine leather. The use of artificial substitutes is not recommended. Since they do not have proper elasticity and wear out quickly.

Tools and materials for hauling

Covering the steering wheel with leather with your own hands involves the use of the following materials and tools:

    To make a template (pattern), it is best to use cling film and wide masking tape.

    Thick paper or cardboard.

    Stationery or other sharp knife, marker or pencil.

    Strong and high-quality thread, preferably kapron.

    For safe and comfortable sewing, you will need two thimbles for the middle finger.

    Durable sewing needles made of hardened steel.

    High quality soft genuine leather.

    Screwdriver and wrench to remove and then install the steering wheel.

To cover the steering wheel with leather with your own hands, it is advisable to use two types of material, perforated and smooth leather. The combination of two different textures will not only create an original and pleasant aesthetic appearance, but also provide comfort for working with the steering wheel.

Perforated leather is highly elastic. It is soft and comfortable to work with. Smooth leather, in turn, is more resistant to wear. Therefore, if you combine them together, you get a durable, soft and fairly resistant to abrasion material. Experts believe that leather with a thickness of 1.2-1.4 mm is optimal for steering wheel covers. You can choose any skin color, it all depends on your taste. As a rule, the most popular are covers made of leather in dark shades. The most commonly used material is black.

Steering wheel leather template

In order for the hauling of the steering wheel with your own hands to be of high quality, you must first make a pattern. To do this, first we make a template from the film and adhesive tape. First of all, remove the steering wheel, having previously dismantled the signal cover. Then we unscrew the steering wheel mounting nut on the shaft and remove the steering wheel from the splines, swinging it in different directions.

After that, using cling film and masking tape, we make a steering wheel layout, a template for a pattern. We wrap the steering wheel with a film. Glue paper masking tape on top. The places where it is planned to make seams are marked with a marker or pencil. Then carefully cut the tape along these lines. The result should be four elements, one rectangular and three cruciform. We unfold and number all the details for the template. After that, we lay them on cardboard or thick paper and make patterns of a similar shape for a pattern.

skin pattern

To make an original case, you first need to look at various sketches and choose the most suitable one. Of course, out of four details, not so many solutions can be implemented. However, you can make each sector from two or more elements, arranging different textures or skin tones. Naturally, this will take more time and effort, but the end result is worth it. You can search the Internet for various options and choose the most convenient and practical. After you have decided on the design of the cover, lay the pieces of leather on the table and make patterns with a clerical knife.

When making patterns, it is very important not to miss the next essential point. Each sector of the template is transferred to the skin not strictly according to its shape, but with a small margin. That is, after you have laid the template on the skin, you need to cut it out, stepping back from the edge of the sector by 1.0-1.5 cm. Such a margin will be needed to ensure the necessary strength of the seams. Otherwise, after a short operation, the seams will disperse, you just have to throw the cover away. As a result, you will need another hauling of the steering wheel with leather with your own hands.

After the pieces of leather are cut, attach them to the steering wheel and check that all sectors are cut correctly and match in size, taking into account the margin for the seam. If necessary, all excess can be cut off, because all patterns are made with a sufficient margin. After you have made sure that all the elements are prepared and correspond to the design intent, you can start sewing.

Cooking leather case

First, we lay out all the details on the table in accordance with how they will be located in the case and begin to sew in the given order. The edges of the sectors must be overcast to avoid tightening the skin during operation. You need to sew the parts with strong nylon threads, retreating from the edge of at least 3 mm. All parts are sewn completely in the form of a ring, with the exception of those seams that you previously marked with a marker.

After the workpiece is completely sewn and all edges are swept over, carefully pull the cover on the steering wheel so that the joints of the seams are in the places of the cuts. We smooth the material and eliminate sagging. Some experts advise "planting" the skin on glue or epoxy. However, in any case, it is necessary to sew the edges.

