What can you make a bell with your hands. How to make Christmas decorations with your own hands: Christmas trees, bells, balls, yo-yo. Bells from other unusual materials

New Year is the most joyful and magical holiday. Preparing for it brings a lot of pleasant troubles. To create a fabulous atmosphere in the house and give yourself a festive mood, you can start making New Year's crafts. Making them with your own hands is simple and interesting. Involve children in this entertaining hobby so that they do not get bored and also prepare for the main winter celebration. Try to make DIY Christmas bells together

Beautiful symbol of the New Year

The custom of decorating a dwelling with bells came to us from Europe. There was a superstition that their ringing is capable of scare away evil spirits. To prevent dark forces from celebrating the New Year, bells were hung on the Christmas tree along with other toys. This tradition has taken root all over the world. And today, even people who are far from superstition decorate houses with bells for the New Year and Christmas. Because it's very Beautiful holiday souvenir.

In those distant times, people made huge bells from bronze. They were used not only as amulets but also as a signaling tool. The ringing alerted the population about various events or called them to a meeting. Now such a signal is used in educational institutions. Every September 1, the first bell rings, and before the summer holidays we hear the last school bell. So you can safely consider the bell as symbol the beginning of the next year.

What can you make a bell out of?

New Year's crafts can be made from various improvised materials. For example, from paper or cardboard, from a plastic bottle or disposable cup, from fabric or rope. The shape of the bell can be knitted, weaved from beads or use the papier-mâché method. Excellent crafts are obtained from spruce and pine cones, c twig pots, styrofoam, egg trays and shells.

In a word, a souvenir can be made from any henchmen materials similar in shape to a bell. Therefore, look at your home for items that have not yet found a use for themselves. Thanks to simple master classes, they will turn into bright original Christmas decorations.

First, let's figure out what any bell should consist of:

  • dome;
  • tongue;
  • suspension.

Since we have a New Year's souvenir, so we will need all kinds of thematic decorations. For additional decor, you need to take: branches of needles, tinsel, sparkles, rhinestones, beads, sequins, lace, ribbons and bows. You can use special figured hole punch with the shape of a snowflake or a star.

Bells made of paper and cardboard

The simplest crafts are made from paper or cardboard. You can take white landscape sheets, and then colorize souvenir. It is more convenient to use colored paper and cardboard. To work with them, the following tools are useful:

  • pencil;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • needle and thick thread.

yellow paper bell

Let's make a three-dimensional Christmas tree toy out of paper in stages. To do this, you need colored paper (yellow, green, red), woolen thread and large beads.


  1. On yellow paper, draw a circle with a diameter of about 8 cm with a compass and cut it out.
  2. On green paper, draw 2-3 small leaves. Cut them out along the lines.
  3. From red paper we make small circles. These will be rowan berries.
  4. We take a piece of thread about 15 cm. We string 2-3 beads on it on both sides, and then we tie knots at the ends. This will make the tongue of the bell.
  5. We put the thread on the yellow circle so that the loop looks out from above. Lightly fold the paper and glue the base. Glue leaves and berries on top.

Now the pretty bell is ready. They can decorate the Christmas tree or hang on the wall.

Christmas bell made of cardboard

A cardboard craft will become an original decoration for every Christmas tree. Prepare a piece of cardboard, scissors, a needle, yarn, and embellishments.

A step-by-step diagram will tell you how to make a bell out of cardboard:

  1. Preparing the shape of a cone. To do this, cut a circle out of cardboard and cut it in half. Fold a semicircle and glue the sides of the cut together. Wait for the glue to dry.
  2. Lubricate the finished cone with a layer of glue and wrap its entire surface with a thread. Choose the yarn color of your choice.
  3. Take two large beads. We hang one on a thread and leave it as a tongue. Now you need to thread the thread through the top of the cone and string the second bead, and then make a knot and a loop. So the structure will be securely fixed.
  4. We add decor to the Christmas tree toy: sequins, lace or other decorations.

Christmas crafts from plastic cups and bottles

Plastic cups are an excellent inexpensive consumable for all kinds of crafts. And you can also use unnecessary plastic bottles from soda or milk. Small glasses make wonderful Christmas tree bells. The shape of the bottle is larger, so it is better to make a decorative decoration for the interior or a toy for a very large Christmas tree.

Festive bottle bell

What materials are needed:

  • plastic bottle;
  • festive paper napkin;
  • tinsel;
  • bow.

Let's start the master class:

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle.
  2. Apply glue on the outside and wrap with a napkin. Tie the top of the neck with a thread. Bend the bottom edges inward.
  3. Glue a bow on the dome. We fasten tinsel along the bottom edge with a stapler.

A bright New Year's bell is ready to decorate your home. It can also be made functional. Take a small real bell and attach it inside the craft with universal glue. Now the New Year's souvenir will be able to make a beautiful ringing.

The cut off half of a plastic bottle is decorated in different ways. You can leave it transparent and paste over with miniature stickers, wrap the bottom and lid with tinsel. If you make a hole in the lid with an awl, you can hang a bead on a ribbon, and also make a loop.

The surface of the bottle can be covered with paint, and then glued on openwork lace. We decorate the lid with sequins and add a pendant from a thin ribbon.

Gold and silver bells from glasses

Try making Christmas decorations out of cups.

Collect the following set of items:

  • two disposable glasses;
  • artificial spruce branch;
  • spray can with golden paint;
  • glue;
  • wide tape;
  • white lace;
  • beads.

Let's start doing the craft:

  1. We paint the glasses with paint. We apply a little gold spray on the branches.
  2. The cups will dry for now. Therefore, you can cut beautiful elements from lace. For example, flowers. Glue beads into their centers. After the paint has dried, glue the flowers on the dome.
  3. The edges of the cups can be wrapped with fleecy yarn.
  4. We make a magnificent bow from a ribbon, tying it in the middle with a thread.
  5. We fasten bells, a bow and a spruce branch together.

Instead of ordinary plastic cups, you can take yogurt containers. Now let's make a silver bell to decorate the Christmas tree. You will need: a glass, foil, tinsel, lace, scissors, an awl and a hook.

  1. At the end of the lace we tie a piece of colored tinsel to make the tongue of the craft.
  2. Wrap the glass tightly with foil.
  3. With an awl, make a hole in the bottom of the glass. We will stretch the lace through it, a hook will come in handy for this. Let's make a loop and a knot.
  4. Wrap fluffy silver tinsel around the loop.

Not only Christmas decorations are made from cups. From this simple material, you can even make a whole Christmas tree. A Christmas tree from cups will turn out if you fasten them to each other with a stapler. This will require a lot of identical green glasses. The finished design is decorated with beads, beads and rhinestones.

Souvenirs from eggshells and trays

To keep eggshells and egg trays from disappearing, make colorful Christmas toys out of them. Shortly before the New Year, start collecting the necessary materials at hand. Try to break raw eggs not in the middle, but from the edge. We should get whole molds for bells.

For crafts, take eggshells, gauze (bandage), thick thread, PVA, paints and a brush. For decoration, you can add semolina, beads or putty.

There are two ways to make a Christmas tree toy from a shell.

Manufacturing Method No. 1:

  1. Cut the gauze into pieces. We glue them on the outside of the shell. This procedure is necessary to strengthen the fragile material.
  2. After the glue dries, cut out sharp petals on the shell. We cover the surface with white paint.
  3. Poke a hole for the lace with an awl.
  4. We stick a mosaic of husks on the shell and paint it.

Manufacturing Method No. 2:

  1. We glue the shell with gauze from the inside. To quickly dry the glue, you can put the workpiece on the battery.
  2. Paint the outside with white.
  3. Use scissors to cut the shell evenly.
  4. Let's get decorating. Apply putty to the shell to create embossed patterns, then paint the dried surface. You can smear the craft with glue and sprinkle with beads or semolina. Connect your imagination to create a bright design of the toy.
  5. Make a hole in the top and insert a loop.

For MK with a cardboard egg tray, you need to take colored paper, glue, scissors, string.

  1. Cut out the cells from the cardboard tray.
  2. We glue the cells with paper of different colors.
  3. We pierce the top for attaching the lace. You can also hang a large bead on it.

If you start collecting colorful foil candy wrappers in advance, then they can replace colored paper. Very beautiful shiny bells will turn out.