Video - Leather steering wheel

So, now it remains to do the most important thing - to pull off the edges of the cover so that it is securely fixed on the steering wheel. This procedure is very troublesome, time-consuming and requires a lot of time. First of all, you should decide on the place where the beginning of the seam will be. Here, you first need to fasten the thread, and then you can carefully sew. When tightening the edges of the cover in the area of ​​​​the signal cover, it is recommended to coat the edges of the skin with rubber glue.

There are many types of seams. However, the most popular are pigtail, sports and macrame. They look beautiful and form the most durable connection.

After the cover is completely ready, you can put the steering wheel on the car. There may be slight wrinkles on the cover. It's not worth worrying about this. If you used genuine leather, then due to the increased elasticity of the material, all these flaws will completely disappear over time.

Spending time behind the wheel always becomes much more pleasant if your hands touch natural leather upholstery. But not everyone is ready to generously pay for an expensive option or atelier services. Car owners often do everything themselves, because do-it-yourself steering wheel wrap- quite a doable task even at home. Next, we will consider the step-by-step process of ennobling the steering wheel. And it should be noted that the recommendations given in the article are quite relevant for the rim of almost any configuration.


Before you drag your “steering wheel” with leather or leatherette, you will definitely have to make a pattern. Of course, for men who have never even held a thread with a needle in their hands, this sounds very specific. But what can you do for your beloved "swallow". Yes, and preparing blanks, in fact, is not at all difficult.

This will require:

  • narrow masking tape;
  • food film;
  • marker;
  • stationery knife;
  • cardboard (also stationery).

First, the removed steering wheel must be tightly pulled with cling film. It is very elastic, and therefore it is not difficult to wrap the rim and base of the spokes perfectly. Further, masking tape is wound over the film, evenly and without gaps. Upon completion of the work, it is necessary to apply the borders of future pieces of leather on the surface of the adhesive tape with a marker. It is very difficult to give universal advice about this moment, since the design of the steering wheel for each car model is different. Accordingly, the proportions between the parts of the braid are an individual matter, but usually it is 3-4 pieces.

Next, with a clerical knife, the paper layer is carefully cut along the drawn lines. Then it is better to put the templates for a day under some kind of press, such as a stack of books, to align them. After that, according to the size of the blanks, patterns from medium-density cardboard are cut out and numbered (signed). Similar elements of leather are already marked and cut out on them. It should only take into account the fact that it is necessary to leave a margin (overlap) for stitching individual pieces together - about 2-3 mm.

Stitching and webbing

After the leather patches are ready, they must be sewn with a sewing machine. Some additionally recommend stitching the edges of the finished braid in order to hide possible cutting flaws. If you also decide to do this, then you will need to prudently leave an overlap (up to 5 mm) along all edges of the flaps. Now you should try on the resulting creation on the steering wheel. Everything should sit (in a tightened state) tightly enough, otherwise later, in the heat, the skin will heat up a little and take on folds.

In order for the seams at the junction of the pieces not to stick out against the general background and the surface of the steering wheel braid to be smooth everywhere, it is recommended to cut special grooves on the steering wheel with a clerical knife. You can do the same with the edges that “crawl out” onto the spokes of the steering wheel. It is necessary to tighten the braid with a strong nylon thread and two hardened needles. You will also need 2 thimbles for the middle fingers. It is better to immediately wet the lock knots of the thread with “superglue” for reliability, since the nylon fiber is very slippery and can then be untied.

Stitching should start from the butt joint(s). The threads should go in a cross, overlapping each other. The junction of the spokes of the steering wheel is skipped, the threads here are drawn from the back of the rim. It will not be superfluous to emphasize the importance of constantly tightening the material during stitching so that the braid is held tightly and there are no wrinkles. The final touch is a double fixing knot in the place where the screed started from. If the stitching of the edges was done, the screed can be done with one needle and one thread, threading them through the loops formed during the stitching. So the seam of the screed will be smoother and even.

In addition, we can mention the presence on the market of "semi-finished products" in the form of ready-made braids made of perforated and ordinary leather, incl. artificial. The kit also includes a needle and nylon thread. The process of tightening the steering wheel in this case will be similar to that described above.