Bells from other unusual materials

Make your Christmas tree truly festive and unlike others. A green beauty dressed up with her own crafts will look great and original. Let's try to make a few more New Year's toys from different materials.

From flower pots

Let's take clean flower pots and start decorating them:

  1. At the bottom, we immediately drill a hole for hanging the future toy.
  2. Now we decorate the surface. You can just wrap it in foil and glue the tinsel.
  3. Another decor option is with the help of cones. With pliers, carefully separate the “leaves” of the cone. Then we glue the pot with them. It is better to use a hot glue gun. Additionally, decorate the craft with artificial spruce, beads and sparkles.

From twine

A do-it-yourself bell craft can be successfully made from linen thread. We take twine, a plastic bottle, a bag, PVA, adhesive tape, an adhesive gun, scissors and decor (beads, ribbons).

  1. The bottle will act as a mold. Therefore, you need to wrap the transition from the cap to the bottle with tape. Thus, we will align it, so that later it is easy to remove the craft from the mold.
  2. We put a bag on the bottle and fix it by tying it from below.
  3. Lubricate the surface of the package with glue and wind the linen thread onto the bottle. We reach the middle of the bottle. We are waiting for drying.
  4. We remove the blank from the bottle and remove the bag.
  5. We decorate as you wish.

From papier-mâché

We are preparing a mold - a real bell, a glass or another similar object. We will also collect such consumables on the table: paper, paste or PVA, cling film.

Papier-mâché bell master class:

  1. Wrap the glass with cling film. This is necessary so that the future craft is easily detached from the mold.
  2. We tear the paper into pieces, moisten them in glue and put them on a glass.
  3. We are waiting for the blank to dry and decorate it as fantasy suggests.

To knit bells and make them from beads, you will need special patterns.

Choose any way to create New Year's crafts. Decorate the Christmas tree, interior with bells and use them as gifts for family and friends.

Attention, only TODAY!

You can make a New Year's bell out of paper with your own hands using the technologies of origami, quilling, decorative corrugation, weaving, or from traditional paper reamers.

From a paper cone

With a lack of time, the easiest way is to roll the bell out of paper in the form of a cone, glue the tongue inside and decorate the craft on the outside with a New Year's pattern / pattern. The most popular two options for cone bells "in haste":


When drawing a scan from which a New Year's paper bell will be glued with your own hands, you need to consider:

  • a circle segment is required to collapse a cone
  • the height of the product will be slightly less than the radius of the circle being drawn
  • base diameter depends on the width of the segment (usually 2/3 of the arc length)

Outside, an ornament or pattern of snowflakes or simple geometric lines is applied to the body of the bell. For suspension, a thread is passed through the funnel, a tongue from a paper strip is glued inside the case.


An improved version of the previous version is a voluminous Christmas bell with an original tongue. The main differences are:

  • the tongue is two threads with 2 - 3 beads at the end of each of them
  • to emphasize this detail, a rounded cutout is created in the cone of the bell, as in the bottom photo
  • on top, the craft is decorated with an oak leaf or an ordinary bow

The whole composition is hung on a branch of a Christmas tree or attached to the walls, windows of the room. To increase the artistic value, crafts can be made from corrugated paper with your own hands in a couple of minutes.


The corrugation in this case is created by curly gluing several blanks, and not simply bending the sheet with an “accordion”, which dramatically increases the decorative value of the craft. The design technology is as follows:

  • blanks are cut out of colored paper

  • each of them is folded in half along the vertical axis of symmetry

  • then glued at the point marked with a marker from the inside (on the left in the photo)

  • all parts are glued together at three points marked with a marker on the outside (on the right in the photo)

  • the stack unfolds, at the same three points the first part is glued to the last

  • A tail is attached to the top for hanging.

  • from three blanks of a different color, an elegant bow is glued, attached to the tail

If you arbitrarily increase the number of contact points outside / inside, you can dramatically improve the aesthetics of the perception of the bell.

quilling method

When using this technique christmas toys are guaranteed to be original, but they spend much more time on manufacturing. There are several ways to arrange rolled paper strips:


In the upper part of the craft, two round serpentines are used, the rest of the body is constructed from elongated drop-shaped rolls, as in the lower figure.