Covering the steering wheel with leather is one of the types of car tuning. Often, car owners update the steering wheel after years of use to improve the appearance and driving comfort.

It also sometimes happens that the car is perfect for all technical characteristics, but the appearance of the interior is not pleasing. This is where tuning comes to the rescue, capable of remaking the interior of a car to suit all the taste preferences of the owner, as well as threads.

Steering wheel wrapping is a creative process and should be approached responsibly.

After all, the steering wheel is what is closest to the driver and with which he directly contacts while driving.

When tightening, you can independently choose the type and color of the skin, as well as the type of seam and the color of the threads. Any combination is possible: it all depends on which steering wheel the driver wants to hold in his hands.

Let's take a closer look - what is a tight steering wheel and why is it needed

Covering the steering wheel plays not only a decorative role, but also can improve the appearance of the car.

By the appearance of the steering wheel, you can usually determine how old is the car but if a brand new and beautiful steering wheel, then it will not give out all the details about the car, which it can. Also one of the most important characteristics is the thickness of the steering wheel, this, by the way, is discussed in this video:

Thanks to the waist, this parameter can be adjusted to the individual preferences of the driver. It will not work to make the steering wheel thinner, but it is possible to make the steering wheel thicker on 4-8 millimeters. It seems that the difference is not significant, but it is 12%-24% of the normal handlebar thickness.

Another reason for constricting the steering wheel may be the desire to make it soft. Before skin-tight, the steering wheel is covered with porous, soft polyurethane. Soft rudders are used in all BMW E65 and M-series.

Tactile sensations play an important role in driving. By choosing a high quality material for wrapping, you get a guarantee that it will not slip and will hold well in your hands. This will definitely give you confidence when driving.

Summarize. Steering wheel wrapping is not only a tuning element to improve the appearance of the steering wheel, but also a process that can improve driving performance.

Types and options for covering + materials

    • Steering wheel rim

      Excellent white leather BMW E39 steering wheel rim with herringbone stitching.

      The simplest way is the steering wheel rim. With this type of work, only the rim itself is covered with leather or leatherette, and where it docks with the knitting needles, the material is sheathed and glued.

    • Steering wheel upholstery with eco-leather

      Eco-leather is an excellent material for covering the steering wheel. The main thing is that it is environmentally friendly.

      Eco-leather is an innovative environmentally friendly material.It is very difficult to distinguish it from genuine leather. The material is not very expensive, but high-quality and reliable. Eco-leather is very elastic and perfectly fits the steering wheel, and the homogeneous structure of the material looks expensive and organic.

    • Original steering wheel wrap, choice of threads

      If you are very creative and not like everyone else (and also love a plaid and coffee) - this type of cover is for you.

      The original (standard constriction) is an absolute duplication of the factory covering of the steering wheel of a car. This is an ideal option for those who are completely satisfied with their car and the skin is needed only for updating.

      Usually with such a constriction of the steering wheel, genuine leather is used. Do not forget that automotive leather exists and it cannot be replaced with leather for furniture or shoes.

      Automotive leather has special characteristics, such as:

      1. resistance to temperature changes;
      2. resistance to various kinds of mechanical and chemical damage;
      3. abrasion resistance.

      Also, hauling is possible according to your own sketches using complex geometry and expensive materials. For example, inserts made of expensive wood, which will make the car exquisite and unique in its own way.

    • A special role is played by the types of seams

      It all depends on how I trim the steering wheel. Asian and American car manufacturers cover the steering wheel with four pieces of leather, which results in four seams. German manufacturers do the same from one piece of leather, and the seam is one.

      Germans use seam "macramé", it looks very aesthetically pleasing, even, thin threads are used for it, and it does not lift the skin.

      And here Korean and Japanese manufacturers most often use a seam "herringbone" or "pigtail". These stitches raise the skin, which makes it a little bulging, thick threads are usually used.

      In principle, it is not particularly important which seam will be used, the main thing is that the work be done with high quality and painstakingly, and then the result will be high quality and beautiful.