For this craft, you will need a long roll of very tightly rolled tape. The formation of a bell from it occurs in stages:

  • a pendant thread or a decorative cord is passed through the central hole
  • the thumb is pressed into the bobbin in a smooth motion
  • an umbrella is formed, then a dome with a thickening at the bottom
  • the inner surface is treated with glue to fix the resulting shape and the suspension thread
  • after drying, decoupage is applied to the outer part
  • a bead of the “tongue” of the bell is attached to the bottom of the ribbon / thread


When mixing the two previous technologies, a unique craft is obtained. Drops and standard round bobbins of serpentine are glued to each other on a blank of the desired shape. After the glue dries, the structure is removed from the template and hung on a ribbon.

Origami technology

Using the glueless method, bells made of corrugated paper can be folded according to the origami method.

To do this, you need to use the scheme:

These crafts look best in a pair, connected with a textile tape.

From sweep

It is enough just to build New Year's bells from ready-made sweeps that can be copied from the bottom photos.

This version of crafts has a simple configuration, it is conveniently fixed on the surface and paws of Christmas trees.

It is made from this type of reamer.

The other option is a little more difficult as it has more petals.

In this case, a different configuration sweep is applied.

woven from paper tubes

If desired, and if there is enough time, a Christmas bell can be woven from paper tubes. For making your own hands, there are simple schemes.

Since origami is the most complex technology, below is an introductory video on making this type of New Year crafts step by step:

Thus, from the above methods for making a Christmas bell, you can choose the most suitable one, taking into account the qualifications of the home craftsman and the availability of free time. In addition, you can try out all the options and decorate the room for the New Year with a dozen crafts that differ from each other.

The New Year is already very soon, there are literally a few days left and you can already fully prepare for the winter holidays, especially for those who have not done this yet. All supermarkets and markets are already filled with a huge range of Christmas decorations for every taste. There are also quite a lot of Christmas trees for sale, both live and artificial. Someone prefers their house to be filled with the aroma of a fresh Christmas tree, while someone else is satisfied with a beautiful artificial Christmas tree. No matter what tree you choose, you still need to decorate your New Year's guest beautifully and elegantly. Some people like bright and colorful Christmas decorations of different sizes, and also to have a lot of them. Others, on the contrary, like minimalism and monotony, so that the toys are the same, the same size, the same color, and also that there are very few of them. Tastes are different, so everyone has a different look. It seems that the choice of shopping is large, but still it is not always easy to find exactly what you need. In such cases, there is an ideal option from the current situation and you can make interesting and rather uncomplicated Christmas decorations with your own hands. Namely, now we will consider the manufacture of interesting bells.

For the master class we need:

  • Two foam blanks in the form of bells 10 cm high;
  • Floral thin wire;
  • Ribbon organza burgundy with a golden edge;
  • White jute cord with lurex;
  • Rhinestones silvery 3 mm and chameleon 6 mm;
  • Organza ribbon 25 mm wide with red and silver wired edges with a star pattern;
  • Nippers, scissors, lighters;
  • White felt snowflakes;
  • Glue gun.

To begin with, we need to make loops in our bells, in order to then fix the ribbons in them. We bite off the wire with wire cutters, bend the loops and insert.

We grab the cord from above with a gun and begin to wrap circles on top, first one bell, then the second. Spread between layers with glue stick. We do everything carefully and without gaps so that their surface is perfectly closed.

Now we thread cuts of burgundy organza into loops, and tie knots at the top. Thus, we get pendants. Now we press down the loops of wire and insert them into the bells. Cut off strips of organza and tie bows. They turn out very beautiful and voluminous due to the fact that there is a wire along the edges at the base. Now we take more snowflakes and rhinestones.

Bell toys are a classic Christmas decoration. Bright, cute, spectacular - it seems that now they will make a melodic ringing, announcing the onset of the holiday.

Of course, Christmas tree decorations are not required to ring - after all, these are only symbols, they have different tasks. These cute New Year's decoupage toys will interest those who own this technique or are just about to master it.

What will we make Christmas bells from?