      Types and options of seams. Click to enlarge

      Instructions for hauling the steering wheel with leather with your own hands at home

      There is another option for the steering wheel. With the help of step-by-step instructions, it is not so difficult to do it yourself. In order to get started, you need to arm yourself with all the necessary materials and tools.

      You will need:

  1. 2 strong semicircular gypsy needles;
  2. kapron thread;
  3. stationery knife;
  4. pencil or pen;
  5. awl;
  6. pliers;
  7. roofing scissors;
  8. cardboard;
  9. marker;
  10. a convenient place to work, where you can fix the steering wheel.

For everything to go well, follow the step-by-step instructions!

      • To get started, remove the steering wheel from the car, disassemble it, wash it and dry it to perfect condition. Before starting work, of course, you need to decide on the seam that will be used.
      • The next step is to markup. To do this, we take cling film, wrap the steering wheel, then wrap it with mounting tape. Mark with a marker, carefully cut along the contours with a clerical knife. We remove, carefully smooth out the elements - this is our sketch.
      • We apply a sketch to the skin, make markings along the edges, receding by 5 millimeters. These 5 mm will be for tightening the skin. Cut out the elements, sew them into one large round ribbon.
      • What happened, soak in warm water for twenty minutes. We wipe, dry, but not completely and pull on the steering wheel. In order not to make mistakes, we handle the skin carefully, as it is wet and elastic and can be easily damaged.
      • The next step is markup. We put on the cardboard through dashes every 8 mm. We apply it to the skin on the steering wheel and make holes every 8 mm with an awl.

        The work must be done gradually so that the seam is even. It is advisable to make 10 holes on each side to sew, and then continue. Treat work responsibly and slowly, otherwise dress up to redo work.

That's all. Share, like, tell your friends,
Ask questions in the comments and offer your options!

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otherwise HE will stop you:
  1. Zoya

    My review

    I never thought that leather-wrapped steering wheel is so important for men ... now from my own experience I can say that most men do it for the image - they want to show their level of well-being and the solidity of their car. My husband did this out of necessity when he bought a far from new vehicle. I had to use my sewing experience and fit his steering wheel, it’s good that there were examples of various techniques in the article ... now, instead of the usual suits and dresses, I make good money on this business. By the way, men really like soft skin, but the seams do not matter to them!

  2. Natalia

    My husband made his own steering wheel constriction leather. Used the instructions above. It's good that there are such informative sites. The whole process of hauling is clearly outlined.
    Made it easy and simple. It turned out even very beautifully, and most importantly, it is convenient. The steering wheel does not slip, the hand does not sweat. We would like to do a reupholstery in the future. This process is described on the website page.

  3. Svetlana
  4. Andrey

    They did a constriction last summer on the e60 in the M package M, the steering wheel was trimmed. I chose the original skin as it was, but the color of the threads is in the range M: blue and red. It looked good. It looks like the first video. And it is very pleasant to the touch, I did not want to let it out of my hands. Definitely I'm for the stretch!

    Wow, why didn't I come across this article before! ?My husband likes the leather steering wheel, says hand nicely. And we did a close-fitting recently, but without instructions. I sat, sketched the steering wheel on a scale, and then drew patterns. It worked the second time. But since I found the instructions, I will do “work on the mistakes”. And then somehow it came out clumsy.

  5. Laura

    Our G8 Zhiguli were about 10 years old when my husband thought about reupholstering the steering wheel. The plastic has worn off a lot during use. We found soft black leather, we have an old Zinger sewing machine that sews leather goods perfectly. They carefully scribbled according to their own pattern and made a mistake. I wanted to make it prettier and we gave it to the workshop, where they put metal rivets on the holes for lacing. The cover is beautiful! But when we removed it a few years later, it turned out that the rivets had scratched the steering wheel badly. Now dragged with new skin, already without rivets.

    Do-it-yourself leather steering wheel trim is not a very complicated process, which will save on the involvement of specialists. The first skin can cause some trouble.