  • Cups are disposable.
  • Three-layer napkins for decoupage with a New Year's motive. If there is no such napkin, you can cut a fragment from a New Year's picture (for example, a magazine one). It is only desirable that the paper be thin, not thick glossy, otherwise you will suffer with gluing.
  • Glue - it is possible for decoupage, but PVA is also perfect.
  • Wire for a loop to hang bells on the branches of a Christmas tree.
  • Balls-beads - will play the role of reeds of bells.
  • Colored ribbons.
  • Acrylic varnish.

How to make a bell for a Christmas tree - master class

We take a new disposable plastic cup. You won't find a cheaper basis for such a spectacular Christmas tree decoration. It is advisable to use a cup made of denser plastic so that the toy does not wrinkle during storage, even if you put it in a box with other decorations until the next holiday. But if the plastic of the cup is thin, it's okay - glued on it, strengthen the surface. Just be careful when storing. made of thin glass are also vulnerable, and some are stored for decades.

Instead of a disposable plastic cup, you can take a thin, well-bent cardboard and make a cylinder out of it.

We immediately make a bell tongue and a loop for hanging the bell. To do this, you need to pierce the bottom of a cylinder-cup and pass a ribbon with a bead (or other small ball) attached to the end through the hole. Fastening is simple - we tie a knot that will prevent the ribbon from slipping through the hole. We also fix the wire for the loop, but you can get by with another piece of ribbon.

Cut out the fragment that you want to see on the bell from a three-layer napkin with a New Year's motif.

Separate the layers of the napkin - you only need the top, colored layer.

Degrease the surface of the plastic cup - just wipe it with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid.

Apply glue to the surface with a soft brush.

Spread a fragment of a napkin over the surface, stretch it a little to remove paper wrinkles.

It will not work to carefully stick one piece of napkin onto a circle; it is better to cut the pattern into several fragments.

Applying a piece of tissue paper, gently remove all bubbles from under it with a soft cloth. If the fragment is small, there will be few or no bubbles. But still, we smooth the glued element so that it sticks well. It does this until the entire surface of the cup is decorated.

Alena Turyeva

A wonderful and long-awaited New Year's holiday! Children and adults are waiting for it with impatience, with that sweet feeling that children are waiting for gifts and fun. If you decide to prepare original DIY Christmas crafts, then start right now - time is running forward without looking back, 2017 will come very soon.

Bells or balloons! That's what they told us at school. On New Year's Eve and in schools and kindergartens, parents do Christmas crafts. As we did last year christmas ball, then in this we decided to do bells. The idea how to do it came immediately. I made a ball from thread and bells I decided to do it in the same technique.

So. will do thread bells(you can floss). They will be graceful, airy, bright and will decorate your home interior to new year. For us to work need: a sheet of drawing paper (wallpaper or the like, scissors, stationery glue (PVA glue, hot melt glue (you can replace it with any other glue, cling film, skein blue thread(you can use any color, ribbon (depending on what kind of bow you want, wide and thin braid, ready-made bows (you can do it yourself, Christmas beads(Determine the size yourself, decorative ornaments to choose from, adhesive tape, plastic cup.

We take a sheet of cardboard or wallpaper (depending on what is at hand) and make two frames in the form of a cone. Fasten with tape.

To prevent the glue from sticking to the paper, we wrap the cones with cling film.

In order for the cone not to bend, I stuffed it with wallpaper scraps.

Now we take a plastic cup and make two holes from the bottom and thread a thread through it. Pour stationery glue into a glass.

It turns out that along with the thread there will be glue. We wind the thread on our cone.

One cone is ready, take the next. Let the cones dry (I put it next to the battery)

When the threads stick together and dry, we remove them from the frame. Remove carefully as if breaking out the frame. Got two cones thread.

It's time to decorate. Along the edges of the cone, we glue a wide ribbon with hot glue.

Then we take a thin braid and stick it a little higher.

Here's how I did it. We take the second cone and do the same.

The next decoration Christmas beads(they were silver). Cut and glue on a cone in the form of a ball.

We decorate with bows. I bought them at the store.

To get bells they need to be connected to each other. We thread a thin braid into the hole and tie a knot, fix it with glue.

Here's what happens

We make a bow. We take the tape and glue thin tinsel along the edges.

We tie a bow and in the middle of it we make one more bow from a wide braid.

In the middle of the resulting bow glue Christmas beads in the form of a ball. We connect the cones and tie a bow to them. Here are my prettiest ones bells!

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